Witcher: Sovereign of Magic

Chapter 47: Kaer Morhen

Geralt arrived at Kaer Morhen, the imposing fortress a stark silhouette against the backdrop of the rugged mountains. Vesemir greeted him with a warm smile. "Geralt! You're back!"

"Vesemir," Geralt replied, a hint of relief in his voice. He gestured towards Uma's cage. "I brought him."

"So I see," Vesemir said, his smile fading slightly as he regarded the unsettling creature. "What is it?"

"He's connected to Ciri," Geralt explained. "I believe he holds the key to finding her."

Vesemir nodded slowly. "Then we'll do what we can to help. But first, tell me what happened. Where have you been all this time?"

Geralt recounted his journey, from Crow's Perch to his audience with Emhyr in Vizima. He explained his agreement with the Emperor and the phylactery he'd given to Yennefer.

"Emhyr… always a dangerous man to deal with," Vesemir commented, his brow furrowed. "And Yennefer is here?"

"Yes," Geralt confirmed. "She's examining the phylactery. She thinks it might offer some clues."

Vesemir sighed. "Well, that's something, at least. Things have been… restless here, Geralt. Strange dreams, unsettling omens… even the younger witchers are feeling it. It's like the very air is thick with anticipation, or dread, I can't quite tell which. We've been preparing, of course. Sharpening swords, reinforcing the defenses… the usual. But this… this feels different. It's been quiet, too quiet. Almost like we're waiting for something… something big."

"Did anyone new arrive?" Geralt asked.

"Aye," Vesemir replied. "Lambert's here, as you might expect. He's been… well, Lambert. Always ready for a fight, or a drink, or both. And Eskel arrived just this morning. He finished his contract sooner than expected. He's been catching up on his sleep, but I expect he'll be joining us shortly."

Geralt nodded, a sense of foreboding settling in his stomach. "I need to talk to Yennefer," he said, his gaze drifting to Uma's cage. "And then… we need to figure out what to do with him."

Vesemir clapped him on the shoulder. "Of course. She's in the northern wing. Go on, then. We'll deal with Uma for now. I'll have him moved to the old alchemy lab."

Geralt thanked Vesemir and headed towards the keep. As he reached the guest room floor, a magical explosion rocked the corridor, followed by Yennefer cursing. He rushed towards the sound and found her amidst a cloud of smoke, several shattered crystals scattered around her.

"Damn it! That was the third one!" she exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice. "I have an urgent call to make. Something's interfering with the megascope crystals. I suspect a magical disturbance." She handed Geralt a small, intricately carved object. "This is a potestaquisitor. It'll hum when you're near a magical disturbance. Find it, Geralt. It's crucial I make this call."

Geralt took the potestaquisitor. "I'll find it," he assured her.

Leaving Yennefer to her preparations, Geralt began his search. The potestaquisitor remained silent as he explored the guest room. Remembering Vesemir's words about Eskel's arrival, Geralt decided to check the surrounding area. Following faint horse tracks, he found Eskel's horse, Scorpion, grazing peacefully near a cluster of trees. He noticed a disturbed patch of earth and, using his Witcher senses, found both Eskel's tracks and the tracks of a goat leading away from the clearing. He also noticed a dish with traces of enhanced draconid oil, deciding to make a mental note of it.

The tracks led Geralt through the woods, eventually disappearing on a rocky path. Deciding to follow the goat's scent instead, Geralt examined a nearby tree, picking up the distinct musky odor. He followed the scent trail, dispatching a few wolves along the way, until he found fresh footprints and hoofprints. He could hear the bleating of the goat in the distance. The tracks eventually split, but Geralt could hear the goat nearby, and chose to follow the sound. He found Eskel near a large tree, examining the ground.

"Eskel," Geralt greeted.

"Geralt! You're back," Eskel replied. "Looks like you found me. Been tracking this damn goat. Turns out it's the tastiest thing around here, and I'm starving."

