Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 26: Chapter 27 Mysterious Enemy


Chapter 27 Mysterious Enemy

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

(Author's Note: Crimson makes his official appearance before the heroes and I introduce a couple of new OCs hope you enjoy the chapter)

In the months that followed the battle with the Lich, peace had seemly returned to Ooo. Finn greatly enjoyed spending time with the younger Bubblegum, but unfortunately it was not meant to last. Bubblegum's heir Lemongrab had heard about his creator's age chance, so he went to visit the Candy Kingdom. When he saw that Bubblegum was indeed a child, he declared that it was unacceptable for a child to rule the Candy Kingdom, so he took over. Finn and Bubblegum tried to chase the annoying lemon out by pulling pranks on him, unfortunately he caught the two kids in the act and had them thrown into the dungeon with most of the Candy Citizens.

Bubblegum used her intelligence to create a device using parts donated from her citizens and the warmth of a hug from Finn to return herself to her original age. Bubblegum then told Lemongrab to release them and to scram. Lemongrab reluctantly did so. Bubblegum watched him and remembered Simon's words about being a bad parent to Lemongrab, which made her feel a little guilty.

Bubblegum then decided to work on a whole new protect, her experience with the Lich had shown her how mortal, she was and that her people needed a new and more capable heir then Lemongrab. Bubblegum went into her lab and for several days straight she worked on creating a new heir. The results of her labor was a Candy Sphinx named Goliad, who Bubblegum had created using candy and one of her old baby teeth. Goliad was pink with a feline like body, with a feathered neck, she had the head of an infant, with a single dangling tooth and wide eyes. In the middle of her forehead there was a second mouth, that when it opened it revealed a third eye. The third eye gave Goliad psychic powers.

At first Goliad seemed like a good heir. Then one day Bubblegum needed some rest, so she left Goliad in the care of Finn and Jake, who would help teach Goliad to be a good ruler. During the training Goliad revealed to be egotistic and had a huge desire to control others, declaring that her way was the logical and the right way. Bubblegum tried to talk some sense into Goliad, but the Candy Sphinx refused to listen to her creator. Bubblegum had Finn and Jake distract Goliad, while she created another Candy Sphinx named Stormo. Storm was white with a gryphon like appearance, he had a bird beak and a mane of gold hair. Stormo had been created from a sample of Finn's hair.

The two Candy Sphinxes faced one another and became locked in a psychic battle. The two of them were evenly matched and they just stood there facing one another on one on the castle walls. A canopy had been constructed over the two Sphinxes to keep the weather from interfering with their battle.

The behavior of Goliad really frightened Bubblegum. Stormo had inherited his selfless heroic nature from Finn, which made perfect sense. However Goliad inherited her personality from Bubblegum's DNA. The Princess wondered if she had wild ambitions like her creation, she had always tried to rule with a just and caring hand, but then she recalled the incident regarding locking Phoebe the Flame Princess up. Both Simon and Marceline said Bubblegum had made a bad call in judgement. Bubblegum was beginning to wonder if perhaps they were right. Bubblegum kept having arguments with herself between her logic and morals. Bubblegum just sighed as she felt a headache coming on. She decided to forget about her past decision about Phoebe and to forget about Goliad's behavior and mad ambition. The past was the past and Goliad had just simply been a child who had made a bad moral choice. Bubblegum would never become something like Goliad. She went back to work running her kingdom.

The next few months were quite, with only one incident involving a Candy Person named Cookie took a bunch of Candy People hostage in a grocery store and demanding their freedom in exchange for Bubblegum's crown. Finn and Jake were sent in to defuse the situation. Jake wanted to go in dressed as a mailman, but Bubblegum told him he looked more like a milkman. Jake reluctantly dressed as a milkman, while Finn disguised himself as his shadow. The two entered the store saying that Jake was there to give the hostages milk. Cookie let him in.

During the crisis Cookie revealed that he wasn't alone in his plan, he had five chocolate chips helping him. Finn went to deal with the chocolate chips, while Jake kept Cookie busy. Cookie befriended Jake and he told Jake that all he ever wanted was to be a princess and that he believed that Bubblegum laughed at his dream, when he was a little kid. Jake felt sympathy for Cookie and told him he should start his own kingdom where everybody could follow their dreams. The two of them then took off and the Banana Guards pursued them. The chase ended at a cliff, where Cookie decided he had enough and threw himself from the cliff attempting to kill himself. Though Cookie's body shattered to pieces, he survived. Cookie was put back together and placed in a mental hospital. Jake visited him and gave him a flower crown. Cookie was filled with joy believing he had finally become a princess.

