We Bleed Silver(GOT/ASOIAF Fanfic)

Chapter 120: Chapter 120: The End of the Year of Two Kings

"Let me go in and see."

The power of the Shivers was widely known, and with Queen Rhaenyra having ordered the doors sealed, no one could get close. As they stood there at a loss, the aged voice of Corlys Velaryon, the Sea Snake, came from behind them.

"Grandfather, you..." Joffrey reached out to stop him, but Corlys waved him off.

"When I was younger, I caught the Shivers in the Stepstones, but I survived it," the Sea Snake said firmly. "Grand Maester Gerardys has never had it. At his age, if he gets infected, he won't make it through the critical days. Someone must bring out the Queen's final will. We cannot repeat the mistakes made after the last King's death."

Corlys glanced at the group around him. "We cannot let history repeat itself."

Daemon opened his mouth to object, but Joffrey stopped him, the boy shaking his dark brown hair solemnly. Corlys smiled faintly, approving of his grandson's composure. He knocked lightly on the door, signaling everyone to step back, before pushing open the first layer of the door and stepping inside.

Daemon looked at Joffrey with suspicion. It wasn't that he doubted Corlys' loyalty, but the Sea Snake had his own ambitions. Through careful maneuvering, Corlys had elevated the Velaryons from being mere allies of House Targaryen to being one of Westeros' most powerful houses. For a time, they had outshone the Targaryens themselves.

But that era had ended. The death of Laenor had left Seasmoke riderless, Laena's death had returned Vhagar to the Targaryens, and the war had claimed Princess Rhaenys and her dragon, Meleys. The Velaryons had lost all their dragons and even their bloodline was threatened.

Adding to this, the meteoric rise of House Vaelarys had further diminished the Velaryons' prominence.

The Vaelarys fleet rivaled that of the Velaryons, boasting massive warships with hundreds of oars and grand purple-sailed galleons famed across the seas.

In terms of wealth, House Vaelarys had even surpassed the Velaryons, and their dragons — both in number and quality — now reigned supreme. Their Valyrian bloodline was purer, their dragons stronger, and their wealth and influence unmatched.

To make matters worse, Corlys had tacitly allowed Rhaenyra to crush Vaemond Velaryon and his kin in their dispute over Driftmark. Those who survived were now legally outranked by Daemon and Laena's daughters, cutting off the Velaryon cadet branch's claim to Driftmark.

And with Lucerys dead, Rhaenyra had annulled his betrothal to Rhaena, instead marrying her to Rey Vaelarys to secure House Vaelarys' allegiance to the Blacks. Corlys' original plan to have Jacaerys take the Iron Throne, with Baela as his queen and Lucerys marrying Rhaena to keep Velaryon blood ruling Driftmark—had utterly failed.

Now, the first heir to Driftmark was Joffrey Velaryon, a boy who bore little Velaryon blood at all — though, as Joffrey himself would often joke, he could trace his lineage back to House Velaryon, after all, Aegon The Conquer mother was a Velaryon. Queen Alysanne's mother, Queen Alyssa, was also a Velaryon. But the most important problem is that none of the three children look like Valyria, and they do not have the blood of Laenor in them. This is the most important reason why Corlys always has a thorn in his heart even though he likes his children very much.

"After my brother died, I spoke with my grandfather," Joffrey told Daemon, recounting their conversation.

It had been shortly after the news of Lucerys' death had reached Dragonstone. Joffrey had sought out Corlys and Rhaenys. He still remembered the fear and nervousness he felt, and how it was Rhaenys who had given him the courage to speak his mind to his grandfather.

At that time, the queen's Council, including, supported the marriage between Rhaena and Rey Velaryon. However, it was only after the decision was made that Corlys remembered the awkward issue of his own bloodline. But by then, Joffrey had already been betrothed to Aliandra Martell, leaving Corlys with a headache. It wasn't until Joffrey came to him personally that things took a turn. He promised Lord Corlys that his children, including those who would inherit Sunspear, would marry Velaryons. Through this approach, the Velaryon bloodline would be put back on track, and he would also station Tyraxes in Driftmark.

After receiving Joffrey's promise, Corlys and Rhaenys, who were already fond of the three children — who were intelligent, filial, and remarkably capable for their age — immediately agreed to Joffrey's plan. This would mean that the Velaryon bloodline would eventually merge with the Martell bloodline.

