Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 68: Ice Cream and Pyromaniacs

***Fourth Bonus Chapter of the Week***

Dreadfort Castle

POV of Domeric Bolton

Domeric was very happy at the moment. His people have finally learned how to make ice cream.

Ice was yet another thing that they could sell to the Southern Houses, and he was a little upset that it took him so much time to invent it.

Now, his chef and other cooks were trying to mix different fruits and dry fruits with the ice cream to see which would make the best ice cream.

He did not doubt that they would be able to create a few different flavors by the time his people created some more ships that would be able to sell Ice to the Southern Houses.

The Ship Building factory that he copied from Braavos was in its final stages and would start creating one Carrack or one Trireme War Galley every week. He could finally stop relying on Braavos to buy ships for his navy.

On a side note, his spy mistress recently told him that King Robert Baratheon planned on hosting a grand tourney for the 10th name day of his heir Joffrey Baratheon. But everyone who knew anything about the king knew that he was hosting this expensive tourney just so he could amuse himself and enjoy his pathetic life by watching some bloodshed even as he emptied the coffers of the whole realm while doing so.

The realm was already 3 million gold dragons in debt by this point. 1.5 million to the Iron Bank. 1 million to Tywin Lannister and 0.5 million to the Faith of the Seven.

The sheer fact that the King was wasting away gold like water while his subjects in King's Landing lived in abject poverty sometimes filled him with great anger. But that only made him more determined to make his lands more prosperous and his people more literate.

He had already sent a literate person to each village in his domain with the order to teach children how to read and write and do some simple counting at the very least. He did not doubt that such a thing would show results over a long time as the percentage of literate people in his domain grew higher and higher.

And because of that, he also planned to increase his military might through other means so that he would be able to protect his people when his protection was needed.

For that matter, he wanted to go to Kings Landing and meet the Pyromancers who made Wildfire. A liquid substance that could either act as a napalm or a bomb if used in large quantities.

Because of that, he planned to go to King's Landing. And since the fat king was hosting a tourney, he might as well have his sworn shield participate in the melee.

He did not doubt that Varko was as capable as some of the greatest warriors in Westeros and giving him a proper magical armor and weapon would ensure that he would most likely win the melee.

Plus, he could take a sample of ice cream and give it to the royal family with other products. He was already planning to take some cleaning supplies, board games, and watches with him to the King's Landing and he could add some ice cream to those merchandise.

Since Robert Baratheon was so adamant about throwing away his wealth and bankrupting the realm, he might as well take advantage of it and earn some of the money that way.

And even if this ice cream venture failed, at least he would have a nice dessert to share with his friends and family.

Having decided on his next journey, he ordered the necessary preparations to be made for his journey to King's Landing.


King's Landing

POV of Domeric

Domeric arrived at King's Landing a few days ago. After inspecting his business at King's Landing and making sure everything was okay, he visited a special place where he could accomplish one of his goals at King's Landing.

"Look. The King doesn't like you. And the Queen absolutely hates anyone and everyone that isn't her close family. So, it's unlikely that you'll get any funding from them anytime soon." He told the three Wisdoms who were sitting opposite of him in the dark and dank room which smelled heavily of perfume.

It had come as a huge surprise to him when he found out that The Alchemists had other inventions to their name besides the infamous Wildfire. Like rose perfume and the scented oil and soap that they sold at a high price to the nobility.

But despite their talent, they were not good at marketing their products and didn't have many clients, which resulted in finding them in this poor condition.

In fact, if no one lent them a helping hand then their guild would die by the end of a decade or two.

This was why the three Wisdoms, who were the co-leaders of the alchemist guild didn't talk back to him when he pointed out how fucked up their situation was.

"And you'll be generous enough to hire us boy?" the oldest and crankiest-looking man asked sarcastically.

"Do you think the products that our guild makes are cheap? This is not any pig shit you're dealing with boy. This is art. Pure work of art." The man said as he looked hungrily at the jar filled with green fluid sitting in front of them on the desk.

And if he had any doubts about them being pyromaniacs before he met them, then he was now sure that they were indeed fascinated with burning objects.

He once again wondered if bringing them to his lands would turn out to be a disaster or not but then decided that he'd just have to give them a remote location where they would be able to experiment with their precious wildfire without putting his people at risk.

"You're in fact correct. I'm generous enough to hire you." He said and waved his hand to his men who walked up to the table and put down a big and heavy chest that was filled to the brim with gold.

"10,000 gold dragons. For 6 months of your services. And you will get another 10,000 when you arrive in my lands."

The Wisdoms looked at the glittering gold with an insane fascination and he knew that they would be working for him in no time.

With that, he accomplished one of his goals at the King's Landing. And he knew the perfect place to accomplish his other goal.

'Time to watch the tourney.'


Author's Note: Thank you, Jace, for becoming my Patron and becoming a PLATINUM member of my page.

And thank you, Deajh, for becoming my Patron and a BRONZE member of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your names.

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