Chapter 25: Chapter 26 Lich
Chapter 26 Lich
By: Major144
Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.
Crimson was walking around the Candy Kingdom in his butler disguise, when he received a mental message from the Lich.
"My servant it is time for me to be free of this place." Said the Lich.
"Do you wish me to free you master?" Asked Crimson.
"No you will maintain your cover. I have other ways of breaking out using the fair Princess. I wish to test the abilities of the hero know as Finn." Said the Lich.
"Very well master." Said Crimson with a little sinister smile on his face.
In another part of the Candy Kingdom, Finn and Jake were hanging with Bubblegum. The Princess was trying to teach the two young heroes the art of meditating. The heroes were having trouble, so Bubblegum helped them.
"Just empty your minds of all distractions." Said Bubblegum.
The heroes did as they were told. Finn saw a grown up version of himself looking awesome and Jake saw his girlfriend Lady Rainicorn.
Bubblegum was doing the same thing, however she received a very unpleasant image. She saw the Lich laughing with green evil flames behind him. Bubblegum's eyes shot open and she let out a startled gasp getting the heroes attention.
"I have to check on something important!" Said Bubblegum as she stood up.
"Can we come?" Asked Finn as he and Jake stood up.
Bubblegum looked at the heroes. They had both served her kingdom well and have proven to be trustworthy and capable heroes.
"You can, but first put these on." Said Bubblegum as she walked over to a dresser and pulled out two silver headbands with green gem stones in them.
"Cool." Said Finn as he and Jake put the headbands on.
The three of them headed to the door. Peppermint Butler was standing nearby holding Finn's backpack. Nobody saw the candy man place a tiny snail inside the backpack.
"Here's your bag Finn." Said Peppermint Butler as he handed the bag to Finn.
"Thanks man." Said Finn as he took the bag and walked away.
"Your very welcome." Said Peppermint Butler as an evil grin appeared on his face.
The group approached the bases of the castle tree. Bubblegum clapped her hands a few times and a machine blew a giant bubble that surrounded the group and lifted them up to the canopy. They reached the canopy and the bubble popped. Bubblegum moved forward with the heroes behind her. They soon came to the center of the canopy and saw the Lich frozen in amber. Finn and Jake stared at the frozen evil with both fear and awe. Bubblegum let out a small sigh of relief.
"What is that thing?" Asked Finn.
"It is an ancient evil know as the Lich." Said Bubblegum.
"Why we need the head bling?" Asked Jake.
"The Lich has the ability to enter the minds of people and control them. The gems in the headbands will protect you from his evil influence." Said Bubblegum.
"So what's this guy's story." Asked Finn as he placed his backpack onto the ground.
The snail Peppermint Butler had placed in the bag crawled out and randomly waved it's arm in a friendly gesture. The tiny creature then looked at the Lich and it's eyes turned neon green. The poor creature was under the Lich's control. The snail started to head towards the Lich.
"Long ago in a land beyond the Iceberg Lake, the Lich lived in a dark tower, where he was converting the planet's life force into unholy power to destroy all of Ooo... but before he could, the Legendary Hero Billy attacked him with a large number of Candy People and pummeled him into the resin of this tree. The Lich was captured and frozen in amber, his plans foiled and his tower destroyed and left in ruins." Said Bubblegum.
"That's Billy being awesome." Said Finn as he and Jake fist bumped.
"The Lich has been around for a long time. Simon told me that he battled the Lich twice back in the aftermath of the Mushroom War." Said Bubblegum.
"Whoa! Simon fought this guy twice and survived." Said Finn as he whistled in admiration.
"Yes. Now it's my sacred duty to make sure the Lich doesn't break free. He is possible the most evil and dangerous being alive and if he escaped all of Ooo would be in danger." Said Bubblegum.
On the floor completely unnoticed was the tiny creature had just reached the Lich, and banged his head against the amber, cracking it. The others heard the noise and turned to see the Lich change his body into dark energy and escape through the crack like a cloud of gas.
