A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 63: chapter 63

Even though Hope, Daphne and Freya had successfully fulfilled the requirements for an Honour Duel to the death for their 3 opponents; Dumbledore, Umbridge and Snape. There was an uproar of allegations that the Ministry wished to charge the Emrys family with malicious and premeditated murder.

The young couple had done what they could do to control the narrative and provide the truth of what actually occurred on Sunday. Hope and Daphne met up with the King of the Goblins after the Tribrid had healed up from her tedious Duel against the former Hogwarts Headmaster. The part-Vampire had also taken a quick nibble on Daphne, licking the small droplet of blood from the corner of her lips as the couple was escorted through Gringotts.

Word travels fast across the magical community. The Goblin King greeted the pair with a small round of applause and a toothy grin stretched across his leathery face. The experienced Warrior congratulated each of the girls on their separate Honour Duels and to pass along his congratulations to Freya as he moved to his desk.

Ragnok had his hands clasped in front of him, his calloused fingers were interlocked although his right pointer finger tapped nervously on his other hand as the Emrys couple relayed their story to their trusted advisor. The Goblin's facial features were stuck between a cross of deep thought, annoyance and exasperation.

"Why do you two love making my life complicated?" Ragnok groaned in his native language as he pressed his forehead against his hands.

Daphne has the decency to look sheepish and regretful as she broke eye contact with the frustrated Goblin, finding a small crack in the marble wall immensely more interesting than the berating the Goblin King would be well within his right to enact.

Hope could only give a defeated looking shrug as she continued to speak in Gobbledegook in Ragnok's presence. "I've been asking myself that same question since my conception. I'm just happy that I've got people I can trust to share my problems with."

Ragnok unthreaded his fingers from their previous placement so they could rest flat on the table and sighed. "Great… Now I feel like a jerk. Thanks for that Hope."

The Tribrid clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. "Sorry about that. I have a terrible habit of spurting out dark or dry humour whenever I feel attacked."

The Goblin King let out a soft chuff of laughter. "Surprisingly that is something that I had picked up during your training sessions with my Warriors."

Hope pursed her lips together with a displeased look on her face. "I'll have to work on that."

The Goblin King groaned loudly when he heard about Ms Skeeter's part in the Daphne vs Umbridge Duel and jokingly announced that he wanted to resign from being their advisor. This just added on another layer of annoyance and legal ramifications that the Emrys family would now have to deal with.

Hope and Daphne frowned as they looked at Ragnok in confusion. Their Duels were sanctioned by magic itself and 2 out of the 3 were in public as Dumbledore had announced the legislations for the Honour Duel between himself and Hope.

The former Chief Warlock declared that the Honour Duel was in fact to the death. Meaning that either Dumbledore or Hope had to die during the Duel otherwise the Duelling ward would remain active until one of them died. There are no alternatives available to end an Honour Duel other than the agreed upon stipulations made prior to the start of the Duel.

Between the Light Faction and the Minister of Magic, Ragnok informed the couple that these two groups would be taking action against the Emrys family. Dumbledore hasn't even been dead for 1 hour yet and somehow the Goblin King was already aware of what the wizarding politics were focused on.

Hope and Daphne simply sighed as they procured a vial in their hand and summoned their wands as they pulled a copy of their memory to deposit into the container for Ragnok to most likely share with the Head of the DMLE.

The blonde witch shivered suddenly at the dangerous sensation as she felt while moving to place her own Pine wand back into its holster. Daphne pulled out the other wand that she had safely hidden there so she would accidentally lose it. Daphne held the White Oak wand to Hope as the Tribrid blinked in consideration as she lifted the wand she currently had in her hand.

The Elder wand.

Right… Hope had taken the Death Stick from Dumbledore right before she had killed him. Hope regarded the wand in great scrutiny. Should she keep the wand or destroy it?

Harry had broken the wand in half rather than using it after he defeated Voldemort. The world didn't end. Death didn't appear to take his life.

Hope honestly didn't need this wand. The Elder wand wasn't made specially for the Tribrid like her own White Oak wand which Hope was connected much more strongly with the Mikaelson witch. The Death Stick was, in terms, weaker in Hope's grasp. Ragnok stared at the fabled wand that was only heard about in stories as he looked up to see what thoughts were going through her head.

