Weird Rules Rumor: At The Beginning, He Insisted That He Was Not Dead

Chapter 61: Crimson Night (25)

He shouted so fiercely that both Anomalies froze instantly. They stared at the enraged Bai Lian and hesitantly asked, “Who… who are you?”

“You’re asking me who I am? Look at yourselves! You were assigned to guard the stairwell, yet you’re lazing around in plain sight! Are you trying to get spotted?!”

Bai Lian didn’t give them time to react. He strode forward and slapped each across the face!

Thwack! Thwack!

Two resounding blows left them dazed. They clutched their cheeks, minds reeling. Already lacking in intellect, they struggled to regain their bearings. But Bai Lian denied them even a moment’s respite.

“You’re already bottom-feeders in this company. Keep working brainlessly, and you’ll never climb the ladder!”


Two more slaps!

“As your superior, I’m ashamed! Do you think enemies won’t notice you posted in such an obvious spot? Even a child could outthink you!”

Thwack! Thwack!

They shielded their faces, but each attempt to process the humiliation earned another strike. Soon, coherent thought became impossible.

“If you’re going to guard, do it right! Hide where you won’t be seen, then regroup! The president sent you here because he trusts you. Don’t disappoint him—understood?!”

Bai Lian considered continuing but held back. Their skulls might as well be bricks.

“Y-yes, sir! We’ll fix it immediately! W-we won’t fail again!”

Too disoriented to realize they’d been psychologically dismantled, the Anomalies scrambled away, terrified of further slaps.

【My eyes… I can’t believe this!】

【Don’t leave! Let him KFC you some more!】

【I set up my recorder for a battle, but Bai Shen solved it with slaps?!】

【Face-Slapping God has ascended!】

【No words… just respect!】

Bai Lian’s absurd tactics stunned not only the Anomalies but also the stream viewers. Never had they witnessed such audacious humiliation!


“Civilized problem-solving!”

Bai Lian watched the fleeing Anomalies and dusted his hands off. Turning to Jian Ran, who stood baffled, he said, “Let’s keep climbing.”

This… resolved? Just like that?

Jian Ran’s face mirrored utter confusion. She’d braced for combat, but these Anomalies proved… intellectually deficient. A few slaps and lies had shattered their resolve.

Are these really corporate employees? How did the president entrust such fools? She grimaced. Once I control the shares, I’ll purge this incompetence.

They ascended to the third floor—initially uneventful.

The president’s lackeys aren’t as sharp as I feared, Bai Lian mused.


A white silk ribbon lashed down from the ceiling!

Bai Lian jerked his head up. Two pale, rotting figures grinned down, their ribbon coiling like a serpent toward him!

“Some brains after all?”

He sidestepped effortlessly. Another Anomalie lunged at Jian Ran, but she dodged.

“Fools! You think your plans impress me?!”

A cruel laugh echoed behind them. The two slapped Anomalies had returned, eyes bleeding hatred.

“You’ll pay tenfold for those slaps, bastard!”

They’d regrouped with reinforcements. Four against two—advantage: Anomalies.

“Jian Ran, handle the three. I’ll take this one.”

“Can you manage?” She frowned.

Three Anomalies were manageable, but Bai Lian… a rookie?

“Worried about me?” He smirked.

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself. It’s professional concern.”

His calmness reassured her.


The four attacked as one! Three surrounded Jian Ran; the fourth charged Bai Lian, claws screeching through air.

“Hehehe… Like this?” it taunted, black teeth bared.

Bai Lian stood motionless, hands in pockets.


The air above him ripped open.

A colossal eye materialized—the Dead Eye.

The Anomalie froze mid-lunge, smile dying. “Wh-what is that?!”


A violet beam erupted from the eye, vaporizing the creature instantly.


Tomb-like stillness gripped the stream chat and corridor alike.

Even Jian Ran and the remaining Anomalies halted, staring at Bai Lian in shock.

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