A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 64: chapter 64

Unfortunately for Hope and Daphne, Flitwick was unavailable for his Duelling classes as he was busy along with Professor Sprout as they hosted large grief counselling sessions in the Great Hall.

Surprisingly enough, Hope didn't receive as much backlash as she was expecting from her peers. The Tribrid thought that she would be getting a verbal lashing from most of the students, however that didn't stop the cautious side glances she would receive. Her schoolmates worried if they were next, if they happened upon one of the members of the Emrys family when they were in a foul mood, feeling their wrath.

Hope suddenly realised that the older males of the student body, 4th Year and above, were mostly praising her actions in getting rid of Dumbledore. This confused Hope for a while until she recalled something that Cedric Diggory had mentioned offhandedly last year. He said that Dumbledore used to look at him weirdly in a way that made him deeply uncomfortable that he would start shivering and moving out of the room so he was no longer in the Headmaster's line of sight.

Hope wasn't supposed to have heard that but the replies that Cedric got from some of his friends also confirmed that they had that same feeling. The Headmaster never abused his position from Hope's understanding, otherwise she would've taken action a lot sooner than this if something had actually happened.

Half of the older boys felt remarkably safer without the Headmaster there and were moving around much more freely. Hope had frowned when she noticed this and mentioned this to her wife the Saturday after Dumbledore's death. Daphne had noticed something similar as she took exceptional observation of her Housemates. Hope's eyes widened as the thought of Slytherins students being uncomfortable around Dumbledore, the most stoic students of the 4 Houses, visibly showing their distress.

Since the girls basically had nothing to do they spent the first three days staying out of sight so that the students that blame them for the deaths of Dumbledore, Snape and Umbridge didn't have to see their murderers walking about like nothing happened.

Hope was continuously checking in with Daphne after she made her first kill. The blonde haired witch took to glaring at Hope every time the Tribrid brought it up. Daphne has told Hope that she was fine more times than she could count and threatened to freeze Hope's tits off if she kept asking her.

Hope looked sheepish and apologised although the auburn girl did make one last comment saying that if Daphne ever wanted to talk, Hope would listen for as long as Daph needed her to.

Daphne made a noise of acknowledgement.

A look of pure confusion crossed Hope's face as she seemingly felt awkward as she forced her wife's name from her lips. "Hey, Daph?"

The Greengrass Heiress pursed her lips as she turned around with frost coating her hand. "Remember what I said about freezing your tits off darling– And don't you dare make a quip about how much I enjoy snuggling into your boobs at night!"

Hope covered her mouth with her hand as she tried very hard to hold in the snort of laughter that wanted to be released. The auburn haired girl did want to make an inappropriate joke but whatever she was thinking was not as great as what Daphne had come up with. Daphne raised an unimpressed eyebrow at the other girl.

The youngest Mikaelson was able to pull herself together as she wisely ignored the quip aloud as Daphne could already feel the Tribrid's amusement much to her chagrin. "Sorry. Uh… Right! I just had a strange thought cross my mind when I considered Ms Skeeter being an unregistered Animagus and that she spent time in Azkaban for breaking the law. I was wondering if you were registered?"

Daphne blinked. "Really? You ask me that now?"

"Yes?" Hope answered as she scratched the back of her neck, feeling guilty for never bringing it up.

The blonde witch cancelled out her ice magic in her hand and moved it up to her head so she could pinch at the bridge of her nose. "I registered both forms when I went to Gringotts for my Magical Maturity two years ago. I'm safe."

"Oh." Daphne shook her head in exasperation at Hope's awkward realisation. "Sorry."

Daphne had patted Hope on the head on her way past as she made her way out of the dorm. Hope scrunched up her nose at the sensation before quickly following her wife for their afternoon lesson with Freya in the Room of Requirement.

The Viking witch seemed to be rather frustrated today as she was not going easy on the girls. She knocked them both on their asses for the sixth time in a 30 minute period, the most she has ever done before. Myrddin was squawking his little heart out as he watched the Tribrid learn some humility that his young Familiar was lacking in.

Hope groaned as she remained on her back closing her eyes as she made a 'T' with her hands. "Ow. I think we've had enough of getting our assed kicked Aunt Freya." Hope complained.

Daphne motioned to get back up but stopped half way as she heard Hope speak and let out her own groan as she collapsed back onto the ground, coating herself in a thin layer of ice to soothe her bruises she was sure to have littered all over her body.

"You know I'm a little jealous that you can heal all your wounds within minutes, if not seconds." Daphne gritted out as she glared at Hope's now smug face.

"I have awesome genetics." Hope simply replied with a cheeky smile to her aunt.

The older Mikaelson scoffed as she used her magic to stand Hirdman up without the older blonde needing to hold it as she approached her niece with her arms crossed over her chest. "Daphne has a point Littlest Wolf. You can keep going. Your break is over. Daph? Maybe you should move off to the side for a bit?"

