A Joestar in Naruto

Chapter 7: A Jojo in Naruto. 7


Jonathan took 2 days to get to the bandit camp, and when he did, he took count of them, 'seems to be over 20 bandits, decent bunker, 2 escape points, good thing it's all made out of wood.' 

Pulling out his katana he wields more like a sword he gets ready, getting the explosive tags ready he sneakily places them at the two gates and around the area in case any of the bandits just so happen to be there. 

He waits until nightfall to get the job done, seeing which bandit would go where and their positions, once he has all of that and the time is right, he's prepared. 

Some bandits are on patrol, 'So, not entirely dumb.' Sneaking up on a brute he stealthily slices his neck with a kunai, the body dropping to the floor alerts another bandit to come over there, before the man could even make a sound a katana is placed nicely in his skull. 

'God, so much blood on this thing already.' Jonathan thought while pulling out a wipe and cleaning it, he's not going to clean it with his sleeve that's for sure. 

'Two done six more to go,' Jonathan thought zooming around the camp silently taking out the patrolling bandits, when he went to one of them though they were preparing a jutsu to light a campfire. 

'Shit, this one might be a shinobi.' Approaching the man Jonathan stabs him in the back while pulling out a kunai to stab him in the neck, "Go to sleep, go to sleep." Jonathan said as he gently lowered the corpse his blades are in. 

'Okay, 5 bandits, a Genin, that's about 4,500 points. That's pretty good, thank God I snuck up on him.' 

Walking to the bunker he checks his explosive tags, still there, he sneaks into the bunker and puts some in there just so if they're intelligent enough to notice the hidden tags. 

Inside he finds tons of ninja tools, two jutsu scrolls, and a kenjutsu scroll. 'Man, this is a steal.' Jonathan is giggling inside as he puts all of the valuables into a storage scroll, he wonders if he's good with sealing, putting that thought aside he finds where all of them are sleeping and does the fire ball jutsu. 

Quickly getting out of there he witnesses chaos happening, the bandits who were caught off guard were either burned alive or died from the explosions, only four get out, and only one of them isn't injured severely.

"You two idiots! Go to that area, you guy to that area, and if you don't find the bastard that did this I'll skin you alive and feed to the wild animals!" Ordering his severely burned henchmen to find Jonathan he just feels pity, especially for the fact that they all entered the blast radius for his other explosive tags. 


They ignite and an explosion finally take out the three remaining genin level bandits, Jonathan has gained 10,500 points! Jonathan is ecstatic checking his system and realizing he can finally buy things!

"You bastard! Stop hiding and face huh! What too scared, coward!" The bandit leader at this point is fuming, his base is gone, all of his lackeys are gone, his valuables stolen or gone, and now he can't direct his anger towards anything. 

 Jonathan tries to sneak attack him but the bandit leader turns around and kicks him, "You're pathetic and weak!" Jonathan switching to a more suitable form of combat, fists and kunai, he charges at the man using the size difference between them, Jonathan although 5,4 is still small compared to the giant that is the bandit leader, 6,5 and he's fat. 

"Man, you're bigger than my table," Jonathan says dodging another punch, "if people in my village ate like you, wars would be started over farmers!" Ducking another punch from the bandit leader, "Why won't you just die!?" He screams at Jonathan, placing an explosion tag on the bandit's leg and jumps off of his back to a safe distance. 

"Damn you, DAMN IT!" The bandit screams in pain, the explosive tag does what it's supposed to, chunks of flesh are missing from the man's right side. 'Gory, but it'll work.' 

Feeling that he needs to finish the fight quickly Jonathan uses Fire ball jutsu again, except the bandit uses, "Earth wall!" he shouts like a shonen character, 'I wasn't weird then.' 

Blocking the fire ball the bandit says "That all you got? Pathetic." Somehow as an experienced ninja he didn't notice the fact he walking into another explosive tag planted by Jonathan. 

Preparing his last and finally jutsu he can muster Jonathan shoots a fire ball and the explosive goes off, the bandit's screams were the last thing he'll ever say. 

Enveloped in the explosion and fire the bandit leader's corpse is charred, "Huh, hope Hiruzen likes a charred head." Jonathan says cutting off what seems to be a head. 

Putting in his storage scroll but not before making sure he washes his hands in a river after touching it, looking back at the burning bunker Jonathan is satisfied, not even realizing he never killed to protect people... 

Going into a tree he checks his points, 12,500 points, although he could buy some Hamon things or the stone mask, that isn't going to help him at all, what he does notice though is a stand arrow, 75,000 points. 

'If one bandit camp got me a total of 12,000, and I have to go to about oh I don't know over ten, though I don't really have to go over ten bandit camps, I was just given the amount of time a little after the Chunin exams. So, about a month, easy points.' 

Jonathan decided to sleep for the night in a tree, this time he got a sleeping bag like his sensei, resting for the days ahead. 

