A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 54: chapter 54

Upon the arrival of the undead skeletons Freya had apparated King Ragnok out of Wiltshire with the snap of her fingers, just like the Emrys women had promised him, just in case something like this broke out. Both of the Mikaelson shared the same contingency plans in protecting those that were under their protection.

The Mikaelson's wanted to apparate Amelia away as well, but the leader of the DMLE practically glared at the pair of witches for thinking that she was incompetent at her job so after a shared looked the Mikaelson Duo let her be. Under the condition that if either of them thought that she was in any unnecessary danger they would apparate her out.

Amelia was undoubtedly pissed about the condition but ultimately agreed to it seeing as arguing with two of the most powerful witches wouldn't get her anywhere other than trapped in a spell that she couldn't break out of. Or she could be potentially apparated somewhere completely random, if what Madam Bones has seen so far is anything to go off of.

Freya was able to place silent, powerful wards over an arena in an effort to protect the students from the full power of a Veela's thrall. Hope was able to battle a corrupted Dragon to a standstill. That same Dragon had offered a Pure Ice DragonStone to Daphne as one of the mothering Dragon's final moments as most witches and wizards were aware that when a Dragon is able to breathe an icy flame the Dragon is coming to the end of its lifecycle. The Dragon may be able to live for up to another 5 years but for a Dragon that's only a small fraction of its life.

Amelia ducked and weaved around the colourful jets of magic while also keeping an eye out for her Aurors that arrived with Dumbledore. Even if Moody, Shacklebolt and Tonks had showed up against her orders, they were still her Aurors and thus her responsibility and under her protection.

Most of the spells that were fired by skeletons were a bright emerald colour as the Head of the DMLE pulled up large pieces of the earth to block the Killing Curses coming towards herself and Junior Cadet Tonks who seemed rather shellshocked in the presence of the undead army. The spells practically evaporated as they hit the hard rocks surrounding the Regent of the Most Ancient and Noble House Bones and the newly reinstated member of the Most Ancient and Noble House Black as Sirius brought the Tonks' family back into the Black family tree while he petitioned to throw out the Malfoy's.

Apparently the spells cast by the skeletons weren't overly strong or powerful, probably only levelling in at a tenth of the power of a Year 4 or 5 student. But a Killing Curse is still a Killing Curse. If the spell hits it still has the power to kill as depicted by a couple of Unspeakables lying motionless on the ground with unfocused eyes staring off into the distance. The Killing Curses from the skeletons were easier to block as the makeshift shields of earth could withstand anywhere from between 8-14 strikes before the earth began to crumble apart into smaller rocks.

Freya cracked her staff on the ground as she casted a bone breaking spell, "Phasmatos Ossox!" There was a deafening crunch as an immeasurable amount of bones shattered at the Mikaelson woman's spell. Freya used her free hand to create a magical barrier of condensed air in front of her, the invisible shield protecting the Immortal Viking Witch from all spells and curses being cast by the undead creatures in front of her while Daphne and Fleur guarded her back.

Daphne was having the time of her life. The blonde witch was able to freeze the skeletons and their spells before they even had a chance to touch her. Daphne's ice magic froze them from the inside out and she shattered the hollow bones with a flick of her off handed wrist wielding her new pine wand with the Pure Ice DragonStone core.

The Greengrass Heiress held an iced blade in her dominant hand as she swung her rapier in a smooth but powerful motion, breaking the skeletal bones into tiny chunks that looked like white ice cubes, frost still surrounding the jagged bone pieces.

As it turns out Fleur's Veelafyre was also highly effective against these undead skeletons. The bones were reduced to ash and dust as soon as the silver flame touched the reanimated soldiers. Fleur didn't even need her wand for this battle so she stowed it away into her holster as she extended her wings and flew up into the sky. Fleur had a better vantage point from the air and was able to dodge with more grace than she had during the 2nd Tri-Wizard Task.

Fleur rained down a barrage of silver fire from above while Freya focused on the skeletons that were spread throughout the mass of Unspeakables and Order members. Fleur was distracted as a flash of red hair attracted her attention and a large amount of her attacks.

Daphne covered her soulmate's Aunt using her affinity of ice to knock down the number of skeletons attacking Hope.

With a silent crack of an apparation Hope teleported behind Rasputin, who was somehow able to simultaneously keep summoning his undead horde and casting some more of the dangerous hexes at Hope. Rasputin at least kept it interesting as he didn't cast only Unforgivables at the Tribrid.

"Come out little Flamel. It's time for you to die." Rasputin sang in a cheerful tone as he flicked his wrist, shooting out another spell, a blood-boiling spell judging by the colour, from his jagged wand that consisted of more sharp edges than Hope thought possible on a 10 inch piece of wood.

Hope sheathed Excalibur and her wand into their respective holsters as she slid and dodged out of the way Rasputin's dangerous but non-fatal hexes as the skeletons around Hope shattered into small ice chunks courtesy of her wife.

Hope's frown on her angular wolf features were more prominent as she moved with her enhanced speed threading through the continuously respawning undead army. The Queen of the Werewolves slapped off the heads of the skeletons as she rushed through the horde trying to get closer to Rasputin. The combination of skeletons and Rasputin's spells were able to keep Hope preoccupied enough that she couldn't get close enough to the Russian even with Daphne and Fleur's help.

Hope needed to complete her mission objective. Destroying the amulet around Rasputin's neck which Nic and Nelle assumed was one of the mad Russian's Horcruxes.