Things returned to normal, but things were not meant to last.

Miles away in the secret lair Sylvester was making some adjustments on a computer. Before him were two tanks that contained two mutants. The liquid was draining from the tanks and the mutants were becoming more visible. The first mutant was humanoid wearing a black skin tight bodysuit with a few yellow stripes. He had white skin, with black hair that had a long white streak through it that resembled a lightning bolt. The second mutant was humanoid wearing a black skin tight bodysuit with a few blue stripes. He had light blue skin, with gills on his neck and short Aqua blue hair.

The two mutants were currently asleep having the same strange dream. A couple of old men in lab coats were leading them to some pods telling them something, but they couldn't hear what they were saying. Then the dream ended and the mutants found themselves awake in a lab. Sylvester stood before them, with Shark and Crimson standing behind him.

"Rise and shine, my lovelies! Today is a big day for you both. Today you get to show the world your might and cause a little chaos." Said Sylvester with an evil grin.

The two mutants eyed the trio of villains before them. The words cause chaos sounded strange and wrong to the mutants for some reason. Sylvester stepped towards the mutants.

"Now where are my manners? I am Sylvester the Science Cat the greatest scientific mind on the planet. Over there is my assistant Shark and my master Crimson." Said Sylvester as he introduced himself and his comrades. "Now I suppose I need to give you two some names. Alright your names are Lightning and Hydro." He said as he pointed to the mutant with the lightning shape streak through his hair and then the mutant with the blue skin.

The mutants took the names in. They faintly remembered being called by different names, but they couldn't remember. Crimson stepped forward inspecting the two mutants.

"Excellently well done Sylvester." Said Crimson.

"Thank you sir. Lightning. Hydro. Why don't you give Crimson a little demonstration of your powers." Said Sylvester with a nod.

Lightning lifted his hand and sparks of electricity danced on them. Hydro lifted his hands and spheres of water floated above his palms. Crimson nodded with approval. Sylvester snapped his fingers and Shark came over carrying two black helmets. One had a yellow visor, while the other had a blue visor. Lighting and Hydro put the helmets on. Me-Mow came into the room and hopped onto Crimson's right shoulder.

"It's time to cause a little chaos in the Candy Kingdom." Said Crimson.

In a flash of light Crimson, Lightning, Hydro, and Me-Mow vanished from the lab.

It was a peaceful day in the Candy Kingdom. Finn and Jake were hanging with Bubblegum and a few other Candy People and dancing. Simon was also in the Candy Kingdom, but for very different reasons, he was in the room where the Lich had been originally kept studying it to see if, he could discover anything new about the evil being. It was then that Crimson and the other villains appeared on top of one of the castle towers. Crimson gave Lightning and Hydro some instructions before sending them out to attack.

Lightning's body sparked with electricity as he flew through the air towards the Gumball Guardians. Before either giant robot could do anything Lightning fired a burst of electricity shutting them down. The Candy People saw this and freaked out. Alarms started to go off and the Banana Guards charged out onto the streets. Hydro appeared on the ground and waved his hands around at some manholes. The manholes exploded with geysers of water which flew forward and hit the Banana Guards knocking them down.

From above Crimson and Me-Mow watched the scene of chaos with satisfaction. Crimson raised his right hand to the sky and waved it. The sky above the Candy Kingdom was filled with dark clouds that crackled with red lightning. Crimson looked down below and saw Finn and Jake running amongst the crowd trying to find the source of the problem. They looked up and saw Crimson. Finn pulled out his sword, jumped onto Jake's back, and they charged towards the tower.

"As expected the boy comes charging forward to play the big hero, how predictable." Said Crimson.

"You can have the boy. The dogs mine." Said Me-Mow as he jumped off of Crimson's shoulder and headed down towards the two heroes.

Elsewhere Simon heard the commotion and was coming out of the tree. He saw Hydro knocking a bunch of guards down with a wave of water and went to confront him. A wave of water was fixing to slams into a group of guards, when all of a sudden it froze into a block of ice. Hydro looked at in confusion. Simon descended from the sky and faced the mutant.

"Now that's enough of that. Who are you and why are you attacking?" Asked Simon.

"Are you a mutant?" Asked Hydro.

"No. I'm a wizard. Now what is your name?" Said Simon as he studied Hydro.

"I'm...Hydro." Said Hydro.

"I suppose that name fits. Why are you attacking?" Said Simon.

"Master told us to." Said Hydro.

Simon could sense something odd about this strange being. One that, he wasn't some kind of magic being and two he wasn't really attacking the Candy Kingdom with any real malice or evil intent.

