100 Prompt Challenge - Astelle

Chapter 37: I'll Take Responsibility!

Prompt: During the forced training mission led by Mereoleona, Yami successfully convinces Asta to take a peek. Unfortunately — or perhaps fortunately — Asta ends up getting an eyeful of Noelle. Believing he'd desecrated her honor, Asta does what any chivalrous knight would: he vows to take responsibility.

The air above the Yultim Volcano Trail shimmered with heat, even after sunset. Mereoleona's brutal training had left everyone thoroughly battered, but the promise of the hot springs kept morale just high enough to drag themselves uphill.

"Alright!" Mereoleona barked, her voice cutting through the haze. "Men on the right side, women on the left! And if I catch anyone sneaking a peek, I'll personally roast your eyeballs in lava!"

The squads shuffled to their respective sides, bodies aching and muscles screaming. Asta practically dove into the steaming water, sighing in relief as warmth seeped into his battered limbs.

"Hah... this is the life..." Yami's voice rumbled from the corner. The Black Bulls' captain lounged on a rock, smoke curling lazily from his cigarette. "Hot springs after a beatdown? Nothing better."

"Yeah," Asta sighed. "I think I'm seeing stars..."

"You know..." Yami cracked one eye open. "The best view's just over that wall."

Asta blinked. "...What?"

"C'mon, kid," Yami grunted. "Live a little. You've got enough muscle to scale that thing in two seconds." He jabbed his thumb toward the dividing wall. "Might get lucky."

Asta's face went bright red. "I can't do that! That's... that's dishonorable!"

"Dishonorable?" Yami snorted. "Please. You're a Magic Knight — sometimes you gotta take risks."

"But that's..." Asta floundered, horrified. "That's peeping!"

"Yeah?" Yami exhaled smoke like a dragon. "And if you fall off that wall, you'll just land back on your feet. No one gets hurt. Simple."

"I... I don't know..."

"C'mon," Yami said lazily. "Don't tell me you're scared."

Asta's eye twitched. "I'm not scared!"

"Then prove it."

I can't believe I'm doing this... Asta thought as he crouched by the wall, fingers gripping the rocky surface. His heart pounded like a war drum.

Just a peek. Just enough to prove I'm not scared. That's it.

Taking a deep breath, Asta leapt — his fingers caught the top of the wall, and he hoisted himself just high enough to peer over.

In that moment, fate decided to betray him.

Noelle stood in the water, back turned, steam curling lazily around her bare shoulders. Her silver hair clung wetly to her skin, tracing the curve of her spine. Water droplets glistened on her body, and when she shifted, he caught a glimpse of her profile — delicate features tinged pink from the heat.

Asta forgot how to breathe.

In that moment he completely forgot about a certain nun.

Then Noelle turned — and their eyes met.

There was a heartbeat of silence.


Asta flung himself back over the wall like he'd been catapulted, landing in a heap on the stones.

"I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY! I'M SORRY!" he shouted, hands clamped over his head.

Asta's guilt swallowed him whole.

I've dishonored her. I've ruined her life. I'm a disgrace.

He spent the rest of the night pacing, spiraling deeper into self-condemnation until his conclusion hit him like a lightning bolt.

I have to take responsibility.

The next morning, Noelle was still replaying the mortifying incident in her head when Asta marched up to her, fists clenched at his sides and face grim like a man heading to war.


She flinched, her face heating. "W-What?"

"I swear on my life... I'll take responsibility!"


"I sullied your honor," Asta said dramatically. "So I'll dedicate myself to you! If you'll have me... I'll... I'll marry you!"

Noelle's mind went blank. "...WHAT?!"

"I know it's sudden!" Asta rushed on. "But I won't let my mistake ruin your future! Even if you hate me, I... I'll make it up to you somehow!"

Her entire face turned crimson. "You... you IDIOT!"

To Asta's horror, the entire Black Bulls squad heard about his so-called 'proposal' by sundown.

"You what?!" Finral cackled. "Man, you work fast!"

"Our little musclehead's all grown up!" Vanessa cooed, half-drunk and very amused.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" Noelle shrieked, steam practically pouring from her ears. "I NEVER AGREED TO ANYTHING!"

"But..." Asta looked like a kicked puppy. "I thought..."

"That's not how this works, you dolt!"

"Does this mean you don't want to marry me?" Asta asked, crestfallen.

Noelle's face went even redder. "I—! That's—! N-Not the point!"

Vanessa smirked behind her wine glass. "But you didn't say no..."


Despite her protests, Noelle couldn't forget the way Asta's face had looked when he declared he'd 'take responsibility.' Determined. Serious. Completely earnest.

And even if he was a dork... she couldn't pretend she wasn't flattered.

That night, when she passed him in the hall, Asta froze like she was about to curse him out again. But instead, she just muttered, "Thanks... for caring."

Then, cheeks burning, she rushed away before he could say a word.

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