Chapter 6: Training, a nice surprise, and an unexpected peeper.
(Deep in the forest near Axel. Hanks POV)
Walking through the forest, I keep my guard up, constantly scanning the area for animals that could be hostile towards me, like more wolves, or maybe a bear. Soon though, I come upon the place I was looking for, the clearing where I killed those wolves, with it having dried blood stains. But the carcasses of those animals the wolves hunted and brought here are now gone, meaning something else has been here, though I don't actually care if their gone or not.
I look around the area quickly scanning the area, and seeing nothing around me, I get to work. The first thing to do is try and get more skills, preferably battle oriented skills. So thinking this, I begin by doing random attacks, kicks, punches, elbows, everything I could think of. Eventually I did get the skill [Close combat. LVL1] so that was a success, so I continued working on this skill for an hour getting it to LVL3.
Afterwards, I was left a little winded so I decided to work on my [crafting] skill now. Because if I can't buy weapons and armor just yet, I'll make them. So as a start, I grab some sticks and stones, beating the stones against one another to create a sharp edge, while also creating a notch at the end of a large stick.
Once it was big enough and the stone was sharp enough, I forced the stone into the notch. Now I needed a sort of rope, so I went looking for specific plants with fiber in them. And after thirty minutes of creating said rope from scratch, I tied it around the head of the spear to hold it in place. My [Crafting] skill went up a level after completing my very basic and primitive spear.
I now turn my attention on a different type of weapon, a bow and arrow. Making the bow was an experience cause half the sticks I tried snapped on me, but eventually I was able to find a sturdy enough stick for the bow. I created two small notches on it, one at the top and one at the bottom. I then took some of the rope and tied two loops, one at the end and one at the start of it, hooking them in the notches.
Creating the arrows were somewhat easier, just needing to make it somewhat smooth with a sharp tip. I ended up making a few dozen arrows, about two dozen of them with flint tips as I was lucky enough to find some lying around. Finishing with the arrows, I was satisfied with my work. the spear along with the bow and arrows were crude, sure, but I made them with my own hands, and it will be easier if I have to do it again as my [Crafting] skill went from LVL2 to LVL4.
Now, setting all those to the side, I get to work by practicing with said weapons. swinging around my spear like an idiot in hopes to get a skill, which I did acquire, along with a bow skill, With them being [Spearmanship. LVL1] and [Archery. LVL1]. Now equipped with a bow and spear, I go deeper into the forest to hunt.
--(Time skip)--
--Current Status--
Name: Hank.
Age: 17.
Level: 4.
Race: Human.
Hp: 290.
Mp: 140.
STR: 30 -> 32.
END: 29.
DEX: 25 -> 26.
INT: 14 -> 15.
WIS: 15 -> 16.
LUK: 33.
Total wealth: 12,300.
--Current Status--
--(Time skip)--
Now deeper in the forest, I begin setting traps using spare wood, rocks, and rope I had in my inventory. My [Trap making] skill helping with creating pitfalls with spikes at the bottom, ropes tied to trees to hang them up once tripped, launchers that are loaded with some of my arrows, and a few other well known traps. At the end my [Trap making] skill jumped from LVL1 to LVL5, and my [Crafting skill] rose from LVL4 to LVL 6. And after setting up my traps, I get behind some trees and hide in some bushes, and once again I get a ding sound, seeing a panel telling me about a new skill, along with a nice surprise.
Due to certain actions, host has acquired the skill [Camouflage. LVL1]
It has been detected that host has acquired 10 active type skills. A reward has been generated.
Skill [Active Talent (Passive)] Has been acquired. All XP for active type skills are increased by half.
+ 2 levels.
+ 3 to all stats.
+ 25,000 wealth added.
Seeing this, my face broke into a wide grin as I pull up my status and skills lists, eager to see my improvements.
Name: Hank.
Age: 17.
Level: 4 -> 6.
Race: Human.
Hp: 290 -> 340.
Mp: 140 -> 200.
STR: 32 -> 37.
END: 29 -> 34.
DEX: 26 -> 31.
INT: 15 -> 20.
WIS: 16 -> 21.
LUK: 33 -> 38.
Total wealth: 12,300 -> 37,300.
[Innate talent (Passive)] [Active talent (Passive)] [Resilience (Passive)] [Farming. LVL2] [Crafting. LVL6] [Trap making. LVL5] [Archery. LVL 1] [Spearmenship. LVL1] [Camouflage. LVL1] [Enhanced hearing. LVL5 -> 9] [Enhanced sight. LVL6 -> 10 (Max)] [Enhanced smell. LVL4 -> 8] [Enhanced touch. LVL5 -> 7]
Looking at my increasing stats and skills fills me with a great sense of achievement. I'm especially happy about my skills, and very happy with my new passive skill, it'll come in handy later on. Finally zoning back in my ears catch the sound of footsteps so I hide, and look around, my eyesight now clearer then ever.
I see and watch as a pack of wolves approach the area, not knowing their walking into a deathtrap, and a wide area one too. I watch closely as they walk into the center of the area, and that's when all heck broke loose. One wolf was suddenly strung up in the air, as another fell into a pit of spikes, the third one panicked and tripped my launchers as they shot it with a dozen crude arrows before it also stumbled and tripped a wire making rocks fall from above.
Another wolf tries to run but trips another trips another wire, causing two crude hammers to smash it's skull in between them. and this continued for each wolf, each one killed in a brutal, but swift way, making sure they don't suffer long.
Once the last of them were killed a panel saying I leveled up appeared, but pushing that aside for now, I walk out and clean up the area. I take out the blood covered crude arrows and stick them in my inventory, along with the wolf carcasses. And once done fixing up the area, I look at the sky noticing the orange hue. So calling it a day, I begin the trek out of the forest and back on the road to axel.
And on my way back, I begin thinking about the cannon storyline 'They haven't appeared yet. Am I super early? I haven't seen them, and they weren't at that construction site either' As I ponder about the beginning of cannon, I couldn't help but be confused. Sadly, I can't remember what specific date they arrived, so I can't see how early I am.
--(Time skip)--
Back in axel, I immediately head for the public bath, and once again was alone (Thankfully). So I once again clean myself without lingering and headed towards the inn I've been renting. Walking inside and paying for another night, I walk up the stairs and enter my room, stripping and hopping in bed.
As I slowly drift off to sleep my mind couldn't help but bring up a funny possibility 'Maybe I could create my own house? One in that forest, claim it as mine and become a crazy forest man... Pffttt, as if that would happen. though the house idea isn't half bad' and with those thoughts I once again fall into a slumber.
--(In an unknown place)--
We can see a beautiful woman with blue hair, and blue attire going through a list of names, marking them with certain dates and times, with them saying 'Reincarnate at this time and date'. The woman sighs bored, as she continues skimming over the pieces of paper, coming over one with the name 'Kazuma satou' with a description saying 'Shut in'.
After finishing with papers, she sets the them, her attention drawn to a mirror showing a man in an inns room, sleeping peacefully. She gains a smile as she watches his sleeping form "I wonder if I should give him my blessing?" She ponders to herself aloud, with no one around to hear her. "I can't sense any magical affinity, so giving him an affinity should allow for him to use magic. Though it's odd, every being has magic, but not you, why?" She then gets lost in thought and disappears in a flash of light, the mirror still reflecting the man, Hank.