Chapter 1: Prologue: Scales and Steel
Author notes:
1-English is not my first language, sorry beforehand for any grammar mistakes and errors.
2-I don't dislike Pikachu or anything. I just liked the idea for Ash have a different starter pokemon.
3-This is an AU where trainer get their licenses at eighteen. This is for preference and I just can't find possible for a teen year old be allowed by their parents journey alone in the wild with superpowered creatures capable to destroy cities and level mountains.
4-Unlike canon Ash will start in a different region.
5-This world is more darker than canon, but not too dark. More in the lines of fanfics like Reset Bloodlines or Traveler. If you read those then you have an idea of what speaking about. This also serves for Ash being more mature, less prone to mistakes, introspective and overall a lot less dumb than in canon.
6-Ash will have a sligh bias for dragon types rather than a generalist like in canon. However, there will also be some variety of types in his team.
7-Canon will be throw out of the window faster than the speed of sound. The events of this fic will be different, with Ash canon captures, save for certain pokemon, not being here. So don't expect battles, tactics or power scaling to smething like the anime, manga or games. Also the focus wil not be limited to the leagues and gyms.
8-And finally, refering to Reset Bloodlines specficically for those who are interested enough to ask: Will be romance, harem or something? Maybe but that won't be the main focus of the history.
Now with all the points laid in table. Enjoy Reading. Advice and Constructive criticism are welcome.
The professor's was waiting.
Brown eyes meet Green in challenging stares as they got closer to the entrance.
As Ash was nearing the end of the entrance and making sure Gary wans't taking the lead. He reflected. Today was the most important day in his life. He had not just been waiting for it, but he prepared for it, albeit mostly on impulse because of his rival, since he finished Oak's Summer Camp.
The young ketchum remembered the day he decided take Oak's Advanced Trainer Course. He wasn't interested that much. He had done the summer camp, why the need to do the same, but with more reading, something ash is not very fan of, a lot more time and even less fun? It looked like that to him at first.
It was't even on his plans until Gary decide to taunt him by saying he's afraid of looking too much like an idiot in front of his grandfather and other people. And he could come out in the top of that course if he wanted.
Naturally the young ketchum didn't like this and sparked a discussion among the two that quickly escalated to the point the adults had to separate them not before Gary dared him into taking it or he would be admiting to be afraid of looking like an idot in front of everyone.
Ash, at that time being just a ten year old, part due to his nature to never back down or give up and part his own pride, had taken the dare and told the professor he wanted to be in that course.
The professor got suprised by such a decision coming from him of all people, but suddenly left after hearing his reasoning. He initially questioned him if he really wanted, making not so subtle hints the course was more complicated than he expected. But Ash persisted and Oak finally caved in.
Gary had a similar reaction at first but soon turned into annoyance. Later that day he learned, to his not-suprise, he enrolled too just so he wouldn't be behind Ash. Typical of Gary.
The course eventually came by and it was harder than anything his ten year old self had ever expected to sumarize it. But not in a way he expectd to be... or even enjoy. Sure so much reading and theoretical things that he had to force himself to make an habit of reading an hour per day just so he could keep up. But there was also a practical part, in wich he was better, mainly through interacting and observing so many different species of pokemon, some almost not possible to find in Kanto. It was fascinating to his ten year old mind.
But the kind of pokemon he was fascinated the most were the dragons. He always had interest in them but seeing and interacting, under carefull watch, with pokemons like the dragonite or charizard lines ignited a love for the type or pokemon related to them. It was a worthwhile experience
Gary was also the same, though he wouldn't admit it, but he devloped a tasted for steel and psychic type pokemon.
In the end he did enjoy the experience but no without almost breaking his own mind after one year. But was way worth it. After the professor evaluated him, wich he praised for going beyond his expectations much to Gary's jealously, he offered him to take an extended version of the course, where he would work as an assistant full time for him wih pay that could go up to reaching the age for becoming a trainer, if he so desired, adding he could pick up a type specialization. He also offered Gary the same.
