Chapter 2: Island: Three Challenges and Bonds
"Last time on Total Drama Island," Chris narrated, "23 campers arrived and learned that they'll be spending the next eight weeks at an old summer camp. After I, your handsome host, found out that we have extra camper so we decided to mix up with a good old-fashioned paint bomb tag!" He chuckled at the memory from the first episode.
"There were a lot of tags and Ezekiel would have made it, only if he kept his mouth shut…But he did and it cost him." The footage of Ezekiel screamed before the bomb blow up, "After give the old camp a new paint job, the prairie boy have to go back home on the first day." The host turns to the camera, "There was a small break before I give them a reward challenge! Two in one day, who would have seen it coming, eh? They were called to their second challenge where they have to jump off a cliff into shark-infected water. Oh my!" Chris chuckled again.
"There was a lot of screaming and purring, but it all end in Gopher's victory, earning a sweet hot tub! Now today, who will be voted off for the first time in a dramatic campfire ceremony? Find out tonight on Total Drama Island!"
Heather chews her lip as she fidgets with the bandages on her right hand. She tugged it a little and glance at Naruto with her tearstained eyes. The said boy groaned as his eyes fluttered open.
"H-H-Heat-chan…?" He moaned weakly before Heather placed her hand on top of his hand.
"Relax, don't speak…"
"…Is it…over?" She nodded, tightened her hold on his hand.
"Yeah, you don't have to worry about…" Everything went white, following with a loud noise.
(Screaming Gophers cabin)
Heather bolted up as the Gopher girls screamed at wake-up alarm, courtesy of Chris and his air horn-megaphone. She groaned, not listening to Leshawna screaming at Chris. Was it dream? No…It was a memory from long time ago, she frowned, 'Why did I remember it now?'
"Heather, are you okay?" Heather blinked as she looks up to Beth, "You seem to be in deep thought about something?"
"I'm fine, just sleepy!" Heather snorted as she crawls off her bed, "Let's see what Chris want."
The host chuckled as he looks over the grumpy campers lining up, "Morning! Hope you slept well."
"Hi, Chris. You look buff in these shorts." Heather said, trying to butter him up as Naruto gave her a weird look from other side of the line.
"I know," Chris winked, "Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." The host tapped his watch before Owen asked him for breakfast, "Oh, you'll get your breakfast, Owen, right after you complete your twenty kilometer run around the lake."
"Oh, so you're funny now…" Eva growled as she walks up to Chris with a fist in air, "You know, what I think would be funny if…" Duncan and Naruto quickly hold her back as she flinging her arms around.
"Eva, try to control your temper now." Courtney whispered to her.
The bodybuilder growled at Chris, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"A little." Chris admitted, "You have thirty seconds."
"Eva, I bet the run will cool you off. It's a workout if you look at it this way?" Naruto said, Eva blinked at him before nodded with frown on her face.
"Okay, that girl, Eva, has got to get a handle on her temper." Courtney gulped before start counting on her hand, "She only been here one day and she's already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on one of the bathroom doors…" She paused, "While Naruto was inside."
Naruto look very depressed and muttered in fetus position, "I will never get marry…She saw it all…I will never be a groom…" He sobbed in his hands and Heather rolled her eyes as she patted his back.
"His mother told me that he took it after her father, his grandfather. He'll bounce back soon."
"Okay, runners!" Chris raised his finger in air as if he was holding a gun, "Get on your marks, get set, and go!" Some of them ran off while the other decided to walk instead to save up their energies since they were tired.
"Heat-chan, you're not running?"
"I don't run…and I'm wearing high-heel wedges." Heather scoffed, attempting to push Naruto away.
"Hmm, want me to give you a piggy-back ride, Dattebayo?"
"H-H-Hell no! We're on different team!" Naruto chuckled at her.
"Your loss, Heat-chan." He said before jogged to his teammate. Heather growled at his back as it gets far and small, this idiot.
Naruto ran into Owen as the large boy was lapping in the puddle, "You alright, Big O?"
"Can't catch… breath…Must have…condition!" Owen inhaled.
"Hmm…" Naruto tapped his chin, "What if you will lose the challenge and you won't have a breakfast?" Owen froze and Naruto grinned, he know that the big guy really like foods a lot so what's the best way to motivate the big guy? "Yeah…Can you smell it?" Owen's nose twitched, "That's the smell of a breakfast, calling for you to get them…Won't you hate it if someone gets to eat them all?"
"FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Owen bellowed, jumps on his feet with hunger look and ran, leaving dust behind.
"Hehehe, too easy!" Naruto chuckled, resumed his jog. He laughed as some of campers screamed from tossed away in air like a ragdoll for getting in Owen's charge.
(Main Lodge)
Chris hums a song, filing his nails and waits for the rest of campers to show up. He took a glance at his right to see some campers lying on floor and tables before the ground rumble. The host raised his eyebrow, he doesn't recall that the island has an earthquake and is it just him or does it sound like someone stomping the ground with a bellowing?
"FEED ME! WHERE'S MY BREAKFAST!" Chris blinked before the door opened with a slam, revealing heavier-breathing Owen standing in the doorway with a drool and widened eyes on his face. Naruto chuckled, ducking under Owen's arm and take his seat with his teammate.
"Um…You can wait unless everyone gets here?" Chris said before the final member of Gopher show up.
"Wait a minute…If our members are all here, does that mean we won the challenge?" Gwen said, everyone went quiet before the Gopher team cheered.
"Nooooooo!" Owen dropped on his knees, cried to the sky.
"Whoa, there! Hold your horses, guys!" Chris waved his hands, "That wasn't the challenge."
"What did he just said?" Gwen mumbled as the host walk up to a curtain.
"Who's hungry?" Chris smirked as the curtain parted, revealing a large buffet table. The foods actually shined with bright light.
"…Wait…Is that ramen? Ramen?" Naruto stood up and pointed at the bowls at the end of the table, "Is…That…Actually…Ramen?! Don't you lie to me!"
"Um…Yeah." Chris was baffled by the redhead's reaction…Wait, did his eyes just turned starry?
Gwen rolled her eyes, "After a whole week of brown sludge, I almost cried when I saw that buffet."
Owen sniffled and choked, "It was so beautiful…The buffet…So beautiful…" He wiped a tear away.
"I'm going to warning you, it's not going to be pretty when idiot get his ramen…" Heather shivered, "It's like watching a pig eating slops…"
Everyone groaned after ate their breakfast and right now they stared at Naruto with awe and a little disgusted looks as he stocking up the bowls of ramen like a tower, even Chris and Chef was among them.
"Whoa…I wonder where does he put it all in?" DJ gaped as Cody counted them.
"54…55…56…57? I swear there was just four bowls on the table early…"
"And…Done!" Naruto wiped his mouth, "Boy, that's really good ramen, dattebayo!"
Chris shake his head before speak up, "Well, let's forget what we just saw…Campers, time for part two of your challenge!"
"I thought part two was just eating…" Owen moaned.
"What more do you want from us?"
"Weird goth girl is right." Heather groaned, "Haven't we been through enough?"
"Um…Let me think about that." Chris said cockily, "No! It's time for the awake-a-thon!"
"A what-a-thon?" Everyone said in unison.
"Don't worry, this one is easy." The host grinned, "You have to stay awake until the team with the last camper standing wins invincibility."
"So what you're saying is the 20k run and the eating-frenzy," Gwen shivered at the memory of Naruto assaulted the ramen, "was part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?"
"That's right!" Chris admitted with sadistic grin.
"Man, he's good…" Everyone agreed with Gwen.
"Move, move, move!" Chris pushed everyone out as Trent walk up to Gwen.
"How long do you think it'll be before everyone's out cold?" He asked and the goth girl guessed it would be about a hour.
Naruto laughed, walking past them, "Nah, I'm sure it will be longer than that."
The redhead was right, it has been 12 hours and counting. All of the campers were still up before Owen cheered, "Wooo-hooo! Stay up for 12 hours? I can do that in my sleep!" He immediately falls asleep on his feet and Chris chuckled.
Gwen sighed, "That was the most brutal thing I ever done in my life."
"I have a trick up my sleeve when the time is right." Naruto snickered, "That's if Heat-chan don't bust me."
Bridgette yawned before look at the Screaming Gophers team to see Trent and Gwen stay awake by asking each other questions. 'Oh, that's not bad plan.' She glanced to her side, Naruto was at her right and sleeping Owen at her left…It's pretty oblivious who she will talk to.
"Hey, Naruto, want to play twenty questions so we can stay up?"
"Sure." He yawned, "Hmm…Let's start with easy one, favorite color?"
"Blue…I'm sure your favorite color is orange?" Bridgette smirked, earn a chuckle and nod from Naruto. "Favorite food?"