Their conversation was cut short by the appearance of a forktail, which swooped down from the sky. Geralt and Eskel engaged the creature in a fierce battle. When the forktail was weakened, it fled, taking to the air. Geralt, instead of chasing it, used his Witcher senses to find a trail of blood leading to a nearby cave. Inside, he confronted and finally defeated the forktail.

As Geralt exited the cave, Eskel, impressed with his skill, proposed a race back to Kaer Morhen. Geralt agreed, and they rode back to the keep.

Back at Kaer Morhen, Geralt entered the main hall, the potestaquisitor now humming faintly. He followed the increasing hum, realizing the disturbance was near Uma's cage. He checked the cage itself, and then noticed a set of crates nearby. Interacting with them, he discovered Lambert's dimeritium bombs, the source of the magical disturbance.

Vesemir arrived and took the bombs away, while Geralt kept a watchful eye on Uma. Once Vesemir returned, Geralt went back to the guest room to inform Yennefer.

"Yen, I found the disturbance," he reported. "It was Lambert's dimeritium bombs."

Yennefer sighed. "Of course it was Lambert. Did he even know what he was doing?"

Geralt had the choice to reply either that Lambert knew exactly what he was doing or that he knew nothing about megascopes. Regardless of the answer, Yennefer prepared to make her call. "Alright, Geralt, behave yourself," she warned. "This is important."

Yennefer activated the megascope. "Ida? Are you there?" she called.

A crackling voice responded. "Yennefer? I hear you. The connection is… unstable. What is the nature of your inquiry?"

"We have a situation," Yennefer explained. "Regarding Uma. We believe he may be the key to finding Ciri."

"Uma…" Ida echoed. "The… transformed one? I understand. Tell me what you know."

Geralt recounted the events of Skellige, the monstrous infant, the connection to Uma. He spoke of the curse, the silence, the unsettling presence.

"And you believe breaking this… transformation… will reveal Ciri's whereabouts?" Ida asked.

"It's our best lead," Yennefer confirmed. "We need to know what happened to him, how he was transformed, and if it can be reversed."

"I see," Ida said. "This is… complex. I will need to consult with the Conclave. Such magic is… ancient. Dangerous."

"We understand the risks," Yennefer replied. "We are prepared to do whatever is necessary."

Very well," Ida said. "I will begin my research."

"There's something else," Geralt interjected. "The word… the one used to curse Uma. Do you know what it means?"

Ida was silent for a moment. "The word… are you referring to Caed'mil?"

"Yes," Geralt confirmed.

"It's an ancient dialect," Ida explained. "A very old form of Elder Speech. Caed'mil… it translates roughly to 'the ugliest thing.' It's part of a powerful, ancient spell, a transformation curse. It's designed to turn the target into… well, the most hideous, repulsive creature imaginable. Not just physically, but spiritually as well."

"So it's a transformation spell," Yennefer said. "Not just a simple curse."

"Precisely," Ida confirmed. "And it's not easily broken. Such magic is deeply ingrained, tied to the very essence of the victim. Reversing it requires immense power, and a deep understanding of the spell itself."

"Do you know the full incantation?" Geralt asked.

"I know fragments," Ida admitted. "The full text is… scattered, lost to time. It's said to be written in a series of ancient runes, each one holding a piece of the spell. Finding them all… it would be a monumental task."

"And if we don't find them all?" Yennefer asked.

"Then the curse remains," Ida said grimly. "Uma… he will remain as he is."

"There has to be another way," Geralt said, his voice tight with frustration.

"Perhaps," Ida said. "But I fear it will be a long and difficult road. I will continue my research, and I will try to find more information about this spell, about the runes. But you… you must also seek answers. Talk to the mages at Kaer Morhen. They may have some insight into this… condition, or know where to find the lost runes."

"We will," Yennefer said. "Thank you, Ida."

The connection flickered and died.


still need to edit these 5 chapter

And I have exams coming up on march and my major is cs so I'm cooked

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