A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 57: chapter 57

Hope gave a large stretch with a wolfish groan as she turned slightly in seat in the train compartment that Daphne had expanded so more people could fit into the Hogwarts Express compartment. Hope leaned against Daphne's shoulder as she shot her a quick smile before relaxing on her wife's shoulder. Hope tossed her legs up to rest on Luna's lap but the Seer shifted quickly so Hope's legs fell heavily on the seat.

Luna giggled as she did a quick hop over the Tribrid's legs to land on Hope's lap with an 'oof' from Lady Emrys as the silver-eyed girl curled up into Hope's warm body. "Night Hope. Wake me up when we get to school."

"Cheeky play, little moon." Hope grumbled with a small pout that the others in the compartment snickered at the interaction between the normally uptight Slytherin girl and the whimsical Ravenclaw girl.

"Great. Now I have to hold up both of you." Daphne complained half-heartedly.

"Don't worry Daphne. No one here will spoil your Ice Queen persona. You're allowed to show that you don't have a frozen heart and just say you love us." Luna remarked with a large grin on her face but her eyes remained closed.

Daphne turned slightly to glare around Hope's body but Luna had already moved her hand so she could place a finger on Daphne's lips before she could speak. "Shhh. We know you love us Daph. You don't need to say it aloud."

Daphne shifted back slightly as she tried to nip at the Seer's finger but Luna saw it coming and moved her hand away slightly causing the blonde Slytherin to miss and Luna bopped the Greengrass Heiress on the nose. Daphne blinked in shock while everyone in the cabin had trouble containing their snickers.

The Emrys Consort huffed as she crossed her arms with a roll of her eyes. "No one here repeats a word on what happens in this compartment. Is that clear?"

"Only if we are allowed to laugh at what happens in the cabin." Neville countered with a large grin on his face.

Daphne narrowed her eyes momentarily as she tried to make the Gryffindor boy nervous but Hope chuckled, breaking the eye contact between her wife and her friend as she answered. "Deal."

Harry, Hermione, Neville, Padma and Susan laughed while Tracey who was on Daphne's other side let out a tiny snort of amusement that she tried to hide in her blonde friend's other shoulder.

"I hate you all." Daphne complained with an adorable pout that Hope caught in the corner of her eye.

"Can we tell Hannah and Parvati when they come back from the Prefects meeting?" Susan asked with a cheerful smile on her face.

Daphne groaned as the others laughed.

"I have a question though." Hope mentioned as she rested her chin on Luna's head and wrapped her arms around the younger girl as she shifted slightly to get comfortable.

Hope looked over towards Neville and then Harry and Hermione at the other end of the seat. "I can understand that Snape wouldn't want me or Daphne as Prefect since we have been causing a lot of trouble last year. I'm not sure about Tracey but I'm going to assume it's due to affiliation with us. Sorry Tracey."

"Don't worry about it. I didn't want to be in close contact with Snape anyway. Dude gives me the creeps." Everyone on the other seat looked at Tracey with wide eyes as Daphne snickered. "What?" Tracey questioned as she shifted nervously in her seat at the attention.

"Guys? Remember not all Slytherins are mindless drones." Hope reminded them with a grin.

"For Ravenclaws, I can imagine Warrior Flitwick choosing either Su or Parvati and Terry Boot, Slytherins are Draco and Pansy." Hope shook her head at the couple as did everyone else in the cabin. "Professor Sprout would've picked Susan, Hannah or Megan and either Ernie or Justin… Actually not Justin, he bullied Harry in 2nd Year, calling Harry the Heir of Slytherin. I think he was the first person to start that rumour. Professor Sprout would remember that."

Hope frowned. "What I don't understand is how could McGonnagall pick Ronald?"

"Affiliation." Harry answered with a bored look on his face.

"Sirius told me that Professor McGonnagall has been distancing herself from Dumbledore as she saw Sirius at the Ministry of Magic after I left Black's home and invited my Godfather to live with me. We left the Weasleys and Order of the Phoenix with Kreacher and the portrait of Sirius's mother " Harry chuckled at the thought.

"My spell wore off?" Daphne blinked with a frown.