"Ramen! I really can't live without them." Naruto grinned and she giggled, they continued their twenty questions for a few hours. Heather was watching Trent hitting on Gwen before glance at Naruto and Bridgette, her eyes narrowed with a sneer.
"So, my strategy is to get two other campers to form an alliance with me and take me to the final three." Heather smirked, "The only question is, who can I find that is either desperate or dumb enough to do whatever I say?" She gives a smirk before it turn into a frown, "…And why is idiot talk to this klutzy surfer? I told him to not form any alliance until I'm in it!"
"What are you doing?" Heather turned her head as Gwen asked Lindsay, who was doing a handstand.
"Trying to get the blood to rush to my head." Lindsay said, "I think it's working!"
"Can I try?" Beth asked and the bombshell answered, "Sure."
'Too easy.' Heather smirked before call out to them, "Lindsay, Beth, can I talk to you for a sec?"
"Sure!" The trio walks a little farther from their team before Heather turns to them with crossed arms.
"Okay, I have a plan to get me and two other people into the final three, and I choose you guys."
"You should know that this is a very big deal. I am placing my trust in you, and trust is two-way street." Beth and Lindsay nodded with smiles, "So you'll do everything I say, then?"
"Sure!" Lindsay squealed to Beth, "We're going to the final three!"
"Oh my gosh, I'm going to the final three!" The farmer girl giggled with glee.
"Speaking of alliances, you know who I think is really cute?" Lindsay said to Beth.
"You mean, like Justin?" Beth sighed dreamily as she stares at unmoving Justin.
"Hmm, nah, I'm thinking of someone else in the other team." Heather gets up to them closer and shakes her head with a frown.
"Oh no, no, no, no! You can't date anyone!"
Lindsay whined, "Why not?"
"Because they are on other team!" The queen bee snarled as she pointed at the opposite team, "You can't inter-team date. It's, like, against the alliance rules."
"There are rule?"
"Remember what I just said about trust?" Heather shrugged, "Of course, you can always leave the alliance…" She crossed her arms with smirk, "If you do, through, I won't protect you from kicking off."
"No, I want to be in the alliance!" Lindsay cried and Beth nodded her head.
"Good!" Heather turned on her heels and walk back with a smirk, 'That was too easy!'
"I'm going to the bathroom." Eva grunted as she stood up and walks off, dropping something on her way. Heather spotted it and swiped it without anyone's notice. If she plays it right, they will kick Eva off for losing her cool.
"Um…" Bridgette racks her brain, trying to find something to ask about since they ran out of basic questions. Naruto was in same spot with her before the surfer girl snapped her fingers, "Oh, I'm just curious…How did you balance these crates without any trouble yesterday?"
"Well, it's from my part-job. If I told you, you won't believe me." Naruto chuckled.
"Try me." She smirked.
"I work in a few of circuses and fill in when some performers have something to do or can't do."
"No way!"
"See, I told you, dattebayo." Naruto laughed at her disbelieved face, "Yeah, because of that, I have to work out a lot since I was little." Bridgette blinked at the last part and he noticed, "Yeah, I started to work for circuses when I was about eight years old and work out when I was about ten so I can help the workers out by set up and take down the circus."
"Wow, that's really hard to believe that…"
"What kind of workout was it?" The new voice speak up behind them, caused them to look back to see Tyler stares at the redhead with weird look.
"Oh, just a hundred push-up, sit-up, squat, and ten km run." Naruto smirked.
Tyler gasped before stand up quickly, "I'm going to try your workout!" The couple watched him ran away before Naruto snickered and Bridgette rolls her eyes.
"That was mean." She giggled.
"Hey, not my fault, he made it too easy." Naruto chuckled, "My workout is just normal basic stuff you can use at a gym, combined with circus training since I was ten."
"Really, just these?"
Naruto scratched his head, "Well...Smith-san, a performer, teaches me a few of fighting techniques to defend myself a couple years ago so I guess that counts..."
"Why did you work in circus at young age?" She wondered.
"Well, I have to earn money since I live on my own at seven years old after my kaa-san died from an illness and my tou-san don't know that I exist since they broke up a few days before kaa-san found out about me. I was lucky that Heat-chan's family looked after me for a while."
"O-O-Oh, I'm sorry…I don't know that you're…" Naruto wave it off as he take a glance around to see Izzy, Noah, and Geoff passed out. That was good thing that Izzy was sleeping because he can't take any more of her pets, even if it's really good and soft!
"Nah, don't worry. Beside Heat-chan, I just met everyone here so it's cool if you guys don't know about it yet. Want to talk about something else?"
"Yeah…" Bridgette nodded. They continued to talk more for a few hours.
It has been almost 24 hours and Bridgette passed out. She was leaning on Naruto's shoulder as he stares into thin air.
"Aaaaaah!" Tyler screamed out of blue, leaped on his feet and screaming something about rabid bear.
'Look like the side effect of insomnia is kicking in.' Chris smirked, "Congratulation, campers. You've made it to 24 hour mark. Time to take things up a notch." He presented them a pile of books next to him, "Fairy tales!"
Chef appeared out of nowhere, wearing a pink sheep costume and with harp. 'They better paid me for that!'
"Oh, he's not serious!" Gwen groaned. Trent seems to be creeped out by seeing Chef in pink costume as Chris pick a book up and cleared his throat.
"Once upon a time, there was inside this boring kingdom…" Chef played his harp as some of the remaining campers yawning, "A boring village and inside this boring, sleepy village, filled with very boring children."
Cody was first to fall asleep during the tale but a fart in his face caused him to wake up, it turn out he was resting his head on Owen's rear. All of sudden, Chef leaped in the air wearing a pink tutu outfit, freaked the campers out, and throwing some sleeping dust at them. DJ tied himself to the tree for no reason before fall asleep under Chef's dust attack, bring a tree down in process.
"Tim-ber…" Gwen yawned.
Courtney glanced at the ceiling before look in the camera, "I figured that if I kept moving, I could outlast all of them. I just had to keep my eye on the ball.
"Why am I thinking about idiot?" Heather tapping her chin with her finger with scowl, "I know it's not because some floozy is sleeping on him…what is it?"
Forty hours later, some of the campers passed out, leaving Eva, Duncan, Naruto, Cody, Courtney and Justin against Beth, Gwen, Trent, and Heather.
"Beth?" Heather glanced to see her pass out. Trent attempted to keep Gwen up by asking her more questions.
"Quick, favorite movie moment?" The musician asked.
"You're gonna think it's cheesy." Gwen said.
"I promise I won't."
"Okay," She sighed, "The kiss at the end of that road-trip movie. You know one with the guy and three girls?"
"Yeah." Trent chuckled, "You like that movie?" They was about to talk more until sleepwalking nude Owen walk pass them, leaving them in shock.
After recovering from the shock that last for another ten hours, Gwen take a glance at Justin before speak up, "Look at him, he's like a statue…He don't even move in over fifty hours."
"Yeah, even Naruto don't move a muscle." Trent pointed out as Naruto stares ahead, "Maybe it's because Bridgette is still sleeping on him."
"Hello?" Gwen waved her hands in Justin's face and Trent joined her, "Amazing! Look at the concentration…" She poked Justin, causing him to blink, revealing that he painted fake eyes on his eyelids.
"He painted his eyelids! I saw it! Chris! Chris!" Heather gasped, pointing at Justin.
"Shut up!" Chris gasped before grinned as he ran up to Justin's face, "Oh, I've got to see this…This is so freakin' cool! But you're still out, dude." Justin sighed before Heather blinks, remembering something.
"…No way…Wait a minute! Chris! Check Naruto!" Heather leaped on her feet and Chris blinked.
"Are you drafted? His eyes are opened." Duncan yawned as Chris checked Naruto before nod his head.
"Yeah, he's not sleeping so…"
Heather cut him off, "Naruto can sleep with his eyes open!" Chris blinked before look back into the redhead's eyes.
"…" Chris poked him once, earning a light snore out from Naruto. "No freakin' way! I take back what I said about Justin's trick…THAT IS SO FUCKING COOL!" The host throws his hands in air, "If Naruto wake up, tell him he's out."
"I can't believe that I almost forget about that…" Heather muttered with her hand on face, "He practiced it when he was in classes…"
Duncan chuckled, "That's really handy skill…Wonder if he will teach me that?"
"I don't like to study…And classes are very boring." Naruto yawned, rubbing his eyes.
Another thirty hours went by and Cody just passed out, leaving Eva, Heather, Duncan, Trent, and Gwen.
Duncan decides to pull a prank on Harold by using 'Hand-in-cup' trick. "Oh gross! It works! Dude peed his pant!" The nerd wakes to Duncan's shout, only to find his pant wet and gasped in shock as the punk laughed at him.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Noah and Cody screamed together, causing the slumbering campers to get up with groggily eyes.
