A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 58: chapter 58

The next morning Hope managed to pull herself out of bed for her 6am run with a groan. Daphne chuckled at the noise as she gathered up Hope's pillow and buried her face into her Mate's earthy scent of forests, lightning, blood and magic.

The Tribrid grunted as she leaned over the blonde's body as she whispered. "Time to get up Daph before I drag you out of bed and force you to run as you are." Hope thought about that for a second as a dreamy smile crossed her face. "Actually I would enjoy that image too much."

The blonde huffed but started to move. "I'll get up only to stop you from possibly ripping some poor soul's head off for seeing me half naked." Hope's eyes widened in realisation as her eyes glowed possessively.

Daphne smirked as she walked to the bathroom with a sly smirk on her face.

"Good point." Hope growled under her breath as Daphne closed the door laughing at her Mate's jealousy.

The Pureblood witch opened the bathroom door after flushing. Daphne sauntered over to her 7 tier compartment that Daphne had discarded out of her school robes last night and enlarged it before placing it on the ground next to Hope's luggage.

"We'll skip our morning run today love. There are a few people I need to visit before breakfast so would you like to join me for a shower?" Hope mentioned as she wrapped her arms around Daphne's bare waist as she pressed a few kisses along her shoulder leading up to her neck.

Daphne moaned at the sensation. "I'll join you Hope but from what you told me we need to visit these Professors before breakfast and I'm guessing some of these conversations could take time to sort out? So a quick shower." The blonde bartered with the Tribrid as she shakily picked out another set of underwear, robes, skirt, shirt and a Slytherin tie.

Hope sighed as she pressed her forehead against the back of Daphne's head. "Why do you always have to be so responsible?"

"One of us has to be. Come on." Daphne replied as she moved out of Hope's embrace and took her hands backing up towards the bathroom again.

The auburn haired girl followed her wife as she led them to the bathroom. Hope slowly removed one of her hands from Daphne's grip, she motioned with two fingers towards her clothes as a bundle of cloth levitated into the air and followed the pair into the bathroom.

Once they showered, Hope and Daphne made their way up towards the Charms classroom to begin their day, Alexandria sat on Hope's left shoulder while Myrddin flew off Daphne's shoulder to land on Freya's right shoulder as she joined them.

"Morning girls." The eldest Mikaelson greeted the Emrys couple.

"Morning Aunt Freya." The young pair replied.

The older blonde raised an eyebrow at the other blonde, a small smile twitching at the corner of her lips at the familiarity Daphne greeted her with. "What are you two troublemakers up to?"

Hope pointed towards herself then Daphne as she made a feigned shocked expression. "Who? Us? We would never!"

Freya scoffed as Daphne looked offended. "You mean I would never? Its you Mikaelsons who are the troublemakers. Not me."

Hope and Freya shared a conspicuous glance and pursed their lips. The eldest Mikaelson was the one who spoke. "Oh sweet niece-to-be, I think you underestimate the influence we've had on you."

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Terrible influences the both of you. You should be ashamed."

A pair of Mikaelson smirks were the only response the Greengrass Heiress received causing the girl to groan.

Hope motioned for her Aunt to join them as they made their way through the castle during the early hours of the morning. "It has come to my attention that Alexandria and Myrddin were beyond exhausted after searching for Voldemort's location and I can't imagine that you enjoyed popping around Britain. So… I was thinking that instead of looking for Fidelius properties everyday you can continue your search on every second day but only for a few hours a day. Maybe twice on the weekends if my plan works."

Freya narrowed her gaze on Hope as they stood outside the Charms classroom as Hope knocked politely on the wooden door as she waited for Warrior Flitwick to offer an invitation.

"It occurred to me that with Umbridge here, no one will be able to learn Defence Against the Dark Arts properly and that concerns me. I plan to organise a study session over the weekends. See nothing nefarious?" Hope explains with her hands raised in innocence.

Freya tilted her head to the side as Hope cooed quietly at the adorableness of the action causing Freya to roll her eyes at the sound.

Thankfully for Hope the half Goblin opened the door.

"Warriors Emrys and Greengrass and Heir Emrys, good morning. What brings you three here?" Professor Flitwick acknowledged the trio of women.

"Good morning Warrior Flitwick." Hope clasped a fist in front of her heart and gave a quick bow which Freya and Daphne mimicked the auburn haired girl.