- - -

On the days leading up to Hope's Challenge against Greyback, the Mikaelsons, Flamels, Greengrass', Fleur and Luna were brainstorming as they discussed the events that could happen leading up to, during and after the Challenge. What they expected to happen before the challenge started did happen, although they went through the ideas on whether Voldemort would show up or not. Whether Rasputin would make an appearance.

The group went over hundreds of simulations and outcomes, depending on whether either of the men would flee the moment the outer dome lowered or if they would stay and fight after Hope's Challenge. If one of them would escape to live another day. They came up with multiple plans for every scenario.

Once the Flamel's informed the rest of the party about Rasputin's Horcrux they thought of ideas on how to handle Gregori before he decided to kill another village in his resolute search for the last of the Romanovs. But Hope had a theory that Rasputin had a similar mindset as Voldemort. Perhaps he split his soul more than once which had the Immortal French couple pale drastically at the thought.

Hope was adamant in not allowing the Flamels to join her for the challenge so she gave her parents a little side mission which Luna had cheerfully joined much to Hope's annoyance as the young Ravenclaw ignored Hope's glare with a whimsical smile. Basically the plan was that if Rasputin were to show the French couple were to locate where the Russian zealot was staying and find out if he had more than one Horcrux or if he was any closer to finding the last Romanov that Hope had hidden.

Luna wanted to look around the property as she was getting more vivid visions ever since Hope had unlocked her Magical Core last year. The Seer held the belief that if she was able to walk through Gregori Rasputin's home, she could catch a gleam of the answers Hope was curious to learn.

Myrddin and Alexandria would travel with them as a form of protection while the others were at Hope's Challenge. Myrddin's flame travel into the home knocked out any dangerous wards that were active within the property. Myrddin was the first to feel the dark magic in the air when they arrived. Myrddin practically told Alexandria to stay on Luna's shoulder while he scouted the property as he followed his senses, hopping off Nic's shoulder as he flew at a cautious pace. Eyes scouring every nook and cranny for danger.

Luna trailed behind Myrddin as an unseen force guided her to where she wanted to go. The blonde girl subconsciously moved her hand to the side to pick up a file and placed it under her opposite arm as she followed her instincts.

The Flamels looked at each other with a small frown as they walked behind the Phoenix and Seer until they came to a sudden stop. Both of them were looking at a sceptre encased in gold and jewels. Nic sighed as he recognised the monarchal item that was once used by the Russian royal family. It was last wielded by Nicolas the II as the last Emperor of Russian and the Lord of the Древнейший и знатнейший Дом Романовых (Most Ancient and Noble House Romanov), dropping the number of Russian Most Ancient and Noble Houses from 4 down to 3.

If the sceptre was ever found it was to be handed back to the Russian government, to either the No-maj government or the Russian Wizengamot, depending on who found it. It was a sacred item.

"Of course he would place a part of his soul into the sceptre." Nic shook his head in irritation.

Nelle moved forward as she ran a series of diagnostic charms on the sceptre, making sure it was safe to touch before the group was to take this to Gringotts for the Goblins to cleanse whatever item the Flamels would bring to them if another Horcrux existed.

- - -

A symphony of howls called out as the thudding of paws sprinted across the plains as dozens of wolves travelling in multiple packs thundered their way into the field of battle. The wolves answered the call of their Queen when Hope had unleashed her howl while in her wolf form during her fight with Greyback.

The packs of wolves bypassed the blonde witch controlling ice as well as their Queen gave a motion with her head to move over towards the mass fighting past her the dark blonde woman with the overwhelming presence of wolf etched into her skin as she calmly swept the stick in a smooth arch as the bones fell to the ground suddenly before disappearing.

The Order members jumped in surprise as a pack of wolves launched themselves at the skeletons with claws and fangs extended. The wolves pulled the skeletons apart with their teeth as they ripped the reanimated bones into a pile for one of the grey cloaked men to light on fire with the small stick in his hand.

The man smelled remarkably similar to the ice witch, except for the alarming fact that the ice witch was mated to their Queen as the lupine animals could literally sense the soulmate bond between the two.

There was another person in the sky that held a miniscule scent of the ice witch and their Queen but was mostly drowned out by an alluring, mouth-watering scent mixed with flowers. They would protect her if she ever needed help but she seems to be doing a rather decent job of destroying the moving bones.

To dodge the next flurry of attacks from Rasputin, Hope had to make an impressive leap into the air as she contorted her body into a tight ball as she used an arm to protect her head. A flash of silver appeared in the corner of her eye through the very small gap that was hidden by her arm. Familiar hands and the smell of lustful flowers caught Hope by surprise as Fleur managed to pluck Hope out of the air. One arm wrapped securely around Hope's waist while the Veela used her other hand to stabilise her lover as Hope lowered her legs from her chest and conjured her own fireball in her right hand.

Once Hope was settled comfortably in Fleur's arm, the Veela removed her hand from Hope's waist and mirrored the Tribrid as she summoned her Veelafyre into the palm of her hand. The two girls in the sky unleashed their fireballs towards the newly rising army. Fleur's silver fire covered the ground, instantly eviscerating the skeletons as soon as they rose.

Unfortunately the Veelafyre only covered a small space of the battleground yet it was surprisingly more area than what the Order of the Phoenix members were able to achieve. Dumbledore must've either escaped or attempted to follow after Voldemort since there wasn't a show of swirling fire or large torrents of water blasting enemies away.