Is not necessary to say both accepted the offer and remained working as assistnats until they reached eighteen, adquiring a lot of knowledge an experience with Pokemon, specially for their favorite types.
And now both were getting a starter from their favoured type, hopefully.
Ash and Gary got near the entrance and noticed the Professor was awaiting for them with his usual smile.
The teens stopped right in their tracks and greeted him with confident smiles.
"Both of you in time, just as expected" Oak adressed the two teens.
"Of course we would be in time grandpa. Even Ashy-Boy who wakes up late wouldn't lose his chance to get his starter"
Ash decided for once ignore the jab Gary threw at him just so he couldn't ruin his good mood and opted to adress the professor instead.
"About the Pokemon, are they in the lab? Can we see them? Mine is truly a dragon type? What species is?" Ash almost questioned on rapid fire by sheer excitement, this was the day he would finally embark in his journey to be a pokemon master, so his excitement is expected.
Even Gary, the more calm and rational of the two, was excited to begin his journey althoug he hid it better "Yeah gramps, for once Ashy is right. Show us our pokemon, we have worked hard for this"
Oak chuckled "They are inside the lab, I have made sure they are in perfect condition" The professor took both teens to the lab in direction to the room where their starters are specifically guarded.
The insides were tipical of a scientific specialized in his camp of study. Machines and computers doing their work, cabinets filled with papers with data of pokemon and overall a massive shelf full of pokeballs that definitively had Pokemon inside of them. Ash and Gary had drawn looks at the shelf thinking if their starters are there.
"Not there" Spoken the professor grabbing their attention. "The ones you will be given are stored iniside my desk in the second floor."
When they got into the second floor the professor approached his desk and using a key inside his pocket opened a shelf. Once done he brought two pokeballs that had embroided on them images denoting the typings of the pokemon's inside of them.
Before either Ash or Gary rushed to get their pokemon the professor told them to stop. "Before hainding them to you, I must tell you something very important" Oak spoke not in his usual beaming friendly manner. But in a serious one.
The two aspiring trainers went quiet after hearing him. They knew by experience when the professor speaks like that is a serious matter. And if Oak is serious about something, you must listen.
"Being honest, you two made quite difficult job for me in this matter" Oak sighted "You know this. Once you finsh the first year of the course. You can take the extended one, working as assistants of mine, where, unlike the previous year, in this aspiring trainers can pick a specialization in one or some cases, two or three pokemon types and once finished they get a starter based on those preferences"
Both nodded in understanding, when they took th extended course Both had already picked their preferences in Types. Gary for Steel and Psychic types. And Ash was mainly focused on dragons, but he also took a secondary focus for fire and flying types, and worked with those kind of pokemon when there was no Dragon Type to work. His admiration for Lance's Charizard can be held responsible for the later preferences. Why the he was bringing this now?
"However, the extended course had another feature people like me or those who fund them are only aware. You see, the starter you get after finishing is not a selection based on pokemons aviability. But on the apprentice skills, performance, preferences and, the most unique of all their personal traits"
Both aspirants had stares of mixed suprise and curiosity. Gary and Ash exchanged looks between themselves and went back and forth to look at the professor and each other for a moment before Gary turned to his grandfather.
"Let me guess for the two. Because we were the top among the course, a tie between us, our typing preferences wich are not exactly for begginers and, this one still confuses me a bit, traits of our personality, the pokemons are not just rare but very special cause other wise. I am wrong grandpa?"
The professor simply smiled with pride and looked at Ash "Did you reach the same conclussion?"
"More or less. I had a gut feeling since the morning that whatever you hand us would be something unique. Isn't Gary?" Ash looked at Gary who simply noded.
While their relationship was no longer the friendship they had in the past, mostly due to Gary's current arrogance and dissagrenments, they were times they could still trust each other and have their backs covered, ignoring their differences. Like this one, Ash trusted Gary intellect and methodical thinking and Gary in turn trusted Ash insticts and gut feeling.
