Chapter 78: Chapter 75
I may have made a mistake.
As the saying goes: 'Early to bed, early to rise.'
With my sleeping in just as the sun sets, I woke up around the time other people are just about to fall asleep. And now I have the entire night to myself, which admittedly, doesn't sound to bad.
It was when I noticed that my room isn't as dark as usual. The full moon's light was seeping in through the cracks of my blinds on the vendetta, giving my room a bit of pale illumination.
Seeing that I have nothing else to do anyway, I decided to have a drink instead.
I lit up the lantern, crack open a small bottle of the last of my homemade brew and just admired the scene.
*Knock Knock*
Or I would have, if I someone wasn't at the door.
Sighing, I stood up and dragged myself over to open the door. "Yes?..." I was greeted with a sight of a formal waistcoat. Only by taking a step back and looking up did I see the face of my visitor.
"Apologies for the intrusion, good sir." It was a tall young man with a very beastly appearance, with shaggy brown hair in most visible parts and two large canines sticking out of his lower jaw. "I am Shishida Jurota, your next-door neighbour." Despite this, however, he is incredibly polite.
"I'm Shuzenji Kizuki, nice to meet you...? I'm sorry but can I help you?"
"Well, you see, I have sharp senses." He gestured to his nose. "And while I was reading a book, I came across the scent of alcohol coming from your room." He adjusts his glasses. "I would like to remind you that the legal drinking age in our country is twenty and that consuming alcohol is illegal. Such acts might get you in disciplinary repercussions or worse, expelled."
"That, and I would like to advise you that it is unwise to produce and ferment your own alcohol in the dorms."
'He has a really good nose...' "Don't worry, I already have permission." I said as I took a step back to rummage through my drawers.
He eyed me suspiciously. "Surely you jest? U.A. isn't the type of institution to-..." His words trailed off as I handed him a piece of paper detailing my liquor licence and an clarification notice signed by both my guardian and the principal. "Preposterous! This surely-!"
"It's real."
"However, the law-"
"Wasn't broken. Everything was done above-the-counter." The baffles expression on his face isn't bad either. Wish I could take a picture of it without coming off as rude.
My neighbour was re-reading the papers I handed to him in great vigor, carefully poring over each sentence and repeatedly checking to make sure the signatures aren't forged. From his clothes and demeanour, he probably from the uppercrust of society which would explain his adherence to the rules. But it seems that he's also the type to not take advantage of his position and remained partially naive.
Is that why he's like this? Am I the first person that was so blatant in making use of various concessions available to myself?
Oh well, not my problem.
"Look, I get that your nose is sensitive." I started gently, trying not to sound annoyed. "I only drink a small amount once a month to begin with. And the reason why I make my own brew is because the stores could face legal action is someone found that I bought alcohol from them."
"Yes, I suppose that makes sense..." He said as he handed me back my papers. "But wouldn't alcohol consumption at our age be detrimental in the long term?"
My annoyance died down a bit hearing the genuine concern in his voice. I suppose that just because he was a bit stuck up, that I saw him in harsher light than normal.
"No, it's fine." I shook my head in denial. "My Quirk's part mutant, see. The only way I could get drunk is if I drink an entire cask."
"Truly? That seems... Excessive."
"It is." Drinking is a big part of any Youkai after all, but even then, Gensokyo was an outliner. "But it's true."
"I see. I suppose that you would know yourself better than I would, and since that the school trust your self-discipline then it would be alright. Still, I will be keeping an eye out, just in case." He nodded, inhaling deeply. "It is getting late, I would to apologise once more for the intrusion and I wish you a wonderful night."
"Sure. I'll eventually buy some air purifiers to suppress the smell or something." I waved goodbye, but as I was about to close the door, his voice came out again.
"And, one last thing." He stopped just. Ashy away from his door. "I would like to thank you for your assistance during the entrance exams. That is all."
"...Just doing my job."
I locked my door, and re-entered the calm atmosphere. The pale moon, the dim lantern, and my drink.
