Adventure Time:Family By Major144

Chapter 27: Chapter 28 Past


Chapter 28 Past

By: Major144

Disclaimer: I do not own Adventure Time. This is just a story for fun.

(Author's Note: In the this chapter there will be three story lines talking about the past for three different characters)

A few weeks after Crimson and his minions made there big appearance things seemed to quit down for a bit. Finn and Jake went to the Goblin Kingdom and dethroned Xergiok the Goblin King and Finn became the new King for a while, but grew board and gave the job to a golem named Whisper Dan. Though the Goblin Kingdom was now peaceful and under new order Bubblegum still considered them a possible threat.

The Crimson and the organization considered recruiting Xergiok, but they changed their minds. They believed the former Goblin King to be an outright moron and loudmouth.

Weeks later Finn started to have weird dreams about a strange slug like creature with long hair. Finn then started to have hallucinations about the creature and he freaked out. Jake got tired of this and decided to enlist the help of BMO the living video game consul to put Finn into a hypnotic state, so they could get to the bottom of the problem. Finn went deep into his conscious and saw a strange image of a one armed girl riding a tigger. The girl was Shoko and Finn watched her life play out before him, until her mutation and death.

Finn then found himself in a dark room with Shoko in her regular form standing before him.

"Who are you?" Asked Finn.

"I'm Shoko and I was your past life." Said Shoko.

"So I was a girl in my past life and now I'm a boy. That's pretty weird." Said Finn.

"Tell me about it." Said Shoko.

"So what do you want from me?" Asked Finn.

"I need to make amends with Bubblegum. I stole her amulet and I want to give it back." Said Shoko.

"Ok I'm down with that, but what happens to you after we make amends?" Asked Finn.

"No idea. I guess I'd still be around since I'm you." Said Shoko.

"Guess that makes sense. Alright let's make amends." Said Finn.

Finn woke up from the hypnosis and immediately called Bubblegum on the phone asking her to come over. Bubblegum showed wearing a nightgown looking confused. Finn lead Bubblegum into the kitchen and flipped the oven over. He then ripped a floorboard out revealing the skeletal remains of Shoko holding the amulet. Finn gently reached down and picked up the amulet.

"This is yours." Said Finn as he handed the amulet to Bubblegum.

"My amulet." Said Bubblegum as she took the amulet and then glanced at the hole and saw Shoko's remains. "Is that who I think it is?"

"It's me Shoko. I've been reincarnated and I'm giving back the amulet I stole. I'm sorry for what I did Bubblegum." Said Finn.

Bubblegum starred at Finn in shock as she took his words in. Finally she spoke.

"So are you still Finn?" Asked Bubblegum.

"I am, but I'm also Shoko. It's...complicated." Said Finn.

"I see. I need to make a phone call." Said Bubblegum as she made a call on her cellphone.

Miles away in her house Marceline sleepily picked up her phone.

"What?" She asked.

"Marceline. It's Bonnie...I'm at Finn's house and I just found something out." Said Bubblegum.

"What?" Grumbled Marceline impatiently.

"I think it would make more sense to you if you came here." Said Bubblegum.

"Fine I'm on my way." Said Marceline as she hung up and got out of bed.

Twenty minutes later Marceline was at the tree fort. Bubblegum showed Marceline the amulet and then lead Marceline over to the hole with Shoko's remains. Marceline starred at the remains in shock.

"I thought Shoko got killed by the chemicals in the moat?" Said Marceline.

"I thought so to, but apparently not." Said Bubblegum as she turned towards Finn. "Shoko can explain everything."

Marceline starred at Finn in confusion.

"Hey's me Shoko. I've been reincarnated and just to prove who I really am I'll tell you things I would know. My parents chopped off my arm and traded it for a computer. I was raised in a dojo and had a pet tigger. The Bath Boys threatened me to steal Bubblegum's amulet." Said Finn.

Bubblegum and Marceline starred at Finn wide eye.

"Ok, so your Shoko. How did you end up dying here?" Said Bubblegum.

"Oh I got mutated into a slug creature by the chemicals in the moat and managed to crawl all the way here, before I died." Explained Finn.

"Well...that makes sense." Said Marceline.

"Marceline I'm sorry for not telling about what was going on all those years ago. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid of the Bath Boys." Said Finn as he looked down at the floor.

"It's cool. I found out about what the Bath Boys threatening you. Simon and me chased them out of Ooo." Said Marceline.

"Thanks." Said Finn.

"Now I think it's time to give your body a proper burial." Said Bubblegum.

