without system reborn in Pokemon world

Chapter 1: starting

A boy of 12 year old was sitting in wooden fence.

his name was Dev he was reborn in this world . When he was only 3 years old .

In his previous life ,he was big fan of Pokemon series

His name was same in this world .

He saw the full Pokemon series many time .

His both parents died in wild at age of 10 And dev was also injured in this attack .

After his parents death he come to live with his grandparents his grand parents live in outskirts of forest which is near pallet town.

Dev have no system cheat like any other transmigrator but have a knowledge what was happening in future . And much knowledge of Pokemons evolution.

In this world the Pokemon which have more skill and mastered his skills are called powerful.

All people thinks there is no weak Pokemon but weak trainer . people think the more Pokemon evolve the more Pokemon become Powerful . If Pokemon not evolve they are called weak . The people mostly judge the powerlevel of Pokemon by their growth and mastery over their type .

Nobody can see the actual power of Pokemon . Only with fight the actual power of Pokemon can be shown.

Dev was thinking which Pokemon can be his stater because after 10 days . He go with his

Grandfather for catching Pokemon . After that he decide to go to his journey .

About 10 days later ,

Dev come quickly we are late ,we have to come before night . Dev grandfather Jack said . Dev said " ok grandfather " .

Then ,both go to forest by town road .dev saw many Pokemon in forest like rattata , pidgey , spearrow , and catterpie but no one satisfy the requirement of dev . But the both dev and his grandfather heard a sound of battle . He go towards that area and shock to see the battle between fearow and bellsprout . Bellsprout with his thin rope like body avoid every attack of fearow and uses the attack like sleep power and bullet seeds to defend and attack and at last when he was finishing the battle with solarbeam . He was attack by another fearow in behind and this suprise attack cause bellsprout a injury .

Dev then asked his grandfather to save the bellsprout.

His grandfather then release his Pokemon which is nidoking and command to use hyper beam to the fearows . The hyperbeam

Scared both of fearows and dev's grandfather gave another command to use thunderbolt to nido king . With that shock both fearow left . His grandfather gave him pokeball and dev tap the pokeball in bellsprout head and jump upward this is my first Pokemon .

Grandfather said take care of this Pokemon it have potential to become powerful.

Now let's go home before night . At night when dev release the bellsprout . He was mostly healed . But refuse to hear the command of dev . Then Dev give him pokeblocks ,which is recipe of famous Pokemon emulator game , Dev tried to make this recipe in this world and and successfully copy it . After eating this pokeblock . Bellsprout like so much , Dev told him if you be my partner then I will give you delicious food and make you stronger. Bellsprout agree and become his partner . Now he generally live outside the pokeball like ash Pikachu. But dev have no problem . Bellsprout generally sit in soulder of dev .

In next day he go to professor Oak laboratory . He take his bellsprout with him and pack his bag for his journey .

He said goodbye to his grandparents and start his journey. His grandfather told him to meet the professor Oak first in pallet town . His grandparents prepare a suprise for dev for his journey .He take the road towards pallet town .

When he was walking in his way towards the pallet town he saw a red car coming towards him . It splash dust on the dev and go opposite side to him .

Dev said it must be gary grandson of professor Oak .

He was just wanted to pretend everywhere.

Let get going bellsprout ,

Bellsprout also said bells , bellsprout.

In about one hour dev reach pallet town .

Dev asked a man " can you please tell me where is professor Oak laboratory "

Man said are you not from this town .

Dev replied yes I have some work with professor Oak.

Man said at the end of this road there is high windmill . Professor Oak laboratory is near windmill .

Dev said to man thankyou for your help .

Then Dev reach the Oak's laboratory and knock on door .

A old man with white coat open the door .

He said to dev who are you .

Dev said " I am grandson of jack , I come here because my grandfather Jack told me to come here to meet you professor Oak "

Oak replied knowingly oh! You are the son of jack . Ok he asked me to give you some support to your journey . Jack and I were good friends . He also travel with me many times . Dev replied " ooo then I know why my grandfather sent me here to meet you .