Hope whimpered as she's heard that tone a few times in the past. "Parlay?"

"Jack Sparrow won't save you today little one." Freya quickly shot back much to Daphne's utter confusion as the younger blonde moved out of the way.

"Crap." Hope muttered as she pursed her lips together as she braced for the surge of magic Freya was storing up.

Alexandria flew down from her perch that the Room of Requirement had made to settle onto the Ice Queen's shoulder with a soft trill. Daphne was so used to the Thunderbird nestling into her shoulder that she didn't even jump.

The Greengrass Heiress did greet the golden bird with a kiss on her beak as the young bird made the same motion with a small kissing noise which Daphne responded to in private. Daphne felt the quick surge of jealousy flare through Hope until it disappeared just as quickly. It amused the Consort every time Hope reacted that way and Hope would grumble petulantly through their bond at the action.

Another hour later and Freya was calling for a break as she sat down next to Daphne, taking a swig from a water bottle the school House Elves provided for the older witch. Apparently the House Elves were ecstatic about the demise of Snape and Umbridge since they both treated them poorly.

The House Elves were saddened by Dumbledore's death but one of the House Elves admitted to seeing the old man with a black hand that was obviously cursed by dark magic. They felt grateful that the seasoned wizard could die an honourable death in a Duel against a descendant of Merlin himself.

Hope shared a discreet glance between her aunt and wife as none of them dared to correct the House Elves. The Leader of the Light cheated by locking Hope's wand out of the Duelling arena. Not exactly honourable in any world but the Emrys family didn't need to discredit the old man any further. Dumbledore is dead. Even Hope and Freya didn't see the point in attacking a dead man's legacy. There was no reason to do so.

Hope moaned from her position on the ground as she stared blankly at the high ceiling. Her breathing was coming in sharply as Freya had managed to tire the Tribrid out for a short while.

"My Wolf is thanking you Aunt Freya but the rest of me kinda hates you right now." Hope grumbled in laboured breaths.

The dark blonde grunted as she dryly responded. "How do you think I feel? I have to keep up with your Tribrid stamina."

Daphne snickered into her hand at the interaction between the family dynamic. "At least you don't have to heal cuts or broken bones darling. The Goblins have a tendency to strike hard and fast leaving most of their opponents bleeding and broken on the floor. If you tried you could move if you had to."

The Tribrid sent the shortest glare over to her wife before shifting quickly in her Wolf form and tackling the surprised girl to the ground. Alexandria felt the moment her Familiar was about to be mischievous and quickly shot off Daphne's shoulder right before Hope knocked the Slytherin Ice Queen down.

The blonde tried to hold the snowy wolf at bay but Hope was relentless as she managed to pin Daphne's shoulders to the floor. Hope's tongue lolled out as she looked down at her Mate, mischief in her amber eyes.

"Don't you dare! Hope- -" Daphne's threat was cut off as she devolved into a fit of uncontrollable laughter as the wolf buried her wet nose into Daphne's sensitive neck. Hope followed this up by licking at Daphne's scent glands basking in the fresh snow, parchment and oranges.

Daphne tried to wriggle her way out from underneath Hope but was unable to. The blonde witch had a lot of trouble casting spells when she was laughing hysterically. She couldn't focus and Hope took full advantage of that fact whenever she got the chance.

Freya rolled her jade eyes as she has seen Hope and Daphne in some very compromising positions while still remaining dressed. This was one of Freya's more enjoyable moments to watch even if it was bittersweet for the Viking witch. Thoughts of Keelin filled her mind as she zoned out momentarily at the sound of Daphne's trills of laughter.

The blonde called out to Freya for help a few times before the older witch broke out of her memory, looking up and over to the squirming witch. The girl looked like a cherry tomato with how red her face was.

"Hope. That's enough." Freya called out firmly as she realised that Daphne was either going to pass out or wet herself if Hope continued teasing her.

The white-grey wolf let out a tiny huff as she backed her head away slightly with one last lick along Daphne's inflamed cheek.

"Hop off Elsa, little one." The eldest Mikaelson ordered the youngest.

Being the cheeky little shit she is Hope stuck her tongue out at Freya as she dramatically lowered her furry hind down to sit on Daphne's lower torso. The younger blonde let out a little 'oof' at the weight but could reprimand Hope at the moment as she was still trying and failing to catch her breath.

Freya shook her head as she stood up, making her way over to the protective wolf that was perched on top of her Mate. Hope's ears slowly moved back as she bared her teeth with a snap of her jaw in Freya's direction. There were no growls or noises coming from the wolf so the Viking witch knew she was still fine but needed to proceed with caution if she wanted to get any closer to Daphne.

"Hope." Freya sternly remarked as she kept eye contact with the wolf.

