A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 50: chapter 50

Lord Voldemort was angrily swishing his wand around, breaking the furniture and ornaments in Riddle Manor as he roared in anger. He was livid that he had to flee from the cemetery before he was even able to threaten Harry Potter because of Lady Emrys. A girl that seemingly appeared out of nowhere with the power to battle a Dragon and win, the political back-up to pull a vote in her direction with ease (due to the alliances she had created with a majority of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses) and not to mention, she is also a Half-Breed mongrel who has these attributes.

The pale skinned man narrowed his red snake-like eyes as he felt the bond between some of his Death Eaters, the ones who had responded to his summoning, in particular, were all severed. They were killed. Slaughtered simultaneously. This surprised Voldemort as he never expected someone to actually kill his minions with such ferocity that they didn't even have a chance to attack or defend themselves.

However the Dark Lord had heard about Lady Emrys' exploits at the Quidditch World Cup and how she killed 6 of his Death Eaters while showing her immense skills to redirect multiple Killing Curses. He was able to witness this event in his spiritual form, thanks to both of his Horcruxes keeping him alive and Barty Crouch Junior summoning his mark in the sky, calling his spirit to the area.

After watching the ruthlessness behind Hope's attack at the Quidditch World Cup, he knew that Hope was ridiculously powerful. So once he saw the young girl building up her magical reserves for a large attack he had to leave before the auburn haired girl destroyed this vessel and made him wait even longer to exact his revenge. Voldemort was adamantly frustrated that a wizard of his calibre was reduced to fleeing from a battle, even if he was still slightly weak due to his resurrection. He was Lord Voldemort! He didn't run from a fight! He stood his ground and destroyed his opponents with a wave of his wand!

He flung another vase off a table and smashed it into a wall right beside Lucius Malfoy's head as the blonde man narrowly avoided the pottery.

"Lucius… How did you survive?" Lord Voldemort skeptically glared at his blonde servant.

Malfoy cleared his throat awkwardly as he mumbled his reply.

Voldemort sneered as the man couldn't even speak coherently enough to understand him. "Speak clearly Lucius! Before I rip your tongue from your worthless face!"

The snobbish blonde man flinched violently at his master's angry shout as he stuttered out his answer again. "So-Sorry My Lord! I-I left the cemetery when I saw… Lady Emrys smirk. I've seen the outcome of that smirk in person before, it was moments before she knocked me unconscious with a single spell. I-I thought that I would be more useful to you, My Lord, by informing you about Lady Emrys and her Aunt."

"Crucio!" Voldemort yelled as he sent the torture curse in Malfoy's direction causing the man to the scream in agony.

"You measly coward! You ran from the fight because you were scared of a little Half-Breed! You give Death Eaters a bad name!" Riddle shouted vindictively at his spineless minion.

Lucius fell to the floor, holding himself in a fetal position as he tried to catch his breath as he blurted out apology, after apology attempting to placate his master. Malfoy completely disregarded the fact that his master had also pulled a disappearing act but if he mentioned it, all he would get in return would be more torture curses or possibly the death of his entire family. So he remained silent and took his punishment.

Riddle growled as he shattered another piece of furniture on a wall, listening in utter fascination as broken pieces of wood clattered on the ground in a symphony of sound.

"HOW? How did this girl get SO powerful and WHAT is SHE!?" The Dark Lord hollered as he fired a vast array of powerful and destructive spells at the walls, floors and ceiling.

Malfoy squeezed into a tighter ball as his master unleashed a barrage of spells in an attempt to avoid any more harm. Voldemort was either purposely avoiding him or the blonde man was exceptionally lucky, in any case Lucius wasn't going to argue or point that out.

Voldemort was able to keep this going for nearly 10 minutes before tiring out. Malfoy was cowering under the table as he managed to pull himself to a safer area. The blonde man was still impressed at the length of time his master could fire off spells as not many wizards were able to last longer than 3-5 minutes. For someone to last longer than the average time was an imposing sight to behold.

"Lucius." Voldemort called out in a laboured breath.

Malfoy crawled out from underneath the table in a rush before using the edge of the table to pull himself to a vertical position but lowering his head in a bow as he cautiously replied. "Yes Master?"

