Chapter 5: A Jojo in Naruto. 5
Jonathan woke up and Yamato greeted him, getting the caravan moving they eventually got stopped by a sound.
Yamato signaled for Jonathan to stop and get ready for combat, a group of bandits come out from the bushes, "Look what we have here boys, a no life with a shitty haircut and a child! And I think in the caravan there's a woman!" Sadly, for them, that's a grown ass man in the caravan.
Yamato ignoring the disrespect says, "Look, we're just trying to pass by, let us go or we will have to use force." The bandits just laugh at him and try to attack, Yamato using wood release chokes the life out of one of them while he gives the other one next to him blunt force trauma.
'15 bandits, can't be too hard me,' Jonathan thinks, a bandit sneaks up on him and stabs him in the back, "Agh." Jonathan grunts but due to original Jonathan's bulky body it barely does anything.
"Stay down." Jonathan says as he punches the bandit full force in the face slamming him into the ground, five try to approach the caravan but Jonathan is quick, bulldozing four of them and knocking them out, some permanently, Jonathan doesn't know that.
The remaining one tries to get a hostage through the merchant, Jonathan as almost on instinct pulls out a shuriken and throws it directly to the bandit's neck, blood splatters all over Jonathan signifying the horrible sin he has just committed. 'I killed him, a man, how can I live with myself?.... Man get that bullshit out of here! His buddy stabbed me in the side of my back, and he was about to kill unc here!'
'Mental relief later, help Yamato sensei now.' Jonathan thought to himself, "Are you okay?" He asks the merchant, "Y-yes you saved my life... I know killing someone is hard, I done it before many times," he pauses, "I'm not proud of them but all of them were necessary and sometimes I have to remind myself that when I think I'm a monster. You're not a monster kid, remember that."
Jonathan just got new advice and lore about this ancient ass merchant, (How old do you think this guy is?) he could be Jonathan's grandpa, focusing on the mission he goes outside to see Yamato soloed the remaining ten bandits easily.
Yamato takes one look at him and tells him to wash off, Jonathan looks at himself and he's covered in blood, head to toe, hair from dark blue to bright red, 'Free hair dye I guess...'
Going to a river and soaking himself and his clothes he couldn't get the blood entirely off of his hair, a red streak of hair is just blood red now. (Yes.)
'My clothes are completely ruined, thank heavens that my parents packed me an extra in the storage scroll.' Pulling out his storage scroll he opened and revealed his new ninja drip, a red shirt with a blue and black gi covering it with pockets, and that's it.
Jonathan walking out of the river with his new clothes on decides that his old ones are pretty much finished, covered in blood there original blue and brown color are now more like red and slight darker red.
Burning them by starting a fire he quickly puts out with ease, Yamato knowing how hard a first kill can be tries to comfort his student but can't find the words, 'If only I were someone else like Kakashi or Guy, hell anybody else I could do it...' Yamato thought to himself.
"It's fine Yamato sensei, although I don't like it that prick stabbed me in the back," noticing his sensei looking at him seriously, "it is healed thanks to Hamon leaving only a minor scar, and the merchant would have been killed if I haven't killed that man, these people have probably killed more innocent people than I ever would in my lifetime." Oh, how wrong that statement would come to be little Jonathan...
Continuing to move along the path Yamato and sometimes Jonathan have to clear the path from fallen trees and shit, meanwhile Jonathan has taken to the old merchant like a grandpa, "One time I encounter this old sage, supposedly he claims he's powerful, though he told me something strange," Old man Straizo pauses, "supposedly there's an island in the middle of nowhere with lizards! Though unlike these lizards he compared them to snakes with wings," 'Orochimaru's summons? Ryuchi cave, right?' Jonathan thought, "Now these snakes came in all different sizes, some could be as small as your pinky while some can be as big as buildings, he called these snakes dragons those of fairytales." "Old man, do you really believe there's an island full of flying lizards?" Jonathan asks a bit skeptical but then remembers he's in fucking Naruto full of fillers and lore that has been abandoned for a sequel.