Hours later, I let out a sigh of contentment.
I felt better, lighter even, but also a bit hungry. I turned to the clock to see that it is two in the morning, at least six hours since I've last ate. So, after washing my face a bit to dampen the scent of sake, I went down to make myself a snack.
To my mild surprise, As soon as I stepped into the kitchen, I saw that there were other people already there, simply chatting.
The pale girl from yesterday, A boy who was venta black head to toe save for his hair, Manga in a tracksuit, and a girl with horns.
"( ゚0゚)ノ Oh, heya Kizuki! What bring ya down here?"
"( ╹▽╹ ) Humuhumu. I see." He nodded dramatically. "Anyways! Check out these guys! They're nocturnal like us! We should make a club or something, we already have the minimum amount of members needed to form one!"
I stared him down for a good few seconds, his expression wasn't faltering but his body was starting to sweat a bit.
"...No." I answered. I already know that I'd be too busy for that once the semester starts. And whatever free time I have would be allocated towards other matters. I turned my gaze to the other people on the table. "I'm making something, you guys want a bite?"
"Well, I shall partake if you insist." Said Yanagi-san.
"As will I." Said the other boy.
I waited for the other girl's response, she seemed to get that I was waiting for her but she took out her phone and typed something in. "Sorry, could you repeat that?" Her phone intoned.
Realising that she's a foreigner, I repeated what I said in English.
They were surprised, with Manga and the other girl being the most vocal. The girl, in particular, was asking me plenty of questions, such as how was I so good or where did I learn. I answered a few of her questions for a bit before going back to my own inquiry. Seeing that she was just off from her flight as was likely jetlagged, she agreed to partake.
When she saw that I was making pancakes for a snack, she offered to help, which I accepted. In the background, the other three continued to talk about interesting stories that they've come across.
As it turned out, Manga has already laid foundations for himself, entering the manga industry under a pen name. He was vehemently discussing with the other two about the current state of the entertainment sector and his plans on using future popularity on steering but back to the right path.
Yanagi and the other boy were nodding along at certain parts, both agreeing that anything outside of heroes and villains have fallen off one way or another, with plenty others directly becoming niches in their own right. The three of them lamented the fate of certain creators that were simply buried and forgotten under the weight of mass-produced clichés and underdone troupes.
Meanwhile Pony --Odd name-- kept talking to me in English. She has just arrived in Japan a few hours prior and her body hasn't adapted yet to the day-night cycle.
She should be fine by tomorrow. The presence of quirks has strengthened the baseline capabilities of the average person. If an average quirk-era highschool girl can break a pre-quirk-era athlete's record, then Pony can walk off the jetlag come a few hours.
Pony is very excited for school to start. She was initially very happy that she was the one that got the chance to be the foreign exchange student but now that's she's actually here, she worries that her grasp on the Japanese language wouldn't be enough to get her by day-to-day after experiencing a few hiccups just getting to the dorms.
She studied hard, obviously. In terms of capability, she can handle herself with the help of gestures and context. What she's lacking now is comprehension speed, finesse and experience.
She seemed like a nice girl so I offered her my aid. She was happy that I did, saying that the people here are nice --I mean, this is a Hero school-- and she told me that another girl offered her the same.
All of us ate harmoniously.
Barring Manga's vocal opinion about forming a club, I think that I wouldn't mind spending some more time with these individuals, so long as Manga tones down his antics. In any case, it is still late at night so the others had to go back and try to get some more sleep. Manga on the other hand, said that he has work to do with drawing the next chapter of his web-manga and bid me a good night as well.
Sitting alone in the kitchen, I contemplated on whether I should head out for a jog before reminding myself that it's three in the morning. Honestly, what kind of lunatic would have a jog at three in the morning?
'The morning air is nice and chilly. There's a nice view of the stars and moon too.'
I take it back.
It was me.
I'm the type of lunatic who would jog at three in the morning. Why wouldn't I? It's so quiet and peaceful. Plus, it would help familiarise myself with the school grounds so that's two birds with one stone.