The auburn haired girl levelled out the wand in front of her and brought her other hand up to grasp the wand in her both hands. Hope admired the wand for a few moments before simply snapping the wand in half and setting both pieces ablaze.

"Let's see how Voldy fares against us now that he doesn't have access to the Elder wand anymore." Hope said as she allowed the ash to fall from between the cracks of her fingers.

Ragnok's beady eyes widened as he watched the Head of the Emrys family destroy a priceless artefact. One that Death herself was supposedly responsible for creating over a thousand years ago for the three Peverell brothers.

"I guess we're going to find out." The Goblin King mentioned in apprehension.

"Speaking of Voldemort and his Death Eaters." This gathered Hope and Daphne's immediate attention. "I've heard some rumours that have been spreading around that Voldemort is celebrating the death of one of the few people that he once feared. Although from the expressions I've seen on some of the former Death Eaters' faces, like Lucius Malfoy for example, that appeared more concerned that you had killed Dumbledore so publically. Like you truly don't care what anyone thinks because you are above the law, using your Legendary House status to get away with murder."


"But it was an Honour Duel?? We are literally allowed to challenge people to Duels if someone has wronged us." Hope responded factually although in a slightly confused tone.

Daphne made a small face. "Yeah… But the Wizarding World hasn't been operating on Honour Duels to settle disputes since the Salem Witch Trials. So re-introducing Duels back into society will create some controversy."

Ragnok snapped his fingers and pointed at Daphne. "Exactly! There is an excellent chance that the Ministry will take each of you to court for these Duels."

"See this is why I hate politics. Law says that we are legally allowed to do this. But when something doesn't fall within the governments favour they moan and bitch about it until they vote to change thousand year old laws to fit their needs. It's ridiculous!" Hope complained in a frustrated groan as she threw her hands up in annoyance.

Daphne and Ragnok pursed their lips as they couldn't actually deny Hope's claim since it was true, so the blonde witch and Goblin King shared a look of raised eyebrows to each other. Both of them were trying to motion the other into talking to the Tribrid, to explain that their actions still come with repercussions that they must face.

Before either occupants in the room could speak, Hope let out a long drawn out sigh as she lowered her head down into her hand. The Tribrid was slowly accepting her fate that she will always be stuck in such pointless drama in any universe she is in.

"Whatever." Hope announced bitterly and defeated as she looked over to Ragnok. "What do you need from us to fast track this process and keep us out of the limelight? I know we still have to make appearances. But I'm hoping that with us being students, our education will take precedence over… whatever the Ministry will escalate this situation out to be."

Daphne let out a quiet chuckle at her wife's unrealistic optimism as she glanced over to the King of the Goblins with an amused look on her face. Ragnok gave a loud guttural snort that drowned out the blonde witch's sound. Hope rolled her eyes at the other two in the room.

"Very funny guys." The Queen of the Werewolves sarcastically remarked. "At least I'm not the one who killed the Umbitch in front of a reporter and let said reporter escape. That's going to bite you in the ass, love."

The Greengrass Heiress groaned as Ragnok's amused expression turned dark as he narrowed his stormy eyes on the blonde witch. "Which reporter?"

"Rita Skeeter…" Daphne slowly answered, now realising that Skeeter is possibly the worst person to have witnessed her Duel against Umbridge. The Minister will use the salacious reporters' writing as absolute fact without giving the Emrys family a chance to give their side to the story.

Ragnok had practically demanded that the Emrys Consort sit down and give an extraordinarily detailed report, about exactly what happened from beginning to end without leaving out a single letter or action that Daphne had made.

Daphne recounted her story with a disassociated tone. Hope listened with pride as the Tribrid finally learned just how well Daphne was able to defend herself without any backup from either of the Mikaelsons, the Flamels, Myrddin or Alexandria. Daphne fought like she was a queen, protecting her family from anyone willing to cause them harm.

King Ragnok was rather impressed at how well the Greengrass Heiress could handle herself in a fight to the death. He thought that the young girl would possibly break down after taking her first life. The experienced Warrior was fully aware that Daphne was certainly capable of killing someone, but the circumstances would have to be extreme for the blonde witch to take a life.

