A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 59: chapter 59

Hope made a distressed sound as she made her way to Defence Against the Dark Arts with Daphne, Tracey, Harry, Hermione and Neville trailing beside her.

"You know I don't think I've ever seen you this nervous for a class before." Neville mentioned as he observed his Slytherin friend who has saved his life multiple times over the years, mainly in part to Professor Snape's Potions classes.

"Nev's got a point there Hope. You were practically unbothered by the idea of fighting a Dragon, but this, a DADA lesson, concerns you?" Harry mentioned as he leaned against the wall as they waited to be instructed to enter by the pink-clad woman.

Hope shot Harry the most unimpressed look she could as Draco, Crabbe and Goyle turned around the corner. Draco sneered at the group as he couldn't say anything demeaning as Freya's Honour Duel prevented him and his friends from saying anything rude to any other student for as long as they remained at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The auburn haired girl was transmitting her anxiousness across her bonds with Daphne, Myrddin and Alexandria.

Daphne and Alexandria were attempting to calm the Tribrid, but it was Freya's voice through Myrddin's familiar bond that got through to Hope. 'For the love of God Hope! Do I need to come down there and fight your battles for you? You're a first born Mikaelson witch and a descendant of Merlin, Queen of the Werewolves and daughter of the Original Hybrid! This - - woman - - for a lack of better words should not have this effect on you… Nik's Littlest Wolf. Be brave, be strong and never back down from protecting those who you care about.'

Hope sighed thoughtfully as her heartbeat slowed down to a much more suitable rate at hearing the beloved nickname her father gave her. 'Thank you Aunt Freya. I really needed to hear that.'

Daphne let out a relieved breath as she felt Hope's emotions even out to normal levels for the Tribrid.

The blonde Pureblood Princess pressed a kiss against Hope's cheek but was pushed away slightly as felt someone's magic hit her in the chest to force her away. The magical push only moved Daphne back about 10 inches but it was enough that Hope also noticed the interference. The Emrys couple turned around to see Dolores Umbridge standing at the end of the hallway as she cleared her throat and let out a small chuckle. "There will be no fraternising in my classroom. Is that understood?"

Unfortunately for Hope, this was one of those rules that the new Professor could get away with since it was a behavioural rule that the Professors could veto in their classrooms.

Hope sighed as she locked eyes with the pink-clad woman with a hot pink scarf around her neck. "While in your classroom we will refrain from 'fraternising'... Professor." Lady Emrys stalled for a moment before mentioning her new title.

Daphne folded her arms over her breasts as she stared down the middle-aged woman with her cold glare. "If you use your magic against me again to move me away from my wife while we are not in your classroom I will press charges. But in this circumstance I will let it go since the rules were never specified until now."

The Gryffindor and Slytherin students remained utterly quiet like a fly on the wall eavesdropping of a vividly tense conversation. "Although since we are not yet inside your classroom… Professor, I would suggest that you remain vigilant and never do that again in the presence of the Emrys family - -."

"Excuse me!" Came the shrill shriek from the new DADA Professor causing both Hope and Daphne to wince at the shockingly high-pitched noise. "You are not in charge of this school or the punishments that are dispersed out! That honour is purely given to the Professors! I will see you both in detention after dinner."

Umbridge walked into the classroom without another word while the students around them turned to the Emrys couple waiting for an explosion. Most of the Slytherins started to snicker at Hope and Daphne's misfortune as well as roughly a third of the Gryffindors who sided with Ronald, Dean and Sheamus.

"Wow… We didn't even get the chance to enter the classroom and we got detention. I'm not sure if that's impressive or downright discriminating." Hope admitted as she faced the classroom door in apprehension.

"Sweet Merlin, that woman has a set of lungs." Daphne mentioned as she rubbed her sensitive ears. "Is it even 1pm yet?"

"Nope." Hermione mentioned as she performed a time checking charm from her wand. "12:58pm."

Hope shook her head. "No use in even trying to attempt fighting the detention. Dumbledore is the only one able to overrule them and lets face it. I wouldn't overrule it over a 2 minute difference, why would he?"

Daphne pursed her lips as she bobbed her head barely in agreement. "Good point. In that case what's our battle plan for this class?"

"Absolute silence unless called upon. I like my Duelling classes at the end of each day. She is not going to take them away from me." Hope answered as her claws and fangs became visible, golden eyes flashing momentarily.

Hope was able to reverse her transformations but the effect had the laughing students freeze before rushing into the classroom as they ratted her out to the Professor. "Okay… If I get detention from that, I'm not showing up to it." Hope shook her head in disappointment.

Daphne glanced at Hope. "Darling… She's going to give you detention. Umbridge has a vendetta against us. The Ministry is going to be a massive hindrance this year."

