A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 55: chapter 55

Hope silently groaned as she threw her head back against the wooden headrest with a small thud. She was listening to the Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, Albus Dumbledore, Dolores Umbridge, Percy Weasely and a few members of the Dark Faction, once again repeating the same bloody argument about Hope's continued tuluage at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Freya let out a quiet snicker from Hope's left while Daphne glanced over at the pair for a moment and rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to the session in process. Her Slytherin brain worked at a mile per minute as she observed the room, picking out allies and enemies from the crowd.

The Lords and Ladies that were in attendance in 1995's June Bi-Annual Wizengamot session were arguably pissed off that Hope hid her Werewolf heritage from them. Ragnok placed a hand on Hope's shoulder as a sign of his allegiance as well as a warning for the girl not to kill the idiots demeaning her.

The Goblin King and Queen of the Werewolves had a long chat during an intense sparring session a few days before this meeting. Discussing their alliances now that Hope has officially taken the title of Queen. Hope had the backing of the Werewolves, Goblins, Vampires, Veelas, Fae, Centaurs and surprisingly enough, the Mermaids.

Ragnok had assured Hope that no matter what the outcome was about Hope's tutelage, the Wizengamot couldn't stop her from joining another school in a different country, thus forcing her to join that nationality's Wizarding council. If this were to happen, the British Wizarding community would lose a Legendary family and potentially 4 or 5 Most Ancient and Noble Houses due to the bonds Hope had forged with those families.

It would throw the entire British Wizarding World into chaos and disorder at the loss of such powerful political figures.

This was Ragnok's back up plan which Hope was hesitant to use. The Tribrid enjoyed living in Britain and didn't want to leave. Hope's made friends that she never expected to make. She's built a home with the Flamels and Daphne. Freya has been staying close even if she didn't live at the Flamel Cottage with her niece, always keeping an ear out if Hope wanted to chat or if her niece just wanted her aunt by her side.

Hell, Hope was even starting to enjoy school now that everyone was aware of her Legendary status and could no longer taunt her without fear of her challenging them to a Wizarding Duel if their comments were too rude to pass up.

The group was still droning on about how dangerous Hope was which caused the girl in question to sigh in boredom as she tried not to fall asleep from the repetitive one-sided argument. Freya cracked her knuckles on one hand before swapping hands as she forced herself to contain her natural impulses telling her to protect her niece.

Daphne clasped her hands together in front of her mouth as she dutifully listened to Fudge, Dumbledore, Umbridge and Lucius Malfoy slander her wife. The Consort Emrys observed the proceeding with a cold emotionless look on her face as she watched the proceedings from Hope's right side in the rather sparse Legendary stands directly opposite the Minister of Magic.

Ragnok had suggested to the Emrys family to let the people degrading Hope to continue as long as they could. Eventually one of them would incriminate themselves.

Hope had filled her allies in on their plan as she discreetly scanned the crowd to see Marcus and Amelia visibly clench their jaws as they wanted to defend Hope as the girl had grown on them. Madam Longbottom was legitimately sneering at the Minister, Umbridge and Lucius although the elderly woman actually bared her teeth in Dumbledore's direction as the esteemed Headmaster brought Serverus Snape with him. The man who made her grandson's life rather difficult in school until Hope and Freya forced the Potions Master to treat the students fairly or face the wrath of a pissed off Emrys woman.

Harry was seated beside his Godfather, staring blankly ahead with his arms crossed against his chest as he ignored the whole degradation as he looked lost in a memory.

Hope tilted her head in with a frown as she regarded the young Gryffindor surreptitiously but shook her head to clear her thoughts. The Boy-Who-Lived had plenty of demons behind his emerald eyes, all of which Hope had absolutely no right to pry into his traumas. Afterall, Hope wouldn't want anyone other than Daphne to know about her traumatic life, so she could completely understand what the currently 14 year old boy was going through.

"Hope Mikaelson should not be allowed to resume her schooling at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. She is a threat to the students. Especially during a full moon!" Dumbledore exclaimed vehemently in his concerned grandfatherly tone as he tried to manipulate the audience.

Hope's eyes lifted up as she momentarily locked eyes with the Headmaster and gave a bored smile.

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed at the action.

"Oh for the love of Merlin! Can we stop repeating the same damn things and just put it to a vote already!" Came a shocking voice that Hope nor anyone else was expecting, especially considering that they haven't heard that voice in years.

Sirius Black was standing up as he looked outraged at the proceedings. "This is getting ridiculous and I should know! Do remember that I went to school with a Werewolf! One Remus Lupin. A student that Albus Dumbledore fought vehemently to include into his school! To show that Magical Creatures deserve a chance to live within the Wizarding community as they are privileged to! It's the Wizengamot that spreads fear amongst the Magical Creatures! Reducing their lands without even discussing it with them and then forcing them to comply or suffer the repercussions! It's inhumane!"

Harry blinked suddenly as he came back to the Wizengamot session as he heard Sirius call out the members of the Wizengamot. Lord Potter tapped his Godfather's arm, trying to get his attention before the newly freed man said something he will later regret. When Harry took Sirius' hand into his own and pulled slightly the Lord Black grinded his teeth together as he still had more to say but he stopped as he wanted to give a good impression for Harry to learn from.