The Professor repeated the action back to the Emrys family.

"I wanted to run an idea though you and was hoping to get your approval. I wish to start a school wide study group on Saturdays and Sundays between 9am - 12pm which means that we would be dropping some of our Duelling classes to organise this. As the rules in the school charter reads we require the attendance of a Professor and at least one student from each House to start a club. I want to offer tutoring in all subjects. My friends can each take a subject to help the younger students study while Daph and I go around and help out wherever we can." Hope told her Duelling teacher.

Flitwick hummed in consideration. "Are you saying that this… Tutoring would be available to all Houses and ages?"

"Yes. Although I plan on putting a strike system up. Nothing as ruthless as the Slytherin Wardstone. Over the weekend each student will be allowed three errors. If they use these they just won't be able to join in for the next couple of weeks. They can return on the third week. I won't threaten anyone with Honour Duels… Unless they do something remarkably stupid and unforgivable." Hope continued as she explained her idea.

"And no one is forced to attend?" The Head of Ravenclaw House queried the young but incredibly wise girl.

Hope shook her head as she softly replied. "No. It's completely voluntary."

The Professor hummed again. "I think it's a good idea, although if you plan on providing tutoring to all students you would need more Professors or as-of-age wizards to monitor the larger number of students."

"Well technically the Tri-Wizard Tournament gave Harry and I as-of-age statuses. I will ask Nic and Nelle to also help out and some of the other Professors may also agree to sit in to help us. Professor Babbling would most likely agree. Professor Sprout might be able to make it to some of the sessions." Hope offered as she fidgeted with her fingers.

Daphne felt Hope's nerves through their bond and reached out to hold Hope's hand to settle the auburn haired girl's nervousness as Hope immediately took the proffered hand.

"You've given this some thought haven't you Hope?"

Hope sheepishly shook her head. "Not really. I only thought of this when Umbridge announced that the Ministry would be taking an invested interest in our schooling. I'm afraid that with the Ministry's interference it will be progressively more difficult to score well on our end of year tests, especially since this will be my last year and I need to do well on my OWLs."

"Don't forget about me darling. I'll be ready to take the NEWTs at the end of this year. This extra study time will allow me to test ahead with you." Daphne added as she played with the Emrys ring and the Flamel Heiress ring on Hope's right hand she was holding.

Flitwick's head popped up at the declaration. "Are you sure Warrior Greengrass? That's quite the commitment."

The Emrys family looked over to the half-Goblin with a scrutinous gaze. The Charms Professor gulped at the deadly gazes as he backtracked. "Not to say that you couldn't test ahead if you wished. You are certainly brilliant enough to pass your OWLs and NEWTs without too many issues. Especially with your results in Charms, Transfiguration, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts and most impressively Potions as you are the top of that class. You would easily surpass our expectations Miss Greengrass."

Daphne bashfully smiled and lowered her head as she hid her blush. Hope whispered quiet words of encouragement that Daphne's enhanced wolf hearing could pick up while Freya moved closer to rub soothing patterns along Daphne's shoulders. Myrddin whistled softly as he hopped across shoulders to rub his feathered cheek against Daphne's temple.

"Thank you Sir." Daphne mumbled.

Hope, Daphne and Freya moved to speak to the Professors that they believed would approve and possibly help. Sheda agreed fairly quickly without needing all the information from Hope as she knows that her part-Vampire student truly does want what is best for the school. Professors Sinistra and Vector were also relatively quick visits as they saw no harm in what Hope was suggesting and would help out if Lady Emrys could get the approval from the Headmaster.

Professor Sprout was surprisingly the longest meeting they had through the morning as she had many questions about the teachings that would be provided and by whom as Hope would need at least 1 student dedicated to tutoring that one subject. Hope told Professor Sprout that she would think about who to ask on her way to talk to Professor McGonnagall.

"Why would you speak to Minerva dear?" The Head of Hufflepuff quested with a confused expression. "Clubs or tutoring groups such as these need to be approved by the Headmaster."

"I read 'Hogwarts: A History' Professor. I don't need to speak to the Headmaster. The Deputy Headmistress would have the authority to approve of this without needing to bother the Headmaster. He already has a lot on his plate and I honestly don't see the harm in setting up a study session over the weekends." Hope diligently answered.

"And any Professor can check in?"

