Chapter 207 Doctor in the Frenzy Labyrinth – Part 14.
(Fuck it. I'm losing last charge.) – though Phantasia before using up his mouth and firing an breath of plague toward Diamond and other players, making them panic.
"Shit! Retreat! Retreat! Don't let this stuff touch you!" – shouted Diamond who was retreating while also using his minigun to counter attack at the same time.
However, Doctor did not cared at all about getting hit and straight up charged at the Diamond, ignoring that he thunder magic shots were hitting him right in the face, scaring and alarming Diamond who then saw Doctor giant monster claw being already swinged at him.
Daimond deployed [Gravity Barrier], but this time Doctor used [Wrecking Strike], enchanting power of his claws that easily destroyed Diamond.
[Wrecking Strike] - – [Class origin: Battle Brawler]
[Increase the next body type attack power and grants the attack the ability to ignore enemy defense by 10-15%.]
[This skill will also increase damage dealt to defense type skills and abilities, for example barrier skills.]
(FUCK! [WRECKING STRIKE]?!) – though panicking Diamond as he saw his barrier get crushed before moments later, he got impaled by the Doctor claws and lifted up in the air.
"What's wrong?" – asked Doctor as he held Diamond midair.
"….Ah. I see."
"You can't teleport anymore, you fuking rat!" – shouted Doctor as he thrusted his second claws towards impaled Diamond, trying to finish off the dying mage. Explore hidden tales at My Virtual Library Empire
However, before Doctor could have killed Diamond, he saw several object in front of his face.
The object began exploding one by one, creating an chains of explosion that stopped Doctor for an moment and allowed Barge to take off Diamond off the claw, before then jumping away in last second as Doctor second claw came flying.
"Shit! You, okay?!" – asked Barge as she handed over an option to the Diamond who quickly drank it.
"Yea…. Thanks." – said Diamond after drinking an potion.
"Man. Those grenades made by Phantasia did came handy, eh?" – said Barge.
"YOU FUCKER!" – shouted Doctor as he swiped the cloud left by the explosion away.
"…. Well, it worked and it also seemed to made him more angry." – said Diamond.
"Shit! Let's- "
Barge tried firing her guns, but then the melody box behind her had once again stopped playing music and once again the giant clown with scythe had emerged, flying straight towards Barge and Diamond.
Barge noticed the attack incoming and pushed away Diamond before Barge herself was hit and send flying by the giant scythe.
"BARGE!" – shouted Diamond, who then could felt Doctor presence right behind him.
Diamond turned around and tried firing dark magic at the Doctor, but it did not stopped Doctor giant hand as it slammed the Diamond and pinned him against the ground.
"DIE ALREADY!"- shouted Doctor as he began swinging his fist around, hitting the pinned Diamond over and over again.
"YOU! SHOULD! HAVE! NOT! FUCKED! WITH! ME!" – shouted Doctor as with each strike the ground beneath the Diamone was cracking more and more before with the final strike an giant crack on the ground was left.
[Player Diamond has died.]
(Uff. Fuking finally.)
(He may have been an ranker and have solid equipment, but he was an mage in the end.)
(Few solid hits like that when he can't defend will almost always to the job.)
"Shit! Diamond is dead!" – shouted panicking player.
"Oh fuck." – said the player that realized Doctor was looking at them.
After the sudden death of the Diamond, Doctor did not showed any sights at stopping as he then began attacking other members of the Blue Diamond guild.
The Blue Diamond guilds members obviously tried to fight back…. However, after their leader death, their morals ended up dropping by a lot.
And even worse, the monster in front of them did not showed any mercy as he sliced, crushed and tore to shreds the players.
Fear started spreading among the members of the Blue Diamond.
One of the most commonly used weapons used by the Doctor known as "Fear" had started taking an effect on the enemy and with their morals already hitting very low after their leader death, the results were quite obvious.
The Blue Diamond guild could no longer fight properly and that led to their members getting killed one by one, since they could no longer cooperate with out properly.
Barge, the vice guild master of the Blue Diamond had tried her best, but she ended up being ripped in half in the end upon getting captured.
In the end, all of the Blue Diamond guild members that went into the Frenzy Labyrinth had been killed by the Doctor.
(Okay…. That was…. Way than I had though.) – though Phantasia as he began turning into his humanoid form before then taking out food and potions in order to consume them.
(Hell, I was not even close to being defeated one bit, but the problem was the amount of damage I was receiving.)
(My defense maybe high as hell because of my cyborg modification and from all the titles I have on me, but that doesn't mean I can't take any damage.)
(Especially that fuking Diamond.)