"WHAT THE NUTS?!" Screamed Bubblegum.
The cloud turned back into the Lich and laid on the ground. The evil being was slowly rising up. Finn quickly thought of a plan.
"Quick Jake turn into a big sword and will clobber him!" Shouted Finn.
"On it man!" Said Jake as he shaped his body into a large sword.
Finn lifted the giant sword with both hands and clubbed the Lich in the head with it. The blow knocked the Lich to the ground, but only seemed to annoy the evil being. The Lich stood up and turned into a wave of dark energy escaping through a wall.
"He escaped!" Cried Finn as Jake turned back into his normal self.
"Don't panic I got an idea, follow me!" Said Bubblegum as she ran to a smaller room with the heroes behind her.
The group found themselves in a room with a locked cabinet. Bubblegum pulled out a key and unlocked it.
"There's only one know weapon that has been able to hurt the Lich, Billy's personal gauntlet, the Gauntlet of the Hero." Said Bubblegum as she pulled out a enormous silver gauntlet with a eye on the hand.
"Whoa!" Exclaimed Finn as he took the gauntlet and placed it on his right hand.
The gauntlet shrunk to the size of Finn's arm so it would fit him. Bubblegum pulled out a crystal ball and looked at. An image of the Lich surrounded by evil green fire.
"Finn, you have but one chance. The Lich isn't at full power yet, but once he reaches his lair and Reines from his Well of Power he will be restored, you must smite him with this gauntlet! The Lich only desire... is to destroy life. If you fail... he'll kill everyone." Said Bubblegum.
"You can count on us. I won't let that creep have his way." Said Finn with determination in his eyes.
"I have one more thing for you Finn." Said Bubblegum as she pulled out a pink sweater. "The Lich's lair is supposed to be cold...and I don't want you to get sick or anything. I care for you Finn."
"I love it." Said Finn as he put the sweater on.
"Me to." Said Jake.
The three joined in for a group hug. Finn hopped onto Jake and prepared to leave.
"Track the Lich by his trail of death." Called Bubblegum.
"Got it." Called Finn.
"Man tracking bad guys is easy." Said Jake as they took off.
Bubblegum watched them go with a worried look in her eyes. Finn and Jake were strong and had proven themselves as heroes, but the Lich was something else entirely. A creature of pure death and destruction, with a mysterious origin. Bubblegum considered gathering her army or maybe calling Billy, or maybe Simon and Marceline. For once Bubblegum wasn't sure what to do.
In the room the Lich had original been kept, the snail was on the ground starring wide eyed and freaked out. The Lich had left a very unpleasant feeling on the poor creature's mind. At that moment Peppermint Butler casually strolled in and picked up the snail. The candy man then turned around and walked out of the room.
Not far from the Candy Kingdom the Lich had returned to his solid form and was flying towards the Iceberg Lake. By chance Simon happened to be walking up ahead. A twisted grin appeared on the Lich's face and he let out a cold chuckle.
"We meet again wizard." Said the Lich.
Simon felt a cold chill go down his spine as he turned to face the Lich. A feeling of rage went through Simon as he starred at the hated being.
"Lich." Said Simon as he put on his crown.
"Oh so now you know my name Simon Petrikov. Tell me did the women you love die an agonizing slow death?" Said the Lich.
"Monster!" Spat Simon as his hands clenched into fist.
"That is the fate that awaits all who oppose me. Now tell me where is the girl with the demon blood. She is an interesting one, perhaps I'll turn her into a mindless servant or maybe I'll just kill her." Said the Lich.
"I won't let you anywhere near her! As long as I'm alive, you will take no more lives!" Declared Simon as his hands crackled with energy.
"You will die like the rest of your pathetic race!" Said the Lich as his hands glowed green with flames.