Of course, as a little extra to my night excursion, I decided to end it by having a flight. Running on the ground is nice and all, but flying takes the cake any day.
Although, I do have to be careful not to get caught. Dorm schools have a curfew by default and U.A. is not an exception but I should, should get away with a slap on the wrist considering that I never left the school grounds.
When I was feeling the wind in go by, a familiar someone called out to me.
"Kouhai!" Was all I heard before I was pulled into a hug mid-air.
"Good morning to you as well, senpai." I reciprocated the hug for a few seconds before pulling away. I'm not one for physical affection, but she certainly is. If I didn't, then depending on the mood, she's either the pouty type or the type to throw a tantrum. "Were you also enraptured by the moon tonight?"
"That too!" She beamed. "But I'm mostly here to admire the stars! It's always nice to know that no matter how far away from home I am, the stars stay the same!"
"That's true." I look at the sky, recalling the nights I prowled with my sister.
"Also~" Senpai started, her hands shooting out tiny sparking lights. "Congratulations on passing! I look forward to a year with you and Kuroko!"
"Thank you." I smiled in reply. "I'm sure Kuroko would say the same, but she's currently resting. Speaking of, are you supposed to be asleep, Senpai?"
"It's fine~ It's fine~ don't worry about it." She waved a hand. "I had a nap earlier so I'm still full of energy to burn. Besides, classes won't start until tomorrow so if I feel tired later I can just sleep in."
I raised an eyebrow at that statement. "But don't girl normally say that staying up late is bad for the skin?" I grew up around women, most my friends in Academy City were women... I need more guy friends...
"That's because they don't have magic, duh!" She laughed, rolling over in the air. "Witches already made a bunch of solutions to beauty problems long ago! It's just a matter on whether I can use those methods now."
"Can you?"
"No~ But that's what money is for! I still order the potions and salves from Nanna."
"Yup!" Her smile widened. "If your interested, I can introduce you to a few items."
I didn't expect to have company tonight. And I certainly didn't expect for me to spend the dark hours of the morning discussing magic skincare with Nejire while we were high up in the air, but I definitely wouldn't say I hated it.
I returned to the dorms at around five a.m. I freshened myself in the bath changed my clothes before going back down to the kitchen again to get started on breakfast, specifically tamagoyaki. I'm in the mood for them.
When the first light of dawn started to cut through the dark of night, someone else came down from their rooms.
The two of them are wearing light clothing, probably going for a jog as well. They didn't seem to notice me as when they entered the kitchen for a drink, I decided to greet them. "Good morning." I said as I took a step back to avoid a punch while I watched them jump in mild fright.
"Woah! Sorry! That was a reflex!" Said the girl, Kendo, as she withdrew her hand. "Kizuki, right? Sorry about that. My master at the dojo let the students do suprise attacks at each other to hone awareness. I let my guard down since this isn't the dojo, you know? But still, has anyone ever told you that you should wear a bell?" She joked to defuse the situation, the other boy kept his quiet but was still peeved.
"A few." I said as I continued crack a few eggs. "Mostly by people I've arrested."
"Really? Like a civilian's arrest?" She asked after getting her drink.
"Something like that, yeah."
"Oh, by the way, this Hiryu Rin, from China." She gestured to the boy as he gave a slight nod. "We already knew each other from a few tournaments, he's a bit shy around new people but he'll grow on you eventually."
"Nice meeting you." I spared the boy a glance before going back to the eggs to make sure they don't get overcooked. "You two can go back to doing what you were planning on doing. Breakfast will be ready in a bit."
"...Er, you do know that you don't have to do this all the time right?" She pointed out. "I'm sure we can discuss about who does the chores in shifts with the rest of the class."
"I know." I nodded as I folded the eggs. "I'm cooking because I just felt like it. I won't be free enough to do stuff like this all the time, but when I do? I take the opportunity."
"Is that so? You make it sound like you know you'll be busy."
"You have no idea." I sighed.