"Fill me in on everything you know about the descendants of Merlin. Especially their weaknesses. Family, friends, lovers. Anyone who sides with the mongrel." The Dark Lord ordered the other man in disdain.

"Oh… And prepare the rest of my Death Eaters. We're going to break out some of my top lieutenants from Azkaban. I'm going to need Greyback to put the little mongrel in her place." Voldemort added with a thin grin.

- - -

After securing Crouch Junior with one of the squadrons she had stationed during the final event for the Tri-Wizard Tournament as the Head of the DMLE had a strong feeling that something terrible was going to happen tonight.

Thankfully Hope had sent her a personal invitation to attend tonight's event whereas Harry had shyly requested Sirius Black's attendance, as well as the Tonks family since they were the only family that Harry actually wanted to get to know. Thus giving Madam Bones a legal method of back-up, although the Ministry Officials were otherwise preoccupied to even realise that Madam Bones had brought another 10 Aurors with her.

The other two teams of 4 Aurors had surrounded the pile of unmoving bodies, keeping vigil watch over the dead. Unsure whether or not they were all dead as they have never seen such a clean and unblemished method of killing, other than the Unforgivable Curse.

Amelia approached Hope and Harry with her arms crossed tightly against her chest. "Why do I feel like making the assumption that a majority of things that have gone wrong tonight have something to do with either one of you or alternatively both of you?"

Hope's head lifted up to face Amelia at her exasperated tone. "Whatever do you mean?"

A smirk crossed Hope's face while Harry just groaned. "I think by now you'd know that would be a very educated guess."

The Head of the DMLE took a deep breath as she pursed her lips in partial frustration and partial amusement.

Daphne, the Flamels and Freya had all made their way towards Hope, Daphne had broken away from the adults as she wrapped her arms around her wife's shoulders and pressed a meaningful kiss onto Hope's lips. The auburn haired girl embraced her Slytherin Ice Queen and returned the kiss with gusto.

As they broke apart the two girls asked each other the same question. "What happened?"

The girls gave a small laugh at the others overprotectiveness.

"I'll go first since Madam Bones is waiting patiently for a recount of what happened on our end." Hope insisted as she looked around the now extended party that now included Dumbledore, McGonagall, Flitwick, Sirius Black, Cornelius Fudge as well as his Undersecretary Umbridge, which had Hope visibly shiver at the sight of the pink-clad woman, the Headmistress from Beauxbatons as well as Fleur and her parents, since Sebastian Delacour was cautious about his daughter's possible lover.

"That would be appreciated." Madam Bones inquired as she pulled out a notepad and a quill which levitated beside the tall red headed woman.

"A Dictograph?" Hope observed with a swift eye movement to the flying writing implement.

Madam Bones nodded. "Yes… Do you know how an official report is done?"

Hope shook her head, "No, Harry?"

"Nope." Harry agreed with the auburn haired girl beside him who had the blonde Ice Queen on her arm.

Umbridge let out a high-pitched giggle which grated terribly on Hope's nerves. "The Head of the Legendary House Emrys does not know how to give a detailed report. How is it that the Minister of Magic abides by your rules when you don't even know the rules yourself?"

Hope literally bit her tongue to avoid defending herself impulsively as she knew this woman would jump on any action she could to discredit Hope and the Legendary House.

Daphne narrowed her eyes at the obnoxious woman as she answered on Hope's behalf, ever so thankful that she was the Consort Emrys. "Undersecretary Umbridge. Since you are not involved in any of the proceedings that happened earlier tonight, why are you interjecting in the official report?"

Most of the people in the group had a knowing smirk on their faces as most of them were either members of a Most Ancient and Noble House or a part of the Wizengamot. Umbridge's cheeks flared red in embarrassment as the young blonde girl had verbally knocked her down a peg.

Hope had a slightly amused look on her face as she turned to Madam Bones. "So what are the rules I need to follow?"

Amelia gave a grateful nod as the two Hogwarts students were listening adamantly as they looked directly at Madam Bones. "I will ask a question and you will answer to the best of your ability with the truth. It is in your best interest to remain on task when answering the questions, so please don't divert the conversation in a different direction."

