A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 48: chapter 48

The judges were looking at the Champions with a disgruntled expression on their faces as all four competitors landed on the Courtyard stone tiles at the same time. Not allowing the judges to give first place for time taken in the Task. The group took 56 minutes and 22 seconds. The entire crowd behind the judges were cheering loudly as this Task was a lot more exciting and had death-defying stunts.

Hope leaned forward on her Thestral Patronus with her hand cupping her jaw as she stared sweetly at the Tri-Wizard officials, wondering how they were going to score this Task. Daphne smirked behind Hope's thick auburn hair as she heard all of Hope's thoughts going through her head. Hope had some very creative opinions on what would happen upon judging. The youngest Mikaelson looked up at her Aunt and parents for a moment, noticing the pale faces staring back at her, Hope cringed in guilt.

Dumbledore stood up and the crowd went silent as they could see the literal waves of challenge passing between Lady Emrys and the Hogwarts Headmaster as Hope smirked up at the elderly man.

The audience waited with anticipation as the judges were going to give out the scores.

Dumbledore cleared his throat at the intense stare from the Emrys couple as Miss Greengrass looked around Hope's shoulder with her own icy glare.

"Congratulations to our Champions for completing their Task and returning with the person they love most." The former Chief Warlock announced through clenched teeth as he frowned at Hope openly.

Hope's grin somehow managed to grow wider as she knew she got under the Headmaster's skin.

Dumbledore gritted his teeth as he forced the words out even though didn't agree with them. "Due to the Legendary House Emrys' insistence for a fair and just judging during the end of year Wizengamot session, we the judges, will be using the insanely outdated Tri-Wizard rule book to give the scores for this Task."

The crowd was quietly murmuring to each other in confusion whereas the Champions all looked rather surprised by the announcement before sneaking a glance over the Heir Emrys. Freya had a self satisfied smirk plastered on her face as the Headmaster gave his unhappy announcement.

"The rules state that if the Champion completed their Task within the timeframe, in this case 1 hour, then they will automatically receive 25 points out of the total 50. The remainder of the points are separated into categories: Strategic planning, Creativity, Magical performance, Outcome of personal wellbeing and the Outcome of their cherished item. These categories can be given up to 5 points each."

"Because of this change we will be announcing the scores during tonight's feast once we have been able to confer with each other since the Champion had worked… diligently together for this Task." Dumbledore informed the masses before turning around and walking back into the castle with a flourish of his long colourful robes.

The Werewolf Queen had noticed something when Dumbledore made his exaggerated exit. The elderly man was wearing a single glove over his right hand.

"So he did put it on before Gareth could retrieve it." Hope mumbled mainly to herself.

"It appears so." Daphne replied just as quietly into Hope's ear before dismounting the noble steed with more elegance than should be possible.

Hope hopped off quickly and despelled her Patronus as soon as her feet touched solid ground. "Well… That was surprisingly uneventful. I was expecting more from Dumbledore." Harry mentioned as he brushed up next to the Tribrid.

"Me too." Hope admitted in shock.

"Although Madam Maxine looked like she was going to pass out due to how red her face was." Lady Emrys acknowledged with a frown as she turned to Fleur who she could smell coming up on her right. "She really doesn't like you using your Veela attributes, does she?"

Fleur pursed her lips in annoyance. "Nope."

"Really? Your own Headmistress discriminates against her own students??? Jesus! Why did I want to be a part of the Magical world again? It just seems that the Magical community is three or four hundred years in the past if they are still discriminating so openly against magical beings just because of their blood type: Pureblood, Half-Blood, Muggleborn, Half magical creature half Witch or Wizard! It's ridiculous! And don't get me started on the patriarchy system in the Wizengamot!" Hermione fretted in fury as she crossed her arm over her chest.

Hope and Daphne just shared a quick glance at one another, remaining silent at the Gryffindor's rather truthful outburst.

The youngest member of the group tugged on Fleur's arm as she tried to whisper quietly to her sister in French. "Who's Jesus?"

Hope almost choked as she glanced towards Hermione who pressed her fingers against her temples, rubbing them soothingly as she turned to Hope. "Can you do me a favour? When you are dragging the Magical Community kicking and screaming into the 20th century, can you make sure that there is an introductory class to explain the vast differences in cultures?"

Lady Emrys gave a small salute. "I'll see what I can do."

"Now, if you'll excuse me. I believe my family wishes to shower me with affection." Hope mentioned as she witnessed her parents and aunt skillfully thread through the crowd to Hope's side, pulling the young woman into an all-imposing hug from three sides.

"Oof." Hope blurted out as she attempted to wrap her arms around her family members.

"Are you alright sweetheart?", "Hope. I'm so glad you're okay!", "You scared me half to death, Hope. I can't lose anymore family members, Littlest Wolf." Came the chorus of worried exclamations in French and Norse.

