Chapter 12: Boketto
Why should I be dismayed though flame had burned the whole world as it were a coal, now I have seen it weighed against a soul?
W.B. Yeats
Though I have still not received a clear answer on how Uchiha Madara managed to set off the eruption of a dormant volcano, I will do my best to record the events that followed until such time as I can explain further.
First, there was a sound of such strength that it blew out the remaining glass windows in the compound, two hundred and fifty-two miles away from the epicenter of the volcano. It is likely that it also damaged portions of the capital, three hundred and forty-six miles away. Without proper instruments, I cannot measure an accurate reading, but I estimate the decible level was well above one hundred fifty. As any decibel level above eighty causes hearing loss, I expect the healers will begin recording multiple cases of Sensorineural Hearing Loss. I will also note that injuries from the flying glass were also significant.
Second, the earth shook. While not powerful enough to be considered an earthquake, there was significant movement. I believe this was a result of the shifting magma beneath the volcano. It lasted a total of four hours and seventeen minutes, though it continued to decline from its initial strength during that time.
Third, the expulsion of ash and debris began while the earth was still shaking. The initial blast formed a mushroom-shaped head immediately due to the upper-level winds. Ash and debris continued to spew from the caldera for seven and a half hours. The sky turned completely dark at the latter end of the first hour, indicating a truly immense amount of material being expelled. The horizon became dark at four hours and forty-three minutes.
Fourth, magma erupted from the caldera, and several fissures opened along the outer caldera. It is impossible to measure the exact speed of the magma, but it reached the compound just as we entered the third hour from the first observation of ash. According to historical records, this is abnormally fast and was likely influenced by whatever method Uchiha Madara used to cause the eruption. It was observed by the shinobi keeping watch along the wall that Zetsu's fire seemed to retreat from the lava as it approached, and a scream was heard when the lava overcame the flames. Due to Uchiha Izuna's…
"Half-way acceptable intelligence."
At that point, Izuna had made a grab for the brush and Tobirama had to spend several minutes fighting him off.
"Record my brilliance, Senju!"
"You were more useful unconscious, Uchiha!"
Mito came in at that point, wielding a hairpin-like a dagger and putting far more effort into doing harm than either of them had been.
Apparently, they'd woken her up.
She'd made them apologize and swear to shut up before she'd dragged Izuna back to her room and left Tobirama to finish his work in peace.
- instruction the additional dirt helped guide the lava away from the walls of the compound and reduced the strain on the Uchiha's Blood Wards. I believe it is due to these factors that we did not suffer any additional loss of life from the eruption. A list of those who died voluntarily to strengthen the wards is enclosed in Appendix S.
We cannot yet tell if the lava covered the entirety of Zetsu's fire, but there are no flames left as far as anyone can see, and I can no longer sense Zetsu's chakra. The lava had cooled and solidified at ten and a half hours, though it had not cooled enough to touch bare-handed until fifteen hours had passed.
The temperature began to drop almost immediately after the first expulsion of ash into the air. It has been twenty-seven hours since the eruption now, and the temperature has dropped twenty-five degrees and continues to fall. It is likely that we will reach below-freezing in a matter of days.
I believe we are in the dawning of a volcanic winter. Characterized by a global reduction in temperature, massive clouds of sulfuric debris, and drastic reductions in species' populations in affected areas. A list of species, plant and animal, most likely to become extinct was compiled by Senju and Uchiha Clan scientist and included in Appendix E.
Historical records suggest that a period of significant genetic divergence follows this depopulation period. Observations will be added as noted in Appendices H – K.
While it is impossible to accurately tally the loss of life across the Land of Fire due to Zetsu's fire and the following eruption of Mt. Fuji, a study of the most recent maps suggests a loss of nearly 50% of the population of the Southern Region and 30% of the entire recorded population of the Land of Fire. This is a conservative estimate.
Given the restorative effects of fire on soil and the natural elemental enrichment of volcanic detritus, it is expected that, once the ash cloud clears (estimated 2 – 3 weeks based on seasonal winds), there will be increased agricultural output throughout the affected lands for a period of 5 – 10 years. After which, the agricultural yield will slowly reduce to its normal output. To that end, should we survive this Second Confinement, the winter, and the first growth period, hunger will not be a long-term issue.
Our current food supplies are fifty-seven 20-lb bags of rice, thirty pounds of miso paste, and fifty pounds of tea. It has begun to snow, so we have begun to refill our water stores. However, it has a distinctly ashy taste, and I have instructed all water to be boiled before being consumed.
We have repaired all the walls that were taken down during the fire, and the Uchiha have taken on the burden of keeping several fires lit during the night hours to ward off the additional chill.
We have had no sign of Hashirama or Madara.
1st Record of Events
2314, 13 October
Senju Tobirama
We have managed to ensure every person in the compound has shelter of some sort, and the Uchiha have proven skilled at heating water for a variety of needs. I will not lie; the first hot wash in several weeks was most pleasant, and they have turned one of the larger training areas into an additional onsen to raise morale.
