A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 49: chapter 49

As the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts levitated the Beauxbaton Champion carefully off the ground under Hope's scrutinous gaze as she made her way back to the hedges she appeared from. The dense foliage parted quite delicately for its size as the sentient plant life made a direct path back to the Infirmary tent for the elderly woman and her charge.

The two Hogwarts students turned to look at one another once the pathway closed up in a tangle of vines and branches.

"So… Curious question. But how's your Task been so far?" Harry cautiously asked the auburn haired girl with a not so hidden smirk on his face.

Hope looked back at the raven haired boy with such an unimpressed face that Harry seemingly knew that his friend had already been put through the ringer and he lost his grin as he saw the absolutely wrecked expression on her face.

"Oh. It's like that again huh?" The Gryffindor boy tried to calmly state so he didn't set Hope off since she looked relatively pissed off already even through her exceptionally tired features.

Hope grunted as she gritted her teeth slightly as she impassively told Harry about what she's had to face in the past 20-30 minutes. "Well, Viktor tried to AK me, I was put into a mindscape filled with my worst fears and I had a burst of accidental magic for the first time since I triggered my Werewolf Curse. So all in all. I'm having a really shit day Harry and the worst part is that the day's not even over yet."

Hope was about to set off in a direction in the maze but turned to look at Harry with a skeptical look on her face.

"Do I even want to know how this Task has been treating you?" Hope held up a hand as she shook her head, her facial feature morphing into a distasteful expression. "No, don't answer that. I already know the answer and it's just going to piss me off and I can't even blame you."

Harry pursed his lips and shook his head in slight amusement as Hope looked so done with this Task and this Tournament. "Do you think if we went together it would counteract your bad luck?" The young boy offered as a way to placate the angry girl.

"Fucked if I know Harry. My life has always been a clusterfuck, I don't think you can change that." Lady Emrys sighed with such contemptment Harry was surprised that the maze didn't submit and whither away under the intense power of Hope's magic.

"Although if you want to give it a shot I'm more than happy to accompany you through this Task. It could be fun" A small cheeky smirk managed to find its way onto the Tribrid's face.

Harry groaned. "Your idea of fun would probably kill me." The raven haired boy told the Tribrid in a deadpan.

Hope gave a dry chuckle. "Probably."

"Which way should we go?" The time-travelling witch questioned the emerald eyed wizard as she's obviously not having any luck finding the correct pathway. "Although if I could make a suggestion? How about you lead the way? Maybe the maze senses my magical signature and shifts the corridors so all the creatures are sent my way instead."

"Do you really — Never mind I already know the answer to that question. Dumbledore would totally do something like that to you." Harry interrupted himself as he answered his own query while Hope rolled her eyes.

"I don't know if I can entire blame 'ole Dumbles on this one. Ever since I announced myself as Lady Emrys there have been multiple attempts to sabotage me. Whether it is members of the Wizengamot or people who want the Legendary House to become extinct again so they can dictate society as they see fit." Hope informed the Boy-Who-Lived.

"I guess whoever it was though, succeeded this time around. The magical community saw my Wolf eyes and are now frightened of me now that I'm a 'XXXXX' Magical Creature with no control." The Tribrid smirked at this sentence along with Harry as both students were complete aware that Hope did, in fact, have total control over her Wolf form.

"Although Dumbledore is apparently causing a riot back in the stands, according to Daphne. My Aunt, parents and surprisingly Professors Flitwick and Babbling are vouching for me… I'm not sure if the school board will allow me to stay at Hogwarts due to my mixed heritage." Hope told her friend with a momentarily sad look on her face.

Harry stumbled to a stop as he was about to start moving through the maze but turned back to face Hope. "But you've been a Werewolf for the entire time you've been here as well as the Wolf Queen… Wouldn't that have consequences in the magical community?"

"Definitely. But they'll try anyway. Wizards do enjoy flaunting their superiority amongst the magical community and will do anything to get a rise out of another faction then blame their outburst on their species impulsive behaviours" Hope answered with a tiny sympathetic smile and a shake of her head as she added, "Hypocrites."

"So apparently I'll be spending my summer holidays bartering with the Wizengamot about why they should allow me to stay in school and how my mixed heritage does absolutely nothing to my claim on the Emrys House." Hope chuckled sarcastically. "That's exactly how I wanted to spend my time. Arguing with blood supremacists… Sounds like fun!"

Harry groaned as well as he quickly realised that now that he is Lord Potter he will also be forced to attend these meetings. "You know. Now that you've brought me into these infernal debates you better make them worthwhile attending."

Hope squinted her eyes at Harry as she trailed behind him. "Wait, are you blaming me?"