"Yes. Professor."

"Very well. But if you plan on putting this idea to Minerva before breakfast then you should hurry and also take a student from each House with you." The Herbology Professor offered in her own form of acceptance.

Hope nodded her head as she gave a smile. "Of course. Thank you Professor Sprout."

The time was nearing 7:15am as Hope and Daphne made their way to Professor McGonnagall's office. Freya had left her niece and Daphne at this stage taking Myrddin with her as the Phoenix enjoyed speaking to someone who had experienced the changes throughout history. When the couple walked past the Grand Staircase they spotted a head of messy raven hair and glasses along with an excited Hermione, excited to start 5th Year classes.

"Harry! Hermione!" Hope called out.

Both heads turned to find where the person who called out their names was before looking down to the bottom of the staircase and waving.

"Hi Hopey." Luna appeared suddenly as she latched onto Hope's back getting a piggyback while giving the Tribrid a heart attack, "Oof!".

"Holy crap! Luna! Where the hell did you come from?" Hope yelped as she automatically moved her arms down to secure the Seer's legs to her body in an effort to support the younger witch.

"Well I was going to meet you at Transfiguration but my feet got tired." Hope looked down to see that Luna wasn't wearing any shoes and frowned. "I also managed to find Susan and Hannah. They are behind you along with Padma and Su. I asked if they wanted to join us as well."

Hope turned around to greet the Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs while Daphne moved off to speak to Harry and Hermione.

"Hi girls." Hope mentioned as she carried Luna who was quietly chatting to Alexandria who was whistling conspicuously with the silver-eyed girl.

"Morning Hope." The four girls replied. "What's so urgent?" Padma asked, there was worry in her voice.

The Tribrid tilted her head in confusion for a moment before casting a quick side glare to the girl on her back. "Oh. It wasn't urgent exactly… I want to make a school-wide tutoring session over the weekends and I need some help setting it up. Apparently I need tutors in all subjects and I know that in my circle of friends we cover just about everything. So I wanted to see if you'd be okay helping out? I'm hoping it will take off and some year 6 and 7 students could help tutor as well."

The Hufflepuffs shared a thoughtful gaze whereas the Ravenclaws looked excited. "That's a wonderful idea Hope." Su exclaimed before adding. "Does this mean that you'd teach Duelling?"

Hope shook her head as she laughed. "Unfortunately no Su." The Chinese girl pouted. "The core subjects are a definite must have while the electives aren't required but if we have the options it would give me stronger grounds to get this up and running."

"Did you hear that Fred?"

"I certainly did George." Came the bantering from the Weasley twins as they slide up very slyly for a Gryffindor.

Hope pursed her lips as she turned around to face the boys. "Ah my favourite set of red-headed prankster twins."

The boys bent down to give a dramatic bow. "Our dear messiah."

"Protector of Hogwarts," Fred started.

"Queen of the most fierce of Werewolves,"

"And of course the Legendary Lady Emrys."

"How can we offer our services to you this fine year?" Came the twin speak at the end.

"We're setting up some magnificent pranks for the pink toad that messrs Moony and Padfoot helped concoct." George offered with a cheeky wiggle of an eyebrow.

"Oh I wouldn't worry too much about the Umbitch. She'll get what's coming to her." Luna spoke up from Hope's shoulder and the 6 students around Hope all stared at Luna with open mouths before Fred and George bursted into an all-imposing laughter with tears streaking down the corner of their eyes.

"Oh sweet Merlin!" Fred snorted as he tried to gather some composure.

"Umbitch! We'll have to remember that dear brother!" George wheezed as he tried to suck in a breath of air.

"Most definitely!"

"What's wrong with them?" Daphne mentioned as she came up beside Hope with Harry, Hermione, Neville and Parvati in tow.

"Luna set off the twins by giving our new Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor a nickname and our Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws are in shock because Luna swore." Hope explained in a deadpan.

"Right… I can guess exactly what Luna said but we do have to get going before we miss our chance to speak to Professor McGonnagall." Daphne remarked as she shot a fake disappointed look in Luna's direction.

The Seer's only response was to grin widely as she had no shame.

"Alright! Susan, Hannah, Padma and Su! I need you all to reboot your brains so you can function for the rest of the day." Hope called out with a hint of authority in her voice as she turned around to lead the group to the Deputy Headmistress' office.