Hope sighed at the same time as the pink woman yelled out for Miss Mikaelson. The Tribrid rolled her sea-blue eyes but moved forward into the classroom and waited for the woman to berate her again.

The toad-like woman didn't disappoint as she spent the first 5 minutes of the lesson going on a spiel about the disgrace of magical creatures and how they should not be allowed on any land within the British Empire. Hope ignored the woman completely as she spent all her time and effort into not flashing her wolf eyes at the Professor.

Eventually Umbridge dismissed Hope and forced her to sit next to Nott. The DADA Professor immediately mentioned as Hope was moving to the table that this would be the seating arrangement for the rest of the year.

Hope remained standing at the desk for a moment as she glanced down at Nott who had a sinister smirk on his face. Hope released a long breath through her nose so she wouldn't get into more trouble and sat down with her arms crossed, Hope's entire attention laser focused on the Undersecretary.

Professor Umbridge stood at the front of the classroom as she finally began the lesson. "Good evening class. Now that we have all that unpleasantness out of the way we will start on the 'Ordinary Wizarding Levels' examinations, O.W.L's, more commonly known as OWLs."

Hope watched as Harry and Hermione exchanged a 'wtf' look before immediately turning back to the pink-clad woman before she could pick on them for not listening.

"Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences may be severe." Umbridge flicked her wand behind her as a multiple pile of books about 10 books tall levitated down the aisles, placing a book in front of each student, 'Dark Arts Defence: Basics for Beginners'.

"Well now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn't it? The constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in your O.W.L. year. You will be pleased to know, however, that these problems are now to be rectified. We will be following a carefully structured, theory-centred, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. Copy down the following, please."

Hermione raised her hand. "Yes." Professor Umbridge said as she looked at the Gryffindor Golden girl who was sitting beside the Boy-Who-Lived. Another child that she would need to pull aside for detention as well as Miss Greengrass.

"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells?" Hermione mentioned as she flipped through the book rather quickly.

"Using spells?" Umbridge giggled creepily. "I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom?"

Tracey frowned as she spoke up. "We're not going to be using magic in this class?"

"You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk-free way." The Professor countered quickly.

Harry couldn't stop himself as he gave his own input. "What use is that if we are going to be attacked? It won't be risk-free."

Most of the class motioned their heads in agreement with Harry's opinion but Umbridge was very fast to cut off any momentum. "Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class."

The room went completely quiet but there were a few students fuming at the ridiculousness of this woman standing in front of them. While the others, mostly all the students who in one way or another despise the rules that Hope has enforced upon the school as the Slytherin Protector.

Hope missed the next part of Umbridge laying down her curriculum until Harry spoke up again, the auburn haired girl nearly winced aloud as she saw that Harry didn't raise his hand. "And how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?"

The Tribrid couldn't help but smile at Harry's snarkiness. "There is nothing out there dear. Who do you imagine would attack children like yourself?"

Hope tried. She really did but she couldn't stop the snort at the implication drawing the attention of the woman who seemed to love the colour pink. "I'm sorry, Professor but you must be living under a rock or have subjective memory loss, considering that the Ministry accepts that Voldemort is back. I mean, I literally killed Gregori Rasputin over the holidays and not to mention something always happens to myself, Daph, Harry, Hermione or … Ronald at the end of a school year. I could actually set an alarm in May saying that someone or something is going to try and kill us."

"AnOtHEr DeTEntIOn Miss Mikaelson for talking out of turn!" Hope had thankfully cast a quick silent spell to muffle the sounds around her so the woman's wailing didn't destroy her hearing once again.

'I thought you were going to stay quiet?' Daphne poked at her lover through their telepathic bond.

Hope pursed her lips as she replied back. 'I couldn't help myself. She is such a bitch! Luna was 100% accurate in calling her "The Umbitch".'

Daphne was laughing heartily in Hope's head as she watched Umbridge return to the front of the room after leaning on Hope's table in an attempt to threaten her. Hope wasn't even slightly afraid of the magically weak woman, whose only power was to throw her standing within the Ministry around like a dull sword. The Tribrid could parry the blow but she was waiting for the perfect opportunity to do so and just like Hope, Umbridge had a very short fuse.

Eventually that fuse will set off a chain reaction but Hope and Daphne knew they had to wait until she made her mistake. Only then could they destroy her reputation and kick her out of the school.

Hope had told her Aunt to remain out of the picture otherwise the woman would focus her efforts into angering the 1,000 year old witch which would not bode well for anyone. Especially since Hope was the only defence this world had against someone of Freya's power.

