Chapter 126: Strong Peoples
Kayvaan spread his hands in a gesture of peace, though his words did little to calm the group. "No need to panic," he said lightly. "My brother's not going to hurt you. Darius, stamp out the flames, would you? You're scaring them."
The giant figure stood, his movements slow and deliberate, but his sheer size made every motion feel like a thunderclap. He walked over to the fire, stomped it out with a single step, and returned to his seat in the shadows, vanishing once again into the darkness. The adventurers exhaled, their tension easing only slightly, though their eyes still darted nervously between Kayvaan and the spot where Darius had disappeared. "We're just travelers," Kayvaan continued, his voice calm and steady. "Guardians, to be precise. We mean you no harm as long as you don't give us a reason to act otherwise."
"Guardians?" Rhianna asked cautiously, her grip still tight on her dagger. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Protectors," Kayvaan replied. "We safeguard this world and everyone in it."
"Like the Emperor's Holy Envoys?"
Kayvaan tilted his head thoughtfully. "You could think of it that way. Normally, we avoid unnecessary conflict, but if someone threatens us or shows clear hostility..." His voice trailed off, but the unspoken warning was clear. He spread his hands again, his smile returning. "So, let's not let things escalate. Why don't we sit down, let go of this fear and suspicion, and talk like civilized people? What do you say?"
For a moment, the four adventurers' expressions turned odd. Did this man seriously believe himself to be the Holy Envoy of the God-Emperor and the guardian of the entire world? That was… quite the claim. Was he insane? Rhianna hoped not. If he was mad, at least he needed to be the kind of madman who wasn't dangerous. If he lost control and went berserk, things would get ugly fast.
The man sitting by the campfire looked harmless enough, but the giant looming in the shadows was another story entirely. Even seasoned warriors had never seen someone of that sheer size and bulk. The way his muscles shifted beneath his cloak suggested raw power—like a war-beast bred for slaughter. If a fight broke out, Rhianna was confident in his aim, whether with a crossbow or a longbow, but that didn't mean they'd get out unscathed.
He glanced at Rathor, who subtly lowered his compact crossbow, signaling something only the team could understand. Their years of camaraderie had forged an unspoken language—Rathor wanted to back off. Rhianna had thought this camp only had one man, an easy target in the middle of nowhere. If they had attacked earlier, they might have been able to kill him and loot the body without much trouble. But now? Now there was an armored titan sitting in the dark, waiting. No one here was stupid enough to pick a fight with that.
As per their usual tactics, Rhianna—the only woman in the group—was expected to soften the situation. A few carefully chosen words could prevent unnecessary bloodshed and, more importantly, losses on their side. "Oh, so you're not a bad person?" Rhianna exhaled, playing up her relief as if she'd truly feared for her life. She shot a look at Jorvian, who was on the verge of laughing. Rhianna nudged her sharply before turning back to the man. "I apologize for our rudeness. We're just travelers in the wilds, and caution is a necessity. Since you're a righteous man, our earlier hostility was unwarranted. I hope you won't hold it against us."
Kayvaan waved a hand dismissively, indicating he took no offense. Rhianna seized the moment. "Are you and your… brother traveling? Where are you headed? If you don't mind me asking."
"It's no secret," Kayvaan replied seriously. "My brother and I are guardians, but we've spent our lives training in seclusion. To protect the weak, we must first test our strength. That's why we left the mountains—to weigh our power against the world."
Rathor's brow twitched. "And… how exactly do you weigh your power?"
"By seeking out and challenging the greatest warriors," Kayvaan answered, his tone completely earnest. "Surely there must be a single strongest warrior in this world?"
The four adventurers exchanged glances. "The strongest warrior?" Rathor repeated, skeptical.
"Yes," Kayvaan said. "Like the Swordmaster, the Champion of Combat—those kinds of titles."
Rathor inhaled sharply. 'Emperor's mercy, this guy is serious.' He wasn't lying, nor did he sound like he was joking. He genuinely believed in this nonsense. "I've never heard of a 'Swordmaster' or 'Champion of Combat' before," Rathor admitted. "Sure, there are plenty of experts out there, but no one really goes around calling themselves something that grandiose."
"What about a world-spanning martial tournament?" Kayvaan pressed. "Surely there must be something like that?"
The four shook their heads immediately. "No, nothing like that."
Kayvaan frowned. "Then tell me—who are the strongest warriors in this world? Preferably young ones."
"Why the focus on young ones?" Rathor asked.
Kayvaan's expression was one of utter sincerity. "There's no honor in defeating old men."
Rathor pinched the bridge of his nose. This was getting absurd. Rhianna, on the other hand, saw an opportunity and leaned in. "There's no singular 'strongest' warrior, but there are famous ones. For instance, Lancelot, the White Knight of the Holy Sword Order. He's only eighteen and already their top warrior." She paused, watching Kayvaan's reaction before continuing. "Then there's Virgil, the Black Knight of the Grand Duke of Montenegro. Same age, equally strong. Some say he's already the captain of the Black Knights."
Kayvaan's eyes gleamed with interest. "Have they ever fought?"
"No," Rhianna replied. "They're both nobles. They don't frequent arenas, and they have no reason to fight each other."
"Interesting," Kayvaan murmured. "Anyone else?"
Rhianna smirked. Oh, you want more? She pretended to think. "Well, if you're done with noble knights, you should head to the Snake Nest and find the mercenary legions."
"The Snake Nest?" Kayvaan tilted his head. "I'm unfamiliar."
Rhianna chuckled. "That makes sense. You've been in the mountains too long. It's a city, a gathering place for the deadliest mercenaries in the world. You see, while the noble houses wage their endless wars, they rarely suffer losses themselves. The ones who bleed for them are knights, foot soldiers, and—most of all—mercenaries.
"Mercenaries will fight for whoever pays them, but they also take the hardest jobs. Their survival rate is low. The best of them don't just survive; they thrive, becoming legends in their own right. And those legends? You'll find them in the Snake Nest."
Kayvaan listened carefully, his expression unreadable, "You Nighthawks are mercenaries too?"
"No, no, no, not at all," Rhianna waved her hands quickly. "The Nighthawks are… uh, a mutual aid organization made up of struggling folks. We're just a small team under their banner."