Hope had frowned when she came to the realisation that Dumbledore had left but she didn't dwell on it for long as she thrusted her hand in front of her. The fireball in Hope's hand exploded out like a flamethrower as the flames reduced the reanimated skeletons to ash.

Hope used her left hand to redirect Rasputin's spells, generally in the form of vollying the spell back to the Russian who cackled as he danced out of the way.

'Hope! Freya! Get ready! The Goblins have almost finished removing the Horcrux. 5. 4. 3.' Myrddin called out through the Emrys familiar bond, alerting the 2 Mikaelson women.

Hope tapped Fleur's arms as the auburn haired girl gained the Veela's attention. "Fleur, love? Let go."

Fleur hesitated for only a moment before releasing Hope from roughly 10 metres in the air.

'2.' Myrddin counted down.

Hope landed on one knee with one hand placed in front of her as she gathered her bearings before quickly standing up from her superhero landing. On the count of '1' Hope had her wand securely in her grasp as she let her eyes glow in the moonlit sky.

"Fiendfyre." Hope casted as she watched as Rasputin jerked suddenly before letting out a soulful shriek of agony as he felt a part of his soul leave the mortal world.

Freya shot out some spells from the jade jewel at the top of Hirdman, destroying the incoming undead as she twisted around to face the Russian madman, "Corporis impetus".

The eldest Mikaelson clenched her fist tightly as she immobilised the deranged man as one of his hands gripped the blood-red pendant around his neck, his 2nd Horcrux and hopefully his last as she watched the devastating flames descend upon Rasputin's helpless form as his eyes widened for the first time since they've meet him in unadulterated fear.

Gregori let out a whimper which led Hope and Freya to believe that Luna's information about Rasputin only having two physical Horcruxes was correct. The blood-red pendant being able to raise the dead, or at the very least skeletons, was a complete surprise that Hope and her family did not expect, even with Luna's foresight.

Hope watched in utter fascination as the dangerous living fire formed the shapes of some of the most powerful magical creatures that Hope has ever had the pleasure of either meeting or fighting in her fairly young life. The light of the fire danced along the golden irises making Hope's eyes look like swirling liquid gold.

The Fiendfyre Hope cast mainly took on the shapes of wolves, Hellhounds (assholes), Pyrolýkos (not those bloody things again!), Dragons (... the universe hates Hope), Gargoyles, Phoenix's, Thunderbirds, Thestrals, Headless Horseman (including a rather frightening horse snorting fire from its nose) and a few others that Hope couldn't be bothered naming.

A satisfied grin spread across Hope's face as she watched one of the Phoenix-shaped fires dive directly towards Rasputin's chest, or rather his hand holding the blood-red pendant. The fire burned away flesh and bone as the Fiendfyre Phoenix ate away at Rasputin's hand causing the man to scream as his hand was burnt away. One of the Fiendfyre wolves was next as it launched at the frightened man with its jaws open before snapping them shut on the pendant.

A loud, ear-piercing screech left both the pendant and Gregori's mouth.

Rasputin's last Horcrux was destroyed.

The skeletons that were summoned by the pendant dropped to the ground like a sack of bones as the magic holding them together was destroyed.

The members of the Order watched on in terror as Lady Emrys unleashed an uncontrollable living fire. Fleur watched as they backed away in fear before surrounding themselves in a white cloud of smoke and apparating away causing the Veela to frown in disappointment.

The Unspeakables looked partially fearful at the strength of which the Fiendfyre raged on but their gazes landed on Hope who looked proud and held herself confidently as she moved her wand to redirect one of the Fiendfyre animals away from her aunt and motioned for all the creatures to converge on Rasputin who was still held in place by Freya's immobilisation spell.

The Russian screamed profanities as it was the only thing he could do before the Fiendfyre engulfed him. Rasputin didn't even have the ability to scream when the fire touched him.

In the span of 10 seconds Rasputin went from having 2 Horcruxes and being relatively immortal to having no Horcruxes before dying by Hope's powerful Fiendfyre that was completely under the Tribrid's control.

Hope pulled the Fiendfyre back towards herself before calling out 'Finite'. The dangerous wildfire died out at Hope's generalised cancellation spell. The Unspeakables looked absolutely shocked at the ease that Lady Emrys was able to extinguish the Fiendfyre.

Freya and Daphne moved forward as Fleur landed on silent feet beside Daphne as the 3 women wrapped Hope up in a massive group hug which had the Tribrid release a 'ooof' at the force the 3 blondes crashed into Hope.

Freya, Daphne and Fleur didn't need to exchange words as they hugged Hope tightly. Daphne was tucked in the middle as the two older women hugged her and Hope as the ice witch somehow managed to occupy all of Hope's body, only leaving a sliver on either side of the Greengrass Heiress to hug the partially changed Werewolf.

Hope held Fleur and Freya lightly as she felt her claws brush against their sides causing both women to shiver slightly at the sensation of sharp nails grazing across the fabric of their shirts.

Hope locked eyes with the elder Greengrass Unspeakable over his granddaughter's shoulder and she gave him a small nod of thanks. The man nodded back before a grey cloud covered him and he flew off. The other Unspeakables followed the patriarch Greengrass and left in a puff of grey smoke, leaving the Emrys family alone with Lady Emrys's lovers and the wolves that took up a protective circle around the group.

The Tribrid released a content pur from the bottom of her throat that vibrated through her now present lupine vocal cords causing the 3 women to back up to look at Hope strangely. Hope on the other hand looked slightly embarrassed by the noise that came out of her throat. As she gave a tiny grin that showed her elongated canines.

