A Hope through time/ Hope Mikaelson in hp and teen wolf

Chapter 65: chapter 65

Over the next month, Minister Fudge made multiple petitions to hinder the Emrys family in whatever way he could while still remaining within the bounds of the law. Any time the Neutral Faction won a vote which was basically every time now that Dumbledore was no longer leading the Light Faction. Fudge made himself the de facto leader of the Light Faction.

The families still in the Light Faction were stumbling around for a spokesperson but couldn't come to an agreement as Madam Bones and Regent Longbottom have seniority as Most Ancient and Noble Houses. The two women blocked off any supposed Order of the Phoenix members from becoming the Light Faction's leader but neither of the women wanted the position either, leaving it open for Fudge to swoop in and take it.

The Minister was giving Madam Bones the migraine of all time with the amount of bullshit he was pulling out of his ass. He stole the position by going behind everyone's backs and appointing himself in the record room where only the Unspeakables and the Minister were able to enter.

The Light Faction was so very confused at their next non-obligatory meeting as the Lords, Ladies or Proxies of the political Houses were outraged how the Minister forced himself into that position. By being the spokesperson of a Faction he was able to put his own Bills and Forms into the system to be brought up for a vote. Fudge was fairly upset that he wasn't able to bypass this hurdle as Madam Bones basically ripped him a new one for almost breaking the law.

Between King Ragnok and Unspeakale Greengrass, the Emrys couple was kept apprised of the situation going on within the Ministry with dual appalled expressions on their faces. The Goblin King was happy to inform the pair that the Light Faction was still in shambles at they were somewhat split into 3 subgroups: the Minister's lackeys, Order of the Phoenix members and the ones who either felt indebted to the Emrys family or were still trying to get on good terms with the Legendary House. Surprisingly enough these 3 groups were cut relatively equally down the middle.

The Dark Faction were doing what they could to take advantage of the Light Factions confusion but Ragnok and the Neutral Faction kept the smallest Faction at bay.

Hope and Daphne had apparated off during their Hogsmeade weekend as they just wanted a break from all the stares and glares from around the school and magical community. They ended up back at Rousseau's as Daphne was a complete softy when it came to Hope and she knew that her wife was missing her old home. If the blonde witch could give Hope that small little piece of home for even a fraction of a second, Daphne would always say yes.

The girls were sitting at a table near a window overlooking the French Quarter as they spoke softly about Hogwarts, now that the school has finally got its shit together and the students are falling into a reliable schedule.

"You know, I'm really surprised that most students are still showing up to our little tutoring sessions over the weekends." Hope remarked as she took a sip out of her iced chocolate, her second favourite drink since they don't serve peanut butter blast here, but the Tribrid would suck it up for the time being.

Daphne released a musical laugh that had Hope almost swooning in her seat. "That's because your dad's decided to boot Binns out of the classroom and teach History of Magic instead. The Ravenclaws are ecstatic to finally have a competent Professor but everyone has quickly realised how far behind they are in History of Magic. Poor Su and Hermione have basically been working overtime on the weekends."

Hope nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, I feel partially sorry for Hermione and Su but since you and Dad have been joining them for the last couple of weeks I'm not too concerned. However if you ever need the extra help then you know you can always ask me."

"I think we've nearly got the hang of it. I'll probably go back to everywhere in the next few weeks. It's just the catch-up. It's bloody brutal." Daphne replied with a thoughtful gaze.

Hope gave a small chuff of amusement. "I honestly don't know if I'm happy that Dad is teaching History of Magic or mortified. I always hated when Aunt Freya would teach at my school."

"In your Aunt's defence, you mentioned that your old school only knew you as Hope 'Marshall'." Daphne helpfully pointed out with a cheeky smile as she would be slightly embarrassed if either one of her parents taught at her school.

"That… That was awkward as hell and I hated it. Deeply. I couldn't even speak to her properly and we had to always move around in secret. It made me feel like I was doing something wrong by seeing my family." Hope remarked with a disapproving glare as she stared past Daphne's head as she tried to express what was going through her head.

Daphne was openly frowning at how her Mate was treated at her old school. 'How could someone who was depicted as a father figure to Hope, treat her like a villain? Was he trying to make her feel insecure?'

The Slytherin Ice Queen made another mark next to Alaric Slatzman's name in her mental list of people that she would be having a long chat with. It may get very loud and cold. Daphne smirked to herself at the thought. The others on her list were actually the remaining Mikaelsons. The blonde witch did not like hearing how Hope's family practically abandoned her at the school without a single call, letter or a text?