The Goblin King knew that Hope was used to violence and death from both of the universes she has been depended upon. Being thrusted head first into a role of protector and saviour for the supernatural and magical worlds. From Hope's own account, her biological family have been responsible for some of the most atrocious acts of violence.

The supernatural community have ever seen and to this day blame the Mikaelsons, including Hope, even though she hadn't even been born when any of these events had taken place. But by being born a Mikaelson, Hope inherited all of her family's extensive list of enemies.

Because of this reason, the youngest Mikaelson was hesitant in returning to her own universe. Afraid that all her enemies will target Daphne in order to hurt the Tribrid, Klaus Mikaelson's abomination of a daughter. This thought majorly concerned and angered Hope, making the auburn haired woman want to follow down her father's path of death and destruction to ensure her wife's survival and safety.

Hope was not worried about dirting her hands with the blood of her enemies. It's how Hope was raised, under the severe protection of family and how Always and Forever meant protecting the ones that you love.

Ragnok watched the couple leave after he told the pair to leave a copy of their memory from the start of when the Undersecretary casted a spell at Astoria, all the way to the moment Hope was given the counter curse for the flesh eating spell Dumbledore managed to get Lady Emrys with. Hope and Daphne complied as they left a vial of their memory on Ragnok's desk along with a written report done under oath of magic and blood.

The written oath was immensely powerful and old. Something that was incredibly hard to dispute or fight against as the oath combined with blood and magic of the person giving the oath. If any part was untruthful, magic itself would take action against the person who wrote the report.

The Goblin King had the couple write the oath under the gaze of 3 Goblins, a Vampire who was depositing some money into their vault and a Light Faction family that wasn't aligned with Hope or Dumbledore. Providing an unbiased witness as Ragnok had requested that after these people watched Hope and Daphne cut their palms to supply the ink they would be using to write on the parchment.

The Emrys Proxy was doing everything in his power to handle whatever the Ministry will throw at the Legendary House in the coming weeks, while wanting to keep Hope and Daphne out of the Ministry's crosshairs as much as he could.

Ragnok looked over the documents that the Emrys couple had written and signed over the past 2 hours and groaned in exasperation.

"How does Hope always manage to make my life more frustratingly difficult?" The Goblin King mumbled to himself followed by some interesting swears in his native language.

Unfortunately this wasn't the end of all the legal ramifications Hope and Daphne had to undertake… well mostly Hope in this instance. Being the Slytherin Protector also allowed the auburn haired girl to attend a school meeting.

Professor McGonnagall was leading the discussion as she confidently took on the role of the new Headmistress of Hogwarts. The Professors table looked rather bare as 3 faculty members were now dead and the Hogwarts Groundskeeper. Hagrid was still out of the country as he was completing a task that Dumbledore had sent the half-Giant on for the Order.

Hope was standing with her back against the far wall, arms crossed in front of her as she observed the Professors mourn for the loss of their employer and colleagues, even if they didn't particularly get along with Snape or Umbridge. Some of the faculty members were still sour with Albus for poisoning them with loyalty potions for years without their consent.

Surprisingly enough, much to Hope's shock. No one held any malice towards the Slytherin Protector for killing Dumbledore. Some of the Professors even thanked Hope on her arrival and to pass along their thanks to Daphne and Freya as well.

This meeting lasted for nearly another 2 hours, dragging the day out to nearly 5pm as Hope's stomach grumbles in hunger. The Tribrid hasn't had the opportunity to take a bite to eat since breakfast because of all the running around Hope has been doing.

Headmistress McGonnagall decided with her facilities opinions taken to heart. This was something that one of the Professors pointed out in amazement, that they were actually being heard instead of ignored like Dumbledore always seemed to do in this situation. Cut them off and make his own decisions, sometimes even ignoring Snape.

Dumbledore had to have everything under his watchful gaze and control. He always liked to have the final say and every chess piece from both black and white side ready to manipulate within a moment's notice.

In the end, the faculty decided that the students needed time to grieve, at which they gave a quick little glance at Hope. The auburn haired girl looked up as the room became remarkably silent. The Slytherin Protector shrugged at the board admitting that they were right. The school needed to grieve. Hope wasn't going to argue against this.

