Chapter 5: Hunting wolves, new skills, and plan to train.
(Axel. No POV)
We can see civilians waking up and going out to work, early morning shopping, and some early waking adventurers are already in the guild. The sun rising on the horizon, bathing the town in golden, early morning light. As the sun rises further we can see where our protagonist, Hank is residing as the light filters into the room and hits his pale face, painting him gold as his eyes slowly open and he turns over in bed.
(Hank POV)
I groan as something hits my face warming it up. I slowly open my eyes, only to quickly close them as the sun shines in my eyes. I quickly turn over and groan loudly "Fucking sun, messing with my sleep..." I sigh and remove the covers from me and get up, quickly putting on my clothes and walking out of the room and out of the inn after handing in the key.
Heading towards the guild to get a quest was my plan, but that fell apart as my stomach growls at me demanding food, so under the constant nagging of my stomach I decided to order food first when I get to the guild. Though my thoughts as I walked were on a different matter entirely, well almost entirely anyway. 'What am I going to do today? Maybe go on an actual quest? I'll just check the board after eating before deciding' Shortly I find myself in front of the guild building, so I enter inside to see about a dozen adventurers inside.
I walk over to an empty bench and take a seat as my stomach growls again, so I wave over one of the waitresses, a woman with a that was well proportioned with brown hair and green eyes. "Hello, how may I serve you today?" Her voice was smooth, sounding quite pleasing to the ears. "What do you have for morning meals?" I ask her smoothly, but inside I was blushing a bit as this woman was very beautiful and very pleasing to both my eyes and ears. Hearing my question she smiled and pulled out a menu from who knows where and handed it to me "Here, take a menu. You can call me or any of the other waitresses over when your ready to order!" After saying this she left to clean and tend to the other adventurers.
After seeing her leave, I turn to the menu and open it up to see what they serve here. Surprisingly the options were vast, but a lot of them were expensive, so I could only choose some of the lower end meals. So, realizing this, I chose a simple breakfast option of eggs, bacon, and a couple slices of bread, while also choosing a mug of milk for my drink. Waving to another waitress, she quickly approaches and takes my order, before running off to tell the cook, so she can return to her duties.
While waiting, I decide to try different things to get skills, even if I looked odd while doing them. Going cross legged on the bench to try and feel my mana, which still didn't work, so I tried to focus on my senses with mixed results, as it felt like it worked, but at the same time not changing much. Focusing harder I finally was able to pick up someone talking, like they were only a few feet away, but when I stopped focusing I noticed they were on the other side of the guild. I then heard a ding and a panel opened.
Through certain actions, the host has acquired the skill [Better hearing (Passive]
Through certain actions, the host has acquired the skill [Enhanced hearing. LVL1]
Looking at this I was happy, I could feel my hearing already better by a noticeable margin, and enhance hearing doubles my sense of hearing. Just as I was getting excited, I notice a waitress come over with my food on a plate that she quickly sits down along with a mug of cows milk. I nod and thank her before digging in to my breakfast, feeling famished since I had not eaten anything at all yesterday. 'I guess my excitement got the better of me and I didn't notice how hungry I was. I need to be more mindful next time.' I concluded to myself and continue eating my breakfast, enjoying the simple but good food.
After a few minutes, I finish my meal and stand up before walking over to the board and looking at the quests, not much being different from yesterday. I notice one quest in particular though, It's a wolf subjugation quest stating that they will pay me 1,500 eris for each wolf killed. This was fortunate for me as it gives me a way to test myself, but I didn't get my hopes up. This quest said wolves, meaning the normal ones, not the dire wolves I fought before, so their probably smaller and weaker and in turn less xp. But that doesn't matter, I need the money as that is my main focus for now, besides, killing them will add up quickly, so I grab the quest and like yesterday talk to Luna to get assigned to it.