"Nic has basically lived through everything he is teaching but his experiences through some of these events skewer the history he is supposed to be teaching. I mean I get it. Remaining completely unbiased is difficult as hell. I could barely stop myself from dousing the flames at Dumbledore's memoriam." Hope continued breaking the other girl from her thoughts.

Daphne quickly digested everything that Hope was talking about before offering her reply. "Maybe you could just ask him to be impartial with his teaching? As much as Nic or Nelle don't mention it, they are members of the French Wizengamot, one of the few Most Ancient and Noble Houses in that nation's Wizengamot. Not to mention they are from the Neutral Faction. They are both well adept in being objective. Just ask. He'll probably be fine with it… So long as you're respectful about it but I don't see that being a problem."

Hope blinked a couple of times at the suggestion. "Huh… Well, that was a lot easier than I thought it would be."

Daphne reached out and took one of Hope's hands in her own after tapping on it a couple times so the other girl would take it off her drink and hold it out in front of her, linking them together with a smile.

"That's what I'm here for. To help you see the obvious option that you have an uncanny ability to ignore." Daphne teased her wife.

Hope simply shrugged. "The most simple solution is often the most boring. I've never heard of a single time when a Mikaelson does something the easy way. We like making a loud and proud impact on the supernatural community. We're very dramatic people." Daphne rolled her eyes at this while Hope couldn't help but laugh at her wife's clear annoyance.

The blonde made a long suffering sigh. "Why do I put up with this?"

Hope and Daphne noticed their waitress coming back with their meal and released the other's hand while simultaneously moving their drinks out of the way. The young woman who looked a little older than the couple placed the meals in front of their respective person before giving cheerful but tired pleasantries before walking away.

"You know why, love." Hope responded after the young student left them alone. "I love you."

Daphne couldn't help the blush that reddened her cheeks as she smiled. "I love you too."

The Tribrid responded with a one-of-a-kind smile that only Daphne was able to pull out of the usually reserved copper haired girl.

The girls ate their second breakfast of the day, in no thanks due to the differences between the timezones. Thankfully neither girl had any issues with this as Hope ordered an American Breakfast with eggs, bacon and pancakes glazed with maple syrup and some cream on the side, Daphne went with the Eggs Benedict on toast.

Daphne learned a while ago not to interrupt Hope or chat to her unless it was urgent as the Werewolf must take over Hope's mind while she's eating. The Tribrid wolfs down her breakfast with a flash of sharp teeth and a deep rumble of pleasure from the base of her throat that no one else but Daphne could hear.

The blonde witch had so much trouble not laughing when she heard the sounds Hope would make while she ate. When Daphne asked her about it, the Tribrid went bright red in the face and found the table incredibly interesting. Apparently Hope was completely unaware that she sounded like a ravenous wolf that was chowing down food. Now it just makes Daphne smile or laugh through their bond. Hope eventually learned that no one else could hear her so she's taken to rolling her eyes at Daphne whenever the blonde would make fun of her.

However the taller girl did take advantage of the silence as she spoke at Hope, not expecting a reply but fully aware that her Mate would never ignore her. Since the Werewolf needed more food for her metabolism to get through the day Daphne often talked to Hope to fill the quiet gap between them as she rotated her engagement ring around her ring finger.

After another round of drinks Hope pays the bill and leaves a couple of large bills on the table. Daphne used to seeing her wife leaving such a large tip while leaving Rousseau's. She still gives a tiny scoff at the amount and notices the wide eyes from the other patrons who were close enough to their table to see the cash left behind.

Obviously the girls were loaded with cash and this would barely even scratch the surface of the amount in their vaults. Daphne was utterly confused at the way the economy worked in America to the United Kingdom. Americans basically had to survive off tips. Hope could only shrug as she was used to tipping as a courtesy. She has always been rich so she never minded leaving a large tip for the workers.

Hope then brought up how the wizarding currency was flawed. The wages would increase depending on which political House the worker was in and anyone who was in a Noble and Ancient House or above was given a favourable salary meaning that they didn't have to work to live comfortably.

Daphne opened her mouth then closed it as she was fully aware that she was part of the privileged Houses mentioned "Okay… That's fair."

Hope and Daphne gave a tiny flinch as they felt a flicker of magic behind them. A soundless crack of apparation that not many wizards are actually able to pull off. Maybe a couple Order members, Voldemort and the few people closest to Hope who have had their magical core unblocked.

