Chapter 6: WTGC 06: Angels of Death
It was just a dream.
I looked around and I'm still at the living room with Liam and Johan. I slowly stood up to not disturb their sleep. I need to go to the restroom and maybe time to head into my room after.
I switched on the bathroom lights and a naked silhouette can be seen standing on Damon's shower area.
"Is that you Damon?"
"Who else will it be?" He stepped out of his shower area and revealed his self to assure me that it is him. I am not sure what surpised me more. The naked figure in front of me or the fact that he is covered with black dust like ashes.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were already in the bathroom. I'll just use it later."
"But...." My eyes can't help but wander to his body. It feels wrong to ogle at him.
"The bathroom is shared. So you don't need to go."
"Ah. right." Why did they even design the bathroom like this. They could have just made a divider or thin wall between. With how big the bathroom is, they could have just made it into two bathrooms.
As I wash my face, I can hear the shower running. Looks like he doesn't mind showering in front of another people. Or does a normal male doesn't mind that? Or is it because they're not humans? So they don't care?
Maybe he's just that confident with his body. I looked at myself. Among the four of us, I have the tiniest built. But I was always been said to be bigger than others. Oh, right. It's because they're mostly comparing me to girls.
The shower stopped. Damon just stepped out and opened the door to his room. He didn't even took a towel. Is he going to sleep without drying himself?
"Ah. I'm poking my nose too much." What's normal to humans might not work here. I just need to get used to things.
I've also decided to head to my room. What job does Damon have, to be out until this late? And covered with black dust on top of that. I'll just have to ask tomorrow.
Morning came. As usual, the smell of food and coffee starts the day. I came out of my room. The three of them look dressed. Damon looked the same as yesterday. Liam on a white trench coat and white slacks while Johan is wearing a white sleeveless kimono and black pants.
"Are you guys going out? "
"We need to head out after breakfast. " Johan answered.
"Sorry. But we'll need to leave you alone for today. I've already cooked your lunch. Just reheat it."
"We'll be back for dinner though."
"Whatever happens, just don't go out." Damon ordered.
"Can't I go with you guys."
"Sorry Eugene but not yet."
"This is a job you can't handle." Damon asserted.
" Why? Is your job dangerous? Does it have to do with those monsters?"
"We don't use the term monsters here. There are no such"
Johan then followed up with an explanation. As people call themselves as human. The residents here are referred as souls. And as they explained before, other than good and bad soul, there are those who identifies as corrupted. They said I'm surely one of the good souls. With how they described bad souls before, I'm pretty sure these three are not part of them. But, just in case...
"What about you three? Where do you belong to?"
Liam and Johan looked at Damon. Damon nodded as if to signal it's okay to tell me.
"Well, you see dear Eugene, we're actually special. One of the reasons why we're actually heading out right now. "
"Remember when we said Damon has another main job? Like him, we also have the same job. "
"What job? "
"It's to maintain peace and order at the purgatory. Although the three of us are only on call. There are others who do it full time at the other levels. "
"So you guys are like police officers?"
"I'll be heading out first. Wrap it up in 15 minutes." Damon announced as he finished his coffee. Liam and Johan continued the conversation.
"But in here, we call ourselves 'Angels of Death'. "
"Angels?" I looked at their backs and top of their heads. The stereotypical description of angels are those with wings and halo. I see none of those.
"Angels of Death are different from Angels of God. So no halos. If that's what your thinking."
"Wings then?"
"Of course we just have the ability to hide them. But not all Angels of death possess them and not all who have them are able to use them."
"Do you guys have them?"
"The three of us have them and the three of us are the only ones who can use it for flight."
"Why the three of you?"
"Damon is actually the highest ranking angel while Liam and I are his right and left hand men."
"What about me? "
"Let me see.... you can be the mistress for now." Liam joked.
"Mistress?! I am man too."
"A lover doesn't have to be of opposite gender. Besides you look beautiful enough."
"But Damon and I are not like that. We barely even talk to each other."
"It's just been a few days don't give up."
"I said its not like that! hmmph."
Liam must have found my reactions amusing.
"Jokes aside, my question is about me being an angel. Am I going to be an angel too? Is one of the reasons why I got recruited is to be one of you?"
They said that being recruited by Lady Gum doesn't equate to being recruited as Angel of Death. To be one, approval from Damon and the Supreme ruler itself is needed. And lastly, to qualify, one must be residing at the purgatory for atleast 20 years.
With that, they explained although we look close in age, Liam has been a soul for 50 years and Johan for 25 years. Damon was actually born here but Liam said Damon has been here longer than he is. One of the reasons why he became the highest ranking Angel of Death.