Gwen yawned, "I'd kill for a coffee right now…"
"What is the matter with you people?" Chris walks up with a cup of coffee as if he was mocking them, "Just fall asleep already!"
"Come on, you got to hook me up, man!" Gwen whined as she grabs the host's leg, "I'll even eat the grinds! Anything!"
"Fine…You five stay with me…" Chris grumbled, "The rest of you go and get a shower, for heaven's sake. You stink!" Everyone turned and look at Harold, the said nerd ran off. The campers walk off and they can hear him said something about pop-up book and history.
"Hey, Naruto." Bridgette tapped the redhead's shoulder, "Sorry about sleeping on your shoulder."
"Nah…I don't mind…Did you sleep well, Bri-chan?"
"Yeah, I did…" Bridgette nodded, 'It was so comfy…' She thought to herself with a pinkish tint on her face before the surfer blinked, "Bri-chan?"
"It's your nickname…If it's cool with you?"
"I'm cool with it…So you shortened my name and add chan?" He nodded, "What's up with chan?"
"Oh, it's suffix in Japanese. Chan is used toward girls if they are close friends or lover…" Bridgette felt her cheek burning at the last part, "Eh…I mean as good friend…"
"R-R-Right…" She nodded furiously with blush. Both of them never noticed Heather make a snarl, almost make Chris take a step back.
(Killer Bass cabin)
"Who do you think will be the last one standing?" Naruto asked, lying on his top bed after finished his shower.
Cody looked at him before give him a gap-toothy grin, "I bet it's Gwen!"
"Dude, she's on the other team." DJ chuckled as the geek sighed. Tyler was snoring on his bed while Justin volunteered to go to look for missing Owen."
"It sounds like you have a huge crush on her, dattebayo." Naruto grinned and Cody rolled his eyes as the Jamaican chuckled again.
"I would say the same thing with you and Bridgette." The geek shot back with a laugh.
"Oh, he got you there…" DJ nodded, also noticed how fast they were getting closer.
"Huh? Bri-chan? We're just friend…" Naruto muttered, rubbing his nose.
"Bri-chan, eh?" If Naruto look down, he would see DJ sticking his head out with a coy look on his face.
"Oooh, pet name already?"
"We're just friends…All we did was just talked…Dattebayo." They can see Naruto's face start to matching his hair.
"Yeah, for almost one whole day…And she slept on you!" Cody chuckled and Naruto groaned.
"We're just teasing you, man." DJ laughed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah…" Naruto grumbled, "It would be weird if someone gets together in just a few days."
"To some people, yeah but it may can happen to you." Cody pointed out.
"What do you mean?" The redhead asked before Justin walked in the room with disgusted expression on his face, "Oh, Justin…Did you find Owen?"
"When you told me that Owen was naked, I don't believe you in first place…Now I wish I did…" Justin shivered. He doesn't witness the event of sleepwalking, "I found him on top of a beaver dam and now he's in shower with his clothes…"
"That's good." DJ sighed, he was worried about Owen.
"So what were you talking about?" Justin asked out of curiosity.
"Naruto and Bri-chan!" Cody and DJ said in unison with cheesy grins as Naruto buried his head under the pillow with a groan.
"Oh, do tell." The model smirked.
"Hey guys, I came here to let you know that Gwen outlasted Duncan by a hair so it's Screaming Gopher's victory." Courtney sighed as the boys were coming out of their cabin to check out.
"Huh? How did you know?" Naruto tilted his head to left.
"I was checking on Duncan since he was the last one of us and I show up when Chris declared it."
"Oh so that mean we have to vo…" Owen was about to say something before a roar breaks out inside the cabin and the door slammed open.
"Who took it!? Did you steal it?!" Eva snarled and everyone blinked, she suddenly barged into the boys' room and tossed everything out through the window.
"W-W-What?!" Cody stuttered and everyone gulped at her roaring more.
"Where is my MP3 player? One of you must have stolen it!" Eva snarled, "I need my music! No one is going anywhere until I get my MP3 player back!"
"Okay, whoever took it better give it up now before she destroys whole camp." Courtney said to the team.
"…What's MP3 player?" Naruto asked, earning a weird look from his group.
"Hey, guys." Heather walk up with a smile, "Wow, this place is a real mess."
"Someone stole Eva's MP3 player." Courtney sighed as Cody explained what it is to Naruto in background.
"You don't mean this, do you?" Heather pulls out the MP3 player, "I was wondering who it belonged to. I found it by the campfire pit." The bodybuilder ran up and grabbed it, "You must have dropped it."
"Oh, thank you! Thank you, thank you!" Eva thanked Heather over and over.
"Sure thing." The queen bee smiled, walk away.
"That's good thing you found it." She can feel someone ruffled her hair from behind and scowl, knowing who it is.
"Idiot! What did I said!" Heather swatted Naruto's hand away and stomped away as Naruto chuckled at her.
"Um…Sorry about that little misunderstanding…" Eva chuckled nervously as the team glared at her, "Guess no one stole it after all…Okay, I just overreacted a little." They kept glared at her.
"Welcome to the first campfire ceremony!" Chris said as he walks up to the Killer Bass members with a tray of marshmallows, "You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call your name, come up and claim your marshmallow."
The host chuckled, "The camper who does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catches the boat of losers, and leave! You will never come back, ever."
"Duncan…Bridgette…Courtney…Owen…Naruto…Tyler…DJ…Justin…" One by one, the campers took their marshmallow. There was one left and it comes down between Izzy and Eva, "This is the final marshmallow of the evening."
"…" Eva gulped.
"…" Izzy bit her nails.
"…" Chris smirked, enjoying the dramatic pause.
"…" The group stared at the host, waiting for Chris' announcement.
"Yeah! More time to petting Naruto's whiskers!" The redhead paled as Izzy giggled at him.
"Eva, the dock of shame awaits!" Chris whispered to Eva with a smug smirk. Eva stood up and turns to her former teammates with a scowl on her face.
"Nice, really nice…Who need this stupid tv show, anyway!" The bodybuilder exploded before walk up to cowering Chris and kicks him in shin on her way.
"Ow! Have a good night's sleep tonight." Chris muttered in pain before turn his head to the group, "You're all safe."
(Dock of Shame)
Eva growled as Courtney waved at her from the distance, "Buh-bye, Eva!" She snarled before throw a stick at them, causing them to duck under it.
"…The stick is inside the pole! H-H-How can it be!" Cody cried out of fear and everyone watched her get on the boat before it takes off.
Heather yawned, leaning against cabin and waiting for the Bass team to show up to make sure that her plan works the way she want it to be. She don't wait long when Naruto showed up, "Hey, idiot! Who did your team kick off?"
"Oh, Heat-chan?" Naruto blinked at her appearance, "Everyone voted for Eva so she's out…" He frowned, "You should have to go to sleep, dattebayo."
"I was just curious, that's all." Heather yawned again before Naruto's chuckle draw her attention, "What's so funny?"
"Nah, I was thinking that maybe the reason why you were up is because you were worried about me."
"I-I-Idiot! I'm not worried about you!"
"I know, I know…Night, Heat-chan." He waved at her before heading for his cabin and Heather scoffed.
She was about to enter her room before stopped and turned to Naruto with snarl, "And stop call me that! Why can't you listen to me for once!"
"You two acts like a married couple, if you ask me." The queen bee froze up before slowly turn to the person with angry expression.
"If you said it again, I will kill you…" Heather growled as she stomped past Noah into her room.
"Oh, I'm so scared." Noah rolled his eyes before resume his night read.
"I have an odd urge to make a betting pool." Noah peeks up from his book, "Ten bucks said Naruto will end up with Heather."
"My little buddy came up with awesome betting pool and all the guys got on it!" Owen laughed before lifts his index finger in air, "I bet twenty on Naru and Bridge because they both are so nice and awesome!"
(Main Lodge)
The next day, everyone was tired from the last challenge. Duncan snored on the table before wake up by Chris. "Duncan. You look like a crap, man." Chris mocked with a grin.
"Stuff it." The punk grunted out before snoring on the table.
Courtney groaned, "Owen farted all night…It reek so badly!"
"It's the beans!" Owen defended himself with a guilty look on his face.
"Wow, four nights without sleeps! How much are you hurting, dude?"
"Want to find out?" Duncan snarled, his angry eyes flared at Chris. His teammates duck under the table for their safety reason.
"No, no, it's cool." Chris raised his hands in surrender but his grin said otherwise. Harold walks into the main lodge with a mustache drawing on his face and everyone snickered before laugh at him as soon as he sat down with Gopher's table.
"What?" Harold asked.
"Someone messed with your face, dude." Geoff whispered to him before the nerd checked his reflection in the spoon.
"Sweet stache! I'm a man now!" He puffed his chest out.