"I'm okay. Had a bit of a scare there myself and Aunt Freya, I doubt I'm going anywhere in the considerable future, seeing as the one thing I thought would kill me didn't. I think I'm safe." Hope tried to reassure her family as Daphne managed to squeeze her way through, resting her forehead between the back of Hope's shoulders, her arms snaking around her wife's midsection.

The other Champions and their 'hostage' all looked at the scene with a smile on their faces, except Fleur who was frowning slightly as she felt small amounts of fear mixed in with the small family's immense love for the powerful Tribrid.

Nicolas, Perenelle and Freya practically kidnapped Hope as they dragged the girl towards the Room of Requirement. Fleur was able to drop her sister off with her parents before being able to join the group in the Room and she finally learned why Hope's family was so distraught and afraid after the Task.

"Wait! YoU NeArLy DiEd!?!" Fleur frighteningly exclaimed with wide eyes as silver flames trailed across her entire body.

"But I didn't?" Hope poorly pointed out before cringing at the unimpressed looks surrounding her.

"Hope Andrea Mikaelson!" Daphne scolded the cowering Tribrid as she stared at the ground in partial guilt and amusement as she tried not to laugh while also being berated by her loved ones for her poor choice of words.

"Sorry?" Hope apologised questionably, "It's not like I tried to go out of my way to get staked by my own wand."

The adults shook their heads at one another while the two blonde women smacked Hope's shoulders in annoyance, glaring at her.

"I love you?" Hope attempted to quell her loved ones' fury.

The group rolled their eyes at Hope's antics.

"Fascinating! The soulbond between Hope and Daphne must've blocked out some of Hope's vulnerability to the White Oak." Nicolas theorised with a gleeful expression.

Freya frowned slightly as she instinctively spoke her mind. "I'm not sure that's it… but I don't have another theory to offer."

The 3rd and final Task seemingly appeared out of nowhere now that Hope and Daphne finally had their Duelling classes back. The schools, well majorly Hogwarts finally understood that the Slytherin Protector wasn't holding back her punishments anymore. Although Fleur was slightly saddened to learn that the school wasn't going to be hosting a Duelling competition between the schools.

Apparently having Freya Duel so many students in such a relatively short timeframe, no one really wanted to participate in a Duelling competition. Knowing that Hope and/or Daphne would participate made the students shudder in fear. Only 10 people put their names forward and 4 of them were the Champions, Daphne, Luna, Su Li, Aimee, Hermione and an eager Durmstrang student.

On the other hand the maze Task had changed a bit.

Instead of everyone starting in the same general location, each Champion will be starting in a different corner of the maze so they couldn't work together again. The Champions will also enter the maze with 2 and a half minute intervals due to their placements on the scores they had accumulated over the previous 2 Tasks.

Viktor came in 1st place with a grand total of 88, 47 of those points were awarded for the 2nd Task only losing a few points in creativity and magical performance.

Hope, surprisingly enough came in 2nd with 82 points. She also got 47 points from the 2nd Task, although her points were lost due to her own wellbeing as she did end up with her wand in her chest. Hope had considered her performance and shockingly agreed with the score, shrugging her shoulders as her thoughts roared loudly in her head wondering why absolutely no one questioned how she was still alive.

Luna had answered this query for Hope a couple of days before the 3rd Task as the Emrys pair transformed into their wolf forms to relax, deep in the Forbidden Forest away from prying eyes. Hope had her head on Luna's lap, the whimsical girl's fingers threading through the Tribrid's soft fur. Fleur was doing the same thing to Daphne although the blonde wolf was completely draped over the Veela's entire body, both wolves purring happily as they were close enough to brush their bushy tails against the other as a comforting touch.

"It's because your magic had obscured the location of where you were stabbed Hope. All they saw was your wand embedded in your shoulder, not your heart. Although I am unbelievably happy that you didn't die, but I think that had more to do with your species rather than Daphne's immunity."

Hope and Daphne's wolfish heads lifted up off the comfortable laps and blinked in alarm at the Seer.

In 3rd place was Harry who received 45 points, losing his points in magical performance and creativity. Giving the Boy-Who-Lived a grand total of 72 points.

Fleur was in last place but did receive 44 points, though she lost some points in wellbeing, creativity and magical performance. (The Unspeakables were present within the judging room, mentioning that Fleur was wielding an exceptional amount of magic, especially considering only full blooded Veelas are the only ones who can normally throw the silver Veelafyre.)

So Madam Maxine had to begrudgingly give Fleur more points for that as she wanted to give a 0 in creativity, planning and performance since all of these categories are based while Fleur was in Veela form, not using any of her Witch abilities throughout the 2nd Task.