Simon blasted a giant icicle out of his hand at the Lich. A blast of green flames melted the projectile. Simon fired a bolt of lightning at the Lich and struck the evil being in the chest making him stagger back. The Lich chuckled as he unleashed a wave of fire at Simon. The wizard quickly took flight and flew above the Lich. Gathering huge amounts of energy Simon began to to freeze the Lich. Immediately the Lich was frozen. Simon landed in front of the frozen villain.
"I better get this guy back to the Candy Kingdom." Thought Simon.
However before Simon could do anything there was a loud cracking sound and the ice surrounding the Lich shattered and the evil being backhanded Simon to the ground a few yards away from him. Simon laid on the ground groaning in pain as the Lich approached him chuckling.
"That little trick won't work on me again. Now it is time for you to die." Said the Lich as his right hand glowed with green flames.
It was at that moment that Finn and Jake arrived at the scene.
"Yo ugly back away from him!" Shouted Finn as he pointed the gauntlet at the Lich.
The Lich stepped away from Simon and eyed the new threat. Finn looked at the gauntlet confused.
"Man how do you make this thing work?" Said Finn as he banged on the gauntlet with his other hand.
A laser of pure blue energy shot from the gauntlet and missed the Lich. The gauntlet jerked around from the laser as Finn tried to control it. Jake screamed ideas and suggestions trying to help Finn. The Lich looked at the young hero and decided to leave. Simon got up to his feet to confront the Lich.
"Your not going anywhere!" Shouted Simon as he created several ice blades and hurled them at the Lich.
The Lich just waved his hand and the blades melted. He waved his hand again and skeleton hands shot out of the ground grabbing Simon's arms and knocking his crown off.
"I'll finish you off later wizard." Said the Lich as he flew off towards the Iceberg Lake.
Finn had finally gained control of the gauntlet by punching it in the eye to stop it. Jake saw Simon being held up the skeletons and freed him by smashing the evil limbs.
"You ok Simon?" Asked Finn.
"I'm alright, but we must stop the Lich." Said Simon.
There was a whooshing sound and Bubblegum came flying in on her giant pet swan and landed next to the group.
"Princess what are you doing?" Asked Finn.
"I've decided to come along and help. I might not be able to fight the Lich, but I can help figure out if he has some kind of weakness and help beat him." Said Bubblegum.
"It's to dangerous Bubblegum." Said Finn.
"I know, but as a ruler of Ooo I can not simply stand by and do nothing, while there is a huge threat on the loose. Your willing to risk your lives, so I'm going to risk mine." Said Bubblegum as she dismounted the swan and it flew off.
"Alright...Bubblegum you can come, but if things start getting crazy, you get out of there." Said Finn.
"Ok." Said Bubblegum.
"We must hurry." Said Simon.
"Adventure Time!" Said Finn as he and Bubblegum hopped aboard Jake and took off.
Simon flew off after them. They followed a trail of dead grass and planets to the Iceberg Lake. They saw a long stretch of black polluted water with dead fish. The Lich had come this way. Finn and Bubblegum jumped off of Jake.
"Boat time." Said Jake as he shaped his body into a raft and hopped into the lake.
Finn and Bubblegum hopped onto Jake as he paddled forward and made noise like a motorboat. Finn decided to help by pointing the gauntlet at the water. The eye on the gauntlet starred up at Finn with a glare.
"Um...hey gauntlet. I'm sorry about punching you in the eye, but can you give us a little help?" Said Finn.
The gauntlet activated shooting a laser at the water causing the makeshift raft to speed forward. Simon flew alongside them. Everything was peaceful until there was a loud explosion and the group saw a large green mushroom cloud rise up in the distance.
"OH NO! The Lich has reached his lair! It's only a matter of time before, he drinks of his Well of Power!" Said Bubblegum as her eyes widened in terror.
"Don't worry Bubblegum will stop him." Said Finn as they reached shore.
Simon nodded it agreement, but he had a haunted look in his eyes as he had flashbacks of the war going through his head. He would do everything in his power to make sure the same fate didn't happen to the new world.
