Vandal Savage

Chapter 1: Vandar Adg

I was born in the 47th millennium BCE, in what would one day be the Perigord Noir region of France, as the son of the chief of the Wolf Tribe. I was nothing special in my life, not in this one or the last one either. That's right; this is my second life, and I remember all of this. I don't want to talk about the first one, as that would be pointless, and as far as it goes, all I am taking with me is the unique knowledge I can use. 

One spring, there was a territory dispute between my clan of Neanderthals and a group of Cro-Magnons. The dispute was nothing out of the ordinary and was solved in the only way we knew how: bloodshed. However, before we could get to fighting, a bright shooting star caused a halt to the hostilities, which I used to kill the rival chieftain. As I said, I was nothing special, and I hoped to find acceptance or satisfaction in my father's eyes after doing that. I didn't. 

My father claimed the kill of the rival chieftain, and when the clan went to see the fallen shooting star, my father claimed that too. I felt hurt and wanted the acclaim I felt was due. My rage went through with me, and I killed my father with the strange glowing rock which had fallen from the sky. Even as it wrought fearsome changes on my body, which have finally awoken my memories and when my clan tried to punish me for the murder, I killed them too. So, this is where I am right now—stranded roughly 50'000 years before the world as I knew it. 

This is my story. Forget the name I once had; it is useless. I am now someone else. I am Vandar Adg, and this is my story. 



(3rd Person POV)

Vandar Adg was not his original name. He was born on Earth, a different one as a normal human of the 21st century. Now, he is Vandar Adg, later known as Vandal Savage, a criminal and immortal mastermind of the DC comics universe. When asked, what he would like to have, he can't quite remember what I said, he doesn't even remember having had a conversation or being asked something. All he knows is that he is here now, with his memories intact and a special bonus added to that. 

He was gifted a Meta Essence. The Essence of Oneself. Drinking this transformed him into his ideal self, as defined by his wishes and desires.


* Your body changes to whatever physical form you most desire for yourself. This includes physical traits such as strength or agility.

* Your mind and emotions change to whatever mindset/psyche you most desire for yourself. You can opt to forgo these changes.

* Your intelligence is increased or decreased according to your innermost desire.

* You gain the supernatural powers that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than generic 'do anything' powers.

* Your body and mind can never be altered against your will in any way. Among other things, this renders you immortal, nearly invulnerable, and immune to mind control.

* Your powers can never be suppressed, copied, or stolen.


When Vandar touched the meteorite and gained the original powers that Vandar Adg/Vandal Savage was supposed to have, the Essence also unlocked his memories. His body changed fundamentally, and he became something more than what he was before. He started as a primitive human of the Wolf Tribe, gained immortality and heightened intelligence and physical characteristics from the meteorite, and now, he receives the Essence of Oneself. 

As stated in the Essence, Vandar is now himself and no one, no matter who or what he or she is, can ever change that again. Vandar now receives what he chose for himself when he received the gift. His intelligence, which was already heightened through the meteorite, increased even further, pushing him into the top spot of geniuses. He knew one thing for certain: he knew that he always had one wish: to have the powers of a Viltrumite. So that's what he received. But not exactly the same; there were changes and additions as well. 

His body grew stronger, to supernatural levels. 

Viltrumites are a race of highly advanced beings with extremely potent and well-developed genetics. It is near-constant that all Viltrumites eventually manifest a wide array of abilities common to the race. The most basic of them are superhuman senses, superhuman strength, superhuman speed, superhuman stamina, superhuman lung capacity, nigh-invulnerability and flight. But there is more to them than that. Vitrumite bodies can recover from injuries in a day, if not mere minutes. They can restore broken bones, torn muscles, and damaged organs and even regrow lost anatomy with no lingering signs. Likewise, according to a G.D.A. scientist, Vitrumite cells are immune to all types of illnesses and lethal contamination known to mankind.

Now that he was Vandar Adg, he wouldn't truly profit from the regeneration. He was immortal already and could regenerate anything incredibly fast. But there was another thing that made the Viltrumites special, which he was going to abuse, and that was Reactive Adaptation. 

Viltrumites have a propensity for continual growth and improvement throughout their lifespan. In addition to naturally growing more powerful as they age, their physical strength, speed, and durability progressively correlate with the level of adversity they face or the severity of injuries they recover from. Moreover, their combat experience fosters an innate ability to assimilate knowledge and insights from past encounters, enabling them to gradually refine their tactics and enhance their efficiency in subsequent engagements. They are like Saiyans in that regard. The more they fight, the harder they fight and lose, and the closer to death they get, the more they will grow from it. Imagine what that means for someone like Vandar, who was immortal and had 50'000 years to grow stronger. 