Glowing amber eyes stared back unblinking before she felt the blonde underneath her shift. Hope lost her footing as Daphne's hips narrowed as she quickly turned into her own wolf form, tackling Hope off her paws with a yelp.

Freya jumped back as she avoided the white and gold ball of muscled fur roll past her. "I'm not paid enough to break up a wolf fight. Bye girls. Birds." The eldest Mikaelson remarked with a roll of her eyes as she retrieved her staff and walked out the door.

The wolves gave a yip each that the Immortal witch assumed was the wolf equivalent of a bye while the birds let out their own whistle.

"Children… I'm surrounded by children." Freya muttered under her breath.

"Of course you are." The dark blonde witch jumped at the sudden voice to find Luna standing behind her. "You're in a school. What did you expect? Adults?"

Freya gaped at the snarky reply from the normally whimsical girl. The blonde realised that the silver eyed Seer looked troubled as she had her arms wrapped around her middle in an obvious sign of distress.

The dark blonde witch approached the Seer slowly with a gentle hand reaching out. When Freya's hand touched Luna's shoulder, unfocused eyes narrowed in on the woman in front of her. The blonde girl blinked a few times as she was able to focus on Hope's Aunt.

Before Freya could even ask Luna if she was alright the younger girl was already speaking as she turned the older woman back around and pulling Heir Emrys back into the Room of Requirement. "There's something I need to tell you and Hope!"

The older Mikaelson would normally pull herself out of an unfamiliar grip, but somehow the blonde Seer had managed to sneak past her defences with her niece's approval. So the powerful witch allowed herself to be pulled by the physically weaker and shorter girl.

The wolves were mucking about but their ears perked up at the intruders and stopped for a moment to assess the threat. There was no threat. But that didn't stop the whine that escaped Hope's throat as she moved over to Luna, shifting and clothing herself in the same step until the auburn haired girl was in front of Luna, looking over the blonde girl with worried eyes.

"What's wrong little moon?" Hope fretted as she could smell Luna's anxiousness.

Daphne was quick to shift back as well, looking much more composed than when she first shifted into her Wolf Animagus form but stood back near Freya as she watched her wife fuss over Luna like a younger sister.

"I'm not sure. I had a vision but it's being blocked by a Fidelius charm." Luna admitted with a regretful frown. "The only thing I am certain of is that whatever or whomever it is about, is from your universe Hope, Freya."

Hope and Freya's back straightened as they both looked concerned at the prospect of an object or person being hidden by a Fidelius.

"Whatever it is… Voldemort has." Hope mentioned with a tight fist against her side.

Freya gritted her teeth as she grumbled out something that sounded much like an affirmative noise. "That can't bode well for us."


Daphne felt the fear and concern flood through Hope's body and was next to her wife in a second pulling her into a hug that Daphne filled with clarity and peace so Hope would relax and think about what to do next. The younger blonde realising what Daphne was doing pulled a motionless Freya into the middle and the newest Mikaelson opened up the embrace to include her aunt-in-law.

"Hey, we'll figure it out and whatever it is, I'd bet that Riddle won't be able to use it. Your magic is vastly different from ours. It would take him years to figure out how to use whatever came through. I can only use your brand of magic because you two taught me and unlocked my magical potential." Daphne tried to reassure the two Mikaelson women the best she could with the minute information she knew.

"I thought I killed Malivore… How could someone or something get here?" Hope muttered into Daphne's shoulder.

Freya's hand stroked down the length of Hope's copper hair. "You probably did. Just remember, I was swallowed up before you and was spat out by Malivore much later than you. It could be something that was already in Malivore before us."

"So what? Another Dragon from our universe could show up?" Hope retorted with a snarl.

Daphne backed up slightly so she could narrow her icy stare on Hope. "Don't even joke about that. No more Dragons."

Hope froze for a second at her wife's cold but concerned tone. Luna thankfully stepped in as she tilted her head to the side in thought. "It's not a Dragon. Voldemort wouldn't be able to hide that in his Fidelius, it would have to be something stationary or someone… magical, but either weakened or evil."

"Sadly enough, neither of those options make me feel any better." Freya voiced aloud in exasperation.

Hope managed to untangle herself from the hug as she turned to the little blonde Seer, bringing her thumb to her lips, nibbling on it anxiously as she questioned her friend further. "Can you sense if this… thing is good or bad like the Dragon or Freya?"

Luna shook her head slowly. "Not really. I can tell that whatever this is… is connected mainly to you, Hope rather than Freya. So whatever it is has been in contact with you that there is a metaphorical bond between you and it."

Daphne bit her lip before they pressed together in a tight line. "That doesn't sound overly great."

Hope hummed as she frowned. "No, not really. Leaning strongly towards ominous actually- -" Hope sea-blue eyes widened drastically as she paled slightly. "Oh God… Clarke." The Tribrid breathed almost soundlessly.

