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Chapter 248: Chapter 245 ~ An Offer of Exchange

The peasant rebellion that had devoured up villages and cities with seemingly unstoppable momentum turned the generally quiet palace of Re-Estize into an inn for the most powerful nobles and their families. 

The violence done by the "rebels" of Carne in hanging nobles that fell into their hands sent shockwaves of terror through those bearing the title of nobility throughout the kingdom. 

Their show of stunning success, in turn, inspired other rebellions among discontented peasants who finally saw a chance to better their lives. 

At any other time, such minor insurrections would've been easily crushed and the perpetrators drawn and quartered. But fear caused many noble to flee to the well fortified capital at the mere whisper of angry peasant. 

Thus, at royal expenses, the royal family put the greatest houses up in guest rooms within the palace and rented out every single room in the best inns to provide space for the lesser nobility. 

But of course, even with everything on the line, they didn't stop playing their little games of petty politics. 

It was tiring. The Golden Princess grew tired of them within a day, and left the daily operations in the hands of Marquis Raeven. But, everything was going according to plan. 

Specifically, the plan of her Mistresses and Lords. 

Today, her room was tightly locked with only herself, Climb, and the members of Blue Rose that she had invited for a chat. 

"If a bowing of my head is not enough for you… I'll kneel. Truly, I apologize for what has… transpired."

Renner bowed her head deeply to Lakyus, tears falling down onto the white handkerchief she was grasping tightly in her hands. 

"No… Don't do that."

Lakyus shook her head.

"It isn't your fault. You didn't know."

'No, I didn't! If I had, I'd have had that idiot killed a long time ago! How could such a fool that would endanger relations with the adventurer guild and TWO adamantite parties exist?!'

Renner swore and cursed her dead eldest brother over and over again. It was only through the clenching of her fist and biting of her lips did she prevented her venomous thoughts from spilling. 

"How about you…? I've heard of the news… Although you weren't on good terms with Prince Barbro, I believe you are quite close with Prince Zanac."

"Yes, my brothers' death is unfortunate. But… Alas, it is the natural result of the Kingdom's policies. Kill an entire village over one noble, and you give other villages a reason to rebel. Still… My brother didn't deserve to die. But people often get what they don't deserve, do they?"

Renner let out a sigh and picked up her tea cup before taking a sip. 

"Princess Renner, I believe this isn't a simple social call, is it?"

Evileye asked, straight to the point.


Lakyus hissed. 

"It's fine, Lakyus. She isn't wrong. I have business with you, that is why I invited you here."

Renner placed her hands on her lap, and looked at each member of Blue Rose. 

"What my brother did was unforgivable. The guild refused to defend my family's supporters, that too I understand. But, none of this would've happened without the corruption of the factions within the Re-Estize Kingdom."

None of them spoke a word of disagreement. Not even Climb. For every single word the golden princess uttered was nothing but the truth. 

"Father's final wish before leaving was to end all of that. So many pitiable girls, children, young men… so many ruined lives. My family not only let this happen, some of us were even part of it. So… I need your help to do this."

"Princess Renner… The guild is apolitical."

"Good, so is this. Climb, bring me that stack of papers over on my end table."

Climb obeyed and immediately took them up and brought them over to Lakyus at the princess's orders.

The golden-haired adventurer took them in hand and began to skim through the words. 

"These are all… arrest warrants?"

"No. Only half. The rest are title revocations. All I'm asking is for your help in arresting everyone on that list. I've also made the same request to Providence, and they've agreed. We will be putting them on public trial immediately while father is away."


"Lakyus froze, but before she could speak, Evileye began to laugh."

"Yes! Finally!"


Gagaran looked at the petite magic caster in shock."

"What? This has been a long time coming. And for the first time… they're all together. We can end it all in one blow."

Lakyus looked around at her sisters… then went over the Princess's words one more time.

"Providence has accepted…"

Alexander's figure flashed across her mind; shining and righteous. Then, she made her decision. 

"The arrest of dangerous suspects… And they're not nobles. Not anymore, so that should satisfy the guild, especially given the recent events. Very well. We accept."

"Thank you, Lakyus, Evileye, everyone. The Kingdom will be a very different place after tonight. I can hardly wait."

Princess Renner said with a contented little smile. 


A few days of march carried the Army of the new Kingdom of Carne southwest of E-Libera, before scouts rushed word that the Re-Estize Army had been spotted.

Its number, much greater than the prince's army. 