"Yeah, lasted…2 weeks?" Harry asked as he looked to Hermione for confirmation as she nodded.

"Is that normal?" The blonde witch murmured into Hope's ear.

"I've never permanently kept that spell active on someone before. I don't think Aunt Freya has either. So I'm not sure love."

"So what you're implicating is that Dumbledore picked out the Gryffindor Prefects?" Padma questioned anxiously as she worried for her sister.

"At the very least the male Prefect. Ronald is Dumbledore's puppet. McGonnagall would've picked either Harry or Neville. Although with Harry's track record she would've asked if he wanted the position or not."

"Which she did." Harry responded.

"She also mentioned that I was guaranteed the position as Prefect, obviously there was some foul play there, but if it had to go to anyone else I'm glad it was Parvati. She'd make a good Prefect while I try to keep this one out of trouble." Hermione admitted with a smirk.

The compartment laughed jovially as Harry was the one to pout this time. "I don't always get in trouble."

Everyone in the compartment looked over at Harry with a 'really' look. Even Luna opened her eyes to show her disbelief at that statement.

"Okay! So trouble tends to find me. It's not my fault!" Harry exclaimed.

"That's what Hope says as well. I don't believe her." Daphne teased her Mate.

The kids laughed at Daphne's dig at Hope.

"Wait… How is this about me now? I didn't do it!" Hope complained as she bumped her head gently on Daphne's shoulder. "How rude! Harry? How did we get roped in by two bookworms with an unhealthy attachment to making sure we stay safe?"

"Luck. Sheer dumb luck." Harry replied with a cheeky smile on his face as Hermione snorted at the old joke causing everyone else to look at them strangely.

Hope closed her eyes as she attempted to take a nap for the rest of the trip but the occupants of the cabin kept a lively conversation going for the entire ride. The auburn haired girl was somewhat surprised that Luna was able to sleep soundly throughout the noise in the compartment but recalled that the Seer didn't have supernatural hearing and grumbled quietly into Luna's hair.

Luna let out a tiny huff of amusement at Hope's frustration and tucked herself further into the Tribrid's body as if she was trying to get comfortable. "Nice try little moon. I know you are awake. Not even you can laugh that conveniently." Hope muttered under her breath in Norwegian just in case someone else was listening.

The younger blonde gave a cute snore in reply.

Hope chuckled to herself subtly as she whispered. "Sneaky little witch."

Daphne snorted at quiet interaction causing the cabin to look at her in confusion. The Pureblood Princess gave herself a moment as she came up with a passable lie to explain her sudden laugh. "Sorry I just remember a conversation Hope and I had with Fleur's new beau."

Hope snorted loudly at that comment and opened her eyes as she turned to face Daphne with a smug grin on her face that her wife returned at the memory.

"From what I heard from Fred and George you scared Bill half to death." Harry inputted.

Hope recalled the memory in vivid detail as she shut her eyes again.

Hope and Daphne apparated into 12 Grimmauld Place at the beginning of August when the girls were absolutely certain that Fleur would be in training with Seraphine to become the new Wing Leader. As Hope entered the secretly hidden house she held up her hand and called out, 'Ad somnum' as she clenched her fist. The sound of bodies falling to the ground filled Hope's ears and she smirked at the noise.

Hope picked up Daphne as she raced up the stairs with superspeed and placed her down directly in front of the eldest Weasleys path. Hope had a devilish smirk on her face as she watched Bill jump in fright and summoned his wand as a natural response to an attack. Hope held out her hand and summoned the wand from Bill's hand before he could even close his fingers around the wooden stick.

The Tribrid fiddled with the wand between her hands. "Hello William." Hope flashed her golden eyes and fangs as Bill gulped at the Werewolf Queen's deadly gaze. "We need to talk."

Bill flinched back as his back collided with the wall behind him. The Weasley Heir tried to swallow down the fear rising in his throat at the energy literally pouring off the Emrys couple.

"Heir Weasley. You must be aware of our relationship with Fleur." Bill nodded quickly at Daphne's statement as she continued in her frosty voice. "Good. Then you should know that we are protective of our friends and Fleur is a very close friend of ours. If you don't treat her right… Well I don't think you want to know what we will do to you if you ignore this warning."

