Chapter 38: My Beloved!
Prompt: Noelle and Asta are sent out on a joint mission near borders. The Black Bulls don't expect to welcome back two hopeless romantics.
The day started normally enough — which, for the Black Bulls, meant barely normal.
"Alright, rookies!" Magna's voice thundered through the forest. "Today's mission is simple: eliminate any rogue threats lingering near the Forsaken Realm's border. If you screw it up, I'll know. And if you die... well, sucks to be you!"
"I'm feeling pumped!" Asta grinned, flexing. "Let's go, Noelle!"
"Tch," Noelle muttered, rolling her eyes. "Don't order me around."
They moved as a group, sweeping the dense forest. The atmosphere was oddly quiet, almost peaceful, until...
Noelle froze. "Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" Asta turned, looking at her in confusion.
"Pssst. Over here, cutie." The voice giggled. "Both of you... come closer..."
"Who's there?!" Asta demanded, stepping forward.
From behind the trees emerged a cloaked figure — a seemingly petite woman with likely wild curly hair, face obscured under a hood, and a grin too sharp to be friendly. A small crystal orb floated beside her, swirling with murky purple light.
"Ohhh," she cooed. "Aren't you two precious? Lovebirds, right?"
"W-What?!" Noelle spluttered. "We're not—"
"Oh, no need to deny it." The witch's smile widened. "But you will be." Her fingers danced over the crystal orb. "Don't worry — you'll thank me later."
Before Asta could react, a surge of violet mist erupted from the orb, engulfing them both. Noelle coughed, stumbling back. Her vision blurred, her head spinning like she'd been dunked in cold water. Asta staggered beside her, eyes wide and unfocused.
"W-What... what was that?" Noelle gasped.
"A little gift." The witch's voice echoed faintly through the trees. "You two are meant to be. Enjoy yourselves... while you still can."
By the time they regrouped with the Black Bulls, Noelle felt... strange. Her heart thudded in her chest — not like anxiety, but something warmer. Something... obsessive.
She kept sneaking glances at Asta. Was his shirt always that tight around his arms? And when did his smile get so... dazzling?
Meanwhile, Asta fidgeted beside her, shooting her sidelong glances of his own. His usual energy seemed... off. Like he was trying to resist something.
"You two alright?" Yami asked, lazily puffing his cigarette. "You're looking weird."
"We're fine!" Noelle blurted, far too quickly.
"Yeah! Totally fine!" Asta added, voice an octave too high.
Yami snorted. "Whatever." He turned back to the others. "Let's move."
As they marched on, Noelle felt her eyes drifting back to Asta. His hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. His chest rose and fell steadily. The burn in her stomach swirled tighter, spreading warmth through her whole body.
What... is this?
That evening, things escalated.
"Oi, Asta, quit hovering!" Magna barked, annoyed.
"I'm not hovering!" Asta snapped... while standing barely a foot away from Noelle.
"You are hovering," Noelle muttered.
"I just..." Asta scratched his head. "I feel better when I'm close to you, okay?"
Noelle blinked. "What?"
"I-I mean — I just...!" His face turned scarlet. "I like being close to you... okay?!"
"Well, that's weird," Zora chimed in, laughing. "Since when did Ms. Royalty here let you cling to her like that?"
"I—!" Noelle's face flushed. "I...! It's..." Her words fumbled to a halt as warmth curled inside her chest again — a stubborn, undeniable pull toward Asta.
Her hand brushed against his arm. The heat surged stronger, like a spark catching fire.
"You're warm..." she murmured before she could stop herself.
"Yeah..." Asta said dreamily. "You too..."
Finral's eyes widened. "Uh... guys? You okay?"
"They're acting weird," Vanessa muttered. "Weirder than usual."
"I dunno," Charmy said through a mouthful of food. "I think it's kinda cute."
By nightfall, the tension felt unbearable. Asta couldn't stop pacing. Noelle couldn't stop staring. Every time they tried to focus, their thoughts drifted back to each other — her laugh, his smile, her eyes, his voice.
Finally, just outside the Black Bulls' base, Asta grabbed her hand.
"I can't take it anymore," he said, voice strained. "I can't... I need to be near you. It's like... like I'm starving, and you're the only thing that makes it better."
Noelle's pulse jumped. "I... I feel the same..."
The air buzzed around them, heavy and electric. Noelle barely had time to think before Asta's fingers tangled in hers and he pulled her closer. Their noses brushed — and before she knew it, her lips were on his.