Professor Oak replied let's get into main topic now

Dev replied yes ,yes

Professor Oak take out a mobile like device from his poket and said this is poketex .

Which I wanted to give you . This recorded the details about the Pokemon which you capture and see thoughout your way .

Dev replied to professor Oak " thankyou professor Oak " now I can start my journey easily . Oak replied wait I wanted to give you something then professor Oak run fastly to his backyard and came after few minutes .

This is Pokemon egg which I found in pond which is near pallet town . The pond connected to one of the largest river in Kanto. I wanted to give you this egg at first . So please take and don't refuse . I have to give you your stater Pokemon unfortunately, all were taken away by new trainer . But Jack said in call today that you already catch a bellsprout for your journey. It's good so I decided to give you an egg of Pokemon .

The stater Pokemon only given to the people which is choosen by professor himself or having a big background in league . There is second method to buy it, but the potential Pokemon are very expensive to buy .

So we can only catch the Pokemon in wild by himself.

Professor Oak said you can ask me if you need any help. I was supporting to you now you can send me Pokemon also for check up and for my research .

Dev said Ok professor . Now can I go now ,

Is there is something for me .

Oak said no , take care in your journey .

Dev said yes and going out of professor Oak laboratory.

He saw a boy in sleepwear was rushing towards the entrance of professor Oak laboratory. And saying " I was late for my journey, I was late " he glance at dev for few second and rush towards professor's laboratory directly .

Yes it is good to meet the main character of Pokemon series , but I have to stay away from him in future because ash get into trouble every time .

Then Dev open his bag and see the egg which is in incubator. And see the bellsprout who is sleeping the whole time in the bag . Then he take out the poketex and register his name and Pokemon which he have in poketex .

Now his first goal is to collect all badges and participate in indigo league.

Dev was now going towards his first stop which is veridian city .

In his way he battle with many wild Pokemon

But, not catch any one because all wild Pokemon have very low growth and potential .

He also battle with many trainer and win 500 pokecoin . He also know many attack of bellsprout like . Sleep powder , vine wipe ,

Absorb , bullet seed , double team and solarbeam .

When he was heading towards the veridian city, he stop near a pond and saw a orange hair girl who was fishing in pond .

Dev think orange hair girl and fishing in the pond she must be misty . Yes let's ask for a battle bellsprout .

Dev then come near her he said " I am challenging you for a Pokemon fight let's have a fight "

Misty said "ok go staryu "

Dev also said go bellsprout

The battle stats

Misty , staryu use tackle . Dev command to bellsprout avoide and use bullet seed .

The attack of staryu was dogged sucessfully and bullet seeds attack hit staryu and with force staryu hit the tree and fainted .

Dev thinks himself " is staryu is too weak or my bellsprout is too strong " .

Misty also shock to see a rookie trainer beat his staryu that easily .

Misty then introduced himself and dev also introduced himself to misty .

Misty send some pokecoin in dev's account because she was defeated .

Dev then hurriedly said goodbye and go in his way. But he hear a loud sound of thunder in his way and said this must be ash Pikachu its really comparable to legendary as in the Pokemon series . Then after some time he saw the legendary Pokemon hooh and with his poketTex dev fastly click his photo from far but it clear with rambow .In afternoon he reach the veridian city where he stop by officer Jenny .

She asked his identity. Dev took out his poketex and show it to officer Jenny .

Officer Jenny said ," sorry for stopping you there are Pokemon thief around here so be careful about them . "

Dev then saw the famous three team rocket trio poster . And said If I find them I must inform you .

Dev then head towards the Pokemon centre .

He saw nurse Joy and said this is my bellsprout. He gave his bells prout for taking care in Pokemon centre . Nurse Joy asked him " do you want room for a night " .he refuse .

Generally people should pay for the membership of Pokemon centres when they register for league . This membership provide free room for staying at night in every Pokemon centre for two years throughout trainers journey .