Daphne placed her hands on Hope's face as her thumbs trailed across the defined cheekbones from her more angular wolf-like face. 'I meant what I said earlier.'

Hope's amber eyes focused completely on Daphne's ice blue eyes as she heard her soulmate's voice in her head and angled her head slightly in curiosity.

There was a soft laugh that echoed in Hope's mind before Daphne spoke to her. 'I find this partial wolf form very sexy.' Daphne pressed a desperate kiss against Hope's lips that the Tribrid eagerly responded to.

'I'm so very pleased that you like my semi-shift state, my mate.' Hope and Daphne froze as they pulled apart. The rough animalistic reply from Hope's Wolf surprised the pair as this was one of the only few times that Hope's Werewolf was able to communicate through the soulbond.

'Of course I do. I love you.' Daphne replied once she gathered herself.

Hope grinned widely as her clawed fingers gently wrapped around Daphne's waist and picked her up spinning the blonde witch in a circle as her claws kissed at her skin through her shirt.

"Mine!" The Werewolf living in Hope's mind exclaimed possessively as she managed to force Hope into marking Daphne's neck with a bruising kiss. Hope's sharp fangs grazed along the sensitive skin there before Hope reverted back to her full human form as the Tribrid sucked a hickey into the Greengrass' pale neck.

Daphne released a drawn out moan at the feeling of Hope at her neck before sucking in a shuddering gasp as Hope made a hickey on the sensitive skin.

"Yours." Daphne responded in a quiet moan as her fingers curled around Hope's neck to play with the fine hairs at the back of her neck.

Fleur released a breath of relief as Hope turned back into her human form. Fleur's Veela side had been highly on edge the entire time Hope was in her semi-shifted state. Fleur could feel the power radiating off of Hope in that state. It was wild, dangerous and undeniably Hope's most powerful form. Finally being able to utilise all three of her sides simultaneously as Hope could never use her full magical capabilities in her Wolf form. Until today.

The silver-blonde haired woman was uncertain how Daphne was able to act unaffected at the sheer power Hope possessed while in that form.

Freya caught a glance of the uncertainty on Fleur's breathtaking facial features and frowned slightly at the sigh of relief the Veela released but she kept her thoughts to herself. Afterall the 1,000 year old witch could understand how a powerful being like Hope could be intimidating, especially when that person was extremely close and had never shown this type of violence.

The eldest Mikaelson had thought this on a couple of occasions when she met her family. Elijah's intensity and loyalty to family through her through a loop the first time he ripped out a vampire's heart. Rebekah could be rather formidable and brutal when her family or loved ones were in danger. Finn's vengeance against his own family was rather frightening. Whereas Kol and Niklaus should come with a flashing neon sign saying 'proceed with caution… or better yet die'.

The amount of times Freya has witnessed someone in her family nonchalantly murder someone including herself on occassions. The eldest Mikaelson sibling has seen that same look of fear in some of her family's eyes when she herself performed some impressive magic that they have never seen before in their lifetime.

Watching her niece come into her power filled the elder witch with pride as the youngest Mikaelson girl showed that she had immense control over her Werewolf tendencies, probably in large thanks to Daphne and their soul bond. Freya could admit with absolute certainty that if Niklaus and Hayley could see their daughter now they would be so proud. Knowing that Hope had the strength to protect the ones she loves while not losing herself to her anger or to the Mikaelson rage that seems to exist in every member of her family.

Freya only wished that Niklaus could see how happy his daughter was. This universe has given Hope a second chance to live a life unburdened by atrocities committed under the Mikaelson name. It was Hope's chance at a clean slate. Freya could understand why Hope leapt at the opportunity to stay with Nic and Nelle. With Daphne.

The Viking Witch was however still on the ropes about Fleur. Freya had nothing against the silver-blonde haired woman. The Veela was polite, well-spoken and most importantly, she wasn't using Hope's standing for her own gain to move up in the wizarding world. Fleur truly cared about her niece. But it was the small instances like this tiny sigh of relief and the fear that was portrayed across her face that concerned Freya ever so slightly.

There was one other thing that was bothering Freya.

Her niece was obviously proficient in her witch abilities and as shown tonight, Hope's Werewolf was finally able to emerge fully like King Ragnok had mentioned earlier upon Hope's partial shift. That covers Hope's witch and Werewolf sides but her Vampiric side seemed rather weak in comparison to the other two sides, especially considering that Hope's father was an Original.

Hope's Vampiric side has been rather erratic while her niece has been in this universe. Vervain affects Hope, sunlight doesn't seem to be a problem for her (but that was normal in Klaus' Vampire-Werewolf Hybrids), Hope couldn't perform a Vampiric head dive but had access to compulsion, superspeed, an accelerated healing rate that was faster than back in their own universe and she now had to drink blood to function properly.

Nothing added up in Freya's mind. Hope had access to some Vampiric abilities while the others were nonexistent. It didn't make sense.

Freya had shared her worries with Hope at the beginning of these school holidays but her niece shrugged them off, mentioning that the rules surrounding her were skewered and didn't apply to her since Hope never had to die to activate her Vampiric side. It's been inside her the entire time, potentially changing her slowly into a full Tribrid every time her heart beats. No one really knew how being the only born Vampire in existence would affect Hope's transition… or even if Hope would need to die to finish her transition into the Tribrid.

Hope looked over Daphne's shoulder as her eyes locked onto the remaining person that was panting in the warm night air. Dark red hair covered her face as she tried to catch her breath.