The scent of lust, lavender and jasmine invaded Hope's nose right before so was whacked over the back of her head with a hard slap and an annoyed glare.

"Ow!" Hope responded without thought as she watched Daphne dodge a similar hit on the back of her head as she saw the strike coming and moved her head out of the way.

"Fleur? What are you doing?" The blonde questioned the Veela who was somehow able to pull off alluring and pissed off at the same time as she kept her glare focused on Hope rather than herself.

"You threatened my bonded???" Fleur stated strongly with a hint of an otherworldly screech as the Veela had to use a notice me not ward to hide her beak from the public eyes.

Hope and Daphne shared a busted look as the blonde was giving her wife a slightly concerned look as it was Hope who gave the very descriptive threat of his demise should he ever hurt Fleur. "So… I can certainly say I deserved the hit over the head but I can't bring myself to feel guilty."

"His family treats you like crap and you know it! He doesn't defend you Fleur! He's your bonded and he lets his family call you names and treat you like an outcast… Except the twins… And Charlie, although that's because he's too busy caring for Dragons to meet his older brother's girlfriend." Hope continued as she defended her actions.

Feathers were sprouting from the unblemished skin as the Veela's anger began to make its known. "That doesn't mean it gives you the right to frighten Bill to near petrification!"

Daphne quickly interjected as she could feel Hope's anger rising at the accusation. "Hope!" The Ice Queen shouted, gaining the Tribrid's attention immediately. "Take some deep breaths and relax. Fleur is our friend, not a bloody enemy so get arid of those amber eyes right now!"

Daphne turned to Fleur who was looking a little calmer as she heard Daphne shout at the Tribrid hidden by a privacy ward. "Fleur, I know you are angry and rightfully so but Hope would never ruin your chance of happiness." The Veela blinked in thought and acceptance as her feathers and beak were reverting back to Fleur's human form.

"I think you know deep down that Hope gave Bill an empty threat just like I know that without needing Hope to confirm it with me. She cares about you too much to actually hurt him, unless of course, he actually does something remarkably stupid that your relationship could never recover from. And even then, Hope would give you the first shot rather than killing him herself."

Fleur's nose twitched slightly at the prospect of hurting her person, no matter the reason behind it may be.

Daphne took her own deep breath as she needed to calm down as well. Daphne's ice-blue eyes met with the Veela's metallic silver as she kept going now that both girls were much calmer now than when Fleur first got here. "Fleur… Hope has turned down multiple Duels against the two youngest Weasley children because she doesn't want to hurt Bill with the death of a family member which would in turn hurt you. Why would Hope refuse when all Ronald and Ginerva have done recently is verbally attack Hope and I? We've even asked Freya, Myrddin and Alexandria not to interfere."

Fleur's vexing features turned into a frown at Daphne's words. "I feel like I should be saying something like 'thank you for defending me' but you know I don't need to be protected? I'm not your responsibility."

"But you are our friend." Hope answered simply but strongly as she appraised Fleur with her sea-blue orbs.

"I truly do hate the way Molly thinks that you are not good enough for her son while making fun of your etiquette as a member of a Most Ancient and Noble House in France. I don't even know if Ronald has figured out how to be in the same room as you without falling prey to your allure." Fleur shook her head slightly to answer that last one as Hope continued on with her little rant. "I may not have seen an interaction between you and Ginerva but I know that in the books she consistently bullies you and calls you 'phlegm'."

The Veela flinched slightly at that while Daphne's head shot up and turned to Hope. "I'm sorry? Ginerva does what?" The blonde asked in such a cold voice that even under the privacy ward, pedestrians were shivering at the sudden cold wave as they rubbed their arms for warmth.

Fleur looked down as she tried to hide the tears that were slowly tracking its way down the Veela pristine cheeks.

Daphne bared her teeth in the Tribrid's direction. "Are you sure we can't kill them? I want to kill them."

Hope shook her head sadly before giving a quick glance towards Fleur, showing the Slytherin Ice Queen why they shouldn't kill the youngest Weasleys. The Greengrass Heiress let out an impressive growl that Hope wasn't entirely sure if it was influenced by her Wolf or Tiger Animagus but it had Hope's Wolf beam with pride at the animalistic sound.

"What if we just Honour Dueled them? Neutered their ability to bully Fleur?" Daphne offered to which Hope looked thoughtful at.