(Prequel about random shinobi and myths would have been fire as hell, change my mind. Demons, angels, actually deities-not the alien ones, ghosts, mythical creatures' hell maybe more aliens besides humanoid Otsutsuki)
"I seen a lot of things that can't be explained by chakra or jutsu, I have heard a lot of things from other people that can't be explained by chakra or any jutsu, sometimes I even experienced these things, so maybe there is an island in the middle of nowhere with tons of snakes with wings that could pose danger to this world... Wanna hear more?" Straizo asks in his grandfather like tone, "Yeah!" Jonathan says, this is the first time in both of his lives he has gotten a grandfather like figure so he might be a little be childish.
"Since you liked the dragon island one let me tell you a story about a forest with wolves... I met a woman before who couldn't speak but could commune with wolves from a forest, I let her live in my house for a while, eventually she did speak and left shortly after but that wasn't the strange part." "What was it old man?" "When I first found her she appeared at the edge of the forest, I offered her medical help but she acted like an animal, a wolf to be exact, though eventually I did manage to help her stop the bleeding but not before getting bitten a bit. Seeing as this woman had nowhere to go, I invited her to my house, then men came looking for her... But they weren't really men, they seemed animalistic like her but more real, more natural, like she was pretending to be a wolf, but these things were pretending to be men, they asked me if I seen a woman at the edge of the forest that my house was near, I was about to say yes and give her up but through a reflection of the mirror in another room I could see her visible scared." 'The hell?' "I told them no and it worked, though I saw something in those woods, two yellow, glowing eyes that seemed bigger than me, I tell you something was in those woods that day and not giving this girl up might have saved my life. When the girl went back into the woods, she gave me something," Straizo pulls out a scroll, "and so did that sage, a scroll, or a map. Now I'm too old to go adventuring but young lad, you seemed young enough to do it," Then Straizo gave him the information to where he lives, "come to my home when you want to explore, I have more stories like this and have evidence to back it up, and for some reason I have a feeling that these people gave me these things to give to somebody else. And I feel like you are the one to give it to, call me crazy or call me an old fool, I believe there's something else that I haven't notice but you will."
"I will, thanks old man, though care to share anymore stories?" Jonathan asks, and Straizo did, "When I was young, a little older than your age 15, I was looking for a place in the sky, the clouds to be exact. See, I heard a rumor that beings, giant moth creatures rested in clouds, their home, their environment, and being the reckless person I was, I decided to try and find a way up there, suffice to say I failed even almost dying before being saved by the clouds themselves." 'Who the hell is this guy!?' "But I believe I found a way up there, if you take a certain path through the highest mountain in the area piercing the clouds, there's a secret entrance, and using chakra you can theoretical sling shot your way up there. And the clouds themselves seem friendly enough, plus if you use chakra like you're standing on water and walls, I believe that with the right ratio you can stand on the clouds and make a semi flight jutsu, though this is all just speculation."
"Why are you telling me this old man? What if I report this to Konoha or somebody finds out by reading my mind? And how do we know that my sensei hasn't heard this entire conversation?" Jonathan asks, "Kid, I haven't told nobody this information in decades, I haven't even told this to my own "Family", and I chose you because I know you won't tell it to Konoha. You either haven't been completely brainwashed yet or you don't agree with them at all, and by looking at your expression it seems to be a mix of both huh?" 'Damn he's good.' "Also, kid, not even the Byakugan or the greatest sensors can hear or see what's going on in this caravan, the seals I placed everywhere probably should have told you that, which means you still have room to learn, which is good. Never stop growing, okay?" 'Damn, I really am a noob.'
"Anyway, I believe that's enough story time, I have an extra bed in here if you wanna sleep in here, though you have a tent, right?" Jonathan politely declines the offer and goes outside, setting up his tent and entering it he reviews the stories.