World Conquest Online

Chapter 10: I Choose You

Dom appeared in the middle of an empty field. The green grass was short and only went up to his ankles. There was a slight refreshing breeze that felt pleasant in the warm sun. He could hear birds singing to each other in the distance and it gave him a sense of peace.

He looked around to see what surrounded him, being pleasantly surprised by the geography. To the south of his location was a shallow river, that seemed to move slow and gently. The waters looked clear blue from where he stood and he looked forward to exploring it further later and see if there was an abundance of fish in it, he hoped there would be.

To the north of him was a forest, thick with tall trees that had silvery trunks and pink leaves, they looked surreal, like a combination of Silver Birch trees and modified Cherry Blossoms. The forest looked deep. He hoped it wouldn't be one of those evil forests from other games with giant man eating spiders. Normally he would have Alice in his party for situations like those, she had no fear, but had a real hatred to all bug types.

To his rear and to the west of him he could see a small mountain in the distance, between him and the mountain was more of the silver trees with the pinkish leaves. However they were much thinner than the forest. Beyond those he could clearly see a possible pathway that could take him up to it. Finally to the east of him was more open land similar to what he was stood on, with green grass and wild flowers growing every where. There was nothing but green in the distance, and he knew this would be the best location for any farm lands.

[Congratulations Player Lazarus, for completing your tutorial mission and being awarded an S Grade Lords Village. Please choose the location of your Town Centre by walking to it and saying place here.]

"Great." Dom said to himself out loud. "Where do I place it?"

Dom wanted the the Town Centre to be, well obviously, the centre of the Village that he wanted to build. He looked around from the grass field he was stood in. He could walk closer to the mountains and forest to the west, or closer to the water in the south. He thought about it for a few seconds.

"Place here." He announced, in the same spot that had had spawned in originally. Looking around, it was the ideal location, central to all of the key geography. If he placed himself too close to one of the areas now, it would direct him in a certain direction going forwards. If he placed himself directly in front of the forest, he knew that he would subconsciously aim his growth towards it. By placing himself centrally, he would direct himself in all the directions.

Suddenly the ground started to shake and he was pushed back several metres. A large wooden lodge appeared where he had originally stood. It had exquisite markings and carvings that adorned it. It looked like it had 2 floors, with the second floor built in to the triangular roof. The logs that the lodge were made from where the same as the silver ones in the nearby forest, so it looked like it should be in the setting it was. The entrance to the lodge was a wooden archway which had unrecognisable markings, and the carvings of animals such as birds, wolves and bears.

As he was appreciating the lodge, another building appeared around 50 metres away from the Lodge, in the direction of the river. It was large log shed type building, made with the same silvery wood. It was slightly raised off the ground on wooden struts, and based on his knowledge, Dom assumed it would be the Granary.

On the other side of the Lodge, in the direction of the forest, around 10 small houses appeared, these were also made of the same silver wood and were all of a single story in height. They had no light through their small windows. Showing them to be empty like the rest of the village.

[Initial Buildings have been placed, mission reward buildings can be placed after initial set up. Please confirm Village name]

Dom looked around at the Small empty Village that had grown around him. A smile appeared on his face, this was the most realistic city builder he had played yet. He couldn't wait to go inside and explore.

"Riverside." Dom replied to the system, naming the Village after his now deceased hometown.

[Congratulations on the creation of Riverside. No other Village has received this name, so this has been accepted.]

Dom first walked towards the town centre and immersed himself in it's looks, soon planning to enter.

"System, how do I view the town stats?" He asked.

[Just say, view stats when looking at the building you want to see the stats off]

"Thanks!" He replied, "View Stats."

A stat box appeared in his vision, floating in front of the doorway. It was a transparent black box with golden text.

[Town Centre of Riverside

Village Grade - S

Village Level - 1

Village Occupancy - 1

Level 1 Perks:

(Villager Spawn S Grade - 5 rolls per day, high chance of high grades or skills appearing)(Family bonds S Grade - high chance of family members joining spawned villagers)(Quest creator S Grade- random quest creation, high chance of up to grade S quests appearing)

Level Advancement Quest -

Have 5 level 1 buildings, not including Granary and Houses]

"Thanks System," Dom replied, before walking towards the Granary that was towards the south, which he reached in around 30 seconds from leaving the front of the Town Centre. "View Stats."