"As a majority of people here know, no one is able to interfere with your statement and must remain silent as you recount your experience." Amelia added as she levelled a glare between Dumbledore, Fudge and Umbridge, knowing these three would be the main suspects of impeding her investigation.

"Understood, Madam Bones." Hope nodded her agreement to the Head of the DMLE.

"I understand, Madam Bones… Hope had mentioned earlier of offering a pensive memory. Since I was there for the entire ritual, unlike Hope, Lady Emrys suggested that I offer my memory of the event."

Amelia tilted her head in Harry's direction. "Ritual? Actually, don't answer that yet. We'll get to that later when we go through the report. Lady Emrys has offered some genuine advice but the choice is completely up to you Lord Potter."

Harry thought about it for a moment as he felt Hermione thread her arm through Harry's tense arm, loosening his constricting grip as his hand opened allowing Hermione to link her fingers with his, offering her support with a kind smile.

"I'd like to offer my memory for viewing to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement." Harry specified as he locked eyes meaningfully with Madam Bones.

Amelia understood the request made by Lord Potter and gave a simple nod in reply. "Very well." Madam Bones pulled out a memory vial and held it casually in one hand as she pulled out her wand. "May I?"

Harry nodded as she had witnessed Hope pull a memory out of her own mind before during the Quidditch World Cup. The Boy-Who-Lived moved forward but kept his hold on his girlfriend's hand as he didn't want to let go of her so soon after Voldemort made his return to the world of the living.

The trusted Ministry Official took a step forward and extracted the memory placing it in the vial which Madam Bones performed an Unbreakable charm on the vial before placing it back into her robe. Amelia kept a strong grip on the glass container as she knew that there were plenty of ways to remove the vial from her pocket with magic.

"Thank you, Lord Potter." Amelia offered as Sirius wrapped an arm around Harry's shoulders from his other side pulling his Godson into a one armed hug showing his pride but remained silent as Madam Bones gave him a warning look.

Amelia started her interview generally focusing on Harry's story until he mentioned hearing Hope's voice at which point Hope added in her two cents as the two Champions followed Madam Bones instruction and procedure. Sirius growled lowly in his throat when he heard that Pettigrew harmed Harry but didn't interrupt the 4th year students.

Harry describes the ritual and what was required for the resurrection which Fudge immediately talked over the top of Harry, not wishing to hear such blasphemy about You-Know-Who's return, well that was until Freya silenced him with a wave of her hand.

As much as the prospect of Lord Voldemort frightens Amelia she couldn't help but give a thankful nod in Heir Emrys' direction as the Minister of Magic didn't have the right to interfere in an official testimony. Although Amelia did take the monocle out to clean it as she gathered her thoughts and courage to continue.

Hope had a sudden but cheeky thought cross her mind as she noticed how much the Head of the DMLE was struggling to speak the name Voldemort. "If it makes the proceedings go any faster, why don't you just refer to Voldy as Riddle? Or Tom?"

Amelia looked over to Lady Emrys with a strange look on her face and it was Harry who had a smirk on his face as he finished off Hope's thought as he knew Hope never did anything without a reason and he couldn't wait to figure out what this was. "I mean, it would be more accurate considering Voldy's name is Tom Marvolo Riddle."

"For someone who's all about blood supremacy, it amuses me to no end that the one spearheading the Pureblood movement is actually a Half-Blood." Hope mentioned in a small laugh while the audience who was listening avidly to the recount all gasped loudly before whispering to the person beside them.

Madam Bones had dropped her monocle from her fingers and Hope watched as it bounced a couple of times when the chain connected to the optical reached its maximum length. The monocle swung back and forth like a pendulum while the women it was attached to blinked owlishly at the information.

Dumbledore had groaned in the background which surprisingly garnered the attention of Harry's Godfather. An apprehensive look crossed Sirius' dark grey eyes as he realised that his old Headmaster knew a lot more than he let on. The Black male crossed his arms over his chest to avoid leaning over to strangle the man with his own beard for keeping him and his friends in the dark.

The noise of the crowd was increasing to a level where Amelia couldn't hear her own thoughts and she raised her wand into the air as she unleashed a spell which mimicked the sound of a cannon. The audience jumped at the sudden noise and their whispers hushed before quietening altogether.