Marceline grabbed a blanket and gentle wrapped the remains of Shoko in it. Finn, Marceline, and Bubblegum headed to a cemetery near the Candy Kingdom, where the tombstone that marked Shoko's grave was. They dug up a hole and gently placed the remains in it and buried them. Marceline looked at Finn.

"So who are you now exactly?"

"I think I'm me. I'm Finn." Said Finn.

"Well this was interesting." Said Bubblegum.

"I think I know karate now." Said Finn as he threw a karate kick.

"Looks like Shoko gave you some mad skills." Said Marceline.

"Awesome!" Exclaimed Finn.

The three of them said their goodbyes to each other and head back to their homes.

Throughout Ooo there was one magical being that everyone despised and hated, his name was Magic Man and he was a nasty trickster, he had original been from the planet Mars, but he was banished for his actions and cruel jokes. Magic Man had once been a cool and funny guy, but that all changed, when Magic Man's love Margles died in a tragic accident on the Olympus Moon. Magic Man's personality took a change for the worse and he became a first class jerk. Magic Man was banished by his older brothers Grob Gob Glob Grod and Abraham Lincoln the King of Mars and sent to Earth, until he learned his lesson. Instead of trying to improve himself Magic Man spent the next two hundred years being a jerk and causing misery to everyone he met.

The most recent trouble Magic Man had caused ended up getting Jake killed by Grob Gob Glob Grod, but Jake was brought back to life thanks to the King of Mars exchanging his very life for Jake's own life. Finn told Simon about the ordeal and the old wizard decided to put a stop to Magic Man's misery causing fun.

Simon traveled to Magic Man's dump of a house and managed to locate the transporter, he walked over to it and placed his hands on it. As he thought about the people he cared for, Simon was teleported in a beam of light and he ended up on Mars. Simon looked around at the advance city surrounded by a protective dome. The ice wizard made his way the largest building in the city and entered a large arena like area. In the center of the arena was the King of Mars turned to stone sitting in a chair. Floating nearby was Grob Gob Glob Grod.

Grob Gob Glob Grod had four faces, one on each side of a square shaped head wearing a red outfit with a jewel shaped head piece. Simon approached Grob Gob Glob Grod.

"Greetings wizard, to what do we owe this visit." Said Glob.

"I've come to ask you about Magic Man. I need to know everything about him, so I can talk some sense into him and stop him from causing anymore misery." Said Simon.

Grob Gob Glob Grod studied Simon for a few seconds, then they began telling him about Magic Man up to the point where he officially became a jerk.

"I hope this information helps you, though our brother is a jerk we still care about him." Said Glob.

"Thank you. I promise I'll try to bring your brother to his senses." Said Simon as he left the courthouse.

Simon went back to the transporter and went back to Earth and back to Magic Man's house. Simon then went out looking for Magic Man, he found the Martian a few hours later hanging near the Candy Kingdom looking for victims. Simon approached Magic Man. The Martian eyed Simon and considered causing him misery.

"Well your older then the folks I usually prank, but you'll do just fine!" Giggled Magic Man as he searched his pockets for something to use on Simon.

"You used to be a cool lovable jerk once." Said Simon.

The words caught Magic Man by surprise and he stopped searching his pockets.

"You lost a women named Margles and she was the one you loved. After she died you closed your heart off to all your friends and family and became a jerk. If you couldn't be happy then no one else could be happy. Your trying to bury, your pain with other people's misery." Said Simon.

Magic Man felt his blood go cold with shock as Simon said the truth about him and then Magic Man felt his blood boil with anger.

"So what if I'm causing other people misery? I lost the gal I loved two hundred years ago and I have the right to be the way I am!" Shouted Magic Man.

Simon just glared at Magic Man and got right in his face a fierce look in his eyes.

"You know nothing of misery or hardship. I had a women, who I loved and married. We survived an apocalypse together, adopted a girl and raised her as our own together. I watched the women I loved die in my arms over a thousand years ago and not a second goes by that I wish she was back. I could have become a depressed jerk, but there were still people in this world, who I loved and needed me and they helped me through that depression." Said Simon as he stared Magic Man down.

Magic Man's anger and courage had evaporated with the power of Simon's words. The Martian didn't know what to say.

"Magic Man, what would Margles say if see was here right now?" Said Simon.

"She would probably tell me, she hated what I became and that she missed the guy I used to be. She would also tell me to go apologize for what I did to my people." Said Magic Man as he starred at the ground.

"Then do it. Go make amends and then you can start forgiving yourself." Said Simon.

