A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 53: chapter 53

Over the course of the next 3 weeks Hope decided to take Daphne and Fleur on plenty more dates which ranged from walks on the beach to nice dinners around the world to relaxing at each other's homes. Generally, they would stay at one of the Emrys properties if they truly wanted to be alone and explore their relationship further, usually ending in each of them climaxing at least 3 times.

However, there have been times when either Gabi or Astoria wanted to hang out with each other and their respective older sibling would have to apparate them to either the Greengrass Farm or Delacour Manor and stay there as the other two lovers chatted amicably with the third's parents if they were available. The triad would usually be able to speak to Annabeth or Apolline since they weren't important figures within the Wizengamot of their countries whereas their husbands were the Deputy Minister and the leader of the Neutral Faction in Britain.

Surprisingly enough Hope enjoyed these family gatherings or dates. She learned more about her lovers from their parents much to Daphne and Fleur's embarrassment. The Tribrid wasn't immune to these kinds of stories as Freya happily shared some stories of a young Hope when she got caught doing something mischievous with her Uncle Kol.

Hope was trying to squeeze as much time in with Fleur before her grandmother would start Fleur's Veela training so she could ascend to become the leader of the Veela flock. From what Hope has learned about the ascension, Fleur will be in extensive training for 3 days of a week with her grandmother but the Tri-Wizard Champion was an overachiever.

Fleur still wanted to follow her passion of becoming an Enchanter, so she would travel to Gringotts bank in Diagon Alley for 3 of the other days as Ragnok personally made the request for the future leader of the Veela's to join him in Britain for training.

The Veela glared at Hope when she heard of the offer as she believed Hope had something to do with the Goblin King's offer. Hope looked utterly confused at the implication before she clarified with the French woman that she didn't have anything to do with Ragnok's choice. Fleur felt giddy and anxious learning that King Ragnok had picked Fleur to join the Goblins in a course in Curse-Breaking and Enchanting.

Thankfully the day Fleur had to herself was Sunday so they can still meet up occasionally on Sundays. Hogsmeade weekends will make an easy getaway for the Hogwarts students without needing to annoy either Myrddin or Alexandria every time they need to travel out from the Hogwarts wards.

Freya was arguably pissed off when she learned about Greyback's challenge and had Hope training with the Goblin Nation whenever she wasn't with Daphne or Fleur. The Immortal Viking Witch wanted her niece to have the best chance of surviving this fight to the death, without Hope receiving any mortal wounds as Freya wasn't prepared to see her brother's littlest wolf to have her throat slashed or watch as Hope was staked through the heart with something larger than a wand.

Hope accommodated her aunt's wishes without complaint as she was still receiving letters from both the Light and Dark Factions causing her to roll her eyes in irritation. Hope thought that most families were written off by Freya from all the previous mail she received from over the last couple of years.

Greyback had responded to Hope's reply in a rather aggressive tone even through writing as he didn't believe Hope's claim, even though Ragnok had practically forced the Daily Prophet to print Hope's status as Queen of the Werewolves before the other Werewolf had responded to Hope's return challenge. It didn't bother the Mikaelson girl as she still had the highest rank within the Werewolves pack even if Greyback didn't recognise her as his Queen.

Hope discussed the challenge with Ragnok as she felt that the Goblin King would have more knowledge about what a challenge entailed while she also flipped through the Emrys Codex for more information. The Tribrid smirked as she saw that she would be in charge of the Challenge Wardstone.

Hope made a few alterations to the Wardstone so that a circle would encase the first but be split in half so that neither side of the attendance could attack the other during the challenge thus keeping the fight fair and contained within the Stonehenge.

At the end of the challenge the outside layer of the barrier will drop but the split between the two lines will extend out as far as the eye can see for 10 seconds before that line drops as well. This will allow the observers of the match to escape or if things happen the way Hope expects, Voldemort could amass his forces within these 10 seconds to start a fight with the Emrys family.

Both sides had to announce the people they would be taking with them to observe the proceedings so the Goblins could key in the attendants and make sure that there are no unexpected visitors. The Goblins kept the location of the challenge a secret as well as the attendants

The entire wizarding world was completely aware that Lady Emrys has been issued a challenge by Fenrir Greyback and the Ministry of Magic has been pestering both the Emrys family and the Goblin Nation for more information but both parties have remained tight lipped about the situation. Hope rolled her eyes at the blatant disregard of the Ministry ignoring Greyback's presence in the challenge as they haven't even attempted to contact the Dark Wizard.

