Chapter 77: Chapter 74
I woke up in the morning as per usual. Although I was confused for a few heartbeats seeing that my room was rearranged, I remembered that I actually moved in to a new dormitory.
I freshen up a bit in my bathroom before collecting a few items and clean clothes in a mini basket. The bathroom in each room only contains a standard toilet, vanity cabinet and a sink. If we want to take a bath, we have to use the joint bathroom on the first floor. A bit inconvenient since I live on the fifth floor, even with the elevator.
This is one of the biggest differences between this dorm and my previous one. The dorms in Academy City are built with efficiency in mind, while the dorms here are build with the notion of having it's residents interact with each other.
Since I didn't need much sleep to begin with, I was already awake quite a bit before the dawn breaks, meaning that I didn't have to share the joint bathroom with anyone else or meet anyone on the way. I took a mental note to do this frequently, as I consider a bath to be a more private time.
Now clean and wearing fresh clothing, I buckle on my chocker and tie my bow before going back down to the first floor to make breakfast.
Recalling yesterday's happenstance at the support dorms, I decided to make extra food for anyone that comes down... eventually. There is still about an hour before dawn and people don't usually wake up as soon as the light shines a new day. Not to mention that that there's still two days before class starts so I don't think anyone else is here now.
I figured being nice like this is a good first impression to get along with people I'm about to share the next three years with. One entire class sharing a dorm is a new experience since back in Academy City, it was a first come first serve basis leading to random people strewn about in different districts. I still find it a giant coincidence that Saten and I were neighbours then.
Anyway, I decided to do a quick check to make sure how many people are actually here so I don't end up with wasted food and speak of-
"Greetings, A pleasant morrow to you."
"Good morning." I gave her a curt nod and gestured to the spread of Japanese breakfast --Miso soup is great for cold February mornings--. "I'm making extra so feel free to grab a bite."
"I see." Her eye swept through the table. "Then I shall accept your kindness and partake."
She is a notably pallid and slender girl with pale silver hair that was styled to a sharp side-swept patch that obscured the entirety of her left face.
Briefly, I wondered why she was awake at this time, but looking at her half-lidded eyes and and their eye shadows, I realised that she might have simply not slept to begin with. Well, I'm not going to scold her off for her sleeping habits, glass houses and all that.
As she set up her own plate, I extended my senses and counted only three other people. Going by which side they're on, there's one more girl and two other boys.
I continued making the rest of the breakfast for a while. Just as I was done, the girl, who finished eating, cleared her throat. "I thank thee for the wonderful meal and I must apologise for my lack of manners. This one is called Yanagi Reiko, I reside on the third floor. It is a pleasure to meet you."
"Shuzenji Kizuki, of the fifth floor. likewise." After our introductions, the conversation fell flat. I realise that neither of us are the talkative type. So when I was done washing my hands while she was still washing her dishes, I called out to her once. "If you need anything, feel free to ask for my help."
For the next few hours, I retreated into my room and painted. Kuroko also texted with me when she woke up and we both decided to leave the rest of the day for getting to know our classmates for the next three years.
It was around 10am that I felt something. The colours I was mixing turned a shade darker than what I initially wanted but what was important was I felt something small yet metaphorically big enter the building.
The presence of a god.
A budding, nascent god, but a god nonetheless.
Gingerly, I put down my tools. I took a deep, hefty breath. And I slowly expanded my senses.
And lowly, as if I was crawling the floor.
My senses reached the first floor and then I saw it as it walked through the corridor, heading for the elevator.
A short young man --but still taller than me-- with fair skin. His choice of style is similar to that of a hip-hop artist with a colorful jacket, baggy pants, a hat and sneakers. But what took the most attention was the head.
A blank, pale-white speech bubble for a head.
I took back my senses and pondered. When I scanned him earlier, there wasn't any trace of hostility or contempt so there is a chance that it wouldn't end up in a fight. Even if it did, as a Gensokyian, I'm confident that I wouldn't lose a battle against a young godling. The bell would also be a great help in making him lower his guard so I can get a good hit in.
But the question is, do I really want to take a page from Reimu and confront him now? The immediate answer is a hard 'No'.
Even Reiko-nee, a supposed murder based on her legend, is actually super nice. And I suppose that it would be nice to have a friend that can share the supernatural. Kuroko doesn't technically count in that category anymore, now that she isn't really a friend. And Ren did say that having more friends than enemies is a good thing, less teasing from Mugi, too.
So, as I made up my mind, I decided to go out of my room and introduce myself. I didn't take the elevator this time as he lived on the floor below me and went down the stairs.
Knocking on the door. "One sec!" And true to his word, it was only a second later that he opened it.
"YO! What a suprise! Come in, come in, dude!"
I obliged as the upcoming conversation is private. Although inwardly, I'm already dreading it. From his choice of words alone, I can already tell that we're opposites.
"Man, it is SUCH a good day." He started. "(⌐■-■) You and me in class 1-B, we gonna be the OG! ( : ˘ ∧ ˘ : ) I can picture it now, the two of us, top 10 hero biz. No doubt, best buds for life!"
I take it back. This is much worse than I thought.
"The name's Fukidashi Manga! Just manga is fine, homie! And since you knocked on my door, you gonna be curious, right?! Well, lemme just tell it to ya straight, I'm Manga, the lesser Kami of manga! (☞゚∀゚)☞ And you?"
"...Do you always talk like that?" I couldn't help but ask sincerely. The smile on his face froze, as did the rest of his body.
A beat of silence passed the room. And then a second one. And a third.
"(๑•﹏•) No. Sorry. I just thought that's how popular Tokyoites talk. I saw it a magazine once and I'd figure I would fit in if I did the same..."