The group traveled forward and came across an old subway entrance. Bubblegum told them that this was the entrance to the Lich's lair. They headed down the stairs where they saw several skeletons laying about, suddenly the skeletons sprung to life with glowing green neon eyes and attacked the heroes. Finn fired his gauntlet, while Simon fired lightning at them. Soon all the skeletons were destroyed. The group continued on down some stairs and walked into a room that contained the wreck remains of the subway. A few yards before them was a strange hole filled with a neon green liquid that flickered and moved around like fire. The Lich knelt before the hole to drink the liquid.
"Oh no you don't!" Shouted Simon as he fired a lightning burst at the Lich.
The blast struck the Lich in the shoulder knocking him back from the Well of Power. Finn fired a blast from the gauntlet, but the Lich dodged it.
"Prepare to get the smack down of a lifetime!" Shouted Finn as Jake jumped onto his back and turned into a set of glider like wings.
Finn flew forward with gauntlet out in front of him looking like a superhero as he charged at the Lich. The Lich shot his hand forward and grabbed the charging hero with ease. Green flames emitted from the Lich's hand, wrapped around the gauntlet, and shattered it! Finn starred at the Lich in stunned shock. The evil being leaned his face close to Finn's face.
"Shhh, your disturbing me." Whispered the Lich as he tossed Finn and Jake a few yards away.
"Finn!" Whispered Bubblegum with horror.
The surgery princess had snuck to the other side of the room to a platform above the Lich and the Well of Power. She was trying to see if the Lich had any kind of weakened or injuries that could be used against the evil being, but there wasn't any. Bubblegum starred at Finn and Jake who were staggering to their feet to continue fighting.
Simon stepped forward and fired an giant icicle at the Lich. The Lich countered with a fireball canceling the attack out. The Lich then glanced over at Finn and Jake and fired a fireball at them!
"No!" Shouted Simon as he leaped in front of the young heroes creating an ice shield.
The fireball hit and the ice shield and exploded sending Simon crashing into Finn and Jake. The young heroes groaned as they managed to pull themselves up. They looked down at Simon, who seemed to be stunned. The heroes felt their blood boil with rage at the harm done to their friend.
"That tears it I'm going to bark him!" Shouted Jake as he stretched his body towards the Lich barking.
Finn jumped aboard Jake and they charged forward. The Lich simply raised his hand summoning green flames, which burnt Jake's face a little. Jake shouted in pain and jerked around, before crashing to the ground, and throwing Finn off of him. Finn hit the ground and the gem on the headband came off. Finn stumbled to his feet and looked at the Lich. The Lich grinned evilly as he entered Finn's mind. Finn's eyes glowed neon green.
Finn found himself surrounded by cold darkness, before him stood the Lich and the Well of Power. Finn felt cold.
"Finn aren't you cold? Walk into the Well, Finn it is warm. We wouldn't want the last human to die of a cold now would we?" Said the Lich.
Finn took a few steps towards the Well, but stopped. The young hero shook his head trying to think straight, his eyes fell upon the sweater he was wearing.
"NO, I'M NOT COLD! I'VE GOT A SWEATER ON!" Shouted Finn as he glared at the Lich.
"You are a joke to me! Prepare to meet your end!" Roared the Lich as he fired green flames at Finn.
Finn flinches as the green fire touches him expecting to be horrible burned, but nothing happened. Finn realizes he was unharmed. The Lich stopped his attack looking confused. Finn looked at the sweater and realized that it was unharmed and he felt a warm sensation from it.
"This sweater... It's keeping me safe!" Gasped Finn.
The memory of Bubblegum's words, when she handed him the sweater, went through Finn's mind. The Princess did care for Finn a lot.
"This is it. The ultimate weapon against evil—the power of... l-l-l-l...llliking someone a lot." Said Finn as he knew what to do.
The young hero broke the spell and found himself back in the Lich's lair. Finn took off the sweater and faced the Lich.
"LICH!" Roared Finn as he charged forward.