But that was not all. 

Vandar added something else. He added something called a 'limiter'. He got this idea from the popular manga 'One Punch Man. ' In that world, the limiter is a barrier that restricts physical growth in all beings in the One-Punch Man world. The limiter acts as a sort of cap to an individual's growth, making it impossible to grow past a certain point. There are different ways to bypass the limiter, such as Monsterization, which essentially transforms an individual into a new being, granting them a new limiter, and Cyborgification, which only limits are of the technology itself. But not only that. 

It is also possible for the limiter to be broken. Doing so allows an individual to grow indefinitely. However, in order to do so, the individual would need to conquer death, overbearing their body and soul. This process is very difficult and is only possible via sheer willpower and resilience. That was what Vandar was after. He wanted his 'limits' for each moment to be able to be broken by his willpower and hard work. 

What does that mean?

It means that as a Viltrumite, he grows stronger as he ages; the more he fights, the closer to death he comes. But he also wanted to have a way to not only break his limiter through combat but also training and maybe even remove it entirely at some point. 


Vitrumite genes are extremely adaptive and powerful. They are so potent that they can reproduce with almost any other race, and their genetics will almost completely overshadow the inherited genetics of the non-Viltrumite mate, making said offspring almost purely Viltrumite themselves. Likewise, the more naturally compatible the genetics are to the mate's race, the sooner and more likely the offspring will inherit all the standard Viltrumite abilities. Humans, for example, are so genetically close to Viltrumites that a Human/Viltrumite hybrid is genetically nearly identical to a pure-blooded Viltrumite and will eventually become just as powerful. 

While Vandar wasn't thinking about mating any time soon, he had another thought. And that would be revealed later. Usually, cloning Viltrumites is rather easy because of this fact, but since he has the Essence of Oneself, he is immune to such things. 

A Viltrumite was powerful, that was clear, but in the DC Universe, it would not be nearly enough. Vandar got rid of all the weaknesses Viltrumites have, like high frequencies. High-frequency noise can have harmful effects on the ears of Viltrumites. It disturbs their balance, restricts their flying capability, induces severe pain, and could potentially lead to their death. The frequency's intensity dictates the degree of pain felt. That was not something he wanted. 

There was more that Vandar added when he gained the Essence, but they were rather minor things. One was the control of his fertility to make sure that he wouldn't get anyone pregnant or could if he wanted to. He liked the feeling of growth, which was why he didn't make himself as powerful as cosmic beings or grant himself the Kryptonite bloodline or another powerful one. He took the Viltrumite biology and tweaked it here and there to suit his tastes. These changes and additions will be revealed in the future, and one of them is quite clever. 

Vandar, even in his past life, didn't like to lose. That doesn't mean he can't take it, but he just doesn't like it very much. He added a special ability to his bloodline. He was the first of the 'Special Viltrumite Bloodline' and would be considered its Progenitor. As the Progenitor, he would have authority over his descendants and would always be above the rest of his race overall. He could take away the powers of his bloodline, and should anyone arrive who grew stronger than him naturally, he would automatically grow stronger as well since he couldn't be any weaker than others of the same race. He was a bit paltry. 

Apart from that, Vandar also added specific protections against many things. He enjoyed the process of growing stronger but wouldn't allow anyone to get rid of him, delete him, manipulate time or fate, or do anything else like that. He just wanted to be himself and enjoy his time now. 


Vandar stands up from his position and tries to use his memories and powers for the first time since gaining them. He tries to forget what he thought he knew, as he is no longer 'just' human and needs to adapt. He bends his knees and jumps off the ground after convincing himself.


The ground cracks, and he shoots into the air. After a moment, he opens his eyes and finds that he can fly now. A smile makes its way onto his face as an enormous rush hits his head. He takes a deep breath and pushes forward. Vandar throws caution out of the wind. He doesn't care what might and probably will happen. On the contrary, he welcomes it. He wants to make mistakes and experience all his new life offers. He soars through the sky, sending him to the atmosphere, and he starts losing consciousness. He remembers that as a Viltrumite, he still needs air, but doesn't worry about it. He will take care of this eventually. He likes challenges. 


He opens his eyes again. His immortality and healing are out of this world. He wasn't even unconscious for more than 10 seconds. He smiles again and expands his senses. He closes his eyes again to allow his other senses to take over. He is high on this feeling right now, which is making him very reckless. But then again, his mentality changed the moment the Essence kicked in, and he knew he was immortal. But knowing something with your mind and genuinely knowing it with your entire being are two different things. 

Vandar feels the air around him, gravity's hold on him, and the force pulling him in. He understands what will happen in a moment but doesn't stop it. His durability has to be trained somehow ...



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