McGonnagall suggested that the school take a week off. One, to give the students, actually everyone a chance to mourn over the loss of their Headmaster and provide a wake in memoriam for a Wizard who fought bravely in the First Wizarding War which gave him an Order of Merlin; First Class. And two, it would give the new Headmistress some time to find some new Professors for Potions, Defence Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration since they were either promoted or dead.

Hope gave her first opinion for this meeting as she boredly suggested that they could use a former Professor to teach Potions like Horace Slughorn. The Hogwarts Professors blinked at the sudden interruption from the surprisingly quiet auburn haired student. The faculty members went silent as they thought about the Slytherin girl's suggestion, murmuring between themselves once they had time to consider Hope's suggestion. Some of the Professors nodded along.

The new Headmistress clasped her hands in front of her as she looked over to Hope with an inquisitive expression plastered on her normally stern features, wondering who else they could ask to fill in for a small period for DADA and Transfiguration.

Hope let out a dismissive scoff at the first person who came to mind and immediately told them that her aunt would not teach the students of Hogwarts. Not with the way Freya has been treated by most of the older students. The Professors gave little side glances and released a grateful sigh while Filius Flitwick and Bathsheda Babbling rolled their eyes with a small smirk.

The Professors have always had a mixed opinion about the Emrys family, especially whenever Hope or Freya would throw the weight of their status around. Both Lady and Heir Emrys have basically stopped all forms of bullying over the past year.

Hope with Daphne's help had seamlessly managed to bring all years and houses together working nearly harmoniously except for a few rare cases like a few of the older Slytherin and Ravenclaw students, Draco Malfoy and his 3 friends; Crabbe, Goyle and Nott as well as Ronald and Ginerva Weasley.

On the other hand, the Emrys family were literally capable of tearing down the magical community if they truly wanted to. Let's face it, the Mikaelsons have practically managed to pull this off at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The entire Emrys family had problems with the former Headmaster, Undersecretary and Potions Professor which have all been killed by members of the Legendary House. Forcing the school to replace these faculty members and if for some reason, Hope, Daphne or Freya didn't approve of the new Professors they could rinse and repeat until they got the people they liked.

After a few minutes of excessive consideration, Hope made a few other suggestions starting with Sirius Black. The Tribrid heard the moan of despair from the new Headmistress as McGonnagall recalled all the trouble her little lions always managed to find themselves in. Hope gave the Head of Gryffindor House a small smirk of thinly veiled amusement at her reaction but McGonnagall didn't dismiss Hope's suggestion just yet as the Headmistress knew that Sirius Black was well adverse in both DADA and Transfiguration.

The Slytherin Protector also made a cautious suggestion. The Professors could tell that Hope didn't entirely agree with the choice as she said the name Alastor Moody, the real one even though the man was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Other than those ideas Hope didn't have a lot of knowledge about who was formidable with their knowledge in Defence Against the Dark Arts or Transfiguration. The other option the school had was to extend the offer out to any parents or guardians with some spare time on their hands and were good with children.

Eventually Hope grew tired of waiting for the Hogwarts staff to come to a decision so the Tribrid bid her goodbyes as she left the Professors to make their choice without Lady Emrys peering over their shoulders. The Werewolf Queen could hear the Professors contemplating Hope's choices before Madam Hooch growled, frustrated that they were listening to the options of a child.

Hope rolled her eyes and sighed in annoyance before the sounds of Flitwick, Babbling, Pomfrey, Sinistra, Vector, Sprout and McGonnagall shushing the Quidditch and Flying instructor. The Headmistress groaned as she mentioned that Hope could still hear them with her Werewolf hearing.

Half of the Professors turned to Minerva as Professor Burbage asked, "Really?"

Only Filius, Bathsheda and Pomona looked unsurprised at McGonnagall's admission. Whereas Hope shouted back up the spiral staircase, projecting her voice so the people from the Headmistress's office could hear her. "Yes!"

The Tribrid could picture the Professors flinching at her reply and a tiny smirk appeared on Hope's face at the thought.

The next week passed rather slowly in the Tribrid's honest opinion. The students of Hogwarts were obviously grieving over the loss of their Headmaster. Dumbledore wasn't always around for each and every student but he was respected and revered by basically everyone due to his actions against Gellert Grindelwald.

