Chapter 10: Shadow Beings
The first statue exploded toward them in a shower of stone fragments, its shadowy form moving with unnatural speed. Leo barely had time to dodge as razor-sharp claws sliced through the air where his head had been. The creature's movements were quick yet deadly.
"Stay together!" Neo shouted, her knife flashing in the purple mist as she parried another creature's attack. The blade seemed to pass through the shadow being's form without effect, but the creature recoiled nonetheless, as if the metal itself was hurting it.
Kaori moved with precision, her martial arts training evident in every movement. She ducked under one creature's grasp and used its momentum to throw it into another, buying them precious seconds. "We need to move! Find better ground!"
Leo's analytical mind raced as he observed the creatures' attacks. Despite their fluid movements, there was a pattern to them. Each attack followed a distinct pattern: surge forward, strike, withdraw. The timing never changed.
More statues were coming alive around them, their stone shells cracking open like dark eggs to reveal the shadow beings within. The purple mist swirled around their feet.
"This way!" Neo pointed toward what appeared to be a cluster of larger rocks. "We can put our backs to something solid!"
They moved as one unit, covering each other's blind spots as they retreated. Leo noticed something else about their attackers – they seemed to avoid the blue crystals on the ground. He kept that observation in his head for later.
The shadow beings pressed their attack, but there was something weird about their movements. They would surge forward aggressively, then pull back just when it seemed they had an advantage. It was as if they were toying with their prey.
"They're herding us," Leo realized aloud, watching how the creatures positioned themselves. "These aren't random attacks."
Neo's eyes darted around, taking in their surroundings as she deflected another attack with her knife. "The mist, it's thicker in some areas than others. They're pushing us toward the densest areas."
Kaori executed a perfect sweep kick that should have taken one creature's legs out from under it. Instead, her leg passed through its lower half like smoke. The being seemed to laugh – a sound like wind through dead trees, before swiping at her with its claws. She barely rolled away in time.
"My attacks aren't doing anything!" Frustration filled her voice. "It's like fighting air!"
Leo's marking burned fiercer as more creatures emerged from their stone prisons. He noticed that whenever the marking flared particularly hot, the nearest shadow beings would hesitate momentarily, as if sensing something that gave them pause.
"Neo!" he called out. "They react to my marking! Maybe there's a way to—" He was cut off as three creatures attacked simultaneously, forcing them to scatter momentarily before regrouping.
Neo's mind was clearly racing, processing every detail. "The knife affects them, the marking affects them, they avoid the crystals..." Her eyes widened. "Leo, when you're near me, does your marking react differently?"
He concentrated on the sensation. "Yes! It's stronger when we're closer together!"
"Kaori!" Neo called out while parrying another attack. "Your physical attacks pass through them, but they still react by pulling back. Why would they dodge something that can't hurt them?"
Kaori's eyes lit up with understanding as she ran between two attacking creatures. "They're maintaining the illusion! Making it look like they're solid even when they're not!"
"Exactly!" Neo's voice held the excitement of someone putting together a complex puzzle. "They're performers as much as predators. Which means—"
"Their behavior is programmed," Leo finished, ducking under another attack. "Like a combat routine!"
Neo quickly outlined her plan as they continued defending themselves. It was risky, but it played to each of their strengths. They would use the creatures' own patterns against them.
They began moving in a triangular formation, with Leo at the front. His marking seemed to create a zone of hesitation in the creatures, giving Kaori and Neo crucial seconds to act. Neo's knife would force them to maintain their illusion of not being solid, making their movements predictable.
"Now!" Neo shouted.
Kaori began executing complex martial arts sequences, not trying to hit the creatures but using the movements to force them to respond in specific ways. The shadow beings, committed to maintaining their performance of solidity, had to move according to the apparent physics of her attacks.
Meanwhile, Neo used her knife to close them in from another angle, creating a path that the creatures had to move through if they wanted to maintain their illusion of being physical entities.
The plan was working. The shadow beings found themselves responding to Kaori's martial arts, moving exactly as Neo had predicted they would. Their programmed responses trapped them in a pattern they couldn't break without revealing their true nature.
Leo felt a surge of hope as he watched the creatures fall into their trap. He could sense the shadow beings' confusion as their own predetermined responses worked against them.
But then something changed.
A deep rumble shook the valley, and the purple mist began to thicken dramatically. The shadow beings' movements became more erratic, less bound by their previous patterns. It was as if something was giving them permission to break their own rules.
"They're adapting!" Leo warned, seeing how the creatures' movements were becoming more fluid and less predictable.
Kaori's next moves, which should have forced three creatures into a vulnerable position, instead left her exposed as they simply went around her attacks. "The patterns are breaking down!"
Neo's knife passed through one creature completely, with no reaction this time. The being turned to her with what could only be described as a smirk on its featureless face. The illusion of solidity was being abandoned.
They found themselves being pushed back, their carefully coordinated strategy falling apart as the shadow beings violated every pattern they'd established. The creatures moved with new freedom, their forms becoming more amorphous, harder to track or predict.
"Fall back!" Neo called out, but there was nowhere left to retreat. They had been so focused on executing their plan that they hadn't noticed how the creatures had gradually maneuvered them into a natural corner formed by several large rocks.
The purple mist swirled around them, thick enough now that they could barely see more than a few feet ahead. Shadow beings emerged from the fog like nightmares taking shape.
Kaori's movements, so confident and precise before, now seemed small and ineffective against the creatures surrounding them. Leo could see the frustration and fear in her eyes – a master martial artist and powerful awakened reduced to swinging at shadows.
"I can't fight what I can't hit," she said, her voice filled with panic. 'Everything I know, everything I've trained for... it's useless here.'
Neo's tactical mind was racing, trying to formulate a new plan, but the creatures weren't giving them time to think. They pressed closer, their earlier playfulness replaced by predatory focus. The time for games was clearly over.
Leo's marking burned hotter than ever, but even that seemed to have less effect on the beings now. They had adapted to its presence, learning to push through whatever barrier it had created.
Through the thickening mist, Leo caught glimpses of more statues cracking open in the distance, adding to the army of shadows surrounding them. Their backs were literally against the wall now, the cold stone pressing against them as the creatures closed in.
Neo raised her now-useless knife in a gesture of defiance. "Any more bright ideas?"
Before anyone could respond, one of the shadow beings surged forward with devastating speed. Its body changed as it approached, becoming something like a spear of pure darkness aimed directly at Kaori's heart.
Time seemed to slow as Leo watched the attack, knowing they were too tightly packed in their corner for Kaori to dodge, too close together for him or Neo to intervene. The creature's form resolved into something almost solid for its killing strike, and in that moment, Leo caught a glimpse of something in its center a pulsing core of deeper darkness.
But the observation came too late. The shadow being was already upon them, and Kaori's eyes widened as death reached for her with obsidian claws.