Freya didn't have the mental stability that Hope had. Hope had Daphne to pull her back as well as the friends she has made in this universe. Keelin was in Freya's thoughts and heart but her wife's presence was sorely lacking thus making Hope Freya's last line of defence. Daphne was quickly filling a spot in the eldest Mikaelson's heart as she watched how her niece interacted with the gorgeous blonde witch with the icy exterior.

Freya was going to spend her time sitting in on lessons after the DADA classes to gather more information for Hope to use to take down Umbridge as she remained silent at the back of the classroom. Professor McGonnagall was the first to have a class directly after Umbridge's class with a 2nd year class.

The Transfiguration Professor was quick to realise that her class was awfully subdued as they walked into the room. The elderly woman looked at Heir Emrys with a concerned expression and Freya bit her lips and looked down in shame, writing a word in bold on a piece of parchment, 'UMBRIDGE' so the feline Professor was able to read the note.

The Head of Gryffindor House pressed her lips into a thin line as she nodded her head in understanding.

The Werewolf Queen made her way back to DADA after dinner with her arms crossed over her chest in anger, although the auburn haired girl wasn't alone. Harry had also been targeted by the heartless woman as she managed to catch him 'inappropriately touching' another student. Harry and Hermione were holding hands under the table.

Hermoine was left alone in this circumstance. Harry was pleased about this little happenstance as he walked side by side with the two seething Slytherin girls. Harry glanced over to Hope occasionally to gauge whether or not he should even consider speaking to her. The amount of magic pulsing out of his friend answered that query for him as he turned his gaze to the wall to avoid looking at Hope. He also looked at Daphne but could literally see the frost exerting from the blonde witch which made him realise that both girls were insatiably pissed.

The Tribrid entered the classroom without a care in the world followed immediately by Daphne as they knew the pink-clad woman was expecting them. Harry was the one to lead Hope and Daphne towards the back of the classroom where the Professor's office was located since he's been within its walls on two separate occasions and two different Professors. This detention will give Harry a trifecta.

"Come in Mr Potter. Miss Greengrass. Miss Mikaelson." The high-pitched Professor called out before the Gryffindor Golden Boy could knock on the door.

Harry looked back and furrowed his eyes in Daphne and Hope's direction but all they did was roll their blue eyes as Hope pushed the door open, strutting inside without a hint of fear in her body language. The Emrys girl was even confident enough to smirk in Umbridge's direction.

The Professor narrowed her gaze at Lady Emrys.

There were hissing noises coming from every corner of the room as the kittens and cats in the decorative plates on the walls hunched their backs with their fur standing ramrod straight in fear. Hope chuckled to herself quietly at the instinctual reaction from the cats. They must really not like dogs. Daphne smirked through their bond.

The Tribrid had moved in front of Harry for a moment as she went to sit down in front of the grouchy woman. As her body mostly covered Umbridge's view, Hope saw the disgusted look on Harry's face as he stared at the baby pink walls with dozens of decorative cat plates on the walls.

The raven haired Lord straightened quickly as he felt someone's eyes on him, quickly putting on a mask of indifference just in case the Undersecretary was the one looking at him. Thankfully it was only Hope but she did motion with her eyes for him to take a seat.

Once they were seated in front of her, Umbridge took a measured sip of her tea, watching them with a crucial eye as she tried to determine who would be the weakest link to target out of the three. The Half-Blood boy looked bored as he watched her take a drink whereas Hope rolled her eyes in annoyance as she crossed her leg over the other realising that she was in for the long game. Daphne looked positively bored but kept her Occlumency shields up.

The toad-like woman kept the teacup against her lips as she occasionally took a sip. Drawing out the tension as the students awaited for directions on what to do for detention. Not once in this time, did Hope uncross her arms as she stared down the pink-clad woman. The Emrys couple completely ignored all the hissing and loud meowing as the cats batted at the reflective surfaces in an attempt to hit the Werewolf in the room. Harry had begun to fidget as he grew frustrated at the woman who was wasting his time.

Umbridge somehow managed to make a cup of tea last 15 minutes even though she was taking a moderate size drink of her tea nearly once a minute. If Hope wasn't actively trying to hold back her homicidal thoughts she may have been impressed with how long Umbridge was able to stall them.

Hope followed the Undersecretary's movements as she placed the teacup down on another decorative plate of a cat, one that doesn't move or complain.

"I assume that you are all aware why you are here?" Umbridge politely started almost as if she thought that Daphne, Harry and Hope were stupid.

Hope blinked as she held back the response that she truly wanted to give which was something along the lines of 'Because we have girlfriends?'. But the Tribrid knew if she made that remark the pink-clad woman would just give her another detention for being inappropriate. Instead of speaking Hope simply nodded with narrowed eyes and a clenched jaw.