The Champions had been informed of the rules of this Task before splitting off to their separate corners as the judges learned their lesson from the 2nd Task:

They are not allowed to handle the Task as a group. Only individually, thus the four different starting points.

Go through the maze without flying over it or blasting through the hedgewalls, watch out for traps and creatures while trying to locate the Tri-Wizard Cup in the centre of the maze.

Do not kill any of the creatures in the maze (well… this was more of a guideline at this stage in the Tournament since there were no points to take away).

If for any reason a Champion wishes to retreat from the maze they need to shoot red sparks from their wands into the sky.

The first cannon sounded, signifying Viktor's entry into the surprisingly dark maze. Why the Ministry Officials thought that holding a task at night was a good idea will remain a mystery to the Tribrid.

As Hope was waiting for her own cannon to sound, she was mentally chatting to her wife as she was slightly bored and wanted someone to talk to.

Hope had a small smile on her face as she joked with the more serious girl. 'You know… I just realised. I never had to save you from kelp in the last Task.'

Daphne almost snorted out loudly in the stands as she turned to face the midnight coloured bird on Freya's shoulder. Myrddin must've noticed the movement as he turned to the Emrys Consort with an inquisitive look on his face.

The Slytherin Ice Queen erected a privacy ward around her own family and Hope's family as she told the group what Hope had said. Myrddin glared at Daphne for a second before looking roughly in Hope's direction as he fumed physically in silence. Hope on the other hand winced as Myrddin's noble voice screeched at her.

Freya turned her head away from Myrddin, facing the Flamel's and Greengrass', attempting desperately not to laugh at the scolding the timeless Phoenix was raining down on her niece.

At the boom of the cannon, Hope summoned Excalibur from Freya's side to her own. The legendary sword appearing in a bright flash of light straight into Hope's awaiting hand. The Tribrid sheathed the sword on her back before entering the maze in a brisk jog, eyes scanning every inch of the maze.

On Hope's first corner in the maze she encountered her first horde of multi-headed snakes with either 2 or 3 heads to each length of bodies. It was actually Hermione's voice that supplied the name of these magical snakes, Runespoors, although Hope couldn't recall the reasoning behind why some of the snakes only had 2 heads instead of 3.

"Seriously? Snakes again?" Hope sighed to herself.

The snakes let out a thundering hiss due to the amount of mouths were producing the sound and Hope cringed slightly at the loud noise as she summoned her wand to her hand.

There were about 20 of these large snakes ranging in size from 1.8 metres to 2.2 metres in length and their bodies were roughly the width of a basketball. Due to the sheer size of these creatures Hope would have to remove them from her path as they took up the entire walkway. A majority of the far left heads bared their fangs at Hope as they slithered quickly towards the young woman. The Runespoors that had the 3rd head to the fair right were possibly the most aggressive of the nest of snakes.

"Immobulus." Hope called out as she thrusted her wand in front of her.

The snakes froze in their movements. Some were stuck with their mouths wide open and their curved fangs extended to their full length of 2 inches, others had managed to curl up into a striking position similar to that of a cobra.

The auburn haired girl had placed her hands in front of her as she made a parting motion. The snakes in the middle were pushed out to the sides, bumping into other frozen snakes or even sliding up and onto other Runespoors' backs.

With the small pathway Hope created she strolled past the large reptiles as she made a mental query to her Mate. 'Daph? Do you recall why some Runespoors have 2 heads instead of 3?'

The blonde subtly shook her head in amusement as the 3rd cannon had sounded, meaning Harry could now enter the maze. 'Because the other two heads bite it off.'

Hope actually stumbled slightly at her wife's direct answer and blinked a few times as she tried to comprehend why the snake willingly bit off one of its own heads.

Daphne snickered quietly to herself at Hope's confused puppy expression. 'According to Parselmouths who have shared their findings, the right head is a critic of the other two heads' choices and its own, thus the other two heads grow frustrated with the third head and bite it off. The left head is said to be the thinker or strategic one, it makes plans and correals the other 2 heads into moving forward. The middle head is the dreamer, its head is said to often be in the clouds until the right head tells the middle it's being stupid and childish.'

Hope looked stunned at the information as she could relate to the snake in some retrospects due to her 3 sides, other than the fact that she's not at odds with her sides like the Runespoor. The Tribrid wasn't sure if she found the description funny or devastating.

Lady Emrys shook her head as she attempted to clear it before carefully taking the next corner. This corridor didn't have any creatures hidden within it but had a 'T' intersection split at the end of the pathway. Hope was constantly pulsing her magic out as an echolocation, sensing for invisible traps or spells and noticed that there was a ward at the end of the pathway.

"Finite." Hope muttered as she approached the 'misdirectional' ward.