Daphne and Freya looked over to the auburn haired girl as she whispered a name that they didn't fully recognise. "Who's Clarke?" Freya questioned, a strong surge of protectiveness surrounded the group as the 1,000 year old witch spoke.

"He is Malivore's eldest son." Hope answered as her brain raced off without her thinking of all the terrible scenarios Clarke could get up to with Riddle. "He's an asshole. He was taunting me as his father was awakening and I thought I'd get in one last hurrah. I casted a mimic spell and threw both of us into the pit. He's the only person that I know has a connection to me and also entered the Malivore mud."

Freya turned to the Seer as she tried to check if the whimsical girl reacted to Hope's suggestion. Most witches, especially Seers or those who were more intuitive than the average witch, would sometimes hear a theory and immediately shake their head or nod along with what was being said.

Luna's expression was thoughtful as she listened but the girl didn't make any movements that would signify if Hope was accurate or not. So this Clarke person could be a very likely possibility at this stage, unless she could find where Tom was hiding and get a peek at this thing from her universe.

The Immortal Viking witch called over Myrddin which he quickly responded, flapping over to the older witch within a few wingbeats.

"I'm going to have another search." The eldest Mikaelson barely had enough time to mention before Myrddin flame travelled them out of the school wards.

Daphne blinked once to get rid of the brightness that burned her retinas as she stupidly watched the older witch burst into flames with Myrddin's help. "Sweet Merlin, that's bright."

A very tiny quirk of a smile appeared in the corner of Hope's mouth for a fraction of a second before it quickly vanished. Daphne would accept that small motion as a win at the moment as she reached out towards her wife with an open hand.

The Tribrid glanced down at the movement and her body instinctively moved to take Daphne's hand as though it was the most natural thing in the world to do.

"If I get any more information or a clearer picture of what I saw I'll let you know." Luna informed the pair as she basically floated away like smoke, leaving the two Slytherin girls alone.

The Emrys Consort barely tugged on Hope's hand as she led them out of the Room of Requirement and towards the Great Hall for dinner.

This was the only meal that the girls were actually required to attend during this week of mourning. Apparently it was to commemorate the life of Albus Dumbledore as well as passing over the title of Headmaster to the next in line.

The girls were a little concerned about showing up but Minerva McGonnagall was a persuasive woman when she wanted to be. Strangely enough, there was a small rule that Hope had to abide by. She had to give a speech about Dumbledore's achievements.

Hope had just stared at the former Transfiguration Professor for nearly 10 minutes, neither woman saying a single word as unblinking cat eyes stared back with an unamused expression.

"I'm sorry? Could you repeat that? I think I heard wrong." Hope eventually replied in a disbelieving voice.

McGonnagall didn't budge and repeated exactly what she said before. Not a single word changed. Hope had to give a speech about Dumbledore's achievements.

"Why do I have to do this? I've never had to give a speech about someone I've killed before." Hope narrowed her eyes at the Head of Gryffindor House.

The older woman sighed. "Lady Emrys, in the time that you have been at the Head of the Legendary House there hasn't been a death of a recipient of an Order of Merlin until Albus. You can confirm with your books or Proxy, but you are required to give a speech about this." A small smirk appeared on the older woman's face. "Or if you don't want to do it here you'll have to do one in public within the Ministry."

Hope's sea-blue eyes widened comically at the stipulation McGonnagall added. Hope furrowed her face as she turned to pace for a few seconds as she considered her options.

"So the speech is just about how he got his Order of Merlin? How he defeated Grindelwald and his efforts in the First Wizarding War?" The Tribrid questioned with the smallest head movement so she could acknowledge the new Headmistress.

"Yes. Although I'd greatly appreciate it if you wouldn't slander Albus' name too badly. I know that he wasn't a nice person to you, but he was a hero to a lot of people because of his actions in the First Wizarding War." The stern woman almost pleaded with the young girl but didn't put too much effort in as she was sure Hope would do whatever she wanted.

Hope sighed dramatically. "Damn, I'll need to do some research… Or hope I can remember the movies from my universe." The time traveller muttered the last part to herself.

"What was that?" The Headmistress questioned with a curious tilt to her chin.

The Tribrid forced her body not to react to McGonnagall's query as Hope forgot that the older woman had very sensitive ears.

"So long as it is in regards to the Order of Merlin… I think I can be at the very least, neutral. Can't guarantee anything though." Hope changed the topic back to what it originally was as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Which is how the young couple got to this dinner on Saturday night, with Hope making her way up to the podium to the absolute shock of the entire school. Everyone was shifting in their seats as they wondered why the new Headmistress called Lady Emrys up to the stage and what Hope would say.