Finn ran up to the Lich, leaped at him, and stuffed the sweater into his eye sockets. Finn landed on the back of the Lich's head and began fiercely tugging the sweater making the Lich wail in pain. The Lich thrashed about and smashing into the wall as he tried to shake the hero from his head. Princess Bubblegum watched with astonishment as Jake and Simon stumbled to their feet to watch the battle. The Lich then started to laugh maniacally as Finn tugged the sweater, ripping the Lich's head apart! The body of the Lich toppled over into a pile of dust and bones. Finn landed on his feet amongst the remains of the Lich.
"You beat him Finn!" Cheered Bubblegum.
"That's my bro!" Cheered Jake.
"Well done Finn." Said Simon.
Finn took a triumph stance.
From the shadows nearby Crimson watched the heroes.
"I must admit that was a bit unexpected. What should we do now master?" Said Crimson as he glanced at the crumpled remains of the Lich.
The Lich was far from dead. The evil being could spring back to life as he pleased and kill all the heroes with ease, however the Lich had other plans for them.
"I believe it's time to plant to the seeds of insecurity into our dear princess. I believe a little dip in the Well, will push her in the right direction. I also plan to leave our little heroes a parting gift." Said the disembodied voice of the Lich.
"Yes master." Said Crimson as he waved his hand and a strange little red cloud emerged from it.
The cloud made it's way up to the platform Bubblegum was on and started to eat away at it weakening the structure. The floor underneath Bubblegum suddenly became unstable and the Princess fell through screaming right into the Well of Power!
"Bubblegum!" Screamed Finn in shock.
Simon was the first to react, he waved his hands and created a huge gust of ice wind witch separated the Well's contents revealing the shivering slimy form of Bubblegum in the center. Jake stretched his arms out, grabbed Bubblegum and placed her gently on the ground. Simon took off his jacket and tossed it to Finn, who wrapped it around the still form of Bubblegum. Simon then pulled out an old canteen, walked over to the Well and scooped some of it's contents out.
"What's that for?" Asked Jake.
"I'm collecting a sample of this stuff, so the doctors at the Candy Kingdom can figure out what they're dealing with." Said Simon.
While Simon was explaining, a shadowy thing rose from the Lich's remains completely unseen by the heroes. The shadowy thing flew over to Bubblegum and a tiny piece of the entity flew from the shadowy mass and into Bubblegum.
The shadowy mass flew away and headed towards Crimson in the shadows. Crimson pulled out the snail from before and the shadowy mass flew into the tiny creatures body. The snail's eyes glowed neon green.
"Well done my most loyal servant. Now we will watch the carnage unfold before we meet up with the rest of the organization." Said the Lich from the snail's body.
"Yes master." Said Crimson as he teleported them to the Candy Kingdom.
Bubblegum was loaded onto Jake and the heroes left the lair. Simon stopped to fire some lightning blast to cause a cave in on the subway, so no one would enter it. The heroes took off towards the Candy Kingdom.
When they arrived Bubblegum was quickly taken to the hospital. Bubblegum was quickly taken to the emergency room to be operated on by Dr. Ice Cream and Nurse Pound Cake. Finn paced around the waiting room. Simon pulled out his cellphone and called Marceline. Simon had told Marceline about the Lich being held captive by the Candy Kingdom a long time ago. Simon quickly told Marceline what had recently happened.
"So...Bonnie's hurt really bad?" Said Marceline.
"Indeed she is. Look I know...your still mad at her about Phoebe, but there's a chance Bubblegum won't survive...and I think you should try to patch things up with her. If not for her least come help to comfort Finn, his not taking this very well and if...things start going bad, his going to need all the support and friends he can get." Said Simon.
"Alright I'll be over there soon." Said Marceline as she hung up the phone.
At that moment Dr. Ice Cream walked into the waiting room. Finn ran up to her.
"How is she?" Asked Finn.
"Bubblegum is stabilized and is resting in her room. You can go see her." Said Dr. Ice Cream.