If anything the professors was glad both his biological and surrogate grandson still could rely on each other at times. But missed when they were best friends. "Any way. You were right for most of the part, I'm giving you these pokemon not because they are extremely rare, because, by their own natures, these are the ones whose mindset and personalites adapt the best to you from the initial stage to final evolutions"
The professor gave a look at the two pokeballs in his hands before turning to the soon-to-be-trainers "I have to admit that. You boys had made me a massive struggle to find the right ones for you. In fact I did not came up with the idea of giving this ones and not convinced if I should. It was Lance and Steven who came up with this idea and convinced me to go through."
Now both trainers were quite shocked into silence. Lance, Steven? Only two persons came into the mind of the young trainers when the professors spoke those names.
"What? You mean Dragon Master Lance Wataru and Steel type speciealist Steven stone. The dual champion of Kanto and Johto and Hoenn champion?" Ash was the first one into break the silence still in disbelief of not just their regions own champion but also hoenn's own champion involvement.
"Oh, a lot more than just giving me this idea" The professor said hiding his amusement from their shock. 'Their faces when I drop the voltorb' "They have taken quite and actual interest in your careers as trainers" Now Oak could see almost both their faces jaw drop. A champion taking active involvement in a begginer's development that is not direct family is just once in a blue moon.
"Actually the pokemons inside these are the actual offspring of Lance's own Salamence and Steven's Metagross"
And the professor finally dropped it. The only answer both trainers could give was just a big "WHAT!?".
Gary, the first one to regain composture, stared at his grandfather still in disbelief "G-Grandpa, are you serious? Please don't let this be a elaborate prank"
"Oh? why would I let you believe that. I know for a fact that champions don't hand their own offprising easily. Specially if it belongs to their Ace pokemon or at least is a member of their Ace Team." The Professor reassured as he proceded to give the balls to them. The ball with the dragon embroided for Ash and the one with the metallic claw for Gary. "Your Bagon is a female by the way." The professor said to Ash.
Despite the teens still processing everything they'd been told both grabbed the pokeballs with enthusiasm and went into separate rooms so they could meet their starters in private without interference from the other.
Ash simply used an empty room on the right and once confirmed nothing would disturb him he pressed the button and let out the Pokemon inside. "Go, Bagon"
The ball opened letting out the pokemon inside revealing small, bipedal blue pokemon with a gray-scaled bony head shaped like a helmet, to Ash delight it was indeed bagon, the initial stage of the Pseudo-Legendary Dragon Type, Salamence. Said Pokemon realized it was out of the ball stared in direction of the only being that could have made that.
When Ash and Bagon eye's meet there was just silence for an exact minute not one making a motion. Ash looking at the Baby dragon with excitement and curiosity and Bagon stared at the aspiring dragon master with judging eyes seeing if there's some worth the dragon's would-be-trainer.
Finally Ash decided to break the ice "Nice to meet you Bagon" Ash greeted the small dragon type with the usual greeting made for small pokemon, while making his best to show he's not afraid. Is something he learned during the course when he interacted with dragon type pokemon, the salamence line included.
Dragons are proud and to have one listen to you is win their respect. The best way is showing no fear, they dislike cowards and respect those who are brave. "My name is Ash Ketchum and I'm about to embark in my journey to be a Champion."
Bagon perked up when she heard the word Champion. Like that human Lance her parent's follow?
Ash took notice of the baby dragon's reaction and continued "But not any Champion. The greatets of all Champion. Even better than Lance and his team of dragon types. I aim to be a Pokemon Master" Now the dragon type looked suprised for such a bold proclamation. Ash prepared himself for the next part "For that I need a starter-no, let me correct that. A partner, an equal and a friend to work with"
The dragon type nodded in affirmation, listening with interest and curiosity. The human... Ash had now all her attention and wanted for get to the point.