"Noooo…" The young boy drawled out with a cheeky smile.

Hope walked up beside Harry and gave a small glare in his direction causing the Gryffindor boy to laugh loudly as he began moving into the next section of the maze.

The Tribrid shook her head in thinly veiled amusement as she followed behind Harry as she snarkily vented behind the Boy-Who-Lived. "Tck… And to think that everyone says I'm the dramatic one."

"You are… I just flaunt it better than you." Harry responded easily with a gleeful grin on his face.

Hope's mouth dropped open in surprise as she stared at the back of the Potter boy's head. "Wow! The Gryffindor Golden Boy can banter better than most Slytherins. Never knew you were this sassy Harry. It's a good look on you." Hope commented with an exceptionally salacious grin on her face as Harry unknowingly helped Hope pull herself out of her destructive thoughts.

The two Champions traded quick barbs to one another as they made their way through the suspiciously quiet maze.

Hope grumbled to herself after they made several turns within the hedge maze especially considering Harry was right in a sense. The magical creatures and traps were set for her. All they have walked into so far was a few fairies, who flew away leaving the pair alone and a simple tripping hex on the ground which Harry despelled with his wand.

Hope's gaze was diverted from Harry's form as she saw an overly-proportionate sized lion's paw poking out from halfway down the leafy corridor. The Tribrid tapped Harry's shoulder gaining his attention as she pointed towards the large golden coloured paw sticking out. Harry shared a quick glance with Hope and nodded slightly as they moved slowly down the narrow path with Hope at the forefront.

Hope twirled her wand through her fingers as she approached the blocked entryway. The dimensional-traveller recalled through her long conversations and discussions with Lizzie and Josie about the differences between book and movie. She knew that the creature blocking the path to the Tri-Wizard Cup was a Sphinx and answering her riddle incorrectly could result in a very dangerous fight… Well… For Harry at least.

Hope had pulled Excalibur from the sheathe at her back and held it in her off-hand as she stood in front of the massive lion-human hybrid with the face of an Egyptian Priestess.

Slitted cat-like hazel eyes glared at the two human children. Her almond-shaped eyes narrowed on the auburn haired child as she could sense real and dangerous power coming from the young girl as well as the stench of wolf.

"Uncontrollable lunatic of a Mutt." Came a disapproving scoff from the unimpressed sneering face.

Hope raised an eyebrow in the Sphinx's direction at the degradation before responding in kind. "Overgrown furball."

"Hope!" Harry hissed in his friend's ear as he leaned over the Tribrid's shoulder.

The large cat slowly made her way to a regal sitting position as she bared her sharp fangs.

"Great! Now we are going to be eaten by a giant cat!" Harry muttered quietly as he banged his head on Hope's shoulder, jutting the older girl forward slightly at the sudden motion.

"Oh, how I wish that I could claw you to bits and scatter what is left of your remains across the sands of my homeland." The Sphinx grumbled threateningly as she pawed strongly at the ground, digging large curved grooves into the soft earth.

"But unfortunately I must offer a riddle to any Champion that comes my way. Stupid rules from your stupid Wizengamot! Never let me have any fun." The exotic face grumbled in Hope's direction with a surprisingly sad pout.

"Now I'm actually tempted to flunk your riddle so I can kill you." Hope mentioned with a sweet voice and a pleasant smile on her smug face.

The Sphinx growled at the small girl. "Please do! I've been itching for a fight, you insolent little girl!"

"Answer me this if you can, silly little insignificant child or else feel my wrath." The hybrid Egyptian magical creature seethed at Hope as she licked her chops, ready to start a fight with the auburn haired girl.

"First think of the person who lives in disguise,

Who deals in secrets and tells naught but lies.

Next, tell me what's always the last thing to mend,

The middle of middle and end of the end?

And finally give me the sound often heard,

During the search for a hard-to-find word.

Now string them together and answer me this,

Which creature would you be unwilling to kiss?"

Hope listened to the riddle and shook her head knowingly. "Geez furball. You couldn't even use a decent enough riddle to make me think about it? Wow! It's a 'spider'. Do you want me to spell it out for you? You basically spelt it out for me." The Wolf Queen taunted the large cat as her Alpha side was growling at the Sphinx.

The lion snarled at the jab from the little girl as the cat hissed out a hateful affirmative. "You are right, disgusting fleabag."

"Oof… Can you two stop demeaning each other?" Harry tried to step in between the two magical creatures.

"No!" "No." The two female creatures shouted at the startled boy at the sheer intensity of their simultaneous disagreement.

Harry's hands shot up in a placating manner as he backed away slightly when the massive lioness moved to the side to allow the wolf to pass.

