Watch & Sword: The Watch-Hand Stops

Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Inside The Garden Of Good Or Evil

"We're there," Zooey's voice brought Alexandra out of her thoughts and back to the here and now.

Turning her head to the left, Alexandra saw that the track that their flytter had been traveling down dead-ended at a stone alcove with large walls. Just a little right of the track was a large metal gate that two soldiers, one with a sword and one with a fearsome lance, were standing on either side of. The gates themselves were painted gold, the ivy that ran all along the walls also slipping onto the gate and obscuring parts of them, it looked to be very old.

The gate was closed and the soldiers were now eyeing the occupants of the just-arrived flytter with great interest and suspicion.

"The Garden," Sophia murmured, staring at the gold-topped rooftops just visible over the tops of the walls that now surrounded them.

They were at one of the three gates that connected the upper-class "Garden" with the rest of the city. Protected on all sides by a large wall and guarded gates, only Nobles, their servants, and others with special circumstances were typically allowed in. Despite there being no rules barring entry to anyone, the guards made sure only the well-to-do saw the inside of the lush Garden.

Past the gate, Alexandra could see fountains, surrounded by green patches of grass and flower beds, the estates of the nobles and offices of the government farther behind those.

"Come along," Lady Divorna was disembarking the flytter, paying no heed to the soldiers.

"They're not just going to let us in," Alexandra had seen the way the guards were looking at them, stares that betrayed great disdain without reserve.

"Nonsense," Lady Divorna beckoned them to follow, "I said come along"

"There's four of us, I mean five..." Zooey trailed off, she was sizing up the opposition.

"Please don't do anything dangerous Zooey," Sophia pleaded, she did not like the look of the battle-ready soldiers.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you if anything happens." Luca have vowed he'd be better at protecting the ones he cared for.

"Nothing's going to happen," Alexandra whispered, "we just have to stay quiet and get inside."

"What if she's just leading us here to be arrested?!" Zooey shot a glance at Lady Divorna who was picking up her ornate bag of groceries from next to her seat on the flytter. "Maybe she's just toying with us because she's a noble and they're all just cruel bastards."

"She seems nice," Sophia did not believe that to be the case. "I don't think she'd do anything like that."

"Zooey, can't you cut anyone a break?" Alexandra chided her.

"Not nobles," she scoffed, "just look at their handiwork."

She was meaning the four of them.

"That's unkind," Alexandra responded, "Lady Divorna here has been nothing but kind to us. You shouldn't judge her like that."

"We'll see," Zooey rolled her eyes, "nobles are all the same, you know that."

"Let's go," Alexandra motioned with a nod of her head, "we shouldn't get too far away from the Lady, especially not this close to the Garden, we're even less welcome here."

They slid off the seats and their feet welcomed the feel of solid ground beneath them once more. The ride on the flytter was exciting but it was new and strange, the familiar sensation of the earth beneath their feet was a relief. Queuing up behind Lady Elita, Alexandra's hand went without thinking to her pendant.

It was all happening; they were so close.

They stayed in a line behind the noblewoman, like ducklings following their mother in a pond all the way up to the closed gate and the soldiers awaiting them.

The guards straightened themselves and one stood in front of Lady Divorna, "good afternoon your Ladyship."

"Good afternoon," she nodded her head ever so slightly, a great sign of respect for a noble to do so to a soldier, "please open the gate."

"Of course Lady Divorna, but..." her leaned to the side to look at the company she had in tow, "they must stay out here."

"Don't be foolish," she still was as polite-sounding as ever, "open the gate so we may enter."

"Ma'am," he was obviously nervous, sweat forming on his brow despite the cold morning, "I don't know if you realize this, but you have a group of Oonskat parasites with you."

The word hung in the air.

"You want me to deal with them ma'am?" the other guard stepped forward, bringing his lance level.

"Try it." Zooey put her hand on her dagger but didn't pull it yet.

"Let us knock the dust off of your coat ma'am," the first soldier began drawing his sword now, Luca had his pocketknife out in a flash.

The noblewoman cleared her throat.