The girls blinked a few times, gathering their wits as she trailed along behind Hope and Daphne. Tiny clawed feet were trailing behind Hope as she looked back and to the ground. The space behind them pulsing with energy as Lady Emrys gazed through the stealthy spells.

"You are getting much better at your notice me not ward as well as your disillusionment charm. I barely noticed Cassandra following us little moon." Hope murmured into Luna's ear which caused the blonde to giggle.

"Who's Cassandra?" Hannah asked from her spot beside Susan.

Luna waved her hand behind her to remove the disillusionment charm from the Crumple-Horned Snorkack causing the group except the Emrys couple to stare at the magical creature in confusion.

"I'm sorry. But what is that?" Parvati cooed as she pat the creature.

Hope smirked as she replied, still immensely proud of locating an undocumented creature. "Cassandra is a Crumple-Horned Snorkack."

Padma's mouth dropped along with Su's as they both exclaimed loudly. "Wait! They're real!?"

Luna laughed adorably as she curled herself more fully around Hope.

"Surprise?" Daphne offered in a deadpan.

"What's next? Are Nargles real!?" Padma questioned incredulously.

At the question Hope's sea-blue eyes lowered to Luna's bare feet and frowned.

"Luna? Where are your shoes?" The overprotective Tribrid questioned. "Do I need to have another chat with the school?"

"NO!" Su and Padma shouted. "Please no. We've already had 3 separate scoldings from our Head of House. Professor Flitwick made sure that we wouldn't bully another student. Su finished with a groan.

"Nargles borrowed them. I believe they will give them back before the 1st period." Luna answered at nearly the same time.

"I feel like I'm going to regret asking this, but what do Nargles look like Luna?" Daphne questioned as she could see a bulging vein pulsing against Hope's temple.

"As tall as humans but they have angular features and pointed ears." The Seer replied with a knowing smirk.

Hope's eyes widened as she turned to Daphne. The same thought goes through their minds.

The Tribrid closed her eyes as she tried to remember the name of the Hogwarts House Elf she had called in the past. "Fluny???"

A small pop was heard as a small House Elf appeared in front of the group. "Yes Snakey Protector, Legendary Miss Emrys, Ma'am?"

"Oh God." Hope muttered under her breath at the titles the Hogwarts House Elf gave her as Daphne not so elegantly snorted at her wife.

Hope shook her head slightly as she mentally told herself to ignore it. "Fluny, I was just wondering what the Elves that were at Emrys Castle called?"

The small creature's rather large eyes bulged out even further at Hope's query. "Nargles… They are Nargles! Our leaders have finally returned!" The House Elf announced in benevolence before popping away.

Hope blinked a few times. Icy-blue eyes connected with sea-blue. "Nope! I'm done! Can't do this anymore!" Hope mentioned as she continued to walk, no longer caring if she was being followed any more. Luna was cackling like a wild thing over Hope's shoulder. "I'm done!" Hope called out in utter frustration while everyone shared concerned glaces behind Hope's back.

The Tribrid's senses were flaring up dangerously as she felt as though she was still being followed, although she was unsure of exactly what was following them. Hope turned around with a slight snarl and was glaring as she tried to figure out where the feeling was coming from. All Hope felt was a hint of spring water, cherry blossom and grass clippings signalling Luna's magic.

Hope's eyes narrowed as she softly nipped the younger girl's ear as it was the only part of the Seer she could safely reach without dropping the girl. "What are you doing Luna?"

Luna yelped slightly as she pulled back so the Tribrid's teeth could no longer reach her. "Nothing."

Hope scoffed quietly as she heard Luna's heartbeat jump signalling that the silver-eyed girl lied. "Luna?" Hope pressed the Seer strongly before looking behind them again with a scrutinous gaze.

The group around the piggyback pair looked back in concern as Hope surveyed the area behind them.

Eventually Hope saw a flicker of a shimmer in the air causing the girl to blink as she wondered what else Luna was hiding from the school. Once that thought went through Hope's head she froze and turned her head, slowly to face the young Ravenclaw on her back.

"You didn't!" Hope groaned in utter annoyance.

Luna tightened her hold on Hope as she buried her face into Hope's back. "I couldn't just leave her alone!"

"Luna!" Hope drawed out in exasperation. "You can't bring her to school… Wait, did you just say her?" The Tribrid questioned with a confused look on her face.