Hope scoffs. "I have no issues describing exactly how unidentifiable your body will be if you hurt her. I will rip you limb from limb and strangle you with your insides." Bill's face paled as Hope began to describe the manner of which Lady Emrys would kill him.

"I will use my magic to assure that you remain breathing as I pull out your organs one by one and feed them to a pack of wolves before I tear your eyeballs from your skull and feed them to you." Daphne turned her head as she listened to Hope's threat and subtly fanned herself with her ice powers as a confident and dangerous Hope was hot to watch.

"Only then will I rip out your heart and turn it to ash. I'm fairly certain the devil himself would weep at how mangled your body would look on his doorstep." The Tribrid threatened in a remarking calm tone that is more akin to Elijah than Klaus or Hayley.

Bill had trouble drawing another breath as his Adam's apple bobbed in fright.

"Do we make ourselves undoubtedly clear?" Hope asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"Y-Y-Yes Ma-Ma'am. P-Please don't k-k-kill me." The Weasley Heir whimpered as his eyes flickered back and forth between Hope and Daphne before he averted his gaze to the ground, his heart beating out of his chest.

Daphne smirked. "Good talk, Heir Weasley. We'll be seeing you." The blonde offered as she took Hope's hand and apparated out of Grimmauld Place before anyone would even know they were there.

Moments after the girls left the Black family home William's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his body collapsed underneath him with a heavy thud alerting the Weasleys that have taken over the Black family estate. Molly screeched as she skidded beside her eldest child's prone form as she tapped desperately at Bill's cheeks in an effort to get him to respond.

Daphne pulled Hope close into her body, kissing her possessively as she magically closed the door and lit the sage bundle in the corner of Hope's room. Hope's eyes widened at her wife's directness but immediately closed her eyes, her arms encircling Daphne's waist as the Tribrid nipped at Daphne's lips.

Daphne moaned as her body became pliant in Hope's arms and opened her mouth to allow the auburn haired girl to take control of her.

"What's got you so worked up love?" Hope murmured into Daphne's neck, sharp canines scraping against the witch's pale throat.

A low groan crawled up Daphne's throat at the sensation. "Fuck!" The Pureblood Heiress threw her head back. "Please!"

Hope wrapped a hand in Daphne's hair and pulled gently. Daphne let out a small keening sound as her neck was bared further.

"Daph? Did you enjoy watching me threaten Bill?" Hope teased the 16 year old as Hope's other hand trailed up Daphne's front to softly grasp her throat, using her thumb to angle the blonde's head to the side.

"Yes… Fuck! You are so sexy when you get all overprotective." Daphne moaned. "I enjoy that look on you. It means you get all possessive and I turn into a puddle of goo once you're done with me." Hope's eyes flashed golden as she sank her fangs into Daphne's soft neck.

Upon arrival at Hogsmeade Station Myrddin and Alexandria rejoined Hope as they latched onto her shoulders, mentally informing the Tribrid about the scouting they have been doing around Britain on their search for a Fidelius hidden house.

Harry and Sirius agreed to Hope's experiment with trying to trick the Fidelius charm just the day after the Order meeting. Freya was directed to the property and failed to enter as she found numbers 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place. Freya pulsed her magic in the area which showed the dome of magic hiding the property. The Immortal witch pushed against the barrier with her magic and broke through but Freya immediately dropped to the ground as she grimaced in pain.

According to Freya, the pain was something akin to the aneurysm spell from the Mikaelson's universe and the entire world went white around her when she left her eyes open. Hope had to pull Freya out before the pain became unbearable and it took the 1,000 year old witch nearly 5 minutes to regain her senses.

Now that the Emrys family knew that they could enter Fidelius homes they experimented a little bit further. Hope and Freya learned that they could cast spells through the dome once Freya managed to force her arm through the barrier and shot off a tiny stinging hex at where Sirius said he'd be standing, directly ahead of her. It hit him as he came out rubbing his arm tenderly where the stinging hex hit.