Hope's contingent arrived at Stonehenge an entire hour before the challenge was set to begin. The youngest Mikaelson gave a quick kiss to both Daphne and Fleur before moving into the Stonehenge circle dressed in her mother's leather jacket, a long shirt that covered her thighs and some sweatpants as she held the expectation of transforming tonight. Magical Creatures have been using this site for generations to settle disputes as the Stonehenge has always been filled with mystic energy from the underlying ley lines.

As Hope hovered the Challenge Wardstone over the altar, the middle of the altar shifted loudly as a dark circle appeared in the center. The Wardstone hummed with power when the hole appeared and Hope followed Ragnok's earlier instructions as she dropped the Wardstone into the gap.

The stone grinded together as it closed with an audible thunk. A burst of light extended into the sky as it created two domes simultaneously. The first encased the entire radius of the stone circle while the second circle covered the first, leaving about 10 meters of room between the two domes.

Hope walked back to her side of the arena and sat down on her side of the barrier with a peaceful sigh as she stared up at the overcast sky. The full moon was slowly cresting its way over the dark sky, moving between the clouds in unidentifiable intervals, allowing the moonlight to reflect off Hope's face as she allowed her eyes to glow.

"Your wolf is just begging to be let out isn't she?" Freya commented as she knelt down on the other side of the barrier with a proud smile on her face.

Hope hummed in contentment as she stretched her legs out and leaned back on her arms.

Daphne and Fleur smiled at the relaxed look on Hope's face. They haven't seen her look this tranquil since Voldemort's return or perhaps it was Rasputin's appearance.

Hope was adamant that Nic and Nelle would not be attending the challenge when she noted that Rasputin would be watching her fight against Greyback. With his attendance Hope felt uneasy as she had absolutely no idea the Russian man would do. He clearly had no issues killing anyone as he's shown in Pogar, a small town between the western border and Bryansk, the residents all dead with no visible markers.

Hope and the Flamels had filled in Freya about their problem with Rasputin and the Viking Witch was eager to help the couple as they have provided and cared for Hope for the last 4 years. The eldest Mikaelson felt indebted to the Immortal French couple for taking such good care of Hope and for also not limiting her abilities.

"Must be thankful that your dad stopped you from making one of the biggest mistakes of your life." Freya pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

Hope tilted her head down and opened her amber eyes as she stared at Freya as she drawled out her next word, eerily similar to Snape. "Obviously." As much as she despised the man, he certainly could pull off the bored drawl exceptionally well.

Daphne snickered at Hope's attempt while Fleur shook her head.

Hope's attendants included Daphne, Fleur, Freya, Ragnok and Amelia Bones. Hope was going to invite another person, Diana, the Vampire Queen as Sheda introduced Hope to the Vampire Queen a couple of weeks ago when the Tribrid made the request to her Vampire-Witch Professor.

Usually Diana wouldn't have given the light of day to meet with the Queen of the Werewolves, apparently there is bad blood between the two species no matter which universe you're in. Bathsheda had with Hope's permission informed her Queen about Hope's Tribrid status and that she was also the Princess of the Vampires as well as the Queen of the Werewolves and Lady Emrys. Diana's eyes turned red and demanded a meeting with the girl to which Hope accepted.

There was some controversy between the two women as Diana was rather angry with Hope for not announcing herself earlier to the Queen. Hope remained civil as she explained her decisions for the past 4 years. Diana was remarkably open-minded as she understood Hope's choices but decided to remain neutral with the young Tribrid until the girl could prove her worth.

This was one of Hope's better outcomes, to be honest. She expected a potential fight against the Vampire Queen as Hope knew that she did commit a faux pas against the Vampire Queen by not announcing herself straight away to the Vampires.

Hopefully this challenge would help create a new peaceful treaty between the Werewolves and Vampires which is the only reason Diana had accepted Hope's invitation. Hope had also assured the Vampire Queen that if a fight was to break out between the two sides that Freya would apparate the woman out of the danger zone.

But Diana chose to deny the invitation as she wanted to keep her options open depending on who would emerge as the ruler of the Werewolves.

Ragnok and Amelia remained standing along the outside barrier as they exchanged polite pleasantries as Madam Bones was one of the few witches that he respected. Freya kept up the conversation between the relatively concerned lovers while Hope was calm and collected as she waited patiently for her opponent and his 5 attendants.

30 minutes had passed since Hope had entered the magical arena when Hope's eyes and head jerked up suddenly at the movement of darkened smoke streaking across the sky. Daphne, Fleur and Freya all turned to look behind them as a large group of Death Eaters arrived.

The DE's immediately shot out a mixture of Unforgivable Curses at the group Hope had chosen to attend tonight's challenge. Madam Bones flinched as the Unforgivable Curses approached the dome. But before the spells could do any damage the outer shield created by the Challenge Wardstone absorbed the magic before it could touch anyone within its protective walls.