Finn and Jake ran off to see Bubblegum. Simon walked over to Dr. Ice Cream.
"We're you able to analyze, what was in the sample I brought you?" He asked.
"No the machines are still analyzing it, but they should be done soon and will let you know." Said Dr. Ice Cream.
"Thank you." Said Simon as he went off to visit Bubblegum.
Bubblegum was wearing a nightgown and sitting up in her bed. The Princess looked fine, but she seemed less energetic. Finn stood to the right side of the bed.
"Hey Princess I have...something I need to tell you." Said Finn.
Jake looked at his brother and decided to give him and Bubblegum some privacy, he and Simon quickly left the room.
"Princess... the sweater you made me kept me safe. I almost got super messed up, but... it saved me. And I wanted to say... thank you for imbuing this sweater with the power of liking someone a lot. Because... I like you a lot." Said Finn.
Bubblegum starred at Finn.
"Finn...I need you to get...something's." Said Bubblegum.
"Sure thing Princess." Said Finn as he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen.
A few minutes later Finn ran out of the bedroom to go collect the times Bubblegum needed. Jake decided to go entertain Bubblegum, while Simon waited for Marceline.
Simon was in the waiting room, when Nurse Poundcake approached him giving him the list of what the machine analyzed from the Well sample. According to the machine the Well sample contained bleach, lighter fluid, ammonia, gasoline, and plutonium.
"I better show this to Finn and Jake." Thought Simon as he headed off towards Bubblegum's room.
On Bubblegum's floor there was a lot of screaming coming from her room. Suddenly Jake came running out of the room with a terrified look on his face. The few minutes with Bubblegum had been a nightmare, there was something terribly wrong with the Princess! She had acted violently and flames had sputtered from her hands forcing Jake to flee in terror.
"AAAAAAAAAAHHHH! OH, MY GLOB, OH, MY GLOB, OH, MY GLOB, OH, MY GLOB!" Screamed Jake, before he took a deep breath and calmed down. "Maybe the toxic waste did somethin' to her brain—made her have demon powers—or somethin'!"
Finn appeared carrying some bags to the door. Jake quickly got in his way.
"Man don't go in there, she's crazy!" Said Jake.
"Man relax, Bubblegum's just sick." Said Finn.
"Dude...what I saw was a different kind of sick. What did you get her anyway?" Said Jake as he pointed at the bags.
"Oh just some bleach, lighter fluid, ammonia, gasoline, and some plutonium. You know lady stuff." Said Finn.
Bubblegum walked out of her room looking normal and took the bags from Finn.
"Thanks Finn." She said as she walked back into her room.
"Bro I'm telling you something is seriously wrong with Bubblegum, she set her room with her mind a few minutes ago!" Said Jake.
Finn starred at Jake, not sure what to make of this news. At that moment Simon showed up.
"Here's what was in the Well sample." Said Simon as he handed Finn the list.
"Whoa this is the exact same things Bubblegum asked me to get for her." Said Finn.
The three heroes looked at each other and slowly crept towards Bubblegum's door opening it. They found the room completely burned and scorched. There was no sign of Bubblegum. Then they heard a strange sound coming from the bathroom. Jake peaked in through the keyhole.
"OH GLOB!" Exclaimed Jake as he stepped away from the keyhole a horrified look on his face.
Finn looked through the keyhole and was greeted by a horrible sight. Bubblegum had mutated into a horrible ugly black creature, with claws. She still had her pink hair and nightgown, but those were the only recognizable things about her. The mutated Bubblegum stood over a tub that had a strange chemical mixture in it and was drinking it. Finn had seen enough, he busted down the door and confronted the monster, Simon and Jake behind him.
"Put the tub down Princess!" Ordered Finn.
The mutated Bubblegum tossed the tub aside and then swatted the heroes through a wall stunning them! Bubblegum then tore down the hallway roaring like a lunatic.