"I want you to be that friend. I was told for a fact you are the child of Lance's Salamence. Guess what, if you come with me I'll promise you no matter what, I will try to make as hard as possible to make you stronger not just than your parent. But even stronger than any Dragon he has. Heck even better than that. I want to make you the strongest Salamence the world has ever seen"
Bagon type observed Ash intently. Honestly she was very tempted to accept, there's something telling her to go with him. A kindred spirit the dragon type is feeling in this human. But alas she needs to see if he can back those words.
"Bae!" The dragon type said in her own language 'prove it' while pointing her small arms and looking him in a expectant way.
Ash looked confused for at least five seconds before realizing what Bagon was intending to say "You want me to prove I'm the right one, I am right" She nodded.
Ash was expecting that. He knew by experience that some pokemon demand their trainers to prove their worth before anything. Dragon type pokemon do this often, but this also extends all types in general.
Luckily Ash had a easy solution for it.
"My rival is in the other room with his pokemon" Bagon perked up at the mention of a rival "He has a Beldum. Not just any beldum. Is the offprising of a Metagross, that Metagross is the strongest Pokemon of a champion who equals in power Lances own Dragonite. I seen it myself."
Bagon was looked suprised at that fact. She knew about that Dragonite, her own father trembled with fear just at the mere idea of seeing him angry. A feat on it's won when takig account the Salamence species "Not just that, Gary's has been studying Pokemon since he was born, and he's specially adept at the types Beldum belongs, Steel and Psychic. Types whose power rivals the dragon types"
Ash smiled, his eyes glowing with a fire and zeal that matches the bagon's line desire for flying. Something she has instantly reconigized. "But I'm the one adept at dragon types" Ash continued.
"Lat's face those two and show them what we are capable to do together" He extended his hand "You are for it girl?"
Bagon looked at Ash for a moment before giving a nod.
Ash grinned. He managed to get her trust, now is time to prove is not misplaced. "Perfect, those two must be with the professor by now."
Ash left the room with his now official starter following back were the professor is and as expexted Gary was waiting for him with his, as he expected, Beldum. Oak was looking glad nothing wen't wrong and Gary was just his usual coocky self.
"Ash! So I assume your meeting with Bagon has gone well"
"Took you long enough Ashy-boy"
Ash just ignored the coocky remark and straight up looked at Gary with fiery eyes full of determination. Bagon did the same with Beldum. "It's time Gary" Ash looke straight at his rival.
Gary did not lose the coocky smile but his eyes had taken a shade of seriousness, he knew what Ash wanted his face said everything. "Seeking to lose so soon Ashy-Boy" Beldum on the other side glared back at bagon and narrowing it's single eye making a defiant stare wich prompted a harsh glare from the Rock Head Pokemon.
"Ferrus looks very eager to give that Bagon a taste of defeat" Said Gary referring to Beldum by the name he gave it.
Ash narrowed his eyes and looked at Bagon "Tiamat... he's claiming he will beat us. Let's prove them wrong"
Tiamat roared in appoval, both for the challenge and her new name. She want's to fight that steel type and show them it's place.
The professor who stayed silent went to his desk and opened a different shelf this time, containing two Pokedex "The battleground is in behind the lab" Said the professor grabbing their attention and before handing both rivals their respective pokedex. "Don't forget scan your Pokemon with dexter"
Both trainers noded before taking them and move towards the battleground without further delay.
The battlefield was simply a strench of dirt mantained for the professor's own assistants. Below the hill where the field lies exist a wall made with a mix of metal and concrete, wich separates both the field and lab from the pokemon ranch.
Normally such thing would be demolished or climb by pokemon like Machamp or Haxorus with ridiculous ease. However those kind of pokemon are taken care of by Oak's and Delia's own pokemon, who stay at the ranch to keep those kind of troubelsome in line. The wall exist to prevent those who usually don't require the inmediate intervention of the aforementioned pokemon.