"Hope? Luna? What's going on?" Daphne asked with a suspicious tone that has Hope standing up straight in fear.

Hope turns to the blonde on her back. "Yeah, Luna. What's going on?" The auburn haired girl repeated as she hoisted Luna further up her back. Luna yelped at the action as she was jerked by the older girl that she considers family.

The Seer bit her lip awkwardly. "I brought Iryna to school with me."

"Who?" Daphne questioned with a squint as the group stopped along with Hope and Daphne, watching the proceedings in curiosity.

"Iryna…" Luna answered again although a little louder than before.

Daphne sighed as she faced Hope. "Hope Andrea Mikaelson! If you don't tell me what is going on within the next 5 seconds I'm going to freeze the ground in front of you for the rest of the school year."

Hope gulped at the thought of always being on her guard, potentially slipping and falling on her ass especially around the Grand Staircase causing her to shiver.

Hope grimaced as she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Well… Luna here thought it would be a good idea to bring that god damn replica to school."

"Replica? What rep- - Oh sweet Merlin… Not that thing." Daphne groaned as she came to the realisation of what Hope and Luna were arguing about. The Greengrass Heiress turned to Luna as she furrowed her eyes. "Wait, did you call it a 'her'?" The group around them froze as their eyes widened in shock while Harry groaned at the memory.

"Iryna is my friend and she deserves a chance to experience life now that she has the opportunity. I thought that you two would be more understanding." Luna defended her invisible pet Dragon.

Hope and Daphne shared a look but the Tribrid continued on her trek to McGonnagall's office. "Luna… The replica," Daphne saw the heartbroken expression on her face and sighed quietly before altering her words. "… Iryna." Luna smiled at the correction. "If she's going to be staying at school she needs to remain hidden and she can't set anyone on fire otherwise you'll have to send her home. Dragons are not acceptable 'pets' to bring to school. Cassandra is harmless to the students here so we don't have to give her the same set of rules as… Iryna. Does that seem fair to you, Luna?"

The Seer swallowed as she glanced over Hope's shoulder and nodded against the Tribrid's neck. "Yes. But she won't."

"Actually, could you set her on Umbridge?" Harry inputted from his place behind Daphne.

Hope couldn't stop the snort that found its way out of her throat at Harry's suggestion. "That's a little dark for you Harry. What did she do to you? Or was it Sirius?" Lady Emrys asked as the Hogwarts students followed the Emrys couple while trying to subtly check the air around them for the tiny Dragon following them.

"Both. She is a real piece of work." The emerald eyed wizard complained as he shook his head angrily.

"You have no idea." Hope muttered under her breath so quietly that even Luna who was right next to Hope's mouth barely heard her. Daphne's enhanced hearing could only just pick up the words and smirked at her wife's quick retort.

"So the Dragon… won't be a problem?" Neville stuttered out.

The Slytherin couple sighed but Hope was the one to reply. "Iryna won't be a problem. Don't worry about… her."

Hope angled her face so she could whisper to Luna. "We will be having a longer chat about this little moon. You promised us that if you came into possession of the replica Dragon that you wouldn't bring it- - her, to school."

"Sorry… But I couldn't just leave her at home alone, she'd get lonely." Luna pouted.

Hope laughed. "That pout is only dangerous if I can actually see it little moon."

Professor McGonnagall was in the process of closing her classroom door as she made her way to breakfast but faltered as she watched a group of students make their way around a corner being led by Hope and Daphne. The elderly woman made a worried noise as they approached, not knowing what the Emrys couple wanted especially now that they brought a small entourage with them.

Hope gave a polite smile as she walked up next to the Deputy Headmistress releasing Luna's legs as the younger girl slid off Hope's back to stand with the rest of the group. "Good morning Deputy Headmistress."

The Scottish woman blinked at Hope's greeting as she realised that Hope wanted to discuss school matters with her. "Good morning everyone. Miss Mikaelson… or Lady Emrys. To what do I owe the pleasure of your early morning visit?"

"Nothing nefarious Deputy Headmistress, I assure you and Miss Mikaelson is fine while at school. I only use the Lady Emrys title at school when I need to address House politics or when I need to defend my actions as Slytherin Protector. If you'd like to share this information with the rest of the Professors you are more than welcome to do so." Hope attempted to placate the elderly woman.