"You okay there Madam Bones?" Hope asked with a concerned tone as a cheeky smile appeared on her face.

Madam Bones looked up through long red locks and let out a frustrated grunt as she noticed that Hope, Freya, Daphne and Fleur didn't even look remotely tired. The Head of the DMLE was more surprised that Hope seemed unbothered by the full moon streaking across the sky.

Amelia was starting to learn that the people around the Emrys family seemed to exceed the expectations that the wizarding world had set for them.

"Give me. A minute." Madam Bones breathed out in sharp breaths as she stood back up to her full height. "Also. How many times. Do I have to tell you. To call me Amelia?"

Hope rolled her eyes at the level of snark the tired law enforcement officer was able to produce after her intense fight against the magically competent skeletons. "Yeah. You're fine."

Amelia scoffed breathlessly. "What? Afraid that I wouldn't be alive to collaborate your story of Voldemort being alive?"

Lady Emrys shrugged. "Well, to be honest, your testimony would surely help in a couple of weeks during our next Wizengamot meeting."

It was Amelia's turn to roll her eyes in exasperation.

Fleur had returned home after the Alpha Challenge and the unexpected battle Rasputin had started which now only left Voldemort as Hope's remaining problem that she knows of, but the Heir of Slytherin was quite slippery and hard to pin down. Hope knew there was a Riddle Manor in the books and movies but when she asked the Unspeakables to locate the property, they couldn't find any records of a property ever existing.

Hope groaned as she realised Tom must've used a Fidelius charm to hide his location. The Tribrid was grateful however, that Voldemort wouldn't have the knowledge or the raw power required to hide himself from the world like Hope did with the last Romanov, Natalia Nikolaevna.

Nic and Nelle had asked Hope if she could reverse her Fidelius charm on the Romanov girl now that Rasputin has been removed from existence and is no longer a threat to the Russian royal family and the Flamels themselves. Freya and Hope shared a saddened glance as they had mentioned upon casting the Fidelius on the 10 or 11 year old girl, that it was irreversible unless they were able to locate the girl which was now impossible as the Flamels nor the Mikaelsons wanted to bring this girl into their insane lives.

The Flamels would've taken the orphaned girl in. Give her a lovely family and people that would always protect her. Hope would've had no issues with Nic and Nelle adopting the Russian Princess as she's always wanted to know what it would be like to live with a sister. Hope would've loved to have a little sister like Astoria, Gabrielle or even like the Saltzman twins. But the little Russian girl would be forever lost to the system, thankfully since she was already in an orphanage it would mean that the workers there would take the girl in and provide her safety, food and water. Help her find a home.

"If I knew that we would be able to kill Rasputin so quickly I would never have asked you to place the girl under a Fidelius charm." Nelle sniffled as she wiped at the flowing tears running down her cheeks as Nicolas held her close.

"I know… I'm sorry Nelle. Nic. I should've thought of an alternate option to protect the girl that didn't involve erasing her from history. I thought that Rasputin wouldn't rush into a fight against an unknown enemy without studying his opponent." Hope apologised as she held one of Perenelle's hands, her eyes jumping between the 2 French Immortals as she tried to express her regret to the people that have protected and cared for her for the past 4 years.

Nelle rested her head into her husband's neck as she attempted to muffle her cries against Nicolas.

"We know. It was all of our choice to hide the girl. Not just yours, Hope. You and Freya were the only ones powerful enough to cast the spell but we agreed to it." Nic admitted with a sigh as he pulled Nelle further into his body in an attempt to comfort his wife. Mixy was fidgeting anxiously as he watched his family break down in front of him.

"Mixy? Could you go get one of Nic's calming droughts from his stash?" Mixy nodded as he popped off into the next room at Hope's request.

Myrddin and Alexandria decided to perch themselves on the back of a couch in the Flamels living room as they watched the proceedings with concerned eyes. Myrddin let out a quiet song whenever the atmosphere in the room became too overwhelming, allowing Nic and Nelle to relax for a moment without taking away the emotion the Immortal couple were feeling, giving Nic and Nelle the time to work through their feelings properly.

Daphne sat on one of the arms of a single chair as she watched Hope with soft compassionate eyes as her mate apologised to her parents for something that was out of her control because that was the type of person Hope was at heart. She cared way too much especially when it comes to her family.

Freya had been pacing back and forth in the kitchen behind the couch so the Flamels couldn't see her while Hope looked over to her aunt in annoyance as the pacing was very distracting to Hope's sensitive ears. Freya noticed her niece's gaze and stopped walking as she mouthed a 'sorry' to Hope.

The eldest Mikaelson had apparated Madam Bones back to her familial home and they chatted for a while about Hope's actions at Stonehenge. Why did Hope invite Madam Bones to a Werewolf hierarchical Challenge? How did Hope control her change? How did she shift into an actual Wolf, no matter the position of the moon at the time?

Freya asked Amelia a rather curious question about whether or not Hope would be penalised for using Fiendfyre in the presence of the Head of Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Susan popped out from her hiding spot behind the couch as she vehemently attempted to defend Hope even though she wasn't present at the Challenge.

Madam Bones rubbed her forehead with a frustrated sigh as she sternly told her niece to go to bed before she would respond to Freya's query. Susan folded her arms across her large chest and glared at her aunt with a determined look on her face.

Freya thought that the walls looked rather interesting as she barely tried to hide the smirk stretching over her face. Amelia took Susan around the corner as she loudly whispered to her niece as the elder Bones woman scolded the younger girl for being out of bed and for eavesdropping on a private conversation that relates back to her work which Susan knows she isn't supposed to hear.