"Let's pray that these wards remain something suitable for a Tournament like this rather than something to blow me up from the inside out." The Tribrid grumbled to herself as she turned around another corner with her wand at the ready.

This process continued for the next 3 dozen turns and intersections as Hope generally immobilised whatever creature she came into contact with: Centaurs, a Snallygaster (cross between a small Dragon and a bird), a Cockatrice (which Hope had set on fire as she averted her eyes from its petrifying stare), a few Graphorns (honestly they reminded Hope of a bull, except for the face which had Hope thinking of Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean), a large rhinoceros like creature with an exploding horn (Hope wondered how the hell did it fit inside the maze considering how large the creature was, Daphne had also helpfully informed the auburn haired girl that this was a Erumpent with the help of Luna and the Flamel's beside her) and a couple of Trolls.

The wards she had dismantled so far have all remained rather tame in comparison to what Hope was expecting but for some reason the Tribrid remained on high alert as her instincts were screaming at her, telling her something was about to go terribly wrong.

On Hope's next turn she finally ran into another person. "Viktor?" She called out.

The Bulgarian Champion turned to Hope with glazed eyes as his brow furrowed slightly, as if he was trying to hold himself back.

"Oh sh—" Hope's eyes widened as she was in the middle of swearing as Viktor shouted out a Killing Curse in Hope's direction, "Avada Kedavra!"

Hope shot forward with a burst of superspeed as she rolled towards Viktor, his first curse shooting over Hope's body. Viktor was quick to follow up with more Killing Curses, Hope was able to deflect these in different directions as she pushed her way towards the 'imperioused' man.

As she got closer Viktor, or rather the person controlling him, moved back trying to keep some space between them as he changed curses to the Cruciatus Curse, seeing if this would have a better success rate as it was an invisible Curse rather than the emerald green jet of energy.

The Unforgivable Curse had glanced off Hope as one of the 'Crucio's' had hit the Tribrid in the shoulder. Hope had grunted at the hit and pain but she was still able to power through to Viktor with a flash of golden eyes.

"Finite Incantatem!" Hope called out as she pushed her full power through her wand.

Viktor groaned in pain as he dropped to his knees, holding his head between his hands.

Hope cautiously rose to her full height as she kept her wand in front of her, ready to cast again if necessary.

"Hope?" Viktor grunted softly in visible pain. "Please, get him out. I can still feel him digging his way through my mind."

The Tribrid frowned at the proud man's desperate plea and sighed in pity.

Hope raised her left hand. "Rest up Viktor. By the time you wake he should be long gone from your mind. Ad Sommun."

As the spell from Hope's universe was cast the burly man collapsed forward and fell into a deep sleep.

"I'm sorry, Viktor." Hope apologised as she shot red sparks into the sky so someone could collect Viktor.

The Tribrid stayed with the unconscious Champion until help arrived as she didn't want any of the creatures in the maze attacking the defenceless man after Hope had put the Bulgarian Seeker off to sleep. Hope's ears picked up footsteps approaching from behind her as she gripped her wand in a loose hold as she could sense that the person coming was Professor Flitwick.

"Lady Emrys." The half Goblin greeted the young woman with a warrior's salute, a fist in front of their heart as they gave a small bow.

Hope repeated the action back to the Goblin Warrior. "Warrior Flitwick."

"Would you be able to escort Viktor Krum back to the Infirmary? Someone had placed Mr Krum under an Imperius Curse."

Hope summoned a vial and pulled out the memory of Viktor's Imperiused state. "Can you pass this along to my Aunt? She'll know what to do with this."

Flitwick frowned at the information as he looked down at the unconscious Durmstrang Champion. "Has the Curse been broken?"

Hope made a face. "I'm not completely sure. He was lucid before I put him under a sleep spell but he said that he could still feel the presence in his head. I think I jump started the process but there's still more to be done. Madam Pomfrey may be able to help him more than I can. Mind magics can be very dangerous to break without any experience and I can admit that mind magics are not my forte."

Once the Professor had levitated the boy off the ground Hope gave the teacher a thankful nod as she restarted her search for the Tri-Wizard Cup. Hope had made 6 turns within the maze before she realised that no creatures had attacked her which was oddly bizarre since during this entire Task she's been under siege by wards, spells, creatures and occasionally the maze when it tries to attack her.

A snarl came from behind Hope as she turned slowly to notice a mountain lion stalking towards her. Hope frowned as she saw the non-magical creature approaching her.

Daphne shouted out in fear as she felt Hope's confusion and used their soulbond to see through Hope's eyes, relaying her wife's movements and actions to her family. 'Hope! Don't look into its eyes!'

But it was too late.

Swirling yellow eyes mesmerised the Tribrid as she fell into a trance-like state. A dementor had appeared from the sky as it groaned above Hope's head. A sense of dread filled Hope's subconscious as the hypnotism from the large cat took complete effect, sending the Tribrid deep into her own mind to where she buried her worst fears.