"Alright then. In that case why don't you all come in? I'm assuming all 13 of you are here for the same reason?" McGonnagall offered as she stood aside and gestured for the students to enter her classroom.

"Thank you." Hope nodded as she made her way into the classroom.

"Just to clarify. You wish to start a tutoring study session over the weekends, open to all Houses and ages as well as providing the equipment and books necessary. Then to top it all off everyone here is willing to tutor a specific subject so that all core subjects are covered." The Head of Gryffindor House recounted.

"Yes. Although all the Professors I've asked so far to help have offered to teach their own subjects. Professors Babbling and Flitwick have offered to tutor each week while Sprout, Vector and Sinistra have mentioned that they were willing to tutor occasionally. I will also ask my parents to help out as well which would give another 2 as-of-age wizards to observe us. To make sure everyone is safe." Hope added.

'I'm surprised that you didn't include yourself and Harry as another 2 as-of-age wizards.' Daphne mentally mentioned with a roll of her eyes.

'I thought that information would just frustrate her rather than prove a point. Besides I'm not sure if Madam Pomfrey has shared her knowledge of the loyalty potions with the rest of the school board.' Hope replied through their telepathic connection in regards to her wife's comment.

"I honestly don't see the harm. You've filled in the criteria to make this a legitimate school club. If you'd like, I can announce it after breakfast along with the guidelines you have provided which also seem fair. I can also supply you with the reading lists for all years." The Deputy Headmistress offered as her show of approval.

The students behind Hope were all muttering cheerfully behind Hope while the Slytherin girl blinked in surprise. "Uh, yeah. That would be great. Thanks Professor."

"Excellent! I'll get the lists for you by the end of the day. However before I can officially approve the club you'll just need to inform me of the students who will be tutoring each subject."

Hope turned back as she pointed out each of the students with the subject they will be paired with. "Hannah and Neville will tutor Herbology, Parvati and Susan will have Charms, Padma and Fred, Transfiguration, George will tutor Potions but I'll ask if Nic can help out as well." George swooned at the thought of working with the Immortal Alchemist. "Harry's got one of the highest marks in DADA, Hermione and Su can teach History of Magic once the history books arrive. Luna has offered to tutor Astronomy which will allow for Daph and I to offer help in any subject. If help is needed in an elective we will do our best to provide assistance."

Hope was walking down to the end of the Sltherin table where she would normally sit until she had the sudden recollection that she can sit wherever she wanted since there are no visiting schools this year forcing her back to Slytherin table. Hope took Daphne's hand as she guided them to sit next to Hannah and Susan who blinked in confusion for a moment before smiling and scooching over for the Emrys couple.

"Hi guys!" Hope greeted them with a genuine smile.

There was a chorus of responses from the Hufflepuff House as they welcomed the two Slytherin women to their table.

Harry and Hermione were squashed together as Ron and Ginny with their few friends in Gryffindor were trying to split the pair up so that Hermione would be forced to sit with Ronald and Harry would have to sit next to Ginny. Hermione motioned further down the table behind them as Harry turned to see Hope and Daphne at a different House table.

The Gryffindor couple shared a similar idea as they both stood up and pulled themselves out from between the two youngest Weasley children with an audible grunt as they each had to yank their arms or legs out of their grabby hands. Harry grumbled something under his breath as the couple quickly made their way to where the Slytherin couple were sitting.

"Would it be alright if we joined you?" Hermione asked some of the Hufflepuffs beside Hope and Daphne before launching into a fast paced ramble. "Ronald and Ginerva have become intolerable to even be in the same vicinity as them. They're always trying to break us up or split us apart so they can… I don't know and I actually don't want to know. After Heir Emrys made me see Madam Pomfrey last year and she told me that I had been dosed with all these mild-altering potions. I can't be around him or Ginny. I'm afraid that they will potion me and Harry again since Ginny did the same thing to Harry but apparently Head of House rings have protections to inform the wearer if they were about to be subjugated to mind-altering potions."

The yellow-trimmed students within listening distance had wide eyes that were getting wider the longer they listened to Hermione speak while some of the older students' mouths also dropped open at the implication the Gryffindor bookworm was explaining.

One of the 7th year students managed to gather his thoughts a little faster than everyone else. "Yeah," He cleared his throat awkwardly as he struggled to continue. "Of course you can sit with us."