After a few more minutes there was a loud set of stopping footprints receding from the corner as Amelia groaned at her niece's behaviour as she made her way back to Freya.

"Sorry about that." Amelia apologised as she motioned with her hand in Susan's retreating direction.

Freya smiled knowingly. "Don't worry about it. Trust me when I say I completely understand. Especially with my niece."

Amelia's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Really? Other than being immensely powerful and taking on the threats surrounding us I always thought that Hope was fairly laid back and independent."

"Oh, she is! But she can certainly be a handful. Hope loved testing the boundaries my brother, Niklaus had set up for Hope's safety. Hayley, Hope's mum, usually took the full brunt of these moments." Freya chuckled at the memory. "Hayley had the patience of a saint when dealing with Hope."

Amelia laughed at the thought of a mischievous Hope before the implication made her eyes bulge in fear as she looked at the older Emrys woman. "Sweet Merlin… How does one deal with a super powerful witch who can cast silent and wandless magic at will?"

Freya pursed her lips together. "The answer would be painfully, although there's only been a few instances where we would need to bring Hope under control. My niece has excellent control of her powers and doesn't want anyone to get hurt. It's why she is so good at hiding her emotions."

Madam Bones nodded slightly at the information.

The dark blonde Mikaelson had Amelia's words playing through her head, 'If it helps, according to the law, a member of a Legendary House can cast just about any spell without repercussions excluding the Unforgivables. Fiendfyre is one of the rare spells that should be classified as a banned spell. Shacklebolt and Moody may make a case against Hope since they witnessed her cast it without seeing that she was able to control it. They could use that information against her but I will testify that Hope had control over the situation and provide the necessary evidence in a court of law.'

Hope's decision of taking Amelia to the Challenge was an amazing choice on Hope's part and Freya was glad that neither Mikaelson apparated the woman away as she was a true neutral party, dedicated to the law. Amelia could possibly be Hope's greatest ally in this universe and the Tribrid didn't even realise it until she had to attend these Wizengamot sessions.

Freya moved to lean onto the kitchen table as she lifted her head to observe her niece.

Hope had grown up so much since she arrived in this universe or perhaps it was after her parents' deaths. The eldest Mikaelson frowned to herself as she should've been more active and available in Hope's life after Niklaus' death. Freya wanted to hit herself when she heard about all the creatures Hope had fought without her or the rest of her family backing Niklaus' miracle baby as she saved the world.

When Freya tuned herself back into the conversation around her she heard Nic ask. "Why were you so adamant in killing… Rasputin as quickly as possible?"

Freya decided to answer the ageless man's question. "Hope and I came to the conclusion that if Rasputin had the opportunity to escape he could have potentially created more Horcruxes since he still housed some of his soul within his biological body. Thus repeating the cycle of immortality and also making him more insane with each new Horcrux he created. We had to kill him before he had the chance to follow through with this outcome."

Nelle frowned. "If that's the case, why aren't you concerned about Voldemort doing the same thing?"

"Thankfully no." Hope snorted with a quick laugh. "Tom might not be aware that we have destroyed all of his Horcruxes but he is probably going to start searching for them soon when he realises that Nagini doesn't answer his call. Once he checks in with his other Horcruxes I've asked if the Goblins could apprehend whichever Lestrange comes to check their vault for the Cup Horcrux. The Goblins are happy to oblige since they still require compensation for the Lestrange family hiding a dark object within their bank." Hope answered with a relieved smirk.

"But basically Tom wouldn't be allowed to create another Horcrux because the body Tom is using is not his body. There's no part of his soul residing in that body. His body and the rest of his soul was destroyed by Lily Potter or whatever happened that fateful Hallowe'en night. Tom literally can not create any more Horcruxes because there's no parts of his soul remaining in the world. This is Tom's last life. If this body dies. Tom dies. Forever."

Nic and Nelle took the time to look at one another as they processed Hope's theory and opened their mouths a few times to question the Mikaelson women but anytime they had a thought to disprove the time-traveller's hypothesis the French couple recognised that Mikaelson's covered their bases.

"Well… I'll be damned. They really thought of everything." Nic let out a chuff of laughter that moved Perenelle's hair slightly from his position from behind her as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I know we've said this a couple of times, but when you Mikaelson's put your mind to something I fear for the person that has garnered your wrath." Nelle implied with a sharp intake of breath.

"Thank you." Freya and Hope replied with a Mikaelson smirk.

There were 3 simultaneous groans. "I really hate that smirk." The Flamels looked over to Daphne with surprise written on their faces.

"What? I have to deal with that smirk on practically a weekly basis. Whether it's from Hope or Freya is a completely different story." Daphne defended. "Freya's are usually accompanied by screams of pain whereas whenever Hope does that look only to me it's either mischievous or… inappropriate. When it's not directed at me, the only thought that goes through my mind is that whoever is on the receiving end of the smirk is going to die."

Nic and Nelle bobbed their heads in agreement in an unconscious act causing the Mikaelsons to roll their eyes in exasperation.

Hope, Daphne and Freya all supplied a memory vial of their perspective of Hope's Challenge and also the fight against Rasputin before the two kids went off to bed for the night. Freya stayed with the Flamels as they watched the memories provided by the 3 girls. Hope was already aware of what happened with Nic, Nelle and Luna thanks to Myrddin sharing his memories through the Emrys bond.