While Hope would be at school for her last year at Hogwarts. Hope knew that she had to keep looking for Voldemort's location before the end of the school year. Myrddin and Alexandria could sense magic and differentiate the wards around a building as normal wards or a Fidelius charm.

Hope had the birds doing low sweeps of the magical communities until they found a dome matching a Fidelius charm magical signature. Once they find any locations Hope and/or Freya would arrive there and test the barrier. Since Hope has syphoned the magical energy of one of Voldemort's Horcruxes the Tribrid knew what Riddle's magical signature felt like and sensed the dome for his magic.

They've only checked one property so far but didn't feel Voldemort's signature but Hope's mark the location on a world map and a local map which she pinned to the larger map for a closer location. Just in case one of Veldemort's followers casted the Fidelius charm and Hope or Freya needed to check these locations again.

Hope patted a Thestral as she walked towards the carriages. The group had to split up as they all would not fit into a single carriage. Hope, Daphne, Luna, Harry, Hermione and Tracey were lined up to hop into the carriage but Tracey and Hermione frowned at the strange action that Hope made until the Gryffindor girl had a light bulb lit above her head.

"Oh… Are you petting a Thestral?" Hermione asked as she gathered Hope's attention. Tracey blinked at the query as her eyes flitted over the others in the group.

"Yes she is Hermione." Luna responded with an airy expression as she skipped up the steps to sit in the corner of the tiny cabin.

The brunette Slytherin girl shook her head as she muttered under her breath. "I'm so confused."

Hope and Daphne overheard the other Slytherin's remark and shared a quick look with one another but didn't say anything as they hopped up onto the cabin. Daphne took the seat next to Luna and motioned for the best friend to sit next to her.

Hope moved to sit opposite Luna. The Seer had this little cheeky smirk on her face as she played a game of tootsie with Hope, her small feet playfully stomping on the Tribrid's toes. The auburn haired Slytherin chuckled at Luna's antics as she moved her feet in retaliation, keeping her movement slow as she didn't want to hurt the younger girl.

Harry, Hermione and Tracey gave a tiny snort of laughter at the childish behaviour coming from one of the most feared and powerful magical beings in the world as she played tootsie with a 14 year old.

As the group entered the Great Hall Harry was the first to let out a long drawn out groan. "Oh God! Why her?"

Hope and Daphne looked ahead towards the Professor's table and let out their own grunts of displeasure.

"Damn… The Umbitch has landed." Luna mentioned as her face scrunched together at the negative thoughts scrolling through her mind.

Daphne crossed her arms over her chest. "You know… This is the one time I will actually hate the fact that we can't call people names. I'm partially afraid that the Slytherin Wardstone will knock me on my ass." The blonde glared over to her mate.

The muscles in Hope's jaw clenched in annoyance. "Is it sad that I agree with you love?"

"This is going to be a long year if I can't figure out a way to kick her out of the school." Hope grumbled.

Hermione and Tracey looked at the other 4 in confusion as they wondered why there was such animosity between the 4 Hogwarts students and the woman sitting regally in bright pink clothes as she stuck her nose up at the Emrys couple or possibly Harry.

Harry noticed the confused looks from the other two girls. "Let's just say that Madam Umbridge is doing everything in her power to throw her weight around in the Wizengamot to stop legislations from being approved. Hell, she attempted to persecute me after I casted a Patronus charm to save some civilians from Dementors."

"Luckily Sirius was there and informed the Wizengamot that I'm an as-of-age wizard thanks to the Tri-Wizard Tournament and becoming Lord Potter." Harry added as he saw the frazzled expressions on both Hope and Daphne's faces.

Hope opened her mouth before closing it and turned to Luna. "Little moon? Would you mind expressing my anger?"

Luna huffed as she shook her head on Hope's behalf. "Bitch."

The Emrys couple smirked at the little Ravenclaw's swear before she turned on her heel and moved to her table to sit down for the Welcoming Feast. Harry and Hermione waved their goodbyes as they walked over to sit next to Neville and the Weasley twins.

The twins welcomed Harry with loud and cheerful glee. Hope overheard the twins mention that they were finally able to open their dream shop at the end of this year. Hope snorted on her way to the Slytherin table, heading to the sparsely empty seating arrangement as no one still wanted to sit anywhere remotely next to Lady Emrys.