Hermione was the first to move forward and step over the bench lowering herself to sit next to Hannah. The blonde Hufflepuff girl laid her hand on Hermione's shoulder as she offered the Gryffindor someone to talk to if that is what she needed.

Once Harry joined her the food on the tables appeared and Hope noticed the eye twitch from Dumbledore as his Golden Boy moved away from the Gryffindor table to sit with the Emrys couple and what he believed to be the weakest House in Hogwarts.

Hope's eyebrows rose at the elderly man's reaction to Harry's dismissal of the youngest Weasley children as they continued to glare in the Hufflepuff's general direction. The older Hufflepuffs took turns glaring at Ronald and Ginevra so that they could still eat their breakfast while keeping the stink eye on the two redheads. Completely disgusted with the youngest Weasleys actions if what Hermione said was true. Although from Hope and Daphne's expressions they could gather that the Emrys couple believed the red and gold girl.

The Head's of House stood up as they went down their table to hand out the students timetables for the year. Snape passed a couple of slips of parchment to Professor Sprout before flaring out his robes in a significant swish.

"I'd love to know how Snape majestically swooshes his robes and cloak like that." Hope mutters with a small shake of her head as the students around her snorted in amusement.

"Yeah… That's the one thing I'm actually jealous of. Snape's ability to flaunt his diva-like qualities." Harry replied in a monotone deadpan.

The students were still laughing as Professor Sprout approached her Badgers who were actively conversing with a couple of devastatingly cunning snakes with hearts made of sterner stuff than gold and two courageous lions breaking the barriers placed on them by society.

"Hello my dear Badgers! How are you all feeling for the upcoming year?" The bubbly Professor greeted them.

Hope and Daphne blinked in confusion at the overly friendly greeting from a Head of House. "Good morning Professor Sprout!" The Hufflepuffs around Hope parroted back.

"I'm looking forward to most of the classes this year although from what I've heard about Madam Umbridge from my Aunt. I'm a little concerned about Defence Against the Dark Arts this year." Susan admitted to her favourite Professor as she accepted her timetable from the fertiliser scented woman.

The Professor sighed as she glanced back at the table at the end of the hall as she saw the woman in question push out her nose in a haughty manner in full view of the entire student body. "Well… I'm sure she will do the best that she can." The Herbology Professor mentioned in a not so convincing tone.

Hope, Harry and Hermione all covered their mouths to hide the urge to laugh at the Professor's uncomfortable body language.

"Not a fan of your new colleague Professor?" Hope asked the older woman as she attempted to keep the humour out of her voice.

"... I think it's better if I don't answer that question, Miss Mikaelson. The Ministry is certainly putting a strong foothold into this year's curriculum." Pomona offered freely to the Emrys couple who quickly glanced at each other as they filed that information away for later.

"Your Head of House gave me your timetables, Miss Greengrass and Miss Mikaelson. I hope you don't mind receiving them from me rather than Professor Snape."

Hope shook her head with a kind smile. "Not at all Professor Sprout. Thank you." The girls held out a hand at the Head of Hufflepuff placed the sheets of parchment into each of their hands. "Thank you Professor." Daphne gave her own smile as she glanced down to memorise her timetable.

The Professor continued on her trip down her House table giving Hope the opportunity to look down at the piece of parchment as she took a hearty bite out of her toast. Chewing harshly as she was still angry that the school no longer served beignets since the visiting students from Bulgaria and France.

Daphne snorted loudly in Hope's mind at her other half's pouting expression. Hope growled petulantly at Daphne's teasing, 'rude' Hope replied with a quick narrowing of her eyes in Daphne's direction. Daphne patted Hope's thigh under the table in a placating manner causing the Tribrid to shake her head.

"Bloody minx."

"Love you too darling." The blonde instinctually replied with a charming smile.

7:30am-8:30am: Breakfast.

9am-9:50am: Study.

10am-10:50am: Transfiguration w/Huff.

11am-11:50am: Arithmancy.

12pm-1pm: Lunch.

1pm-1:50pm: Defence Against the Dark Arts w/Gryff.

2pm-2:50pm: Ancient Runes.

3pm-3:50pm: History of Magic w/Gryff.

4pm-4:50pm: Study.

5pm-6:50pm: Charms w/Raven.

7pm-8:30pm: Dinner.