Everyone believed that there was no magical protection against the Unforgivable Curses but as Hope discovered at Emrys Castle and through Traveller's magic in her world. There are ways to cancel out magic within a defined area. Hope made sure to include the runes she saw on the fountain at Emrys Castle into the Wardstone as an extra layer of protection for all the attendants.

Voldemort frowned as he watched his Killing Curse die out as soon as it hit the barrier between him and Hope's observers with a solid thud.

Amelia turned to face Hope with an incredulous look on her face as she has never seen such an act of magic neutralise an Unforgivable Curse in her lifetime. It should be impossible and as she was loathed to admit it, her thoughts were echoed by Lord Voldemort.

"What is this sorcery?" Riddle questioned as he approached the barrier and laid a pale hand against the barrier causing the translucent dome to turn opaque at the touch.

"Something that will keep both sides in line until after the challenge has been finished." Hope called out from her position from the inner dome.

The Dark Lord's disciples slowly spread out to circle the dome. Hope caught a glance on Marcus Flint's stupid grin as he stared directly at Daphne. Hope let out a growl in his direction as her eyes glowed amber. The boy snickered at Hope's inability to attack him and continued to smirk.

Daphne looked around at the new arrivals as she noticed that a majority of them were relatively short and awkward in the black cloaks. "Recruiting children Tom? My, how the mighty have fallen." The Consort Emrys taunted Voldemort with a cold grin.

Lord Voldemort narrowed his snake-like gaze on Daphne. "The Greengrass Heiress, Consort Emrys, wife to the Legendary Lady Emrys… I will enjoy watching you suffer a fate worse than death."

"Over my dead body, you noseless piece of shit!" Fleur threatened the pale man as she held a silver ball of Veelafyre in her hand.

Riddle's gaze turned to Fleur as a look of disgust crossed his face.

"The other lover… It sickens me to see three women in a relationship. Especially considering the blood impurity from two-thirds of this… Despicable triad. A Veela whose only ability is to whore themselves out like prostitutes and a pathetic little Werewolf girl who tries to bite off more than she can chew."

Voldemort looked back at Daphne with a disturbed look on his face. "You could do better than these animals who ravage and mark you against your wishes."

Freya snorted at that last remark but didn't respond to the obvious taunt but she knew that her niece would quite happily banter back and forth with the Dark Lord. Especially if Hope knew it would throw her opponent off their game, making them susceptible to anger and losing their thought process in the meantime.

Hope had a proud smile on her face showcasing her extended canines dangerously. "Trust me when I tell you, Tom. Daph is very happy with me and Fleur. But as much as I'd like to gloat about our prowess in bed, I don't want to watch your baby Death Eaters jerk themselves off to the imagery of the three of us together. Because if they fight alongside you tonight, it will be the only time they will ever masterbate before one of us kills them. You know since I made them all celibate at school."

Black-clad Death Eaters froze and shuddered in place at the threat.

The newbie Death Eaters believed Lady Emrys' threat but obviously their bodies didn't get the memo as more than four-fifths of the apparent younger Death Eaters shifted awkwardly. Their erections tenting their trousers proudly as they attempted to hide their pulsing members from the view of the auburn haired woman in the middle of the arena as Hope was glaring at them with hatred in her golden eyes.

"You command little boys to your cause and yet you call us despicable." Hope mentioned with a shake of her head while Voldement scowled in anger. "You're a fucking hypocrite Tom."

Voldemort's red slitted eyes focused on Hope with intensity. "I've heard that you've been busy Miss Mikaelson. Speaking to the Vampire Queen to convince her to join you in your endeavour against me."

Hope scoffed in amusement. "I don't need the Vampire Queen's help to defeat you. My offer to Diana was in relation to a treaty between the Werewolves and the Vampires. Although she's waiting until after this fight to the death to determine her decision."

Hope's thoughts were interrupted as a loud clang sounded against the barrier and the Tribrid turned her head quickly to the other side of the arena with heightened speeds. Gregori Rasputin was leaning against the inner barrier in boredom as he traced lines on the opaque wall in front of him.

"It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance Heiress Flamel. You are a very hard girl to find." Rasputin greeted the auburn haired girl with a show of yellow teeth and a strong Russian accent.

Hope's eyes scanned the man slowly as she committed his movements to memory. "Didn't know you were looking for me Rasputin, otherwise I would've made myself easier to find."

A feral grin spread across the Russian's face. "If you survive this I would be honoured to kill you."

Amber eyes glowed brightly in response. "You won't kill me. You're not strong enough to face me and survive."

"You hid the last Romanov from me!" He shouted in anger as a fist banged against the barrier.