Daphne's cold facade broke as she regarded the raven haired man with a thoughtful expression before turning to Hope to share a glance with her wife.

'Do you think Sirius is trustworthy?' Daphne wordlessly asked her mate through their connection.

Hope bit her lip as she thought about it. 'I'm not sure… But he isn't an enemy. So that's something at least.'

Amelia cleared her throat awkwardly as she called out, "The allegations have been made. Are there any rebuttals?"

The crowd turned to the Emrys section of the room as they held a baited breath.

Hope shrugged half-heartedly. "Honestly they raise a good point. I didn't announce myself. Not as Lady Emrys. Nor Queen of the Werewolves. But the truth of the matter is that I've been both the entire time I've been at Hogwarts. Other than the incident with Professor Lupin at the end of the school year in 1994 there hasn't been a single case of a Werewolf attack."

The Tribrid looked directly at Dumbledore as she spoke. "I have the ability to shift into a wolf whenever I wish. Now. During the day. Alternatively, I don't have to shift at all. I don't need to turn on a full moon as many students and probably the Professors can attest to on Hallowe'en of 1993. The entire school, including myself, slept in the Great Hall that day and guess what? It was a full moon that night. I never shifted that night"

The Headmaster frowned as he tried to recall that night and gritted his teeth, obviously as he remembered seeing Hope in the Great Hall during the night of a full moon. But he would never offer this collaboration to the Wizengamot.

"I'd like to make a counter offer for the Wizengamot." Hope stated as she stood up and leaned on the bannister in front of her.

"Instead of banning me from Hogwarts this coming year, my 5th year, also known as Hogwarts OWL's year. I will make the decision to test ahead for the NEWT's after I've taken my OWL's exam. Thereby completing my schooling at the end of next year and you will never have to worry about me in Hogwarts ever again. In return, I'll stop Voldemort," A loud gasp filled the room at the name but Hope ignored them. "Once and for all… No one's immortal. Not truly."

Hope's heart broke a little as she spoke her last few words and she heard Freya's breath hitch slightly at the thought of Niklaus' death. "And I'll prove it by the end of my school year. But only if you let me return to Hogwarts for one final year."

"We do not say his name!?!" Umbridge practically screeched out, most of the Wizengamot covered their ears at the shrill.

Hope gave a small laugh. "What? Tom Riddle?"

Dumbledore glared harshly at the auburn haired girl as Snape looked rather pale in the background.

"Who in the world is Tom Riddle!? You were just talking about You-Know-Who a few moments ago!?" Fudge called out incredulously.

Hope rolled her eyes before rubbing at her forehead. "How is it that a Dark Lord suddenly appears and no one knows where he came from? Tom Riddle is Voldemort's true name."

The room fell remarkably silent at Hope's admission.

Hope meet the eyes of the people who were aware of Tom Riddle. Harry, Sirius, Madam Bones, Regent Longbottom and Dumbledore, the last of whom looked exceptionally angry with Lady Emrys. Her sea-blue eyes then trailed over the members of the Dark Faction and the people Hope was certain were Death Eaters, which was dwindling since all the known names of Death Eaters have already been killed other than Snape and Lucius Malfoy.

She couldn't count the Lestranges or the Carrows in her numbers since they weren't here in this session, even though it was a requirement of any Houses above an Noble and Ancient to attend unless they sent a Proxy in their place.

"That's all I'd like to offer in my defence. Thank you for your time." Hope nodded politely towards Madam Bones.

Hope looked greatly unimpressed as no one spoke for a solid minute and a half. The Tribrid looked over to Amelia with a pleading expression as she silently begged the woman to continue with the deliberation as she just wanted to go home and curl up next to Daphne.

Daphne looked over at Hope with a soft expression on her face and the Tribrid blushed slightly when she realised that she had sent that thought through their bond.

Madam Bones tapped at the monocle over her eye a few times in boredom until she decided to continue on with the allegation made against Hope and the options they were given to consider.

"All in favour of not allowing Hope Emrys to attend Hogwarts please light your wands."

It took a moment for the members to realise that they were supposed to act. The entirety of the Dark Faction rose their wands as did a few Light families that were aligned with Dumbledore. Although unfortunately for them, there wasn't a single Most Ancient and Noble House among those who voted, even though half the room had their wands up their numbers in votes were quite small in reality.

"All in favour of allowing Hope Emrys to return to school for the next 3 years to complete her schooling?"

No one raised a single wand and Dumbledore looked contemplative which Hope, Daphne and Freya all noticed as they shared slightly concerned glances to each other.

"And lastly, all in favour of accepting Hope Emrys' counter offer?"

All the remaining wands went up.

Amelia looked at the Minister as she raised an eyebrow at him as he groaned like a toddler throwing a tantrum as he begrudgingly stated. "Hope Emrys will be allowed to go to Hogwarts to complete her OWL's then immediately after she is to complete her NEWT's… She's also to stop… You-Know-Who by the end of her school year."

The Emrys family gave a relieved sigh at the verdict. Hope was about to rise from her chair as she believed that this was the last issue of the day but luck was not on Hope's side as Dumbledore brought up a new case about Hope.