"…Who want to tell him it's just drawing?" Naruto whispered to snickering Justin.
"He-hey!" Chris shouted to get their attention, "Everyone, it's Gwen!" The Gophers cheered as the goth girl show up at their table.
"Why are we clapping?" Lindsay asked as Courtney sneered at the team.
"I'm so tired…I can't feel my face…" It was last thing Gwen said before she faceplanted the table.
Heather turns to Beth and Lindsay, "So let's go over the rules one more time. Number one, I am the captain of this alliance, so I get to make the rules. Number two…" She waited for them to give her answers.
"Breaking the rules can result in getting kicked out of the alliance?" Lindsay questioned her before Heather nodded.
"Number three, I can borrow any of your stuff without asking, but my stuff is strictly off limits." The queen bee smirked and Lindsay tilted her head.
"I don't know about that last rule."
"That's cool. I can change it." Beth and Lindsay smiled, "I can also find someone else to take to the final three with me." Heather's subtle threat caused them to change their mind, "Good…Wanna to have some fun?" They nodded as she stands up to face the Bass team, "Hey, fish-head! Way to kick out your strongest player! Why won't you just give up now?"
"Heat-chan, be nice…Or do you want Alpha-S51 prank?" Heather paled at Naruto's comment.
"Okay campers, listen up!" Chris clapped his hands, "Your next challenge begins in ten minutes, and be prepared to bring it." The host leaned into Naruto and whispered, "Mind telling me about Alpha-S51 prank?"
"Sure, when we have time." Naruto grinned.
The campers stand in the middle of the court, Duncan was last to enter the court before lie down on the bleacher. He noticed that his team was looking at him, "Wake me up and it'll be the last thing you do!" The punk threatened before passed out.
"This is all your fault, you know?" Courtney glared at Owen with a growl, "You and your farts!"
"It's the beans! I can't help it!" Owen whined.
"I'm glad that I'm not on this team, gosh." Harold whispered to Trent.
Chef blows his whistle before growled at them, "Pay attention, fools!"
"Thank you, Chef." Chris patted the current referee's back, "Today's challenge is the classic game of dodgeball. The first rule of dodgeball is…"
Noah cut him off with a smirk, "Do not talk about dodgeball?" Some of the campers snickered as Chris frowned at the bookworm before plastered the grin on his face.
"As I was saying, if you get hit with the ball…" The host throws the ball with all of his strength.
"Arrrgh!" Noah cried as the ball hit his family jewelries. Chris chuckled at the bookworm's agony.
"You're out." Chris continued with a grin, acting like he doesn't just hit someone in groin.
"It's…Official…I…Hate…You…" Noah whined out in pain as Geoff throws the ball back at the host, who catches it with his hands.
"If you catch the ball, the thrower gets out and the catcher gets to bring in another team member out on the court…" Chris pulls his arm back, "Okay now, Tyler, try to hit me." The ball flew into the jock's hands before Chef tossed the host another ball, "If you're holding a ball, you can use it to defect a ball. But if it knocks the ball out of your hands, you're out."
"So what do I do again when the ball comes at me?" Lindsay asked before Tyler throws the ball at Chris.
"You dodge!" The host yelled, defects the ball to Lindsay and hit her in face.
The campers gasped and Chris groaned, "Oooh, you were supposed to dodge the ball."
"Ow…Right." Lindsay slowly gets up on her feet with a bump on her forehead.
"You have one minute until game time." Chris turns to the Gophers team, "Gophers, you have to sit one person out each game."
"Okay, we can't get lazy." Heather said, "The Killer Bass are gonna be trying extra hard to catch up. Who wants to sit the first one out with sleeping beauty here?" She jabbed her thumb at sleepy Gwen.
"I'll volunteer." Noah step up, it would be perfect time to get more campers on the betting pool. "Now let's see all you keeners get out there and dodge."
Izzy glomp Naruto with a grin, "Hiya red! Want to make it more interesting?"
"Um…What?" The redhead gulped.
"If I get one out with a ball, I have to pet your whiskers without any resistance. The more players I get out, the more chances I get to play with your whiskers!" Naruto paled and before he can turn it down, Chris popped up right behind him with a sadistic grin.
"That's good idea! I approved it!" The host chuckled and Izzy cheered. If he plays it right, there will be a lot of drama soon and everyone know that love-lines always bring drama which mean more rate.
"Nooooooooooooooooo!" Naruto cried as he clutches his head.
Round One
Chef glanced at the sides as the players entered the zone. Izzy, Courtney, Tyler, Cody, and Owen went up first against Heather, Lindsay, Leshawna, Harold, and Katie.
"Bring it on, fishes!" Heather teased, "Otherwise winning two in a row just won't be as satisfying."
"Oh, you're going down!" Tyler shot back, "We're gonna to bring the dinner to the table, and then we'll go to eat it!"
Naruto turns to Justin with blank expression, "…What?" The model shrugged, he also doesn't understand it at all.
"Both teams ready?" Chris shouted out, "Best of five games wins. Now let's dodge some ball!" As soon as he finished his sentence, Chef blows his whistler harder to start the game and both of the teams pick up their balls, three each.
"Time to unleash my wicked skills!" Harold cried but for no reason, he just spiked the ball on the floor. It bounced a few times before rolls to Izzy's feet.
"Have you ever played this game before, string bean?" Leshawna snarled before Tyler throws the ball at the team but it hit DJ.
"Sorry!" Tyler shouted out as the ball slammed into his stomach. Heather was the one who got him out of the game. Courtney snarled as she chucked the ball at Harold and it hit him in face, evening the number.
"Oooh! That'll leave a mark!" Chris laughed. Katie throws her ball and it flew toward Cody, the said geek ducks under it as it hit the wall before bounced back.
"Can someone remind me what I'm supposed to do with this again?" It was all Lindsay can ask before the ball slammed into her cheek, giving her a second bruises in process.
"She's beautiful, even if she get bruises…I'm so going to confess to her soon." Tyler whispered to Naruto as he sends a wave to the bombshell, who just returned it back with a smile. Naruto chuckled at the jock.
"Really? That's brave of you, dattebayo." The redhead patted Tyler's back, "Good luck." The ball flew into Tyler's groin.
"Mommy…" He groaned.
"What the hell was that!" Courtney growled, "Ref! He's even not on the court!" Chef glanced at Heather, the said girl claimed that she slipped so he let it passed for now. Courtney gritted her teeth, "Ugh!"
"Watch out!" Cody cried out and Courtney blinked. What does he mean by that? Her eyes widened, she forget that she was still game but it was too late, the ball hit her in back.
"That's how we roll!" Leshawna chuckled as the CIT take her place with a scowl. The sister was about to brag more but the ball in gut stopped her from doing it.
"Free Whisker time!" Izzy cheered as Naruto groaned in his hands. Katie fired back, managed to get Izzy out and before the sweet girl can celebrate, the ball hit her in leg.
'Damn it…' Heather scowled as Owen and Cody grinned at her.
"Easy out, guys, easy out!" Courtney cheered to her teammates and Heather glanced at her with sneer until she noticed something. Naruto was laughing with Bridgette before he ruffled her hair and she playful smacked him in arm. Izzy glomped Naruto and start to rubs his whiskers, causing him purring as Bridgette giggled at them.
Heather glared at the camera with angry sneer on her face, "This idiot! Moronic, ramen-addicting, foolish idiot!" She crossed her arms in front and kept ranting for a while, "Why is he getting too closer with these hussies!" She paused, "And why did it bother me?"
Cody throw the ball at Heather and with a loud snarl, she grab the ball with one hand before throw it at Owen, send him fly out.
"O-O-Owen!" Cody gulped before screaming out in pain as the ball slammed into his groin. Heather snarled again and stomped past snickering Chris before sit down with her teammates.
"Um…Are you…" Geoff was about to ask, only to cut off as Heather growled. Maybe it's better to stay clear of her for now.
"Oh my!" Chris chuckled, "First round go to Gophers!"
Round Two
"Come on, guys, we can do it!" Naruto clapped his hands to pumping up his team's spirit.
"Yeah, we better." Courtney muttered before turns to Tyler with a glare, "You better not mess it up again!"
"It was just a warm-up throw. Look, I can dominate this game." The jock said, "Just give all of your balls to me."
Chef blows his whistle again and Courtney sighed, "Fine…Just try to aim for the other side, okay?"
"Noah, you're up." Heather said after finally calm down.
"You know, you guys, did such an awesome job on the last game that I don't wanna mess up your mojo." Noah said before go back to his book and Heather raised one of her eyebrows. Beth volunteered to take Noah's place.
The two teams take their sides, Beth, Lindsay, Trent, Katie, and Sadie against Bridgette, Tyler, Izzy, Owen, and Naruto. The odd thing about Killer Bass team is that Tyler has all of the balls in his arms, causing the Screaming Gophers to be little unease about what he is up to. The jock starts to spinning around and the balls flew everywhere.
