Chapter 4: Short trip II
Atom Eve arrived on the battlefield, and she wasn't happy.
"You are not, Omni-Man!"
"Yeah, bad news for you."
However, before Conquest can attack Eve, Invincible tackles the Viltrumite again, taking him with him to save Eve.
"Get our of here! Go! NOW!"
"So much concern for others' safety ... You really are pathetic."
Conquest frees himself from Incinvible's bear hug and delivers a cruel strike on his thigh. Invincible's bone breaks and snaps out.
Mark shouts in pain, holds his leg and falls to the ground. Atom Eve arrives and encases Conquest in a pink bubble, trying to trap him.
"You've got problems of your own, kitten."
Conquest simply claps his hands and breaks the construct Eve created. Mark has fallen to the ground and is holding his leg in pain. But right now, his attention lies solely on Eve. He is very scared for her sake since he knows that she doesn't stand a chance. The day has been a terrible roller coaster for his teenage heart. The most powerful Viltrumite he had ever seen had been pummeling him and causing great destruction, while an unknown man helped him but was killed. And now it was Eve's turn.
"You alright there, son?"
Mark looked to the side and saw Vandar walk next to him. He is wearing different clothes.
"Wha- ... you're alive? How-"
"Eh, don't worry about that. I had to get some new clothes, that's why I'm late. I wonder what his suit is made of. I could use some of that."
"Huh? Please, can you help Eve? She's fighting Conquest and stands no chance."
"Eve? Is that her name? She is impressive. But I believe ... it would be better for her to get through this on her own."
"No! Please, she'll die at this rate."
Vandar and Mark look at the fight happening in the air. Atom Eve was not doing terribly. In fact, she was doing rather well. But Vandar saw the problem instantly. The girl had a problem.
"She's holding herself back. She could do so much better if she wouldn't think so much. She's smart, I'll give her that, but she's no genius who can create good plans on the fly. She probably trained a lot with her powers. But that won't work against such an enemy. At some point, she will grow tired ... right about now. And when this happens ... well..."
Vandar was right. Atom Eve wasn't bad, but her inhibition was holding her back. Her power was overpowered and literally had limitless uses. But she was limiting herself mostly to creating large pink objects. Her mind was having trouble keeping up with the pace of the fight, and that was her undoing.
Conquest's punch impacts her face, ripping her right side open. The punch disorients her greatly and leaves her completely open for the next strike. Conquest uses his left arm like a spear, similar to how he did it against Vandar and impales Atom Eve.
"Heh. So pretty ... such a waste."
Eve's body falls to the ground. Her intestines partially hanging out and her blood flying all around. Mark looks at the scene in disbelief. His brain is not realising what just happened. He flies into the air, catching Eve in his arms.
"No. Eve, please - I can't do this without you ... I can't live without you ..."
He descends slowly to the ground, holding her in his arms.
"Please. Please. Please."
"Don't try to talk - save your strength. If Cecil's watching, he'll send help. Please just keep breathing. Keep ... breathing."
"She must have really cared for you - to do what she did here. Surely she wasn't stupid enough to think she could actually hurt me. She must have done this all for you. Such a strong bond- we Viltrumites have nothing like this. It breeds weakness. Still, it's admirable. I am beginning to understand your affinity for these creatures." Conquest says while looking down at Mark and Eve.
"Delicious. Not long now, eh? If you've got anything important to tell her - better get it off your chest now. I should do this now - don't know when I'll get the chance again. I want to thank you, Mark Grayson ... Invincible. Really. From the bottom of my heart. It's not very often that I get to cut loose like this. I mean really cut loose like I have here. Usually, there are so many mission parameters. 'Don't destroy this.' 'Keep this person alive.' But not here - Not with this planet. For whatever reason, I don't really care why, to be honest, I was told - take control, no matter what it takes ... take control of the planet. So whatever you did to piss us off - Thank You. This has been fun."
"I can second that. It truly has been fun."
"What? You're STILL alive? Aren't you persistent? But that's just more fun this way. I'll find the limit to your healing, don't worry."
"We'll see about that."
And then ... Eve's heart stopped beating. All three people present knew it when it happened. Their senses told them. Tremendous and powerful sadness and anger overcome Mark. He looks at Conquest.
"I don't care how strong you are. I don't care how fast you are. I can see the future ... you don't live to see tomorrow."
"Damn. That was a sick line, man. Can't say you look the part, but game is game." Vandar said with an impressed look on his face. He recognised Mark's ability to drop hard lines when it mattered.
"HAHAHAHAHA! After all I've done - after everything you've endured at my hand - you still threaten me. I dare say, child - you are beginning to impress me."
Tears flow down Mark's face as anger slowly overcomes him.
"Okay, then. Do your wor-"
"Allow me."
Vandar punches Conquest away and prepares for the next attack that arrives in front of him from Invincible. Invincible cocks his fist back and punches as hard as he can. He is filled with adrenaline right now, and his anger has overcome him. His punch reaches Vandar and causes his chest to explode. But that's what Vandar is here for. Instead of letting things happen, he takes advantage.