"I also wish to inform the renowned members of the Wizengamot council about Miss Mikaelson's illegal use of a dangerous spell, 'Fiendfyre' after the Challenge that took place on the 13th of June of this year."

There were gasps of shock and surprise as the members of the Wizengamot who didn't make an appearance during the Challenge. Hope scoffed as she shook her head in thinly veiled exasperation.

"Miss Mikaelson should not be allowed to perform such a dangerous spell without any repercussions. She must be held accountable for her actions!" Dumbledore exclaimed with vigour.

Hope rose from her chair drawing the attention from the audience as some of them visibly flinched at the movement as the young Lady Emrys scoffed in frustration. Daphne, Freya and Ragnok looked concerned as they watched Hope make her way to the middle of the room filled with anger and contempt aimed at Dumbledore.

"Instead of having this conversation go around in circles once again I will be defending myself against this baseless accusation which can't even be legally used as an argument since 'Fiendfyre' is not illegal to cast. It is frowned upon, yes, but it's not illegal." Hope declared as she crossed her arms over her expensive robes as she stared down the Ministry Officials with the rise of an eyebrow as she dared them to disprove her statement.

Hope looked over to Dumbledore as she pursed her lips together and glared at the old man. "However I will humour you Mr Dumbledore by recounting my use of controlled 'Fiendfyre' to the people gathered here today."

"This should only take a few minutes to explain so long as everyone in the courtroom will remain quiet until I finish my detailed report. I will allow the Head of the DMLE, Madam Bones to question me after I'm finished. If Madam Bones believes that I've glossed over anything or if I need to clarify anything then the Head of the DMLE will question me further."

Hope narrowed her sea-blue eyes towards the Minister and the Under Secretary. "Basically I want no interruptions until I'm done, otherwise I will weld that persons' lips shut for the next 24 hours."

"Is that understood?" The Lords and Ladies within the courtroom gulped and nodded in understanding while some Dark families, Ministry officials and Dumbledore looked angry at Hope's demand.

"Good." Lady Emrys scanned her eyes around the room and glared at the people who looked at Hope in contempt before looking away from the powerful young woman.

Hope gave a smirk as she sat on the edge of the table and turned to Amelia as she didn't want to look at the Neutral Party behind her otherwise that would show favouritism. But the Light and Dark Factions to either side of her would bring out her rude and sarcastic side which would not be actionable with the Wizengamot. Looking straight ahead at the Ministry Officials would be the equivalent of Hope wishing to set the idiots on fire. Once again, not a good idea.

'Not even remotely a good idea my darling. Keep your homicidal thoughts to yourself.' Daphne chuckled in Hope's mind as a small smile appeared on her face as she used her hand to cover her mouth from the crowd.

Hope had to force herself not to smile as Daphne's cheeky response as she started her report. "The Challenge was demanded from Fenrir Greyback the morning after the 3rd Task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament, literally only 12 hours after the breakout from Azkaban prison. He wanted to make sure that I was legally bound to fight him 3 weeks later. Greyback was also legally bound to fight me in the future, no Wizards or other magical creatures could fight him without repercussions since this was a Challenge for the title of Werewolf Alpha in a fight to the death. Obviously I won as I'm standing before you." Hope gave another smirk as she looked over to the Dark Faction as they glared back at her but remained quiet.

"Anyhow I wrote back within my 24 hour timeframe mentioning that I was the Queen of the Werewolves which means that 1, I outranked him in the hierarchy, similar to how my family and I outrank the Wizarding Houses and 2, it means that I could choose the location, rules and safeguards of the Challenge. I decided to keep Greyback's date, time and place but I changed the stipulations so that each challenger could bring 5 spectators. My 5 spectators, the only 5 people I informed of the Challenge, as well as the time and place the Challenge was to take place, was my wife Daphne Emrys nee Greengrass, my aunt Freya Emrys… Fleur Delacour, the daughter of the French Minister of Magic and also a fellow Tri-Wizard competitor, King Ragnok Goblin King, Blooded Warrior and Proxy to the Legendary House Emrys and the last person I requested to join me was Madam Bones."

"Greyback's 5 were the Carrow twins, Alecto and Amycus, which I've also noticed a distinct lack of attendance considering they are both members of this Wizengamot as well as the Lestrange family but neither of them have gaul to make an appearance here today." Hope made a dig at the Dark based families as she glanced over to Lucius Malfoy giving him a flash of an elongated canine as she gave a sharp smirk.

"It appears that I am getting side tracked. The remaining 3 spectators from Greyback's side were Bellatrix Lestrange, Gregori Rasputin a long time resident of Azkaban and Tom Riddle or as you prefer to call him Voldemort."

"The Wards that I had erected at the site of the Challenge were evenly split between the 2 sides. Only 12 people were supposed to be at that site. Turns out neither side obeyed this stipulation. Death Eaters were the first to arrive, the Unspeakables showed up next as I asked them to join us if there were any uninvited guests. Then more uninvited guests apparated in. Members of the Order of the Phoenix led by Albus Dumbledore."