Fleur cleared her throat, gaining her exes' attention almost immediately. "You do recall that I've seen you both duel? Anytime you are in a duel with someone who you believe has disrespected either your friends or family usually end up needing to be taken to the Infirmary." The silver-blonde woman levelled both girls with an intense stare as she finished speaking. "Also I'm more than capable of fighting my own battles."

Daphne crossed her arms over her chest, nearly copying her wife as they both accepted Fleur's words but wished they could do more to help.

"We know… If you ever need us for anything, let us know. Just because we aren't together anymore doesn't mean we want you out of our lives." The normally cold girl offered softly.

The Veela's stern expression faltered at Daphne's promise, losing any of the remaining fight from her body. Fleur knew if Daphne offered this, then both girls would abide by it.

"I guess that would be fine with me, so long as you don't threaten my partner again." The Veela partially teased while keeping some of the seriousness in her tone at the same time.

Somehow both Hope and Daphne rolled their eyes dramatically as they groaned loudly. "If we must." Was the teasing quip the Emrys couple replied with.

As much as Fleur didn't want to laugh at her former lovers' antics she could stop the little smile in the corner of her lips. "Brats."

Hope raised a cheeky eyebrow in Fleur's line of sight, basically saying 'No, really? I would never have guessed'. Daphne shrugged as she shook off the supposed insult.

The girls ended up spending the next 1-2 hours walking through the French Quarter. Hope suggested they take the tour the city offers tourists and she can point out any differences between the universes or what a vacant spot will one day become in the future.

Daphne and Fleur gave the other a little glance as they both enjoyed listening to Hope talk about her universe. It was truly interesting to learn more about Hope and Freya's universe and the history behind some of the more spectacular events in the supernatural world. Since Hope's family were either a part of it, orchestrated the entire event without actually being personally involved or were kept apprised of the situation by compelling anyone they came across to fill them in on all the juicy details, the youngest Mikaelson was able to tell such fascinating stories that could keep them entertained for hours.

Although Hope being the little shit she is couldn't help herself as she made some cheeky comments about the two blondes becoming sisters-in-law. Daphne and Fleur had levelled a smouldering glare on the Tribrid who just cackled like a maniac as she half-heartedly ran away from the blonde witches while telling them that Stori and Gabi both have a tendency to confide in Hope.

Apparently the Head of the Legendary Emrys House was someone they both trusted and could talk or write to in Gabi's case, without fear of being judged horrifically like Hope and Daphne have been, especially at the beginning. People can be cruel and downright harsh in their actions and words when they want to be. It's how you handle the situation and disparagement that will reveal your true self. It's a make or break reaction.

Gabrielle and Astoria had similar thoughts when Hope and Daphne announced their relationship to the wizarding community. The couple didn't try to force their relationship on anyone as they have never been photographed in a compromising display of affection, so no one has actually ever seen them kiss other than the people Hope and Daphne felt safe showing this side of themselves.

Every Wizard or Witch from here to Sydney to Timbuktu had something to say about Hope and Daphne's relationship, usually highly offensive and demeaning. This nearly broke Stori's heart as she had to watch the entire wizarding community take a blasting charm and fire it at her sister and Hope.

But Hope and Daphne had mostly ignored the criticism and told everyone to mind their own business as their love life had absolutely nothing to do with anyone else except themselves and eventually Fleur when she joined the Emrys pair.

The Veela was thankfully not placed under the same level of scrutiny as Hope and Daphne but she was still bullied and slandered along with the Emrys couple. The wizarding community blamed Fleur's Veela heritage for her inclusion into the relationship, citing 'that Veelas' were cheap whores' and that 'the Emrys couple needed a Veela to keep the relationship interesting because they needed someone with experience to show them that the girls needed a man and that is why Fleur left them for a man'.

At this stage Hope had enough and went to Gringotts to speak to Ragnok about writing up a defamation contract for the Daily Prophet to abide by as well as the other news outlets around the wizarding world. King Ragnok had blinked in shock at the contract as he's never heard of it and Hope shrugged as she said it was something the No-Maj celebrities use all the time to protect themselves. This had the Goblin King grin with a vicious snarl as he began writing up more contracts for all the Magical Creatures and asked if Hope would be willing to stand up for them if the Wizards broke the contract.

Lady Emrys agreed and with Ragnok's help these contracts were dispersed within a week after Hope brought Daphne, her aunt and parents to triple check the wording after all the Purebloods got over their shock that there was a way to stop the wizarding world from slandering them.

Rita Skeeter and the Minister of Magic either completely forgot this or didn't think that it applied to them. Hope was just waiting until the news of Dumbledore's death had died down just a little bit before starting up anymore political bullshit.