He then go to corner where communication device was and call his grandparents .

Dev talk with his grand parents . he Said everything that happen and also said about egg . His grandfather said stay near your egg and provide warm and carry it properly in your journey . He cut the call then .

Nurse Joy also have him the pokeball of bellsprout. Bellsprout come out from pokeball and climb to the dev shoulder.

Dev left Pokemon centre and find a hotel near Pokemon centre then he book a room for one night in hotel .

He go towards the room and take a bath and sleep . He said it is good to have money because his grandparents owned berrys field and are one of the biggest berryies seller in whole Kanto region .

He was sleeping soundly then he heard a big

Sound of blast . He saw though his window , a huge black cloud with fire in Pokemon centre .

Dev think ash and his Pikachu is really great worthy for being a child of faith .

He then sleep till the morning and left the hotel .

Now he heading towards the peuter city to collect his first badge for indigo league.

He left veridian city and go through the veridian forest which is famous for the bug and grass type Pokemon .

Dev meet many bug and grass type Pokemon through in his way and bellsprout gain experience. But dev know that his bellsprout don't wanted to evolve and dev also agree with it because he saw first handed power of bellsprout he looks weak but when fighting with fearow he was in absolute advantage in strength .

Dev meet many trainer and finally he meet samurai boy and defeat him easily. But after his defeat he said you are third one who is stronger than me . He said who are the others . Samurai said they are from pallet town . Dev nodded as I expected ok then see you later someday . Samurai boy also said

Next time I will defeat you .

He head towards the peuter city at night he reached the peuter city and decided to challenge the gym next day .

He head towards the Pokemon centre for staying for a night .

He woke up early next day and go to the peuter gym .

When he step in battle ground he saw the gym hall was in dark . But suddenly all lights on automatically he saw a huge rock type battle field and a person with small eyes are sitting other side of the rocky ground .

Dev thinks" he was Brock ,the famous one of the lustful guy in Pokemon series ".

Brock said you need atleast two Pokemon to fight .

Dev said I have only one but it can beat your both the Pokemons .

Brock said so confident so I must break your confidence first .

He send his geodude first and dev also send his bellsprout .

Brock saw this and smile this battle was over go geodude use tackle .

Dev also command his bellsprout doge and use laser leaf this is latest move which bellsprout learn during fighting against samurai boy .

With this fast attack geodude not able to doge and with force he hit the rock and fainted . Referee announced geodude fainted challenger win this round .

Brock said "oh I see is this your confidence . But with my next Pokemon your confidence crush into pieces . He said loudly " go onix "

A huge rock like snake appear in ground it almost cover one fourth of ground .

Dev thinks it's a problem now .

But when he give command he was intrupt by Brock command of using tackle .

Dev also hurriedly command to bellsprout to use double team to avoid the attack of onix. Bellsprout avoid the attack by tip of the finger.

Bellsprout was not in better condition know then suddenly dev saw bellsprout body shining with fainted yellow light .

Dev said it is sunny day you learn it in battle .

Now bellsprout use sleep powder .

Brock also seeing this in shock but command his onix to attack with rock tomb but onix was taken effect by sleep powder .

At last dev command his last move to end the battle . He command bellsprout use solarbeam with all your strength.

Brock hurriedly command to avoid but with his huge body and effect of sleep powder onix directly get hit with solarbeam and a huge blast cause the dust and rocks to flow in air after few minutes . Dev saw in battle field that bellsprout was breathing heavily and onix was fainted . He jump upward excitely. And take bellsprout inside pokeball

And said go take some rest buddy .

Brock come near dev and said battle was very interesting and you bellsprout was trained well he looks weak but have great potential and power . I am looking forward your potential in indigo league .

Brock then give him peuter gym badge . After talking with Brock sometime

He left gym . With seeing dev back Brock said this indigo league was becoming intresting .

Dev then hurriedly go towards the Pokemon centre to heal his bellsprout. Nursejoy said wait for the few minutes . Dev then go towards comunication device and make a call to professor Oak.

