Chapter 4: Chapter 04
"If I'm being honest, there isn't really much more that I can teach him," Veronica admitted.
It's been a couple of months since she'd become Sean's singing instructor and she was finally feeling the weight of having such a talented student. Not that she hated it, of course, but because she no longer knew what else to teach him.
The boy was already at a level that most singers couldn't hope to reach. He had the gift of perfect pitch and knew how to utilize his voice to bring out the best in each song he sang. As if that wasn't enough, the boy could sing songs from all genres, whether it was rock, hip-hop, country, or jazz.
Watching him sing his heart out in the living room, Veronica sighed and turned to his parents. The adults were seated at the kitchen counter having a chat.
"To be honest, at this point it just feels like daylight robbery," Veronica couldn't help but laugh. "I haven't really done anything much and yet I'm getting paid in full. Your son is simply that talented."
"I mean, we already knew that but to hear it from an expert like you, it must be true," Jay replied in kind. "Then what do you suggest? If I'm being honest myself, no matter how talented our son is, I don't feel comfortable allowing him to gain fame at a young age. I'm sure, as you've implied, he could become a child star in Hollywood but I'd rather he didn't. At least, not until he's become an adult."
"Your worries are not unfounded," Veronica said in agreement. "Despite its flowery appearance, Hollywood itself is not a good place for a growing child. There are far too many bad people in this world who are not afraid of the law. Your child is a gem and would instantly attract unwanted attention."
The singing instructor then said, "If you ask me, I suggest you send him to a school where he'll meet people like him. Other talented children he can relate to. He'll be able to build a better foundation there, being surrounded by those who would cherish him and his talent."
"Do you have a school in mind?" Elina asked.
Veronica nodded, "Indeed. There is only one school in L.A. that is known for hosting all sorts of talents and prodigies. It is called 'Hollywood Arts."
Jay couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, "Didn't you just say that Hollywood would be bad for him?"
Veronica chuckled, "Hollywood itself, yes. But the school is different. They train kids like him and help them become the best in their field. Despite its name, it can be considered independent from the actual Hollywood. He could probably qualify for their special beginner's program."
"Special beginner's program?"
Veronica explained.
HA is primarily a high school. The students who study there either auditioned and were given a spot, while others were scouted. The 'Special Beginners' Program' was another gateway to the school. It was specifically designed for children younger than 15 who possessed extraordinary talent that was already at a level beyond the usual genius level. If there was a 20% acceptance rate for the normal high school entrance, then the acceptance rate for the Special Beginners' Program was even lower at a mere 1% acceptance rate.
In other words, only the best of the best got in this way.
If a child was able to get into the program, they'd automatically secure a spot in Hollywood Arts high school.
"There is no doubt Sean would be able to make the cut."
The Park couple nodded along in unison. Then Jay cleared his throat and said, "The question now though is whether or not Sean is interested. We wouldn't really want to force him into it."
"Then I suggest that both of you sit him down and have a proper conversation with him," Veronica spoke with a smile. "As of now, my work here is done."
"Thank you so much for your help so far. Honestly, I don't know what my husband and I would've done without you," Elina said earnestly. Glancing at her husband, she continued, "Neither of us are very musical - I mean, Jay can play a bit of piano but-"
"My skills are still that of an amateur," Jay shrugged. "I didn't get that far despite my parents' signing me up for classes from middle school to high school."
"And I can assure you that neither of us can sing," Elina shamefully admitted. "That's why we needed all the help we could get. Considering our child is a singing prodigy and all..."
Veronica could only laugh, "You praise me too much. Like I said, I barely did a thing."
"But for us," Elina said with a grateful grin, "It was more than enough."
That evening after Veronica's departure, Elina and Jay sat their son down to have a serious discussion with him about his future.
At first, they were both a bit worried that their son would insist on performing on a bright stage to become famous, but their worries ceased when Sean readily agreed with them.
"I don't really want to become famous right away," the boy shrugged. "I just wanna have fun with music for now. And this Hollywood Arts Special Beginners' Program sounds interesting."
"You really think so?" Elina asked.
'Of course! It's the Hollywood Arts!'
When his parents first brought up the name, Sean's brain nearly short-circuited. Almost immediately, an unclear memory from his past life flashed through his mind and he faintly recalled a TV show he had watched when he was in middle school. It featured several teens that attended the prestigious high school that mentored young, aspiring talented students. The name 'Victorious' flickered in his mind as did some other words from a certain deity.
'A similar and familiar this is what he meant!'
It seems that he had been reborn into the world of 'Victorious'.
'I can't believe it took me this long to realize it.'
To be fair, it wasn't entirely his fault. The world of Victorious was practically the same as his previous world with only a few minor differences that no one would really notice. It actually made sense that he hadn't put two and two together until today. The name 'Hollywood Arts' had triggered something in his brain to remember a past he had kept buried.
Now that Sean knew the truth, he was quite thankful to that ball of light.
This world was ideal for his future goal - becoming a worldwide musician.
And who knows, with all the pretty girls in the show, he might just be able to get a girlfriend in this life. Hopefully one that would share his passion for music.
A/N: Sorry, I know the start is rather slow-paced. I'm trying to build a background and foundation for my OC.