Hope's magic acted of its own accord when she fell into her own hellscape as her body remained rooted in place. Her magic formed a protective shield around herself as her eyes turned gold on instinct but glazed over as her consciousness was thrown into her worst fears.

- - -

Hope was smirking as she had her fist buried in her former mentor's chest as he gasped, short of breath as Hope squeezed the man's heart. "You know, there was nothing you could do to stop this from happening Dr Saltzman."

Josie's neck was at an unnatural angle with blood streaks flowing down from her mouth and two deep puncture wounds in her neck. Lizzie was crying from her bound position from the middle of Mystic Falls Town Square, her hands impaled with one of the White Oak Daggers through her hands and into the town monument.

"I swear to God Hope I will kill you!" Lizzie screamed as she tried to pull her arms down but it only resulted in more blood dripping down her arms as the wounds in her hands tore wider causing the woman to groan in pain.

Alaric had both of his hands resting on Hope's right arm which was gripping the man's heart.

"I'll be with you in a second Lizzie." The auburn haired girl called out so the blonde woman behind her as Alaric looked absolutely terrified.

Hope moved her face closer to the man's ear as he whispered softly. "I am my father's daughter and I can't wait to show the world just how dangerous a truly unhinged Mikaelson is. Besides with my track record and my father's, I imagine Jo will be sired to me when she completes her transition and we'll have a good 'ole time killing anyone who gets in our way. Who knows maybe I'll get her to turn off her humanity as well?"

A thoughtful expression crossed Hope's beautiful but stoic features. "Hang on… That breaks the sirebond, right? Or at least that's what happened between the blue-eyed Salvatore and the Dullest Doppelganger… At least Katerina was interesting if not a massive thorn in my family's side…Except Elijah. The dude was the biggest buzzkill in existence. Thank God he killed himself along with my father."

Dr Saltzman made a painful choked groan at the implication as he scratched feebly at Hope's arm currently in his chest. "Hope… This isn't you."

Hope moved back so she could lock eyes with her father figure. "It is now."

The Tribrid smiled as each of her canines extended in sheer enjoyment at the fear she saw in Alaric's pained features.

"Hmm… I wonder what I should do with Lizzie? Turn her as well… Oh, I know! I'll have Josie feed on her to complete her transition into a Heretic, maybe Jo will kill her during her first feed. I wonder how deliciously dark and inhibited Jo can be when she finally lets loose." Hope replied with a small smile on her face that didn't reach her eyes.

The last expression on Alaric's face was one of pure fright as he was scared shitless for his daughter's lives. The youngest Mikaelson ripped out the still beating organ as Lizzie let out a shattering scream at the sight of her former friend killing her father in cold blood.

Hope turned with a smug smirk to the blonde girl hanging from the monument as she stalked towards the distraught girl in measured slow steps, prolonging Lizzie's torture.

"I'm going to kill you!" The broken girl sobbed with a raging intensity burning in her eyes.

"How do you plan on doing that Elizabeth? I'm immortal. You can't kill me." Hope gloated with an evil smirk.

"I'll find a way! I promise you Hope. I'll kill you even if I have to kill myself in the process!" The blonde twin threatened the slightly older girl.

Hope tilted her head to the side as she regarded the twin with great scrutiny. "I believe you…"

A swift movement shot out from Hope's direction as she moved with incredible speed, slapping the young Siphoner's head off her shoulders.

"Too bad that you'll be too dead to follow through. What a shame." Hope smirked as she watched the bloodstained blonde hair roll in front of the motionless bodies of MG, Kaleb, Jed, Rafael and Penelope.

The Vampires had been staked with quick efficiency moments before Hope ripped out Penelope's heart. The Tribrid followed up by forcing her blood down Josie's throat and snapping the brunette's Siphoner's neck the second she swallowed her blood. Hope had set the wolves on fire with a flick of her wrist, burning them to a crisp leaving charcoaled bodies behind.

Landon was harder to kill due to his Phoenix abilities but thanks to his father's blood running through his veins. Once Hope became a full Tribrid it broke the spell on this universe allowing everyone to remember her and Landon wanted to use this relationship to appeal to Hope's humanity. Becoming the Tribrid also gave Hope the means to truly kill Malivore or any other relatives that share his bloodline. Hope's blood was toxic to the Phoenix.

Hope had spelled some of her blood to literally fly through the air and force its way into Landon's body through whichever orifice it could find. At the contact of the unique blood on Landon's face, he shuddered violently as a black ooze poured out of his eyes, mouth, nose and ears before dropping to the ground, unmoving.

A small grin flashed across Hope's face at the sight of the dead Phoenix at her feet.