Waking up he decides to follow the path he's made; he's been going in a way that the bandit camps lead to the old man's place is, in a mountain near the border of the land of fire/country of fire. 

Though on his way there a couple bandit camps are for the taking, 'Okay, this seems like a bandit fortress, mostly all wood a bit of stone, there's must be over a hundred bandits in there. Somebody strong has to lead them, Chunin maybe, could I take the person? Hell no! Explosive tags are going to come in handy here, stealth too, do a little bit of thievery and then set all the tags off, I forget I just have to destroy the bandit base, not make sure every one of them is dead. Though I want my points.' 

Seeing how many bandits are on patrol Jonathan counts 28 of them, 'Oh my, I'm going to get a shit ton of points!' Jonathan now waits for night after learning the patrolling schedule. 

'Finally.' Jonathan decides to use a new trick he's been working on with his sensei for the past week, chakra strings, 'Chakra strings can be broken easily, but maybe with Hamon reinforcing them they can.' Jonathan stops right there; his chakra strings are durable enough to cut through a branch he has to catch. 

'Shit, shit, shit!' Jonathan using the chakra strings grabs the branch and throws it into the woods, deciding to swing around like spiderman using them he fails miserably hitting a few trees in the first try. 

Thinking about using them to pull bandits to him he swings the strings around and successfully latches onto a bandit, pulling him towards him Jonathan uses his other hand to grab his katana and stab it through the man's neck. 

Putting the corpse on a tree and making it sit there he decides to do the same to the other twenty-seven bandits around, once he's done with the rest, 14,000 points. 

he sneaks into the bandit fortress and either begins to steal or put so many explosive tags it can rival a nuke, 'I'm running out of explosive tags... maybe I can steal some from them?' Jonathan thought, sneaking into what appears to be their armory Jonathan loots quite a couple weapons, he looted some armor to enhance his (Shoulder guards, vests, etc.), hundreds of explosive tags, some kunai and shuriken, and that's all. 

sneaking around he finds even more Ryo, though he sees a room guarded by bandits wielding weapons and armored, 'Shinobi? Samurai?' "I have to take a leak," One of them says, "Fine Wuu." The other says, and as Wuu left his friend left this life by getting decapitated. 

Silently dropping the body and going after the next shinobi he finds him finishing up his business, "Good night." Jonathan says, the bandit couldn't even mutter a word before getting stabbed in the neck. 

Sneaking into the room that was guarded he finds a fat-ass with a naked woman in chains, 'Oh, I'm going to enjoy this~' Stabbing the clearly intoxicated man in the head and then decapitating him for good measure he searches the "Office" for valuables, 'The woman seems dead already, a knife to the throat is pretty bad, and I'm not taking any chances that there are any other innocents in here, at least I'll put an end to their suffering?' 

Jonathan continues to loot the office, finding some strange things, a cloud headband, a scroll he has yet to open, a drum with lightning markings on it, special kunai that seems more lighter than the regular kunai, and a door to a vault behind the office. 

Walking inside the vault he notices all kinds of jewelry, gold, diamonds, and weird looking ore. 'This rock looks as black as black lightning might take it, some silver that looks like the clouds, and a couple bottles of light bluish liquid. Obviously, he's going to take all of these, 'Yoink!' 

Finishing up looting he begin to plant every explosive tag he has, making sure that if one is ignited, all are ignited, getting out of there quickly he ignites a tag leading to the complete destruction of the base. 


Without even needing to kill any more people, everybody has died in the explosions whether there were innocents or not, nothing of the fortress remains except burning debris. 

"Dirty fireworks." Jonathan says then checking his points his notice he has 90,000 more points, or in total 100,500 points. 

'I can buy a stand arrow, or a couple stand discs, though I don't even have stand. But if my template does have a stand a stand disc could be certainly helpful?' As he's thinking his template is unlocked, {Yoshikage Kira: 0%}.

Jonathan is ecstatic as hell, he's practically untouchable now if he actually masters Killer Queen, Bites the Dust is basically the ultimate uno reverse, resetting time giving the user memories of what happened in that time while nobody else remembers.

Though he only gets that due to the second pierce of an arrow which gives people stand abilities... Still, touching anything turns them into a bomb he can detonate, sheer heart attack: an invisible bomb that tracks heat signature and is nigh indestructible.

'Well, old man, you better prepare for the ass whooping I'm prepared to give you,' Jonathan after 3 days travel arrives to the hidden mountain base. 

Finding strange symbols on a cave entrance he investigates, a stone carved with words says, "With crimson key, the veiled road unfolds, a single drop ignites the untold.". 

"Guess you're a writer huh Straizo?" Realizing the meaning he pricks his finger and allows a drop of blood to fall, with that, the gate is opened to the inside of the base. 

Revealing, nobody inside? 


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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