Chapter 2: Gremory Peerage
The next day. Belial is walking to school while rubbing his eyes. The craziness of yesterday caused him to get only a few hours of sleep.
In the gymn he trained so hard he vomited and almost passed out. That was embarrassing... After that he limped home and ate anything he could find. Stuffing food until he wanted to vomit again.
Belial arrives at the school, getting passed the gate. Just before entering the building he stops, noticing a small commotion. Looking back, he discoveres the reason.
Akeno and Rias are making their way to the school building.
For a second, Belial is stunned by their beauty. His mismatched memories made his entire life feel like a dream. Added to the fact that both of them are a year younger.
It's like he's seeing everyone for the first time.
But he quickly collects himself and enters the building. His strategy for now is to avoid them as long as possible. Until Rias calls for him.
The magnificent flaw in his plan is that they're in the same class. Just as he sits down in his seat. Rias and Akeno enter the class. Both their gazes glued to him.
Belial sighs and mutters. "Well shit..."
However neither of then make an effort to interact with him. Simply making their way to their own seats, making small talk.
The classes pass by uneventfully.
Belial keeps to himself, mulling over strategies to quickly increase his demonic power. He doesn't know which piece was used to reincarnate him, neither does he care. It's imperative he trains everything!
As the final bell rings, Belial packs his stuff and stands up. Finding his way blocked by Akeno.
"Occompany me to the occult club building, please." She says and turns. Already assuming he'll follow her.
Belial looks to the left and to the right. Should he escape? Jump out the window? He briefly considers it, but decides against.
Let's just go meet the crew and bounce...
In silence, Belial follows Akeno all the way to the club room. Neither of them make an effort to talk, with Belial walking slightly behind.
Akeno opens the door for him and asks him to sit. While heading to the side to prepare tea.
Belial sits on the brown couch. Across from a little white haired girl.
They lock eyes and she proceeds to introduce herself. "Nice to meet you senpai. My name is Toujou Koneko." Her tone soft and quiet. She's much like she was in the anime.
Belial nods and responds. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Belial Zagaroth." He states, then remembers something.
Wait, in Japan they say the first name last, don't they...
Before he can correct himself, Akeno appears beside him. "Zagaroth-san is his last name." She says and places a cup of tea in front of him.
"That's right. Thanks." Belial nods and smiles at Akeno.
"No problem." Akeno chuckles and walks away.
Belial has spoken to her and Rias in the past, considering they're classmates. So there's no need to get acquainted with them.
The doors of the club room open and Rias walks in. Accompanying her is a handsome, blonde young man, Kiba Yuuto.
"Good evening everyone. I see that you've already met Koneko-chan." Rias starts. Carrying herself with radiating confidence, all the way to her desk.
She leans her backside on it and tilts her head slightly down. "Belial Zagaroth. Do you believe in the supernatural?" She asks with a slight smirk.
Belial simply nods as a response.
"Really?" Rias cocks her eyebrow. A bit suprised.
"Then this will be simple. You have been reincarnated as a devil. I welcome you as a rook to my peerage." She states in a regal tone and reveals her devil wings. Followed by all the members doing the same.
Belial looks at each of the members, while thinking how to respond. It's entirely anticlimactic since he knows the characters and this world all too well.
A silence falls, as Belial is still deliberating.
How did Issei react?
Belial doesn't remember...
"Hee? That's incredible..." In a completely bland tone, he makes an effort to sound suprised.
Rias catches that immediately. Creasing her pretty forehead into a frown. "You don't seem shocked..."
Belial instantly thinks of an excuse. "Well... I have had an encounter before with a fallen angel."
"A fallen angel?" Rias questions.
Belial nods. "I became friends with her for a while. So I know a good deal about the supernatural. Sadly she disappeared before long..." Belial says, looking a bit sad.
"I see." Rias says, falling into thought. Belial glances at her. Looks like she bought it.
"Then it looks like we can wrap this up quickly. Do you have any questions?" Rias asks.
So as to not sound suspicious, Belial says. "I heard devil's use the chessboard to define roles in their peerage. Can you explain that part."
"Of course. We use chess pieces as a way to reincarnate beings as devils. With each piece having different properties. For example, he is Yuuto Kiba, my Knight. The one standing behind you is my queen, Akeno. And that cute girl in front of you is my rook, Koneko-chan. You were also reincarnated as a rook." She explains.
Belial thinks about that. If he was reincarnated as a simple rook, that probably means he doesn't have any great hidden powers. Rias didn't mention anything either. There's also no system to be seen...
Belial becomes worried. Did he really appear in this world without any cheats? Is he just a simple low-class devil now?
"Why did you choose to reincarnate me? You have a limited number of pieces, surely there are better options." Belial asks her.
Rias has an expression like she didn't expect this question. She falls into thought for a few seconds, then answers. "I suppose there are many reasons. But the main one... I don't know, when I found you there, dying. You just felt... strong." She explains. It looks like Rias herself isn't quite sure why.
"Well, I'm alive thanks to you, so thank you." Belial bows his head to her in gratitude.
He truly feels thankful. Apples or oranges, this girl saved his life. His mother always taught him to thank people for their kindness.
Seeing Rias not respond, Belial continues. "So what now?"
"Now we slowly introduce you to your new life. We provide services to humans in exchange for contracts. I'll have Akeno or Kiba-kun accompany you in the beginning to get you familiar with it. But for today, I have nothing planned." Rias states and walks to sit down behind the table. Akeno goes to her side and they start doing their own thing.
The focus finally off him, Belial turns to Kiba. "Nice to meet you, my name is Belial." He stands and shakes Kiba's hand.
"Nice to meet you too, senpai. I'm Yuuto Kiba, but you can just call me Kiba." He smiles.
"Then call me Belial. I find that easier, since I'm not Japanese." Belial responds. Then looks down at him, noting his smaller size compared to his imagination. "What kind of weapons do you use to fight?"
Kiba is a bit suprised at his question, but answers regardless. "I am a Knight so my weapons are my sword and speed."
"Hooh." Belial acts impressed. "What kind of sword do you use?"
"I actually have a sacred gear that can create swords." Kiba says and makes a sword right in front of him. "Like this."
"Hoooh!" This time Belial doesn't act. The sight of a sword manifesting out of thin air is actually impressive.
"Can we train together?" Belial asks like an excited child. Suprising Kiba.
"Sure." He responds.
"Alright, let's go." Belial urges.
"Right now?" Kiba is shocked.
"Do you have anything better to do?" Belial asks.
"Well, no..." Kiba drawls off.
"So?" Belial looks at him expectantly.
"Alright. Buchou, me and Belial-san will go and train now." He says to Rias.
Rias looks at him, then Belial, her eyes wide in suprise. "Alright..."
"Let's go." Belial is already walking off.