Hope moved most of the way through but waited in such a position that the Sphinx couldn't move back into position. The cat roared at Hope, threatening her to move out of the way.

"Give Harry his riddle then we will leave you alone. You won't have to see my enchanting face ever again."

The Middle-Eastern magical guardian yowled at the girl as her tail swished angrily, thrashing against the tall hedge to the side of its large golden furred body.

The lion's lightly tanned olive face turned to the shaggy haired boy who was in desperate need of a haircut. "Very well."

"What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the afternoon, three legs in the evening, and no legs at night?" The Sphinx offered with a much more alluring tone as she tried to distract the boy from answering.

Hope glanced over to Harry and wiggled her eyes flirtatiously towards the Gryffindor boy's blushing direction.

Harry snarled in Hope's direction. "Shut up, Hope."

The Tribrid snorted to herself as she knew that if she spoke a single word it would allow the Sphinx to legally attack her. The laws around Sphinx riddles state that if anyone other than the person whom the riddle was addressed to speaks, the saboteur would forfeit any immunity that was given previously or even more simply anyone who believed they could get away with cheating.

"'Man'. My answer is 'man'." Harry mentioned with such certainty that even Hope was partially surprised by.

Lady Emrys tilted her head with a pleased smirk on her face as her fingers fidgeted along the handle of the mythical blade, readying her stance just in case the large cat decided to abandon its morals to attack them.

The Sphinx grumbled as she motioned her head to Harry, telling him to continue on.

"What you seek is not much further. Be careful little boy. That girl is remarkably dangerous and is not to be trusted." The cat warned the raven haired boy.

"Trust me. I'm more than aware of that." Harry gleefully exclaimed as he sauntered through the narrow pathway along with Hope.

The Tribrid couldn't help but taunt the cat one last time by flashing her golden eyes at the lioness before turning around.

"Also for your information kitty cat, I'm the Wolf Queen. Show some respect." Hope's canines extended as the wolf inside her let out a rumbling growl in her throat.

The Sphinx hissed at Hope as the mythical creature. "Like I care about your hairy brethren, you filthy mongrel!"

Hope raised her middle finger to the cat as she turned around the next corner with Harry.

"Do you always have to taunt people or creatures who want to kill you?" Harry grumbled as lengthened his strides to catch up to Hope's much faster strides, especially for someone of such a small stature.

Hope stopped for a moment as she turned to Harry for a second as she mockingly considered the question with a cheeky smirk on her face. "Absolutely! I take great enjoyment in pissing off anyone who thinks they are better than me because of some prejudice."

"Oh my God! You're going to get us killed!" Harry groaned.

"It's a cat versus dog thing. It brings out some very creative insults." Hope shrugged a reply as they turned one last corner to see the shimmering blue and silver cup sitting atop of a small stone pillar in the middle of a 'x' intersection.

"So who gets the Cup?" Harry asks the rather skeptical girl beside him.

There was a rustling of leaves as the wind suddenly and powerfully gathered up around the two Champions.

Hope narrowed her eyes at the hedges as she re-sheathed her sword behind her back as she gave a half-hearted glare at Harry who just sighed. "...Yeah, I know. That one is on me. Bloody karma biting both of us in the ass."

"Wonderful…" Hope groaned in exasperation. "The maze is going to try to split us apart. Get to the Cup! I'll hold off everything I can and if you feel ever so generous maybe we can take the Cup together if I'm not struggling too much?" Hope suggested in a shout as the wind was drowning her out.

Harry's reply was lost over the roaring of the magical winds as he made a mad dash towards the Cup. His wand was in front of his body as he fired off various spells, although Harry did tend to stick to the signature 'Expelliarmus'. Hope watched Harry with a disbelieving look on her face as she truly realised that Harry did use this spell as his signature move.

She shook her head in disapproval, knowing that Harry knew much more powerful and useful spells and yet he uses the disarming charm… which its only use is to disarm an opponent. Can't really disarm the wind, vines, leaves or a majority of magical creatures and traps.

It was practically useless in this scenario.

Hope sighed as she thrusted her wand in front of her as she casted dual cutting charms along the hedges with a 'Diffindo', trimming the vines back to a pristine line along the hedge. The vegetation that were trying to trip Harry and the ones that were slithering across the ground towards Hope all fell limp to the floor as the vines shrivelled up, dying instantly as they were cut from main roots that kept them alive.

The Tribrid didn't trust the supposedly dead vines at all and knowing her luck they would probably attack her, so she set them on fire with a burst of emotional magic. It only took a second, maybe two, for the brittle branches to turn to ash which was immediately swirled up in the intense wind.

