Chapter 61: Invitation
Dreadfort Castle
POV of Domeric Bolton
A few years later.
"Lord Stark has sent us both an invitation." Aunt Barbrey said as Domeric chewed on the venison for a moment before he drank some boiled water to wash it down.
"Invitation for what?" he asked as Maester Wolkan bowed and left the room.
It had been a few years since he started building the shipbuilding factory. And he was now 11 years old.
During this time, no significant events could be said to have taken place.
He continued to develop his land. Some of his projects were completed, such as the shipbuilding factory, which was continuously building ships at the moment.
He also started some new projects, such as building the grandest library in the whole world.
But his most notable event in the past years was probably the renewal of the symbol's magic five times.
The first time, he got a book called 'Compendium of Healing Spells and Charms'. It improved his ability to survive, and he could use it to help people from his inner circle if necessary. But that's it. He couldn't use it to develop his lands or increase his strength.
As a second reward, he got a book called 'Common Runic Enchantments'. As the name suggests it was a book about enchantments that could be done with runes. These enchantments weren't too special or powerful but common ones, such as hardening, sharpening, warming, cooling, and many more enchantments like these.
This reward was more practical, and he could use it on some objects and places, secretly of course. He could also create a personal legion equipped with magical armor and weapons. But first, he had to find a way to engrave runes without magical support.
He couldn't sit and engrave runes on countless armor and weapons. That's why he wanted his own men to engrave the runes. That way he could create a production line for magical armor and weapons. But the problem was the ink.
The ink he used when he was engraving was poor quality. It was the expected outcome because he didn't have proper magical materials and a magical ink recipe. So, he had to magically support the runes while engraving them. But his people couldn't do that.
And thirdly, he got a book called 'Conqueror of Space'. Like the time he got the book called 'Art of Time', his heart skipped a beat. Alas, it wasn't something super powerful but a book about space enchantments, spells, charms, and items. He could improve his bottomless pouches, construct buildings that were spatially enchanted, and cast a few more spells and charms with that knowledge.
For a moment he thought he could make a magical suitcase for himself like Newt Scamander's suitcase that he heard about in his past life. But he was disappointed when he looked at the information about the suitcase.
Because the suitcase was not only a spatially magical item but also an alchemical artifact. Therefore, in order to make a magical suitcase for himself, he had to find some magical materials from his past life or materials equivalent to the original materials.
But he could still make his grandest library in the world even more grandest with spatial enchantments.
He also thought of spatially enchanting the clock towers to convert their inside into museums. That way he could exhibit his inventions' old and new versions and some historical items there. This would have increased the number of tourist attractions in his land.
Like the level two green orbs that he got in the past, the rewards were good but not too great.
So, after he got three green orbs, he chose to sacrifice the other two magic reserves that his tattoo replenished to upgrade the Symbol of Deathly Hallows. Because the Symbol was level two at that time, he needed to make two sacrifices to upgrade the Symbol to level three.
It has been a while since then and he was waiting for the Symbol to replenish his magic. At that time, he could get his first level three reward, a blue one.
"For Robb Stark's 10th name day." His aunt said with a frown, and he instantly realized that there was something wrong with this invitation.
He was not very good at politics, but he was good at reading people. And his aunt's current expression clearly told him that she was suspicious of the Invitation letter for some reason.
"Is there something wrong with that?" He asked, and her frown deepened as she read the letter once again.
"Lord Stark is not someone who throws such extravagant feasts. Even if it's the 10th name day of his heir." She said as she put down the paper on the table and thought about it for a moment "And the timing is too convenient."
"Convenient for what?" he asked.
"You conscripted some 1000 men in your army a few weeks ago." She explained to him "He must have heard about it by now. But coming here to check on his own would be too risky for him and calling you to personally meet him could be seen as rude. Calling you like this on the other hand would serve the purpose of interrogating you and dealing with the situation properly as the other lords would be there to support him in any decision he makes against you."
"This all seems a bit too much to me." He said and picked up the letter on his own before reading its content quickly.
"I didn't think that Lord Stark was the kind of person to make such cunning decisions."
"It was probably done by his wife, Lady Catelyn Stark." She said with some venom in her voice. Her hate for Maesters, Starks, and Tullys was an open secret to everyone.
"And I doubt that this is something as simple as an interrogation."
He raised an eyebrow at that, wondering where this all was leading.
"You know that Lord Stark's daughter, Sansa, is only a few years younger than you, don't you?" she asked, and he instantly understood what all this was about.
"They're planning to betroth her to me."
Author's Note: Thank you, Diddyrich, for becoming my Patron and a DIAMOND member of my page.
And thank you, Azriel, for becoming my Patron and a PLATINUM member of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your names.
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