Both trainers were finding on opposite sides of the battlefied. They were scaning their pokemon with their dexter's so they could know of their starters abilities and moves and fight. The professor's agree to be the judge of the battle so he was there.
On the side of Ash was looking impressed by what the dexter showed about tiamat and her abilies. She has already six moves already, three that are egg moves already unlocked, wich consist of Bite, Ember and Dragon Breath, but the best ones are those she inherited, Dragon Dance, Fire Fang and suprisingly, Hydropump. 1
However the best things are her own abilities. Rock Head is as the first stage pseudo-legendary ability, somehow she also had unlocked said stage hidden ability: Sheer Force. This will grant more power to her attacks in exchange of being unable to inflict status effect on the opponent.1
He initially he had the advantage over Gary. But he remembered Ferrum came from Steven's own Metagross so it would have a ace in the hole. Maybe it was taught more movements and also had a hidden ability active. Anything can be possible.
But Ash won't let that line of thought discourage him in the slightets. If anything is more determined to win and prove Tiamat his worth.
"Are you ready Gary-Bear?" Ash stared at his rival with Tiamat making her way into the battlefield. Gary smiled cookily with Ferrum also making it's way glaring at Tiamat with it's single red eye "Sure Ashy-Boy, ready to beat you"
The Professor went into his position and intoned "This will be a one-on-one battle. Battle is over when one the participants is no longer able to continue" And then made the signal "BEGIN!!"
"Tiamat, let's set the pace of the battle. Use ember and then Dragon Dance while it dodges" Ash spoke in a tone low enough so Gary wouldn't hear him but clearly so his starter could hear him.
Tiamat did listened clearly and shot embers at Ferrum whom Gary orderd to dodge and capitalized the chance to use dragon dance to boost herself.
"Ferrum don't allow her, Zen Headbutt!" Gary quickly realized Ash plan and ordered Ferrum attack.
"Cacth it with Fire Fang!" Ash told quickly.
Ferrum did as ordered and tried to land a blow on Tiamat but the dragon managed to finish Dragon Dance in time to answer with Fire Fang.
Both attacks clashed and none of the two wen't unscathed, but Ferrum got the worst, the boost of Dragon Dance and Sheer Force, adding to the super effective damage resulted the Iron Ball Pokemon looking in bad shape.
Ash smiled when he saw Gary is cornered. "We have the advantage now Tiamat. Let's keep pushing"
"BAGON!" Tiamat charged preparing another Fire Fang while Ferrum was still recovering.
Gary on the other hand gritted his teeth when he realized Ash put him against the ropes. Ferrum has suffered a lot of damage. Worse Tiamat is almost unharmed, full of power and charging another Fire Fang. He hated to admit but he will lose to Ash.
But he's not going down easily.
"Ferrum, Zen Headbutt one more time. Were not making things easy for them"
"BELDUM!!" Ferrum fueled by both it's own and trainers determination charges one last Zen Headbutt. This time the dragon will feel it.
Both moves clashed this time with a lot more power. Fire and Draconic energies clashed with Psychic, resulting in a small explosion that send both pokemon flying. Ash and Gary almost sprinted trying to grab their Pokemons. But stopped themselves when Tiamat and Ferrum managed to grab a hold on themselves, Tiamat landing first but looking a lot more tired and with some visible bruises. Ferrum managed to get control of himself and control his hovering albeit with a lot more difficulty until it it landed on the ground unconcious.
"Beldum cannot continue. The victory goes for Ash Ketchum" The professor intoned.
"Yeah we won! You were awesome Girl!" Ash cheered for Tiamat who, to his great suprise, came to him very happy "So that means you accept as your trainer" "Gon!" The baby dragon noded. "Great we'll have to work a lot in the future, but it will eventually pay off"
Gary simply returned Ferrum to his Pokeball and thanked him for his efforts. "I lost" Gary looked defeated for the fact he lost his first battle specially to Ash, but quickly regained his composture "But it doesn't matter. Victory is progress and losing is learning. That's what veterans say" Gary started walking out of the place silently.