Hope covered her eyes instinctually with her arms as the incinerated particles were blown directly into the auburn girl's direction. The Tribrid also held her breath for a moment as the ash brushed across her skin, some pieces were caught on the fine hairs along Hope's arms and neck.

The young woman shook her head as she could feel the ash coating her hair as it itched tremendously.

Hope let out a sneeze. "Reminder to self. Don't create ash in the middle of a miniature hurricane blowing directly at my face." Lady Emrys grumbled quietly.

When Hope opened her eyes, she saw that Harry had made it roughly ¾ of the way through the corridor. The Cup was only 20 metres from the Gryffindor boy. Hope shrugged to herself as she had one of those thought processes, wondering if the Officials had covered this cheat.

Hope closed her eyes as she felt herself being pulled into a small tube near her belly-button then appearing with a silent crack in the air. Hope turned her head to the right and opened her eyes seeing the Cup right beside her.

There was such an impassive look on Hope's face as she fathomed how the Ministry had missed another simple solution to get to the Cup. Although Hope was more frustrated with herself as it took her this long to even consider apparating.

"How the hell did you get here before me?" Harry shouted over the wind as he came to a stop beside the pedestal.

"Apparation… A skill that is taught to as-of-age Witches and Wizards." Hope answered with a roll of her eyes.

Harry frowned as he looked at the Cup, deep in thought as he spoke. "So… Are you showing off that the Ministry Officials didn't cover their bases yet again or that you are able to perform apparition before they could even teach it to you?"

"A bit from column A. A bit from column B. Take your pick." Hope with a small shake of her head.

The Tribrid turned to Harry and he must've felt her eyes on him because he immediately looked up to meet Hope's determined eyes. "On three?" The Slytherin girl suggested as her gaze flashed over to the Cup for a second before turning back to Harry.

Harry nodded, "Three."



The two Hogwarts students reached out at the same time to touch the Cup but as luck would have it, Hope was tackled off to the side as Harry disappeared in a flash.

"HARRY!" Hope screamed as dread filled her stomach.

The sound of loud chittering above Hope's head brought the girl's attention back to whatever creature had knocked her away from the Cup. A large black body instantly scoured over Hope's body, hairy legs and lots of them, had Hope react on pure instinct as she held her wand directly under the creature's body and called out, "Depulso!"

One second there was a creature on top of Hope, then the next, it was fired off Hope at an alarming speed as the creature the Mikaelson girl finally realised was a very large spider, although for an Acromantula it was quite small, most likely only an infant.

"Eck! I hate spiders!" Hope exclaimed with a disturbed look on her face.

The Slytherin girl froze as she realised that she just 'depulso'ed' an Acromantula, which is a highly magical resistant creature, into the sky with ease.

Hope groaned as she knew that Dumbledore was going to have a field day with that one. "Damn it."

The Tribrid rose to her feet with fury in her eyes as she paced along the final straight corridor of the maze, grumbling angrily to herself as she let Harry go off alone to face Voldemort. The first-born Mikaelson witch was seconds away from setting the entire maze on fire as her eyes were glowing gold from the excessive emotion pouring off Hope.

Daphne was doing her best to calm Hope through their soulbond but Hope really did have a martyr complex. She takes on the weight of the world on her shoulders and all the blame that comes with it, even if there was nothing she could've done to stop it. The Acromantula registers as a spider to Hope's magical senses as well as a magical creature, but with the amount of magic being used in the maze, Hope couldn't differentiate the XXXXX creature from the danger of the powerful magical winds.

Myrddin and Alexandria were also trying to calm the young girl down. Hope came to a sudden stop as she had an epiphany shoot through her head and the Tribrid let out a long groan at the realisation.

'Myrddin? Can you flame travel me to the cemetery in Little Hangleton? I completely forgot that you can travel through the Hogwarts wards.' Hope thought directly to Myrddin through their Familiar link.

'Hope? I didn't realise that we could communicate through Myrddin's bond… Anyway I just wanted to tell you that you've completely stumped Dumbledore. He's gone eerily quiet and white when he saw that you were able to magically repel a large spider into outer space.' Freya replied with a smirk.

'Glad I could be of service Aunt Freya.' Hope replied to the elder Mikaelson woman. 'See you soon.'

Myrddin batted his head against Daphne's shoulder before flaming out of the stands, causing the crowd to cower at the sound burst of fire. Freya let out an amused chuckle at the audience as did Daphne and the Flamels.

The midnight Phoenix appeared above Hope's head in a burst of fire before latching onto the Tribrid's shoulder and transporting them to the outskirts of Little Hangleton. Hope shared a glance with Myrddin before casting Invisique on herself and Myrddin as they rushed towards the burial place of Tom Riddle Sr, where the resurrection was taking place.