With the sighting, the army settled into the camp their advanced riders have prepared. 

That night, Enri slept soundly with Nfirea by her side, cuddled into a warm embrace in the midst of the cold night. 

Then, the flap of their tent was pushed open and Ninya entered in a rush.

"My Queen! My King!"

The couple snapped open their eyes and shot up. 

"What is it?!"

Enri shouted. 

"Forgive me for interrupting your sleep. But a visitor… an urgent one. He came with information for you…"

"...Bring him in."

The new royal couple got dressed more formally than mere sleepwear and waited. 

A few moments later, a hooded man, escorted by two redcap goblins ducked under the entry to the tent and rose up to a towering height. 

Even though he was cloaked and hooded, Enri and Nfirea both recognize that they would still have to look up to the mountain of muscle before them. 

He threw back his hood, and bowed his head. 

"Good to see you, people of Carne…"

Gazef Stronoff greeted. An expression of determination and sternness was permanent on his face, just as they remembered it. 

"Gazef Stronoff… Of all the people I expected it to be… I didn't expect the royal warrior captain to be it."

Enri said with more warmth than what the ruler of the kingdom would sound towards the greatest warrior of an enemy kingdom. 

"I haven't seen you since you tried to protect my village. Are you… having second thoughts about that decision now?"

Gazef lowered his head.

"I'd be lying if I said I never wondered if we wouldn't have been better off if you'd been killed. That way, this rebellion wouldn't have happened. But… even if I could go back and do it again, I would've made the same choice."

"A fair answer."

Nfirea responded. 

"Are you here to surrender, royal warrior captain?"


Gazef replied with resolve. 

"I'm here with information. An offer of exchange."

"Exchange? What is it that you're offering, and what is it that you want?"

Perhaps because of his past attempt to protect them, or knowing what sort of character the royal warrior captain was, Enri gave him the chance to explain himself. 

"My King wants the bodies of his sons returned for proper burial. We've… heard about what Prince Barbro did, and it grieves my King's heart. However, the boy was still his son. So, he'd like to have both Barbro's and Zanac's bodies."

Enri frowned, a look of hesitation clear in her eyes. But not for the reasons Gazef would've expected.

"Well… We can give you Barbro's body… What's left of it, at least. Or perhaps, it'd be better if we just tell you where we left it. But, we had nothing to do with Prince Zanac's death. He must've died before reaching us."

Enri narrowed her eyes at Gazef as she denied the second part of his request. 

"What else?"

"The second is that this battle be the end of our conflict. The King offers you independence, and all the land from Carne Village, to E-Pespel to the south of us, and E-Libera to the northeast of us, including E-Rantel."

Gazef said, and both Enri and Nfirea's eyes opened wide. 

"Why fight at all then? We'd take that offer now and go home."

"Becase we need something else from you. Something only achievable through the war tomorrow. Something that even the King can't do on his own."

Gazef said and took out a piece of paper, which he laid out on the table.

When he was done, Enri asked him one last question.

"...Do you swear on your honor as the Kingdom's protector, as the Royal Head Warrior, and on the courage you showed at Carne… that this is not a trick or a trap?"

"I swear it. On all those things and anything else you can think of."

Gazef said with a deep, long look into the eyes of the one he'd heard of as the Wolf Queen.

There was a moment of silence. 

Enri and Nfirea reflexively clutched their hands together and silently stared at each other. 

Then finally, Enri squeezed Nfirea's hand.

"We have a deal. We'll see you on the field."

Nfirea nodded.

"And… Good luck out there."

Enri said with a pitying downard look as the silent, broken hearted warrior rose and made his exit after throwing the hood over his head once again. 


King Rampossa III drew himself up at the front of his army. 

The old king, adorned in royal armament, sat up upon his high horse. His pale complexion and darkened eyes concealed from the soldiers behind him by his helm. 

At the head of each of his army, nearest to him, stood the freshly appointed young man personally selected by Gazef Stronoff. And behind them, countless nobles and their most elite, loyal soldiers. 

Across him was an army less than a quarter of the size of his own forces. But even, then, Rampossa was well aware that he'd have no chance. 

The Carnian Wolves were equipped with magic weapons that can penetrate even enchanted steel, armor that stops spears and arrows, trolls with incredible regeneration and toughness, goblins and wolves and nagas that tear through horses and men like wet paper. Moreover, he had read reports about a powerful magic caster and a squad of magic users among their ranks that could, and had, devastate ranks with a few spells. 