Amelia trailed her fingers down the chain connected to her monocle before placing it back in front of her eye. "We will need to verify this information before we can actually start calling… Voldemort by another name, but we will be looking into this."

"Now. What happened after the resurrection? What did… Voldemort want?" Madam Bones asked the two Tri-Wizard Champions in front of her, one of which was a good friend of her niece.

Hope gave a little motion to Harry who understood that the auburn haired girl wanted him to go first. "Well… If we went in order of what happened. I first averted my eyes. Not because I was afraid! But because he was naked upon his resurrection and I didn't want to see that pale… body for any longer than I had too. Thankfully the first thing Tom asked for was a robe. So that horror didn't last for too long."

Hope chuckled along with Sirius as Harry's face was priceless as he looked like he had swallowed a lemon, while Madam Bones looked exasperated.

"Sadly enough. This is what happened." Hope pointed out in a cheeky manner.

Hope was able to force herself to become serious once again as she continued the report. "After robing himself, Riddle summoned his Death Eaters using a mark or tattoo on Pettigrew's left arm, the one which wasn't cut off for the ritual. There were possibly a dozen or so smoky apparitions who made their arrival in a circle around Riddle as the smoke cleared up, we recognised the new arrivals as Death Eaters. They proved their allegiance when they bowed to Tom. Since I was disillusioned behind the statue that held Harry hostage, I used this time to break the statue's grip and summoned up an illusion for Tom and his followers, to show Harry still being held tightly against the statue."

Harry took over once again as they had been sharing the story between them quite equally once Hope arrived at the cemetery. "I had quietly requested if Hope could keep the illusion going for a while to see if Tom would give away any of his secrets or plans. However I may have pissed off Tom when he finally turned his attention to me. He called out my name while I replied with… I think it was 'Tommy boy'. I don't think he was very appreciative of this as his eyes narrowed in anger and he advanced on me… Or at least the illusioned version of myself. Hope had used this moment to use… Actually I don't know what it was. It was like a shockwave? It knocked everyone back. The only people standing were myself because I was already leaning on a tombstone, Tom who got blown backwards but remained standing and Hope."

"I used a controlled outburst of power, similar to what I did in the maze but surprisingly a lot less destructive. Tom introduced himself to me using some flattery. I wasn't impressed so I flashed my Wolf eyes at him since everyone now knows that I'm a Werewolf. I no longer have anything to hide which I will explain during the next Bi-Annual Wizengamot meeting in June and not a moment earlier." The Tribrid informed the group with another little flash of her amber eyes and a quick smirk.

"Anyhow, back to the cemetery. After I showed my Wolf eyes to Riddle he said something about Greyback putting me into my place. I told Tom that would never happen because whoever 'Greyback' is, he would be too dead to do anything. While I was bantering with Tom I had been drawing in magical power from my surroundings which Tom realised and he fled… I was not expecting someone who calls themselves a Dark Lord to flee. I thought he would've at least attempted to kill me with an 'AK' Curse, but he didn't even try."

"I used the build up of magic to kill Riddle's followers before they had the opportunity to kill myself or Harry." Hope looked directly at Dumbledore, Snape, Fudge and Umbridge as she spoke her next words.

"Do what you will with this information, by the time we have the Wizengamot meeting, which I believe is at the end of June, my actions tonight will be put to a vote. I wonder how that will turn out." Lady Emrys smirked at the group as the 4 adults all had a look of realisation cross their faces and they looked over at Sirius.

Once the Legendary House Emrys sets their sights on something, they get it. Especially with all the alliances they have made with the more pretentious Houses, the once dormant family can win any vote so long as the Most Ancient and Noble Houses agree with her.

The majority of these Houses actually have the next generation of Lords and Ladies in Hogwarts at the moment, mainly in Hope and Harry's year. Dumbledore was completely aware that Hope was close friends with Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Harry Potter (who was also the Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House Black) and of course Daphne Emrys (nee Greengrass).

There was no way for the adults to actually win a Wizengamot session against Hope. Her political standing was too strong. Fudge visibly paled whereas Umbridge grew red in the face.

The Tribrid was actually surprised that the usually verbal toad-faced woman remained silent at the comment Lady Emrys made as the auburn haired girl knew that Umbridge was all for making Harry's life dreadful, but with her, she seemed to hold her tongue. Hope gave a small hum to herself.