Apparently Myrddin was thinking ahead when he flame travelled to the cemetery. By arriving on the outskirts of the ritual site, none of the Death Eaters were aware of Hope and Myrddin's arrival, allowing the young girl and ancient bird to sneak up to the site without any issues.

It only took Hope a few seconds to arrive at the site, as she angled her body behind a tombstone to stay out of the way of the resurrection ritual. Harry was surprisingly cussing up a storm while he was held in place by a statue that looked like a grim reaper which had Hope covering her mouth as some of Harry's insults were rather spectacular and would give the Mikaelsons a run for their money.

Peter Pettigrew was reciting the ritual with a disgusting sneer he levelled in Harry's direction each time the Gryffindor boy said something demeaning about either Riddle, Malfoy or Pettigrew himself.

How Harry came to the conclusion that Malfoy was a Death Eater, Hope did not know but to be fair, the blonde man practically gave off strong evil vibes whenever he was in a room. So in retrospect it wasn't a huge leap for Harry.

Hope had looked over to the raven haired boy and frowned when she realised that Harry was bleeding from his arm.

"Flesh of the servant, willingly given, will revive your Master." Pettigrew chanted as he held out his right arm and with a deep breath he sliced off his own hand.

The pound of flesh clunked heavily into the cauldron as a deep grey mist started to boil over the side.

The rat quickly wrapped his hand with a bandage that he brought for this occasion before wiping the blade on his robes in an attempt to clean the metal of his own blood. Pettigrew had an evil smile on his face as he approached Harry who was looking at Pettigrew with a disturbed look on his face.

"Blood of the enemy," Pettigrew dug the blade into an already bleeding wound on Harry's arm causing him to let out a pained scream as the rodent of a man took joy in making one of his former friend's sons bleed. "Forcibly taken, will resurrect your foe."

Peter had finally moved away from Harry and Hope was seconds away from murdering the rat for hurting her friend. Myrddin cuffed Hope over the back of the head as he brushed his feathers repeatedly over Hope's face.

'What?' Hope grumbled quietly and with a fair amount of anger as she turned to face where the Phoenix was perched on her shoulder.

'The snake.' Myrddin pointed out as he made a sweeping motion with his wings.

Hope looked down at the dead ridden ground near Harry's feet as a large python slithered through the long dry grass making a small rustle. Lady Emrys pulled out her sword as quietly as possible so the metal wouldn't ring out through the quiet but tension filled air as Pettigrew approached the cauldron to add in Harry's blood.

Before the first drop of blood could drip down from the bloodied blade, Hope shot out towards the area between Harry and the snake as she cut through Nagini's head with a swift stroke of Excalibur. Killing the Horcrux with a single swipe.

Harry's emerald eyes widened as he watched the snake seemingly lose its head, although the Gryffindor boy's attention was pulled towards the bubbling cauldron as the brewing implement shattered loudly. A dark mist billowed out, thickening as if something was forming within the obscuring cloud.

Hope was watching as a thin and pale body rose to a standing position causing her to avert her eyes as she also silently cast her invisibility spell on the snake's body and head so Voldemort would not know that all his Horcruxes have officially been destroyed.

She used this time while Riddle was reforming to tap Harry's shoulder softly before whispering, "Hey Harry."

"Hope?" Came the near indetectable movement of his lips as Hope heard Harry's heart slowed down to a more steady rhythm at her arrival.

"Yeah. It's me." Hope confirmed. "I'll get you out of here Harry. I promise."

"I know you will." Harry admitted with complete trust in Hope's abilities much to the Slytherin girl's surprise.

"Robe me." A slick voice announced with the utmost authority.

Hope's nose wrinkled in disgust as did Harry's when they both had turned to look at the newly reformed Voldemort who now had deep red eyes and an angular face that mimicked that of a snake. The two students tried to avoid looking down as they both did not wish to see what Voldemort looked like underneath his robes.

Hope managed to use the reaper statue to obstruct her vision but Harry didn't have such luck as he let out a repulsed sound in the back of his throat as he turned his head to the side. "I seriously didn't need to see his junk…. Ugh! I think my eyes need to be bleached…"

"My wand." Pettigrew scurried to provide his master with his wand, 13 ½ inches, yew with a Phoenix Feather core as he offered the wand up like a precious treasure in his left hand.

Voldemort delicately took his wand from his servant as he appraised the cowardly rat who was utterly loyal to him, "Your arm."

"Sire." The rat breathed as he held out his right arm.

Riddle shook his head as he motioned to the left arm, "The other one."

Peter looked confused but switched his arms around at his master's behest. Voldemort's hands shot out as quick as a snake as one hand gripped Pettigrew's wrist while the other ripped the other man's sleeve, revealing Voldemort's Dark Mark. The Dark Lord pressed his wand against the mark, darkening the ink as the tattoo seemingly writhed to life under his skin, raising up like a brand.