"Pull your sword and you pull it at me." Lady Divorna's even tone was gentle but firm.

"But, your Lady!" the guard protested, realizing he was suddenly on very thin ice at that very moment.

"If your weapon is drawn, it is drawn at me," she continued, the look on her face appearing to be totally unfazed. "To my knowledge, a soldier has never taken arms against a noble, would you like to be the first? We shall discover together what the consequences might be for such an action."

The guard's face looked suitably terrified as Lady Divorna continued without letting him get a word in, "I see you're a retainer of House Yelsife, a good family, even though you always do as House Cornelius says. I would be saddened to find House Yelsife suddenly be center of such a controversy, one of its soldiers committing treason against a named Noble."

Her voice, while still courteous now had the undercurrent of authority in it once more.

Lady Divorna turned to the guard with the lance, "and you, House Ghlamont judging by your tunic's colours. Hmm, another in the Cornelius herd. Would you like to tempt fate by barring me access as well?"

"No ma'am!" he answered as quickly as he could get the words from his lips, pulling his lance away.

"Please enter your Ladyship," the first guard sheathed his sword back all the way and began to pull the gate open.

"Thank you," her voice was a sweet as honey once more, "I will allow this incident to pass without mention. Come along children."

They were three steps towards the open Garden gate, Alexandra's heart beating almost out of her chest when suddenly a third soldier came hurrying up from inside the Garden.

"What's this!" he demanded, his face a deep scowl, "Oonskat? Why is this gate open?!"

"Sir," the Yelsife soldier bowed to the man who was obviously his superior, "Lady Divorna..."

"Lady Divorna can enter, the Oonskat can crawl away," the new soldier cut him off, giving a mean glare to Alexandra.

"Ah, your black and red tunic are quite distinctive Soldier Captain," the noblewoman also respectfully gave a curt bow to the newcomer. "House Cornelius. There is no issue here, these gentlemanly soldiers here were just doing their duty and opening this gate here for personage."

"Not just yourself," the soldier noticeably left off any respectful title when addressing Lady Divorna, "I see you have a trail of little piggies following you."

Zooey's brow became a deep frown, her eyes projecting her hate for the man who had just insulted them. She would say that she was mad because someone had denigrated her, but in reality, the secret she would never share is: she was angry because of what he called her friends. Fearing of being labeled a 'softy' and losing her reputation as a fighter, Zooey would never let on to the fact, but deep down she was angry because of what the guard had just called Alexandra and Sophia and Luca.

Alexandra gave her an urgent look, communicating to 'calm down', this was not a matter they would be successful in. Their entry into the Garden rested solely on the whims of the guard and the words of Lady Elita Divorna.

"Please leave the runts here with us and be on your way," the soldier from House Cornelius was not taking his gaze off of the four Oonskat, Alexandra specifically.

"I am entering and they are coming with me." Lady Divorna would not budge, and stared right back at the man.

"We are charged with keeping the Garden at its best, free of unpleasant sights for the nobility. These Oonskat here have no place here, just as rats in a kitchen. Just be off to whatever tea appointment or fancy ball you have and let me handle these."

"Ah yes," Lady Divorna smiled, not a friendly on though, "we all know how House Cornelius treats those they dislike. Why are you so concerned? Perhaps someone's teatime will be interrupted by the surprise of seeing these for adorable ones in the Garden, but what does it matter? Lunch and tea can be made and had again. Or are you so adamant because of last night's events?"

The guard shifted, noticeably uncomfortable, "that is nothing. These Oonskat are not entering the Garden; it is for nobles...for real people. We won't stop you from entering but these offspring of whores won't take another step."

Zooey's blade was out in a moment.

The House Cornelius soldier drew his sword and trained it on them, the distinctive release of steam from the grip of the sword indicating he was ready to strike at a moment's notice. The other guards also leveled their weapons at them once more.

Sophia put her arms around Zooey and buried her face in her back.

"Don't!" she pleaded, "don't get hurt!"

