Chapter 6: A Jojo in Naruto. 6
Jonathan and Yamato have finally gotten the merchant, Straizo, to the land of waves. Saying their goodbyes while promising to visit as soon as they get the chance their depart back to Konoha which I will skip because I don't know what to write about that.
Approaching the gates of Konoha Yamato must sign some documents to get back in and they enter Konoha, only for Yamato to realize something important.
"Oh crap, I got to prepare you for the Chunin exams!" 'But wait, he has no teammates meaning I have to do that.' Yamato says and thinks to himself, with a heavy sigh Yamato says, "Come on Jonathan we have to go to the Hokage's office." with a dejected voice.
Walking over to the Hokage's office Jonathan notices something is extremely wrong with Yamato, 'What the hell could be so bad that he prefers the Chunin exams over it? I mean I'll be damn glad if I am not in the Chunin exams, I don't fight and train my ass off cause I'm barely a Genin level adversary with a secret art that's useful, and if I'm outside the village that's even better! No Orochimaru, no way in God's green Earth I'll join that shitty team to stop Sasuke from leaving, and I don't have to fight a giant fucking sand raccoon.'
Comparing the two's moods it's like comparing the day and night, the sun and moon, Hiruzen and a good Hokage, etc.
Reaching the Hokage's office Hiruzen just gives Yamato that look, "Yes lord Hokage," Turning around to Jonathan, "Since I am needed in the village, and you don't have teammates to participate in the Chunin exams the only way for you to achieve Chunin rank is by doing a certain number of missions and getting mission points. These missions will be outside of the village and must be C rank to B rank missions, now if we wait a little bit longer we can transfer you to a team, especially with your gifts."
Jonathan just looks at him with a, 'You told him!' look, "Yes Jonathan, I know of your gifts, the ripple is quite the technique, so if you wish to stay in the village and wait a couple years than I would be more than obliged to allow it." Hiruzen says, "Sorry Hokage sama, I wish to do the missions outside of the village, I believe I can do it, and I can gain valuable skills from actually ebing a shinobi." Jonathan bows then leaves the room, 'Damn it Yamato, for all I know I could be bred or experimented on!'
'Focus me, focus... Wait how the fuck did I forget about my system!' Quickly going home jumping from tree to tree he makes it there to see his mother and father in the living room.
They hug him and then he tells them, "Father, Mother, I have killed... I do not like the feeling but, I did it to protect, and hopefully you won't see me as a monster, but as your son." Jonathan says prepared for the worst, all he gets is a tighter hug from his mother and her whisper "You're not a monster, you'll always be my baby boy." 'This, this is why I vowed to protect them.' Jonathan thought feeling at peace.
Going to his room after the heartfelt hug, he checks his system, 95% completion with Jonathan Joestar his points? since he took out six bandits he has 3,000 points.
Bandits/fodder: 500
Genin: 2,000
Chunin: 15,000
Jonin: 50,000
Anbu: 35,000-40,000
Elite Jonin: 75,000
Kage: 200,000
These are how many points a person gives based on their level, right now Jonathan can't really buy much, but these points can be used to upgrade the template percentage as well.
Putting all his points into the template he 100% unlocks Jonathan abilities, mastery over Hamon, stupid endurance, and something extremely op all Jojos have (Hint: what's the strongest force in the Jojo universe?)
Jonathan however didn't noticed it and rolled for his next template, the system said it would appear soon, 'What?' Jonathan thought, anyways Jonathan went to try and learn some Jutsus, though first he would need some chakra paper.
Asking his parents for one they agree, some jutsus would help him in not dying right? His other also presents him a gift, "When my teammates died..." She's holding back tears now, "one of them gave me this," she pulls out a case, opening it there's a katana with a black hilt ornate with red markings., "this was their gift to me, to live on, and that's what I want you to do." Jonathan accepts the gift and hugs his mother, they sit their for a while before she pulls out an extra chakra paper.
Allowing Jonathan to leave he goes to the training field where he and Yamato first sparred, 'Come on come on, give me something good.' putting his chakra into the paper it gets wrinkled, burnt, and damp...
Jonathan nearly faints, three chakra natures! Fire, lightning, and water these are the elements of Jonathan Joestar, 'This is perfect, better than what I could ask for, I could totally use these!' Jonathan thought.
'Though how did I get this? My mom uses water so that's answered, lightning is basically just my Hamon, and didn't Jojo use a fire attack? Scarlet overdrive yeah. So, lightning defeats Earth but weak against wind, fire is good against wind but weak against water, water is strong against fire but weak against Earth, Wind is strong against lightning weak to fire k got it.'
After that he went to ninja library searching for jutsus, "So, you're an Genin huh?" the librarian asked, and he was big, "Yes sir." "The section for Genin are over there, you won't learn much."
And he was right, most Genin level jutsus are E to D rank, Jonathan didn't even know E rank jutsus existed. Right now, he's planning to get nothing, 'Fire style: one? It's just having one of your fingers emit a fire scapel that's barely useful!'
Having to search even further down into the pile of books, he finds a fire ball jutsu but also a history book or something like it, 'A history of the world... wait where's the Author's name? Why does this thing seem even older than the other ones? Screw it I'm stealing it.' Jonathan thought, stealthily pulling out his storage scroll and sealing it, he walks back to the librarian and gets his jutsu.
"Remember, you can share it with other people, but anything higher than a C rank and you'll get executed now remember that okay?" The librarian calmy said.
Jonathan just nods getting a bigger idea how dangerous just living in the village is, getting out of the library he goes home and begins studying the jutsu.
After a couple failed attempts, 21, he eventually gets it right, "Fire style: Fire ball jutsu!" Jonathan shouts out, he had no reason to do this besides being cool, Jonathan realizing how cringe he's being wants to self-destruct.
"Okay, finally had a jutsu done, now you can go to the Hokage tomorrow and go on solo missions where you might live or die, life am I right?" Jonathan says to nobody but himself, 'God I am lonely.' he thinks.
Going to his home and eating dinner he decides to read the book he st-borrowed without them knowing, "This thing is so ancient that they probably forgot it existed." He says, as he read the book he realizes it more of an animal book than history, 'What the hell kind of animals are these?' checking to see if he could find the author's name he did, Straizo Polter, he almost drops the book in complete denial, 'That old man, he wrote a book? And this old? He must have written this when he was a baby or something... He never told me how old he truly is, but this could also just be a different Straizo, people could have same names.'
But as he continued to read the book the more, he realized something was strange about that man, "This book, it has basically everything he told me in that caravan, the cloud place, the hidden island, the weird forest of wolves. Yeah, it's definitely him who wrote this, and if it's him how in the hell did the village not know about him? If I heard of mystical animals that could potential be the next Sanin's team, I would definitely at least send a team to investigate."
Jonathan's mind was made up, he was going to select a couple of missions outside the village that would give him some time to go to the old man's house and figure out what's really going on.
The next day Jonathan quickly ate breakfast and did all the morning essentials, checked his supplies, etc. And then went straight to Hokage's office to get some missions, "Hokage sama, I want missions outside of the village please, C ranked please." And with that he was given bandit elimination missions, greeting his sensei and getting good luck he went outside of the village and straight to the nearest bandit camp, this would take him several days.
The end, thanks for reading