"Do I want to know what you two are giggling about?" Tracey asked with narrowed eyes.

Hope turned to Daphne who was attempting to hide her smirk. "The Weasley twins will be opening up a joke store at the end of this year. I shudder at the thought of what those two will accomplish without their mother breathing down the back of their necks." The blonde answered as her wolf hearing was able to pick up on the conversation at the Gryffindor table.

Tracey twitched as she stared straight ahead unblinking. "Dear God we're all going to die."

"There's a high possibility of that." Hope snorted before her dark humour got the better of her. "After all, it's the one thing that is always guaranteed in life."

Daphne gave Hope one of the most unimpressed looks she could muster as she shook her head. "Thank you for that horrifically morbid fact darling. Now shut up and sit down before I find a way to kick your ass." The Tribrid blinked quickly as she followed her Mate's instructions.

Surprisingly enough the tables were quiet as the First Year students were led into the Great Hall by Professor McGonnagall who looked around the large room with wide eyes at the silence emulating from the spacious room. The Deputy Headmistress shook her head as she guided the newest set of children to the front of the Hall.

Most of the Purebloods and Half-Bloods looked over to the Slytherin table in awe as they observed Lady Emrys whispering quietly into Heir Greengrass's ear causing the blonde woman to smile softly and lean her head against Hope.

When the kids were being sorted she actually heard the hat groan aloud as it exclaimed, "For Merlin's sake! Stop asking to go into Slytherin just so you can be in the same House as Lady Emrys!"

Hope looked rather awkward at the Hat's declaration and moved bodily to hide behind Daphne. Daphne snickered at Hope's actions and she murmured under her breath as she teased the auburn haired girl. "Aw. Is the big bad Tribrid embarrassed?"

A low growl escaped Hope's throat as amber eyes flared to life. Daphne felt a pool of arousal settle in her lower body at the appearance of Hope's wolf side. "Sexy."

"Bloody minx." Daphne smirked smugly as Hope got her eyes under control as they reverted back to the deep sea-blue.

Nearly half the kids were sorted into Slytherin House despite the Hat's frustration at the situation. Snape visibly groaned at the amount of students that joined his House. Freya arrived silently during the Sorting as she sat on the opposite side of the Professor's table with the Healers, Madam Pomfrey and Perenelle along with her husband, Nic.

Practically the entire right hand side of the table looked over the table to glare at Snape for a few seconds before they quickly sat up as to not draw the attention of the students to the lines being drawn between the Professors.

Hope and Daphne took great notice of this. Professors McGonnagall, Flitwick, Sprout, Babbling and Sinistra as well as Madam Pomfrey, Nicolas, Perenelle and Freya all regarded Snape with irritation written all over their faces.

"Wow." Hope whispered under her breath.

"I know. They're finally starting to realise that not everything is sunshine and rainbows anymore." Daphne replied just as quietly.

A loud femine clearing of a throat sounded throughout the Great Hall followed by a small giggle.

Hope's eyes twitched at the sound and her whole body shuddered unconsciously. "Oh God I hate that noise." Hope muttered with a disturbed frown on her face.

Daphne's Ice Mask cracked slightly at the sound as well. 'Ugh… I don't think I can stand listening to that noise for the rest of the school year.' The Emrys Consort shared to Hope over their bond.

"Thank you, Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome and how lovely to see all your bright happy faces smiling up at me." There were only blank stares looking up at the pink-clad woman and some very confused blinking from the students as they turned to face their neighbours, wondering what was going on. As far as they knew no one ever interrupted Dumbledore.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends." Dolores finished with a tiny girlish giggle.

"That's likely." Fred and George responded in a remarkably sarcastic tone that no one could mistake for anything other than sarcasm.

Umbridge either ignored the boys or didn't find them worth her time. Hope made a displeased face as that would've been the perfect time to get rid of her before she could start any mischief amongst the school on behalf of the Wizengamot. "The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards of vital importance. Although each Headmaster has brought something new to this historic school, progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

There was a soft applause as Umbridge finished her little impromptu speech declaring that the Ministry would be halting schooling academics especially Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Hope and Daphne were used to the word games given during the Wizengamot sessions and narrowed their eyes in disgust at how Umbridge was manipulating the students of Hogwarts to believe she was doing something honourable rather than malicious. Neville and Susan also shared similar expressions as they stopped their friends from clapping.