But instead of despairing, there was a look of… assurance and relief. 

'Good… They will be able to do it…'

The drums began to sound, and the whole of Re-Estize army began to advance. 

"Your Majesty… I will protect you. I promise."

Adorned in the Kingdom's greatest armaments and equipped with the royal treasure, Razor Edge, the Royal Head Warrior Gazef, Rampossa's most loyal follower, swore to his King. 

"Today, protect yourself."

The King ordered, looking straight ahead into the distance towards the opposing army. Or perhaps something further.

Gazef fell silent. 

Rampossa drew his sword, and Gazef drew the teal-green blade. 

Wolf riders began to advance, gaining momentum that continued to grow more and more terrifying by the moment. 

Relief swept over the King. And for the first time in years, Gazef saw a genuine sense of peace come over the face of the heavily armored warrior king. 

Glories of old flashed before the closed eyes of the old King. Memories of battles won. The happy moment that filled his heart with joy when his sons and daughters were born. The thoughts he wanted to have most, he wished every so dearly, that he dreamed every night…

He raised up his sword, and Gazef raised up his. 

The wolf riders were close, and the magic casters were moving into position, covered by infantry and heavy shielders. 

He braced himself. When a screeching command that was not his resounded.


All along the line, units led by Gazef's chosen stopped dead in their tracks. 

King Rampossa, instead lowered his sword and shouted.


The command to charge reverberated with the vigor of youth that Gazef had never seen. 

The old king charged, and the rest of the unit, not knowing what was afoot, followed. 

The countless nobles, their most elite and loyal guards, their followers and servants… and no one else. 

Gazef heard the drums of the Wolf Queen and her King. Then, two massive fireballs and various other spells launched into the air and began to explode.

Wolf riders wheeled about and began to surround the unit as Gazef desperately swung his sword within the maelstrom of swords and halberds and spells. 

Screams of nobles and retainers swallowed the space between men, horses, and those who killed both. 

"I will defend my King!"

Gazef roared like a beast when he saw his lord continue his advance. A quick look showed that the rest of the army still had not moved. 


King Ramposa's voice boomed. But there was no going forward. 

The goblins now had the unite complete surrounded. 

A halberd thrust struck the horse in its chest and it fell on its side, kicking and whining in agony. 

The King, unhorsed, fell on his side, and even over the chaos of the dying nobles and retariners around him, Gazef heard the cracking sound of breaking bones. 


King Ramposa shouted, weaker at last. His royal sword wobbled in his hands. 

Gazef flung his body in between the King and the attackers. 

'How can they be so strong?! They're goblins!'

"Get… out of here!"

Rampossa finally uttered other words. There were no longer any living bodies around him, only the dead. Men, nobles and their elite loyal retainers, fell on their backs, sides, and bellies. Some still clutching wounds over their pierced metal armor, some with a frozen look of shock or disbelief, some in agony and terror. 

Still, in the midst of death, Gazef swung his sword with all the skill of a desperate novice, battering away blows that fell with constancy and steadiness of rain. All that tried to strike his king. 

But like rain, he couldn't stop every single one, and wounds began to pile up on his body. 

His eyes darted around, and he could see no one else alive. But the warrior captain had no intention of fleeing. 

King Ramposa's lips were moving, but no words nor sound came out. At least, none that Gazef could hear in the midst of whirling blades and his own shouts. 

Frustration and anger overflowed from his body, and he abandoned the King's last order. Disobeying his lord for the first time in his life, and perhaps his last. 

And then, it hit. 

A single piercing blow, as the last of his martial arts ran out and as the last of his strength began to fade. 

A halberd ran through his body from one side to the other, tearing open kidneys, liver, and stomach. 

"I… Will… Protect… My… King…!"

Words sputtered from his bloody lips. 

Then, another halberd pierced his chest, and came out the other side, and pinned both he and King Rampossa III to the ground, where they died with Gazef's corpse still trying to protect his king with his sword that his nerveless fingers somehow still refused to let go.

The final moments of the King and his most loyal servant were witnessed by their loyal soldiers and retainers, and by an invisible arcane eye in the sky. 


AN: I hope you guys enjoy this chapter~! Please comment your thoughts~! I would love to hear what you think about it~!!!! 

Also, if you'd like to read additional chapters ahead and get a pdf version (Light & Dark), please feel free to check out my at patr_eon.com/verglasx ~! 

Thank you~!

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