Hope rolled her eyes as she passed Professors Flitwick and Babbling as well as the newly minted Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor, Sirius Black and Professor McGonnagall's replacement, Augusta Longbottom. Her aunt Freya looked utterly confused but didn't stop her niece from making her way to the centre of the stage.

Myrddin must've decided that being perched on Hope's right shoulder for this segment was much more entertaining than sitting on Freya's shoulder. He silently flew over to the Tribrid as the auburn haired girl passed in front of the Immortal Viking witch.

Poor Neville actually managed to bury his head into his neck at the sight of his grandmother, in an attempt to make himself as small as possible. The Longbottom Heir's relationship had certainly improved ever since Neville was able to build up the courage to inform his grandmother that he was unable to use his father's wand. The wand was simply not suited for the tall Gryffindor boy.

Augusta had taken Neville to get a wand after getting a very direct letter from Lady Emrys a couple of years ago telling her suck it up and buy her grandson a wand from Ollivanders, a wand that chooses him otherwise she would do it herself. Augusta didn't know this was from Hope at the time but she took the letter seriously as she didn't want to piss off a potential ally from a Legendary House.

Neville showed up to the class after that weekend with a 13" Cherry wand with a Unicorn Hair core. He was finally able to perform spells remarkably easier without pulling on his magical reserves to cast a single spell. The Professors were all rather shocked when Neville turned out to be a powerful Wizard afterall.

Hope stood up at the podium as she stared out at the students. Strangely enough, even though Hope Marshall was the shy loner girl who wanted nothing to do with anyone, Hope Mikaelson on the other hand, was a natural born leader.

Lady Emrys placed her hands on the owl podium as she leaned into the animated metal. Myrddin and Alexandria flapped their wings a couple of times to keep their balance and the owl below them shook its metallic feathers ever-so-slightly.

Hope quietly cleared her throat as she stood over the crowd. "Right. A lot of you are probably thinking that I would be the last person in the world to give Albus Dumbledore his last rights… Well I guess the last 2 Dark Lords would possibly be someone worse than me." Hope started with a small quip but quickly realised that they wouldn't be appreciated tonight.

"Okay. Bad joke. I was only informed this afternoon that I needed to prepare a speech for our previous Headmaster as it is a requirement for the Head of the Legendary House Emrys to provide a passing speech commemorating a recipient of an Order of Merlin, First Class."

The students looked appropriately stupefied as they turned to their friends to gossip while some of the students were openly giggling at the absurdity of the circumstances.

The inter-dimensional traveller remained silent as she waited for the crowd to settle down a bit before continuing. "Now, I promised our new Headmistress that I would remain impartial to the best of my ability. I'll also try to keep it short. That way I have less time to screw it up."

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brain Dumbledore born circa 1880-81." Hope shrugged as she wasn't completely sure about his age but continued on as she heard some of the students gasp in shock at the year.

"The man has held many titles such as: Transfiguration Professor at Hogwarts, then Head of Gryffindor House before finally becoming Headmaster, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. However, I will be focusing on his… achievement of obtaining an Order of Merlin, First Class."

"Mr Dumbledore was awarded this medal as he was able to defeat and detain the Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald, sentencing the other man to life in prison at Nurmengard, under constant guard until he dies. The duel between the pair was said to be spectacular and one for the ages." Hope pursed her lips as she tried to think of more things she could say.

"Due to Dumbledore's actions, he ended the First Great Wizarding War and was revered in the Wizarding World. I believe there were occasions where he was asked to become the Minister of Magic?" Lady Emrys turned back to McGonnagall for clarification in which the older woman bobbed her head slightly while she looked like she was ready to swallow a lemon.

Hope chuckled quietly at the new Headmistress's face before turning back to the crowd. "Obviously he turned down the requests to become the British Minister of Magic. I don't know why he did this as this was before my time."

Hope tapped her fingers a few times on the metal podium before she shrugged. "I'm going to stop there since I've run out of things to say that would stay unprejudiced. So… Thanks for listening. Headmistress? You want to take over?"

The Tribrid didn't need super hearing to hear the relieved sigh from the normally inexpressive woman, unless she was giving one of her Lions her signature disapproving glare when they've done something unreasonably stupid or frustrating. That glare is nearly in constant effect around the Weasley twins with the amount of pranks they were able to pull off on a daily basis.

Unfortunately the night couldn't end without someone causing a scene. A red-haired boy from Gryffindor decided that he had to say something without using a filter. Hope groaned as she watched as Ronald Weasley stood up along with the backing of Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan.

Harry, Hermione, Neville as well as Fred and George were embarrassed as the boys stood up only to be joined by Ginerva Weasley and her friends. Which included a girl whom Hope was fairly certain was Romilda Vane, the girl who was supposed to use a love potion on Harry but misfired on Ronald. There were 2 more girls that Daphne helpful supplied that they were on the Gryffindor Quidditch team with Ginerva. The last person in Ginny's entourage was a boy that Hope vaguely recalls was the youngest Weasley's date to the Yule Ball last year.