"Hey! Watch the face, dude!" Chris shouted as he ducks under the stray ball and Chef grunted out as the ball hit his face. The Gophers on the bleacher jump out as another stray ball flew to it before the final one hit Lindsay in face again.
"N-Noooooooo!" Tyler cried, not believing that he just hit his crush and ran up to help her up.
"Finally!" Courtney rolls her eyes.
"O-Oh my gosh, my face." Lindsay winced as she touches her face, accepting Tyler's hand and asked him, "How's my face?"
Tyler held his gasp back and winced in sight of her bruised face before give her a nervous smile, "It's really not that bad. You still look great."
"Yeah, really." He nervously chuckled, never noticed the fact that Trent just tosses the ball at him and gets him out of the game. Courtney facepalm at the scene and Naruto chuckled before he noticed his jock friend ask the bombshell to go for a walk.
'Good luck, dude.' The redhead winked at Tyler and he returned it with thumb up.
"Hey, Hey! Get back here!" Heather shouted out to Lindsay, "You are so close to being out of the alliance!"
"Big O, let's show them we mean business, dattebayo!" Naruto grinned at Owen as they grab their balls.
"Let's do it, buddy!" Owen roared, "Game on!" He throws one of his balls and it hit Katie and Sadie at once, his second ball hit Beth in stomach.
"Not bad! Now it's my turn!" Naruto chuckled before throw the ball at Geoff, the party boy's eyes widened before the ball slammed into his face, knocking him out. Trent gulped as Naruto smirked at him, "Sorry, Trent." The redhead throws the ball harder and the musican ducked under it as it soared over his head.
"Heh, you miss…" Trent was about to saying something but he hears a sound of the ball bounced off the wall behind him before he turns around to see the ball hitting him in forehead, "Gaaaah!"
"Hey, campers, look!" Chris chuckled, "That one's worth an instant replay." The campers looked at him showing them the footage of Geoff. He played it over and over to show how badly it was when the ball hit him in face, "Forward…Rewind…Forward…Rewind…Forward…Pause!" The host chuckled, "That's gonna leave a mark…It's one to one now!"
Owen and Naruto high-fived each other as the Killer Bass team cheered.
"Aww, I don't get anyone out this time." Izzy pouted.
Round 3
The third round starts as the players entered, Leshawna, Katie, Geoff, Beth, and Sadie against Courtney, Owen, Izzy, Justin, and DJ.
"DJ, give me your ball! Izzy want her whiskers time!" Naruto paled as chuckling DJ pass the ball to the crazy girl. Izzy launched them at once and managed to get Sadie and Beth out. "Yes! Two free passes!"
"I think I'm doomed…" Naruto sighed, earning some snickers from his teammates. They kept watching the game as Leshawna finally get Owen out, following by Izzy after she got Katie out.
"Go, team, go. You can do it." Noah mumbled, uninteresting in the game as his team glared at him. Geoff throws his ball and Courtney ducked with a smirk but the second ball wiped her smirk off.
"Woo-hoo!" Leshawna laughed before dodged the ball from DJ and the giant were hit by the ball, leaving Justin in the game.
"…Not the face, please." Justin grinned, causing Leshawna to swooning and Geoff rolls his eyes before get the model out. Now it's two to one in Gophers' favor.
"Hey, it's two to one!" Heather called out to Bass team, "How does it feel to suck so much?"
"It's not over!" Courtney yelled back before turns to her team, "Okay, that is really bad. One more game and we lose whole challenge, again." She stood up with hands on her hip, "We can't let that happen, people. I know we have strong players but we need someone meaner, someone who can crush these stupid gophers into dirt!"
Everyone looks at snoring Duncan before DJ shakes his head, "Unh-unh, if we wake him up, he'll kill us."
"He won't kill us, guys." Courtney sighed, "He wants to win too!"
"Courtney's right." Cody nodded, "We need him to win this."
"Thank, Cody…Now wake him up!"
The geek paled, "M-M-Me?" Courtney nodded, "No way, I'm not doing it! I like to live!"
"Well, who's gonna wake him up?" Courtney growled and everyone gulped, "…Fine, I have a plan. Someone find the long stick so we can poke him."
"I won't do that if I were you." Someone speak up, "I don't like to be poke."
"Then how can we wake…you…up?" Courtney slowly trailed off as everyone turn to face awaking Duncan, "Wasn't you just sle…"
"Naruto just wake me up. He just told me why you need me for." The punk grunted.
"Wait…Did you kill…" DJ gulped.
"Nah, I'm still alive." Naruto chuckled and DJ sighed with relief.
"Yeah…I'll play on one condition. You what I say when I say it." Duncan demanded and Courtney nods, "Okay, here's a strategy I picked up during my first visit to juvie. It's called 'Rush the New Guy'."
Round 4
Duncan chooses Courtney, Izzy, DJ, and Naruto to join him on the court as they go against Leshawna, Katie, Beth, Trent, and Gwen. Chef blow his whistle and Beth throw her ball, followed by Leshawna's ball. The Killer Bass players dodged them and in an instant, Izzy collected them before tossed them over to Duncan and Courtney. Four of them throw the balls at once, all of them knocked Leshawna out.
"Way to go, guys!" Bridgette cheered from sideline. The Bass team repeated their plan, earning them a easy win and end in tie. Izzy turns to Chris with puzzled expression on her face.
"Hey, Chris. If we hit them at same time, do I still get more whisker time?"
"Yeah, you do if your ball was in the group." Chris snickered, ignoring Naruto's shout and Izzy cheered.
"Come on, a little effort out there, people." Noah mumbled before his teammates glared at him harder.
"I think that we should do the same thing all over again." Courtney said, "So who want to sit out this time?"
"I will." DJ raised his hand and Cody volunteered to take his place.
"Not that Noah here cares," The queen bee speak to her team, "But we are not going to lose this challenge to these guys, get it?" She paused before snarled, "And where is Lindsay!"
"I'm here." Heather blinked before turns to Lindsay.
"Oh, just sit down and stay there." The bombshell nodded as she sits down. Naruto blink before look at Tyler sit down on the bleacher with saddened expression. He wonder what just happened between Lindsay and the jock.
The redhead noticed that Courtney walk up to the jock and snarled, "Where were you?"
"You were with this blond gopher girl, wasn't you?"
"No…maybe…" Tyler sighed and Courtney was about to grill him more but Naruto throw his arm around her and move her away.
"Hey, Courtney. The game is about to start!" Naruto glanced out of corner of his eyes to see Tyler send a grateful nod to him.
"H-H-Hey, what are you doing!" Courtney cried out of frustration.
Round 5
"Okay, that is it, the final tie-breaking game." Chris announced to the camera, "We have Gwen, Heather, Leshawna, Harold, and Geoff playing for the Screaming Gophers team." He swings his arm to other side, "Going against Cody, Courtney, Naruto, Duncan, and Bridgette playing for the Killer Bass team."
"Go, team, go…" Noah cheered with dull tone.
"Go, team, go! WOOOO-HOOOO!" Owen roared with glee tone.
"Gophers, Bass, let's send this sample to the lab and see what you made of!" Chris said with grin.
"What sample are we talking about here? DNA?" Naruto turns to the host with widened eyes.
"…Just starts the damn game…" Chris deadpanned and chuckling Chef blow his whistle for the final round.
"Fast feet, fast hands!" Heather ordered her team as they grabbed their balls and throws it around. The results are that there were a lot of dodges, outs, and switching players.
"Knock them out, knock them out." Noah said, he was the only one that doesn't play his turn at all. "Ow!" He cried as a stray ball hit him out of his seat.
"I guess sports aren't your forte." Heather smirked at downed Noah as Gophers laughed at him.
"Yes!" Gwen cheered as she finally got Courtney out and Leshawna laughed with her.
"Oh, you messed with the wrong white girl!" The ball hit her in face, sends her back to the bleacher.
No one knows how long it has been going on for but now it's down to the final player for each team. Chris smirked as he looks at Harold and Naruto before whispered to the referee, "Hey Chef, bet you fifty bucks that the redhead wins it."
"I'm no fool! I know better not to bet against you!" The host pouted, why do he always have to be a killjoy.
"Come on, Harold!" Trent cheered him on.
"Sweet dream, princess!" Duncan laughed.
"Bring it on!" Harold throws his Kung-fu moves around and beckoning Naruto with his hand. The redhead shakes his head before throws a few of his balls at the nerd and he dodged them with fancy footwork, even pulling out a matrix.
"Whoa!" Noah gasped, dropping his book in his shock.
"Oh, you get some sweet moves, dude." Naruto chuckled as he tosses his ball up and down, "Where did you learn it from?"