Daphne barely gave a movement of her head to show that she was listening however she almost cracked a smile when she heard Hope's snarky reply but she remained composed. Harry on the other hand opened his mouth to reply but as he saw Hope nod, he closed his mouth with a click of teeth before nodding as well.

Umbridge's nostrils flared in annoyance as none of the children rose to the obvious bait. "Good."

Harry had an uncomfortable look on his face as he glanced past the Professor's head to see that most of the cats in the plates were still going, drowning out the pink woman's words.

Hope rotated her wrist a few times as she entered her dorm after the second detention with Umbridge. Daphne was sitting on the edge of the bed as she grimaced at the loud noise of Hope's wrist cracking.

"Merlin, how many lines did she have you write?" The blonde asked with a disturbed look on her face.

The Tribrid looked up as she was focused on her right arm to see her wife and offered a sweet smile. "Would you be more or less impressed if I said she had me write more lines than what Ragnok would have me write in a month?"

"I think the correct phrase would be more pissed." Daphne grumbled back.

Hope tilted her head in agreement as she made her way over to her wife leaning down slightly to give her a kiss. Daphne moaned into the kiss as she reached up to cup Hope's neck, holding her in place.

"How did Flitwick react to my being in detention… again?" Hope questioned as she pushed the blonde back so she was laying down with Hope hovering over her.

Daphne laughed as she repositioned herself to get more comfortable. "To begin with he was shocked until I told him which Professor gave you the triple detention in one class. Then he just rolled his eyes and muttered something rather inventive in Gobbledegook."

"Ha! I think I love that Goblin." Hope chuckled as she lowered her head to press her head against the blonde's cold forehead.

Daphne rolled her eyes but pulled Hope down more fully onto herself. "Flitwick expects you for our next Duelling lesson on Thursday since we have Astronomy tomorrow night."

"Yay… Astronomy." Hope responded with sarcasm lacing her words before a sudden thought crossed her mind. "At least it will cut the detention with Umbridge in half." Hope mentioned with a pensive expression.

Daphne gave a smile with a quiet snicker. "Only just realised that did you?" Hope playfully narrowed her eyes at the chuckling blonde. "Oh, it's not so bad. We're able to sit with all our friends in Astronomy. Cheer up darling."

"Cheeky minx, although you do raise a fair point."

Daphne frowned. "What are you going to do about Nott? I doubt you want to sit next to that Death Eater in the making for the rest of the school year."

Hope scoffed. "Not even remotely…"

The Tribrid looked off to her right as her gaze fell on Alexandria chowing down on some fruits. The Thunderbird's head popped up as she felt her Familiar wanting to make a request of her. "Alexandria? Can you keep an eye on Nott for the next couple of weeks?" The bird whistled her understanding before quenching her thirst.

Hope turned back to the blonde underneath her. "I give him three weeks before he does something that either Freya or I can legitimately offer him an Honour Duel."

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "I give him a week. Max… How long are we going to have Umbitch as a Professor?"

"Well she didn't use Blood Quills this time around, probably because she knew that both Harry and I have come into contact with them due to our time as Heads of high ranking political Houses. And if she even attempted it on you… I don't think I would even have the opportunity to offer an Honour Duel because you would've frozen her and shattered her into a million little pieces. She's unfortunately being very careful."

"Great!! I really wanted her gone within the first week." Daphne complained in a groan.

Hope gave a long suffering sigh. "So did I."

As much as Hope wanted to file an official complaint about the clear prejudice against her, Hope didn't see the point as it would just give the pink-clad woman more ammunition to use against the Head of the Legendary House. Much to Umbridge's chagrin she wasn't able to gloat Hope, Harry or Daphne into reacting disobediently during class.

The couples separated for this specific class, Harry generally stuck with Hope before class while Daphne and Tracey moved to speak to Hermione and Neville. Parvati sometimes joined one of the groups before class started, although Lavender tried her best to pull the Indian girl away to join in the conversation with Dean, Sheamus and Ronald.

Hope went to her designated detentions as required so she could get back to her normal training schedule with Daphne and Flitwick after class. The one thing that Hope was grateful for was her Astronomy class cut her detention on Wednesday in half, allowing the Tribrid to suck in a thankful breath of freedom once she started her ascent up the large spiral staircase as she made her way to the top of the Astronomy Tower.

"Finally decided to join us, Miss Mikaelson?" Flitwick remarked in a teasing manner as he swished his wand at the door, closing it soundly for his first Duelling lesson with both of his students.

Daphne was the one to snap her fingers to erect the privacy ward while Freya lifted herself off the bench she was leaning on.

Hope groaned. "I know. I know. I said I was sorry after our first Charms class on Tuesday but let's face it. Nobody wants to poke that pink beast thus I'll comply with the detentions that would never have stuck if it was anyone else. I'm not in the mood to fight the Ministry while at school."