"Ok Hydro...let's take it easy. You don't have to attack anyone. Nobody here is your enemy, so why don't you come with me and we can talk things out." Said Simon in a calm tone.

Hydro studied Simon in confusion not sure what to say or do. Unfortunately someone else made that decision for him. The helmets Hydro and Lightning wore also functioned as cameras and radios. In the lair Sylvester saw everything that Hydro and Lightning saw. The evil cat saw Simon talking Hydro down and quickly took charge.

"Hydro. Hammerhead." Said Sylvester into a microphone.

Hammerhead was a trigger word. Hydro felt his body tense up and he became filled with a violent rage. He blaster a wave at water at Simon forcing him to take flight to avoid it.

"It looks like you need to cool down!" Shouted Simon as he fired a freezing blast at Hydro.

Hydro dodged it and continued blasting water at Simon. The two of them dodged about blasting at one another.

Meanwhile Finn and Jake had just reached the tower, when the were confronted by Me-Mow.

"Not so fast heroes. The boy can go on ahead, but the dog is mine." Said Me-Mow as he pointed a tiny claw at Jake.

"Noway you crazy cat, we don't have time to deal with small fries." Said Finn.

"Go on ahead man I can deal with this cat. It'll take me like less then a minute to deal with her." Said Jake as grabbed Finn and placed him on a tower window below the top of the tower.

"Alright man." Said Finn as he turned around and began to climb.

Jake turned to Me-Mow, whose fur was bunched out and she was giving a death glare at Jake.

"So you think I'll be easy? Well I'm about to prove you dead wrong!" Snarled Me-Mow as she charged forward.

The tiny cat reached behind her back and pulled out some needles, she tossed them at Jake with lightning quick speed! The needles hit Jake's left arm. Jake yelled in pain as his arm suddenly hung loosely by his side. Jake tried to move it, but his arm wouldn't obey him.

"What the Glob?! What gives?!" Shouted Jake.

"I'm a skilled assassin. Those needles I hit you with have a powerful nerve toxin on them that makes your limbs fall asleep." Laughed Me-Mow before she leaped into the air and delivered a kick to the right side of Jake's face.

The kick was way stronger the Jake had thought it would be and it sent him flying and crashing into a wall. Jake groaned on the ground. Me-Mow closed in on him tossing a tiny knife between her hands.

"What are you?" Asked Jake with wide eyes.

"I'm Me-Mow and I'm your worst nightmare dog!" Laughed Me-Mow as she charged forward swinging the knife!

Jake stretched his body out of the way avoiding the attack, but Me-Mow chased after him.

In the far off distance Marceline saw the dark clouds above the Candy Kingdom and went to go see what was going on. When she got there she saw Lightning's back facing her and flew towards him. Lightning just floating in the air with nothing to really do, he had just simply been instructed to deal with the Gumball Guardians. Lightning haven't noticed Marceline yet.

"So what's your deal sparky?" Asked Marceline.

Lightning turned around slightly startled to see a teenage girl floating a few feet. Lightning studded Marceline not sure what to make if her.

" a mutant?" Asked Lightning.

"You ask all the girls that?" Asked Marceline jokingly.

" Just the ones" Said Lightning.

"Well I'm not a mutant. I'm a vampire with a few other things mixed in. So what's your deal sparky, why you messing with the Candy Kingdom?" Said Marceline.

"My name isn't sparky...its Lightning. I was told by my master to deal with the guardians." Said Lightning as he indicated the shutdown guardians.

"So what's your master's beef with the Candy Kingdom. Did Bonnie tick him off?" Asked Marceline.

Lightning just shrugged his shoulders. Marceline studied the mutant, she had a lot of experience sensing weather a person was good or evil. She wasn't really getting any evil vibes from Lightning.

"Ok listen up Lightning, you obviously don't seem evil or anything, so why don't you take me to your master and we can fix whatever beef he has with the Candy Kingdom." Said Marceline.

Lightning was fixing to say something, but Sylvester decided to use another trigger word.

"Lightning. Hurricane." Said Sylvester into his mike.

Immediately Lightning was filled with violent rage. He roared like a crazed animal and started throwing electricity at Marceline.

"Yikes! Your nuts man!" Shouted Marceline as she dodged about.

Lightning went after Marceline shooting electricity at her.

Elsewhere Finn had reached the top of the tower. The young hero faced Crimson, who had his back turned towards him and his hands calmly clasped behind his back.

"Alright creep in the name of the Candy Kingdom I'm kicking your butt!" Said Finn as he pointed his sword at Crimson.

Crimson turned to face Finn.

"Greetings Finn the Human. I am Crimson and I've come to test your might. Come at with all you got or you could simply run away and play hero elsewhere it doesn't matter to me." Said Crimson.