Hope could sense her family coming and chuckled to herself as she sat down on a stone bench, awaiting their dramatic arrival as she knew her family would follow her to the ends of the earth to bring her back. Pliant and compliant to their ridiculous expectations for her. To be better than her father. Better than the legacy of the Mikaelson's.

It was an unreal goal for her family to give her considering there was nothing that she could do to ever tip the scales back to redeem her family's reputation. Kol and Marcel still go around killing people and Vampires alike. Rebekah killed anyone who made an untowards advance at her without a second thought. And Freya? Well Freya still lived in New Orleans with her wife and son, Nik. But as Hope learned a long time ago, New Orleans was one of the world's magical hotspots, always filled with death and destruction at every turn. Knowing her Aunt and New Orleans as well as she does, Freya and probably Davina if called upon, would perform some spell that kills someone at least once a fortnight.

The Mikaelson's are irredeemable including herself and little Nik. There is nothing they can do to ever make up for the death and destruction in their wake.

Hope chuckled quietly to herself as she lifted her head up from the ground at her family's approach.

Freya, Kol and Rebekah walked together with sadness in their eyes as they looked around at all the destruction their niece had wreaked havoc upon Mystic Falls.

"Oh sweet girl. Why did you do this?" Rebekah questioned quietly, sorrow coating her words as she spoke.

Hope let out a tiny chuff of laughter. "Why wouldn't I?"

"Love is a burden. I'm so sick of being controlled by my emotions. It's like: Love. Lose. Grieve. Repeat. I am finally free!" Hope explained as she stood up to face them, her words not and expression not lining up with the indifference swirling in her stoic sea-blue eyes.

"Everyone here abandoned me! Forgot who I was until, you know… I died… Again. It seems like the only time I ever see all of you in one spot is when I either die or am about to die." Hope frowned slightly as she recalled her memories.

"Oh look, Aunt Dahlia is here to kill us. Marcel tries to kill the entire family leaving only me and mum, running for our lives as she had to save them. Next would be the Hollow. We know how that turned out. None of you were even allowed in my vicinity except for Freya and even she shipped me off here. Alone. Made me Alaric's problem instead. Mum died. Dad died. Elijah died. My life is one trauma after another. Is there any real consolation why I would turn my humanity off with my life experiences?" Hope scoffed out the facts as she shook her head tauntingly at her family.

"Hope please! Come back to us! This isn't you!" Freya looked pained as she heard her niece's speech as she pleaded with her niece. The 1,000 year old witch began to pull in the magic from the small massacre of magical beings around her, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

The elder witch was fully aware of how powerful Hope is and how dangerous she would be without her emotions weighing her down or holding her back. Freya knew that Hope could potentially kill them without too much trouble with her magic which is why Freya dedicated her magic into temporarily blocking Hope's magic so her siblings could apprehend their niece.

Hope felt as her magic was tampered down inside herself, turning a vicious glare in Freya's direction.

The Tribrid's eyes glowed gold with black veins trailing down her face as she extended her fangs again. "Oh Aunt Freya…" Hope dragged out with a sadistic grin. "I don't need my magic to kill you… Or them."

Hope faced the rest of her family as she made a small hum. "Hmm, I wonder if a Tribrid bite could kill an Original? I guess we'll find out."

Hope sped off aiming for Freya, knowing that if she got her magic back she could take on the rest of her family without too much hassle. Especially since she was slightly concerned about what Marcel's bite could do to her if he actually chose to use that method to incapacitate her or even kill her.

Rebekah met Hope head on as the other two male Mikaelsons struggled with their internal battle about fighting their niece/sister. The blonde Original may have looked after Hope when she was a baby but the girl in front of her now. Was a pale and rather unhinged version of her beloved niece that she so desperately wanted back, no matter the cost.

Kol pulled out another silver dagger coated with tiny specks of ash from a White Oak Tree. The Mikaelson's would never consider killing Hope, but temporarily staking her with the narrow dagger would give them the time and opportunity to turn Hope's humanity back on.

Rebekah came flying through the air between Kol and Marcel. As they turned to check on the blonde Original who sped up to a standing position ready for the next bout. Hope had moved to Marcel with her advanced combined speeds of her Wolf and Vampire, snapping his neck with a quick wrench of crunching bone before throwing him towards Freya hoping to distract the older witch from her spell.

The witch ducked under the incoming body as she continued chanting, a small trail of blood dripped down her nose from the amount of power that was required to neutralise Hope's magic.

The wiley Original moved with his sister as they worked together to apprehend the Tribrid. Rebekah was able to break one of Hope's arms on her way through as she wrenched that arm behind the auburn girl's back while the blonde's other arm went around Hope's neck, applying a chokehold to hold Hope vulnerable to Kol's attack.