"Soooo… What happened here?" Hope drawed out as she turned to her family beside her.

Freya shrugged. "The idiot over there," The Viking Witch gestured over to Crouch Junior who was struggling against his bonds frantically, "Decided to blow his cover by attacking Daphne."

Hope's amber eyes glared violently in Crouch's direction as a predatory growl rumbled out of her throat as her fangs elongated.

"Relax darling." Daphne called out as she wrapped her arms around the overprotective girl. "As you can see I'm perfectly fine. My Emrys ring flared to life and I got out of the way before any spell could hit me. I apprehended 'him' while he was still Professor Moody. I raised my wand in his direction and was going to freeze him in place but instead of ice coming out of my wand it was… a cold fire? I suppose. Anyhow the magical fire peeled away his magic revealing a dead man apparently, according to Madam Bones."

"The Aurors' response time was impressive as they locked Barty Crouch Junior in multiple Incarcerous charms before I could follow up. Oh… And Nic almost lost his fingers in his excitement."

Hope frowned as she looked over to Nicolas, focusing on his frostbitten fingers. "What–?"

Nic looked rather sheepish. "I forgot that Daphne's wand only allows her to be able to touch it. I really wanted to run some diagnostics on Daphne's wand! I've never seen someone actually burn away the use of a concealment spell or potion before!"

Nelle rolled her hazel eyes slightly at her husband's exuberance. "Nic's just lucky that I know some spells to stop the effects of permafrost and that Daphne is an angel of a young girl. Your dear sweetheart absorbed the cold magic into herself."

Daphne's cheeks reddened temporarily at the praise. "It was nothing. Really."

Perenelle moved a little closer to the blonde witch and placed a gentle kiss on her head as she pulled the girl into a one armed hug. "It was something spectacular Daphne! You saved Nic! That means the world to me!"

Hope and Fleur shared identical smiles on their faces as they looked lovingly over to their Pureblood Heiress. The blonde witch felt the powerful gazes on her and looked at Hope first before she glanced away, wishing to hide her flushed face but turned directly in Fleur's direction. The Veela's molten silver eyes made Daphne let out a little gasp as she could feel the raw emotion of love exuding from the lustful magical creature.

"Bloody hell." Daphne murmured in French as she buried her face into Nelle's body in an attempt to hide from her lover's heated gaze.

- - -

Lord Voldemort amassed his followers who were still alive in record time.

The snake-like man was aware that a fair amount of Aurors were attending the Tri-Wizard Tournament according to Lucius' intel as well as Heir Emrys, the traitorous Flamels and the insufferable old fool who thought he was the most powerful sorcerer of all time.

This was the perfect time to perform a prison break and grab the Dementors charm at the same time. By releasing the Lestrange's, Carrow's and Greyback he will be able to hold sway over the Werewolves, Giants, Trolls and Harpies. The charm or rather Amulet of the Damned would allow him to control the Dementors.

The Dark Lord groaned to himself as he knew that he would also have to make some alliances with the Magical Creatures again since he was currently outnumbered and outpowered. Harry Potter had somehow managed to build a formidable army without even realising it! All thanks to that pesky girl who picked a Pureblood Heiress of high standing as her wife and took a whore Veela as a lover! Absolutely despicable! Three girls! How could the Wizarding Government fall so far to allow such an abominable relationship to fester?

Voldemort's top picks for the Magical Creatures were the Fae, however they were rather difficult to locate as well as getting an audience with since they generally hide themselves as elemental apparitions around the world and normally remain neutral in wars and politics.

The Vampires would also be a great boon since most magics don't work on them and they are not impressed by the restrictions that have been enforced upon them by the Wizengamot since the early 1700's. Mainly due to the fact that the Vampire had threatened the exposure of magic to the world due to their immense feeding habits, killing entire villages for the filthy Muggle blood to sustain their undead life.

However before he can build his alliances, he needs to make sure that he has the power and fear his Death Eaters provide. Especially his cunningly crafty Bellatrix. Bella's notoriety as his Lieutenant was legendary. Most Wizards and Magical Creatures were frightened of her insanity and her rage.