Finn studied his masked opponent. Crimson was about Jake's size, so Finn was taller then him, but his hero instincts warned him to be careful.

"Dream on creep! If it's a fight your looking for its a fight you'll get!" Shouted Finn as he charged forward swinging his sword.

Crimson dodged Finn's swing with ease. Finn quickly slashed at Crimson again. The masked villain sidestepped Finn. The young hero swung a sideways slash at Crimson. Crimson just simply jumped into the air and flipped over Finn, landing behind him. Finn spun to face Crimson, his face red with anger.

"Are you going to fight me or just keep dancing around?" Demanded Finn.

"I suppose your right. I did say I would fight you." Said Crimson as he raised his right hand to the sky.

A bolt of red lightning struck Crimson's hand and morphed into a red sword. Crimson held the sword and pointed it at Finn. Finn charged forward swing his sword and Crimson blocked him. Finn unleashed a fury of blows at Crimson trying to break his defense, but the masked villain continued to block his blows. Finn became furious and threw a powerful left jab at Crimson catching the villain by surprise. Crimson just barely managed to dodge the punch letting his guard down slightly. Finn swung his sword at Crimson's sword arm. The blow cut through Crimson's cloak and managed to cut his arm a little. Crimson leaped away from Finn expecting the wound.

"Not bad Finn." Said Crimson as he looked at Finn.

Crimson looked around for something to use to make the battle more interesting. His eyes landed on Goliad and Stormo on the castle wall nearby and a wicked idea came to mind.

"Let's make this fight a little more interesting." Said Crimson as he turned and began running towards Goliad and Stormo.

Finn chased after him.

Elsewhere Simon was still fighting Hydro. The mutant gather a huge amount of water and fired it at Simon. Simon dodged it and fired a freeze blast from the side freezing the water and Hydro's hands. Before Hydro could do anything Simon fired a blast of lightning at him hitting Hydro in the chest and knocking him to the ground stunned.

Near the tower Jake was trying to crush Me-Mow with a giant fist, but the tiny cat was to fast and she kept delivering powerful punches and kicks to Jake's body along with a few slashes from her knife. Jake was on the defensive, but Me-Mow was slowly working her way through them.

In the sky above Marceline was dodging Lightning's attacks. Marceline then went invisible and snuck up behind the mutant grabbing him from behind and sending them both crashing to the ground. Lightning tried to get up, but Marceline punched him in the back of the head stunning him. Marceline looked down at him.

"Your one really odd guy." She said.

On the castle wall Crimson and Finn had reached Goliad and Stormo. Crimson leaped onto Goliad's back. The Candy Sphinx was startled by the sudden presence on her back and turned to glare at Crimson.

"How dare you interfere! Can't you see I'm locked in a battle of mental might!" Snarled Goliad.

"Shut it Sphinx. I could careless about your stupid little mental battle. I'm the master now and you will do as I say!" Said Crimson as he raised his left hand and unleashed a blast of red mental lighting into Goliad's mind!

Goliad screamed in agonizing pain.

"Alright your the master! Just stop PLEASE!" Begged Goliad.

Crimson stopped the attack and made Goliad face Finn. The young hero looked at the Candy Sphinx nervously. Then Stormo charged in with an angry roar forcing Goliad to retreat.

"Thanks Stormo." Said Finn with a smile.

Stormo cawed and let Finn climb on top of him. The two of them faced Crimson and Goliad. Crimson made Goliad turn around and they took off down the castle wall. Finn and Stormo went after them. Goliad lifted several objects with her psychic powers and hurled them behind her at Stormo and Finn. Stormo used his own psycho powers to catch the objects and send them flying away to land harmlessly away from the kingdom. After a few minutes of this Goliad leaped to the ground below. Stormo jumped down after her. Goliad and Crimson spun to face Stormo and Finn.

"Now it's just us fighting on steeds." Said Crimson.

"Stormo isn't a steed, his my son!" Declared Finn proudly.

"Good I get to fight a son and a father! Two kills!" Laughed Crimson as he made Goliad charge forward.

Finn and Stormo charged forward at their enemies. The two sides met with a clash. Goliad and Stormo swatted at one another with their paws, while Finn and Crimson clashed blades with one another. After a couple of minutes they separated. Finn sat on Stormo breathing hard, while Crimson sat atop of Goliad who was wounded and breathing hard. A purple energy shield shot from Goliad's third eye and surrounded her. Stormo did the same thing. Both Sphinxes and their riders charged forward at full speed. At the last moment Goliad panicked and tried to veer away, but it was to late. There was a flash of purple light and both sides were sent flying back.