"And your very existence puts my family in danger! I promised Nic and Nelle that if I ever had the opportunity to kill you I would take it." Hope countered with a glare of hatred.

"I will enjoy reanimating your body and using it to kill everyone you love."

Hope glowered. "God I hate necromancy." The Tribrid muttered in annoyance to herself.

Greyback finally made his appearance as he walked through the first dome then the second without hesitation. He entered the arena shirtless as his long scraggy hair fell around his face in a mess. Greyback's fingernails were replaced with yellow-stained wolf claws, each looked recently sharpened into a curved point.

"Hello baby wolf. I can't wait to tear you apart!" The older Werewolf grinned as his fangs were extended past his bottom lip, scratching the sensitive skin there.

Hope's amber eyes narrowed as her focus shifted her gaze to Fenrir. "Well if it isn't the overgrown furball who hasn't taken a bath in nearly 20 years. God, have you ever heard of a shower?" Hope complained as she held a hand loosely over her mouth and nose trying to stave off the horrendous smell.

Greyback growled loudly at the taunt as his body tighented itself as if he was ready to launch at her. He managed to calm himself just enough that he didn't make the leap at Hope which could've caused his early demise if he attacked his opponent before 10pm. Hope smirked gleefully at Greyback's anger.

"Three of my enemies all in one spot." Hope mentioned as she pivoted on the spot locking eyes with Greyback then Riddle before lastly turning to Rasputin as she let her fangs extended, allowing them to be seen through her malicious grin. "How will I ever choose how to kill first?"

"They won't even have the chance to kill you because I'm going to enjoy wearing your entrails as a necklace." Greyback bit back first.

Rasputin pounded at the inner barrier as he belted out his outraged rambling. "I can not die child! I am immortal! I am all powerful and I will rip this world apart piece by piece! Starting with you, then your lovers, parents and everyone you care about and I'll do it all with a smile on my face! You, child, will not leave here alive!"

Voldemort remained silent as regarded Lady Emrys with a cold integrity.

Hope turned to her aunt with a frown on her face. "Is it just me or do all threats start to sound the same?"

Freya sighed as she held her head in hand in embarrassment. "I have to admit that with our family, I think I've heard just about every insult known to man. Some of them were directed at me from my own siblings. When you hear a Mikaelson threat all other threats become subpar. I mean I think I've heard your father, Kol and possibly Hayley use that entrails threat."

"Mum said it?" Hope asked with a curious expression as she ignored her competition and enemies.

Freya shrugged. "It honestly wouldn't surprise me."

The Death Eater's outside of the barriers heard a rush of powerful wind torrenting through the air. Grey streams of smoke similar to that of the Death Eater's prefered method of travel as all of Voldemort's followers shifted their stance to stand behind Voldemort's side of the battlefield. About two dozen figures in long dark grey cloaks emerged from the smoke apparation, their wands drawn loosely in front of them.

"Besides I'm not suicidal enough to come here without backup. I just prefer to call upon people who are more experienced in battle than school children." Hope glanced over her shoulder to stare at Voldemort with a condescending look etched into her features.

"The Unspeakables…" Voldemort murmured in concern. "They allied themselves with you… The abomination of a girl that plays the hero but is truly a monster in reality."

"That's rude. You don't even know me Tom." Hope bantered back as she noticed that the moon had been obscured by the overcast sky.

"Aunt Freya? What's the time?" Hope questioned as she looked back at her aunt but her attention was distracted by something she saw in the distance and groaned. "What the hell is Dumblebore doing here!?"

The Unspeakables groaned as they shook their heads in realisation as Dumbledore's forces would not be able to pass through the Challenge Wardstone's treaty line and the Order of the Phoenix would be stuck with them. Daphne, Fleur, Freya and Ragnok all rolled their eyes as they watched Dumbledore, Moody, Lupin, Shaklebolt, Tonks, Fletcher, Doge and the 3 eldest Weasleys as well as another 10 or more members of the Order.

Just like Voldemort, Dumbledore shot off a spell towards Riddle who was already within the outer circle but the fire-based spell spluttered out as soon as it reached the barrier between himself and Hope's selected group.

"Mr Dumbledore… You can not stop this challenge. The Wardstone is already in play and it will not lower these barriers, which negate all magic if you haven't noticed, until the challenge is over." Amelia explained in exasperation.

"And while I'm at it, Moody, Shaklebolt, Tonks? Can you explain what you are doing here? I could've swore that I told all Aurors not to interfere. Did I not?" The fiery redhead berated her people.