Fleur had left them on a much calmer note as she had promised her grandmother that she would join the Veela High Court for a meeting to discuss her ascension to being their future Wing Leader. The silver-eyed girl had groaned as she mentioned this as she was over all the meetings and regulations she must follow and all the political bullshit. The Veelas were quite pleased that Fleur was part of the Most Ancient and Noble House Delacour and her father was working his way up to being Minister for the French Ministry of Magic.

Hope and Daphne couldn't stop the automatic eye roll as soon as they heard the word Minister. Fleur looked a little bristled for a second before recalling that the British Minister was practically on a warpath against the Emrys family and in turn rolled her own eyes at Cornelius Fudge's stupidity.

- - -

Lizzie grimaced as she siphoned the magic out of the Aurors who were first on scene to protect the Ministry of Magic from the tactical raid Voldemort decided to launch against the British Ministry. The brave wizards and witches who came against Lizzie head on fell to the ground in pure exhaustion or unconsciousness.

The blonde witch would mutter a quiet sleeping spell "Ad somnum" under her breath, hopefully in an attempt to keep them alive in the long run. Lizzie could only pray that Voldemort didn't catch on too soon and kill them himself. Lizzie watched on regretfully as the Dark Lord and Bellatrix raged hell on the Ministry, she was helpless to fight back as she wasn't able to siphon enough magic out of her unwilling surrogates.

The Aurors were too weak magically for her to store their magic to use it for some of her more powerful spells. Lizzie once again swore at her father's inability or negligence in teaching them offensive magic. 'Hope would know what to do' was the bitter response that was playing on repeat within her messed up mind and for once Lizzie agreed with that broken part of herself.

Another body thudded to the ground with a meaty slap as an emerald jet of magic slammed into him. It was a dark-skinned man in deep blue robes and a single gold hoop through one of his ears. Lizzie sucked in a breath as she recognized the man on the floor, it was Kingsley Shacklebolt, he was supposed to become the Minister of Magic after the whole debacle between Harry and Voldemort.

The avid Harry Potter fan was fully aware that Voldemort had attacked the Ministry or at least infiltrated it on two separate occasions upon his return. The first being the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in mid 1996 at the end of 'Order of the Phoenix', the other being the infiltration was August 1st, 1997. It was the day after Dumbledore's funeral, Lizzie recalled with great clarity. The Harry Potter series was always one of her favourite book series to reread over and over.

This entire timeline didn't make sense. Nothing was happening at the right times! Dumbledore died earlier than he was supposed to September 1995, nearly a full two years early in a duel against this Lady Emrys person who Lizzie has never heard of before. Whoever this was, she was altering the events of this world drastically and Lizzie couldn't catch up.

Lord Voldemort was taking full advantage of the disarray in the magical world as he took on the Ministry. He was hoping that if he attacked while the Emrys Proxy wasn't anywhere near the building the Emrys family wouldn't make an appearance and interfere with his plans to take over the Wizarding World.

It certainly seemed that the Dark Lord's plan was working as there were no sudden appearances from the so-called powerful witches according to the pale skinned man.

Lizzie was beyond tired as she was told to hold up a privacy ward that Voldemort had taught her how to use. Another method to hide his actions from the illusive Legendary family. All while she had to knock out anyone who got too close and put them under a sleeping spell. Lizzie practically felt like she was dead on her feet!

The blonde girl didn't bother trying to argue as she felt her eyelids start to droop close. She had dark bags under her eyes as she was afraid to sleep for more than 30 minutes at a time.

The Death Eaters thought she was fair game and would slip in during random intervals to catch her off guard so they could try to rape her but thankfully for the Siphoner she could slip out of any magical restraints as she siphoned the magic away before gripping the Wizard in question and siphoning from them until they fainted. Lizzie couldn't bring herself to kill them. No matter how much easier it may be if she did.

The blonde almost missed what happened due to her hazy vision but she felt it. A powerful magical barrier erected itself around a tall woman wearing a monocle who was one of the most aggressive attackers they were facing. The speedy caster was wearing a pin showing her position as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. This was Amelia Bones.

Lizzie was so distracted from the familiar feeling magic coming off the barrier that was able to block an AK that she nearly didn't move her hand in time to siphon the spell the red-headed woman casted in the blonde's direction.