Dumbledore stood up and nodded his head in Umbridge's direction. "Thank you Professor Umbridge. That really was most illuminating."

'Can I turn into a wolf and eat her?' Hope questioned her Mate as she glared at the toad-like woman.

Daphne grimaced in her mind in response to Hope's query. 'Merlin no! You don't know where she's been and I'm not kissing you with Umbitch breath.'

The Tribrid's face scrunched up as she replied aloud. "I didn't think of that… That's disgusting."

"Yep. You'll have to think of another method darling." Daphne told her wife with a sly smirk as the younger Slytherin students around them looked at the couple in confusion.

The girls parted ways after they entered the Slytherin dormitory although it took them nearly 30 minutes for Hope and Daphne to answer all the questions the First Year students had for them. Draco and Pansy were fuming as the Firsties were completely ignoring them as they gave the same set of rules that have been given for over the past 5 years minimum.

Hope scoffed loudly at the 2nd, 4th and 5th rules as Draco restated them for the 11 year olds. 1) Don't travel alone. 2) Don't disagree with other house members in public. 3) Don't be late to class. 4) Don't make friends with Gryffindors, although Pansy decided to add not to make friends with anyone from the other houses. 5) Listen and follow the orders of whatever an older Slytherin tells them to do.

The 4th Years and below shared careful glances to one another before their gazes fell on Hope and Daphne who had their arms crossed over their chests and a raised eyebrow focused on the Prefect's direction. The 5th Year Prefects couldn't hold the Emrys couples gaze as they muttered something under their breath before making their way to be without telling the 1st Years where to go.

"Blaise?" Daphne called out gathering her friends' attention.

"By any chance could you show the new students to their rooms and possibly help them in the morning so they aren't late or get lost on their first day?" The Slytherin Ice Queen asked the dark-skinned boy who nodded his head softly.

Blaise collected the boys leading them into the boys dormitory as he gave a short history lesson on the Hogwarts castle and the Slytherin Wardstone. Daphne subtly beckoned Tracey over to join Hope and herself as the 3 girls took the 1st Year girls to their sleeping quarters. Astoria managed to wiggle her way through the crowd of small kids as she attached herself to Hope's side and cuddled her sister-in-law.

Daphne let out a small quiet chuckle at this interaction between her sister and wife as Hope's arm wrapped around her sister's shoulders since Stori was slightly taller than Hope which the younger Greengrass constantly teased the Tribrid.

Hope took the teasing in stride as she poked back at the younger girl since Daphne portrayed her Ice Queen persona while at school. Making the blonde witch appear cold in public but Stori understood why her sister did this. Their father made sure that Daphne could hide her emotions from her enemies or allies so no one could manipulate her feelings.

Hope was the only person who could get Daphne's ice walls to break and the Greengrass Heiress showed time and time again that she didn't mind when Hope made her laugh or smile. Hope knew how to use her position as Lady Emrys to her advantage and didn't mind pissing off people along the way as she could back up her claims and ensure that if someone started a fight with her, she would be the last person standing.

Stori wasn't like Hope. Her little sister was getting stronger in some small part thanks to Hope teaching Astoria how to access her Magical Core. Even though Stori was able to use her magic more freely, the younger Greengrass was unable to use her magic practically like Hope and Daphne. She just didn't have the ability to fight and defend herself like her sister or her wife.

Astoria had begged Hope to teach Gabi how to access her magic like she did for Fleur. Hope had begrudgingly agreed to help one day when the older Veela was at Gringotts learning how to enchant and Cursebreak.

Hope didn't want Fleur to know that she was teaching her little sister how to access her magic although the Tribrid had a bit of trouble teaching the newly emerged Veela. Gabrielle didn't have control of her allure and Hope had to scrunch her nose up in annoyance at the overwhelming scent of lust, sugar, roses and jasmine penetrating her olfactory senses.