A sharp pain of coldness entered Hope's body as she looked down to see the silver dagger jutting out of her chest. If she could feel emotion Hope would think that she would feel utter betrayal. Instead her skin turned grey and her veins protruded visibly along her entire body.

As Hope closed her eyes she saw an extraordinarily gorgeous blonde woman scream as she ran towards the desiccating Tribrid.

Rebekah caught Hope before she could fall to the ground and picked her up bridal style. Davina and Vincent emerged from their hiding spots as they were ready to supply backup if the Mikaelson's were unable to subdue Klaus and Hayley's daughter.

The three witches quickly set up a binding circle to contain Hope until they are able to safely transport their niece back to New Orleans.

Daphne had entered Hope's mindscape only a few moments after the Wampus Cat, a 5 'X' magical creature that was practically immortal with the ability of hypnosis. The combination of the Dementor's dreary aura and the Wampus Cat's powerful Legilimency forced Hope into a lucid state in which Hope lived out her worst fears.

The Greengrass Heiress quickly realised that she couldn't interact with anyone within Hope's mind nor use her magic to help her wife. Daphne glared at the Mikaelsons as they knocked out Hope by desiccating her.

The blonde witch moved to Hope as she wanted to help her Mate and was thoroughly shocked when she was able to touch the silver dagger in Hope's heart. Daphne yanked the weapon out with a shout before cupping Hope's face, her thumb caressing the Tribrid's slowly reviving skin as her skin colour began to return to normal.

Hope's eyes shot open, glowing a terrifying gold-black. The youngest Mikaelson girl gave a gasp as she awoke much faster than the Mikaelson's were expecting. Hope's hand shot out, grabbing the thin dagger beside her and thrusted it into Kol's chest. "Bet you weren't expecting that Uncle Kol."

Kol gasped as his skin rapidly turned grey as the desiccation took full effect in the 1,000 year old Vampire.

Hope didn't waste any more time as she sped around the circle, snapping all 3 of the witches necks before gripping Rebekah by the neck. The Tribrid extended her fangs as she yanked her Aunt's neck to the side forcibly before sinking her teeth into Rebekah's neck, spreading her venom into Rebekah's body as she let out a pained whimper.

Hope sped her Aunt against a wall and pinned her there.

"Nice try Auntie Bex." Hope taunted as she watched Rebekah grow feverish within a few moments as the blonde Original was already wavering and losing strength.

"Wow! My bite sure works fast! Come on. Tell me, how do you feel? Explain it to me." Hope gleefully exclaimed as Rebekah groaned, her normally vibrant blue eyes growing cloudier by the second as Hope's potent venom coursed through her veins.

Rebekah tried to grip Hope's arm that was pinning her wall for balance but her grip kept slipping. "I still love you Hope." The blonde Original managed to breathe out as she lost consciousness and Hope let her Aunt collapse to the ground with a frustrated huff.

"HOPE!" Daphne shouted with a frown on her worried and confused face.

Hope's head turned at the musical sounding voice as she slowly turned her body around to face the gorgeous blonde woman in fascination but not in the way Daphne was used to. There was something very wrong with her wife and she couldn't figure out what was missing.

"And who are you?" Hope purred out as she stalked around the blonde woman like a predator circles their prey.

Daphne frowned and her heart almost felt like it was being ripped out of her chest at the blank expression on her wife's face as it showed absolutely no recognition when Hope looked at her. Ice coloured eyes softened as she moved closer to the auburn haired woman, slowly raising her hands to cup Hope's face which surprisingly Hope allowed.

Hope sucked in a breath at the soft touch as her Wolf side roared against her Vampiric side forcing the switch in Hope's mind to flick her humanity back on. The Tribrid looked around the destruction around her and dropped to her knees as the blonde woman held onto her as she cried with choked sobs into the woman's flat stomach. Daphne wrapped her arms around Hope's head as she held on tight, threading her fingers through Hope's long auburn locks.

"Hope. This isn't real. Whatever happened here isn't real. Your family is alive. Your friends are alive and I'm waiting for you to wake up." Daphne whispered as she stroked Hope's hair soothingly.

"I killed my own family and friends." Hope sobbed out between shuddered breaths.

"They are alive darling. Just come back with me and you'll see. I promise and I would never lie to you. I can't." The blonde woman mentioned as she pressed a kiss to the top of Hope's head.

Hope looked up the line of the blonde woman as she gazed longingly into ice-blue eyes that seemed so familiar.

"Who are you and why do I trust you?" Hope questioned as her hands moved of their own accord, grazing along smooth skin as her fingers trailed under the blonde's shirt subconsciously.

Daphne sighed at the feeling along her bare stomach. "My name is Daphne Greengrass or perhaps it's Mikaelson or Emrys. We're married by magical means but we've never actually talked about what name we would use in public. You and I are soulmates. It's why your Wolf reacted so strongly to me. She could never truly harm me."