Tonks looked down in shame as her hair changed through the more darker colours of the rainbow, usually sticking with the cooler colours like blue, purple, browns and blacks. Shaklebolt puffed up his chest as if he didn't ignore a direct order from his superior while Moody banged his staff into the cold, damp ground.

"Hope don't get distracted. Your fight starts in a couple of minutes." Freya snapped her fingers in front of her niece's face drawing the Tribrid's attention back to her.

Hope heard grunting and bones breaking behind her as she turned her face to watch as Greyback started his shift into his Werewolf form. The auburn haired girl drowned out the conversations behind her as she watched in fascination as his bones broke and shifted into something monstrous.

"Well you don't see that everyday." Hope muttered to herself as she turned her entire body around to face the transforming man.

Hope looked up into the sky as she watched the full moon peer through the darkened clouds with glowing eyes. "Aunt Freya? Can you count me in?"

"One minute, littlest wolf." Freya informed her niece as she leaned against the inner dome with Daphne and Fleur pressing a hand against the dome and a frown on their faces as they watched Greyback go through his transformation.

Hope lowered her head back down as she let out a small growl in the bottom of her throat as the other Werewolf let out grunts of pain mixed with terrifying growls.

Hope could see that Voldemort and his Death Eaters were taunting her but she couldn't hear a word they said as she was only focused on two things. Greyback and her aunt's countdown. The Tribrid started bouncing on the balls of her feet when the time reached 30 seconds remaining in an attempt to loosen her muscles before the fight.

The auburn haired girl realised that someone outside of the dome must have been manipulating the clouds above them as the timing of Greyback's transformation was too convenient and well timed to be anything else but magic. Hope wasn't bothered by this small act of interference as she believed it would make the fight more entertaining.

In the final 5 seconds before the challenge would officially begin. Hope snapped her jaws at the near fully transformed Werewolf showing her glistening white fangs at her opponent as she clenched her hands into fists. Waiting anxiously for the last number to be called.

"One." Freya called out as she took a step back from the dome so the opaque barrier would clear up and she could see through the containment without any obstructions.

Hope moved with only her wolf speed as she wanted to keep this fight as close to a Werewolf only fight as possible. The Wolf Queen hurdled over the center of the dias in the middle of the ancient structure and kicked the other wolf as he finished his transformation, knocking him back onto the ground with a stifled roar.

The bipedal Werewolf quickly rose to its hind legs as he roared loudly at the still human wolf before swiping out with his stained claws. Hope jumped back to dodge the first attack but gripped his arm and threw the older Werewolf over her shoulder as he followed up with another swing.

The dark grey Werewolf let out a small yelp at the impact but once again rose to his feet while clawing at Hope's legs. Hope barely managed to lift her leg out of the way but it put her off balance. Greyback used this opportunity to grab Hope's shoulder and throw her into the dome, close to the mad Russian.

Hope grunted as she gnashed her teeth together in warning. As Hope turned around Greyback had covered the area of which he threw her and landed a solid scratch across the Wolf Queen's face. Hope's face moved to the side at the force of the hit, hiding the mark with her body and hair.

The Tribrid could hear the cheers in front of her as Greyback's group congratulated him on drawing first blood. Hope gave a growl as she backhanded the Werewolf that was ready to swipe another claw mark into her.

Hope rose from her crouched position to show the scratch on her cheek healing remarkably fast. Death Eater, Unspeakable and Order of the Phoenix members were all shocked into silence at the speed at which Hope was healing without magic.

The hit blasted him halfway across the field as he rolled on the ground for a moment before righting himself. Hope was fast to follow behind him as they traded blows back and forth. Neither giving any leeway for the other to capitalise. Always returning punches and kicks as they grunted upon impact of the hits that landed.

In this form, Greyback was stronger but he still wasn't stronger than Hope if she was to use both her Werewolf and Vampiric strength to overpower him. Hope proved this time and time again as she threw the male Werewolf away from herself as he managed to leave a track of claw marks along her neck. Three jagged lines on the left hand side of her neck.

The older Werewolf was sent flying into the opposite side of the dome right near Fleur. Greyback rose a little more slowly to his feet as the effects of this battle were weighing down on him.

Fenrir spotted Fleur just beside him and tried to attack her through the barrier, but the barrier stopped the older Werewolf as he was flung back slightly as he growled in the Veela's direction.

Hope's eyes hardened as the display as the wounds on her neck closed up, her Vampiric blood healing her faster than her Werewolf body could. Hope gave her neck a little crack as she shed her mother's jacket and tossed it to the side.

The auburn haired girl took off in a sprint and also pulled her shirt over her head, leaving her torso only dressed in a black sports bra. No one had the chance to ogle Hope's half naked form as she was moving too quickly, throwing her shirt beside the stone altar in the middle as she leaped over the dias as she pulled off an immediate shift into her wolf form.