Thank everything that is good he isn't actually like that. "You sounded like rapping Yankee so please stop."
"(─.─||)Yeah, that's fair..."
Seeing a (male) god sulk is a new experience, even for me. "Ahem." I cleared my throat to get his attention and gave a slight curtsy. "I am Kizuki, brother of Sekibanki, a Rokurokubi. It is a pleasure to meet a divine."
"Dude, stop with the formal stuff, it's making feel uncomfortable. (٥↼_↼) I'm just a lesser Kami, man."
I shrugged. "So, what brings you here?"
"Straight to the point... Whatever." He sat down on one of the boxes and pointed a thumb at himself. "Alright, so long story short, people are in a big hero craze, like, really really big."
"You don't get it, man." He shook his head. "I am a Kami of manga. I subsist on that sort of thing. But nowadays, people only write hero Vs villain plots so overdone that it's gone stale. And the people who write literally anything else had to include hero tropes like superpowers anyway because that's how society is now."
I understood now. "It's like having the same meal everyday?"
"(°▽°) Exactly!" He stood up with frevor and started pacing. "The only things that are different are oneshots or doujinshis to the point that I feel like a man dying of throat in the middle of an ocean! But even then! but even then! Those stories are starting to get stale too!!! (╥﹏╥)"
'Must be hard...' I mused to myself quietly.
"And so, one of my friends, a Kami of Curses and Rituals, told me that I should modernize." He posed dramatically. "That is why I am aiming to be a hero! Once I become a top dog in the charts, people will naturally follow me and take my opinions seriously! I will lead humanity to a new era of storytelling! And in the future, with that much faith and belief, I might even ascend as the Kami of Entertainment!"
"Right... Good luck with that." That sounded monotone, however, I couldn't bring myself to care much.
Manga sat down on one of the boxes again. "So what about you? Why'd you enter U.A.? (◔ω◔)"
I shrugged. "Just cause I can."
"( ╹▽╹ ) Huh?"
"I was bored, mostly." I thought, memories resurfacing. "It started out as a whim because I had too much time on my hands, but then I guess, I thought that I wouldn't mind helping those I can. No big reason, really."
"Again, huh? ( ╹▽╹ )" He rubbed the bridge of his... Actually, he doesn't have one. "Seriously?!(ノ`Д´)ノ"
"Mm." I nodded, not reacting much. He's already doing a good job of reacting for two people's worth anyway.
"¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Ah, whatever. You do you, I guess."
"Mm. I go ahead and get started on making lunch in the kitchen." I said as I reached for the door. "You set up your room, then. It was nice meeting you."
"Same! We should hang out some time! (☞゚ヮ゚)☞"
"Sure." I left the room. "Some time, possibly minimal." He is a decent person at least. Just exhausting.
True to my word, I went ahead and get started on making lunch. I needed something to keep my mind off of his vibes anyway.
I expanded my senses naturally this time and found that there are now nine people in the dorms, including me.
'Curry seemed like a safe bet, but that would be boring. Karaage is nice so I was thinking of making that, but it wouldn't be balanced. Since we're all here to be heroes, it wouldn't do well if they don't get proper nutrition. There's still some miso left so I suppose I'll make Kabocha miso soup. And I guess I can just add some pickled vegetables at the side for extra flavour variety? Yeah, that'll do.' I nodded to myself.
I put on my winter capelet --It isn't winter but the wind is still a bit chilly-- and went out to the nearest convenience store to buy the missing ingredients along with a bunch of others.
'And while we could have just gotten food from the cafeteria, treating future partners to a meal is an easy way to earn goodwill. When the time comes that I ask them for a favour, they're less likely to turn me down. Yup, I'm a genius.' I mentally gave myself a pat on the back.
Back to the dorm kitchen carrying the ingredients, I find that there is already someone who was washing the rice while humming a tune.
"Hey." I placed the plastic bags on the kitchen island. "I was gonna get started on lunch anyway. Wanna help?"
"Sure! Oh, right." She held out her hand. "I'm Itsuka Kendo, you are?" She is a girl of medium height and a slim build, with sharp teal eyes with shite pupils along with long orange hair styled in a side-ponytail.
I shook her hand in turn. "Shuzenji Kizuki." She seems like a nice girl.
"Great! Now let's get started on cooking. What did you plan on making?"
With her help, the two of us made enough lunch to feed twelve people and then some. I spoke a little bit while we were cooking, she must have figured by now that I'm not a big talker, but was still thought of as nice as I went this far for people I didn't know about. As soon as it was done she wanted to go and call the other people to eat while it's hot.
I, feeling like I'd rather not deal with a whole bunch of teenagers at once, opted to eat in my room instead. With Itsuka-san already knowing that I spend my own pocket money to buy the ingredients and helped make the food, she would definitely give credit where credit is due and tell the others of me.
She was undoubtedly a bit disappointed when I told her that I wouldn't eat with the others, but even after our short interaction, I can tell that she's a perceptive girl and that she understood that I'm not comfortable with the crowd.
I spent the next few hours in my room, either working on my art or watching videos off the internet.
When it was about five in the evening, I came back downstairs to wash my plates. There were other boys in the living room being rowdy and arguing about what takeout to get. I overheard that they were ordering enough food for the others in the dorm because they think it's only fair after being treat lunch and breakfast?
I was eavesdropping on them while I washed my plates and I overheard that since they didn't know anyone's preferences, they eventually settled on getting a bunch of different kinds of foods from different kinds of restaurant for takeout.
From start to finish, they were so deep into their conversation that they didn't notice me. Nothing that they should work on their situational awareness, I shrugged and came up my room, deciding to sleep early for once.