The overly emotional Tribrid gripped at Daphne's hips tightly as she locked eyes with her Mate. "Can you promise me one more thing?" Came the shaky voice from the ground looking up at her Mate. At Daphne.

Daphne knelt down in front of Hope and pressed her forehead against Hope's as she whispered into the Tribrid's ear. "Anything."

"That's a dangerous word love." Hope responded as she leaned her head against the blonde's.

The Greengrass Heiress chuckled softly. "It's not dangerous when I trust you with my life Hope. Always and Forever. It's the Mikaelson way, right darling?"

Hope's sea-blue eyes locked onto Daphne's soft light blue eyes as she nodded with a small smile for just a moment before she became serious once again. "If this is truly just another mental prison and isn't real, then I need you to promise me that you won't allow this to happen in the real world. Don't let me turn off my humanity. Not again… Or better yet. Not ever."

"Please promise me Daphne. That you won't allow me to turn off my emotions ever." Hope begged the blonde witch in front of her.

"I promise that I will do everything in my power to make sure you don't turn off your humanity." Daphne stated with such sincerity that Hope could hear the truth in her Mate's words.

The blonde witch took Hope's face between her hands and brought the Tribrid's lips to her own.

At the sensation of Daphne's cool lips upon hers, Hope shudders in pleasure as the feeling overwhelms the Tribrid, shocking her out of her hellscape.

- - -

Hope gasped as she woke up and the build up of magic around Lady Emrys exploded outwards, knocking all the magical creatures accumulated around Hope's magical barrier backwards, including Fleur who had felt Hope's fear and resentment. The Veela wanted to make sure that her lover was alright but Hope's powerful magic knocked her unconscious along with all the other creatures around her.

The only magical creatures still awake were the mountain lion who put her under that hypnotic state and the Dementor which didn't have a true corporeal form. Hope held her hand, palm out as she used the Patronus charm to create a powerful light sword to obliviate the Dementor as it screamed.

Hope could actually hear the audience gasp in shock at the utter desolation of the Ministry's controlled little pet which should be unkillable. The large cat leaped at Hope while she had her back turned but the Tribrid obscured the immediate area around herself and the Wampus Cat she caught around its neck.

Hope's eyes glowed golden with darkened veins under her rather pissed off narrowed eyes. The cat gurgled as it was choked by Hope's unrelenting grip around its throat.

"You made me live through my worst fears. I will never forgive that." Hope growled as her fangs elongated and venom pooled in her mouth.

The Tribrid sunk her teeth into the magical cat's erratically pulsing throat as the animal was absolutely terrified in Hope's hand. The cat let out a stuttering yowl as the Tribrid's venomous bite quickly took effect on the large cat.

Hope managed to pull her Wolf and Vampiric features back, reverting her face back into a less supernatural paradox. The Tribrid turned her neck to the side as she heard a crack releasing a small sigh from Hope's lips as she was so stiff from not moving for God knows how long.

Lady Emrys undid her obscuring spell once her eyes were no longer glowing. "I think my Werewolf secret is now out in the open." The Tribrid grunted to herself.

'It is. Dumble's is not very happy. He's trying to argue with Freya about your enrollment at the school and now that you're a 5 'X' creature loose among the students, you're apparently too dangerous to be allowed within the castle's walls.' Daphne mentally informed her wife.

'Bloody brilliant.' Hope murmured back grumpily in her head for Daphne to hear.

Hope was about to continue on with the Task but before she could continue she spotted the unconscious form of her silver-blonde lover. The Tribrid's sea blue eyes widened as she crouched down beside the Veela as held out her hand sensing the other girl for any major injuries.

"Rennervate." Hope called out softly trying to awaken the other girl to no avail. "Damn it! Vermillious." Hope grumbled angrily as she shot the red sparks spell into the sky for the second time in this singular Task.

The Mikaelson girl remained with Fleur until help arrived once again for the motionless Champion whom Hope had accidentally knocked out with a burst of powerful magic.

"I'm sorry Fleur. I promise to make this up to you later." Hope whispered quietly into the Veela's ear before pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of her head. "I love you ma belle fleur."

Harry appeared in front of Hope with a concerned look on his face while Professor McGonagall turned around a corner of the maze just to the side of Hope and the unconscious Champion whom Hope had cradled in her arms.

"Just Ms Delacour to be escorted out of the maze?" The kindly Professor asked in Hope's direction as she knew that the Hogwarts Champion was extremely agitated from the effect of the Wampus Cat's hypnotic state as well as the Dementor.

Hope gave a short nod as she released Fleur from her death grip as her eyes were flickering between amber and blue, signalling that Hope's control over her Wolf was tethering on the edge. "Yes please Professor."

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