It was like someone had struck a match to her chest — heat and warmth and dizziness all swirling together in one overwhelming rush. Asta's arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her in like they might die if they let go.
When they finally broke apart, breathless and dazed, Asta's eyes were half-lidded, a giddy smile plastered on his face.
"I... I feel amazing," he murmured.
"Me too..." Noelle whispered, her heart pounding. Too amazing...
Somewhere in the shadows, Vanessa downed the rest of her wine. "Ohhh... this is gonna be a mess."
"Get a room!"
The shout rang out across the Black Bulls' common room as Finral shielded his eyes. On the couch, Asta had Noelle practically in his lap, arms tight around her waist, whispering something into her ear that left her giggling like a lovestruck fool.
"Seriously, I just wanna eat my breakfast without watching you two suck face!" Magna barked, flinging a cushion at them. It smacked Asta in the head — not that he cared. He just grinned, pulling Noelle closer and nuzzling her hair.
"I can't help it," Asta sighed dramatically. "I'm addicted to her." He kissed her cheek. "My queen..."
"Mmmm... Asta..." Noelle purred, snuggling deeper into him.
"I'M GONNA BE SICK!" Gauche groaned, practically climbing the wall to escape the scene.
Vanessa cackled over her wine. "This is gold."
"This is hell," Finral muttered.
"Captain," Magna turned to Yami in desperation. "Do something!"
Yami took a drag from his cigarette. "Why? This is hilarious."
Unfortunately, the insanity wasn't confined to the Black Bulls' base.
During a Magic Knights strategy meeting — with all the captains in attendance — Noelle sat on Asta's (who was here because Yami thought it would be hilarious to have him fill in for him as 'temporary' captain, and ofcourse Noelle tagged along) lap. In the middle of the briefing.
"So, regarding the rogue mage threat in the Forsaken Real—"
"Mmmm... you smell amazing," Asta murmured into Noelle's hair.
"Asta," Fuegoleon said tightly. "Could you... not?"
"I'll try," Asta said, only to immediately plant a kiss on Noelle's neck. She giggled and turned to kiss him back.
"FOR THE LOVE OF THE CLOVER KINGDOM, STOP!" Nozel exploded from across the table, slamming his fist on the wood. "This is a military briefing, not your personal courting session!"
"I dunno," Mereoleona drawled, sipping her drink. "I say let 'em be. Kid's got guts."
"We're doomed," Charlotte muttered, burying her face in her hands.
The church wasn't spared either.
When the two visited Hage to see Father Orsi, Asta had barely stepped inside before he wrapped Noelle in his arms and started spinning her around like a lovestruck fool.
"Ohhh, Noelle!" Asta beamed. "I love you so much! Let's get married and have a hundred babies!"
"Hahaha!" Noelle laughed. "Only a hundred? I was thinking two hundred!"
Sister Lily looked ready to faint. "A-Asta, what happened to you?!"
"Love happened!" Asta declared. He tried to kiss Noelle again, but she grabbed his face and practically slammed her lips against his like they were in some over dramatic romance novel.
"IN THE HOUSE OF GOD?!" Father Orsi shrieked. "HAVE SOME DECENCY!"
"Never!" Asta shouted proudly, dipping Noelle low like they were on a stage.
By week two, the entire kingdom was whispering. Rumors spread like wildfire: one of the Wizard King's most cherished prospects was spending his days shoving his tongue down a royal's throat. Nobles were scandalized. The church decried their "shameful lack of purity." King Augustus demanded they be "banished from civilized society."
But Asta and Noelle? They didn't care.
At a formal gathering of nobility, Noelle (draped over Asta's arm) didn't even blink when she kissed him in full view of half the royal court. The collected gasps could've sucked all the air from the room.
"Did she just..."
"...In front of Lord Silva?!"
"Oh no, she's ruined."
Noelle heard it all — and for once, she didn't care. Because the moment Asta leaned in to murmur, "You're so beautiful, Noelle..." in that hopelessly smitten voice of his, her face practically melted into a dreamy smile.
Damn that witch, Nozel thought bitterly, downing his wine in one gulp.
"We have to fix this," Yami grunted after one particularly unbearable morning where Asta and Noelle had spent breakfast feeding each other like lovestruck idiots.
"I don't get it," Finral said miserably. "Why aren't they at least embarrassed?"
"I dunno," Vanessa said. "But if I hear 'Oh Noelle, your hair smells like roses!' one more time, I'm torching that idiot's hair myself."
