A withering flower at devil's mercy

Chapter 72: Choice

The morning sun was painfully bright. Helios winced as he looked up at the blue sky from the fifteen meter tall window.

The imperial flag fluttering in the spring breeze showing off the grand colors of white, green, gold and black. Each color signified a meaning behind it.

Gold represented God's divine glory and light showing off blessings from God, green represented wealth and prosperity of the nation, black represented the reminder of death and sacrifices of their ancestors against all evil and lastly white represented faith and devotion.

The flag was never brought down under the belief that all emperors left to join in the great divine court in the skies.

Helios got distracted by the knock on the door.

He permitted them in.

"I greet the Holy light of the empire."

"Rise my child." Helios was focused on the flag on a distant tower that reflected the sunshine on its white walls.

Cornelius obeyed his command and stood at the other end waiting for Helios to give him the attention.

"Finally the day has arrived." He said. His voice felt strange and distant.

He sighed and looked at him.

"I hope that im not losing another child for my selfish request." He said almost in a whisper.

" Surely you jest your Majesty. How could I ever bear to watch her highness abandoned in the devil's lair. I promise to diligently carry out my duties under your command."

" It's is reassuring for you to hear about it. The Blue Van traders will take you with them. I've granted you some guards to bring you back safely. I pray you have a safe journey ahead of you."

Another knock drew his attention and Cornelius opened the doors.

" Greetings uncle." He said as Rudolf pulled a long face.

He did not expect to see his distant nephew early in the morning.

He nodded slightly exchanging a formal greeting with him and walked past him.

" Your Majesty. The guards are ready." He informed him.

Helios nodded and walked past them out of the study. They followed him out.

Cornelius felt a little weird. The night of their engagement, he informed Aria of his mission to bring back Luciana.

Aria fell silent in shock. He knew it would come to a partial disagreement.

" Even you? You'll also leave me?" She asked him tearfully.

"Aria... Princess Luciana is important to you and us." He ensured her that he'd bring her back safely at all cost.

" I know! I know...but still!" She felt conflicted.

" Look at me Aria." He placed his hand gently bringing her face to his direction.

" Once I bring her highness back. We will hold our wedding. A grandest one that the pire has ever seen. What do you say?"

She looked at him in silence. Her eyes showed the fear of uncertainty.

"You have to promise me." She blurted out.

"Yes?" He asked confused.

"Promise me that you'll come back with sister Luci safe and sound. Or I'll curse you even if you die."

"I-is that a threat?" He asked.

" Yes it is!" She hugged him tightly.

"I shall obey your command." He kissed her on her forehead."

He stopped for a moment and saw Aria watching him going to the main palace gates.

He smiled and nodded. She looked almost aggrieved to see him leave.

Before he turned to follow Helios again, she flew towards him with arms around his neck.

"Don't take too long. You know I'm an impatient person." She whispered in his ear.

His face turned red.

"I know." He put his hand on her arm as she gave a light peck on his forehead.

"May God's divine protection be with you." She prayed and watched him leave.

When the palace gates opened, the barrier reacted and the patterns appeared slowly.

"Wait!" They heard a man's voice coming form behind them.

Helios and the others looked at him.

"Octavius?" Rudolf watched his son land Infront of them.

"I will go with Cornelius." He demanded.

" What in the seven heavens are you saying boy?" Rudolf frowned.

Helios raised his hand to stop him.

"Speak my boy. Why do you intend to leave Amanécer with Cornelius?"

Rudolf slightly shook his head pursing his lips tight.

"Your Majesty. The crowned princess was once my fiance. My soon to be betrothed. Even if it couldn't become reality. I still cherished her who accepted me who lost a hand. I have become unable to rid myself of the guilt from the day she tearfully departed Amanécer. I couldn't watch her leave. No it seems I misused the word." He corrected him when Rudolf stressfully put his hand on his head closing his eyes.

"I should have been there by her side and who knows my persistence could have prevented these events. I could have urged you that we could find better solutions than sending her away... But I didn't." He almost choked on his words.

Helios patiently listened as did the others.

Cornelius sighed without showing any sign of distaste.

-"At least he realizes what he did was wrong."

"My daughter is not someone to keep grudges. I know her best. But do not expect it to be like the past, son. We still don't know how and where exactly she maybe. If you want to atone for your sins, go. And safely bring her back to me."

"May God bring your eternal light to guide Amanécer." He bowed.

Helios looked back at Rudolf who stood speechless glaring at his son.

"What is your opinion on this matter Rudolf?" Helios waited for him to respond.

"This is a matter of secrecy your Majesty. Letting more people will only draw attention." Rudolf insisted.

"I'm most suited for battlefields.I will have to disagree with my father even though he is right. I'm well aware of my shortcomings. I would never thoughtlessly enter that place."

He tried his best to convince when Cornelius called out to them.

"The teleportation circle is teleporting us in five seconds." He raised heads up when the light flashed and Octavius leaped with Cornelius into the flash of blue light. Rudolf called out to his son but it meant nothing but futile attempt. They were already teleported to the secular area of the ancient remains of Horos temple that was constructed by Kemet people.

"Octavius..." He gritted his teeth.

"Trust your boy for once. This is the first time I've seen him so determined."

-"His determination worries me most."

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