The Tribrid slightly glared at the young Veela when her scent became more powerful as Hope had Gabi enter her mind to locate her magic. The youngest Delacour had her eyes closed but she could feel Hope's intense gaze on her, allowing a playful smirk to appear in the corner of her lips. Hope huffed in amusement at smirk and relaxed her overbearing posture as she told the younger girl to focus and pull in her allure.

Gabi groaned in frustration at Hope's instructions as she had a hard time suppressing her allure while simultaneously trying to access the door in her mind to her Magical Core.

Myrddin and Alexandria flashed into Hope's room once the Tribrid had put all her belongings into the drawers and set up her painting supplies. The Phoenix stretched out his wings as he shook them softly in an attempt to get feeling back into his overworked limbs. Alexandria being the dramatic soul she is collapsed on the bed with a tired whistle, her wings outstretched.

Hope laughed at the golden bird laying eagle-spread on the green and silver bedding. The Thunderbird attempted to lift her head to glare at Hope but was too exhausted to do so.

"Okay. Okay. I get the point. You don't need to fly around Britain every day looking for Fidelius hidden properties. Obviously the strain of flying around for a full day is too much for the two of you." Hope told the birds as she stroked the golden bird's feathers.

Alexandria let out a grateful sigh as she closed her eyes. "How about trips of 3-4 hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays? That still gives you plenty of time to search and rest. Besides, I missed having my two friends sitting on my shoulders. I felt lonely without the two of you poking and prodding at me." Hope admitted with a smile.

'That sounds like a better plan than what we were doing. When are you going to tell Freya?' Myrddin questioned as he hopped across the perch to gobble up a Fire Seed.

"First thing tomorrow."

"First thing tomorrow what?" Daphne asked as she entered her Mate's room.

Hope's head tilted to the side. "What are you doing here love? I thought you would remain roommates with Tracey for the year?"

Daphne shrugged as she walked closer to Hope to wrap her arms around the smaller girl. "I talked to Tracey about staying with her but she practically kicked me out saying that she wanted the room to herself this year. I think she knows that you will be testing out at the end of this year and wants to let us spend more time together."

"That's sweet of her." Hope mentioned as she encircled her arms around Daphne's waist and buried her face into Daphne's neck sighing softly at the wonderful scent of snow, parchment and oranges.

"I think Tracey knows that I plan on testing out with you at the end of the year." Hope hummed softly, silently telling the blonde to continue. "There's no point for me to be here if you're not here with me."

Hope tightened her hold around Daphne's waist. "As much as the thought of you never leaving my side puts me at ease. I know you Daph. Knowledge is power. Especially for us. You don't have to test out just because I am."

"Oh please! I could learn more from the Emrys Codex then I could learn here!" Daphne explained as she pulled back slightly to look into Hope's eyes.

"You know… I can't actually dispute that." Hope murmured.

"Didn't think so." Daphne pressed a soft kiss on Hope's lips. "So what were you and the birds talking about before I got here?"

Hope released Daphne as she made her way over to her bed and swooped up the eagle-sized Thunderbird. The bird made a small squeak at the sudden movement. "Basically I overworked them. Flying around all day. They got tired. They've spent too long sitting on my shoulders that they've become lazy."

Myrddin poked his head up and whistled pitifully as he muttered some choice words under his breath. Alexandria lifted her head and managed to open one eye as she glared at Hope for her teasing remark.

Daphne snickered as she lightly hit Hope's shoulder in a playful manner that was not aimed to hurt the Tribrid. "Stop picking on them."

Daphne recognised the look on Hope's face as an idea popped in her head. The blonde shivered as she cautiously spoke. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

Hope blinked as she looked over to Daphne. "Nothing bad… Yeah. definitely nothing bad." Hope considered her thoughts carefully. "I will however need your help, Harry's, Luna's and … probably Susan. She has more free time than Hannah."

The blonde looked at Hope in confusion as her Mate continued as she murmured to herself. "I'll also need to talk to Flitwick and maybe Sheda or Professor Sprout… Then I'll need to talk to McGonnagall. That could be an interesting conversation to have."