"You think they've... y'know..." Magna trailed off with a grimace.
"Don't finish that sentence," Nozel warned, marching into the room. His hair was disheveled, and there was a vein throbbing in his temple. "I don't know what's wrong with them, but if you all don't fix it, I'll personally handle it myself."
Yami exhaled smoke. "Relax. It's just some dumb curse. Someone'll break it sooner or later."
"Yeah?" Nozel's eye twitched. "Better be sooner."
As if on cue, Asta and Noelle burst through the door, hand-in-hand and grinning like fools.
"Hey guys!" Asta beamed. "We're gonna go pick flowers in the meadow! Wanna come?"
"No." The entire room answered in unison.
"Suit yourselves!" Asta grinned and turned to Noelle, cupping her face in his hands. "You're the most wonderful person I've ever met," he whispered. "I could stay by your side forever..."
"Mmm... I know," Noelle purred, eyes locked on his.
They kissed again. Passionately. Shamelessly.
Vanessa poured herself another drink. "We're all doomed."
Morning sunlight filtered through the Black Bulls' base as Asta groggily opened his eyes. His head felt... clearer. Lighter. Like a fog that had been smothering his mind had suddenly lifted.
"Ugh... what happened?" Asta muttered.
Beside him, Noelle stirred, blinking blearily. Then her gaze landed on him — and she froze. Asta froze too. His arm was still draped around her waist, her face nestled dangerously close to his chest. Both were still fully clothed, but the intimacy hit like a slap.
"...Why are we...?" Noelle's voice was barely above a whisper.
Memories crashed back — the obsessive feelings, the overwhelming desire to stay by each other's side, the nonstop kissing, the public scenes... Oh no...
"Oh crap," Asta croaked. "We were..."
"Everywhere..." Noelle whispered in horror. "The meetings... the streets... the church..."
They stared at each other, faces glowing red.
"...I kissed you in front of Father Orsi," Asta groaned, face buried in his hands. "And I said I wanted two hundred babies..."
They fell into horrified silence. Asta peeked through his fingers at her — and despite the overwhelming embarrassment, he felt something else too. A warmth that had nothing to do with curses.
"Wait..." Asta's voice softened. "I still..."
Noelle bit her lip. "...Yeah. Me too."
Neither moved. The haze was gone — no magical pull, no unnatural obsession — but now that their heads were clear, they couldn't pretend those feelings weren't still there.
"I still... really like you," Asta admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Noelle's breath hitched. "I... I like you too..."
Then, without hesitation, Asta reached for her hand. "Can I... kiss you? For real this time?"
"...You idiot," Noelle muttered — and kissed him first.
"Well," Vanessa sighed the next morning. "Looks like we're still stuck with their nonsense."
"Yeah, but at least it's less... gross," Magna muttered.
"I think it's cute," Charmy grinned.
"I still wanna die," Finral groaned.
"Oh, come on," Yami said, smirking. "At least now they're acting like normal idiots."
Nozel paced furiously across the Silva estate's drawing room. "This is unacceptable! They're still... together!"
"Ohhhh, lighten up, Nozel." A lilting voice chimed from the corner. Dorothy Unsworth, captain of the Coral Peacocks, peeked lazily from beneath her hat, giggling like a schoolgirl.
"You." Nozel's eyes narrowed. "Y-you?! I j-just about knew you had something to do with this!."
Dorothy's smile widened. "Ohhhh, of course I did."
"What did you do?!"
"Relax," Dorothy purred, twirling a lock of hair around her finger. "I just gave those two a nudge. Love curses are harmless — and honestly, watching you panic was the best part."
"You mean to tell me," Nozel said slowly, "that all this chaos was because you wanted to mess with me?!"
"Yup." Dorothy giggled. "I knew you'd lose your mind if your little sister started acting..." Her smile turned smug. "Unladylike~"
Nozel's eye twitched. "I'm going to strangle you."
"Ohhh, you're welcome!" Dorothy laughed, vanishing into her Dream World before he could lunge for her.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Clover Kingdom, Asta and Noelle sat quietly together beneath a tree. Noelle's head rested on his shoulder, Asta's arm around her waist. The warmth was steady now — not overwhelming, not chaotic... just right.
"So... two hundred babies?" Noelle teased.
"Hey!" Asta spluttered. "That was the curse talking!"
"Mmm-hmm... sure." Noelle smirked. "I guess I'll have to decide if I'm interested."
Asta grinned. "I'll win you over."
"You'd better."