The woman's eyes widened at the display of this powerful blonde girl who just absorbed or negated her spell altogether with her hand and without a spell. She's never seen anything like it from the expression Lizzie can see on her face. The Siphoner pursed her lips silently as she saw Voldemort cast another AK with Bellatrix on the woman only to once again be blocked by a familiar magic she couldn't put her finger on.

Lizzie tilted her head to the side as she appraised the Lead Auror, wondering what magic she had that could block an AK. They are supposed to be unblockable by a magical shield and yet that's exactly what is happening. Steel-blue eyes blinked slowly as she followed the feeling of magic to a visible bulge in the pocket of her robes.

Amelia noticed the girl's knowing gaze before flinching at the next barrage of spells from the remaining Death Eaters. The woman was the last Auror standing. The Head of the DMLE reassessed her probability of survival as she watched the blonde girl stalk forward slowly.

The monocle wearing witch looked wary of Lizzie and the blonde witch couldn't blame her. The Siphoner was honestly hoping that the woman would apparate out of the Ministry and save herself. Instead she heard Voldemort's taunts as he told her that he had anticipated the possibility of apparating out and warning the Emrys family which made Lizzie heart sink.

Voldemort forced Lizzie to advance Madam Bones and to take down whatever magic that was protecting her.

Amelia must've despised her odds of winning as she grunted in displeasure, from what Lizzie had read she knew the woman was incredibly proud and retreat was probably the last thing she wanted to do. But she locked eyes with Lizzie and Amelia looked like she wanted to ask something but the moment the blonde girl's hand touched the barrier Madam Bones jolted back in disbelief for a few seconds as the magic was wearing away quickly.

The Head of the DMLE pulled out a stone that the magic was pulsing from. If the Siphoner could get her hands on that she may just be able to siphon enough magic to take on the Death Eaters, cast a room-wide sleeping spell and escape. Lizzie subconsciously licked her lips as her gaze locked onto the stone that Voldemort apprehensively announced as the Emrys Family Runestone.

The way the sickly grey man said it made the stone seem important and with the magic coming off of it Lizzie could believe it. The stone radiated magic Lizzie swears she has felt before but it felt… different. Like so very slightly different, a hint of frost sweeping past the unbearable heat of magic.

Apparently the stone had another effect as Madam Bones vanished in a flash of light. Lizzie's hand no longer felt any resistance from the barrier and she almost swore as her chance to get away from Voldemort crumbled before her eyes.

- - -

Upon Hope and Daphne's arrival back into Hogwarts via the carriage for once as they wanted to cuddle, they were approached by a frazzled Headmistress as soon as the couple stepped out. Freya was also there along with Flitwick and most surprisingly Madam Bones and an Unspeakable that the Emrys couple were becoming awfully familiar with over the past few months.

"This can't be good." Hope remarked to Daphne as her gaze scanned over the group for a hint of what terrible thing has happened now.

Daphne clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth as she pursed her lips. "Nope."

Freya had her eyes narrowed in thought as she's been apprised of the situation within the Ministry. Amelia was recounting her story for Hope and Daphne's sake as the Immortal witch rubbed her chin in thought.

"We lost the Ministry in an insurrection mounted by the Dark Lord's forces." Hope and Daphne's eyes widened at the news and the Greengrass Heiress immediately turned to her grandfather.

The elder Greengrass gave a tiny nod as an answer to the silent question he knew his granddaughter was enquiring about without saying anything. Gareth's small motion of movement had Daphne release a thankful breath of air at the realisation that her parents were safe from this incursion.

'Daph. If you want some more protection for your mum and dad, you can ask if they would like to stay at one of the Emrys family sites? They are yours to offer refuge to your family, love. What's mine is yours.' Hope mentally reassured her wife while trying to give a gentle reminder that Hope was more than happy to share her wealth with Daphne.

Daphne flashed a grateful smile in Hope's direction before turning back to the group with a pensive expression. 'Thank you Hope. I'll send a letter to my parents once we finish up here.'

Hope stood with her back straight as she crossed her arms over her chest as she braced herself for the onslaught of information she was going to receive.

Instead Madam Bones looked more frustrated than anything. "The thing that annoys me the most is that I know Voldemort's army attacked the Ministry and I know I fought them. But I can't actually remember all the details."

The Tribrid looked unfathomably shocked as the Valkyrie-based Duellist had a scrupulous eye for detail, never missing a beat. Amelia also held out the Emrys Family Runestone that Hope had gifted during her first Christmas in this universe and blinked in shock. The Runestones reserves were running low. Even if Amelia had been attacked for an hour non-stop, this Runestone would still have more magical juice left than this.