This is why Voldemort and his Death Eaters were currently smoke apparating across the sea. A few short moments away from launching their attack on Azkaban.

Lord Voldemort held his yew and Phoenix Feather wand in front of him as he took the first attack on the large triangular stone prison as he yelled out, "Bombarda Maxima!"

A massive concussive blast of magic shot out from his wand as a corner of the building blew up, raining down chucks of darkened bricks aged with a thick layer of moss accumulated from all the years without sunlight thanks to the Dementors presence.

A thin smile crossed Voldemort's pale face as he heard the screams and cheers of the prisoners. He would offer all prisoners a chance to join him or alternatively cause chaos in the Magical World, masking his actions long enough for him to build his own army.

Knowing the Wizarding Government they will do everything in their power to disprove that he has returned, even with their famed Boy-Who-Lived telling the tale. Lady Emrys on the other hand… The Dark Lord was unsure how the Wizengamot would rule her testimony at his resurrection. Legendary Houses were not something that he had to deal with in the past and with their appearance it made ruling the magical world that little bit harder.

Voldemort landed within the prison with a flourish as his robe billowed around him like a shadow. The sound of magical sirens pierced the air as he casually strolled through the dark hallways. A startled guard turned around the corner and froze in fear at the sight of Voldemort. The Dark Lord didn't even give the man an opportunity to pull out his wand to defend himself as he fired off the first of many Unforgivable Curses he will use tonight.

"Crucio." The guard fell to the ground in a scream of agony as Voldemort slowly approached the man unleashing a flurry of 'Crucio's' upon the twitching guard as he tried to crawl away pathetically. A cruel smirk appeared on Voldemort's face. He had missed inflicting pain onto people.

"If you tell me where my sweet Bella is I'll give you a quick death." The Dark Lord graciously offered the woeful soul on the dirty ground.

The man couldn't speak a word due to the sheer amount of splintering pain coursing through his body but he was able to glance pitifully to the southwest corridor.

"You've been very helpful. Avada Kedavra!" A beam of emerald green light thudded into the meaty flesh of the guard as he fell lifelessly to the ground in a heap.

The dark wizard made his way down the proffered path the guard had given him. As it turned out this was where the guards kept all his Death Eaters imprisoned: Alecto and Amycus Carrow, Fenrir Greyback, Mulciber Jr, Rabastan and Rodulphus Lestrange, Travers and of course his dear Bellatrix.

"Ah, my dear loyal subjects. It is about time you are freed from this infernal prison." At the sound of his voice his most faithful Lieutenants looked up with a look of glee on their faces.

"My Lord." Came the simultaneous response from his followers.

Bellatrix had her face pressed up desperately against the cell bars as she tried to push her narrow features through the thick metal bars. "We've been waiting for your miraculous return, My Lord."

Voldemort blasted the cell walls apart with a single spell and his Lieutenants gratefully exited their cells slowly as their bodies were weak from the minimal amount of physical activity as well as food and water. Voldemort trailed a long bony finger along Bellatrix's cheek as she leaned as much as she could into the touch from behind her cell bars.

"Greyback." The Dark Lord called out as he kept his gaze on his sweet Bella. "You'll be pleased to know that there is a Werewolf girl in Hogwarts. However she is also Lady Emrys, so I'll need you to put her in her place before ripping off her head. She can't deny a challenge from her Alpha."

Fenrir grinned, his yellow stained fangs showing at the prospect of fighting a little wolf girl. "It would be my pleasure, My Lord."

After releasing Bellatrix he sent his followers on their way before reinforcements could make an appearance and hinder their escape. Voldemort made his way into the depths of the Azkaban catacombs, killing any guard that dared to cross his path.

There were 2 things that the Dark Lord needed to retrieve from the caverns. The Amulet of the Damned and someone who would hopefully keep the Flamels and by extension the Emrys family occupied for the foreseeable future.

The Amulet was easy to collect since all the Aurors who would normally guard the Amulet are either dead or involved in the riot currently taking place upstairs.

Voldemort's other objective was a wizard who was deemed so dangerous that they tried to erase his name from history but due to the acts he committed in the Muggle World against the Russian royal family in the early 1900's. His name still inspires fear in the hearts of Russian children.

Grigori Rasputin.

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