Welcome to Gatori Cafe

Chapter 9: WTGC 09: Another Invite

A month has already passed and I am already quite used to the different faces of the customers. Those with big body builts, there are those who are blind, those with no voices, those who cannot stay still, those with multiple body parts such as head and mouth, those that are skins and bones, and lastly there are a lot that looks provocative. Surprisingly, I have yet to meet other Angels of Death.

According to Johan, the number of customers drastically changed after I got hired. Most likely because they are curious about who the new employee is. I've experienced different encounters while working at the counter because of these said curiousity.

There are some who gave me their cards to invite me as a customer to their establishments and there are some who invite me as their employee. The cards for employment invitation got burned by Damon right away. There are some who glares at me from afar and even up close. I believe they are the admirers of these three angels.

Liam has warned me to avoid extra conversations not related to the cafe. If there are customers who makes me uncomfortable or who keeps bringing up unnecessary topics, I just have to run to Damon.

ding ~ a~ ling ~ ding ~

"Welcome to Gato....." Damon pulled me and he stood in front of me.

"It's been a while since I visited this place." proclaimed the customer who just entered. He looks like one of the provocative customers. He's almost the same height with Damon. He has black long straight hair. He's shirtless and wearing a see-through mesh bottom with nothing underneath. Other men with the same vibe has entered also. They are a large group.

Other customers started to evacuate the place. His group started occupying the seats while the customer, who I assume by now is the leader of the group, started walking towards the counter. He inhaled loudly. "The smell of virgin is stronger than the last time I remember."

He looked at me while smirking so I instictively gripped Damon's shirt.

"It's not November yet Asmo." Damon said.

"I'm well aware but wouldn't it be rude of me to not visit especially if you have a new virgin employee." The guy called Asmo replied while still looking at me. "I am Asmo, the Prince of Lust, and the fragrant virgin's name is?"

While I was contemplating to answer since he did introduce himself as a prince, Damon intervened. He spread his wings and covered me with it. It is my first time seeing it. And I can hear reactions from the other customers. Most of them are in awe and admired his wings. His wings are black but it shines and sparkle. His feathers are smooth and warm.

"The virgin's name is Damon, the Grand Leader of the Angels of the Death. " Damon claimed. Damon is a virgin? With his appearance and how attractive he is, no one would've guessed. He could get whomever he wants. There are a lot of indecent reactions coming from the crowd, some I wish not to hear. Prince Asmo started laughing.

"You're the only resident in the purgatory who'll proudly claim they're a virgin." Asmo said while still laughing. "Sadly Damon, your virginity is not the one I want to claim."

Is he talking about me? Is the Prince of Lust's ability to sniff out virgins from not? And what does he mean by claim? Does he want to sleep with me?

"I ... uh.... " I cleared my throat before continuing. "I am not a virgin anymore. " I falsely claimed thinking the prince will now leave me alone.

"What?!" Asmo, Damon and even Liam and Johan ,who was watching from the kitchen, reacted collectively.

"Is my sense of smell off?" Prince Asmo inhaled loudly again but is still confused. "Is this fragrant scent coming from Damon? But he smells different from before. I'm pretty sure he doesn't smell this arousing."

"Stop with the nonsense. You've confirmed what you came for. It's almost dead time so Leave." Damon demanded.

The prince sighed as he covers his face with his hand. He looked at me through the spaces made by his fingers.

"Virgin or not, I'll still like to taste the new face. You are free to visit me at Level 7. I'll make sure to warm up the bed."

The last of the customers had already left and we closed for the Dead time. Liam came out of the kitchen laughing while mocking Damon's statement earlier. Damon grabbed him by his collar.

" Was it you?" Damon said in a threatening voice.

"If you're talking about what Eugene said earlier, I have no idea. If you're reacting like this and claimed that you haven't done it yet, meaning it's not also your doing? "

Are they arguing about my claim earlier? Why does Damon have to react like that? Does having an experience a big deal in the purgatory? I just blurted that out so the prince will leave me alone. Should I clear the misunderstanding and tell them the truth? But wouldn't it be better to be consistent with my story.

"Eugene please explain to Damon." Liam pleaded.

"Uhmm.... it was even before I was dead. " Damon released Liam.

"Wow, Eugene. I never knew you were like that." I just laughed awkwardly at Liam's statement. "See Damon, if our Eugene can do it, so can you. How about giving Damon some tips Eugene."

This is a first but I think I can see Damon blushing around his ears.

"Let's not make fun of Damon."

"Don't worry Eugene. Damon is used to it." Johan ascertained me. " Damon being a virgin is widely known in the whole purgatory. The prince, as you may have picked up earlier, has the ability to sniff out virgins. He's the one who spread this fact and there are actually souls who are fighting to be his first."

"Damon is quite romantic, isnt he." Liam added.

"Let's stop talking about me."

"Look at him being all shy in front of Eugene."

Damon cleared his throat. "Let' s close for the day. Let's head home after the Dead time is over. The word that Asmo's group visited the cafe might have already spread so customers will not stop by anymore for the day. "

We did head home as soon as Dead time was over. Tan Tan welcomed us home.

"Lady mistress, I've been waiting for you." Tan Tan presented me a black envelope. "You have an invite from the lower level. "

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