The snowy white wolf was upon the Werewolf within a second as she latched her razor sharp fangs into Greyback's shoulder and launched him towards Voldemort's location behind the dome. Hope was furious that this Werewolf would dare attempt to attack someone that she classifies as her own. Hope leapt up onto the dias before turning to face Greyback and released a long and powerful howl.

Greyback lowered his head momentarily before he fought against the Queen's roar, visibly struggling as he tried to lift his head. There were some returning howls that only a Werewolf or some other creatures with supernatural hearing could hear. Only a few of the lone packs in the area responded to the Queen's call.

Although thankfully for Greyback the moon was sliding back to hide behind the darkened clouds, reverting the bipedal Werewolf back into human form as he remained hunched over in pain. Both from the physical pain in his shoulder from where Hope's wolf fangs dug into him and threw him across the area, ripping off a chunk of flesh.

Blood and bone were visible from the gaping wound as the elder wolf slowly made his way to a standing position as he covered the wound with his hand as he got to a vertical position.

Hope growled from her position on the dias as she lowered her body lower to the stone, the fur on her back rising as she got ready to pounce.

Fenrir lowered his arm as he growled back at her. "You little bitch! I'm going to enjoy raping those little girlfriends of yours until they bleed and cry out for mercy! Then I'll rip them apart piece by piece while you watch you disgusting little mongrel!"

The hackles on Hope's body rose as she launched herself off the altar. Hope rushed the man with her immense speed before Greyback even had the opportunity to counter the silver-white wolf. Hope crash-tackled into Greyback knocking the much taller man down on the ground as she slashed her claws across his hairy bare chest while her back legs tore into his naked thighs as she gnashed her teeth in his direction. The older Werewolf was able to free his arms long enough to press his forearm against the wolf's neck, stopping Hope from ripping his throat out.

Greyback's teeth elongated again as the full moon emerged again, the scattered clouds keeping the battle interesting as Greyback recovered his strength from the transformation back into his Werewolf form. Fenrir used his free arm that was not holding the Wolf Queen back from tearing him apart as he gripped the back of Hope's neck and threw her off him.

Hope was slammed into the barrier with a thud as she landed on all four paws as she dropped to the ground. The hit didn't faze her as much as it should have as Hope was still incredibly pissed off by Greyback's earlier remark about what he would do to her lovers.

Hope ran to the center of the Stonehenge as she shifted back into her human form quickly and retrieved her shirt and swiftly pulled it over her head. Yanking the materials so it covered her thighs, clothing herself from the on-lookers as she stood up.

"You will never touch them." Hope decreed as she stalked towards Greyback with glowing gold eyes.

The older Werewolf was baring his teeth as his breath left a crisp effect in the air from how hard he was exerting himself, his footsteps were slow and wobbly as he made his way to the angry girl who was striding calmly towards him.

Hope used her superspeed as she thrusted her knee into Greyback's furry stomach, winding the Werewolf as Hope reached around his body to dig her claws into Greyback's neck for a moment as she flung him across the grass. Fenrir was having more and more trouble getting to his feet every time Hope beat him down.

Voldemort looked rather concerned as he watched one of his main lieutenants get destroyed by a 16 year old girl. Greyback's other chosen, Rasputin, Bellatrix and the Carrow twins all remained silent as they watched Hope slowly defeat the Werewolf.

"You know that if you left well enough alone. Stayed locked up in Azkaban. You wouldn't be about to die. Alone. For no reason other than to be a lapdog to a pasty, soon-to-be-dead soulless prick." Hope humoured the crowd as a smirk crossed her face.

The Werewolf could only grunt as he fell back onto his face.

Hope's eyes glowed a bright amber in the night sky as she moved to her side of the arena with her back towards her family. "I've learned a lot here. Hell, I've learned a lot by watching all these Werewolf shows on TV. Did you know that most Werewolves can perform a semi-shift?"

The other wolf groaned in reply.

"Buffy, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Shadowhunters, Underworld… Even here… All the Werewolves can shift parts of their body into their wolf shape. Funnily enough, my aunt told me how my mother was able to shift just her hand. And I thought to myself… Why can't I do that?" Hope mentioned as she glanced back to her lovers and aunt who were now standing together.

The Tribrid let out a pained grunt as she forced her hands and face to shift. Hope's fingers lengthed as her nails thickened and hooked slightly as they took on a claw-like appearance. Her hand also changed as a thin layer of grey fur coated her appendages.