"Something or someone was able to weaken your Runestone to the point where my safest option was to use the Portkey in the Runestone to get out of there and warn you but now I can't even remember what I was supposed to be warning you about." The Head of the DMLE remarked.

Daphne shared a concerned gaze with Hope and Freya knowing that this was not normal although either one of the Mikaelson witches could pull off the same confusion if they truly wanted. Leading all three of them to believe this was what Luna had seen in her vision. This thing or person was from their universe and Voldemort had possession of it and was able to use its power which had Hope and Freya clenching their fists in anger.

"Fuck." Hope muttered at the implication and Freya could only grunt in agreement.

This was turning into more of a problem than the Mikaelson women could ever imagine and they still don't know what they are up against.

Although it was Freya who spoke up to voice her thoughts with a grimace. "It must be a person because I can't think of a single magical item that can cause memory loss or at the bare minimum, forgetfulness as well as absorbing the magical energy out of a Runestone without actually casting a spell on the stone directly in an attempt to destroy it. This, however, is something that a witch could do and we're not exactly running low on enemies before we came here."

Hope ground her back teeth together as she knew her aunt was only telling the truth but it frustrated the Tribrid to no end that she and her family accumulated enemies wherever they were.

"My Aunt is most likely right… Voldemort has obtained a witch who either is being threatened to do what he wishes or they are helping Tom of their own volition once learning that Freya and I were here. I'm honestly leaning more towards the second option at this point." Hope grumbled as she turned to her aunt with a forlorn look on her face.

Flitwick and McGonnagall shared a concerned glance as they fully believed that Hope and Freya were the most powerful witches of this era. The fact that they were both acting supremely jumpy filled the two Hogwarts Professors with dread. Daphne's grandfather became slightly uneasy as he watched on in silence.

During the whole time Flitwick has known Hope she's never shown one ounce of fear or worry when it came to duelling or magical prowess. The young Queen never backed down and always had a plan. For the first time since the Goblin Professor has started training Miss Mikaelson he noticed that the auburn haired girl didn't have a plan up her sleeve or some dark concoction in the deep recesses of the young Tribrid's intelligent but dangerous mind.

Neither of the Emrys descendants looked overly confident and that greatly concerned the people around them, none more so than Daphne.

Daphne moved forward and pulled both of the Mikaelson women into a tight embrace as she tried to calm the powerful pair of witches. The Unspeakable Greengrass could only raise his eyebrows at his granddaughter's caring actions as she took care of the more magically distraught witches with an elegance he believed no one else would be able to replicate.

McGonnagall, Flitwick and Madam Bones all seemed to understand that the Emrys family needed a moment and awkwardly looked anywhere other than at the 3 women as they tried to be discreet but failed. The Legendary family appreciated the effort from the last remaining Auror, the newest Headmistress of Hogwarts and a half Wizard-half Goblin Warrior but couldn't help but snicker quietly at the ridiculousness of the situation and at how completely awkward they looked.

Amelia cleared her throat once the Greengrass Heiress had managed to calm the two Mikaelson women, gaining the group's attention. "Do any of you have any wonderful ideas on how to stop the Dark Lord? I can only imagine that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is going to attack Hogwarts soon to get rid of his remaining competition. The Legendary House Emrys."

Hope and Freya sighed in the other's direction as they knew this day was coming, they only wished that it was on their terms. An assault on their hideout instead of defending Hogwarts Castle with multiple access points making the school incredibly difficult to defend. But they also wouldn't hold the fight at the Ministry either, as much as they have to go to Wizengamot sessions twice a year neither Hope, Freya of even Daphne could give an exact layout of the Ministry, making it a suicide mission.

"Excellent… and just in time for Hallowe'en. Of bloody course." Hope bitterly responded before realising who she said this around as she turned to Susan's aunt. "Sorry Amelia."

Madam Bones gave a shallow gulp before putting on a brave face and hiding her emotions behind a wall of Occlumeny shields. "It's fine. The timing is unavoidable and from what my niece tells me, something bad always happens on Hallowe'en, at least to Harry. Why would this year be any different?" The monocle wearing woman remarked in a tone that didn't require a response.

- - -

Voldemort was stalking up towards Minister Fudge with a menacing grin full of sharp teeth as the other man cowered into a pathetic ball in the corner of his office. Lizzie wanted to feel sorry for the man but she couldn't help but recall that he was a coward who left the wizarding world in shambles as he vehemently discouraged anyone who said Voldemort was back.