The temperature drops by an additional fifteen to twenty degrees during the night hours, so Uchiha Izuna has summoned the White Wolf and her pack. Though they display little patience for any curiosity about them, they have been remarkably willing to keep the children, elderly, and ill warm during the coldest hours.
The pack seems to be made up of the one the Uchiha call Moro, the alpha, and the rest are her children. It is impossible to judge Moro's age based on her appearance, but she must be of advanced years to have fifteen adult pups. The Uchiha are very deferential to Moro herself but display much more relaxed behavior towards her children. I have recorded my observations as follows:
Hoshi – The oldest of Moro's offspring. She is a stunning white wolf of impressive stature. Fond of wearing flowers about her ears and neck, she is second in command and likes to receive compliments on her beauty. The Uchiha indulge her often.
Atsuko – Calm and quiet, with a shorter tail than the others. She is quite adept at going unnoticed despite her size. I have been assured by several of the Uchiha that she is, in fact, one of the pack's best fighters.
Cho – Male. Named as such because of a butterfly-shaped patch of black fur around his right eye. He is the only member of the pack with this mark.
Kiba – Short-tempered, impatient, and angry. Has a scar over his left eye he claims is from killing a yokai.
Goro – Male. Not pleased with the lack of fresh rabbits to hunt due to the current circumstances.
Daiki – Three-legged. He claims to have lost his leg during the first war with Kaguya. I doubt this, as it would make him one of the oldest summons in existence and would mean Moro would be even older.
Noa – Female. Gentle and fond of playing with the children in the compound. I have caught Kagami riding her through the streets several times.
Hina – Female. She seems interested in healing, as she spends most of her time in the clinic.
Kazue – Male. Apparently he is very skilled at climbing trees?? This seems doubtful, given his size and the fact that wolves do not generally climb things.
Juro – One of the younger wolves, several of his older siblings have claimed he was dropped as a pup, but none of them seem willing to say this in front of Moro, leading me to conclude that they are lying. He is very, very curious about everything and far too energetic. I have caught him reading the scrolls I have been working on when he thinks I am busy elsewhere. If not for the scratches his claws leave on the paper, I would not have an issue with this.
Mio – Named as such because she was born under a blossoming cherry tree. Acute sense of smell, even by canine standards.
Rei – Female. Rarely seen, seems to spend most of her time with Yoruichi and Kisuke. This does not bode well for her personality.
Yua – Female. Rarely seen, seems to spend most of her time with Itachi and Hikaku. Sana has met her seveal times and reports that she shares Hikaku's tendency to constantly seem exhausted.
Hana and Kiba – Males. The youngest of the pack. Twins, based on the difficulty in telling them apart and their penchant for pretending to be one another. Close companions of Uchiha Izuna, which explains their childish behavior.
I do not have much to report about Moro. She resides in the Hantahoru or Madara's private chambers and rarely speaks to anyone outside of the Sharingan users of the clan. I am assured she is a fountain of wisdom, but I cannot verify this myself as she refuses to speak to me.
I have gathered from the Uchiha that she is much larger than she appears and can adjust her size as she wills. She was the first of the pack to gain the Sharingan through some deal no one will explain to me, and the rest of the pack inherited it from her. Further proof that Daiki is not telling the truth about how he lost his leg. It is rare for her to bother herself in conflicts between humans, and her support of Hashirama against Father was an anomaly. There is some rule the Uchiha keep hinting at, but I have yet to get a straight answer. I fail to see why the Uchiha are keeping secrets now, after all their nonsense about us being family. They seem to have an unending number of rules that contradict one another, and as they do not keep written records, I cannot verify any of them to my satisfaction.
Furthermore, Uchiha Izuna seems determined to be as vague as possible about any subject I bring to him. He's going to lose his fucking tongue if he keeps it up.
There is still no sign of Hashirama and Madara. I cannot find either of their chakra signatures in the Land of Fire.
We consumed the last of the rice this afternoon.
3rd Record of Events
1645, 15 October
Senju Tobirama
The Inzuka have arrived.
I am exhausted.
6th Record of Events
0300, 17 October
Senju Tobirama
To elaborate on my previous entry: The Inuzuka scouts arrived on 16 October at 2130. The rest of the clan followed within the hour, and the Uchiha greeted them with an excessive amount of emotion. The physical response from the Inuzuka was likewise excessive. Once the greetings were complete, the Inuzuka revealed that in addition to bringing the entirety of their clan, civilians included (739 individuals in total), they had also brought five thousand pounds of various types of meat and double that of vegetables and rice. Their supply of dairy and medical products is somewhat slimmer, but they have offered it all to those who need it most. As well as five wet nurses with milk for the babes due within the month. They are well equipped for the cold, having brought all the blankets and cold weather clothing they had, and have happily given away what they do not need.
In addition, the Inuzuka dogs have joined the Uchiha wolves in keeping the most susceptible of us warn during the coldest hours. Apparently, the wolves and the dogs are well acquainted, as the Inuzuka and Uchiha used them to hunt yokai together in previous generations. I did not believe the stories of the yokai and the great hunts before our confinement here, but after meeting Zetsu I can find no other acceptable explanation for what he was.