"My King is moments away from declaring war on the Wizengamot or more specifically the Light Faction and the Ministry Officials. Somehow the Dark Faction is no longer a considerable threat anymore." The Warrior Goblin announced as he motioned for the girls to start their rally of spells against each other.

"Dumbledore stirring up trouble?" Hope mentioned as she momentarily glanced towards the Charms Professor and her Aunt.

The dark blonde woman rolled her jade coloured eyes dramatically. "You have no idea. I've been keeping a close eye on him. He's having secret meetings and leaving the school regularly, probably going to Black's Fidelius hidden property in Islington."

Flitwick's eyes widened as he twisted roughly in his spot beside Freya to stare up at her in utter disbelief. "You know where a Fidelius property is located without being told the Secret??"

Freya gave the Goblin a quick glance that told Flitwick not to continue with this line of questioning as he gulped to face his students who had already worked their way up to volleying 8 stinging hexes back and forth almost as if they were playing an actual game of tennis.

There was a banging at the door which nearly distracted Hope as she could practically hear the shuffling of pink slippers scraping along the stone floor and the nasally clearing of her throat. Hope made an unpleasant noise in the back of her throat.

"I really hope that you have an excellent explanation ready to give Umbridge. She's not going to be happy at what we are doing here." Hope mentioned as she continued to reflect the spells back at Daphne.

Daphne grunted as she smashed the stinging hexes harder to increase the speed of the spells. "What is she even doing here?" Hope flinched at the first couple of faster spells but deflected them back at her using the same speed at which they were now being flung at her.

"Keep going. Flitwick and I will deal with her." Freya ordered them as she walked towards the door snapping her fingers to break Daphne's privacy ward causing the Slytherin Ice Queen to grunt at the feeling of her magic being dismantled.

"Well… That felt weird." Daphne muttered loud enough for Hope to hear.

Hope gave a quick smirk to her partner as she added in another 2 stinging hexes, bringing it up to a solid 10 spells.

Flitwick was the one to crack open the door and peer out but apparently the Undersecretary didn't believe in politeness as she magically shoved the door open, hitting the half Goblin in the nose with the door. The Warrior groaned at the force before reaching up to feel the line of blood dripping down his nose.


Hope and Daphne grimaced as they dropped to a crouch while covering their ears from the extraordinarily loud sound. The stinging hexes flew over their heads as the spells dissipated against the walls.

"Miss Umbridge, perhaps next time you could wait a few seconds until you have been invited in rather than forcing your way inside my classroom, especially during a Duelling class. My students would have easily been hurt or distracted by your appearance and instinctually wished to defend themselves by deflecting the spells they were volleying at the intruder." Flitwick growled at the woman who was seemingly ignoring him.

The Werewolf Queen rubbed at her sore ears, glaring at the ground before flicking her eyes up at Daphne for a moment. The blonde had a similar look on her face as they felt like their eardrums had exploded but they both managed to rise to their full height. Daphne was giving a frozen glare at the pink woman.

Freya moved directly in front of Umbridge's line of sight with a dispassionate look etched into her strong Viking features. The Undersecretary moved back a couple of steps at the immediate danger in front of her.

"Madam Umbridge, I suggest you lower your voice. With a screech like that you'll wake the dead and considering Hope, Daphne and I fought an undead army in June, we are completely aware that bringing the dead back to life is in fact possible." Freya mentioned as she looked down on her as she flared her power with a dangerous smile.

Umbridge attempted to straighten her posture under Heir Emrys' intense gaze and succeeded to a degree, the toad-like woman couldn't raise her eyes to meet Freya's face. "Miss- -"

"Heir Emrys. Madam Umbridge." Freya interrupted immediately, causing the woman's jaw to click shut. "I am not a student that you can order around and I will always have a higher standing than you. Thus you must use my title otherwise I will consider your behaviour disrespectful and challenge you to an Honour Duel. This is your only warning Madam Umbridge. Do it again and I will not hesitate to end you."

The Ministry employee looked like she wanted to shit her figurative pants as she curled into herself at the undeniable threat. Daphne and Flitwick watched with an extremely satisfied expression as Freya literally drilled Umbridge into the floor with only a few choice words. Hope was stuck somewhere between being utterly proud to be Freya's niece and annoyed that her Aunt was fighting her battles.

'She's not fighting your battles darling. That was a masterful display of knocking The Umbitch down a few dozen pegs by telling her that she is practically powerless against her in a Political match. This interaction was purely between Freya and Umbridge. It had nothing to do with you… Not really.' Daphne mentioned telepathically as she heard Hope pressing thoughts.