Freya's jade eyes widened in shock as she watched her niece complete a partial shift that has never been done in her universe. Hayley had been the only one to shift her body slightly but even she couldn't hold it for long. When Freya asked the Labonair wolf about the change, Hayley had told her that holding her bones in that position for that short period of time had caused her so much pain that she never performed another semi-shift again.

Hope tilted her face to the side as the bones in her cheeks and jaw broke as they shifted, becoming more angular as Hope's face narrowed slightly, giving her a more wolfish frame. The auburn haired girl opened her eyes as she felt her bones settle into their new places.

The Tribrid lifted her head as she looked directly at Daphne. Amber eyes were shining back at the part Werewolf as the blonde haired girl's inner wolf reacted to Hope's transformation. "Is it just me or does Hope look even hotter now?"

Fleur could only nod as she stared at the Tribrid who was radiating with power.

Hope turned to face her opponent as she finally showed off her new form to Greyback, Voldemort and his followers and Rasputin. All the dark-clad wizards took a nervous step back at the danger Hope just revealed as her fangs showed through her smirk. Hope kept her fingers stretched out and curled to reflect a claw-like appearance.

Hope turned back to face Daphne once again as her hair was now out of her face allowing the Unspeakables and Order members to see her new features, outlined by the dried blood on her cheek and neck where Greyback was able to scratch her. The Order gasped at her appearance while Dumbledore's eyes widened in shock as he could feel the power coming off of the child and he knew that this barrier also suppressed her witch abilities which led him and a few others in the crowd, come to the conclusion that this was the power of the Werewolf Queen.

"Finally! She's no longer holding back. I was wondering when Hope would get around to unleashing her inner animal." Ragnok exclaimed proudly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

There was a smirk in the corner of Hope's mouth as she replied to her wife. "I'm glad to hear that this form meets your approval my love."

At Hope's words the entire audience except Freya became absolutely silent as they have never seen a Werewolf speak before, especially as clearly and coherently as Hope just has.

"I think you broke them niece of mine." Freya called out with a laugh after she had scanned the crowd, noticing their silence.

"Good. Then they are going to love what I'm going to do next." Hope flashed a look that rivalled her fathers as she advanced on the unsteady Werewolf who was trying to regather his bearings.

A frown appeared on Freya's face at that smirk. "Uh oh… I don't like that look. That was a very Niklaus look mixed with Hayley's pissed off attitude."

Daphne and Fleur turned to face Freya in a side-eyed glance as they kept an eye on Hope as she made her move on Greyback.

"What do you mean?" Fleur somehow managed to ask although she was too focused on the Wolf Queen.

"Oh, he's about 5 seconds away from dying. You two should summon your wands. Shit is about to go down. Myrddin told me that Nic and Nelle were able to complete their side mission Hope gave them." Freya informed the girls around her as she transferred her staff to her off-hand as she got ready for battle.

Daphne and Fleur shared a look at Freya's comment about the Flamel's as they both pulled out their wands from their holsters. Daphne held Hope's wand in her other hand while Freya had Excalibur in her dominant hand, ready to release it the second Hope called for the Legendary sword.

Greyback had only just managed to pull himself to his hind legs with a roar as he turned to Hope and froze. His roar cutting out as he cowered before the powerful wolf before him as he let out a pitiful whine extending his neck in submission.

"It's much too late for that now, Greyback." Hope declared as she levelled a devastating punch on Greyback's jaw, breaking it in a single blow.

The force of the blow knocked the bipedal Werewolf onto all fours facing Voldemort. Hope didn't waste anymore time as she gripped the back of his neck to pull him up. The Werewolf didn't even lower his legs to the ground as he curled up into a ball, hoping that the other wolf would leave him alone, thus giving the audience an interesting sight of a 5'3" young girl holding a full grown man off the ground with one hand.

Hope had a feral grin on her face as she looked directly at Riddle as she punched her other hand forward. The sound of flesh and bone ripping apart filled the arena as Hope's clenched fist appeared on the other side of Greyback's chest as the Werewolf gasped with his last breath looking down at the arm that went through his chest.

The Carrow twins had jumped as something solid thudded against the barrier before being blasted back a few metres. It was Greyback's barely beating heart. It wriggled slightly a couple of times before it stopped moving.

Hope's golden gaze turned to Rasputin with a glare before she shifted her hand on Greyback's lifeless body, circling it around until that hand gripped his throat tightly. The Tribrid smirked as she pulled her arm back ever so slightly as she embedded her claws into Greyback's hairy chest and neck, giving a mighty pull in opposite directions.

The sound of bones and meat splitting and tearing filled the magical site followed by the sound of retching from wizards on both sides. Even the Unspeakables were speechless as they looked on in horrified amazement at the strength Lady Emrys possessed.