They have also brought nearly one hundred wagons full of dirt…I have been told this will be explained when everyone has been settled and rested.
It seems the Uchiha and the Inuzuka share a generations-long alliance, together with the Aburame, who are also on their way with additional supplies. I am uncertain as to the basis of this alliance, aside from their claims of demon hunting, but I find it difficult to be critical, as I cannot say for certain whether any of the Senju allies would respond with such extravagance if we could communicate with them. Mito shares this opnion.
Aside from relief from starvation, the Inuzuka's greatest gift is perhaps the most unexpected.
They found Hashirama.
More accurately, I am told one of the Inuzula elders, Tsume, raced into the dying flames and rescued Hashirama before the mokuton gave out. They are both badly burned, and Hashirama is unconscious and likely to remain that way due to his depleted chakra levels, but both will heal and live.
Furthermore, they received word from the Aburame that they were joined on their journey by a Uchiha named Kikyo, who brought with her an injured Madara. The Uchiha are greatly relieved to learn Madara will be returned to them, likely in the same state as Anija, but they seem less enthusiastic about the other Uchiha. They have returned to an increased training schedule as if they are expecting exams?
We have installed Hashirama in Madara's quarters, and Sana has taken over his care. I attempted to care for him, but Hikaku has requested I take Hasirama's position until he recovers. I have no idea how Brother and Madara worked together so successfully. Izuna and I cannot find common ground anywhere. Thankfully, he is sharing leadership responsibilities with the Uchiha Captains, and Mito seems to have taken over Izuna's care, as I have not seen them far from one another since he woke. He seems to alternate between somber and sullen and childish menace, which is not uncommon in those suffering from a significant loss. I am doing my best to be patient with him, as Anija would want. Even Touka and Aiko have demonstrated sympathy for his situation, though it is minimal. Interestingly, the Uchiha do not allow his behavior to go uncorrected, but they do not allow any criticism of him either.
I have turned my focus on finding a way to house everyone within the compound walls and have ordered the bodies preserved during the First Confinement to be burned as soon as the Uchiha can prepare them properly, as we need the space. The Uchiha did not argue, only expressed their disappointment that Madara would not be present, but they seem to understand the necessity.
Anija is healing slowly, but after spending several hours observing him, I am certain his chakra is returning. Based on the rate, it will be weeks before he wakes.
The Inuzuka who rescued him has refused to stay with the healers. She insists she will be fine in a matter of days. This is impossible, but she is likewise impossible to convince otherwise, so I have given up for the time being. She seems very young for an Elder, but I have been told she is the mother of the current clan leader, Mayu, and that she stepped aside as soon as Mayu was old enough to take over of her own accord…This makes sense, given what I have seen of her personality. She is very loud and very brash and seems to have little to no regard for anyone's rules, including her own clans. Her partner, Kuromaru, is the largest nin-dog I have ever seen. He seems to know Moro, as they are frequently locked away talking to one another, and he likewise refuses to answer any of my questions….
7th Record of Events
1400, 18 October
Senju Tobirama
The Aburame arrived at noon, 967 in total. Mito was very impressed with the seals used to protect their hives during transport and from the cold.
They have also brought hundreds of wagons of dirt they refuse to explain. They and the Inuzuka have arranged them in a circle around the compound, which leads me to believe it may be religious.
As expected, Madara is in similar shape to Hashirama, though he has already received more extensive healing. His injuries from the explosion must have been dire. We have placed him with Hashirama. Izuna did not take the sight of Madara in such a condition well, but Uchiha Kikyo pulled him aside. I am not certain who she is exactly, but she seems to be part of the main family. We have no record of her, and Tomoko was not pleased. The Uchiha treat her with extreme deference, but they are far less personal with her than they are with Madara and Izuna.
She is a very arrogant woman of indeterminate age. The Uchiha use the honorific 'Mejin' when addressing her. It is a very old, very rare title awarded to only the most skilled martial arts masters, which means she must be incredibly skilled in at least one of the ninja arts. At that level, we should have heard of her before, but Tomoko insists we have not. I have promised her I will question Brother as soon as he wakes.
In the meantime, the plumbing is done for and likely irreparable, but we have been able to build some temporary structures just outside the walls to alleviate the issue within the circle of wagons at the insistence of the three clans, though there is still no explanation as to why. We have maintained patrols, but there is no sign of life beyond the compound for fifty miles in all directions.
We have confirmed the complete destruction of the two closest villages and found no survivors. It is likely that all our death estimates will turn out to be too low.
The Aburame are apparently part of the same alliance as the Inuzuka, bringing to mind the longstanding alliance between the Akimichi and their vassal clans, the Nara and Yamanaka. But it is strange to see such an alliance between two noble clans and one vassal clan. The Inuzuka do not seem more inclined to either the Uhciha or the Aburame. Indeed, the deference shown to Uchiha Kikyo and Inuzuka Tsume often makes it seem like the Aburame is the vassal clan. But during meetings, both have followed the lead of the Aburame, and it is the Aburame clan leader, Shina, who has taken much of the leadership responsibility alongside myself.