It didn't take long for the summoned Dark Wizards to make their appearance as they descended from the sky in pillars of dark smoke, masks covering their faces.

Hope took the opportunity while Voldemort was unmasking his Death Eaters to reanimate the stone statue which was holding Harry into letting the boy go.

But Harry remained where he was, whispering quietly, "Wait. Can you make it look like I'm still trapped? I wanna see what he is planning since it seems that Riddle likes to talk. Maybe he will spill all his secrets?"

Hope sighed silently but did as Harry requested, creating an illusion strong enough to fool most magical creatures, especially from this universe it seems. "Fine."

Hope located Harry's wand on the ground and magically summoned it to herself so she could pass it to the Gryffindor boy. "Try not to lose this Harry. You might need it."

Harry rolled his eyes but accepted his wand from Lady Emrys.

"So not the time for snark, Hope." The Boy-Who-Lived replied a little louder than he would've liked and flinched slightly as Voldemort's head lifted up and a snake-like smile crossed his face as he saw his nemesis restrained by a stone grim reaper.

"Harry Potter." The pale man spoke in reverence as he approached the bound boy.

"Tommy boy!" Harry exclaimed with a cheerful grin and Hope had to fight the urge to facepalm or laugh.

The Dark Lord narrowed his red eyes at the young boy who was so much like his parents, completely loyal like his mother and ridiculously courageous like his father, especially with how the boy disrespected him. The DE's looked absolutely floored as they stared at Harry with wide eyes.

Voldemort was in the process of raising his wand in Harry's direction either to presumingly use a Cruciatus Curse or a Killing Curse at the Gryffindor boy. Hope instinctually released a wave of magic blasting Voldemort back a few paces while the Death Eaters were knocked to the ground at the intensity of Hope's oppressive magic.

"Sorry Harry." The Tribrid apologised with a small regretful smile.

Hope reversed her invisibility spell as she emerged from behind the statue with a smug smile on her face as she locked eyes with blood-red orbs staring back at her with a ferocious anger hidden behind them.

"Am I interrupting a moment?" Lady Emrys taunted with a hand on her hip in a relaxed posture, not even slightly concerned about the Death Eaters or Riddle.

"Ah, Lady Emrys, I presume? Such an honour to meet someone of your standing." The charming pale man announced with a theatrical bow.

The Death Eaters groaned slightly as they all made their way to their feet.

Hope gave a small scoff as she let her eyes glow gold. "Really? What about now? Is it still an honour?"

Riddle's minions murmured as they witnessed Hope's eyes glow whereas Voldemort actually looked pleased. "Very. Greyback will enjoy having you under his command."

The Tribrid laughed. "Your Werewolf lackey will be dead when I see him…" Voldemort's grin was lost as he realised that Lady Emrys was drawing in magic at an alarming rate, Hope allowed the veins beneath her eyes to show as her fangs extended threateningly as she gave her final threat with a seriousness that Harry had never seen from the normally sassy girl. "… And so will you."

Shockingly enough Voldemort turned into smoke and fled before Hope actually finished her threat. "How rude… Oh well, I still have these guys to kill."

The Death Eaters paled but drew their wands ready to attack the woman. Lucius Malfoy shuddered at the memory of how Hope had defeated him and made him look like a fool. The Malfoy scion also left the cemetery in a cloud of smoke as he tucked his tail between his legs and ran.

Hope rolled her eyes at the two cowards and shook her head slightly. The Tribrid raised her hands as she muttered her aunt's mass neck-snapping spell, "Me ne de qual suurentaa." With a twist of her wrists the Death Eater's in front of her all fell to the ground as their necks all snapped at once, twisting their necks in a quick motion to the right.

Harry's mouth dropped open at the display of magic but before he could even make a comment Hope had disappeared from his side but Myrddin softly landed on Harry's shoulder. The Gryffindor boy turned his head as he heard the sound of another snapping bone, most likely another neck, since the dark-cloaked figure dropped to the ground motionless.

"Wha—?" Harry breathed as he watched the last remaining Death Eater disappear in a flash of movement.

Hope grabbed the lone Death Eater and sped him across the cemetery, holding him in place with a hand over his throat, legs dangling as Hope was able to hold the short man in the air effortlessly.

She pulled off the hood and was met with a familiar face, "Marcus Flint… Well, I didn't expect this." Hope locked eyes with the shivering boy as he attempted to sneer at the auburn haired girl but failed.

The pupils in Hope's eyes expanded and contracted as she compelled the boy in front of her. "What are Voldemort's plans moving forward?"