As Hope and Daphne climbed into bed after showering as Hope had cast a spell to conceal the blood, sweat and dirt etched into her skin from the earlier fights. Hope was near positive that she had pieces of Greyback's skin and blood under her fingernails from where she punched the Werewolf's heart out of his chest.

The Tribrid had asked if she could have a few minutes in the shower first so she could clean off most of the blood that coated her body. Daphne frowned at the request, wishing to join her mate.

Hope gave the blonde witch a genuine smile as she performed a cleaning spell on her right hand as she cupped Daphne's face softly.

"Just a few minutes love. I can feel your desire to join me, help clean the blood off me. Prove that the sight of me covered in blood doesn't bother you. I can feel that it doesn't bother you through our bond but it isn't necessary for you to clean the gore off me Daph. Let me get most of the grime off before you join me, that way we aren't double cleaning for no reason and we can curl up in bed faster." Hope brushed her thumb along Daphne's cheekbone causing the girl's eyes to droop close in pleasure.

Daphne gave a small nod. "Okay. A bit tired are you?"

Hope hummed in agreement as she released Daph and she shed the only piece of clothing on her body as she never put any pants on or changed her shirt after the Challenge. The shirt was sticking to her body in multiple places as she palmed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up, producing squelching noises in all the locations where the fabric was wet with blood.

Daphne's ice coloured eyes glanced down momentarily to see her mate saturated in blood, parts of the blood had dried onto Hope's skin while some of it remained wet as it was mixed with sweat.

"Not very attractive, I know." Hope muttered under her breath. "I think I frightened Fleur… She was scared of me."

Daphne sighed. "I think there is a high possibility of that being true unfortunately. We'll have to talk to her before she starts her training in July."

The weeks leading up to Bi-Annual Wizengamot session Hope and Daphne were able to meet up with Fleur a few times but she kept the interactions confined to either the Delacour Manor, Flamel Cottage or the Greengrass Farm. Always having someone else around her and the married couple whenever they were around.

Hope brows furrowed sourly at the implication Fleur was portraying around her and Daphne while trying to act like nothing was bothering her. Hope could literally smell the Veela's anxiety and uneasiness rolling off the usually alluring woman.

The Tribrid telepathically asked if her wife could distract Fleur's parents as Apolline had asked her daughter to check in on her sister and Astoria. Hope frowned as it sounded like the Delacours were trying to make an excuse for their daughter to get away from the Emrys couple for a while.

Daphne gave Hope a small nod as she chose to run interference with the Delacours while Hope followed Fleur in an attempt to apologise for introducing Fleur to the violence that the Tribrid had shown during her Challenge. It was the first time that Fleur had ever witnessed Hope kill somebody without being under the effects of a Cruciatus Curse or Hope's features being obscured by her dark cloak casting shadows across her face.

It was the first time Fleur saw just how ruthless the youngest Mikaelson girl could be. She knew the Challenge was a fight to the death and that Greyback was going to die that night but Fleur was also aware that if Hope was strong enough to punch a hole through the Werewolf's chest, she could've simply snapped his neck instead of drawing out the fight.

Fleur pursed her lips awkwardly as she accepted Hope's apology but she couldn't meet Hope's intense sea-blue gaze.

Hope asked her lover what was troubling her but Fleur just shook her head as she answered with a frown. "I don't know… Something has been bothering my Veela since the night of the Challenge and I can't put my finger on it. I'm sorry for being so cold towards you and Daphne. I don't mean to be."

Hope tilted her head to the side with a small frown as she sniffed the air. "Your Veela?"

The silver-blonde haired girl gave an intuitive nod of her head before molten silver eyes narrowed in confusion at the movement she made before looking up as she bit nervously at her bottom lip.

"Do you… Do you want to take a break?" Hope asked with an emotionless expression on her face. "From me? From Daph?".

Fleur froze with a jerk as she locked eyes with the auburn haired girl with a terrified expression on her face as she tried to open her mouth to answer.

When Fleur was able to finally gather the courage to answer the Tribrid, she swallowed down the frog blocking her throat as the elegant woman picked nervously at her cubicles.

"That's the thing… I don't know. I know that I don't want to stop hanging out with you and Daphne. The 2 of you have changed my life forever and I don't think that I could've achieved everything I have so far without you. But… I feel like I need time to process something important, however I have absolutely no idea what it is?!" Fleur expressed with angry tears streaming down her face.

Hope blinked a few times in Fleur's direction as her heart felt like it was punched by the Veela and stomped on. The Tribrid could tell that something had indeed changed since the night of the challenge.

Hope clenched her jaw slightly as she tried not to show her heartbreak as she frowned. The youngest Mikaelson thought that she would be feeling more emotions from Fleur's actions but something was holding back her tears.

There were a couple of voices echoing around in Hope's mind that distracted the Tribrid from replying to the anxious woman in front of her. Hope performed a fast head dive into her own subconsciousness as it showed her Wolf form intertwined with an illusion of a golden wolf, Daphne. The white-grey wolf purred in contentment as she snuggled up with Daphne's wolf, depicting to Hope's witch where her loyalty lies.

Her Vampire side had taken a discreet sniff at the vision of Fleur before scrunching her nose up at the slightly off-smelling Veela. The red-eyed Hope looked longingly at the wolves with envy and bared her teeth subtly at the wolves. The golden wolf's head popped up as she felt the Vampire's jealousy and whined quietly at the imagery of any part of Hope that was sad. Daphne's small action caused the Vampire to smile softly at the wolf.