'Surprise Motherfucker!' Lizzie bitterly thought to herself as watched the pale asshole from her spot next to Bellatrix as neither Voldemort nor his Lieutenants wanted the blonde Siphoner out of their sight for even a moment unless it was in the confines of their hideout.

"Well what do we have here?" Fudge flinched hard at the sound of the Dark Lord's voice before letting out a quiet whimper as he looked up into Voldemort's red snake eyes.

Voldemort couldn't stop the sick smirk that stretched across his face at the Minister's reaction to overtaking the Ministry of Magic and killing basically all of the Aurors except Madam Bones who was able to escape somehow with the Emrys family's help.

"A scared little man too far over his head? You couldn't even handle a single little girl who hasn't even finished Hogwarts." The pale man taunted his prey.

Lizzie's eyebrows furrowed. 'Lady Emrys is a Hogwarts student??? I expected her to be something like Dumbledore's age with how Voldemort was reacting to her power. But Lady Emrys is just a kid… Why does it always fall to the kids to save the day?'

"Nothing to say?" Voldemort continued as he tormented his prey. "Answer me this, truthfully and I may let you live."

'Lies.' Lizzie immediately thought but remained silent as she hugged herself for the false sense of security under Bellatrix's haunting gaze.

Fudge peered out from his ball as he replied, "Truly?"

"Yes." The Dark Lord obviously lied but the Minister seemed to eat it up as he managed to crawl his way up to his feet, waiting anxiously for the Dark Lord's question to spare his life.

"Why didn't the Unspeakables come to your aid?" Voldemort asked, not really interested in the answer as he already knew the answer. Voldemort only wanted to drag out the man's death for as long as he could while giving him hope of survival. He also wanted to know if the Minister knew about the change of allegiance.

Cornelius Fudge's initial reaction was one of anger which Voldemort found interesting as the Minister had sneered in his direction before remembering who was standing not even 10 feet away. "The Unspeakables had pledged their allegiance to Lady Emrys and her family. I found this out when I went into the Hall of Records to place myself as Head of the Light Faction."

Apparently the Minister was unaware until this last month, it seems Miss Mikaelson enjoys keeping people in the dark. It stands to reason that she could have amassed more allies since they last met.

Bellatrix's dark eyes narrowed as she turned to Fudge with an evil look on her face. In a quick flurry of movement the barely pregnant woman had fired off a Killing Curse without needing to speak the words aloud with how familiar she became with the spell. The emerald green light rocketed out of Bellatrix's jagged and sharp wand and slammed into Fudge.

Lizzie jolted at the crack of magic and the sound of the Minister of Magic's body thudding on the ground loudly, echoing in her skull as she closed her eyes at the sight.

Voldemort made a humming noise as he watched Fudge's body hit the floor dispassionately as he started to walk back to Bellatrix. "I never said that my sweet Bella wouldn't kill you, so I did keep my word in the end."

Riddle trailed a finger down Bellatrix's pale cheek and Lizzie turned around and made a blanching face at the wall as she heard them kiss behind her. 'Eww… Who would want to kiss that noseless face? Ugh, so gross. Honestly if I had to kiss one or the other I'd kiss Bellatrix. Don't judge me, Helena Bonham Carter is hot.'

"We'll attack Hogwarts tomorrow before the child and her aunt are able to amass their forces." Voldemort laughed as he glanced over to the blonde girl who had turned away from himself and his dear Bella.

Voldemort didn't need to touch Lizzie for her to know that he was staring at her back with those slitted eyes, the Dark Lord could see the muscles in the young girl's back tense up through the dirtied white shirt she had arrived in. "With my weapon we will finally decimate the Emrys family and kill Hope."

Lizzie flinched at the last word. The blonde Siphoner clenched her jaw as she closed her eyes in disgrace at herself. Her parents would be ashamed if they knew what she was doing. If only she was brave like Hope… 'Hang on… Why did "hope" sound like it was "Hope" with a capital "H" when Voldemort said it? … No way… It can't be… Can it?'

The blonde's mind went into overdrive as she used the minimal information she had with a deep frown etched on her face as her eyes flitted off to the side. A niece-aunt pairing. 'Hope and Freya'. Appeared out of thin air. 'Hello, I appeared out of thin air!' It's possible. 'But what are the chances?? Universal travel and time travel in the exact same area as her frenemy… It's impossible.'

Yet Lizzie could help but feel hopeful at the prospect… What if it is Hope Mikaelson?

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