(That guy must have very high [Intelligent] stat, since every single spell attack he did had hit me like a truck.)
(I mean, I can take very strong hits, considering my defense and his hits did not do like "One hit, half HP gone intently", thing.)
(But I could feel his hits and I could see some of precents of HP dropping as he was hitting me nonstop with his spells.)
(The minigun was other annoying thing. And that is the thing I made for him.)
(There were also those god dammit grenades I made for him. They don't really focus on the damage, but instead of knockback and with that, they were able to stop me in place by blowing up so many of them at me at the same time.)
(Fuck me…. Still, I won…. But hell, this was annoying.)
(Diamond didn't bringed his entire guild, but only elite members, and those members are elite for the reason.)
(Not only that, but the monster form of mine has downsides and upsides.)
(I have skill called [Cyborg Size], its an skill that allows me to store some of the cyborg modifications in my body by shrining them down. However, there is limit how much I can store in the base body and that is why my base form looks much bigger compare to when I first looked.)
(The [Cyborg Size] don't really have any downsides, but the problem is with the monster form.)
(Monster forms do uses somewhat more energy to move around and it does make me an bigger target…. But in turn it makes me much more stronger and it does increase my defense.)
(But if I'm being honest, I need an solid cyborg body, an one that I can use for very long time and the one that is made out of some good stuff.)
(But, since I need often quickly dismantle my cyborg modifications, to return to my normal human zombie size and that process does take time.)
(Honestly, I would make way stronger cyborg modifications, IF I didn't had to hide it anymore. Those temporarily modifications and not solid ones sucks.)
(Still, my high stats are doing their job…. But that Diamond… Damn. I heard his ranking just got somewhat higher, but at this rate won't he end up becoming an high ranker?)
(I would be still able to take him on…. Hell, I would have been able to take on both Wanderer and Blue Diamond guild at the same time…. Hell, I only used potions canisters just in case, but if I didn't used them, I would have still somewhat around 50% HP?)
(I only used those canisters, since there was an possible of an horde of monsters appearing or some random rankers joining in the fight, like Sky Wrath Guild.) – though Phantasia as he took out an notebook and began writing down the problems and benefits of his creations.
(I also used the plague breath charge to scare them and make them panic, but honestly, this attack sucks. I mean, I can breathe the plague from my mouth, but the range of this thing is not big at all, meaning that they can easily dodge it. I used it to scare them and disoriented them so they would be somewhat easier to kill and I would spend less time fighting them. It did kind of worked? But I don't know if I will stick with the whole plague breath attack or maybe give it like an different form.)
(And there comes also this body.)
(It's good.)
(…. Well, the idea is good.)
(The only real good ideas were the plague breath canisters I had stored inside that allowed me to fire short range plague attack and the two magic guns.)
(The rest of the body? Yea, it would need an full our change.)
(I mostly need to change the whole stuff that was used to make this body. That is my number one problem.)
(Besides that, I think this body is good?)
(Even without using plague breath and potion canisters, I would have still won.)
(But, the nightmare toys are problems.)
(Chimeras did an excellent job, by the nightmare toys did not.)
(The clown is strong, but he has an limited range.)
(And the dino who only strong point are their fire breath did the job.)
(But other? Yea, they got fucked.) – though Phantasia as he picked up the remains of the nightmare toys.
(Well, there is also the whole material thing when it comes to them as well. They are crafted type monsters, meaning that their performance heavily relying on the materials that were used in their creation.)
(And these guys were both mass produced and they were test ones that were not in real combat yet before.)
(Another problem with hiding my indent is that I cannot do some of the fuking tests, since I don't have where.)
(Hunting grounds? There are players.)
(Welp, fuck…. I honestly kind of now want to expose myself, so I can just stop hiding…. But unfortunately, there are still benefit from hiding my identity.)
(Anyway…. Fuck. Trick got away…. And she probably had some keys on herself…. But I did got Diamond and it does look like he has…. Yeb. He had keys on himself and the ones I don't have. Nice.)
(Still, there is one more troublesome people I will need to deal with. Sky Wrath guild.)
(Not only them, but there is good chance that there are some other ranker guilds in here or the guilds that have an ranker tier strength. There is also an risk an high ranker tier person.)
(But, I could possible not encounter them.)
(The plague should have somewhat started infecting people and monsters. This plague main focus is infection.)
(The infected monster would infect the players they would attack and those players would infect monsters AND other players.)
(Honestly, it would be surprising if players had already starting to see problems and are evacuating.)
(However, if some infected people evacuate without carrying about others, they will infect the people outside like idiots.) – though Phantasia as he took out another plague barrel and activated it.
(Things will soon get way more chaotic and interesting.)