As the Tribrid comes back to her body took a deep breath as she sniffed Fleur scent, similarly to what she saw her Vampiric side do earlier. There was still lust, lavender and jasmine but the scent had changed even if it was by a miniscule difference. The change wasn't that strong and Hope probably wouldn't have noticed it if her Vampiric side didn't express her concern but the 16 year old girl had absolutely no idea what caused the woman's scent to subtly change.

Fleur's scent no longer held the same appeal as it once did.

Hope crossed her arms over her chest protectively as she uncomfortably cleared her throat causing the Veela to stiffen slightly.

"If that is what you wish… Although, maybe you should ask your mum or grandmother if something like this has ever happened to them? Perhaps that could help you find out what's happening?" Hope offered the other woman although the Tribrid had made an educated guess on what happened.

Fleur blinked in shock as her body lost its tension as Hope's words. She was expecting the Tribrid to either break down in tears or scream at her. Instead the girl showed an impressive amount of wisdom and restraint as Hope calmly replied while also offering advice.

Fleur noticed how Hope rarely acted her age. She always seemed more level headed and cautious than most people her age. Fleur wonders if it's due to the influence of all the immortals Hope has been in contact with. Freya, the Flamels and apparently the entire side of her father's family tree.

The other option that went through Fleur's mind is that this is just the way Hope is. A 16 year old with the knowledge and wisdom of an adult. Although if what Hope has told her about her life, her universe, the auburn haired girl was already 18 years old before coming here and she's lived in this universe for 4 years, giving Hope the mental age of 22.

"I'm so sorry 'Ope… Please believe me when I say that I never wanted to hurt you or Daphne. I just didn't know how to tell the 2 of you." Fleur told the girl as the Tribrid with tears in her eyes.

"You were afraid of how I would react." Hope summarised with a frown causing the Veela to flinch.

"The strange thing is that I completely understand where that fear is coming from." Hope let out a dry chuckle as she shook her head slightly as she tried to shake away the incoming tears threatening to fall. "What hurts me the most is that you thought that I would hurt you."

Fleur felt horrible as she dropped her gaze to the ground as she tried to hide her guilt under her long locks. The Veela let out a wet sob as she covered her mouth.

Hope let out a sigh of regret as she watched Fleur cry in front of her.

"Fleur, ma belle fleur," The Tribrid cupped the Veela's jaw as she angled the other woman's face up to meet her eyes as she spoke.

"I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you were in a repressive relationship where you were too afraid to voice your feelings and that I didn't provide an environment where you could tell me these things." Hope admitted as she brushed her thumb along the Veela's cheekbone before drawing her hand back as she saw Fleur shudder at the barely there touch.

"Fleur, we were friends first before we chose to take our relationship to the next stage. If you're no longer interested, then you're obviously no longer interested and I would never force you into staying in a relationship that you're no longer comfortable in."

The Veela frowned as watery silver eyes looked distraught that Hope truly believed that she was the reason behind Fleur's change of heart. "I don't know what I did in my life to deserve you and Daph. You made my life mean something and I will never forget that. I love you 'Ope… But I need to figure out what has me so confused. My Veela side won't allow me to reciprocate the kind of love that you and Dap'ne deserve and I'm not sure why! She just… Won't let me. I'm sorry."

Hope gave a sad smile as her hypothesis was correct. "I'm one of the few people that understand what it's like to have your other side pull you in another direction. My wolf honestly was content with just Daph but since Daph was open to the idea of introducing another person into our relationship and so was my witch and vampire sides we just went with the flow."

"Must be nice having a soulmate." Fleur mentioned offhandedly as a glazed longing expression crossed her face.

Hope pursed her lips as a subconscious smile crossed her face both at the irony and the love from the Veela's off-handed comment. "It's…" The Tribrid starts before drifting off as she tries to explain. "... It's hard to describe but I guess it's like I was missing a part of my life that I never knew was gone and she makes me feel… Whole… Complete in a way I never thought was possible."

"You and Daphne toned down your true relationship while around me, didn't you?" Fleur questioned with a small frown on her face.

"We didn't want you to feel like you didn't belong with us. A soulbond is impossible to compete against and we never held you to that expectation."

"I know. But you and Daphne should've never had to hide a part of your relationship for me, but I do appreciate the thought."

"I hope you find what you're looking for Fleur… Do you want me to tell Daphne?" Hope offered.

Fleur shook her head. "No. I owe Dap'ne the courtesy of talking to her rather than using her wife as the bearer of bad news."

The girls walked awkwardly back to the main lounge room before Hope stopped them for a moment behind the dividing wall between the hallway and the lounge room. "Do you still want to meet up on some of your spare days over the next year or do you want to wait for a while?"

"Depending on how Dap'ne handles the news, I'd like to visit the both of you and help you take down Voldemort if you'd be willing to accept my help."

"In regards to Voldemort, we'll see where the wind takes us but for the Sunday visits I'll wait until you've told Daphne and we discuss it." Hope shrugged as she wiped her arm across her eyes, transferring her tears onto her forearm before heading back into the living room as forced a stoic mask on her face.

Daphne noticed her wife's Occlumency shields snap into place as soon as she entered the room and felt as Hope put a barrier around her mind that blocked Daphne from feeling what her mate was experiencing. The Greengrass Heiress looked at Fleur next as she saw traces of tear marks along the older girl's cheeks. Before the ice witch could question her Fleur called Daphne to join her for a moment. Daph glanced around the room as she saw Sebastian's and Apolline's worried faces. The blonde witch stood up and followed Fleur.

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