A withering flower at devil's mercy

Chapter 73: Aphrodite.

The sky was bright with the midmorning sun. Spring was hoping in with snow thawing. And the silver trees had cream colored flower buds ready to bloom on them. They were mostly bare throughout the year. The sunshine poured through the stained glass windows.

The maid ran hastily in the hallways chasing after him.

-"My name is Nemesis. Father gave me my name. I was left alone after I was born. Mother told me that she came to look for me and we came here. I love my parents and my new home."

He ran to the stairways and reached the third landing.

"Young master please wait!" The maid called out.

-"I have to be by mother's side. Mina said that I will become a big brother. Mother always says to not run carelessly. But the house is too big for me."

"Young Master!" A maid called him nearly out of breath.

"Where are you running about?"

Nemesis got lifted with a strong incoming hand.

"Ahh! Dadde!" He called out in excitement.

Erebus picked him up in his right arm and looked at the running maid.

"Hah!Hah! Thank goodness, master you caught him." The maid said panting.

"Why were you running around the fortress?" Erebus inquired them.

"To see mami! Mina said that mami will be up today because I'm going to be a big brother now." Erebus stared at the young child.

"Mina told you that?" He asked again. The maid felt seething anger when Nemesis innocently nodded.

He sighed trying to recall how Nemesis was his son and how was he related to him.

"Nemesis, how old are you?" He asked the child who stared at him.

"Mami says I will turn four next winter." He replied earnestly.

-"He's already four? Did I perhaps adopt him?" He pondered about his head and dismissed the maid.

He judged the boy who had now become fairly healthy but was still small compared to peers his age. Many would mistaken that he was two.

"What are those in your hand?" He saw some flowers he held in his little hands.

"Flowers! Mami loves them. Mami likes white." He said with a big innocent smile showing off his efforts in getting them.

"Then let's give her those once she safely wakes up." He chuckled and ruffled his hair.

"He speaks too well for his age." The old butler stood behind them.

Erebus smiled faintly and entered the chambers as Blake opened the doors for him.

He found Mina sitting on a chair beside the bed. She held a wooden bowl in one hand and spoon with her dominant hand.

"Please just one bite milady." She kept insisting on taking a bite.

"The porridge is warm. It's good for you. Derran says so." She said hopefully.

Luciana hesitantly took a spoonful of it. It was bland for her taste. Spices were considered a luxury in such an isolated part of the realm. She could taste salt and little pepper with nutmeg and clove in it. These too came in once a year so they were

bought in bulk and stocked up for use until next year came by.

The barley grains were soft and were easier to swallow.

"Mami!" Nemesis tried to loose himself from Erebus's arm.

Luciana turned her head to look at the unusual sight of Erebus holding little Nemesis. He let the boy down.

Nemesis ran into her arms sobbing and held her tightly.

"There, there." She pat him back gently to calm him down.

Erebus had his eyes on her.

-"This has to be her. No doubt about it. She's Aphrodite!"

"Look what I brought for Mami!" He showed off the flowers to Mina.

" Young master has grown so much!" Mina exclaimed tearfully.

Luciana chuckled joining them momentarily praising his efforts when she glanced at her husband standing across the room staring at her with troubled face.

"Mina could you reheat the food for us?" She asked her maid.

"But Milady! You're still not in best health. You still need someone to take care of you." She insisted.

" It won't take you long I'm sure. Look I have people here to look after me." She assured her.

"If you say so." She groaned.

"Thank you. And could you please bring Mister Derran with you? Inform him that I've woken up so he can come and examine me."

Mina left to carry out her mistres's orders.

Nemesis showed off the flowers holding them near to her face for her to have a better look.

She kissed him on his cheek and thanked him appreciatimg the flowers he put effort in picking for her.

Erebus had dismissed Blake and stood by the bedpost.

"How're you feeling?" He asked awkwardly. His mind couldn't accept what he was witnessing.

Luciana looked at him.

" I should be the one asking that." She responded.

"How does your body feel?" She asked him about his current condition.

He raised his hand and clenched it into a fist and then let it loose and finally opened it staring at his palm.

" I feel light... As if something that had been eating it's way through my soul has been destroyed. And I remember who I really was." He briefed her on his health.

"The chains that bound me and locked away my emotions no longer exists."

Luciana smiled faintly. Her gaze was at Nemesis who sat beside her playing with flowers.

"I'm glad to hear." She said.

"But are you really not Aphrodite?" He took a seat beside her and held her pale slender hand into his big, rough and calloused hand.

Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"A-Aphrodite? How do you know her?"

----------" Hi readers! It's Akira.

Volume one of AWADM has come to an end. I'm grateful for those readers who were and are still interested in my work and we're supportive throughout. The next volume will be released shortly. See you soon!"-----------

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