Void space


After reading all the books about mana control, I decided to do it practically. It took me around two weeks to read four books.

So, I started to go toward the field where my father was practicing with his sword. He also gifted me a small wooden sword for practice. So, I took my sword from my room before going there. I started practicing with the sword on my third birthday. 

As I came to the field I held my sword forward with both hands. I started to focus on aura in the same way I used to focus on ki. However, I was trying it for the first time.

So, I was not confident enough that it would work but doing that for some time I awakened my aura the first time then I did some swings, and then at the final, I transferred my aura to my leg and jumped with a single rotation with swing the sword round with hand. It was a success I was able to do 360 degree round swing. 

'Yup! I did it. Now, it's confirmed that I can use the aura as same as the ki'

After that, I tried some more basic swings of my previous life. 



'I am tired. It looks like my body is still not able to do this much easily. This damn body, it is too weak.'


Father said, "How did you awaken your aura, and what with that all swing I didn't teach you?"

'I forgot that Father was in the field to practice.'

I told Father, "I always saw you concentrating while holding the sword before swinging it. So, I just tried doing that and then I was able to awaken my aura"


Father asked, "Then what about those swings you did it was perfect."

I replied "Ohh!! That I was I just tried to make my own swings" Father was seeing me with doubtful eyes. Then he said, "Okay, then from tomorrow I will teach you how to use it."

'Seriously! I thought you would scold me as it is dangerous.' Then I said to Father, "I also have formed my own mana core." Father was surprised to listen. 

He said, "Don't joke around you are still three years old" I said, "No I am not joking it's true" Then I started to focus on my mana core and cover my body with it." As my father is a magic swordman he was able to feel that I covered my body with mana. He was surprised.

He asked with his wide eyes, "How did you do all that."

I told him, "Do you remember you told me that there were books in the storeroom? So, I found a Box there filled with books. They were about the continent, magic, aura, and creatures. So, I just read them all. However, I was unable to understand all of them and also skipped some information, I just learned all this from there."

Father said, "Those books belong to your mom you know. When she was an adventurer she enjoyed reading books magic to learn more and the book you read was that. She also throws many books. And about your core how did you do that?"

I paused for a moment, and after thinking about how to tell him, I said, "After reading about the mana rehabilitate method, I made some changes to it, and then I distributed it into stages to make it easy. Just like that."

He said, "Okay"

Then he went to do his training. I thought 'Woh! I have taken care of it. I am sorry, mother and father, I can't tell you the truth right now but I promise I will tell you in the future.'

'Oh! Yeah I also controlled the mana and showed it to the father. Let's try again.' I started to repeat the same step that I had done previously to show the father that I could control mana. Then I felt mana covering my body like armor it was the same feeling when I had previously to show father.

Then I saw a carriage that was well polished and designed with two black horses at the front pulling the carriage. The carriage was stopped in front of our house and a gentleman well-dressed looking like a noble came out of it and came to me and asked, "Oh, are you Rayon that Robert told me about? You are cute as he described and why you are playing with this wooden sword? That's not what a small child like you...."

After a pause is continued, "Oh! What we have here. How did you awaken your aura not only that, you also had a mana core. How could you form a mana core."

Suddenly, my father came from outside the house and said, "Liam! It's been a long time old friend." He was happy to see this nobleman. Then the nobleman said, "It's been a damn too long time." Father asked, "How do you come here I never told you the way." Nobleman replied, "I became the family head the previous year. So, now I have the connection you know."

Then they started talking for some time and then Mother came out and told us to come in Mother also started talking to the nobleman. I was just sitting there. 

Then Father said to me, "This is one of the country's fifteen swordmasters Liam Ronhard." then I introduced myself, "Myself Rayon Krater" Father told me, "He is my childhood friend." I nodded in response. Then Liam asked my Father, "How did he awaken his aura not only that he also has a mana core that a human doesn't have at this age."

My father replied seeing me, "He just saw me today and told me about it. When he told me how he did it I was surprised. He said that he made some changes in the mana rehabilitate method and formed his mana core with his mana channel and awakened the aura by seeing me practicing and reading books."

He was suspiciously looking at me and after a moment he said, "Friend, You have a genius child and intelligent as well." Mother was glaring at me with a grin she was happy after listening to those.

My father said, "Yeah I know" Then Liam said, "Oh! I also want to tell you that there is a job for you in the capital although it guards one and I also reserved a seat for you in advance. Please, accept this and come to the capital and don't worry about the place to live there. I want you three to live with us."

My father said, "I want time to think about it. I will send you the letter."

Then Uncle Liam said, "Okay then send it before next week. I will get going now." my mother and father asked him to stop till noon. But he replied, "I also want to talk with my friend more but there is so much pending work to do."

As he was gone my mother said, "You have a lot to tell me aren't you?"

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