Hope decided to keep her mouth shut about the relationship between the two men to herself as Dumbledore had to make the hard choice, one that Hope herself isn't sure that she would be able to make, to betray his lover for the 'Greater Good' of the world.

Besides this relationship between Albus and Gellert was so far in the past, that all this information would provide to society is that Albus Dumbledore was gay.

In comparison to Hope and Daphne's relationship, Dumbledore's love affair with Grindelwald doesn't even come anywhere close to breaking the metaphorical rules laid down by the first Wizengamot. Gellert and Albus were both members of Ancient Houses so it wasn't as convoluted as it was for the Emrys couple.

As annoying as it sounds Hope and Daphne's relationship was still talked about amongst the Wizengamot and public as most of the Pureblood families were disgusted by the very idea that two girls from very prestigious families were dishonouring the wizarding community. Mostly due to the fact that neither of these women were taking a husband to continue the family lines.

Hope and Daphne could only shake their heads as they expressed one of the biggest death stares in history. Whenever someone had the gall to mention to them that they were despicable and disrespectful that person's mouth would generally disappear for upto a week and Freya would follow up with her own little prank which the Viking witch would not tell either Hope or Daphne what she did to the offender that has the older woman laughing her ass off.

Rita Skeeter… Did exactly what Hope, Daphne and Ragnok expected her to do and the Minister of Magic ate it up as he issued an emergency Wizengamot meeting while trying his absolute hardest not to inform Hope, Daphne or anyone else who had ties to the Legendary family. Madam Bones quickly put an end to that as she stared at Minister Fudge with an incredulous expression as she plainly informed the Minister of a small problem to his 'plan'. That by telling the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement that he didn't want someone from the Emrys family at an emergency Wizengamot session, he would be breaking the law. Add that to the obvious notion that he was attempting to do this right in front of the tall woman's face. Fudge paled before walking off in a huff causing the Regent of the Most Ancient and Noble House Bones to shake her head in soft exasperation mainly wondering why she works with these idiots on a daily basis.

King Ragnok showed up in place of Hope or Freya as he cheerfully provided the documentation of the written oaths that had the Pureblood families gasping in shock and disbelief. Fudge was red in the face, fuming as he was trying to do everything in his power to discredit the oaths, but it was proving to be impossible. The Emrys family knew how to cover their asses, there were neutral-based witnesses who watched Hope and Daphne write these oaths with a Blood Quill at Gringotts in Diagon Alley.

The Goblin King watched in utter amusement as the Minister of Magic looked like he was going to pass out as the vein in his forehead looked ready to burst. Fudge may as well have thrown all his paperwork at his new appointed Undersecretary, Percy Weasley. Ragnok took notes that he wrote down in Gobbledegook to share with Hope later.

Ms Skeeter also looked flustered and also quite frayed. The reporter's 6-month stay in Azkaban really took its toll on the young woman. After the events that took place during the First Task, being outed as an unregistered Animagus. The blonde woman held a lot of hatred for Hope Mikaelson and Luna Lovegood for destroying her career.

By using her Animagus form to spy on the Emrys family, waiting patiently, although not for very long as she was only watching from when the school year started since no one seemingly knew where the Flamels or Mikaelsons lived. Waiting for the most opportunistic time to strike against the Legendary family.

Daphne was laying down on Hope's bed on her back as she stretched her arms above her head, fingers linked behind her blonde locks. The Slytherin Ice Queen took some measured breaths in an attempt to keep her breathing steady as she tried to alleviate her stressful headache accumulated from over the past two weeks.

Hope was finishing off the painting she was working on right before everything went to hell. The youngest Mikaelson realised when she came back to this portrait today that the painting was remarkably familiar. It was a cityscape in a dark red and blue background. The city looked to be bathed in a layer of blood off to the right side of the picture. The sky depicted on the left hand side had a massive full moon over the clear midnight dark blue sky.

The Tribrid smiled softly at the newly made oil painting, nearly an exact replica of a portrait that her father had painted on the days leading up to Hope's birth. According to Aunt Rebekah, Hayley used to just stare at the painting with a gentle hand over her swollen belly.