Finn and Stormo were hurt, but it was Goliad who had received the most damage. Crimson stood over her looking unhurt from the battle. Goliad moaned in pain and she laid on her side bleeding from her wounds.

"Worthless creature. I have no use for you." Said Crimson as he pointed his sword at the sky.

A red spear fell from the sky and stabbed Goliad in the gut! Goliad screamed in pain! Two more spears fell from the sky stabbing Goliad in the side. Goliad wailed in pain as she trashed around on the ground. Crimson raised his sword to stab Golid in the head, but as he swung his sword down another sword blocked it. Crimson looked over and saw Finn holding the other sword and glaring at him.

"What's your problem man?" Demanded Finn.

"I was just simply riding the world of a useless creature. I don't see why you care what happens to her, after all didn't she try to takeover the Candy Kingdom and enslave everybody?" Said Crimson.

"Yeah Goliad did some bad stuff, but she's still a living creature and I'm not going to simply stand around and let a sick psycho like you kill her!" Shouted Finn as he knocked Crimson's sword back and swung at him.

Crimson jumped back to avoid the blow. He looked at Finn.

"I'll admit that your strong Finn the Human, but your also very weak. That caring heart and that code of honor make you weak. You think they make you strong, but when the time comes they will fail you and then you'll utterly be destroyed." Said Crimson as he turned around.

"Where do you think your going?" Demanded Finn.

"Oh I've had my fun for today, but don't you worry, you'll be seeing more of me soon. Until we meet again." Said Crimson as he vanished in a flash of light.

Around the Candy Kingdom Me-Mow, Lightning, and Hydro vanished in a flash of light and returned to the secret lair. Me-Mow complained about not being able to finish Jake off, while Sylvester had Lightning and Hydro taken to the lab to heal them and to modify them. Crimson went to go see the Lich.

At the Candy Kingdom, the people were repairing their homes and returning things back to normal. Goliad had died from her wounds and her body was taken to Bubblegum's lab. Stormo just looked at the ground sadly feeling sad for Goliad's death. Finn and Jake met up with Simon, Marceline, and Bubblegum to discuss what happened. When Finn mentioned Crimson Me-Mow, Simon and Marceline exchanged a glance. The description of the villains matched the ones that caused the incident with Phoebe. Simon and Marceline decided to look into that and tell Finn and Jake what they knew later.

Bubblegum walked to her lab and looked at the body of Goliad. The Princess was sad for the death of her creation. Goliad had shown such promise and even when she went mad and became locked in a mental battle with Stormo, Bubblegum had hoped to fix her, but now that would never be. However there was still some good Bubblegum could get out of Goliad. Bubblegum pulled out a tiny blade and a container of liquid. Bubblegum opened Goliad's second mouth and made the third eye come out, she then cut the third eye out and placed it into the container of liquid. Bubblegum put a lid on the container and placed it in a fridge.

Bubblegum was afraid for her kingdom. It seemed like a new threats kept popping up. There were already kingdoms that possessed enough power to rival the Candy Kingdom, like the Fire Kingdom, the Slime Kingdom, and the Goblin Kingdom. There were a couple of cities that were wildcards that could poses a threat like the City of Thieves and Wizard City. Bubblegum needed to make her kingdom stronger and figure out ways to deal with potential threats. It would be a lot of hard work and observation, but one way or another Bubblegum would protect her kingdom and make Ooo a safer place. Bubblegum put a sheet over Goliad's body and glanced at the fridge that contained the third eye that contained the psychic powers. The Princess turned and walked out of the lab.

In the secret lair Crimson entered the Lich's throne room. The Luch sat in his throne and looked down at his servant.

"How did the boy do?" Asked the Lich.

"Finn is indeed strong and his strength is indeed growing, but he posses no threat to us at this current time and he shares the same weakness that all heroes have." Said Crimson.

"As to be expected." Said the Lich.

"Tell me master why not eliminate Finn and those others, who might pose a problem to your plan?" Asked Crimson.

"They will be dealt with in time. I have a plans to crush their spirits and to make them question their choices and allegiances. Soon people who once considered each other friends will go to war with one another and chaos shall consume the land. Once the chaos has occurred we will rise up and take what is ours. One by one they will fall along with the stars in the sky. It will be the beginning of a new universe. My universe." Said the Lich.

"As you will it master." Said Crimson.

"Yes as I will it. Once we located what was stolen from me all those eons ago, I will be restored and no one will stop me. You and the others will be greatly rewarded with my blessing." Said the Lich.

Crimson bowed and left the room. The Lich sat in his throne chuckling to himself.

To be continued.

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