She is a quiet person. I cannot say man or woman for sure without asking, as it is nearly impossible to tell, and I suspect that is for a reason. More than anything, she seems constantly amused by the world and the people in it, and I must admit, I admire her positive outlook. She speaks as if she knows Anija, so he must have met her through Madara, as the Aburame never gave Father the time of day. She is the only one kind enough to hear out my questions, though she is no more willing to answer in detail than any of the others. She does continue to insist they will be answered when the time is right….Which is very annoying as I fail to see why they can't answer them now. I am extremely frustrated.
Anija and Madara's chakra is recovering slowly.
9th Record of Events
1100, 20 October
Senju Tobirama
Apparently, there is some drama surrounding a relationship involving the Uchiha, Senju and Uzumaki.
12th Record of Events
1506, 23 October
Senju Tobirama
…..I have received clarification. Uchiha Hikaku is being 'wooed' (Mito's term) by bother Senju Sana and Mito's cousin, Uzumaki Nadeshinko, who, despite their close friendship, have both decided to pursue him.
Uzumaki Behito has apparently taken up with one of the newly arrived Aburame.
I am not certain how all these people have all this free time, as I have barely been able to set aside an hour for Aiko since the arrival of the Aburame.
But I suppose I shouldn't be surprised either. The urge to surround ourselves with people, to ensure we do not feel alone, is a basic human behavior reaching back to the dawn of our existence. It is exacerbated in the Uchiha and Inuzuka, who seem to barely stand being alone for a few moments, in contrast to their chosen brethren, the Aburame, whom I frequently find alone in a cloud of their bugs…I'm not sure to whom they are talking to but they certainly have a lot to say when no one else is around….
14th Record of Events
2124, 23 October
Senju Tobirama
It seems today is a day of great fortune. We awoke to find my brother sprawled atop Madara, snoring as loudly as ever.
It has been one week since they have been returned to us, and this is the first movement either has made. To clarify, neither is awake or conscious, but before this morning, they had lay still as stone in their sleep. With barely any rise of their chests to signify they were still breathing. This is not uncommon in the most extreme cases of chakra depletion and injury, as the body cannot spare energy for anything other than to heal.
We had anticipated they would be in this state for some weeks, and though we were initially concerned to see movement this soon, after an intensive examination, we have agreed that it is Brother's natural gift to heal quickly. Madara shows less progress, suggesting he does not heal at the same rate as Anija, but he is still healing far faster than expected.
Everyone is quite pleased, and Moro has taken up residence in Madara's chambers. Her chakra seems to help fuel their healing, and Sana is comfortable with her, so I have not spoken about it. Generally, we –the Senju- have found that animals should not be present in healing chambers, as they bring with them infection and activity that can be counterproductive. But the Inuzuka, who have a notably intense bond with their nin-kin, have offered several studies of their own concerning the value of animals in healing, and I must admit some interest. Their focus lies less in the physical recovery and more in the mind, not something the Senju have been overly concerned with in the past, but something the Inuzuka, Aburame, and Uchiha seem to focus on and which makes sense given all three are dealing with difficult kekkei genkai.
I will admit here, not out loud, that it is quite comforting to have Juro at my side. He has taken to following me around with his questions, as apparently, I am the only adult with the patience to answer.
I suspect it is less about patience, as I am self-aware enough to know I have little and more to do with the breadth of my knowledge. Kagami and the other children assure me he asks far more taxing questions of me than he does of anyone else.
He is also, according to Kagami -for what that's worth, as the boy seems to delight in causing chaos- one of Madara's favorites. This seems like a lie, as I cannot imagine a man known for his temper and impatience and arrogance having any fondness for such an innocent creature.
But even I cannot deny that the comfort of warmth and another heartbeat is essential to survive these cold nights. Enough to forgive the few times he has stepped on me in his excitement to rise for the day. Aiko has been staying with her parents mostly, as they are some of the oldest to survive. We have lost everyone over the age of seventy and most of those above sixty among the civilians, and there are only a handful of shinobi above the age of forty -Tsume notwithstanding, as no one will tell me her age-.
Anija will be heartbroken when he wakes. Touka insists she is fine, as she was not close to Aunt Emi, but she is prone to ignoring her own feelings. Aunt Emi has become a folk hero to the surviving Senju, the first of our kin to sacrifice herself, though not the last. Many of the younger generations have taken up her name as a promise, demonstrating a shifting allegiance to the Uchiha's way rather than the Senju.
…It is not altogether a bad thing, but I struggle to articulate why. Perhaps Brother has been right all this time, and I have simply been blinded by my pain.