"Hope?" Daphne called out as she waved a hand in front of the auburn girl's face. "Plan? Tell me? Please? I hate itl when you don't tell me things." The Pureblood Princess complained as she watched Hope gently place the Thunderbird on the table beneath the perch and moved a water dish next to Alexandria.

"I'm going to start a club." Hope announced proudly.

Daphne blinked slowly as she ran the words through her mind one more time. "What?"

"A club. Well, more like a study group." Hope expanded slightly.

Ice-blue eyes gazed to the wall behind Hope as she went through the memories Hope had shared with her about the Harry Potter universe.

"What, like Dumbledore's Army?" The blonde questioned as squinted in confusion at her wife's bizarre thought process.

"God no! I won't allow kids to fight in these types of battles like some faceless soldiers in a war they shouldn't even be involved in!" Hope vehemently replied as her wolf features revealed themselves with an angry snarl at the memory of Dr Saltzman using Hope and the school's Super Squad for his own private army against the supernatural.

"We are kids." Daphne countered with the rise of an immaculate eyebrow.

Hope gave Daphne a look before rolling her amber eyes. "Oh please, I haven't been a kid since I was possessed by the Hollow." Daphne's heart clenched painfully at the image of Hope being controlled by the 1,500 year old witch.

Hope sighed softly as she realised that she was redirecting some of her anger onto Daphne as she felt her canines retreat back into her gums. "I'm sorry love." The Tribrid apologised.

"But all I ever wanted to do was to do right by my family. Save people. Right the wrongs my family have caused… I've been training nearly my whole life to protect the people I care about and I have the power to do that now. I did not have control back then. But I do now. I can do this, Daph. Especially since you won't let me wage into this war alone and I trust you to have my back love." Hope told her wife as she took Daphne's hands within her own with a small smile.

"Damn it." Daphne muttered as she pursed her lips trying her hardest not to smile back. "Why do your speeches always make sense to me?"

"Because you love me." Hope answered passionately as she pulled the blonde into another kiss, nipping at her lips to gain entry into the blonde girl's cool mouth as a breath of crisp air left her lips.

Daphne chuckled as she responded, gently moving her lips against Hope's mouth.

"Okay, that's enough." The Slytherin Ice Queen mentioned as she pulled back.

"Ugh. You are such a tease." Hope groaned as she threw her head back.

"Suck it up darling, I need my beauty sleep." Daphne smirked as she shed her school uniform and hopped under the bedsheets in her underwear. "Hurry up heater. I need to bury my cold feet into your warmth." Came the cheeky remark from Hope's bed.

"Ahhh so that's why you married me? For my hot body?" Hope flirted back as she removed her outer layer of clothing under Daphne's calculating gaze.

"Of course."

Hope scoffed playfully. "Ouch. You sure know how to let a girl down easy, love." The Tribrid followed her Mate into bed as she wrapped her arms around the colder woman. "Why I put up with a freezer, I have no idea."

Daphne opened an icy-coloured eye from her position on her side as she levelled a halfhearted glare at the youngest Mikaelson.

Hope who still had her eyes closed smirked at the feeling of Daphne's intense stare on her. "Love you."

The blonde shook her head ever so slightly at the auburn woman beside her. "Tch. That won't always work on me." Daphne expressed in thinly veiled amusement at the murmur of endearment.

"I am fully aware that those two words will not always get me out of trouble. I say them because I mean them Daphne. Every single time." Hope opened her soft sea-blue eyes as she gazed lovingly at the blonde in front of her.

Hope lifted her hand up from beneath the cheers to cup Daphne's cheek, brushing her thumb over the artistic cheekbone carved from ice. "I love you Daphne Greengrass."

Daphne smiled genuinely as she covered Hope's hand with her own and moved Hope's hand closer to her mouth. Kissing the palm of Hope's hand before burying her face into the Tribrid's hand as she played with the wedding band.

"I love you too Hope Mikaelson." Daphne leant forward pressing her head against Hope's as she closed her eyes. "Always and Forever."

A large smile grew on Hope's face at her family's motto. "Always and Forever." The Tribrid parroted back as she brushed her nose against Daphne's.

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