A few floors below Marceline had just arrived, when she heard a large crashing noise. The Vampire Queen quickly flew up the stairs and was confronted by the mutated Bubblegum. Marceline starred at the creature in shock as she recognized Bubblegum's features.
"Well this is ironic the Princess has become a threat to her own kingdom. Don't worry Bonnie, I'll stop you before you do anything crazy. I won't lie to you part of me is going to enjoy pounding on you." Said Marceline as she flew forward and delivered a powerful punch to the mutant's face making it stagger back.
Mutant Bubblegum roared angrily and grabbed Marceline and slammed her into a wall. Then she slammed her into the ground and attempted to crush her. The Vampire Queen smirked as she spit a little bit of blood into the mutant's face.
"Not bad, but I'm just getting started!" Said Marceline as she changed into her giant bat form and pushed Bubblegum off of her.
Marcline and Bubblegum started to grapple with one another. With a burst from her wings Marceline slammed Bubblegum's head through the celling above. The floor above just happened to be a bathroom. A very startled Banana Guard sitting on a toilet starred at the head of Bubblegum in shock. Bubblegum yanked herself out of the celling to continue the fight. The Banana Guard exited the stall, washed his hands, and ran screaming from the bathroom.
Bubblegum and Marceline continued their fight. Marceline noticed that Bubblegum was becoming larger and larger as the fight progressed. Soon Bubblegum would become to strong to fight. Marceline had to end this fight quickly. Bubblegum charged at Marceline roaring. Marceline dropped to her back and Bubblegum leaped at her. Marceline kicked her legs up and sent Bubblegum flying over her and crashing through the wall behind her. Bubblegum screamed as she fell a few stories and crashed to the ground below. Marceline changed back into her human form to look outside at Bubblegum. The mutant staggered to her feet and was quickly growing to giant size.
"That ain't good." Said Marceline as she stared wide eye at the giant mutant.
Finn, Jake, and Simon came running down the hall.
"Where's Bubblegum?" Asked Finn.
Marceline pointed outside, where Bubblegum was now grappling with one of the Gumball Guardians. The giant robot was doing it's best, but it was clearly a loosing fight.
"I know what I need to do." Said Finn as he pulled out the pink sweater.
Finn ran over towards Jake and jumped towards him. Jake inflated his gut and Finn bounced off of it towards Bubblegum with the sweater held up in front of him.
"I like you Princess!" Shouted Finn.
Bubblegum turned towards Finn and swatted him right back into the building he came out of. Jake caught him with a giant hand.
"Liking her...didn't work." Groaned Finn.
"Yeah no duh. I'm pretty sure Bubblegum is officially crazy now." Said Marceline.
"Yes the chemicals in the Well must have caused Bubblegum to mutate, but I think we're not just dealing with a mutation. We might be dealing with something far worse." Said Simon.
"What you talking about?" Asked Jake.
"Well if it was regular Bubblegum we were dealing with she would either try to come up with a antidote for herself, or get away from her kingdom to avoid harming her subjects, but instead of doing those things she's on a rampage causing destruction. Bubblegum would never harm her own kingdom. This means she not in control of her actions something else is and I fear it might be the Lich possessing her." Said Simon.
"Oh man! What do we do?" Asked Finn.
"Well I could freeze her and that should buy us some time, to figure out how to get the Lich out of her body." Said Simon.
"Do it." Said Finn.
Simon nodded as he flew out towards Bubblegum. The Princess had just finished beating the Gumball Guardian and was fixing to go on a rampage. Simon fired a massive freeze blast at her and froze her. Finn, Jake, and Marceline came out and looked at the giant frozen mutant. Suddenly there was a loud cracking noise and the frozen mutant toppled over and crashed to the ground shattering to pieces! Everybody starred at the shattered remains in utter shock and horror.
"SHES DEAD!" Cried Finn.
Workers from the hospital came running out of the hospital and towards the remains.
"Nobody panic there is still a chance to save her, we just need to find her pieces and put her back together quickly." Said Dr. Ice Cream.