"Figure-skating." The nerd answered.
"Ah, somehow odd but yet useful…But sorry, bud…" Naruto's eyes hardened with determination, "I'm not going to let my team lost another challenge, I promise you, dattebayo."
"Uh-oh!" Heather gasped in horror.
"Knowing this idiot, if he makes any promises…He always fulfilling them no matter what…" Heather sighed, "Look like it is going to be nerd's funeral."
Naruto gives Harold a sadistic grin, "Let's see if you can dodge that…" He pulls his arm back and swinging his body forward, "DODGE!" The ball flew at high speed, giving Harold no chance to react before it hit him in stomach. The nerd screamed in terror as he flew with it and hit the wall before slide down slowly, leaves him whining in pain. The ball innocently rolls out off Harold and kept rolling until it comes to Naruto's feet.
The Killer Bass team cheered as Naruto walk back to them with huge grin, "Nice throw, Whisker!" Duncan chuckled as the Bass lifted Naruto in air and carry him away.
"Gophers, what happened?" Chris asked them with a chuckle.
"What can I say?" Noah shrugged, "Weak effort."
"Aw, shut it!" Gwen snarled and stomped away.
"For once, I agree with weird goth girl." Heather scoffed before everyone walk away from Noah with the boys.
"Touchy." Noah rolls his eyes before look at his male teammates, "What? I'm telling you, the team spirit here is severely lacking lately."
"Campers, you've already placed your votes and made your decision." Chris said as he holds up the tray with marshmallows. "One of you will be going home and you can't come back…Ever! When you hear me call out your name, come pick up a marshmallow." The host cleared his throat before he called them out.
"Gwen…Geoff…Katie…Beth…Trent…Heather…Leshawna…Lindsay…Sadie…" One by one, the said campers pick up their marshmallows and stood behind Chris. It comes down to Harold and Noah for the final marshmallow. "The final marshmallow goes to…"
"…" Harold starts to sweat.
"…" Noah smirked, not worried about it since Harold play so poorly at the game.
"…" The campers glared at the certain person.
"…Harold!" The said nerd cheered, running up to get his marshmallow and take his place as Noah dropped his jaw in shock.
"Wait! Are you kidding me?" Noah yelled before give out a sigh, "All right, see if I care. Good luck because you just voted out the only one with any brains on this team." The bookworm's comment earned him a barrage of marshmallows, "Ow!"
"You need to learn a little thing called respect, Turkey!" Leshawna angrily muttered as she dusts her hands.
"Whatever, I'm outta here." Noah said, walking to the dock of shame and step into the boat before it take off.
"Did you enjoy your meats?" Naruto grinned at the sharks as they nodded back to him. The redhead chuckled, tossing them some of meats before he felt someone tackle him from behind.
"Whisker time!" Naruto's eyes widened as Izzy's hands rubbed his whiskers, causing him to purr.
"O-O-Oooooo…S-Stop!" Izzy giggled, shaking her head.
Naruto sighed at her, "Why are you doing that?" The crazy girl tilted her head with a lopsided grin before she giggled.
"Dunno! It's fun to play with your whiskers…And it's cuter when you purring! I like you!" For some reason, Izzy's answer made Naruto's face red…or it was because she kept rubbing his cheeks. "There, I used up two of seventeen passes. See ya later!" Izzy giggled, disappeared into the wood.
Naruto sighed and facepalm, blaming the host in his head for gave Izzy a bonus mission. He turns to the smirking sharks and rolled his eyes at them, "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, you guys."
(Killer Bass Cabin)
Tyler sighed, he was still wide-awake and it was late at night. The jock kept rewinding a memory in his head over and over.
The jock and the bombshell walk to the shore, they were talking about random things and it was good time. They sat down on the sand and watch the waves as they roll in before Tyler speaks up.
"Um…L-L-Lindsay…" The jock rubbed his neck and she turned her head to him.
"Yes, Taber?" Lindsay smiled, Tyler don't mind the fact that she got his name wrong since she always get everyone's name wrong.
"I-I-I have something to tell you…" The jock takes a deep breath and stuttered, "I-I-I…"
"I like you!" Lindsay's eyes widened and she turn to him, "You're really beautiful and sweet girl, you really treat everyone with kind and never treat anyone different because of their appearance." The jock said, recalling how well she gets along with Beth and Gwen.
At his school, he never went out with the beautiful girls since they always treat other people like outcasts and that's why he was still single because he used to be an outcast before he gets into sport.
"Um…Te…" Lindsay tried to speak up but Tyler continued on with his confession.
"The reason why I fall for was because of your personality, I know it's out of blue since we don't talk a lot…I…I just want to tell you that I like you." Lindsay bit her lip before put her hand on his shoulder.
"I'm happy that you feel like that…But I'm sorry." The jock's heart just fall, "You're really nice guy and any girls would be lucky to have you because I can tell that you're also loyal…The thing is that…I like someone else." Lindsay give Tyler a hug, "I like you as a friend and I think you're really brave for telling me about your feeling…I'm sorry and I hope that don't change our friendship."
Tyler give her a sad smile, "Nah, it doesn't change anything…Thank…"
"…I'm going back…Are you?" Tyler shakes his head.
"Nah, I'm going to stay here for a bit but I'll be right there." Lindsay nodded before give him a hug again and walk back to the court. He sat there for a few minutes before he follow her.
Tyler turns to his side and hugged his pillow, fighting back the tears in his eyes. The jock's eyes slowly closed and before he knows it, he was in deep sleep.
(Screaming Gophers Cabin)
It had been a few days after the dodgeball challenge and it was morning.
"Okay, this is so-way-beyond bad." Lindsay's whine waked Gwen up and the goth girl turn to her as the bombshell checked her empty tanner tubes, "I'm out of fake tanner, already."
"Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay." Gwen said sarcastically.
"Now I have to actually like suntan, in the sun." Lindsay turned to Gwen with puppy eyes, "Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin?" Gwen ignored her as she patted her hair down. "Oh, you totally do!" Lindsay gasped, expressing her concern and Gwen rolled her eyes.
"All right, Campers, enough beauty sleep!" Chris' voice rang out of the loudspeaker, "Time to show us what you're made of…Meet me at the stage!"
"Now what!" Duncan grunted out as the campers slowly staggered out of their cabins.
"Are we gonna see a musical?" Lindsay asked her teammates, "I love musicals…Especially the ones with singing and dancing."
"Gwen, saved you a seat!" Trent waved Gwen over as he patting the seat next to him.
"Thank." Gwen smiled at the musician before sat down next to him as Heather look at them with raised eyebrow, not sure if they are in alliance or not. The queen bee glanced at the other team to see Naruto wave at her with grin and she turn her nose up in air, not noticing that she accidently hit Lindsay in face with her ponytail.
"Bah…" was all Lindsay can say as she pulls a piece of hair out of her mouth.
"Welcome to our brand-new, deluxe, state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater." Chris showed up in the middle of the stage with cheesy grin.
"Wow, the interns really build it so faster because I don't see that place here yesterday." Naruto muttered.
Chris glared at Naruto for interrupting him before muttered, "Anyway…This week's challenge is a summer camp favorite, a talent contest!"
"Yes! Awesome!" Owen cheered as the campers perked up at Chris' revelation.
"Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers." The host explained, "These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." He gave Duncan an 'I'm watching you' sign and the punk snapped his fingers, too bad.
"You will be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J., V.J., and rap legend grand…Master Chef who will show his approval via the chef-o-meter." Out of nowhere, the ding can be heard and everyone look around for it but Chris speaks again, "The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck!" The host chuckled as he walks off the stage.
(Screaming Gophers)
Heather blows her whistle before walk by her team and said, "Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work."
"Wait! Who said you were team captain?" Gwen asked.
"She did. Just now." Lindsay replied.
"Lindsay, Beth, and I took a vote, and I won." Heather gave Gwen a smug smirk.
"Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic." The goth girl snarled before Trent show up with a muffin.
"Hey, snagged you an extra muffin." The musician handed her the food before Heather call out to him.
"Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, are you?"
"Right on. Go for it." Trent nodded, earning a frown from Gwen.
"Good. Beth, Lindsay, and I will be the judges." Heather said as the mentioned girls squealed together.
"Whatever." Gwen deadpanned.
(Killer Bass)
Courtney once again takes charge of the project and no one was against it because they don't want to lead the team.
"So who want to audition first?" CIT asked them and Owen raised his hand with gusto.
"Pick me! Pick me! Pick! Pick! Me! Me! Me!" Courtney sighed before nod at him, "All right!" Owen stands in front of his team with a bottle before chugged it then burping the entire alphabet. The boys cheered before Courtney shot them down by stating that it was too gross.
"Maybe next time, Big O." Naruto tried to cheer sulking oaf up.