Luca stood at a moment of indecision, an insult that must be met had been made, he was old enough to know the rules of dignity demanded it. However, if he fought, he might damage Alexandra's chances of finding out about her father. Swallowing the insult, Luca carefully folded his knife and replaced it back in his pocket, trying to let the anger pass over him.

Tears were in Alexandra's eyes, her hands trembling. For what had just been said, the soldier deserved to be challenged, but Alexandra knew that fighting a fully-trained soldier would accomplish nothing. Her quest to discover her father had to override her pride, it had to take precedence.

With a gulp, she straightened her blouse and stepped forward. Lady Divorna put her hand out to block her, but Alexandra turned slightly and by-passed it. She took three steps and was now at the sword-point of the soldier captain.

She was aware that a crowd of commoners had formed behind them, everyone watching the unusual scene being played out at the gate. Were Oonskat really trying to get in the Garden? Was that girl with the red hair the girl everyone's been talking about?

"I am here to see the Watchers," she stated, trying to keep her voice even, doing everything within her power to hide her nervousness.

"I already know..." the soldier caught himself, "er... I have no idea what you're talking about. Why would a disgusting little rodent like you want to see the Watchers? I'm surprised you can even form a complete sentence."

Alexandra refused to rise to the soldier's continued insults. "I have a pendant that supposedly comes from noble origins. I am here so that the Watchers can view it and tell me where it came from."

Her secret was out in the open, there was no going back now.

"You even know about nobles and watchers?" the guard laughed, still trying to provoke her. "Did you ever go to school to learn all this? Or did you just learn on your back?"

Lady Divorna breathed in quickly, quickly putting a hand to her mouth. To say something in front of a noble woman such as herself was unheard of. For her part though, Alexandra stayed calm and cool as the words buffeted her.

She took a deep breath.

"I have reason to believe because of a recent incident that this pendant might be something more than a pretty piece of jewelry, a noble told me in fact it was special. I am here so the Watchers can see it and tell me the truth that my pendant may hold. It may be nothing, but only they can say for certain."

"She's golden." Sophia was proud of the way Alexandra was standing toe-to-toe to this guard, Lady Divorna nodded in agreement, also amazed with Alexandra.

"The Watchers only see Name Relics," the soldier captain countered, thinking fast, "they don't just look at every odd and end that sewer rats find among the muck."

"Lerrick Cornelius told me for certain that it was name relic," Alexandra bent the truth slightly.

The crowd gathered behind gasped and whispers immediately began to rise up as this new development began to spread.

"He didn't, he only said the reaction..." the soldier caught himself again, furious this girl had cause him to slip up and forget himself twice, giving away too much information. "Let me see it to judge for myself."

"Only the Watchers see it." Alexandra refused.

"Then you can't get it in. The Watcher's don't want to see a piece of twisted metal."

"This girl claims to possess a name relic, the Watchers must view it and pronounce," Lady Divorna had recovered from the loss of decorum and also stepped forward, making sure her voice was loud enough for the crowd around to here.

"Go on man, let her in!" a man's voice came from the crowd.

"She has a right!" now it was a woman's.

"Let her in!" there were more voices echoing the same words now, the crowd was getting restless. If someone claims to possess a relic, it was required that the Watchers see it and verify it as authentic or not. This was the Base Law, the core of Prydain's laws and government. It was a right not to be challenged and must be obeyed. Everything, the core of their very society, was built on it.

Realizing that suddenly he and the nearby soldiers were in the minority, the soldier captain replaced his sword on his belt. He stepped to the side, leaving the path into the Garden unobstructed.

"Enter." he almost spit the words out.

The whispers from the crowd escalated as Lady Divorna stepped past the soldiers, the four Oonskat following close behind. Zooey made sure to give the soldier captain a dirty look as she passed, she punctuated it by sticking her tongue out at him.

The captain watched as they passed by and proceeded into the Garden. He motioned for one of the other soldiers to come over.

The soldier from House Ghlamont came up and respectfully bowed his head, not wanting to be the next to draw his superior's ire.

"Go to the Cornelius Estate. Tell the watchman at the gate what has happened; tell them that four Oonskat are heading to the Winnowing Chamber."