Hope found herself looking up to this portrait in awe as a child. She used to sit underneath the painting, gazing up at it longingly as she felt a strong attachment to the cityscape.

Hope mechanically cleaned her brushes as her attention remained on the painting, absently zoning out as she completed the repetitive and mindless task. Daphne's groan snapped Hope out of her stupor as she turned to face her wife laying on the bed. The blonde looked pained as she rubbed at her temples.

"Are you alright love?" Hope called out softly as not to frighten Daphne with a loud noise.

Daphne opened her icy eyes as she moved her chin down against her chest as she looked over to Hope, eyes catching the dark painting behind her wife. "That's a little gloomy isn't it?"

Hope shrugged slightly. "Maybe a little but it's meaningful to me. My dad painted something similar to this during my mum's last trimester with me."

The blonde witch took another long glance at the painting Hope had subconsciously copied and was hit with a sense of foreboding as Daphne observed the cityscape. A full moon in the sky, a city that looks like New Orleans and a blood-red sky. Symbols of Hope's Tribrid nature; Wolf, Witch, Vampire.

"Why does this painting remind me of you?" Daphne randomly blurted out.

"I don't know… I always thought that it was my imagination. The painting referencing me or what I could become, but I was never brave enough to ask my dad what the meaning behind this painting was." Hope replied as she glanced back to her newest artwork.

Daphne hummed. "To answer your previous question, I'll be okay. It's just been a busy couple of weeks." The blonde woman mentioned as Hope turned back to face her. "I'm grateful that King Ragnok has taken some of the pressure off our shoulders."

"That was awfully kind of him to do." Hope added with a small smile aimed in Daphne's direction.

Hope stalked towards the bed as Daphne narrowed her ice-blue orbs at her wife's approach. The Tribrid crawled onto the bed starting down near Daphne's feet and working her way up in a seductive manner.

"Hope?" Daphne warned.

"I know." Hope stated with a soft voice full of sincerity. "Trust me, okay? I'm not going to take this any further than what you want Daph." The auburn haired girl muttered as she lowered herself between Daphne's legs, her chin resting on Daphne's inner thigh as she kept complete eye contact with those ice coloured orbs Hope loved.

The auburn haired girl had unbuttoned the bottom 3 buttons on Daphne's school shirt before parting the pieces of clothing to the side so Hope had full access to the blonde's soft stomach. The Tribrid ran her calloused hands in random patterns over the smooth skin, fingernails grazing over the raised goosebumps.

Daphne threw her head back against the pillow as she enjoyed the ticklish sensation. "Mmm. That's nice." Daphne moaned as she closed her eyes.

Hope snuggled into her wife's stomach, her warm breath on cool skin, causing the Ice Queen to give a full body shudder at Hope's ministrations. Hope brushed her lips along the soft expanse of skin at her disposal, pressing barely there kisses against the wintery skin.

"I love you Daph. Hope muttered so softly that the blonde had trouble hearing the words.

One of Daphne's hands reached down towards auburn hair as she threaded her fingers through the mused hair from sleep. Articulate fingernails lightly scratched at Hope's scalp drawing out a deep rumbling purr from the Tribrid's chest.

"I love you too." Daphne whispered as she wrapped her long legs around Hope's body.

The girls spent the next 30 minutes or so just basking in each other's soft touches and presence before they decided that they should at least get somewhat prepared for the rest of their day, even if they didn't have any school lessons for the remainder of the week.

- - -

A copy of the Daily Prophet was angrily thrown down against the wooden table with an audible slap causing the room to flinch. The group of frightened men and the odd women who were majorly forced into attending this rant waited with baited breath as they watched the Dark Lord glare down at the newspaper with fury in his slitted snake eyes.

The people who were either part of the Ministry were literally cringing as they were fully aware the headline on the paper would be about Lady Emrys and how the allegations made by Ms Skeeter were disproven.

During the emergency meeting that took place yesterday the Emrys family's Proxy, the ruler of those filthy creatures known as Goblins. Who were so easily manipulated and bought off with a bit of gold to betray their own Voldemort thought with an irritated smirk.

The blasted Goblin came fully prepared even without needing to involve any of the Emrys family members as they had all provided a memory and written oath of the events that took place last Sunday.