And after getting assigned to it, I quickly leave the guild and head outside of the town gate again, heading into the same forest as yesterday to kill wolves. While walking towards the gates I begin to focus on my senses, this time on my other ones, such as sight, smell, and touch. And after a while I gain a skill for each along with the passive, but something surprised me, and that was the system.
It has been detected that the host has skills of similar origin and type, would you like to fuse them?
Seeing this I was excited and quickly pressed yes, but what happened next dampened my mood a little, just a little.
Error, cannot fuse skills.
Skills must reach level 10 before being fused.
Suggestion: Have them active at all times to quickly level them.
Seeing this I was slightly disappointed, but understood well enough. If I could fuse skills that easily, there would be no challenge or reason for starting with simple skills. So leveling them was a natural requirement. so, taking the systems suggestion, I activated them all at once, and I was briefly stunned, before regaining my barings. 'This feels weird, especially my sight. It's like when your wearing smudged glasses, and then clean them.' After getting somewhat used to the sensations I continue on my way towards the gate to leave Axel.
--(Time skip)--
[Enhanced hearing. LVL1 increased to LVL3]
[Enhanced sight. LVL1 increased to LVL4]
[Enhanced smell. LVL1 increased to LVL2]
[Enhanced Touch. LVL1 increased to LVL3]
--(Time skip)--
I arrive at the edge of the forest and enter it while listening carefully for the wolves that the quest says should be around here. I stop in place as an awful scent assaults my enhanced smell, i turn off my enhanced smell and hunch over beginning to retch, while trying to stop myself from vomiting. After a minute I breath heavily, but i'm no longer retching "What in the world was that smell!" I stand up straight and look around seeing nothing around me, and driven by my curiosity, I activate my enhanced smell again after preparing myself for the smell. And after almost retching again, I slowly adapt to the smell and follow it as it gets stronger.
Walking through the forest following the smell, I find trees around with scratches on them. And after heading into a clearing I come upon dead animal carcasses, some of them torn to bits and others left mostly intact, with puddles of blood scattered around. "So this is what that smell is, I guess the wolves are at fault for this." After a moment a ding sound goes off telling me that the skill [Enhanced smell] has leveled up to level 3. And as I was looking at this my hearing picked up on slight movement from the bushes to my right.
I quickly turn to them and watch with my improved vision, seeing a wolf in the shadows slowly approach, along with two others following it. Looking at them, I could tell without a doubt that they were normal wolves, and not dire wolves like the ones I killed before. Seeing them slowly approach, I decide to engage them first, seeing as their no doubt weaker then the dire wolves from before, and while charging at them I activate analyze to check their status.
Wolf. LVL 4. Hp: 100. Mp: 20.
Wolf. LVL 3. Hp: 90. Mp: 10.
Wolf. LVL 3. Hp: 90. Mp: 10.
And as I charge at the wolves, I get a bad feeling and soon hear a ding sound alerting me to a new skill called [Danger sense. LVL 1] And one called [Sense intent. LVL 1] I quickly skim over them before setting my sights on the wolves again. While danger sense is somewhat self explanatory, sense intent apparently tells me what others want from me, like right now I can sense a want to kill from the wolves in front of me.
Focusing back on the wolves, I jump back a few meters as a pair of wolves that are LVL 4, and LVL 3 lunge out from the bushes at where I was before. 'Good timing system, I would've been hurt badly if they got me like that.' I glare at the two new wolves and run the opposite way as they chase me, and as I get close to the edge of the clearing, I jump and rip off a tree branch before quickly turning and stabbing a LVL 3 wolf in the head, killing it quickly.
I turn my attention to the other four wolves and charge with the branch at them. One lunges at me before I smack it with the branch, knocking it a couple meters away. I then swing at another wolf as it bites on the branch. I smirk and start swinging it with the branch hitting the other two wolves. I slam the wolf into the ground and stomp on it's head repeatedly, killing it, as its skull caves in.