"Parting so soon Gary" The professor questioned his grandson.
"I said my goodbyes to Daisy before leaving and you also know that the plane to hoeen takes off today at 10 am and it is 9 o'clock" Gary responded "I know the Ever Grande conference is next year and only behind Luminose conference by a few months early. But I have everything planned"
He then turned towards Ash who finished congratulating Tiamat and was staring at him "Remember our bet. The one who gets four medals first is the winner" He smiled cockily again "Then again I'll get four medals before you get one, Ashy Boy"
Ash expression turned into a challenging one "In your dreams Gary-Bear. Once set foot in the Kalos region I'll get those medals before your plane even reaches hoeen's airspace!"
"Well see that Ashy-Boy" Gary wen't back to the lab before giving his fellow Pallet Trainer a teasing smile "Tell your girlfriend Serena I say hello" The youngest Oak finally left without even bothering to see the confusion in Ash face.
Ash decided to not focus on what Gary said and turned to Tiamat "That was a good battle, don't you think?"
Tiamat noded.
Ash sit in a cross-legged position in order to see his starter in the same eye level than hers, meant to indicate he's looking her as an equal, kneeling would be intrerpeted as looking down and dragons don't take down that well "I said before my goal is become a Pokemon master. That means I'll have to battle all the way across the Leagues. Facing opponents that are going to become more difficult as we progress, all the way up to facing champions, and not just Lance, there are other champions that can be as strong or even stronger than him"
He focused his gaze on Tiamat "It will be a difficult path. I won't lie to you Tiamat, won't we always winning every battle we come across. Sometimes we'll fail, be defated or even beaten."
"However, what I can promise is we'll try no matter what. Even when beaten we won't give up. "
Tiamat jumped across his legs and simply stared at him for a second seconds before giving a nod of approval.
He smiled, they had become friends now.
"Glad we are on the same page. I think we are made for each other" Tiamat let out a nod of agreetment.
"Good you are getting along" Said the professor while he approached the duo. "Is good you have bonded so quickly and seems it will become stronger as you spent time together. Specially for the region you are going to"
Ash knew what the professor implied. "Yeah, but is not only that why in starting in Kalos"
The last Indigo League conference happend the past year and there won't be another until the next two years. Kalos and Hoeen are the next ones according the League official schedule by a four month difference each. So it would made sense try those than wait for Kanto. That's one reason for Ash starting in Kalos, however...
"I have a friend who happens to live in Kalos" He explained "She's already the same age as mine and according to her mails she's getting her own starter today with that Sycamore guy you told me..."
"...And she asked you to come to Kalos and both being their journey's together" The Professor guessed the rest.
"Yeah, I talked to my mom and is for the best. With how dangerous things are becoming around the world is better to have company"
Oak agreed eith that statement. There's been an worrying rise of criminal activity around all the regions. Not just from those so called Teams, poaching and more other crimminal activities also. The League has taken measures to deal with the problem, like doubling the number of pokemons a trainer can have and being a mandate travel in groups for any trainer being novice or veteran.
"Good, however I advice you to find more people you can travel with. Two more at least. And don't be too reckless please. Neither me or Delia would forgive ourselves if something happens to you"
"Don't worry professor. I know I'm reckless sometimes but I'll be fine, trust me" He gave to Oak's a thumbs up "I won't do something like run straight into a Garchomp's rampage, I may be reckless but I'm not lethally stupid" He reassured the professor before dismissing to the professor who just told him to be carefull.
When Ash left the laboratory he was greeted by not only his mother who called him, but of her pokemon too, not only Mimey and Teshi, Mr.Mime and Gardevoir, who always help in the house or make company to Delia or Ash when going out. However it was not just them all Delia's Pokemon were present including those who usually stay at Oak's corral.