Hope thought about it for a moment before replying back to her wife. 'Oh… So does that mean that Freya will be the one to fight Umbridge afterall?'

The Tribrid felt it as the Ice Queen lit up at the imaginary battle. 'I'd pay to watch that.'

Hope turned to Daphne and shared a sadistic smile with her wife. 'So would I.'

The duelling pair stood side by side as they crossed their arms in annoyance at being disrupted and glared at the intruder.

"Right… Now that you have officially angered Heir Emrys and received a warning, what was the reason you came bursting into my Duelling class, screaming at one of my students?" Flitwick stated with a roll of his eyes.

Umbridge gave a small shiver before dragging her eyes away from the Immortal woman in front of her but still kept Freya in the corner of her eye as she turned to the Half Goblin. She wanted to sneer at the Halfbreed but under the intense gaze of the Emrys family who have a standing alliance with the Goblin Nation made the new DADA Professor reconsider her options.

"Miss Mikaelson is supposed to be in detention with me. I'm here to collect her." Umbridge attempted to demand but kept giving cautious side glances to Heir Emrys as she spoke, afraid that Freya would eviscerate her or something just as terrible.

Hope made a face at the words but didn't respond to her as she might use the opportunity to give out another detention for talking back. Daphne's face was completely blank but the auburn haired girl could feel her wife seething on the inside.

The Head of Ravenclaw sighed in frustration as he turned to Hope. "Miss Mikaelson? How many detentions did you receive and how did you obtain them?"

Hope looked directly at Flitwick as she answered honestly. "Daphne and I were given detention prior to class since we were 'fraternising', Daphne had kissed my cheek. Daphne had argued that we were never informed of this rule but accepted it at the time, however Daph had mentioned that the Professor had magically pushed her away from me. Normally if this was anyone else we would've offered an Honour Duel."

"My second detention came before class as well. I had flashed my Werewolf eyes as my anger had gotten the better of me. I managed to reverse this within 5 seconds. But it was long enough for someone to inform the Professor and I got another detention."

Hope continued her recount as stoically as she could while Umbridge's face went red. "The third was for not raising my hand to speak although I did contradict her. Stating that we needed to learn to defend ourselves from the threats in the world like Rasputin and Voldemort."

"WE DO NOT SAY HIS NAME!!!" The pink woman shrieked.

Everyone winced at the noise but Freya had silenced her with a flick of her wrist. "God! Could you not screech your head off everytime you speak?" The Immortal woman mentioned as she rubbed at her ears as the toad-faced woman grasped at her face as she tried to feel for her mouth in frantic motions.

"Professor Umbridge, please remain civil and I'll ask Heir Emrys to remove her spell." Freya gave Flitwick a look of disbelief but the half Goblin continued, "Are you able to do that?"

Umbridge was practically as red as a ripe tomato as she seemingly kept trying to yell through Freya's spell.

Flitwick sighed. "I'll take that as a no."

"In that case, you may as well just leave. Hope has attended the 3 detentions that you have issued her and Daphne has endured her single detention as well. Hope and Daphne have kept me well informed about their detentions as my Duelling classes are held after dinner. This is my class and you can not give out detentions during my classes." Flitwick informed her.

"I will remove my spell once you are 50 feet away from this location." Freya told the pink woman before stalking forward towards her.

Umbridge backed up in fear as she pulled out her wand, pointing it at Freya. The Ancient witch raised an eyebrow and smirked as she continued to usher the other woman out of the room. Flitwick, Daphne and Hope held a baited breath as they waited to see if Umbridge would actually fire a spell at Freya.

Unfortunately for the two Slytherin students Umbridge backed out of the room in fear. Freya magically slammed the door in the woman's mouthless face and erected her own powerful ward around the room as she rolled her jade coloured eyes.

"Damn… I really wish she followed through with attacking me." Freya scowled.

"Me too." Hope, Daphne and Professor Flitwick all remarked with a hint of disappointment in their voices.

There was a banging on the door, more than likely Umbridge was firing some weakened spells against the warded door. The spells were much weaker than normal since the Undersecretary wasn't able to use her mouth to put the necessary power behind her magic. The pink-clad woman was not well versed in silent spell-casting unlike the people who were still inside the classroom.

The Duelling Professor cleared his throat. "Back to training you two. We can't keep having interruptions stop the two of you from learning more duelling techniques."

Hope gave the Warrior Goblin a look causing the half Goblin Professor to sigh. "Miss Mikaelson. Never assume that you know everything, ever. The day that you believe that you are truly unkillable is the day when someone will take advantage of your arrogance and use it against you. Whether they find a way to defeat you albeit temporarily or permanently, they could alternatively go after your wife to get to you."