"I don't know. I only joined recently. There were lots of vacancies thanks to you killing them at the Quidditch World Cup and I wanted in." The recently graduated Slytherin boy told Hope with a glazed over look on his face.

Hope made a frustrated look on her face as Marcus was of no use to her but there was one question eating away at her. "Why did you join the Death Eaters? What do you desire enough to join Voldemort?"

A compulsive grin stretched across his face that had the hairs on Hope's body raised with a shiver of disgust that flowed through her. "I want to hurt people. Claim them. Rape them. None more so than the blonde bombshell in your year. The Slytherin Ice Queen."

Hope's eyes flared with rage as she didn't waste anymore time with this waste of space of human trash. Hope growled as her fist, quick as a lightning bolt slammed into Flint's chest. The Tribrid gripped Marcus' heart with a clawed hand, "You will never touch her. She's mine!" Hope stated with conviction in her voice as she ripped the organ out of his body, crushing the vital organ with her claws slicing through the meaty tissue like a shredder slices through paper.

Hope dropped the disfigured heart without a care in the world and threw Marcus' lifeless body into the air, aiming for the sharp metal spikes on the fence. Hope heard the meaty thud as well as the sound of impalement, a smirk appeared on Hope's face at the mental image before turning slightly to take in the gruesome sight.

"I wish there was a way I could ensure that you spend the rest of eternity burning in hell. But I'll take what I can get. At least you can never hurt anyone ever again. Especially my wife." Hope's eyes flashed angrily but the Tribrid felt Daphne's worry and calmed herself as she cleaned her bloodied hand.

The auburn haired girl sent reassuring thoughts to Daph as she made her way back to Harry in a burst of superspeed.

"Sorry about that." Hope mentioned as she appeared next to Harry who surprisingly only jumped slightly at Hope's sudden reappearance.

"Do I wanna know what you did to them?" Harry asked cautiously.

Hope ran her tongue across her teeth before pursing her lips together for a moment. "Honestly, probably not."

The Tribrid let out a tiny sigh as she continued, "But I promised you that I wouldn't lie to you Harry, so the short answer is that I killed them. I know that you're not comfortable with the idea of me killing people, but sometimes it's necessary. But I am sorry that you had to witness that first-hand."

Harry placed a hand on Hope's shoulder as a comforting presence.

"Hope… I understand why you did what you did. What I didn't expect was how easily it was for you to kill a group of people with magic, is that something that everyone can do?" Harry asked in absolute interest as Myrddin hopped back over to Hope's right shoulder with a tiny preen.

The auburn girl looked up and finally met Harry's inquisitive and non-judgemental emerald eyes in fascination as she truly believed that the raven haired boy would hate her for actions and murderous abilities.

It took a moment for Hope's brain to reboot as she shook her head slightly, "Uh, thanks Harry… I was expecting you to hate me for what I did. But to answer your question, no, not everyone can. Freya and I can. I'm not sure if Daph can, but if someone else could do it it would be Daph… Possibly Fleur as well. But at the moment, this spell is something that only my Aunt and myself know."

"There is no way that Freya or I would ever share this spell with the world. Imagine if Riddle knew how to perform this spell. How dangerous he would be? How scared everyone would be at the knowledge that such a spell exists?" Hope informed the Gryffindor boy with a desperate look on her face.

Hope placed both of her hands on Harry's shoulders as she perilously held back her Vampiric abilities to avoid compelling him by accident as she locked eyes with Harry. "Harry? I need to know, did you hear the spell I used?" Hope asked with severity in her voice.

Harry shook his head and Hope let out a grateful sigh.

"What would you have done if I said I had heard?" Harry asked with a small frown on his face.

Hope regarded Harry as she didn't want any part of her relationship with Harry to be strained or manipulated, so that ruled out compulsion and obliviation charms. "I'd probably ask you not to tell anyone first and depending on your answer there I probably would've used a Life-Debt you owe me from first year."

Harry tilted his head in confusion as he narrowed his eyes at Hope, the Tribrid gave a small laugh as she shook her head in amusement. "I saved you Harry. You once asked where I went after I passed you on the chessboard? Well I had turned myself invisible like I had tonight. I was keeping an eye on you, to make sure that you were safe."

All the cheekiness left Hope's tone as a look of seriousness crossed her face. "I brought you back to life Harry, after Riddle's shade passed through you, you died. Your heart stopped beating."

Harry's eyes widened in shock as he was completely unaware that he had died and never knew about it. "Did Dumbledore…?" Harry started to ask.

Hope shook her head. "No. He doesn't know. I brought you back before Snape and Dumbledore collected you from the mirror chamber after all the excitement calmed down and you already defeated Voldy."