Inari, the Ninetales, Roc, a Talonflame, Piercer, Rhyperior, Cleopatra, Nidoqueen. Even Earthbreaker, Brahma, Durandal, and Dahaka, Tyranitar, Kommo-O, Archauldon and Hydreigon, the ones whose job is to keep the most potentially troublesome Pokemon in the corral are waiting for him!.
"Ash! Over here!" Delia called for him with her pokemon making cries and sounds.
"Mom, you came and all your Pokemon are here too!?" Ash approached his mom with a suprised.
'Of course we would come Ash. You are Delia's son, you basically little brother for us. Nothing in the world 'would make us miss this day. Even Dahaka was looking to see you becoming and adult' Resonated a male telepathic voice through his head, who belonged to Mimey.
Ash wasn't the least suprised by Mimey's speaking to him telepathically. Teshi can speak telepathically. In fact any well-trained Psychic Type can speak to humans with telepathy. "Mimey, Teshi, Guys you don't know how glad it makes me" Ash said smiling.
"By the way sweetie. You should have recieved your starter. I assume is in it's Pokeball?" Delia inquired.
"Of course mom" Ash retrieved the pokeball from his belt "Go Tiamat!" The ball opened liberating the arc of light that son turned in the Bagon named Tiamat.
"Ah Bagon. So this the dragon type pokemon you recieved" Delia went to greet the small dragon type whom he guessed it was her trainers mother, that wans't too much of a suprise since Ash told her previously he would show her to his mother first.
On the other hand what suprised her were the amount behemoths and powerhouses surrounding who stared at the baby dragon intently. Specially the dragons whose mere pressence scared her a bit but faithfull to her draconic pride, changed to stare defiantly at them. To the obvious amusement of the older dragons.
Noticing his friend reaction, Ash started introducing her quickly "Everyone this is Tiamat, my starter Pokemon. Tiamat, this is my mother Delia and these are her Pokemon who are with her since she was a trainer" Ash explained carefully to all the presents in order to avoid any misunderstanding, mostly on Tiamat's side.
The Rock Head pokemon seemed to listen and lowered her guard a bit, but she was still looking a bit on edge, mostly due to feeling his mother's pokemon power. Ash guessed.
"Oh, by the way mom, apart from mimey and teshi, why did you bring the rest of the pokemon? Aren't they supposed to be working in the corral?"
Delia chuckled "Well rember when you asked me if Mimey or Teshi could teleport you to Vainville town in Kalos" He confirmed "Well conveniently, that same day the Professor told me if I could take a vacation and bring my Pokemon with them. Mayor part of the troublesome ones are currently with their trainers so he can make an exception, and is been a long time since I went to another region with them, right friends?" Came out cries and roars of agreetment from Delia's team.
"Wait, You'll be coming with me to Kalos?" Ash asked his mother a bit worried, thinking she's just trailing him for his safety. Arceus sake, hope she's not, he waited a long time for his independence and the last thing he needs is his own mom carrying him liek a child.
"Oh, don't worry Ash. It'll only be until Luminose city, that's where Delia is planning to spend the holidays with us. After that you' ll be on your own with Serena and any other person coming with you for the remainder of your gym circuit'' Teshi spoke telepathically to him this time. Wich relieved Ash.
"Oh, just only until Luminallia, then you'll have all your time alone with Serena after that" Delia said. Ash decided to not sk about that last one.
"Ash, Delia it's Time to go" Mimey telepathically remembered "I should remind you long distance teleporting is exhausting and not very accurate. The best I can do is teleport to a location near our destination and solid." Being the one who feels the need to kept tabs on everything, Mimey explained the issue with teleporting, Ash and Delia knew but never bothered being reminded in case.
Mother and Son noded in unison and returned their Pokemon before grabbing hands with Mimey who had begun the Teleporting process "Next destination Vaniville Town, here go"
The group Teleported.