Chapter 4: 4
The guy said his name was Justin. He went on to tell me that they had come to take me home, where I really belonged. He said the rest of the information would be given to me along the way or when we reached our destination. But that’s when I lost it.
"This is my home!!! I am going nowhere, and I don’t care what you guys think! I belong here, and all those people out there are my family!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. At this point, I was sobbing. I didn’t care what they thought. Most of the sisters were silently looking down with pained expressions, and others looked concerned. The looks on their faces fueled my urge to rebel against the strangers. But no matter how broken I felt in that moment, something told me these people weren’t going to relent, no matter how much I ranted.
I looked up at the lady and was momentarily surprised to see that her eyes looked... glassy? Were those tears? So, these people had feelings after all! The look in her eyes gave me a little comfort, but I was still devastated. I looked up at the sister and pleaded with her to talk them out of this. She looked at me sadly and told me she had no power to.
"Chloe, you turned eighteen and are of legal age. I have no authority over you now. I can't refute them, seeing as you're no longer a minor."
I wailed even louder and started shaking. What was this now? Why did this have to happen to me? Who had I wronged? I felt like I was slowly losing it. I could feel myself slipping into a dark place. The agony I was feeling seemed deeper and stronger than anything I had ever felt. Was this a normal feeling? This was so foreign, so overwhelming! It was like an extreme pain that consumed me.
I looked up at the lady one more time and saw fear in her eyes—real fear. What was she afraid of? I let my eyes wander around the room, and I noticed the strangers were frantic. That was strange. They had been calm and collected earlier, but now they looked restless and unsettled. I faintly heard Justin make a call, and he sounded serious and urgent. I could also hear the not-so-quiet sobs of the sisters... they sounded troubled. What was going on?
I could feel the pain lessen as I continued to lose touch with my surroundings. Suddenly, the door burst open, and somebody came running in. By then, my eyes were starting to close.
"Andrea! Andrea! Andreaaaaa!! Andreaaaaa! No, no, no, no... Please, Andrea, please don’t do this! Please, wake up. Please, don’t close your eyes, please!"
I heard someone whisper. Who was Andrea? But I cared less. I was entering a state of complete peace, where nothing mattered. I felt someone shaking me, but it felt like a far-off action. My brain didn’t register it, and finally, I closed my eyes.
When I opened them again, I found myself in a strange place. Where was I? Why did I feel so light? A sudden wave of euphoria washed over me. I felt so good, like nothing mattered. The place was filled with bright light, and there was no darkness anywhere.
This place felt so unreal but, in a strange way, it felt comforting.
I looked down at myself. I was wearing a white robe! Was I dead? Oh my God, what’s going on?
Then, I heard a voice. It startled me! Was that... God speaking? I don’t want to be dead! I haven't fulfilled my dreams yet!
I no longer felt at ease. The voice spoke again.
"Andrea, my child, don’t panic. Nothing is wrong, dear daughter."
I looked around but saw no one. "Who are you? What do you want from me? Where even are you?"
"Here," the voice said.
I turned to my right and immediately jumped. Standing before me was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Was this an angel? Or was God a woman? Oh no, if this was God, then people on Earth had been lied to every day!
The beautiful woman smiled and told me she wasn’t God. "She can hear my thoughts?!" I thought. How was that possible? She smiled again and told me she was an immortal, and that gave her the ability to read my mind.
Oh no, I’m really dead! I’m talking to an immortal!
The woman smiled again and assured me that I wasn’t dead, but I was "in between the two realms." Partially dead and partially alive. Wow. Can you believe that? I was in limbo, neither truly alive nor truly dead.
Then, the woman told me her name—Andrea. That’s when it hit me. She had called me Andrea.
"Who’s Andrea?" I asked her, and she went on to tell me that Andrea was my real name.
"But my name is Chloe!" I exclaimed, confused.
She reached forward and gently touched my face. I felt an electric shock go through me. She was so gentle.
She smiled again. "There’s a lot of information you’re not aware of," she said softly. "I am your great-grandmother."
That’s when everything clicked. The strangers! They had said I was named Andrea at birth after my great-grandmother.
I stared at her, completely baffled. I was looking at my great-grandmother? Wow. Just... wow. I had finally met my real bloodline, and to top it off, she was an immortal. Could things get any more absurd?
She told me I had unfinished business back in the other realm, and I needed to go back.
I wanted to ask her so many questions, but she shook her head, reading my thoughts.
"No, I can’t answer you. You have to go back and find out for yourself. You have a big role ahead of you. Brace yourself, and be ready. Do not despair, do not give up. Fate and destiny hold so much for you, and you just have to keep going. You’ll face many challenges, but don’t let them bring you down. You are a conqueror, and you will make it. You have my blessings, and nothing matters. Now go back and fulfill your duties. Keep in mind that I love you, and I’m always watching over you."
I felt so overwhelmed, but at the same time, I felt hyped. The future held great things, she’d said. Even though there would be challenges, she reassured me that I had her love and support. I could do this. Energy flowed through my veins. I could do it.
My great-grandmother smiled fondly at me. "That’s my gal... Go on, go back and shine. I love you so much."
She hugged me tight, and I felt the electric jolts again. When she let go, she started floating away. The further she went, the more I began to regain my senses.
I slowly woke up. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t comprehend where I was. I was in a foreign place. But I was so drained of energy that I fell back asleep.
With so many questions swirling in my mind...