He grabs Invincible's head with his hands and delivers a powerful headbutt.
Over and over again, he headbutts Invincible until the returning Conquest punches him.
"Hahahaha, now this is great! Now, we're getting somewhere."
Vandar's fist lands on his face. Much quicker than before, he has already healed again.
(+170% → 10.26919)
This time, Vandar does considerable damage and truly hurts Conquest. It was but a matter of time until this happened. If we take Vandar's original power and give it the value 1, then right now, he is 10 times stronger, and it is showing. He receives a punch from Invincible, who is angry at him for not helping Eve when he could have. That's good for Vandar. A two-on-one will make it harder for him and, therefore, gain him more in the end.
"No matter how much you both enjoyed everything that came before this - I promi-"
Vandar delivers an uppercut, cutting him off. Vandar is on the offensive right now, and he has just started to feel his mind-body connection truly. He gives off a one-two combo and kicks Invincible away. He twists in the air and dodges an attack from Conquest. Vandar doesn't focus on the old Viltrumite for now and flies after Mark. He uses his top speed and slams the young man into the ground.
The ground explodes around them, throwing debris around. After the dust settles, Vandar stands above Invincible and looks at Conquest. A hand grabs his leg, though, signalling that Invincible isn't willing to give up. Vandar looks down and grabs him by the neck. He pulls back his fist and-
A massive pink burst of pure energy engulfs Vandar and dissolves his skin and parts of his muscles. Mark looks at the person who just did that. It was Eve. In the moment of greatest distress, she unlocked that blocker in her mind that was inhibiting her potential and saved Mark ... at least that's what it might look like. Not even a second later, Vandar is back to full health and even greater strength.
(+183% → 18.99263)
Vandar looks at the unconscious Eve and then ignores her. He still has something to end. He punches Invincible in the face. But this punch is packed with all the strength he has access to. The moment his fist makes contact, he understands that he has arrived at an entirely new level of power. He almost beheads Invincible.
"You are something else. When this started, you could barely take a light tap and now ... look at you; so powerful. You're definitely dangerous, that's for sure. I am starting to understand why they sent me now. I'll at least get to have my fun."
Vandar slowly rises into the air to match Conquest's height. The two men look at one another in thought.
"What is your name, kid?"
"My name is Vandar Adg, and I will kill you today."
"Haha, promises, promises."
The two titans start to clash. The power of the ancient Viltrumite is showing as he is pushing himself to his absolute max. He never thought he would see someone who was stronger than him after Thragg, but here he was. Thragg was a different beast altogether. Someone, Conquest feared, but the man in front of him wasn't that powerful yet. Not yet ...
They exchanged punches and kicks. Vandar was experimenting with his strength and speed and used this chance as his way of training. It was what he wanted after all, so he would make use of it. The punches from Conquest, which were originally impaling him or shooting his head clean off, were now an inconvenience at best. He was doing less and less damage as the fight went on.
As time passed, Vandar grew accustomed to the punches and the speed of the exchange. His durability had increased to the degree that he could shrug all of it off, and his attacks could bypass Conquest's durability in turn. He started to close his eyes and feel the fight with his other senses. He used his ears and the changing pressure, as well as something he would later develop into an ultra-instinct knockoff. He had prepared for growth, and that's what he was all about.
They fought for hours in the air and on the ground, only focused on one another and on the fight ahead. But that was all that mattered anyway. And then it was time.
(+192% → 36.54484)
Vandar had grown as far as he could with Conquest. He floated in the air in front of Conquest and took all of his punches. But nothing was happening. No blood was spilled, no muscles were damaged, no broken bones, no damaged skin ... nothing. He was the immovable object, and Conquest was the human hitting his fist against it.
"So it is time."
"Yes, it is time."
"How sad ... I hoped it would take longer."
"We can't always have what we want. You were strong; you should be proud of yourself."
"Haha, I'll take that to my grave."
With his most powerful punch yet, Vandar delivered a textbook cross at Conquest's face. His knuckles impacted with the Viltrumite's skin, bypassed it, bypassed his muscles, blood vessels, bones and even the brain itself. It was as if time had stood still for a moment until it flowed again.
The shockwave would have shaken the continent below if they weren't fighting so close to the void of space. Conquest's head and the upper part of his upper body exploded into gore and blood and disappeared into the void.
Vandar looked at the rest of old Viltrumite's body. He grabbed it before it could float away. He still had plans for this body. It would prove useful for his plans later on. Vandar was immune to the effects of the void of space. He had killed himself too many times and had grown past it. He had conquered death and was now here.
He had already grown a lot in the few years of his new existence. The only question now was ... should he stay or go back?
I would like to add that I only included those percentages and 'power levels' as a reference to how much he grew compared to when he appeared. He also doesn't grow in jumps and is more gradual, but not linear.