The heroes quickly joined in and picked up various pieces of Bubblegum. The pieces were rushed back to the hospital and the doctors went to work on putting Bubblegum back together.
The heroes waited outside the operating room looking worried. Finally Nurse Poundcake came out of the operating room.
"Attention, everyone..." Said Nurse Poundcake.
"IS PB OKAY?!" Finn with desperation in his eyes
"Yes... but there were some complications." Said Nurse Poundcake.
"NOOOOOOO!" Cried Finn thinking the worse
"Yes... I'm afraid... there wasn't enough gum to work with, so it appears Princess Bubblegum is now... younger. She's 13 years old now." Said Nurse Poundcake.
A younger looking version of Bubblegum walked out of the operating room wearing a purple dress, she stood a little shorter then Finn. Everybody starred in wide eyed amazement at the young princess.
"13 years old? That's how old I am." Said Finn as he starred at Bubblegum.
Bubblegum walked over to Finn and embraced him
"Give me a hug, hero." Said Bubblegum.
Finn blushed and returned the hug. There was clapping and cheering from everybody else in the room. Soon a huge party was thrown in the Candy Kingdom celebrating the end of the Lich. Marceline sung a few cool songs for the occasion. After a few songs Marceline took a break, she grabbed herself some red punch and saw Simon standing a few yards away lost in thought.
"What's up?" Asked Marceline.
"I've...just been thinking...that the Lich's defeat was just to easy." Said Simon.
"From what I heard it wasn't. Finn managed to crush his skull the first time and then we had to deal with that mutant possessed Bubblegum." Said Marceline.
"True, but I though the Lich dead before, when I made a building fall on top of him, but he survived and attacked us later. I don't want anyone else losing their lives to that creature. We have to make sure it's gone for good." Said Simon.
"I guess you make a good point, but let's let everyone have a little fun, who knows maybe the Lich is actually dead this time around." Said Marceline.
"I pray your right. Will tell the others about about my concerns later." Said Simon.
The two of them went to rejoin the party.
Miles away at the secret lair the members of the organization were sitting at a long table observing the party. Crimson appeared before the assembled villains with the snail. Alister the Vampire King glared up at them.
"I'm getting sick of this waiting. You keep launching the schemes and plans yet they fail, your so called master is not invincible. The boy and those others defeated him!" Spat Alister.
"Did they?" Said the Lich from the snail's body.
Everybody starred at the snail. A green light followed by a lot of shadows exited the snail's body growing and taking form, until the Lich stood before the villains fully reformed. The evil being took a seat in a massive stone throne. All the villains starred at him.
"Hello my generals, I thank you patiently for waiting and for giving me your allegiance. It has been a long wait, but my plans have been set into motion. Soon everything you could ever want will be ours." Said the Lich.
"Tell us what your so called big plan is? I'm tired of waiting for my revenge on the young Abadeer." Said Alister.
"Patience my dear Vampire King. You will have your revenge. As for my plan you'll just have to wait. You all have a part to play and you will all be greatly rewarded. I will tell you that Princess Bubblegum is a key part in my plan." Said the Lich.
"She is quit easy to manipulate and she has control issues." Said Crimson.
"Indeed she dose. Soon you will all make your presence know in Ooo and we will strike fear and terror into their hearts. Crimson you will be the first. I want you to fight the one known as Finn and test his skills. I want to know the growth of his power." Said Lich.
"As you command master." Said Crimson.
"So what was the meaning of this attack you launched?" Asked Alister.
"To give the heroes a false victory and make them drop their guard. You see I have a lot of experience dealing with heroes and the one thing that remains the same with them is that they like victory and being praised for their work. I pretended to be destroyed thus the heroes believe I am no longer a threat. When I do return they will be taken by surprise." Said the Lich before breaking out into mad evil laughter.
All the other villains joined in. Evil had not been destroyed. It was just simply plotting from the shadows.
To be continued.