"The Death Eaters, Unspeakables and Order of the Phoenix members were never supposed to be at that Challenge nor were they supposed to know where the Challenge was to take place. Therefore any allegations made by Dumbledore while at the site of the Werewolf Challenge become irrelevant and circumstantial since he was not a chosen spectator to this Challenge. In other words, his accusation is completely worthless." Lady Emrys informed the Wizengamot with a bored expression.

"But if you must know, I did cast 'Fiendfyre' that night. However what Dumbledore doesn't know and can't know is that I had complete control over the spell. Madam Bones can confirm this as an impartial party. Hell, I reckon even Alastor Moody and Junior Cadet Tonks could back me up on this, under oath of Veritaserum since they are from a conflicted party." Hope smirked in Dumbledore's direction as his eyes widened and his face paled at the implication the young girl was making as Tonks who was sitting behind Sirius ducked her head in embarrassment as her hair flashed a variety of colours.

"I would also be willing to submit a memory of the fight that occurred after the Werewolf Challenge as that is when Rasputin summoned an undead army using necromancy to attack us after the Death Eaters fled along with their cowardly leader, something Albus Dumbledore also ignored to mention." The Headmaster of Hogwarts opened his mouth to interrupt but Hope squinted her eyes in his direction before he could even start talking.

Dumbledore made a chorus of muffled complaints drawing the Wizengamots attention to the elderly man as their eyes widened in shock before turning to Freya who they assumed sealed Dumbledore's mouth shut but she shook her head before motioning her head towards her niece causing the Wizards in the room to gulp anxiously.

Hope continued as though she wasn't almost interrupted. "'Fiendfyre' is one of the few spells that can destroy reanimated skeletons as well as soul containers known as Horcruxes. Coincidentally as I used 'Fiendfyre' against Gregori Rasputin I destroyed his Horcrux hanging around his neck. Killing the piece of soul in the Horcrux and burning the man himself so he could not create anymore Horcruxes."

Malfoy, Snape and Dumbledore all looked stupefied by Hope's information and the blonde Slytherin male paled drastically as he recalled giving the book Voldemort entrusted him with to the youngest Weasley girl to open the Chamber of Secrets.

"I was also given an 'Орден Мерлина', it's known as an Order of Merlin in Russian for finally fulfilling their wishes of condemning Gregori Rasputin to death. A man that was sentenced to death row 60 years ago for killing the Russian royal family. The Russian Wizarding Government thanked me for killing him before decorating me and my family as heroes in Russia. Even the French Wizarding Government thanked me and my family for stopping Rasputin once and for all and they didn't care that I used 'Fiendfyre' to do it as Fleur Delacour provided the French Ministry of Magic with a detailed memory of the fight and how I was able to command the hellish flames without any issues."

"Do you have any questions for me, Madam Bones?" Hope turned to the Trial Officiator.

Amelia blinked a few times as she tried to think of any other questions to ask Hope but Lady Emrys covered all her bases.

Madam Bones shook her head. "No. Although I will request a memory vial from yourself, Consort Emrys, Heir Emrys, Heir Delacour, Alastor Moody, Junior Cadet Tonks and Cursebreaker Weasley. I will also submit my own memory for viewing… I would request a memory from a Death Eater as well but there are no known members of current Death Eaters here. Otherwise I'd ask Serverus Snape and Lucius Malfoy for a memory vial but I don't know if they were present at the Challenge or the battle that took place after the Challenge." Hope glanced at Lucius and Snape but chose to remain silent as she just wanted to finish this Wizengamot session and go home.

Hope snapped her fingers to summon a vial into her hand and pulled the memory out with the tips of her fingers as she manoeuvred the wispy strands of memory into the vial before passing it over to Amelia.

"You may retake your seat Lady Emrys." Madam Bones mentioned as she made her way to the front of the room to stand in front of the Minister.

"I believe that we have covered all the issues for this Bi-Annual Wizengamot session." Amelia's hand shot up faster than Dolores Umbridge could open her mouth to release a shrill. "Under Secretary Umbridge, it is up to the Trial Officator to declare when the Wizengamot session is over and I'm telling you. It's over. Lady Emrys' use of 'Fiendfyre' was not illegal. Only Unforgivables are illegal thus Mr Dumbledore's last accusation holds no grounds for further questioning nor should it have been included in this meeting in the first place."

Hope stood at her easel as she stared blankly at the unblemished canvas in front of her tapping her finger subconsciously against her paint brush. The Tribrid sighed as she closed her eyes, a tear escaping down the corner of her eyes.

Hope released a shuddering breath as she threw her head back in frustration. "Damn it."

Hope threw her pallet and paint brush onto her desk before racing out the patio door of the Flamel Cottage, shifting in midair as she ran deep into the woods.

The snowy wolf spent hours running in large circuits around the property. Hope was silent as her paws pushed off the soft ground. She practically flew across the forest floor as the Tribrid allowed her mind to wander aimlessly before finally letting go of all the worries of recent events.

Rasputin, Fleur, Dumbledore, Voldemort, the Wizengamot, the upcoming year of school as well as the potential possibility of Umbridge being the new DADA professor.