It is hard to tell, at times, if I am moving forward of my own volition or if I am simply being carried along by a current too strong to resist. There is a voice in my head that says the Uchiha are our enemy. They are volatile, emotional, and destructive. They care little for nobility, science -unless it is related to fire or the Sharingan- and reason. Their idea of honor has nothing to do with being shinobi and everything to do with being a Uchiha. They care not for blood or birth or status. There is no order in their world but strength and the Sharingan. It makes them…simple and such a simple existence I cannot fathom. What is its purpose? What is its value? What does it give the world that has made the Uchiha so formidable that they became a noble clan? The greatest of the noble clans even? Because I do agree that neither the Hyuga nor the Akimichi would ever be a true match. It took the Senju producing Hashirama to have someone to stand truly equal to the strongest the Uchiha can present. The Inuzuka insist Tsume is a match for them, but since she seems to spend most of her time drunk or laughing at me, it's impossible to tell. The Aburame openly admit they cannot match Hashirama or Madara individually, but they also do not seem concerned that they will ever need to.
They are staking a great deal on this fragile, temporary peace.
I don't know if Anija has been in contact with them. Father monitored all his communications and never mentioned anything about the Aburame, but he also believed Anija had listened when he'd ordered him to stop seeing Madara. It's entirely possible that Brother and Madara have made plans with the Inuzuka and Aburame that no Senju is aware of, and it is very frustrating to be unable to get answers.
But the color is coming back to Anija's face and Izuna cried when we woke and found Madara curled around him.
I have been warned against mocking Izuna for being an ugly crier and have agreed, provided he refrains from mocking me when I walk around with ink stains I missed. Mito approved our agreement and has assured both of us that whoever breaks it will suffer. With each day, she demonstrates that she would be a great match for a clan leader. As the engagement to Hashirama was broken, and she and I have spoken and agreed that any engagement between us was not legitimate, it is even possible that she could marry Madara. None of the Uchiha seem interested in this, and Mito always seems to find the suggestion amusing but remains non-committal.
But she makes no plans to return home?
I am uncertain what her plans are, but there are more pressing matters. It seems Kagami and the other children somehow rigged one of the outhouses to exploded…
16th Record of Events
1105, 25 October
Senju Tobirama
Unfortunately, it seems my insistence that Hashi's snoring could wake the dead has been disproven. He will be very pleased when he wakes.
17th Record of Events
0023, 26 October
Senju Tobirama
….nearly half the Uchiha ended up visiting the healers today. I was concerned enough to find the source, and it seems Kikyo-Meijin's title is well-earned. She has been testing the fighting skill of her clan and does not seem satisified.
Nor does she seem capable of lowering her own skill to prevent injuries. There is not much I can do or say in this situation, and my attempts to stop my clansmen from participating have fallen on deaf ears.
Apparently, it is a matter of honor -it is not- and there was a challenge issued -unlikely- and there must be at least one Senju who can match Kikyo –not unless Brother wakes- and now they are all making their way to the healers as well.
Izuna has found it all very amusing.
The prick.
Based on what I've seen of his skill level, I would stand a better chance than he does-
This is Uchiha Hikaku. It has been agreed that I will add a note here for the reliability of the historical record:
Uchiha Izuna has always been a bit of a troublemaker.
Senju Tobirama is just as much of a brat as his counterpart.
Allowing either of them to interact without supervision is a bad, bad idea.
Kikyo-meijin does not find them nearly as amusing as they find themselves.
They are capable of carrying on a childish argument to impressive heights.
….But this is the only Lord Izuna shows any spark of life so there is some forgiveness to be found.
Their stay with the healers on October 30th was entirely their fault and should not be blamed on anyone else. Not even Lady Kikyo, who put them in the healer's care after a childish attempt to establish which clan had the better odds of defeating her.
For the record: They both lost. Pathetically.
It's all Izuna's fault.
Is not!
Is to!
Is not!
Is to!
I swear to kami I will end you both!
…Mito has become quite formidable….
22nd Record of Events
1253, 31 October
Senju Tobirama
…I will have to adjust my earlier statement about the value of animals in healing. I have been trapped in the healer's care for the last two days, along with the Red Menace, Izuna, and if not for Juro and the twins I would have long gone mad. There is far too much to do for such minor injuries: 3 broken ribs, 1 fractured fibia, 1 broken ankle, 1 broken hand, 1 fractured collar bone, 1 minor concussion to sideline me for so long.
Likewise, Izuna does not seem to deal well with restrictions of any kind, and the twins have taken to laying on him to keep him in the healer's bed.
Juro has been kind enough to bring me my work, and, aside from some slobber, it is perfectly acceptable. He is nowhere near as bad as some of the Inuzuka nin-kin, who could fill bowls in a matter of minutes.
Kagami has come by to visit several times…It had not occurred to me that with Madara gone, for a short period of time, Izuna was his only living family. This may be the only time in my life I have been relieved to learn of Madara's ability to survive even the most ridiculous of circumstances. If only to prevent Izuna from being a parent to an innocent child.
Are you calling me stupid, Snowflake?
No, I'm calling you irresponsible! Ow, let go!
Give it to me. You can't just make things up. Don't historical records need multiple sources to be accurate!
Yes, but they also need to be reliable, and you are not! -Stop writing in my journal!
Uchiha-sama, Senju-sama, I must insist you both return to your beds and put down whatever that is.
But he-
Since my last entry was interrupted and my journals confiscated, it has been several days since I have been able to write.