The Daily Prophet's headings had all been quite slanderous towards the young child who led the strongest House of all time, starting with 'Lady Emrys murdered Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore; Leader of the Light; Wizard of the First Class of the Order of Merlin; and Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry', 'Consort Emrys brutally murdering the Undersecretary of the Minister of Magic for simply teaching her sister in class', 'The Emrys family should be held responsible for the destruction left in their wake' to tady's headline of 'The prestigious Legendary House Emrys is found innocent of charges after an invasive and thorough investigation'.

The Dark Lord truly believed that this would put a giant stunt into the half-breed's life and perhaps force the girl out of England, but no such luck. Somehow this family was able to thwart any attempt to discredit them, all while forcing their opposition into a corner. As much as it pains Voldemort to admit, the Emrys family certainly knew how to control the government without the need to threaten them to get her way. The half-breed girl managed it by… making friends.

A grey arm lashed out as a purple spell streaked out of the tip of Lord Voldemort's wand hitting one of his acolytes who were not fast enough to dodge or block the incoming dark spell. The Dark Lord screamed in frustration as the remaining Dark Eaters shifted their bodies behind a solid object like the table or a chair.

"How does this… this… atrocity of a Slytherin girl keep getting out of the Ministry's clutches unscathed?" Voldemort boomed as he fired off another spell that smashed into the wall behind a Death Eater who was able to avoid the jet of red lightning.

A loud gulp sounded through the room that even Voldemort could hear as nearly everyone in the room had the same instinctual reaction as they once again flinched at the silent spell being shot out of their Master's wand. However not one person even dared open their mouth to speak or interrupt less they incur the Dark Lord's anger onto themselves.

Bellatrix was leaning against the doorframe with a curious smile on her face as she watched her Master shoot off spell after spell at his expendable, low-levelled cannon fodder of Death Eaters. These were the ones who only recently just joined the cause after graduating out of Hogwarts and the Slytherin students held a grudge towards the Legendary House for disrupting the Slytherin lifestyle.

The former Black woman was joined by her husband, Rodolphus, who stood menacingly over her shoulder. Bellatrix couldn't stop herself from lowering her wand down into her hand as she gripped at the wood reassuringly as her other hand brushed over her stomach before moving slightly to face the taller man.

"Do you think we should be concerned?" The older Lestrange brother questioned in a short tone like he didn't truly care about her reply.

Bellatrix turned her face slightly towards him with a sadistic smirk on her face but kept her focus on the scene in the next room. "Definitely not. The Emrys family overplayed their hand as they showed the world what made them tick. If we get ahold of a single Greengrass, especially the sister, the Consort Emrys would lay down her wand if it meant her sister remained unharmed."

A small smirk crosses Rodolphus' face.

Voldemort let out a dismissive groan of frustration as he caught his breath. First, all his Horcruxes have been destroyed most likely by the mongrel half-breed, or at least that is what she is leading him to believe.

But it is turning out to be more than likely true as a Goblin who wasn't completely under his King's rule informed the Dark Lord about the Cup Horcrux being removed and cleansed of his soul piece. Lucius, under the effects of a Cruciatus Curse stupidly admitted in giving his precious Diary to the youngest Weasley to open the Chamber of Secrets. Which led to the Dark Lord finding out that the monster within the Chamber was killed by Harry Potter, although from Harry's own mouth, he told Dumbledore that Hope was down in the Chamber as well.

Perhaps the auburn haired child had more to do with the Basilisk's demise than Potter.

The Locket in the cave was a fake with a message from Regulus Black. Voldemort seethed as he read the note. The Dark Lord also was unable to summon Nagini, a fleck of sorrow filled his chest before he brushed it away.

His soul piece in the Ring is the one he was most frustrated about as the Ring not only housed a piece of his soul but also one of the 3 Deathly Hallows. The Resurrection Stone.

Voldemort didn't know where the Cloak was hidden but he has seen pictures of the wand with its most current Master. Dumbledore was wielding the Elder Wand during his Duel against Lady Emrys. When the Dark Lord enquired about what happened to Dumbledore's wand the members of the Dark family Factions blinked for a couple of moments as they thought back to the fight to say that Hope had disarmed him.