In screen he saw a huge instent noodle cup in which professor Oak was eating and while eating he said to dev how was your journey dev is there is any new Pokemon you caught.

Dev replied no I not catch any Pokemon for now . Professor Oak knowingly said you have to battle atleast two Pokemon in any gym to get badge .

Dev hurriedly replied but , l already win the match in peuter gym with my only one Pokemon and defeated gym leader two Pokemons in my first try .

Oak suprisly said you defeat it in only in first try with only one Pokemon .

Dev nodded and show the badge .

You are really talented dev well done .

Dev then change the topic and said I also see the legendary Pokemon hooh .

Professor Oak stand up from the chair and said no way do you have any proof .

Dev show him a photo in poketex . Professor Oak said what do you want in exchange of the photo . Dev replied . I want

Miracle seed for increasing my bellsprout power .

Professor Oak : yes , not only I can give you this but I can also give you two hundred thousand pokecoin also . This image is a proof the legendary Pokemon is still in this world . There is debate about that topic in researcher community.

Dev. Ok thankyou professor

Then Dev send hooh picture to professor Oak for studying .

Professor have a huge smile after seeing the picture . He then said to dev if you have anything like that in future you must tell me byy ,I have to start researching now .

He cut the call himself .

After then he took bellsprout with him and take a rest for night in Pokemon centre.

Next day he left the peuter city and now he is going towards cerulean city for his next gym battle . In his way he decide to catch a clefairy in Mt moon . In whole day he spend his time to battle with wild Pokemons at night time he finally take some break and put a tent and start preparing food .

The smell of food is so good that bellsprout mouth was dripping. Even the wild Pokemons also come to eat like zubat , nidorino and other Pokemon .

all Pokemon eating like that ,they never eat before .

Its pokeblocks with fragrance of pokeblocks clefable also come after smelling dev treated him pokeblocks, and said do you want to join my team , clefable sign fight me ,

He then start fight at night time he choose bellsprout.

Writer - what does it means he choose he only has bellsprout.

Clefable use attack like gravity , psychic , cham , meteor punch ,quick attack . But

Bellsprout defend him with double team , bullet seed , doge , and sleep powder at last bellsprout use sunny day and solarbeam to finish . Clefable fainted . Bellsprout also exhausted. Dev spend no time to throw pokeball towards clefable . Pokeball slightly move but at end stop , dev said welcome clefable you are now new member of this small family .

He also took bellsprout in his pokeball for some rest . And also go for sleep in his camp.

Next day doing breakfast with clefable and bellsprout he pack his camp and go towards the cerulean city . In forest he collect battle experience with clefable by fighting against many Pokemons .

He follow the cerulean city root and at afternoon time he arrived in the city . He decided to rest for today in Pokemon centre.

In his way towards the Pokemon centre he saw a poster of three sisters of misty .

And decided to go tomorrow for challenge because tomorrow is not any show .

He held towards the Pokemon centre for one night rest .

Next day he directly reach to the gym and shouted in hall I want to challenge the gym is there is anyone to accept it .

The halls lights on

Dev saw three beautiful girls other side of water stadium.

Boy if you want take it and go . This is our sleep time .

Dev thinks " they all have same character as in series " .

I want to get badge with my own efforts let's have battle dev said .

Three sisters , ok one Pokemon battle

Violet one of the sister send his Pokemon " go staryu "

Dev send his clefable against staryu

Dev command use psychic and him then use meteor punch to finish him .

Violet not even get time to command and staryu fainted .

Daisy the eldest sister said your Pokemon are strong and throw the badge towards the dev .

When he lefting the gym he said to himself it is too weak gym . He go towards the Pokemon centre . But in his way he meet

Gary who was travel with his group in his car as always he was just pretending in front of girl .

Dev passes him and reach Pokemon centre where he rest for a day and go towards his next destination .

Which is vermillion city , he have to travel several days to reach that city so he left the cerulean city next day .