"Rest is just as important as hard work." Surprisingly, Hiryu spoke for once. "A flame that burns too bright will melt the candle too quickly."
"Don't worry." I smiled lightly at the boy. "Trust me when I say, someone already has that covered."
He nodded, seemingly satisfied.
"That's good. Having someone looking out for you is always a good thing." Said Kendo. She then turned to the boy next to her, and then back to me. "Well, anyway, we'll go ahead and start up our routine. See you later!" She waved as she left. Hiryu nodded at me one last time before leaving as well.
I stood there a bit, just thinking.
Shortly afterwards, I returned back to cooking.
After the second side dish, just when I was about to begin on making the salad, other early-risers came down from their rooms. Though this time, they seemed vaguely familiar?
"Hey." I called out to them. "Breakfast is almost done, but feel free to start anyway." I gestured to the food.
"Sweet! Thanks, man!" Said one boy as he dug in.
The other two were staring at me as if I grew a second head- oh wait. I look around to check, there wasn't any other head around so that means they weren't staring at me for being unhygienic I'm the kitchen. "Something wrong?" I turned to them and asked.
"None at all. It's just-"
"-The gap is surreal."
"That. What she said."
I alternated looking between them. "Do I know you two?"
"You don't even remember us? Man, are we that weak?" The girl slumped her shoulders. "I even sat next to you that one time."
"We were at the recommendation exams too." Said the boy with no lips. "I was number 17 during the race, literally right next to you."
"Is that so?" I mused out loud. "I wasn't really paying attention much at that time. The only thing on my mind was the exam." 'And my peace and quiet.'
"Yeah, I get it." The green-haired girl switched her mood fast. "Kinda like a one-track mind, right? I did the same when I crammed for the written exams. The name's Tokage Setsuna."
"Mine's Honenuki Juzo." Said the teen.
"Hrm!" The other boy that was eating also piped up. "Awase Yosetsu! Also, this is great! Can I have seconds?!"
"Shuzenji Kizuki. Also, sure." I turned to the other two. "Now that introductions are out of the way, care for a bite?"
"You know what? Sure." The boy sat down and took a plate, followed suit by the other girl.
"You know, I kinda thought you were a douche at first." Said the girl as she picked her meal. "With the vibe you had around you, it felt like you were ready to punch someone. Like that one girl that sat across from you in the cafeteria that day."
"I remember that." Honenuki recalled. "I swear, the other people at my table that time were holding their breaths. We totally thought you were gonna deck her with how hard you were glaring."
"But I didn't glare at her?"
"Dude, your glaring at me right now, though!"
I picked up my phone to check my face on the camera but it didn't really look that different. "But I'm not?"
Honenuki wanted to say something but he was interjected by Awase who just finished inhaling his food. "Relax. It's obvious he has a natural glare."
"It does look like it." Added Tokage. "Still doesn't change the fact that it gave me the creeps the first time I saw it though."
"I don't think you'd be the first." Said Awase. "Going just by your reactions, I'm guessing that first impressions are automatically bad and people would give leave him alone most of the time."
Honenuki sighed, his eyes softening a bit. "I can relate to that part, at least. Kinda hard to not getting blamed for something just cause I look the part."
"But..." I spoke while finishing up the other meals. "If that was the case, why hasn't anyone said anything so far?" I find it a bit odd that no else pointed it out until now.
"I dunno what to tell you, man." Said Tokage between bites. "But it was either they were too nice to say anything, or too scared."
"Huh." That does put things into perspective. I shrugged in nonchalance. "Whatever. Not my problem."
"Considering that Heroes are usually put into he spotlight, I think it kinda is." Said Awase, perplexed.
"It really isn't." I strongly implied while cleaning my hands. Not all Heroes are in the spotlight, after all. "I'll be in my room. If anyone needs me, don't." I waved under their slightly stunned expressions. But before passing the corner, I paused for a bit before adding: "Unless it's an emergency. If it is, call me." And then leaving them to their devices.