If Voldemort had any hair he would've ripped whatever was in his scalp at the news as he apparated away to the disturbed Gaunt Shack and unleashed his magic in an uncontrolled rage. All that was left was the base foundations of the building, smoke, char and destruction.

The only Horcrux Lord Voldemort was completely in the dark about would be the Diadem Horcrux at Hogwarts. It's either the safest of the lot as it's hidden right under Lady Emrys' nose or Hope's somehow found out about this Horcrux and destroyed it as well.

Miss Mikaelson is turning into more of an unavoidable obstacle at every turn. She wields Excalibur, the Elder Wand and the status of a Legendary House with the Werewolves and Goblins in her back pocket.

Voldemort snarled until he heard a loud ring from his Manor's wards. Looks of utter disbelief shot around the group. Lord Voldemort's head snapped up as he followed the line of where the intruder had entered his property. Bellatrix and Rodolphus who had also been keyed into the wards also faced towards the breach.

His sweet Bella was as quick as a viper as she apparated in her spot, collecting the intruder and throwing them out of the apparation before the blonde girl even knew what was happening.

Voldemort didn't recognise the mystery girl and didn't want to take any chances, not with the notorious half-breed on his ass, ready to strike as soon as his back was turned.

Instead of fear, the girl's eyes widened as she took in the Dark Lord's face. Good. She recognised him. The girl shifted on the ground rolling onto her back as she held her hands out in front of her as if she could fend him off.

"Avada Kedavra!" The Dark Lord exclaimed slowly as he pointed his wand at the disoriented girl on the ground who looked like she was seconds away from throwing up, possibly from the sudden apparation. His dear Bella usually doesn't care about passengers when apparating.

Voldemort chose to draw out this girl's death as he was feeling vengeful and frustrated, he wanted to see the fear enter this blonde girl's steel-blue eyes before she died.

The blonde girl's eyes, if possible, widened further as she braced one hand on the ground behind her and held her other hand out in front of her. In the direct path of the Killing Curse.

The emerald green light hit the girl's outstretched hand and she screamed.

The girl's hand glowed a rosy red as the Killing Curse struck her palm. The spell seemingly evaporated into nothingness. More accurately the girl absorbed the most dangerous spell known to wizard kind.

The Dark Lord's mouth dropped open in shock as he watched the girl writhe around in pain after the spell died out.

She was alive.

You could literally hear all the Death Eaters jaws drop in complete astonishment, their jaws clicking when the bone couldn't go any further.

It was possible to block a Killing Curse by one of three methods and only by one of these methods. The opponent uses a solid object to block the attack, dodge out of the way of the spell or as shown by Lady Emrys recently, redirect the Killing Curse.

This was impossible.

"Well now… That's… Interesting. What is your name child?" The Dark Lord questioned the deeply breathing girl who was curled into a ball.

The girl let out another scream as a violent lash of magic cut out around her appearing as two distinct colourful spheres around her. The Death Eaters closest to the girl who were hit with the emerald light dropped to the ground. The smokey outer black layer acted like an Obscurus as it blasted anyone within its range back into the surrounding walls.

Bellatrix and Rodolphus were the only people outside the two circles and they raised their wands in the girl's direction but instead of another attack the blonde girl fell the rest of the way to the ground with a low groan of exhaustion and a thud.

Voldemort groaned as he picked himself off the floor and held out a hand in his lieutenant's direction. "No! Don't! She could become useful to us."

Bellatrix looked over to her Master with an incredulous expression on her face but she remained silent as she gritted her teeth and lowered her wand ever so slightly.

"Master?" Rodolphus asked gruffly as he was never one for many words even before his time in Azkaban.

"Imagine… What if she can absorb the Emrys's magic? Use their own magic to kill themselves…" Lord Voldemort kicked out at one of the men that were hit with the very familiar flash of green light. "She absorbed my Killing Curse and used it to kill my own men."

Bellatrix sneered down at the girl as she watched as her Master's red eyes gleamed at the prospect of having a magical means to take down the Legendary House Emrys. He was looking at her like she was special.

The former Black Heiress narrowed her eyes on the girl as an unbridled sense of jealousy overtook her. The raven haired woman wanted to kill her now when she didn't have the chance to fight back. You don't invite an intruder into your home and offer them hospitality. You kill them before they take what's yours.

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