"Hey, Naruto, are you going to audition?" Bridgette asked, recalling that the redhead working in circuses for part-time.
"Me? Hmm, I guess I can try out but it has been a while and I may be a little rusty." Naruto rubbed his head.
"Oh, what do you do?" Courtney raised her eyebrow and Naruto chuckled.
"As one of clowns, I can do a lot of things, dattebayo." Everyone blinked at him, a clown?
"Ugh, I'll put you on the list if we don't have the third one." Courtney groaned, pinching the bridge of her nose. Naruto shrugged, he was fine with it as long as everyone have a chance to try out.
(Screaming Gophers)
The team sat with look of shocks on their face as they watch Sadie and Katie dance very badly.
"Um…No." Heather shook her head, crossed their names off the list before noticing Gwen walk away with a book in her hands. "Where are you going?"
"Anywhere, that's not here." Gwen muttered as she disappeared into the wood. The queen bee narrowed her eyes and turns to her team. So far they choose Trent for his music talent and had to take a little break due to Heather changing into her tutu outfit.
"For my audition, it's ballet route." The queen bee starts to show off her talent and they clapped as she looks at Lindsay and Beth to signal them for their cue.
"Oh, I vote for Heather to be in the contest." Beth said and Lindsay seconded it.
"Guys, that's so sweet." Heather acted with hidden smirk, "Okay, unh, so I guess I'm in…Why everyone doesn't take a five?" The team accepted it and walks off before Heather stopped Lindsay. "I need you to do something. Can you keep a secret?" The queen bee demanded.
"Oh my gosh, definitely!" Lindsay nodded, "My sister got diarrhea once on her date, and I had to bring her toilet paper because the restaurant was all out and she was stuck in the bathroom, and I've never told a soul."
'Whoa, TMI…' Heather stared at her with unreadable expression. Lindsay nods before remembering something, she was on nationwide television show.
"…Oops…Sorry, Paula."
"Gwen's up to something serious." Heather muttered, want to forget what the bombshell just revealed and hand her the walkie-talkie. "I need you to follow her and report back to me."
(Killer Bass)
After a several auditions, DJ was doing a rhythmic dance with a ribbon which everyone clapped to. "Fine. Sign him up…Now we have one more spot left" Courtney sighed, the Bass team already chose the CIT for her violin. "Next."
"Me!" Bridgette perked up, "I can stand on my hands for twenty minutes. Watch!" She lifts herself up and stands on her hands.
"Okay, that'd be cute if you were a monkey." CIT rolls her eyes, "I just don't think it's quite what we're looking for…Next…" Justin walks to the front of the campers and just flexing his muscles as the girls gushed over him.
"…I can't believe what I'm going to say…Sorry, Justin, that's not talent even if you're this handsome…" Courtney sighed and Justin shrugged, it's better to sit out and stay in the game longer. She turned to Naruto and said, "Fine, Naruto, you're third."
"I'll do my best, dattebayo." The redhead grinned as CIT walks off to find Chris and let him know that they have three representatives.
(Screaming Gophers)
Lindsay returned to Heather without find anything about Gwen. "Great…" Heather muttered as the Gophers get together again for the tryouts. Beth decided to show off her talent with flaming baton route.
"Are you sure that that is safe?" Heather asked, worried for her safety. She was not alone because everyone shared her concern.
"It's okay. I've been practicing." Beth replied, focusing in her route before she tossed them in air. Everyone gulped as the gravity bring them back down before Beth catches them and give a bow.
"Wow!" Heather said as everyone clapped, "I think we have our final representative. So it's me, Trent, and Beth…Any objections?" There was no objection at all.
The goth girl was thinking about what to write in her diary before Cody walk up to her from behind and asked her, "What you got there, a journal?"
"Beat it." Gwen grunted.
"Oh, I got it." Cody sat down next to her as she glared at him, "Yeah, it's private, huh? I'm down with that. Yeah, it's cool, brah." The geek attempt to glance into her diary but Gwen got in his face with scowl.
"What part of 'beat it' don't you understand?" Gwen growled, returning to her book until Cody takes a sniffle of her hair. "What are you, some kind of freak?" The goth girl jump away from him.
"U-Um….Y-Y-You just smell really pretty." Cody stuttered, rubbing his arm in embarrassment.
"It's just soap…" Gwen slowly walks backward away from him.
"Stupid…Stupid…I blame the teenager hormone…" Cody slapped his forehead over and over.
(Screaming Gophers cabin)
Heather figured out that the book must be weird goth girl's diary and plan to snatch it as Gwen switched into her swimsuit and go for a swim, Trent joining her.
"Come on, Lindsay. We have a diary to find." The queen bee smirked and Lindsay looks unsure about it.
(Killer Bass)
Courtney was practicing with her violin as the team watch her before Owen asked Bridgette, "So can you really stand on your hands for twenty minutes? It's awesome! I can't do it because it's too hard."
"Want to bet that I can't?" Bridgette smirked as she pulls out a chocolate bar.
"Oh, oh, oh." Naruto chuckled, "I bet five bars that she can do it."
"I bet you can't." Duncan chuckled, playing poker with DJ.
"Yeah, that's like virtually impossible." DJ laughed and Bridgette dared them to ante up before the boys pooled in.
"Okay, twenty minutes starting now." Bridgette said as she get on her hands and walk around as they look at Duncan's watch. The surfer's leg got tangled with the hanging rope and accidentally untied it in process as the spotlight fall down and broke Courtney's violin. The surfer cried, "Oh crap!"
"You…You killed my violin!" Courtney growled at Bridgette as Naruto wrapping the bandages on her head.
"I don't mean to." Bridgette apologized, "There must be something we can do."
"Yeah, it was an accident, dattebayo. We can fix your violin, it's not this bad…" Naruto said before the violin fall apart in CIT's hands, causing her to cry harder. "…Never mind…"
The representatives from each team gathered behind the backstage and starts to warm up before the talent contest to start. Naruto noticed that Heather was in her tutu outfit before he grinned and walk up to her, "Yo, Heat-chan!"
"Stop calls me that, idiot!" Heather snarled before scowled, "What do you want?"
"Nothing much, just to say break a leg." Naruto chuckled, "So you are going to do some ballet dancing? It has been a while since I last saw you in it." Heather blinked at his sentence before realizing something, the last time he saw her doing ballet was before…
"Oh, yeah, I forget about that." Heather mumbled and Naruto ruffled her hair with a smile before the queen bee swatted his hand away.
"I'm really looking forward to your dance."
The queen bee perked at his comment, "R-R-Really?"
"Yeah, I always enjoy it when you do your ballet, dattebayo." Heather doesn't know why her chest felt tightened, neither her cheeks burning up.
"My plan was to read a page out of weird goth girl's diary…" Heather frowned, "But after hearing what idiot said about my ballet…For some reason, I don't want to go ahead with my plan…" She sighed, "…Idiot, why does he always affect me?"
"Okay, I know I'm not as good as you are at your violin, but I can do this." Bridgette told Courtney before Heather walks up to them.
"Bridgette…" The queen bee glared at the surfer, "It would suck if something happens to you."
"What is this supposed to mean?" Bridgette glared back.
"Oh nothing…" Heather shrugged, "Oh, and go easy on the chips. You don't want to sink that surfboard of yours and lose his attention, do you?" Bridgette stopped eating her chips and glare at the queen bee before the surfer throws the bag at Heather.
"I wonder if she was just trash-talking me to throw me off during the contest? It really doesn't feel like it…" Bridgette said before paused, "…And whose attention was she talking about?"
"It's the T.D.I talent extravaganza!" Chris announced to the audience made up of the campers, "Welcome to the very first camp Wawanakwa talent contest, where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves." The host grinned, 'hope they do' Chris chuckled in his head. "First up for the Screaming Gophers is Beth."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Lindsay cheered for her friend as the farmer girl starts to showcase her baton route. At first, she was doing well until one of the flaming baton slipped from her in air.
"Uh-oh!" Beth nervously gulped as the baton crashed into her and Chris walks up to her with a chuckle.
"Don't your ma tell you to not to play with fire or you'll get burn…" He paused to chuckle again as Chef-o-meter dinged four times, "But Chef really like the first half of your route."
"Um…That's good, I think?" Beth groaned as she walks to the backstage.
"First up for the Killer Bass, make some noise for the big guy…DJ!" The Bass team cheered as DJ leaped into the stage and dance around for a while until the ribbons got tangled with his legs, bringing him down with a thump.
"Ooh!" The campers winced as Chris chuckled again.
"Dainty and yet masculine. Let's see what Grandmaster Chef thinks." Chris said before the chef-o-meter dinged twice, "Not much…" DJ walk off dejected as Chris kept talking, "So with two down and four acts to go, it's the Screaming Gophers screaming ahead…Next is Trent. Take it away, my bro."