Magic Man slowly walked back to his house and went to the transporter, he touched it and to his shock it worked. Magic Man found himself back on Mars. He made his way to the Courthouse and found Grob Gob Glob Grod. They stared at Magic Man.

"Hey bros. I'm back...and I'm sorry...for all the things I did...especially making you all bald. I've been a real jerk. If you still want to execute me...go ahead." Said Magic Man as he closed his eyes expecting to be cut down by a blade, but instead he felt two arms wrap around him in a tight embrace.

Magic Man opened his eyes and saw his brothers hugging him, with a few tears in their eyes.

"I...don't understand I were angry at me." Said Magic Man.

"We were, but it was because we thought you lost your way, but now your back." Said the brothers together.

"I had help." Said Magic Man.

An hour later Magic Man walked out to a small graveyard and placed some flowers on a tombstone. It was Margles grave.

"Hey Margles. It's me Magic Man. I...know I've haven't visited you in a really long time...and I've wasted a lot of my life causing misery to others, but that's all going to change. I'm going to be a better man. The guy you fell in love with. I promise you I'll change." Said Magic Man as he looked down at the grave.

Days later several people in Ooo received apology cards from Magic Man. At first everybody thought it was a prank, but after a few days if no magical misery causing pranks, everybody realized they were real. Simon received a thank you card from Magic Man thanking him for talking sense into him. Simon smiled a little and went back to running his kingdom.

In Wizard City a female wizard named Huntress Wizard was walking towards the Grand Master Wizard's palace.

Huntress Wizard had leafs for hair and tree branch antlers, she wore a tan hood and a black eye mask. She had light green eyes with dark green vertical pupils similar to those of a cat, and turquoise skin. She also wore a purple shirt, tan pants, a black belt, a black cape, and long black and purple boots. A quiver of arrows sat on her back along with a tan glove on her right hand.

Huntress Wizard entered the palace and headed towards the dinning room. Instead of finding the Grand Master Wizard sitting at the dinning table sipping a cup of milk, she found Maja sitting at the table.

"Hello Artemis." Said Maja with a smirk.

"Maja!" Snarled Huntress Wizard as she pulled out her bow and fired an arrow at Maja.

Maja raised her hand and a gust of wind knocked the arrow harmlessly to the ground.

"Is that how you greet family now cousin?" Asked Maja.

"Your no family of mine you psycho! Now what are you doing here and where is the Grand Master Wizard?" Said Huntress Wizard as she quirky notched tree arrows to her bow.

"Oh come now, so I did a few emotion experiments on some wizards and a few mortals, how was I to know that they would be driven mad and go on a crazy rampage and they had to be put down, big deal. The research I got from those experiments was well worth the sacrifice." Said Maja with a casual shrug.

"One of those wizards you experimented on was my boyfriend Hunter Wizard!" Snarled Huntress Wizard as she fired the arrows.

The arrows turned into fireballs and raced towards Maja. The Sky Witch teleported away and the arrows destroyed the seat she had been sitting on. Maja reappeared a few yards away.

"I see you still have a temper. Anyhow as to why I'm here, I'm just doing a little inventory for my masters and seeing how Wizard City has been doing. As for Grandpa, his out getting milk." Said Maja.

"Who are you working for?" Demanded Huntress Wizard.

"Oh sorry I can't tell you, it's a really big secret and you have to be in the know, which you are not. I will tell you something big is going down and there's nothing you or any other wizard can do about it." Said Maja as she teleported and reappeared behind Huntress Wizard. "You know I can probably offer you a position with us, your a incredibly power wizard and an archer, I'm sure my master would have use for someone like you. So what do you say?"

"I would rather be burned for eternity by the flames of the Nighosphere then work with you." Said Huntress Wizard as she turned to glare at Maja.

"Stubborn as always. I was hopping you would join us. Oh well farewell cousin Artemis." Said Maja as she teleported away.

Huntress Wizard just stood there wondering who Maja was working for.

At the secret lair Maja was with Crimson.

"Did you locate the demon?" Asked Crimson.

"I did, his in a weakened form kept inside a small box kept inside the items vault in the Capitol building." Said Maja.

"Good, we now know the location of Bella Noche." Said Crimson.

"Why didn't you want me to spring him out and restore him?" Asked Maja.

"It wasn't the right time and besides we need to make plans to have someone expendable restore him. Your a valuable member of this organization Maja and we don't wish to lose you." Said Crimson.

Maja nodded in appreciation and teleported back to her lair to continue her search for the Sleeper.

To be continued.

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