"But sir," the soldier was a little confused, "they are permitted entry, nothing illegal has occurred here"

The soldier captain did not appreciate his commands being questioned and grabbed his subordinate's collar. "House Ghlamont has been fortunate that House Cornelius has allowed you lot to continue. Angering House Cornelius would be a grave mistake, you remember what happened to House Benham? I presume you are not such an absent-minded thick-headed idiot?"

"No sir!" the guard bowed even deeper, "of course sir! I am on my way!"

He took off as fast as his legs could carry him, his armor clanking all the wall.

They were a few hundred steps into the Garden when Lady Divorna turned to face Alexandra and her friends.

"Sadly this is where I must leave you."

"Please ma'am," Alexandra asked her, "please don't go. We're out of place here."

"That's not true," Lady Divorna answered quickly, then added, "well, yes you are but you'll do fine. Just keep heading down this lane and you'll reach the Winnowing Chamber, it is there the Watchers will see your pendant. It's an impressive building, you will not be able to miss it."

"But the soldiers," Alexandra foresaw more problems, "what if they will not let us in? Without you we have no hope of getting in. Please ma'am, I can't be turned away now, we've come to far...I need to know about my father!"

Her desperation and worry had slipped out and bubbled up in her voice.

"Please your ladyship," Luca also piped up, "don't abandon Alexandra now, we're so close."

"My dear children," Lady Divorna assured them, "you will not be stopped and they'll let you in. Just do not tarry for too long. Go directly there and no problems will arise. Once you are at the gates of the Winnowing Chamber, present yourself and your purpose, they will bring you inside. Take heart, you're almost there."

Lady Divorna tilted her head and then turned to continued down an off-shoot path away from them.

For a moment they stood there: four Oonskat standing among the smooth roads and ivy-covered estates of the elite and the powerful. They could not be more alien to this place than if a creature of the deep suddenly rose up and strolled along the beach.

"Well," Luca looked around the immediate area, "here we are, the Garden."

"It's beautiful," Sophia was enraptured, "the fountains, the flowers, it's perfect here. I never thought I would see it again."

"It's stuffy," Zooey was determined to be obstinate, her hackles still up.

"I've never been here before," it was true, Alexandra was the only one exiled before she was old enough to have actually spent any time in the Garden, "it's wonderful. I can't believe people live like this compared to us. I can't believe we're in the same city even."

Luca tried recalling his childhood, when he was a part of House Maren,"I always got in trouble for playing in the fountains. I'd splash water on passing nobles and soldiers."

"The place the Watchers verify relics is straight ahead down this path," Sophia pointed down the white cobblestone path they were currently standing on, "if we continue straight just like Lady Divorna said we should reach it soon"

Alexandra was anxious but tried to hide it. "Let's go then. She also said to not tarry; let's get moving before any more unfriendly soldiers show up."

The path they were following rain straight ahead but many divergent paths shot off from the main one at every angle. Around the side paths were many white-washed buildings, rooftops that looked to be made of gold, or at least painted in a reflective paint to resemble it. Government offices, homes for high ranking soldiers, they were all here in the Garden.

Further away from the main path they could see larger buildings surrounded by walls of their own, these were the in-city estates of the various Noble Houses, soldiers posted at the gates to each of them. They stuck to the main path, trying to move quickly so no one stopped them. They were not sure that the soldiers here, out of the view of the public, would adhere to the Base Law. The danger of them just disappearing down a side-street never to be seen again was a very real threat.

On each side of the path were ornate marble fountains, flower beds surrounding each one. It was quiet here, the sounds of the city did not penetrate this far into the realm of the elite. It was a haven, and island of tranquility among the business of the capitol. Even though it was from this District that Prydain was managed, one could not tell that from just standing in it, it seemed to peaceful.

As they walked, Zooey saw the rooftop of what was the House Tatiana Estate, the House she had been unfairly exiled from. She sniffed back the tears that were threatening to form in her eyes. She refused to cry because of what the heads of the House did to her, making her pay for their own mismanagement of the House. She turned her eyes back straight ahead, not being able to bear looking at her former home and also refusing to dignify them with her gaze.