In his way he was stop by a boy and the boy said " are you strong trainer" . Dev replied

Not so strong but why are you asking this .

The is a guy name Aj who is challenging the trainer in this route in order to win hundred consecutive wins.

Dev thinks how can I forgot about this trainer from the series let's battle them .

He asked boy where he live for now .

Boy replied he lived in a circus type tent which is near this place .

Dev now going there he saw a boy which is traning his sandshrew strictly.

He must be A j . Dev asked him for a battle .

A.J replied yes afcourse my wins are almost complete .

Dev replied it's not easy to battle with me .

Dev send his bellsprout.

Aj sent his sandshrew.

A.j command his sandshrew tackle .

Dev go and avoid his attack .

He give another command to sandshrew dig. And use quick attack .

Dev also command his bellsprout to use double team and then laser leaf .

But sandshrew attack was avoided by bellsprout and laser leaf directly hit the sandshrew with force sandshrew knock two metres away.

A.j said " stand up sandshrew you can do it "

Sandshrew also stand up . But before sandshrew do any attack , dev command bellsprout to use bullet seed . Bullet seed hit the alredy injured sandshrew and he fainted.

This win of yours . I was defeated .

Dev replied you can go out to fight and become stronger . You are wasting your time here .

A.j replied " yes , you are saying right "

Now I am thinking to join indigo league .

Dev said I am also participating there " let's get a rematch there " .

Then Dev left

When he was crossing the bridge in forest

He wanted to go in hidden village of Pokemon where ash bulbasaur live .

But he put aside this idea because the bulbasaur never wanted to evolve.

He then cross the next forest in few days and saw a rock . This must be the rock where charmander was waiting but I trave few days before . Let's ignore this there must be other Pokemon that we can train stronger . Also in his last evolution he do not take any commands and attack ash .

He then go to the Pokemon centre which is near him . He decided to stay here for few days because as he know there was a huge storm in few days and now he also wanted to fight with ash to check his growth . In night when he was ready to sleep in Pokemon centre he saw his egg glowing and cracks was start appearing in egg surface . Dev also noticed this he ran towards his bag and open it and put egg outside in his bed after few seconds . The egg hatch and a small big iron like head Pokemon appear .

Dev exclaimed this this is his voice was not coming outside for few minutes, he said bagon dragon type a seudo legendary Pokemon. What the luck it is this Pokemon is rarer . But before he thinks other things the bagon hugged him with his small paws .

Dev then said to him gently tap in this Pokeball you are now our family member.

Bagon tap and go inside the pokeball and came outside .

Dev then give him some pokeblocks to eat which bagon also liked and eat fastly until he fell asleep.

Next day he battle with many trainers in Pokemon centre and defeat all of them with clefable.

In next few days he not left Pokemon centre about four day later dev saw

Three pair of people are coming one of them have a Pikachu with them .

Dev knew this group very well Brock , misty and ash .

Dev greet the Brock first " what are you doing Brock here "

Brock also replied yes Dev are you also here look ash he was Dev who I am taking about few days before .

Misty I also meet and battle with him he was strong . She said to dev " are you forget about our match " dev replied no how can ,it was my first battle against trainer .

Ash said " I saw you somewhere but where I was not able to recall you "

You saw me when you are running towards professor Oak laboratory in sleepwear for getting your stater Pokemon .

Ash said " yes I remember now "

Let's have a battle I know about you from misty and Brock .

Dev said yes .

Then start battle I will be referee Brock said

Dev then send his clefable, ash also send his Bulbasaur.

Ash command his Bulbasaur use wine vipe

Dev also said to his clefable use charm .

Bulbasaur winewipe sucessfully hit the clefable but it also take effect of the charm

Dev command to clefable to use full power meteor punch .

Ash also command to avoid but bulbasaur is in effect of charm and can't avoide this attack and take this hit . The bulbasaur blasted out from the stadium and fainted .

Brock announced bulbasaur was unable to move clefable win this round .

Ash send next his Pikachu .