"Why do you hold such distrust against a majority of the adults at the school?" Harry asked the Mikaelson girl.

Hope scoffed as she released Harry and magically moved the Death Eater's bodies into a small pile, still leaving some of them behind as she plans on informing Madam Bones where the resurrection took place. "In my experience, so many people have let me down in my life, especially the adults who are supposed to look after kids. They have proven time and time again that they simply do not care about the kids who are under their protection. The Professors, until recently let their students be bullied and raped without a single interference and let the abusers to get away scot free."

"The Headmasters of the schools I have gone to hide behind their students, as we fight the monsters or opponents with little or no help and expect to protect the school by ourselves. Harry, you and I, have been hailed as… saviours. Champions to protect the world, no matter the sacrifices we have to make. Calling us their heroes, moments before vilifying us for not arriving on time to save someone even if we were never informed of the situation until after it happened. They hold these impossible expectations and wonder why we lose trust in people."

Hope looked Harry directly in the eyes as she asked the Boy-Who-Lived a question which would change his life. "Can you look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't feel the same as me?"

Imagines of memories flashed through Harry's emerald eyes as he internally went through the last 4 years of school and released a long suffering sigh as he couldn't dispute Hope's claim.

"I can't… Except for Sirius, every adult has let me down, even Remus has after learning that he never even checked up on me after my parents were murdered. At least Sirius has a reason and he's doing everything he can to make it up to me. Which I should thank you for by the way. Without you, he'd still be on the run for a crime he never committed. So thank you Hope. For freeing Sirius."

Hope sighed as she gave a tiny nod of her head. "You're welcome but as I mentioned before you don't need to thank me for doing the right thing."

"But I do. No one else would've done this for me. I'm already in your debt Hope. I don't need some Life-Debt to enforce something like that." Harry informed the contemplative Tribrid who had a small smile on her face.

"I don't like the idea of holding a debt over someone's head. It's why I tried to avoid it if possible or neutralise Life-Debts that are already in place. The only other time I used a debt was to speak to the Most Ancient and Noble families with no expectations as I explained Sirius' story. But I wanted them to make their own choice with the information that I had given them. It was their choice to liberate Sirius. I just informed them what happened."

"Still thank you." Harry reiterated with a gratuitous nod.

"By the way, what are you doing?" Harry asked as Hope was searching the ground for something.

"Well Dumbles and the Ministry will need proof of what happened here tonight." Hope motioned to the pile of bodies. "These bodies should provide sufficient proof that the Death Eaters have returned rather than the Ministry's poor excuse of a cover-up by claiming they are 'copycats' again."

"But to do that I need the Cup to transport them back. Do you see it?" Hope asked.

Harry looked over towards the mausoleum. "It bounced behind that stone in front of the mausoleum." The raven haired boy told Hope as she walked a bit to the side so she could see the luminescent blue Cup behind the small boulder.

"Nice find." Hope praised the younger boy.

"Before I send them back, would you be willing to provide a pensive memory to Amelia– Madam Bones, so she can show the Wizengamot our undeniable proof that Voldemort was, in fact, resurrected. I can practically see the Ministry now, wishing to hide this information from the public and causing mass panic in the not too distant future." Hope made the request to her impressively snarky friend with a slight roll of her eyes as the thought of the Wizarding government once again screwing over society.

Harry shook his head in disappointment as he had quickly realised even without Hope's help that the Wizengamot was severely corrupt, especially before Hope's Legendary House became active after a few centuries. "Yeah, I can do that."

Hope gave a grateful nod as she telekinetically moved the Tri-Wizard Cup onto the pile of DE's causing them to disappear in a flash of swirling light as the Portkey activated. The Tribrid held out her hand as Myrddin led up his dark feathers as he readied himself to take off.

Harry accepted the proffered hand from Lady Emrys as the onyx Phoenix did a couple of circles around the pair before Hope held her other hand up for Myrddin to latch onto, flame travelling them back through the Hogwarts wards and in front of the shocked crowd. The audience was staring down in utter distress at the decently large pile of dead bodies, which were left at the main entry of the maze that Viktor started his Task from.

The Champion's arrival wasn't even noticed and Hope had looked over to the side to see Madam Bones holding some magical chains which were looped around a struggling Barty Crouch Junior. His tongue flicked out and the real Alistair Moody was gripping his staff in a rough grip as he struggled to hold himself up on shaky legs from months of inactivity.

"Huh… Remind me to ask Daph how that happened." Hope whispered quietly in Harry's ear as she looked over towards her family and friends who were standing around the restrained man with their wands all pointed in Barty Crouch Junior's direction.

"I'm kinda curious myself." Harry admitted.

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