Izuna and I have been released from the healers, finally, and have agreed to keep our distance until Mito sees fit to allow us in the same vicinity.
I believe she is overreacting, as all the damage we did was fixed within a few hours, but she and Hikaku have refused to listen to our pleas and even threatened to get Kikyo-Meijin and Tsume involved.
I'm not sure why they are threatening us with Tsume, but it certainly worked with Izuna, who insisted he'd rather be strapped to a fire ant hill and slathered in honey than piss her off.
I have no idea who Tsume really is, but she is no mere elder, and I am becoming annoyed with the lack of answers I have received.
Likewise, I attempted to question Kikyo-Meijin, but most of her answers were to ask Brother or Madara.
Given that both are still in a deep, healing sleep, that is impossible.
When I informed her of such, she informed me that it was "tough luck."
I hate the Uchiha.
25th Record of Events
0134, 3 November
Senju Tobirama
I miss Hashirama.
I have finally finished healing Madara's hawk, and she flies as freely as she once did. Touka cried and then pretended she wasn't. She spends a lot of time alone these days but refuses when I attempt to join her.
Aiko's parents have turned a corner and are doing well, but she dislikes having Juro around at night, so I have been sending him off to sleep with Kagami and the children.
The nights have gotten colder.
Aiko insists we make as much time for ourselves as possible. There is very little privacy in this overcrowded compound, and the joy at being alive after such trying times is mitigated by the frustration of being unable to share any intimate moments.
I miss the warmth of her skin, the suppleness of her breasts, the heat of her breath.
The biological urge towards sexual pleasure is easily satisfied with little effort but also equally frustrated with little effort, and both our tempers have grown short of late.
It is no one's fault, save perhaps Zetsu, but that does not go as far in lessening the frustration as one would hope. I cannot help but wonder how many relationships will be crushed by this world we currently find ourselves in.
Or if there will be anything worth salvaging when it's over.
26th Record of Events
1754, 4 November
Senju Tobirama
I lost my temper today.
Aiko and I had yet another fight over Juro's presence in my rooms, and our frustration boiled over.
Aiko has returned to staying with her parents for the time being.
Unfortunately, it boiled over in the market street and there were far more witnesses than I am comfortable with.
The sympathetic looks are very annoying, and I have no desire to discuss my private relationship, no matter how many people ask.
Brother is not awake yet to help me understand.
28th Record of Events
1123, 6 November
Senju Tobirama
Izuna insists I was right, so I must be terribly wrong.
I need to apologize to Aiko.
29th Record of Events
1323, 6 November
Senju Tobirama
Brother and Madara continue to show signs of improvement, but neither has woken.
The temperatures have also begun to rise, though they are still reaching below freezing during the night hours, and there has been no sign of daylight. The ash layer still blocks out all light but is slowly, very slowly, dispersing. This has given the healers hope that we will not lose the latest crop to fall ill. The supplies from the Aburame and Inuzuka have done us well, but we have remained on rations and will likely have to start cutting them again in a week or so.
I have sent my moths to scout in all directions, but they cannot reach the edge of the darkness yet. They have noticed that the temperature rises the farther out they get, suggesting we are in the epicenter of the ash cloud's coverage. We will be the last to see light return to the Land of Fire.
I have discovered that the debris in the air even has an effect on my ability to sense chakra, as my range is nowhere near as far as it was before the fire. I have taken to testing it everyday at the same hour to track its recovery.
In the meantime, a far more interesting occurrence has taken my attention.
I have had no less than eleven different Uchiha speak with me about Madara today.
I hesitate to use such unscientific terminology, but there is no other way to describe it. They are waxing poetically about how wonderful he is. I was concerned at first that they were attempting to establish some sort of position of supreme leadership over all the clans that have gathered, but after questioning several members of my clan, the Inuzuka and the Aburame, no one else has reported receiving any of these talks.
In addition, after speaking with those who worked alongside myself, Hashirama, and Madara during the First Confinement, it was agreed that at no point did Madara seem to wish to establish power over Anija. In truth, they were impressively -annoyingly- in sync, equal in all things, and completely unthreatened by one another.
Mito agrees that there must be some other reason the Uchiha are so concerned with my opinion of Madara, but discovering why will have to wait. Apparently, Kagami has led the children into a mutiny against their teachers, and they are refusing to attend any more studies until Madara awakens.
This may be acceptable for the Uchiha children, as Hashirama did explain to me that one of the Uchiha Clan Leader's chief duties was to teach the young children, but the Senju children have no excuse. Aiko says they need more discipline, and several of the surviving elders agree with her, worried that this period of confinement has weakened…something. None of them could explain what exactly, and I was in no mood to pander.
My patience with them runs thin these days.
Once Anija awakens, I am going into seclusion.
I have promised to bring Juro with me.
33rd Record of Events
1643, 9 November
Senju Tobirama
One of Madara's hawks awoke the compound early today to share the first light breaking through the ash cloud above us. It is not enough to illuminate anything but our hearts at the first sign of hope.
The celebration that followed has left quite a mess to clean up.
