Chapter 2: 2
** Zombo Stars - Chapter 2: The Meeting of the Shadows **
Higuel eagerly descended into hell, his light spreading in the darkness of a place where hopes hovered like a shadow. The flames of the lost souls and the dying shouts of the demons echoed in his ears, but he did not let himself be shaken. He was determined to find his brother and bring him back to the way of Luz.
Upon entering the depths of hell, Higuel threw a determined look, his sword shone intensely, a divine counterpart to the terrible darkness that surrounded him. In a blink of an eye, he found himself surrounded by a sea of demons. A trillion of dark creatures, wielding spears, sharp claws and poisonous glances, prepared for battle.
With a fearless gesture, Higuel raised his sword and, with a cry of determination, launched himself against the hordes. With extraordinary movements, he cut, turned and jumped, his sword emitting gusts of light that turned off the darkness. With each blow, a third of demons was eliminated, their presence dissolving as smoke. The floor had a new tone, a mixture of reddish mud and shadows, while the screams of its opponents mingled with its determination.
Between chaos and destruction, Micael appeared as lightning in the storm. His eyes, once full of love and loyalty, now burned with a dark glow. He raised his arm, and the demons silenced as if his lives were in his king's hands.
- Higuel! Micael shouted, his voice echoing on the walls of hell. - You don't understand! I don't fight against you; I fight against the oppression that keeps us here!
Higuel stopped, his sword shaking lightly in his hands.
- Micael, you got lost! This is not what we are! We can go home, to the heavens! I will not leave you in the dark!
Micael laughed, a bitter sound.
- What do you know about darkness? You have always been the favorite, your brightness made him blind to the truth! I found power here, Higuel! True freedom is in the choice, and I chose not to be a puppet of light!
- Choose, is it? Higuel felt the pain overflow as arguments of love with his brother collided with the reality he was facing. "Then tell me, Micael, what did you get from it, besides pain and contempt?"
The two brothers stared at each other for a brief moment, time seemed to stop. They were more than angels and demons; They were brothers. Higuel, with teary eyes, took a step ahead.
"I don't want to fight you, Micael, I just want to save you!"
But, as if his words were a call of war, Micael has lasted his claws, transformed into shadow blades.
- So come! Let's see who really is stronger!
The battle began in a frenzy of light and darkness. Higuel attacked with speed and grace, his sword cutting through darkness like a flame on a moonless night. Micael, a living shadow, diverted and retaliated with fierce blows and agile movements. The energies collide, producing explosions of light and darkness that reverberated by hell.
The hours passed as minutes amid the brutal fight. The echoes of their fights became a symphony of pain and determination, while with each expert clashes, every blow that Higuel undertakes brought a little light to the darkness. The demons watched in terrifying silence, fearing the fury of the angel of light.
Finally, after a thunder of movements, Higuel had the opportunity. With a precise movement, he struck Micael's defense, knocking him down. The king of hell fell to his knees, exhausted and defeated.
"Micael ..." Higuel began, the heavy heart in his expression. - It's time to go home.
Micael raised his eyes, soaked with pain and an infinite sadness.
"Higuel, I ..." He tried to speak, but the words failed in his tongue.
And the time when time seemed to freeze, Higuel made a decision. With tears in his eyes and the sword in his hands, he did not hesitate. In one but decisive movement, he cut Micael's head. The light of the sword overshadowed once again, illuminating the darkness around and causing the demons to tremble with fear.
Micael's head fell to the ground, the features still carrying a last look of confusion. Higuel, with his heart deeply injured, took his brother's head and raised her as a warning to all the inhabitants of hell.
- Your leader fell! He shouted, his voice resonating on the dark walls of hell. - They fear the power of the Angel of Light, for there is no room for betrayal in the stars!
The demons, in a mixture of fear and despair, began to disperse. The vast army, now reduced, fled with dread, leaving behind the echo of combat and the image of a fallen brother.
Higuel, exhausted, sat on the burning floor of hell. Looking up, the tears were dripping down his face and fell into the dark dust.
"Sorry, Micael ..." he whispered, his heart heavy. "But I'll do my best to realize the Creator's dream, just like my father, Kick."
And so, while the echo of the conflict still vibrated around him, Higuel lay down, lost in thoughts, his eyes fixed in the sky above, where the light would still illuminate his way, even in the deeper darkness he had faced.