Fred and George were pleadingly looking up to Hope, wordlessly begging the Head of a Legendary House not to hurt their siblings. The Tribrid did notice the twin's identical looks of worry but her attention was brought back to Ronald as she heard the most ridiculous request in her life.

"I challenge you filthy snake to a Duel! No more hiding behind your title! Fight me like a proper witch rather than a monster!" The red head boy growled out as he pointed his wand in Lady Emrys' direction.

Hope blinked slowly nearly 5 times before she cracked up laughing at the preposterous request. The Tribrid shook her head as she responded. "One, rude. Two… No. I think I've killed enough people in this last year, who are much more powerful than you."

Lady Emrys waved her hand before Ronald or Ginerva could respond with the obvious insults they were no doubt about to lay into the auburn haired girl. "And yes, I can deny a Duel without repercussions due to the Legendary House laws. I'm not going to fight any of you. I could wipe all of you out without even using my wand and I'm fairly sure that the entire student body knows this. Why are you even trying to Duel me? It makes no sense." Hope questioned with an incredulous look plastered on her alluring face while knowing that the 2 redheads were unable to verbally answer her.

"Mr Weasley and Miss Weasley. Please note that the only reason I'm not duelling either of you is because I am friends with 2 of your older brothers and your oldest brother is dating Fleur Delacour, whom Daph and I still care deeply for. These people close to you don't deserve to mourn you before you even had a chance to live." Hope announced as she walked down the steps and towards the Slytherin table with a completely unbothered look on her face as she dismissed the group.

Freya watched from her spot up at the Professor's table as she considered if she should take care of the 2 youngest Weasley children so Hope wouldn't have to bear the responsibility for killing someone close to her friends. In the end, the first born Mikaelson witch relaxed back into her chair when she realised that these kids weren't worth the effort.

The new Headmistress approached the podium as she stared down at her Lions with that distinctly disappointed glare that the Weasley twins were ever so familiar. The twin boys shook their heads at their younger siblings and turned their backs on them when Ronald and Ginerva made muffled sounds in their direction.

"I have this strong feeling that you're not going to remove that silencing spell until the end of the night, Lady Emrys?" McGonnagall called over to the Werewolf child who simply stared back blankly as she sat down next to her wife and raised an eyebrow towards the Headmistress.

The Head of Gryffindor House simply bobbed her head once before sighing. "Yeah. I know. That was a stupid question. Thank you for not accepting that Duel on my first day as Headmistress. That would've been a terrible way to remember my initiation."

"Wow… Darling you showed a hell of a lot of restraint tonight." Daphne mentioned as the pair were laying down in bed after a long run through the Forbidden Forest in their animal forms, Daphne this time shifted into her white and black tiger for this run. Or perhaps tag would be more appropriate as Hope wanted to run and Daphne wanted to get used to hiding and racing through a canopy without bumping into the trees.

Daphne sometimes forgets that she is a bit larger and thicker in this form and takes corners too sharply, meaning that she frequently brushes her side against usually a very solid tree trunk. Meaning the blonde Pureblood Princess would sport a rather nasty looking bruise for about 5 seconds. Hope would walk over to cast the Episkey healing charm on the grumbling girl as she muttered angrily to herself for the tenth time after continuously hitting a tree in her feline form.

"If you mean the Weasley's, then they aren't worth my time. If you mean Dumbles… Then I will admit, begrudgingly, that Dumbledore was important to history and is responsible for some good in the world. Although he truly failed during the Second Wizarding War. I just didn't think that was worth mentioning. I don't need to slander a dead gay man."

One of Daphne's bright blue eyes opened as she called out behind her as Hope was hugging into her back. "Gay?"

"Yeah. It's why it took him so long to face Grindelwald. They were lovers and made a blood pact not to directly attack the other or manipulate someone else into attacking the other on their behalf." Daphne opened her other eye as she leaned back against Hope, her emotions of amazement flashing through their bond.

"Grindelwald made an error when he tried to get Dumbles' nephew to go after Albus. The boy was an Obscurus with a Phoenix Familiar. Apparently Phoenix' are usually very strongly connected to the Dumbledore family tree in times of great need." Hope mentioned as she closed her eyes, ready to fall asleep.

Daphne gave a small hum. "You know, It's kinda amazing how much information you know about my universe from the books or movies from your universe."

- - -

Bellatrix was basically banned from being anywhere remotely near the intruder as Voldemort had caught her once or twice in the middle of hexing the unconscious girl. The Dark Lord found her once again by the girl's room and had pulled Bellatrix away by digging his sharp nails into the base of her neck. Forcibly dragging her out by her bleeding neck.