The Tribrid growled at the mere mention of a proverbial threat going after her Mate. Daphne placed a hand on the back of Hope's neck, playing with the fine hairs there. The growling lessened at the feeling of Daphne's cold hand touching her, providing Hope's wolf the comfort and stability of having her other half in close proximity.

"Little one, I know that you are fully aware that Flitwick is only stating the facts like a concerned friend would and I completely agree with him. Our arrogance is generally what led to our family's downfall, time and time again for thousands of years. Take his advice to heart. There is always more to learn." Freya inputted from her spot in front of the rattling door.

Hope took a steadying breath as she allowed her wolfish features to revert back into her natural state. "You're both right. I'm sorry."

Flitwick simply nodded his head in understanding as Hope moved to the other end of the classroom. Daphne followed her wife's actions and made her way to the opposite side of the room to begin their volleying again.

Umbridge was rather pissed the following day when she informed Hope and Daphne that they both would be serving detention for the next month for their actions last night but was intercepted by 3 out of the 4 Heads of Houses. Professors Sprout, Flitwick and McGonnagall surprisingly came to the aid of Lady Emrys before Freya could even stand up to protect her niece.

The Deputy Headmistress practically scolded the newest member of the Hogwarts faculty with her disappointing stern-like stare and condescending tone as she explained the rules listed in Hogwarts: A History. Hope had almost choked as she threw a hand over her mouth to refrain from laughing.

The rest of the students around Hope and Daphne's spot at the Hufflepuff table had wide eyes at the interaction between the 4 Professors. Harry subtly managed to get Hope's attention as he pointed out that Snape and Dumbledore were making their way down the aisle.

Hope groaned dramatically as she allowed her head to fall onto the table with a loud thud. Daphne pursed her lips as she patted Hope on the back a few times as she could feel her wife's frustration. The blonde witch didn't even need to use her bond to know that her wife was beyond done with this day already and it hasn't even gotten to the first period of the day.

The 5 Professors and the Headmaster were arguing about the detentions that Umbridge wished to give the two Slytherin girls for the remainder of breakfast. It was 3 against 3 and it looked as though Dumbledore, Snape and Umbridge were going to win as Dumbledore was practically rewriting the rules to fit his own agendas.

Removing Hope and Daphne from their Duelling classes would ensure that the girls didn't get any stronger. The Leader of the Light was very concerned about the Emrys family gaining even more power.

Watching Miss Mikaelson fight Fenrir Greyback without magic made the pristine Headmaster realise that this girl was remarkably powerful but completely uncontrollable. She needed to be 'put down' as quickly as possible and ever since the effects of the curse on the Gaunt ring covered his hand Dumbledore has been feeling sluggish. He needed to take out the members of the Emrys House quickly for the 'Greater Good'.

Freya had made her silent appearance during the argument and clenched her fist tightly as she overheard Umbridge's excuse to give the only members of her family detentions. Something along the lines of 'Disrespecting her Professors as Hope and Daphne blatantly ignored a previous summons for a detention last night' to 'Constantly and consistently disrupting her class'.

All the 5th year students on the Hufflepuff table shared an absolutely baffled expression with each other at that last excuse. Hope and Daphne now remain utterly and completely silent during DADA classes after that first lesson. Only answering with head gestures or sometimes a one word answer. Professors Sprout, Flitwick and McGonnagall has noticed the confused looks on their students faces before asking a 5th year Hufflepuff who was not in Hope's inner circle for a bit of insight.

To Hope, it was more impressive that all the students were able to leave the Great Hall and head to their classes only to realise that the students who had one of the core subjects: Charms, Transfiguration, Potions, DADA and Herbology, didn't actually have a teacher for almost half of the period.

The 5th year Gryffindors were ecstatic since this cut a Potions class in half, meaning that they couldn't brew any potions in the timeframe remaining. Hope's satisfaction came from knowing that she only had 3 hours of each core subject a week and this Potions class for this week practically became a free period.

In the end McGonnagall informed Hope and Daphne that they didn't have a months worth of detentions with Professor Umbridge. Apparently Freya played peacekeeper between the two sides… Hope's eyebrows rose nearly to her hairline at the Deputy Headmistress's reflection of the previous couple of hours.

The icy-eyed Slytherin couldn't stop the snort of disbelief. "If you say so Professor. Freya totally didn't reprimand everyone before threatening the Headmaster and the Undersecretary with Honour Duels. Whereas Snape on the other hand is stubbornly wise enough not to open his mouth in the presence of Hope's aunt. He just wishes that his presence provided as much intimidation as anyone one from the Emrys couple."

Hope smirked at Daphne as she turned to her wife with a playful expression on her face. "You enjoy being included in the short list that people are now afraid of upon sight aren't you?"