Dev also call back clefable and send bellsprout.

Ash take the led and command Pikachu to use quick attack but in mean time dev command bellsprout to do double team.

Bellsprout avoide the attack easily .

Then Pikachu use thunder bolt but bellsprout send all his thunder to the ground and avoide Pikachu many thunder attacks these attack carry on few rounds at last bellsprout use solar beam to finish the game and Pikachu also use his last thunderbolt to finish game , but solar beam attack Pikachu and blasted him same as bulbasure and Pikachu fainted .

Brock announced the Pikachu was unable to move this match was won by trainer dev . Ash shake hand and said I will beat you next time .

Dev said " I am waiting for you" then Dev heal his Pokemon in Pokemon centre . And left Pokemon centre .

Dev thinks the power of Pikachu was enough but his bellsprout was also powerful

This match is kind of tough now it's time to use miracal seed in bellsprout to increase his attack by twenty percent . then he take out the seed and feed it to the bellsprout. bellsprout whole body fainted with green light for some time .

After that bellsprout height also increases by

6 inches. This is really take the name of that item.

Now bellsprout look more powerful than before . Twenty percent is not small growth in attacks .

Bellsprout also jump in excitement. And climb another time in soldure of dev .

He uses bagon to fight against the wild Pokemons .

Bagon improving fastly . Dev then reach in a small town where he wanted to rest but , when he enter in town ,he fell in a hole .

He hear a loud sound of laughing above him.

Then he saw five turtle like Pokemon which is squirtles. Yes, Dev came near because he wanted to catch one squirtles for himself

This is one of the favourite Pokemon in his previous life.

Dev sent bellsprout and command him to use vine wipe to go above in ground.

He saw squirtles squad which is laughing him and throwing water gun in his face .

Dev said I want one of you to join my Pokemon team.

He took out few pokeblocks to give it to the squirtle squad.

Squirtles snach those pokeblocks fastly and eat all of them at very fast speed.

Squirtles like those pokeblocks very much .

Dev said again " I want you squirtle to join my team " , and I promise I never abandoned you . Dev send bellsprout to talk with squirtles.

Bellsprout told them how dev treated them

And give all his team training and delicious food everyday.

One of squirtles which is middle of them , which look like leader of the squirtles decided to join but , he sign to defeat him and catch him .

Dev also realised this and he call bellsprout " go bellsprout" squirtle use water gun to the bellsprout, bellsprout doge the attack easily with his body and dev command his bellsprout to use bullet seed after boosting the attack power , this is first time bellsprout using those attack which become more powerful than before. After bullet seed hit the squirtle he fainted Directly without any resistance. Dev throw the Pokeball and catch his fourth team members squirtle ,

Seeing dev catch squirtle all other squirtles became sad because of losing his leader of the squad .

Seeing this face dev decided to sent this squirtles to professor Oak lab for care .

He come near those squirtles and said ,

I can send you somewhere where you all can live well and also have chance to meet squirtle. All squirtles became full of joy and decided to go where dev wanted him to go .

He teleport all the squirtles to professor Oak lab with message of taking care of this squirtles because they were abandoned by their trainers .

In professor Oak laboratory

Professor Oak which is doing check up of Pokemon receive a message near his desk . He run towards the teleport device and saw the four pokeballs placed there he open it and shock to see four squirtle and also saw the message of dev . He said " what a boy directly catch rare Pokemon " all at once .

In small town Pokemon centre .

Dev was healing his Pokemon after that battle and call all his Pokemon to meet his new Pokemon which is squirtle . Now he is also a part of our small team and family .

That day he train his new Pokemons and rest for a night at Pokemon centre . Next day he left the town .

In his way to vermillion city .

Bagon and squirtle train hardly in forest with wild Pokemons.

Now dev was sure that bagon was close evolve . And squirtle also not too far to his evolution .

Finally after two weeks he reach vermillion city.

He first ,find a Pokemon centre to heal his Pokemon and take a rest in Pokemon centre.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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