Daphne cracked into existence a few feet away from a blur of silver as Hope raced past her at an incredible speed as she ran another lap. The blonde witch felt Hope's distress fading away the longer she ran. The Greengrass Heiress grew concerned when she felt Hope's emotions shift towards nothingness which gave her a rather concerning reason to apparate to Hope's side, thinking that this could be the humanity switch Freya had mentioned.

Although as Daphne watched Hope sprint past her, Daphne realised that what Hope was experiencing was freedom, not apathy.

Daphne gave a tiny grin as she attempted to follow Hope's extremely fast movements as she slowly lowered herself down to the ground leaning her back against the tree closest to her, a feeling of serenity flowing through her as Hope's mind was at peace.

Daphne summoned her sketchpad and a piece of charcoal as she drew the forest landscape in front of her.

Hope eventually came to a stop next to Daphne as her tongue lolled out of her mouth as the Werewolf panted heavily to catch her breath from her extended run. The white-grey wolf shuffled her way forward collapsing gently into the distracted blonde's lap.

Daphne blinked as she felt Hope's head lower onto her thighs dragging the Pureblood Princess out of her mind and artwork. Daphne ran her nails through Hope's fur on her head, effectively scratching the wolf's scalp causing Hope to let out a pleased hum along with a short pur, burrowing her head further into Daphne's lap.

The blonde chuckled. "Did the big bad Tribrid tire herself out?"

Hope's amber eyes narrowed in a glare, staring at Daphne's thigh as she considered nipping her Mate for making fun of her.

"Don't you bloody dare Hope!" The Slytherin Ice Queen threatened the wolf as gripped the scruff of her neck, holding the wolf at bay.

Hope let out a huff as she rolled her eyes before moving her front paws to rest on Daphne's thighs and lowering her head back down which the blonde witch allowed with a playful yank on her scruff before releasing the fur around her neck.

Daphne lost her smile before she resumed patting Hope's head. "Hope… School starts up in less than a week and we are no closer to finding Voldemort as per your demand to remain in school for one more year. Do you have a plan or are you just winging it at this stage?"

'I am completely winging it at the moment. I've changed too much by being here. By activating the Emrys House, one of the only Legendary Houses in this universe.' Hope admitted with a groan.

'I don't know if Umbridge will become our DADA professor this year although if she does I'm fairly certain Aunt Freya or myself will be able to eject her from the school pretty quickly. The woman can't contain her anger or ego to save her life. She's too prideful for that.' The wolf smirked as she released a snicker against her paws.

'Voldemort is another matter. I can't tell if he knows that his Horcruxes have been destroyed yet... The Goblins haven't seen any of the Lestranges to check up on the Cup Horcrux. I've killed one of Voldemort's generals so I honestly don't know what comes next. Not anymore when regarding Voldemort.' Hope tiredly ranted to her Mate as she snuggled deeper into Daphne.

Daphne stopped stroking Hope's fur as she bit her lip. "I was just curious… But how were you able to give up on Fleur so easily?"

Hope froze for a moment before forcing her body to shift back into human form, magically clothing herself as she repositioned herself in a crossed legged arrangement facing her wife. Hope licked her lips as she wet her parched lips after exerting herself on her long run as she reached forward to take Daphne's hands in her own.

"Daph… It wasn't that I gave up on Fleur... It was because she found a more suitable candidate for a Mate." The blonde witch frowned as she looked confused.

Hope gave a quiet wet laugh at Daphne's confused expression as she explained further. "Basically Fleur's Veela side is similar in a lot of ways with my Werewolf side when it comes to Mates or in Fleur's case, potential suitors. When we meet the person who captures our heart all other relationships practically become secondary to us. Only our Mate matters. I couldn't do that to Fleur just like she couldn't do that to us. Fleur realised that we weren't able to fully explore our bond because we were too focused on making Fleur feel comfortable in our triad. She's a Veela. She felt that we weren't responding as a soul bonded pair should." Hope struggled to put into words.

Daphne frowned as she released a drawn out sigh. "She felt left out?"

Hope opened and closed her mouth as her eyes lowered to the ground to play with the grass beneath her as the guilt filled her at the memory of Fleur's nervousness. "That's a question we'd have to ask her… I think that I may have scared her when I said 'I wouldn't let her go if she went into this relationship with us'."

The blonde woman was about to argue with Hope but the Tribrid reached out gripping Daphne's knee and massaged her wife's knee. The Greengrass Heiress looked directly into Hope's gleaming sea-blue eyes as the Mikaelson girl was holding back her tears as the Tribrid gave a tiny shake of her head. "Daph… She was afraid to break up with us… Or more accurately, me."

Daphne made noises of disagreement but Hope made small shushing motions as she ran her hands up and down Daphne's arms as she tried to calm her blonde down.

"Breathe love. It's not Fleur's fault and I don't blame her and neither do you. No. You don't." Hope quickly interrupted Daphne before she could say anything that she would obviously regret. "You can't blame her Daph. She's just following her heart and instincts. Just like me. Would you blame me if I found another soulmate? I mean my Vampiric side is positive that I have one."

Daphne frowned at the thought of sharing Hope with another person and went silent as her mind went into overdrive.