Izuna attempted to wake Madara to share in the festivities and did not react well when I attempted to stop him. The healers have said that Madara and Brother must be allowed to wake on their own, but both Izuna and I had had several drinks by then…
I do not remember much after they seperated us, but I have spoken with Mito. I will apologize to Izuna the next time I see him and endeavor to relax more in the future.
Out of concern, I did share my observations on his weight loss. Mito was not clear on what she plans to do about it, but I left the conversation with the sense that there will be force-feeding in Izuna's future….Serves him right.
37th Record of Events
0712, 11 November
Senju Tobirama
The light becomes stronger with each passing day, and spirits rise with it. Kikyo-Meijin ordered the Uchiha to stop fueling the fires with their chakra.
We have allowed the children beyond the walls of the compound, as their excitement has made them nearly impossible to control, and more space will hopefully allow them to burn off some of the energy they have apparently been storing up.
Everyone seems to have calmed down with the light breaking through. Aiko apologized and renewed our devotion….which apparently many others have decided to do if the sheer number of people I have stumbled upon in compromising positions is anything to go by.
Random Uchiha still approach me to speak of Madara, but they calm when I assure them I think highly of him. Whether it is entirely the truth or some fabrication is unknown even to me at this point, as I will admit some softening towards the Great Calamity after all that has happened.
If nothing else, I will admit that he and Anija are the only reasons we are still alive and that Brother could not have done it alone.
Regardless, the Uchiha seem overly pleased whenever I express these sentiments. I had not realized they worried so much about my feelings towards Madara, but I will endeavor to make some sort of gesture towards Madara when he wakes.
I cannot wait for them to wake so that I may have one hour to myself…and Juro. He has remained faithfully by my side as I work, and I have found a surprising amount of value in his questions, as they often inspire lines of thought I had not previously considered.
And he is still much warmer to sleep with at night than anyone else. I have become quite accustomed to the impossible amounts of hair I find everywhere.
Juro has informed me that his life philosophy, a phrase learned from a Uchiha philosopher several generations before, is simply to be kind. Always.
His curiosity and energy level do not suggest a well of patience as deep as he has displayed, but he has proven to be rather remarkable on all counts as a summons. The origin of the Uchiha wolves has become one of my top questions to ask when Anija and Madara wake.
It should be any day now, with how much they are moving in their sleep. Sana even woke everyone last night, but it turned out to be Hashirama talking in his sleep. I won't repeat what Izuna called him, but I agree.
39th Record of Events
1715, 14 November
Senju Tobirama
The children found a flower growing through the lava rock just outside the main gate of the compound. It is a simple weed, a dandelion, but they are quite excited and have taken to recording its growth.
I must admit some excitement myself. Plant growth this soon far exceeds our most optimistic expectations.
40th Record of Events
0800, 15 November
Senju Tobirama
Until the end of time, Tobirama will swear he was just trying to be nice.
He had no idea what would happen.
He was trying to make that gesture of friendship towards Madara that he had promised himself he would and since it looked like he would awaken any day, it had seemed like a perfectly reasonable plan.
The first thing Madara and Anija would want upon waking was a bath –after they greeted everyone, of course- sponge baths were the bare minimum and less and less effective over time, and Brother and Madara had been asleep for a month.
They would want a nice, warm bath, lots of soap and clean clothes.
Tobirama could do that for them.
Washing clothes that weren't being worn had fallen by the wayside with everything, and Sana had just been covering Madara and Hashirama with blankets to help manage their body temperature.
Tobirama had inadvertently seen more of either of them than he'd ever wanted to during the weeks they'd been asleep.
Hashirama's clothes are piled in with Madara's in the closet, and it takes a minute to sort through everything. Hashirama has several inches on Madara in height, but Madara has broader shoulders and far more muscle. They're both taller and wider than Tobirama, which is annoying.
He'd found a set of clothes for Hashirama and one for Madara. There was a dirt-streaked golden fur in the pile. Tobirama didn't remember ever seeing Madara wear it, but Hashirama had gifted Tobirama his snow-white mantle, so it wasn't surprising he'd given one to Madara at some point.
And Tobirama needed to wash his own.
Made sense to add it to the pile,
Again, Tobirama was trying to be nice, and the fur had already been in the pile of clothes he'd chosen, so he'd just grabbed everything in a single arm load.
This was exactly what Hashirama had always been asking him to do. To give Madara a chance to put aside past hatreds. To take a chance at peace seriously.
So he'd lugged the clothes out to the washing tub he'd asked Hikaku to heat and settled in.
Most of the compound was still waking up. As the light had returned and they didn't need to rely solely on clocks for reference, sleep had improved, and leadership and the healers had agreed that everyone should just sleep as much as possible, with a limited guard on the compound walls.
There were still no signs of life because the vegetation forcing its way through the lava rock, but Tobirama expected they would start to see insects and birds in the coming days.
Only the senior leadership bothered to wake early today, but Mito was still in the midst of her morning ablutions and no one dared to interrupt those. The Uchiha Captains were covering the guard themselves, including Izuna, who did best when he had something to do.