"What did I tell you my dear Bella about hurting my new weapon?" The Dark Lord snarled at his favourite Lieutenant as he tightened his grip slightly causing the woman to gasp in both pain and pleasure.

"Not to." The former Black Heiress softly spoke as not to bring any more of his anger upon herself.

"And yet you insist on disobeying me." Voldemort whispered into her ear causing the woman to shiver.

The raven haired woman gave a small chuckle as she tilted her head slightly so she could look into her Master's red coloured snake eyes. "If I truly disobeyed you my Dark Mark would've killed me. Since it hasn't, I know that you don't trust her My Lord. I'm only looking out for you."

"You're treading on very thin ice my dear, sweet Bella. I'd hate it if you fell through the cracks and froze to death in the merciless waters." The pale man spoke slowly, almost sensually as his sharp nails slid around the column of her white neck.

"Good thing I'm an excellent swimmer then, My Lord." Bellatrix moved within his hold as she faced him, her hands finding their way onto his shoulders as she leaned into him. "And I'll also have a piece of you to keep me going."

Lord Voldemort was taken aback at the former Black's words as his slitted eyes scrolled down her still malnourished body from her time in Azkaban, to rest on her stomach before returning to his sweet Bella's hardened gaze, her normal hints of mischief nowhere to be found.

"Imperio!" Voldemort growled out before the woman had a chance to put up her Occlumency shields before the Dark Lord had her under his command.

"Are you lying to me Bellatrix?" Lord Voldemort demanded as he forced his will upon her.

"No Master. I am with child and the only person I've been with is you My Lord." The dark haired woman robotically replied until she shook her head, clearing it as the Dark Lord's concentration was broken at the answer.

"Ugh. Get a room." Voldemort and Bellatrix turned to the room and peered inside to see the blonde girl gagging in their direction. "Seriously, I mean I know that my sister has gone full Dark side but does she really need to put me in a room with a couple of cosplayers? Couldn't she have thought of someone better to antagonise me with rather than sticking by her whole 'Dark Lord' thing?"

"What are you talking about? I am the Dark Lord Voldemort!" The pale man responded.

The girl waved him away as though she was not bothered by him. "Yeah right and I'm Darth Vader."

The incredibly pale pair glanced at the other in complete confusion. "Who?"

The girl's mouth dropped open in shock. "No way! How have you not seen Star Wars!? It's a classic. Everyone knows who Darth Vader is! Do you live under a rock or something?" Was the sassy retort.

"I don't think you quite understand what's going on here, girl. You are here as my prisoner. How you are treated while here all depends on you my dear." Voldemort informed the girl with a billow of his robes.

The blonde girl blinked as she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes on the Voldemort and Bellatrix lookalikes, wondering how long they will keep up the charade.

"But have no doubts about this girl. You will be helping me defeat Lady Emrys so I can rule the Wizarding World unencumbered by any more meddling fools who would dare go against me!"

The girl scoffed as she smartly replied in the most disbelieving voice the pair had ever heard. "As if."

Voldemort gritted his teeth as he pulled out his wand and pointed it at her. The girl looked flabbergasted at the appearance of the wand and almost missed the words the man used. "Imperio!"

The girl groaned slightly as she placed her head into her hands as they started to glow that strange red colour again. The girl shook out her blonde hair as she cleared her head or whatever was left of her mind.

Voldemort felt the spell take effect for a few seconds before she started to fight against it. When the glow came into play the spell just disappeared. It was there and then it wasn't. It was absolutely bizarre and unique. Just what he needed to surprise Lady Emrys.

"Oh that was a nasty trip. Did you seriously just try to bring me under your control?" The blonde girl asked with some fear finally in those steel blue eyes.

The pair ignored her question as it was obvious that she knew the answer to that query but didn't want to believe it. "What's your name, you wretched little girl?" The raven haired woman snapped at the reasonably tall girl.

The girl gulped as the gears started ticking in her broken mind. The flash of green light, Avada Kedavra, the Imperio, the Voldemort and Bellatrix lookalikes that may not actually be lookalikes afterall.

This was impossible! Not just impossible but completely illogical! How the hell could she have ended up in the Harry Potter universe?!?

"Lizzie…" The blonde girl spoke so quietly that she thought that the pair couldn't hear her.

"Welcome to my Manor Lizzie. I'm sure we'll be great friends." The red eyed man, who was actually Lord Voldemort, hissed out at her.

Lizzie raised her hands up in a defensive posture as she backed up, realising just how bad her situation is right now. "Whoa, hold up! I'm sure that we can come to some sort of agreement."

"You help me take out Lady Emrys or I'll take my anger out on you instead and let my men have turns with you. Breaking you down into something much more malleable. Maybe I should just start there." Voldemort remarked with a disturbing smirk.

Lizzie's steel-blue eyes widened. "I'll help!" The blonde blurted out before she even had a chance to stop herself.