Ahead the domed golden rooftop of the Winnowing Chamber was appearing. Before long, the building that housed the verification chamber of the nobility was before them. Surrounded by large trees and shrubbery, stained-glass windows punctuating its tall white walls, it was magnificent to see from even just the outside. To the left was a large rounded part of the building, where the actual Winnowing Chamber was, but the path wove around to the right to the front of the building. Taking the path that ran right along the length of the center of the building and around the front, they found themselves standing before a set of heavy gates, soldiers in front of those in equally heavy armor.

There were seven guards there, their tunics were all different meaning that each guard was a retainer from a different House. The soldier immediately center in front of the gate wore black and red, the colour they already knew to be from House Cornelius. He was the same as the same as the solider captain at the gate who tried to stop them.

The center guard unfolded his arms. "I am Soldier Commander Riesendorf of House Cornelius, leader of the detail charged with protecting this building and the Watchers. State your purpose here dogs."

The fact they were Oonskat was not lost on him. Given the state of their clothing and general hygiene it was not a hard fact to miss.

Alexandra took a step forward and addressed the Soldier Commander. "I am here to see the Watchers. I have an item I wish them to see and pronounce judgment on, to tell me what it is."

"No." the soldier from House Cornelius said without a moment's hesitation.

This seemed to surprise the soldiers from the other Houses.

Alexandra was surprised at the sudden and immediate response, she knew she had an absolute right to enter even considering her social status.

"I have to."

"I have deemed your item to be false, a scam from an Oonskat charlatan. We will not waste the Watchers' time with such trivialities. Turn back now to where you came from and you will remain bodily intact."

The threat of imminent violence began weighing in the air again just like that.

"You have not seen it," shot back Alexandra regaining herself, "how can you say it's false? Only the Watchers are allowed to make that statement."

"I don't have to," he chuckled, "why would we ever take the word of a named exile like you. I wonder if they even remember you at House Benham? I wonder if they even want to. Your presence here is an affront to everyone who sees you."

He knew who she was.

He even knew which House she had been exiled from as an infant. It could not be chance, how did he recognize her? Were they expecting her? And why?

Zooey and Luca slowly each began lowering their center of gravity, each eyeing the threats in front of them.

Alexandra's thoughts were racing, she could not figure out how this soldier she had never seen before knew so much about her.

Nevertheless, she raised her head again and looked defiantly into the Soldier Commander's eyes. "I am here to present my pendant to the Watchers. I refuse to leave until they tell me the truth of it."

Riesendorf did not want or like that response, steam shot out of his sword hilt as he pulled it into his hand, "we'll send you packing then."

"But sir," another soldier meekly asked, "the Watchers should take a look, it's Base Law..."

The Soldier Commander turned and stared him down, the soldier who spoke up stepped back and hung his head. "I wouldn't want to have to report to House Cornelius that soldiers from House Dympna have trouble following orders. Be a good man and do as your told without asking questions!"

He turned his attention back to Alexandra, "now, you..."

"Permit her entry, Commander Soldier," the soldier was cut off by a new voice from above.

Looking up Alexandra saw an older man wearing white and gold robes standing at an open second-story window.

"He must be a Watcher!" she thought to herself, the first time she had ever seen one.

They were very reclusive, few saw the Watchers even in the nobility, almost none among the commoners. They preferred to stay behind their high walls and opaque duties.

"But," the Commander Soldier seemed equally shocked at the appearance, "she can't....she..."

"We will see her," the Watcher turned away from the open window and disappeared back into hidden depths of the building, signaling the conversation to be done with.

Without hesitation, the rest of the soldiers pulled the gate open and stood aside.

Alexandra and her friends warily walked past the stunned Commander Soldier, unspoken protests still in his mouth, his eyes flaming with anger.

They silently approached the large wooden doors that sat embedded in the white stone of the building. As they approached, steam shot out of the hinges and the doors opened, allowing them inside.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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