Daphne looked on in awe as Greyback's blood had coated her Mate's face, arms and soaked through her long shirt as the blood made the materials stick to the auburn haired girl's body. It made her look even more dangerous and in her opinion, somehow more attractive than before (and she thought that Hope's newfound Wolf form was the hottest thing she would see).

The blonde witch was not sure if this was the soulmate bond affecting her or if she was simply attracted to danger, but whatever it was, she liked it. She thrived for it.

Fleur had to turn away from the gruesome sight as Hope ripped the body in half. The Veela was a creature of love and lust rather than a warrior. But that didn't mean that Fleur couldn't defend herself and protect her friends and family. She would kill for them.

But watching this display of violence was something she wasn't expecting, especially from Hope. The girl Fleur knew had amazing control and morals. Hope was intelligent, respectful, loyal and an amazing person all round unless you did something to piss her off. To see how far Hope would go to protect the ones she loved both frightened and aroused the part Veela.

Fleur wasn't overly concerned by Hope's aggression and anger as she was completely aware that Hope and Daphne were soulmates and the blonde haired witch certainly had an effect on the Tribrid.

The bond mellowed out some of Hope's bloodlust (the girl in question had literally licked one of her fingers as she stared at Voldemort's pale face that somehow became as white as chalk), her anger (the Wards in Slytherin would have a field day on Hope if she didn't have control of her emotions, especially her anger) and helped Hope realise that she wasn't alone anymore.

She has friends that are willing to back her up in school and even the Wizengamot if Harry, Susan and Neville were anything to go by (Daphne doesn't count), a family of immortals that just want what is best for her and a couple of familiars that do their best to keep her out of trouble.

The outer barrier around the Stonehenge lowered on both sides but the divider between the two sides remained up for the following minute, following the rules that were set into the Challenge Wardstone.

Freya looked on impassively as she looked to the ground near her niece's bloody bare feet.

On one side there was most of the Werewolf's mutilated body. Legs, part of his torso and one arm that was barely attached to the remaining half of Greyback's destroyed body. The other had Greyback's other arm, most of his upper torso that was torn away with his ribcage along with the Werewolf Alpha's head.

The Viking Witch looked back up at Hope's back, wondering how her niece would react to brutally taking a life with her bare hands.

Hope looked up from her bloody hands. Her angular face narrowed back in on Voldemort. "Come on Tom. Stay for a while. You won't regret it." The Wolf Queen taunted with a wolfish smirk on her face.

Voldemort backed away, ready to retreat once again at the sight of the powerful Lady Emrys. He needed her weaker than this to fight her and win without the possibility of losing his body.

Hope let out a huff as she watched Voldemort decide to flee. "Go ahead Tommy. Run away like a little kid, just like you did at the orphanage."

Voldemort flinched at the reminder and turned back to face the girl with wide eyes.

"You'll be nothing but ash the next time I see you Tom. Because I'm going to kill you and there will be no way for you to come back this time. I'll insure it." Hope threatened with a classic Mikaelson smirk that showcased her wolf fangs.

Pillars of black smoke rose into the sky as they fled. The Carrows and Bellatrix were the second last ones to leave as they pulled out their wands and tried one more Killing Curse against the challenge dome, in an attempt to frighten Lady Emrys. The attack gained Hope's attention and Voldemort used this distraction to apparate himself away followed quickly by the Carrows while Bellatrix gave a small cackle before smoking away into the night.

Hope turned her gaze to the only person remaining as Rasputin gripped a blood-red pendant that hung around his neck and chanted in Russian as the ground began to give way underneath them. A sinister red light shined through the crack in the ground as skeletal arms shot up out of the ground. Some of these skeletons were rising past the barrier on the Unspeakables side as they drew their wands, firing bone-breaking curses, which admittedly is probably their best course of action unless one of them wished to cast Fiendfyre.

Hope's eyebrows rose as a mass amount of skeletons rose from within the dome itself as these reanimated dead were possibly the losers of the challenges that have taken place at the Stonehenge prior to Greyback's challenge.

"And here I thought this was going to be anticlimactic." Hope muttered as she felt her magic return to her as the inner dome dropped.

Hope's eyes flashed in excitement as she summoned Excalibur to herself as well as her wand. "How glad I am to be wrong."

Gregori gave the order into his pendant and his undead army that was armed with a dead tree root attacked. A jet of green light arched its way towards Hope and her golden eyes widened in surprise as she never expected the skeletons to be able to cast spells.

Hope didn't think, she just reacted as she apparated out of the way of the Killing Curse that had multiplied into a possible a hundred curses in the location Hope was just standing.

Hope blinked and could help but mutter the quip that came to mind. "Well… You don't see that everyday."

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