"This one goes out to someone special here at camp." Trent smiled as he starts to play his guitar and singing a song.
They say that we've only got summer
And I say that's a really bummer
But we'll swim in the sun and have lots of fun
It's just be the two of us
Nothing to do but just hang
So let me say only this
I'd stick around for just one kiss
The campers applauded as Chris ran to Trent's side and patted him on back, "Nice work! I liking your style, dude," The Chef-o-meter dinged eight time, "And so does Grandmaster Chef." The musician waved to the campers before frowning Chris shove him off the stage, "All right, quit hogging my lights, buddy." The host turns to the camera with grin as if he doesn't shove someone off just now, "Three down and three to go, and the Killer Bass are totally sucking so far…Let's hear it for Bridgette!"
In the backstage, Courtney looked at nervously Bridgette and asked, "Are you sure you can do this?"
"Oh, definitely." Bridgette nods, holding her rumbling stomach. "N-No, I'm great."
"Break a leg, Bri-chan." Naruto smiled as he put a makeup on his lower face and Bridgette smiled at him.
'I hope it don't go bad…' Courtney whined in her mind as Bridgette walk to the center of the stage on her hands. It wasn't long until she starts to burp loudly, earning some smiles from male campers.
'I-I-I don't feel so go…' was the last thing that Bridgette thinks before she vomited on the stage upside down. The campers gasped in horror as the surfer projected her vomits all over, causing some campers to vomits before she falls down.
"It's like watching The Exorcist…" Chef laughed as Chris tries to keep his dinner down.
"Cleanup on aisle three, four, five, and six…" Chris groaned in disgust as he steps over the vomit puddles. "We will take a break in meantime so we can hose the joint down…" He finally throws up his dinner.
Bridgette moaned in the backstage as Naruto clean her face up with wet towel. "Do you feel better now?" The redhead asked.
"A little but it was embarrassing…" The surfer moaned again, "Thank for help me out."
"No problem, Bri-chan." Naruto smiled at her as he gently rub her cheek with towel, "And there, you're clean." Bridgette nods with rosy cheeks, she felt scared that she will be send home after this challenge and for some reason, she will miss Naruto a lot…
'…No way…It can't…' Bridgette's eyes widened.
"And welcome back to talent extravaganza!" Chris said, "Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk-blowing fest registered two thumbs up by Grandmaster Chef…But it's not enough to pull ahead of the Screaming Gophers who hold the lead with Trent's love song." The host shrugged, "So without further delay, here she is for the leaders…Heather with her swan lake! Remember, Heather…only twenty minutes."
"Music, please." The queen bee clapped her hands as the intern played the swan lake. Heather slowly moves around before dance among the song and out of her eye's corner, she can see Naruto smiling at her. It went on until the end of time and the campers clapped.
"That was lovely, Heather! Who can think that you have a soft heart?" Chris smirked, knowing about Heather's plan involving with goth girl and diary, thank to the cameras. "It almost brings a tear to Grandmaster Chef." The chef-o-meter dinged seven times.
"Hmmph!" Heather turns her nose up in air as she walks off the stage.
"Well, then it's down to the final act of the night." Chris smiled, "Can Naruto and his tricks turn it around? I seriously doubt it! Let's find out!" The host walks backward off the stage as the circus music rang out in air.
"Hello, gentlemen and ladies!" A huge ball bounced into the stage before a puff of smoke popped on top of the ball to reveal a clown balancing on the ball.
He was wearing a black Kabuki half mask, only revealing his white-painted lower face and it made his red hair to form a mane. The campers noticed that he was wearing an orange and red jester outfit with black frill collar and white frill cuff.
"My name is Joka!" The clown bowed as he flipped his hand, the daggers appeared out of nowhere and start to juggle them in air. "Let me tell you a little story." Joka giggled as he lifts one of his legs up in air behind his back, balancing on the ball with one foot.
"There was a family of three. A son named Trouble, a father named Shut-up, and a mother named None-of-your-business." The campers raised their eyebrows as Joka starts to roll around on the large balls, still juggling the daggers. "Trouble was in his backyard, playing on a swing while his parents were in the house. The boy got bored so he decided to visit his friend next door without telling his parents." The clown toss all the daggers in air before flip in air a couple times and landed back on the ball, resuming his juggle without dropping one dagger.
"Whoa…" Leshawna made a 'O' with her mouth as everyone nods with her.
"It was getting late so the father comes out to call the boy back in. 'Trouble! Come inside, it's late.' The father said before he looks around the backyard to see the boy was not there. He look at his wife and back to the yard a few times before he finally say, 'Honey…' 'Yes, dear?' the mother said."
"Is it me or did the daggers multiplied?" Cody muttered in shock as the daggers split in two.
"The father told her that the boy is gone. 'WHAT! Where's my kid!' The mother cried and the father tried to calm her down. 'Get in the car, we'll look for him.' He said as they take the car and went out in the city at night, screaming 'Trouble' over and over." Joka starts to swing his hips around as the hoop mysteriously appeared out of nowhere like if it was magic. "They kept screaming and call out until the cop car stop and pull them over. The police walk up to them, 'Do you know why I pull you over for?' 'Office, you have to help us! We can't find our boy.' The father cried. 'Oh, can you give me your name, sir?'."
"O-o-oh!" Chef chuckled, figured out what'll happen next.
"The father told him, 'Yes, shut up.' The police stares at him before ask him again, 'Sir? I just asked for your name.' The father look confused, 'I said shut up.' They kept going on until the police decided to go to the mother's side. 'Your husband is very rude, can you tell me his name and yours too?' The mother nodded to him before saying 'Shut up, nope of your business.'." The campers start to chuckled, "The police frowned at them before saying, 'Are you looking for trouble?' The parent looks at each other before screaming at the police, 'YES!' and that end our story!" Joka grinned as the daggers burst into colorful confetti in air and the clown bowed to them.
"Now that's a talent!" Chris clapped wildly as he walks to the clown. "Sweet persona, Naruto."
"Thank, dude." Naruto chuckled, taking his mask off.
"It looks like you laughed the pant off Grandmaster Chef and he really totally love it." The chef-o-master dinged nine times, "What a huge turnaround! The Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass."
"That's amazing!" Bridgette cheered as the Killer Bass team gather around Naruto.
"And as for the Screaming Gophers, pick your favorite loser and I'll see you at the campfire." Chris chuckled.
"Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment, music, drama, barfs." Chris said as he passes the marshmallow without calling out for their name since there was no time. Only Sadie and Beth don't get their marshmallow yet, "There's only one marshmallow left on this plate."
"…" Beth gulped as she trembles in her seat.
"…" Sadie look very worried and she look at Katie.
"…" Chris humming the theme song of TDI show as the campers glared at him for dragging it too long.
"…Beth!" The farmer girl grabs her marshmallow and Sadie cried out.
"Noooo! Katie!"
"Sadie!" The BFF hugged each other and sobbed.
"Enough with waterworks, ladies." Chris muttered with a frown, why do they always have to be so dramatic over a little separation. It's not like they won't see each other again.
Heather shrugged her shoulders, "It was too easy. I told Beth and Lindsay to vote against Sadie and I just blackmailed Harold."
"Heather found out about my secret crush…I don't want anyone to know about it…Why did my letter had to fell out of my pocket in front of Heather!" Harold sobbed in his hands. The nerd dropped it when the Screaming Gophers were on their way to vote.
(Dock of Shame)
"I'll miss you, Katie!" Sadie sobbed, waving from the moving boat.
"I'll miss you too, Sadie!" Katie shouted back with a sob.
"I'll miss you!"
"I'll miss you toooo!" That kept went on until the ship disappeared into the fog.
"Woohoo! It has been a crazy week!" Chris chuckled, "We have seen so much eliminations, new alliance, and a lot of possible relationship that will may bring us a lot of drama…" The host rubbed his hands together with maniacal grin, "I know that it was right move to pick Naruto, hehehehe! What will happen next time on…" Chris takes a deep breath.
(Screaming Gophers cabin)
"Hey weird goth girl." Gwen turns to Heather and catches a black book before her eyes widened.
"Did you…" Gwen growled and Heather smirked at her.
"I just did…It was so boring." The queen bee sighed as she slid into her bed, "You kept talking about how hot Trent is, how cute he is, blah, blah!" Heather laughed as Gwen sneered at her.
"You'll regret it…"
"Oh, I'm so scared…Night!" Heather turns away from growling Gwen. The goth girl stomped to her bed and turn the light off.
Killer Bass Team: Bridgette, Courtney, Cody, DJ, Duncan, Izzy, Justin, Naruto, Owen
Screaming Gophers Team: Beth, Geoff, Gwen, Harold, Heather, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Trent
Eliminated: Eva, Ezekiel, Noah, Sadie