"Daph?" Hope cautiously called out.

The blonde hummed as she locked eyes with her Tribrid Mate. "Oh… Sorry. I got lost in my mind there for a moment… You think there is another person that is bonded to you?"

Hope subconsciously nodded her head but as she looked up Hope saw Daphne's disheartened expression on her face.

Hope fretted at the idea of her Mate being sad and blurted out the first thing that came to mind. "Daph! I would never leave you! No matter what happened."

"Even if it was for a prettier, more understanding soulmate? One who can connect to you better than me?"

Hope looked like she was about to have a mini heart attack. "What?! No! Of course not! Daph you are already everything I need or could possibly ever want! I don't even know if I'd ever meet this other person! I mean what are the chances of finding another soulmate across the universe… multiverse… whatever it is! I was beyond lucky to find you Daph and I would never jeopardise our relationship! If we randomly come across my other Mate I would ensure that both of you were comfortable with each other... Maybe we'd be a real triad?"

"And if we weren't?" Daphne questioned with a frown as she didn't indicate which part of Hope's comment she was referring to.

Hope's heart broke at the idea and she curled herself up into a tiny ball of nerves. "Then I don't know if I could live knowing that you hated each other… It would… break me." Hope's last words were mumbled into her knees as Hope cried quietly.

Daphne backed off her interrogation as she saw Hope withdrawing further into herself and immediately felt guilty for pushing Hope. Daphne shuffled around as she draped an arm over Hope's shoulders and pulled Hope's smaller frame into her own taller body. Hope turned slightly as she buried her face into Daphne's shoulder as she muffled her cries.

Daphne sighed as she cradled Hope's head, her long delicate fingers trailing softly through Hope's long auburn hair in an attempt to calm the emotional Tribrid. "I'm sorry Hope. I shouldn't have jumped down your throat like that."

Hope clutched at Daphne's shoulders as she hiccuped in short intervals until they eventually stopped. Daphne whispered reassuring words into Hope's hair and pressed gentle kisses on the top of her head.

"I love you Hope. I just worry that one day I won't be enough for you and it concerns me deeply." Daphne softly explains as she places her chin on top of Hope's head.

"I love you too. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for you Daph. Absolutely nothing." Hope promises as she lifts her face out of the blonde's shoulder.

Daphne gave a small smile at the sincerity in Hope's promise. "I believe you darling."

Hope smiles at her Mate with wet eyes before leaning forward and pressing a kiss onto Daphne's mouth. The blonde reciprocated, moving her lips softly against Hope's as they kept the kiss short and sweet before they parted ways.

Daphne went back home to Greengrass Farm as she made plans with her family and the Heiress wanted to spend as much time with her family before moving in fully with Hope in the near future.

Hope and Daphne participated in the Doubles' Duelling Competition whereas this time Daphne was the one to perform in the Singles' Competition this year. Hope refused to Duel against her wife under any circumstance for the entertainment of others.

The Duelling Competition was held in the magical city of Atlantis about 500km off the coasts of Iceland, Greenland and Ireland. Hidden from the eyes of No-Maj over nearly 300 years ago when the Mermaid Clans prayed to their God to have their home submerged by the sea. The Wizards in the Wizengamot at this time didn't want to lose such an advanced settlement creating bridges and air pockets underwater so they could visit and dictate what the Mermaids were able to do.

This was one of many reasons why the Magical Creatures hated the Wizengamot. The Mermaids never agreed to allow this Competition to take place in their home but they were forced to accommodate the Wizards they despised but couldn't fight back against otherwise it could mean their extinction. Wizards are assholes but they are powerful when they join together to achieve a common goal like strong-arming an entire species to bend to their will or face death.

When the Flamels, Greengrass' and Mikaelsons arrived in Atlantis a few days prior to when the Duelling Competition was to take place. Ragnok and Diana requested Hope's attendance as they wished to discuss Hope's new position as Queen of the Werewolves within the Wizengamot.

Only Hope and Daphne were able to attend the meeting between the leaders and their heirs which are next in line for the Magical Creatures: Mermaids, Werewolves, Goblins, Vampires, Veelas, Centaurs and the Fae.

Daphne was only able to join the meeting as she was mated to Hope and the Tribrid was the Queen of one of the major species of Magical Creatures. Daphne didn't make any interjections as this wasn't her forte and the Creatures were livid on how they were treated by the witches and wizards. Daphne knew without a doubt that these Magical Beings wouldn't accept anything she had to say until she was able to prove that she wasn't like the Wizengamot and Daphne accepted this gracefully as she sat behind Hope in silence. Listening dutifully to the problems of these beings and realising how tightly the Wizengamot have held onto their leash, oppressing them.

Halfway through the meeting the hairs on the back of Hope's neck stood up as she felt something dangerous and powerful behind her. She twisted quickly in her seat as her eyes glowed golden at the threat. There were 2 of the Elves that Hope had freed from the Emrys Castle stood behind Hope and Daphne.

There were gasps of astonishment at their appearance from the Vampires, Goblins, Centaurs and Mermaids as these Creatures had an extended lifecycle. They welcomed the Elves to their meeting, Aquarius, the Queen of the Mermaids used her powers to create 2 more seats made out of water for the Elves to sit. They announced themselves as Micah and Nathaniel as they sat down with grace as they explained their absence as well as Hope releasing them from their bondage.