The look Daphne gave Hope said everything that needed to be said as the elderly woman blinked between the two Slytherin girls before backing away subtly as she made her way to teach the class.

Harry rolled his eyes from his spot beside the Slytherin couple. "First, get a room ideally very, very far away from Umbridge. Second, why don't I have the same effect on Snape like you three do?"

"Magical power can be much more dangerous than Political power. We have both at significant levels. You have both as well but you don't have the knowledge yet to utilise it to its fullest potential." Hope replied as respectfully as she could.

On Saturday Hope returned to the Great Hall with an entourage as her friends helped Lady Emrys carry in the shrunken packages filled with books and equipment. They arrived about 30 minutes before Hope's tutoring club was about to begin.

Daphne coordinated with their friends as Hope shuffled everything around in the Great Hall before conjuring some tables for each subject to be set up.

Nicolas managed to differentiate between the Weasley twins as he looked directly at George and motioned for him to come over to help set up for Potions. Nic had set up a compartment close by which held any and all ingredients necessary to brew just about any Potion that was known to Wizard-kind.

Nelle settled down behind her husband as she perched herself on the top stand of a stadium-like seating arrangement. This was so she could keep an eagle eye open for any possible injuries. The ancient Healer was eager to try out her long distance healing charms ever since learning that it was a possibility thanks mainly to Hope. Her daughter was able to heal Fleur and Gabrielle at the Quidditch World Cup, she was able to heal a Dragon for Merlin's sake! But Nelle never had the chance to try to heal someone from a distance since everyone who came to her recently was under the effects of the Slytherin Wardstone.

The Potions area was located at the end of the Great Hall, as close as they could to the window as Nic created a ventilation wind tunnel above the cauldrons, removing any hazardous fumes before they could cause any respiratory issues. Nic was appalled when he noted the Potions classroom was in the Dungeons without any form of ventilation.

When he spoke to Hope about this last year the Tribrid told him that she would perform an air-cleansing charm subconsciously any time she entered or passed the Potions classroom. Which thankfully for everyone, since she was in Slytherin this happened 2-3 times a day. On her way back from her morning run, after class if she had Potions that day and after Duelling or Astronomy class.

Hope only shrugged as she forgot that she did this subconsciously for the last 4 years. The smells were absolutely nauseating for her Werewolf side. Even focusing on Daphne's chilly scent didn't completely block out all the toxic fumes that were accumulated from dozens of years. There could've been fumes that were stained into the stone walls from when Tom Riddle was a student from over 50 years ago.

All the other subjects were placed around the outer edges of the Great Hall. From the Hufflepuff side of the Great Hall there was Herbology, Astronomy, Transfiguration and Ancient Runes. Along the back wall was Muggle Studies and Arthimancy. The Slytherin side from the entry down was History of Magic, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures and Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Hope placed spell resistant barriers along the middle of the Great Hall so the students could practise their spells without fear of accidentally hitting someone working at the tutoring stations or someone casting spells in another subject. Hope split the Great Hall into 4 sections along the wide area in the middle into Charms at the entryway then Transfiguration, the next was the DADA area and Potions was at the end since they needed more room than all the other classes combined.

"Not bad little one." Freya mentioned from behind Hope. "I like how you placed a practical subject in between the theoretical lessons." Hope smiled at Freya's praise. "I've got to go. I'll be taking the birds with me. I'll be back soon. Tell me how this goes! I want to hear all about it."

"Umbridge or Dumbledore better not fuck this up for you little one. If they do, I'll melt their brains." Freya muttered in Norwegien with a murderous look in her jade coloured eyes.

Hope chuckled at Freya's threat. "Thanks Auntie Freya. Good hunting."

Freya smirked as Myrddin flew down in a flaming arc as he pulled off a miraculous flame-travel in front of all of Hope's friends who were staring at the spot where Heir Emrys disappeared from.

"Wicked!" Fred and George called out in awe from near opposite ends of the Great Hall.

Hope turned to the large door and froze as she saw hundreds of small children watching with large eyes, pure amazement was plastered on their faces as they watched Hope perform silent and wandless magic as she set up the Great Hall. Upon Freya's remarkable teleportation they all aww'ed in utter fascination.

Unconsciously a smile started to spread across Hope's face. Watching all the younger students looked on in wonderment and intrigue. This is what magic school should look like.

"Come on in everyone. Basically head to any of the tables that you need some help in and if you raise your hand someone will come to help you with your query. Otherwise just use this area as a study period to catch up with some homework. Daphne and I will mostly keep an eye out on the practical lessons and charms being cast in the middle of the room. But as mentioned, if you need help just raise your hand." Hope welcomed them inside as she explained what they should do and how this process works for those who have never been tutored before.

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