[Granary of Riverside

Granary Grade - S

Granary Level - 1

Currently at full capacity - 6 months of food for a medium sized village]

"This is great! I don't have to worry about feeding a growing village any time soon!"

He then turned and walked northwards towards the small houses that had spawned. They were neatly arranged, with 5 on the left and 5 on the right.

"View Stats" Dom asked again.

[House of Riverside

House Grade - S

House Level - 1

House Capacity - 6 Occupants or 1 Family]

"Ok." Dom said to himself, "The Village has enough food for around 500 people for 6 months, I currently have the occupancy for 60 people or 10 families currently. So I need more people and more houses."

He turned and headed back towards the Town Centre that he had placed.

"Should I place, the next building or do the Villager Rolls first?" Dom asked himself. "System, please can I place my other buildings."

[Please choose, Heroes Hall or Warriors Hall?]

"I'll place the Warriors Hall first. Please can we place it near to the open fields to the east."

The ground shook, before another wooden structure appeared. It was a single story and a similar size to the Town Centre, it was also made from the same silver wood. It had a large double door under an arch at the front. There was also a small area of cleared ground in front of it, which Dom assumed would be used as a gathering area.

Dom walked towards his latest building, excited to see more about it.

"View stats." He asked again.

[Warriors Hall of Riverside

Hall Grade - S

Hall Level - 1

Spawn Rate - 5 Warriors a day (Can be upgraded with Village growth)

Spawn level - Up to grade S, type dependent

Spawn Type - To be decided - Please Roll

Further Types can be unlocked throughout the game and Mission Completion]

5 Warriors a day sounded like a good start, if he could spawn 5 warriors of a similar level to the red cloaked men from the tutorial, he could build himself a strong force quite quickly.

"System, how do I roll?" He asked.

[Just say, Warrior Hall - Roll Type]

"Warrior Hall - Roll Type." Dom Commanded.

[Please choose an initial category, Ranged, Attacker or Defender]

Dom thought for a few seconds, Ranged would be Archers or the similar, there are so many types of archers throughout history that it could be anything. Attacker would be warrior types, lots of options again, the main stay of many army from the beginning of humanity's war for supremacy against itself. Defenders were the last point of call, warriors clad in armour or towns guards that manned the ramparts.

"Attacker please." Dom asked

[Choice made, Roll commencing.... Free Citizens of Greece, the Hoplite.]

[Hoplite - Grade B (can be upgraded)

Hoplites were citizens of Ancient Greece, who formed Phalanx formations with overlapping Shields and spears. They work better together as a unit, rather than as individuals. Due to their compact formations and training regiments, they are a successful in small numbers against larger opponents. The spears that they held, also known as Doru, ranged from 8ft to 15ft (2.5 - 4.5m) depending on the area of Greece they were from, they had a leaf shaped metal head, with a metal spike on the rear end. They also held a short sword, and a curved shield called an Apsis.

Riverside Village's Hoplites will be professionally trained units, who would have fought at the peak of the Greco-Persian Wars (500-450BC). They will all be well armoured in bronze and not the Linen of the poorer units.

Upgrade Options -

Spartan or Alexandrian tactics or knowledge gained

Technological Improvements in Armour and Weapon smithing]

"Well, that's an interesting roll!" Dom exclaimed, expecting a normal warrior class or something at least a bit more modern, a barbarian or a berserker. "Let's place the Heroes hall first, and then we'll get this place nice and full!"

[Please select location of Heroes Hall]

"Please place besides the Warriors Hall" Dom requested.

Besides the Warrior hall, another lodge appeared, similar to the shape of the Town Centre, but with weapons engraving the archway, rather than the animals of the Town Centre.

"Show Stats." Dom excitedly commanded.

[Heroes Hall of Riverside

Hall Grade - S

Hall Level - 1

Spawn Rate - 1 Hero per 14 day in game cycle, rate can increase based on Town Centre level

Spawn level - Up to grade S, type dependent

Spawn Type - Heroes types can be requested, either Military or Domestic

Further opportunities can be made available based on Village growth and Mission Rewards]

"Can I use my final building now?" Dom asked.

[Of course, Just ask for the Lucky Box that was earned, and it will roll]

"Final Building then! Lucky Box, I choose you!" Dom shouted.

[Rolling Lucky Box...]

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