The Creatures were conflicted as they heard this information but the Elves held no ill will to Hope, Daphne or Freya as they have all made the effort to change the wizarding laws to accommodate Magical Creatures better into society. The Emrys family was the best way to accomplish this.

Hope made a face of annoyance as everyone turned to her. "I'm more than happy to help make your voices heard in the Wizarding World but I won't blindly jump into a battle with the Wizengamot to reclaim all the land and resources you have all lost. I know you want them back but it must be handled slowly. Delicately. Otherwise I will lose the support I already have and we will get nowhere. Thankfully most of my allies in the Neutral Faction want to help the Magical Creatures. Give us time to slowly acclimate the stubborn witches and wizards to giving back your land."

Diana, Ragnok and Aquarius offered the Emrys', Flamels and Greengrass' a tour of the mythical city as Hope was excited to see the sights of Atlantis before she would head back home to her own universe. The diverse group came across Fleur and Gabrielle with their grandmother, Seraphine, whom Hope and Daphne finally learned the name of their former lover after a year of wondering. Fleur looked rather sheepish as her grandmother looked over at her granddaughter with a raised eyebrow and Freya couldn't stop the tiny laugh at the action.

Hope considered asking Fleur and her family to join them on their tour but remembered that the Mermaids and Veelas have their own troubled history and she didn't want to rock the boat while they were on reasonable terms. They had a polite chat until it came time to part ways. Astoria begged her parents to join Gabrielle and her family as they walked through the streets of Atlantis. Marcus noticed the look in his youngest child's face and glanced at his wife with an exasperated expression while Annabeth and Daphne both stared at him until he sighed quietly and put on a trying smile as he turned back to Astoria's pleading face.

"Okay. But I'm going to join you."

"Dad." Astoria replied quickly in a 'what the hell' tone.

"Astoria." Marcus responded with concern as he glared at his brunette daughter.

Stori groaned. Her parents and sister have been hovering ever since she had confirmation that she was afflicted with her family's Blood Curse. Even though Hope and Perenelle had cured her 3 and half years ago they all still fret over her. She found it rather annoying in these circumstances that she had yelled at her family at one stage. Telling them to stop treating her like glass but the Greengrass' found it difficult to stop after taking care of her for so long. Daphne told Astoria one night it was because they all loved her so much that they didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

"Fine." Astoria relented as she skipped over to Gabrielle wrapping her arms around the now taller girl's arm as Gabi looked longingly at Stori.

Hope blinked a few times as she watched the interaction before looking up at Fleur who was looking at her sister and Daphne's sister with wide eyes. She looked up when she felt someone's eyes on her and locked gazes with Hope before blinking owlishly in her direction.

'Stori and Gabi?' Hope mouthed at Fleur. The older Veela gave a barely there nod.

'Wow!' Hope portrayed dramatically in Fleur's direction.

'I know… Wow…' Fleur mouthed back in shock.

Daphne poked Hope's cheek as she figured out a way for both of them to Duel in a Singles' Competition. Daphne participated in the U/17's while Hope signed herself up for the U/19's, the Tribrid was hoping for a challenge without duelling her wife. The Emrys pair dominated their age groups until Hope had to Duel Fleur in the final round of the U'19's.

Daphne watched the duel anxiously from the stands as she bit nervously on her fingernails. Freya noticed the unconscious habit and leaned over to softly grasp her wrists to pull her hands away from her mouth. Daphne looked up to the eldest Mikaelson with a shy expression as she clutched her fingers into a fist in embarrassment. Freya gave the blonde a light smile and released her wrists before wrapping an arm around Daphne's shoulders giving a small squeeze in reassurance.

Fleur put up an amazing offence and defence against Hope. The former lovers had decided before this competition that they were going to keep this duel as fair as possible. No enhanced abilities from either side and they both had to use a fraction of their magic as they could only cast from their wands.

Limiting themselves to these rules, this championship duel lasted longer than any other round in the competition, bringing the crowd to their feet as they cheered loudly. Eventually something had to give, which came down to the length of the duel.

The two women were both physically fit and magically competent. The training that both Hope and Fleur put themselves through for the Tri-Wizard Tournament as well as Hope, Daphne, Freya and Professor Flitwick teaching the Veela more advanced spells and duelling techniques.

In the end Hope tired the Veela out as the silver-blonde woman panted breathlessly as her defensive guard and limbs grew heavy at the exertion. Hope was still moving with a mischievous smile on her face causing the Veela to stutter to a stop at the look her former lover gave her. The Tribrid smirked as she distracted the Veela with a single glance before she knocked Fleur out of the circle with a soft depulso which the silver-blonde rolled backwards as she quickly got to her feet.

Fleur was about to cast a spell back at Hope until she glanced down noticing that the toes were literally on the outside edge of the duelling circle and released a groan as she lowered her wand in defeat.

"Congratulations 'Ope." Fleur breathed out in exhaustion.