Hope groaned as she read that she and Daphne had DADA today. "Looks like we're going to find out how insanely boring Defence is going to be today."

Daphne released her own dreaded sigh as she leaned her head back. "Great… I was hoping we could get through at least one school day without it going to hell."

"At least we'll be able to watch Harry and Hermione suffer along with us." Hope offered with a sarcastic grin.

Harry and Hermione overheard the conversation from the Slytherin couple and without turning around they both gave them the bird behind their backs as they accepted their own timetables from Professor McGonnagall at the same time. The girls laughed quietly into a closed fist as they turned their heads away from the Gryffindor Head of House.

"Is there something funny Miss Mikaelson? Miss Greengrass?" A stern voice sounded from above them.

Hope composed herself as she wet her lips. "Daph and I were just discussing that Harry and Hermione have Defence Against the Dark Arts with us… Oh look! What a surprise! We also have Potions together and of course there's a double period of Potions."

The Gryffindor students groaned and Harry's head fell onto the table with a loud thud.

The Deputy Headmistress pursed her lips into a thin line as she painstakingly kept herself from laughing at the Slytherin and Gryffindor couples' displeased expressions.

"Unfortunately the schedules can not be altered unless it's a change of electives although that option is not available for year 5 or 7 students." Professor McGonnagall informed them before casting a side glance back to the Professors' table.

"I'll announce your idea once I make my way back up to the front of the hall." Professor McGonnagall told the Slytherin pair as she placed a hand on each of the girl's shoulders and rubbed her thumb gently on their shoulders before removing her hands from the girls before she could make them uncomfortable.

"I'm proud of what you two are doing for Hogwarts." The Deputy Headmistress mentioned in a low voice. "Thank you."

Hope and Daphne watched the tall Scottish woman walk away in absolute bewilderment.

"Wow… I didn't see that coming." Daphne blurted out.

Hope hummed in agreement as the Deputy Headmistress stood in front of the owl podium and cleared her throat, gaining the attention of the students in the hall as well as the Professors.

About halfway through McGonnagall's explanation of Hope's idea for tutoring over the weekends that were completely optional and open to everyone, the Headmaster was the first person to interrupt, mentioning that a club like this needed at the very least two Professors to watch over the proceedings. Professors Flitwick and Babbling raised their hands, announcing that they have volunteered to observe how well the tutoring would work.

The next interruption came from Snape as he called out that no one could tutor Potions as no one has ever produced an Outstanding throughout the entire time he has been teaching. Trying to downplay his students' intelligence.

ic narrowed his eyes as he looked down at his daughter, wondering what her play was. Hope was looking up at him with a pleading expression. Nic leaned forward so he could make eye contact with the Potions Master as he told the man with the hooked-nosed that he had centuries of experience and that he would be willing to tutor students as well.

Dumbledore and Snape tried to exchange worried glances as they were running out of excuses to offer. The Headmaster was attempting to get Minerva to stop speaking and to bring the suggestion to the school board so they could shut down the idea but the Deputy Headmistress held her ground stating that to start a club all they would need was to keep the club open to everyone, supervision from a Professor or two depending on the size and the permission of the Deputy Headmistress.

Minerva also explained that there wouldn't be any Honour Duels issued so long as everyone remains respectful of their classmates and that there is a penalty system of 3 strikes over a weekend. If the student uses all 3 strikes they will be banned from the club for the rest of that weekend as well as the next 2 weeks before returning on the 3rd week.

Umbridge was the next to argue and the Scottish woman was truly impressive as she shut down the Minister's Undersecretary with a silver tongue that a Slytherin would be proud of. There were either gasps of shock and surprise filtering through the Great Hall.

Hope chuckled as she whispered to Daph. "Okay… I'll admit. I'm starting to like this new McGonnagall." Hope frowned as a thought crossed her mind. "Hang on. Does that mean that Professor McGonnagall was also potioned with loyalty potions to Dumbledore?" Hope muttered under her breath.

Daphne opened her mouth as she turned back to look at Hope before closing her jaw with an audible click as a pensive frown appeared on her forehead. "It definitely opens up the possibility of McGonnagall being potioned. She's more… open with what she is saying and the fact that she just dismissed Dumbledore, Snape and Umbridge all within the same announcement makes me believe McGonnagall was potioned."

"So we were right." Hope clarified.

"It certainly appears that way."

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