For the Velaryon, who could still ensure the presence of a dragon at Driftmark after the war, this deal was far from a loss. Lord Corlys quickly accepted Joffrey's proposal.

Daemon, after hearing Joffrey's story, couldn't help but pat his stepson's head. He didn't know what to say — whether to criticize his wife's irresponsibility or praise the children's responsibility and wisdom. Daemon, now forty-seven years old, had lost the impulsiveness, passion, and ambition of his younger years. Though still a warrior, he was now more focused on restoring peace to the kingdom and peacefully watching his children grow and have their own families.

In the queen's chambers, Rhaenyra's lips had slowly started to turn blue, and her body was no longer shaking as violently, even less so than the trembling of old Grand Maester Gerardys by her side. The old maester had used boiling soup, a dragon pepper concoction, even fire-breathing cauterization and scalding water, but none could save the queen, who eventually succumbed, and he collapsed as well. Yet even in his own weakness, the old maester continued to tremble as he prepared the potions, hoping for a miracle.

"Lord Corlys... you cannot... you must not..." Grand Maester Gerardys trembled, trying to stop Lord Corlys, who had already opened the final door and entered. His condition had worsened so rapidly that he had fallen just after rising from his chair.

"Grand Maester Gerardys, I survived both the Shivers and the Red Fever. As you know, once someone has been infected by either, they can never contract it again." Lord Corlys helped the old maester back to his chair and stood by the queen's side, watching her weakly open her eyes. Slowly, he said, "Your Majesty... I…"

"I understand your meaning, Lord Corlys." Queen Rhaenyra seemed to regain a little strength, though her lips were still visibly turning blue. "Please relay my words to Daemon and Prince Draezell."

"I'm listening, Your Majesty." Lord Corlys took paper and quill from Grand Maester Gerardys's desk and prepared to write.

In the High Valyrian tongue, the queen slowly spoke: "After my death, my heir, Prince Jacaerys Targaryen of Dragonstone, will inherit the title of King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and the throne of the Seven Kingdoms. His betrothed, Princess Baela Targaryen, will be crowned as queen. Prince Daemon Targaryen will continue to serve as Protector of the Realm and Regent until Jacaerys comes of age. I appoint Prince Draezell as Hand of the King for my son, and request that he serve as the foster father of Aegon and Viserys until they come of age."

Rhaenyra looked at Lord Corlys and said, "Storm's End…"

"Driftmark will be inherited by Prince Joffrey," Lord Corlys smiled and said. "My grandson has already consulted with me, and I will support his unquestionable right to inherit."

Rhaenyra forced a smile and continued, "Until my son and Princess Baela have offspring, Aegon will temporarily serve as Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne. Lord Corlys, please inform Prince Draezell and my son that they are forbidden from returning to King's Landing until the plague there has passed."

"I understand, Your Majesty," Lord Corlys replied. He would continue to serve as Jacaerys's Master of Ships, and he trusted Draezell's abilities, especially his crucial role in the war. Without Draezell's involvement, the war, later known as the "Blood Dragon Dance," would not have lasted only four months nor ended with only the death of five dragons.

No one dared question the martial prowess of the man who had killed both Vhagar and the Blue Queen. Moreover, the Silver Blood Army had played a minimal role in the battle. Even when invading the South, the Vaelarys had only sent one thousand Unsullied from the Silver Blood Army, not the main forces led by Aslan Rondell.

After dictating all of this, Rhaenyra closed her eyes contentedly. Lord Corlys could clearly see the queen's lips turn a deep blue, and her body gradually stopped trembling. The last trace of color drained from her face.

"Lord Corlys..." Grand Maester Gerardys extended his trembling hand. "May I inspect the queen's will?" Corlys nodded and handed the parchment to the old maester, who looked over it with wide eyes before relaxing his body in relief.

Sighing, Corlys took back the will and watched as both the queen and the old maester's breaths slowly ceased.

The night before the victory in the war.

Queen Rhaenyra I Targaryen, the Light of the Kingdom, The Second Maegor, the legitimate queen, and the "Queen of Taxes" as the people of King's Landing called her, died from the Shivers.

The era of the dual kings had come to an end.

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