Hope gave a momentary smile as she holstered her wand. "You duelled exceptionally well lo- - Fleur." The Tribrid stumbled over her words which Fleur also noted as she glanced up with a small frown mixed with a hint of guilt in her features.

Fleur gulped awkwardly as she looked away up into the crowd. Hope's eyes followed her ex's gaze when she noticed Fleur's body relax suddenly. Hope saw a mop of bright orange hair and a familiar face from her first year. Bill Weasley. Hope let out a tiny gasp of understanding as the pieces fell into place.

Fleur and Bill were a couple in the books and the movies. They get married in the last book. Molly and Ginny didn't support Bill's relationship with Fleur, when Ron has the opportunity he usually spouts insults in Fleur's direction. So Hope just assumed that Fleur was uncomfortable in her relationship with Bill and that she was being treated badly possibly by Bill himself. But as Hope observed Fleur she noticed that the Veela practically resembled Hope when she looked at Daphne. All rose tinted glasses and longing looks.

Fleur felt knowing eyes staring at the side of her face and looked back at Hope with a blush flushing her cheeks as she hid her face behind her long hair before walking off to the on-site Healer to have her mandatory check up.

Hope didn't even hear the announcement as she was declared the winner of the U/19's. The Tribrid stayed rather quiet as she and her family made their way back to their accommodation for the night. The Greengrass family returned to their own room after giving their daughter a hug to congratulate her on winning the U/17's Championship and shooting Hope a concerned glance as the girl didn't seem to be listening.

When Marcus, Annabeth and Astoria left Nic and Nelle moved around the room so they were facing Hope as they guided her to sit on the couch behind her. Freya sat on the armrest of the chair as she threaded her fingers through a strand of Hope's hair, gently playing with it.

Daphne knelt down in front of Hope running soft hands over jean clad knees in an attempt to rouse her wife back into reality.

The elegant sea landscape and aquatic animals that were being held back by a magical window only enhanced the blue in Hope's oceanic eyes as she locked gazes with Daphne's extraordinary light blue eyes.

"I never realised that Veela's also had something akin to a matebond when I asked Fleur to be with us… I knew that she would have originally gotten married to Bill Weasley but I didn't care about that. I only wanted her with us. Bill is Fleur's most compatible mate. She loves him… I don't even know if they have even spoken to each other yet… but the signs are there." Hope talked without really speaking to Daphne or anyone else in the room.

Daphne froze at Hope's rambling as she leaned back on her heels as she stared off into the ocean as the Greengrass Heiress's mind raced off at a mile a minute as she speculated what the information she just learned meant to her and her relationship with Fleur.

"So Fleur was always meant to be with the eldest Weasley?"

Hope nodded blankly.

"Does he treat her right?" Daphne questioned her time travelling Mate with an incredibly serious expression.

Daphne watches as Hope looks off to the side as she considers her Mate's query. Daphne can tell that Hope is truly thinking about everything she knows about Fleur and her former life that Hope was familiar with from her universe.

"From what I can remember… Yes." Hope confirmed as she looked directly into her wife's eyes as she spoke to show that she wasn't lying.

Daphne gave a quick sad smile and let out a wet laugh. "Good. Although I'm not above threatening him to make sure."

Hope let out her own choked laugh as Nic, Nelle and Freya gave a small chuckle.

"Poor boy doesn't know what he's getting into." Nic remarked.

Nelle softly shook her head. "Not a clue."

"Do you mind if I help scare him?" Hope offered with a malicious smirk.

Daphne gave her wife a small glare as she responded. "Darling… Just let me have one instance where I'm the scary one would you?"

Hope turned to Freya who was also surprised at the assertion. "I think we are having a negative impact on your wife, my dear jailbird."

The Tribrid groaned at her aunt's dig at her while the Flamels laughed at Hope whereas Daphne looked slightly embarrassed at being called out before mumbling something about actually being a part of the family now.

Hope heard what Daphne muttered and pressed her forehead against Daphne's. "Yes. Always and Forever. Remember?" Daphne nodded slightly against Hope before rising slightly from her position to capture Hope's mouth in a short kiss.

"Geez! Get a room, girls." Freya taunted playfully as Hope and Daphne groaned in frustration as Hope stood up pulling Daphne up with her as they made their way into their shared room.

As the door shut Freya pursed her lips as Nic gave a light chuckle. "Didn't expect them to take your advice so soon?"

The dark blonde woman turned her neck slowly to face the Immortal Alchemist and the man literally let out a tiny 'eep' before rushing off into his own bedroom. Freya smirked at the reaction as she turned to the only remaining person in the room.

"How did you manage to deal with both Nic and Hope for so long before adding in Daphne's unique brand of humour?" The elderly witch asked.

"If you ask Hope or Nic… They would say Calming Draughts. Me? I'd go with the patience of being a Healer. Daphne normally helps me reign in Hope when she becomes a little too… overzealous."

Freya snorted. "That's an interesting word choice there Nelle."

Nelle knew a long time ago to keep her mouth shut when someone like Freya used that tone of voice. "I thought so too. Good night Freya." The Healer offers as she turned and made her way to her room for the night.

Freya watched the French woman retreat with a wide toothy smile on her face. "Yep. Still got it."

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