He used a burst of chakra to make the water roil and dumped everything in to soak.
… including the furs. His own had been treated to protect it during regular washing, so he assumed Madara's had as well.
Apparently, he'd been wrong about a great number of things in his attempt to be nice.
The explosion of demonic chakra knocked him on his ass.
The wave of water and dirty clothes soaked him to the bone.
The ear-splitting shriek brought most of the camp running. "VILE FIEND!"
Madara's fur was….not dead.
"BEAST!" The small, soaked fox shrieked, clinging to the edge of the wash bin and desperately trying to claw its way out of the water. "DEFILIER! HOW DARE YOU, STUPID HUMAN! I'M WET! I'M WET! I'M WET!"
Tobirama blinked as a little golden fox clawed its way out of the water, struggling against the strength of Tobirama's current.
It finally managed to get over the lip of the bin, gleaming eyes narrowed inf ury, lips pulled back to reveal sharp little teeth.
Tobirama stared at it, frozen in place by the weight of the demon's chakra.
A crowd began to gather, Izuna at the head, hand clamped over his mouth in horror.
The little fox pulled itself out of the water, nine sodden tails dragging behind it, and clawed its way up Tobirama's chest to stick its nose in his face. "LOOK AT ME. I'M WET! HOW DARE YOU, PUNY HUMAN!"
Wherever its dainty paws touched, Tobirama burned. The rest of him chilled to the bone.
It shook itself violently, covering Tobirama in wet fur.
There was no way.
No way in hell.
Tobirama poked it in the ribs, confused and a little bit embarrassed that he hadn't noticed before now.
The fox cackled against its will and then scowled, turned, and bit Tobirama's finger hard.
Those little teeth actually hurt, and Tobirama shook his hand, but the little fox refused to let go, biting harder with each shake.
The wolf forced his way through the crowd and careened toward them, only to slip on the spilled water and fail to stop.
Tobirama, Juro, and the little fox shrieked as they went down in a pile of limbs and wet fur.
Mito pushed her way to the front of the crowd. "What on earth?"
"Let go!"
The fox mumbled something around Tobirama's finger, and he grabbed it by its ruff and then-
Izuna snorted, hands clamped over his mouth.
The rest of the Uchiha were slowly backing away.
The fox's eyes glittered as its nine tails waved frantically, and its claws managed to grab his other fingers.
Nine tails.
Nine. Tails.
"Izuna…" Tobirama's voice was calm. Very calm.
Mito slowly reached for her fan.
The crowd began to flee.
"Izuna, go get brother and Madara."
Mito raised her fan.
Izuna burst into hysterical laughter, doubled over, grabbing his stomach and everything.
"Izuna! Go get brother and Madara!"
Hashirama and Madara burst into the tent, half-naked and barely awake.
The fox let go of his finger and ripped free of his grip with a burst of demonic chakra.
"Look out!"
It launched itself through the air like the flying squirrels that had filled the forest his brother had grown outside the Senju Compound.
Mito's chakra gathered as her fan started to come down, the chains becoming visible link by link.
"It's the Nine Tails Demon!"
"What?" Hashirama blinked stupidly, uncomprehending as Izuna collapsed onto the ground, tears running down his cheeks.
The fox landed on Madara's bare chest with a happy shriek, "Dara!"
Madara's hands came up automatically to cradle the little fox against his chest as he yawned. "What's going on?"
At least Mito looked just as confused as Tobirama felt.
The fox purred in his hands, rubbing its face against his chest. "Waaaarrrrmmmm."
Madara, seeming to wake up faster than Hashirama, looked down at it. "Why are you wet?"
"Bath!" Izuna wheezed.
"Why did you try to bathe him, Tobi?" Hashirama looked as lost as Tobirama felt.
"What? I…I thought it was fur! Like mine! I was trying to be nice," he finally hissed, suddenly remembering he was soaked and covered in wet fur.
"But he's not a fur?"
Mito's fan snapped shut, "Dear future husband, perhaps you could explain why your soul brother is holding the Nine Tails Demon?"
Hashirama glanced over at Madara. "Because he likes him?"
Mito eyes narrowed. "This is not news to you."
"Uh, no?"
Madara yawned again as the fox crawled up his chest and settled over his shoulders, glaring out from behind the curtain of Madara's hair. "His name is Kurama."
"Kurama," Mito repeats faintly.
Tobirama can feel his eye twitching.
Izuna is still laughing hysterically on the ground.
"I'm going back to sleep," Madara mutters when no one else can think of anything else to say, and Tobirama knows he's not imagining the malice in the little golden eyes that track him from behind Madara's hair as he leaves. The chill doesn't fade until they're both out of sight.
Izuna uses Tobirama's body to climb to his feet, and since when are they that close?
"You-ou," Izuna wheezes, leaning so heavily that Tobirama sways. He's going to asphyxiate soon. "You tried to give the Nine Tails a bath!"
And that sets him off again.
Tobirama dumps him on the ground. Mourning period be damned.
Here's everything I know about war: somebody wins, somebody loses, and nothing is ever the same again.