I run at the wolf that I knocked away initially and jump on top of it, beating it's head in for a good few seconds, slowly seeing its head dent more and more before dying like the last one. Turning to the two others I see them whimper and turn tail, but not satisfied with that happening, I picked their friend up and tossed him at them, knocking the two down for a dozen seconds. while their downed I quickly close the distance, jump high and land on ones head, killing it. And for the final one, I grab its head and twist it harshly, snapping its neck.
Stepping back to let the adrenaline dissipate, I look at the blood on my hands and over at my handiwork. A wolf dead by a branch stabbing its head, three wolves dead by crushed skulls, and one dead by snapped neck. Brutal, but efficient methods of kill. A few seconds later a notification sounds off, as a screen appears in front of me again.
Host has slain 5 wolves. two level 4s, three level 3s.
Host has acquired 45XP, Due to skill [Innate talent] Xp gained has been doubled.
Host has acquired 90XP!
Level up!
+1 point to all stats!
Hp and Mp refilled!
+2,500 wealth added!
I looked over the panel briefly, before turning to the downed wolves and tossing them into my inventory for later use. I then walk around the area looking for more wolves, but find none, so I make my way out of the forest and on the road back to axel. on my way back to axel, I continue my constant use of my new skills, grinding their levels. And gradually they increased, as did my senses along with them. I could now see 50 meters away with perfect clarity, hear things from the same distance with the same clarity, I could smell the aroma of flowers, along with feel subtle vibrations underneath me. This whole experience is quite overwhelming, but I'm slowly getting used to it.
--(Time skip)--
[Enhanced hearing. LVL3 increased to LVL 5]
[Enhanced sight. LVL4 increased to LVL6]
[Enhanced smell. LVL3 increased to LVL 4]
[Enhanced touch. LVL3 increased to LVL 5]
--(Time skip)--
Walking back into axel, I could hear everyone and it gave me quite the headache, along with the smells. Not all of them were bad, but there were a few I wish I didn't smell, especially the horse and cow manure. I quickly make my way to the guild and enter inside, as the smell of food and something sweet assaults my nose, which was a pleasing change.
I walked up to luna as the sweet scent got stronger, to the point it was getting a little nauseating. Doing my best to hold a calm face, I quickly speak to luna "I killed 5 wolves for the quest" Hearing this, luna smiled and replied "That's great news, just hand me your card so I can check and update it" I do just that and hand her my adventurer card, and wait for her to check and update it. I slowly got accustomed to the smell, as it was less strong and no longer nauseating.
Soon she finishes with my card and hands it back to me, as I take it from her hands "I have confirmed that you killed five wolves, and here is your pay!" She brings out a decent sized pouch of eris, that I quickly put in my pocket and into the system. "Thanks luna, I'll be on my way now!" I wave to luna as I leave the guild, seeing her wave back with a smile.
Exiting the guild, I walk around axel for different shops. I need some gear if I want to be an actual adventurer. I walk past multiple equipment shops, weapon shops, potion and magic shops, even finding wiz's shop too. I walked in and looked through some of the equipment and weapon shops, as their lowest prices are 10,000 eris for beginner items. And as for the potion and magic shops, Their lowest price, a small healing potion, was worth 40,000 eris. Currently, I only have a total of 12,300 eris, so I'd rather save up and get items once I have a decent amount of eris.
As I'm walking around, I find a public bathhouse, which is nice since I haven't washed since I got here. So I walked inside the males side to find no one inside but me, even better, means I don't have to interact with anyone. I didn't linger in there though, I quickly washed myself, before heading back out wearing my earlier clothes.
It's still pretty early so I decide to just go back into the forest, My reason? Training mostly, along with leveling up my skills and self. We've established that I gain skills from doing certain things, so if I try and do some random attacks, I should gain some kind of skill for fighting, right? So with that thought in mind, I walk outside of Axel again and head into the forest to train myself.