Bellatrix cackled as she walked into the room and yanked on the girl's blonde hair causing Lizzie to yelp in pain as her head was pulled in an unnatural direction. "See? I knew we would be great friends once you found your place."

It felt like the raven haired woman had ripped out a chunk of the blonde Siphoner's hair as Lizzie held her head where the pain was originating from in an attempt to soothe the irritation.

Voldemort and Bellatrix had left and locked the door behind them. Lizzie crumbles down against a wall as she begins to cry.

First off, her twin sister, Josie decides to go all dark side out of the blue and set fire to the Salvatore Boarding School, then 'Dark Josie' wanted to force the merge onto Lizzie 5 years before they actually had to according to what their father had told them.

Lizzie chose to run than hand herself over to be killed. Other than MG, who she had desiccated with her Siphoning ability and hauling him into her getaway car, there was no one else that she truly cared about at the school. Her dad was now working as the school principal at Mystic Falls High School, so he was safe when word reached the blonde Gemini Twin that the Salvatore Boarding School was reduced to ashes.

Eventually 'Dark Josie' found her and killed MG in front of her. In a fit of anger from both sides, both girls unleashed a powerful spell against the other but Josie was faster. The spells blew up in Lizzie's face and then there was nothing for a while. Then everything became too much, things were louder and brighter and there was this ear piercing noise vibrating through her skull. Lizzie managed to siphon whatever was making that God awful sound before she was suddenly ripped away and thrown to the ground. The blonde Siphoner thought that she was going to throw up.

Hearing the words 'Avada Kedavra' kicked in her flight or fight response as she prayed to every god in the world, hoping that this wouldn't kill her. Siphoning the spell hurt! It hurt worse than anything she had ever felt before and she was possessed by an Oni which was the start of Joise's downfall into using Black Magic, as the brunette Siphoner had blasted her sister with the Black Magic she absorbed from a magical sword.

That blast of Black Magic either broke something further in Lizzie's mind or unlocked a memory that was long forgotten. She remembered a girl with auburn hair who was slightly older than her, but so much shorter than her as well.

The girl's name was Hope Andrea Mikaelson. And she was her friend??... Rival? Frenemy??

All that Lizzie could recall is that this girl was important to her. She was in so many of her memories. Always in the background while at school or at the forefront when there was a confrontation, either between herself and Hope or Hope against whichever monster of the week would show up.

After mentioning the name Hope to her dad, mum or classmates everyone looked at her like she was insane and Lizzie was starting to believe that was true. Hell, her father said that he would know if Klaus Mikaelson, The Great Evil had a child. He would never allow someone like her to become a student, adamantly shouting how the girl would no doubt turn out to be a carbon copy of her father just in female form.

In other words, the girl didn't exist… Until she got into a bitchy phone call with Rebekah Mikaelson. Lizzie mentioned the girl and the line got quiet. Rebekah eventually asked Lizzie, how did she know this girl. The Mikaelson's had photos of the girl that the younger Saltzman twin had described before mentioning another woman in the photos. After hearing the description Lizzie was able to figure out that the woman was Rebekah's older sister, Freya Mikaelson.

Lizzie had secretly gathered the sword used to blast the Oni out and took it to New Orleans, where she met Kol Mikaelson and his wife Davina. Davina being a powerful witch in her own right helped Lizzie figure out the remembrance spell and used the spell. The Mikaelson's thanked Lizzie for restoring their memories of their two missing family members and immediately began to search the world for them.

Lizzie wasn't able to get an update on how the Mikaelson's were faring in their relentless search since she was too busy running and hiding from her evil twin.

Now she was in another universe. But not just any universe. Harry freaking Potter!!! Lizzie would normally be fangirling uncontrollably in other circumstances, you know, if she was dropped on the Dark Lord's front porch.

If only she landed just about anywhere else… Why couldn't she have a decent stroke of luck and land in Hogwarts?

Lizzie tried to sigh but it came out as a croaky broken off sound as the blonde girl had not finished crying. "Fuck me. Can it get any worse…" The Siphoner silently groaned as she depressingly answered her own question. "Of course it can. I just bloody jinxed myself."

Once Lizzie's sobs had subsided long enough for her to think of how she could possibly escape this worst case scenario. She came to 2 realisations.

The Siphoner would have to abide by Voldemort's wishes for the time being. She wasn't powerful enough to take on an entire army. Especially not with the level of magic these wizards hold. The only reason Lizzie was able to produce that massive backlash after the AK was because she was still juiced up from her universe. She no longer had any reserves in her body. The blonde girl was practically defenceless. She could only siphon if they got close enough or used magic on her.

The other thing that went through her head was, "Who the hell is Lady Emrys? I've seen all the movies and read the books and there is no mention of a 'Lady Emrys'." The blonde frowned as she sat in the corner of the room contemplating what to do next.

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